Water receded from the coasts of Brazil and Uruguay, and huge waves hit the coast of Chile. Sensation! An unprecedented case of ocean water drainage Why are T-shaped tails installed on airplanes?

A tsunami is a wave caused by tectonic processes, usually a vertical displacement of the oceanic crust, giving impulse to a huge column of water. A wave is formed that differs from an ordinary wind wave, in particular, in its colossal length. If ordinary waves caused by wind have a length (distance between crests) of 100−200 m, then tsunamis can have a length of tens and hundreds of kilometers. The most important metamorphosis occurs with a tsunami wave when it “bumps” into shallow water, closer to the shore. Its speed, which in the open ocean was comparable to the speed of a jetliner (800 km/h), drops, but its altitude increases sharply. However, we should not forget that in addition to the high crest, the wave rushing towards the coast also has a “bottom”, that is, the lowest point lying below the level of calm water. If “the sole attacks the shore first, then the level of coastal water drops, exposing meters, or even kilometers, of the bottom. But this won't last long. Anyone who recognizes the sign of an element in time can manage to escape the wave that will inevitably follow.

Why are T-tails installed on airplanes?

Usually, T-tail(when the stabilizers are attached to the top of the fin) is used on aircraft in which the engines are located at the stern - such as the Boeing 727 or Tu-154, or on high-wing aircraft where the wing is installed above the fuselage (Il-76) . Its purpose is to remove the elevators from the flow of gases escaping from the engine nozzles, or from the disturbed air flow created by the wing. This increases the efficiency of the steering wheels.

How many dwarf planets are there in the solar system?

Five such planets have been officially discovered - Ceres (asteroid belt), Pluto, Haumea, Makemake (Kuiper belt) and Eris (scattered disk). Astronomers estimate that there may be up to 200 dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt.

What is the difference between the obverse of a coin and the reverse?

The concepts of “obverse” (front side of the coin) and “reverse” (back side) do not have a clear definition. Usually, something more significant is depicted on the obverse (the coat of arms of the state, a portrait of the monarch, the name of the issuing bank, etc.), and on the reverse - something decorative plus the denomination. IN Russian Empire the obverse was given to the portrait of the emperor, and the coat of arms (eagle) was considered the reverse.

How does a keychain “pinned” to a product work and protect it from theft?

The general principle of operation of “anti-theft” tags is as follows. At the exit from the store, a “gate” of two posts is installed. One of the racks has a built-in alternating magnetic field generator with a given frequency, and the other has a receiving antenna connected to sensors that respond to changes in field characteristics. The tag itself does not generate anything, and there is no power source in it. It is an oscillating circuit connected to a capacitor. When a tag enters the generated magnetic field, the circuit begins to resonate, changing the configuration of the field. These changes are detected by sensors and an alarm sounds. Tags can be disposable, which are deactivated by a strong magnetic field - the capacitor burns out from the induced currents - and reusable. The latter just look like those same key rings made of durable plastic. The keychain is two-part: the parts are connected using a needle (locking nail), which pierces the product. The needle is held firmly in place by a ball clamp and a spring-loaded pressure sleeve. The sleeve can only be pressed out using a powerful magnet. If the store forgot to disconnect and remove the key fob, it is not recommended to break it. There may be paint inside which will ruin the product.

Numbers: 576 meters - the height to which the tsunami swept the mountainous coast of Lituya Bay (Alaska, USA) on July 9, 1958.

300 extinct, 28 active volcanoes are located in Kamchatka.

The $10,000 is the largest dollar bill ever in public circulation.

A year on Eris, a dwarf planet, lasts 561 Earth years.

You can ask a question at: 127018, Russia, Moscow, st. Polkovaya, 3, building 1. e-mail:

Consequences of Hard Oscillation

The Zetas have hinted in general terms that the Council of Worlds may allow a severe wobble to occur, as detailed in Issue 516 of this newsletter. Although it was discussed in 2010 and 2011, and for the Earth, so to speak, has always been on the list of potential threats, it is time to return to this topic. The violent wobble is not as dangerous as the sloshing that will occur during the hour of the Pole Shift, accompanied by tidal waves 500-600 feet high. The waves in a severe oscillation will be no more than half this height, that is, 200-300 feet. Additionally, tidal waves look like a current rushing inland, rather than a giant wall of water as depicted in David Deese's drawings below. This is the nightmare that amuses most people when they hear about the tidal waves Nibiru causes. But a severe fluctuation will have quite serious consequences.

Now that I have some of your attention, let's try to figure out what consequences a rigid swing can entail. The sloshing during a severe wobble is much less than during a Pole Shift, as the Earth's crust comes to a sudden stop while the water continues to move, rising to wave heights of 500-600 feet. But during a hard swing Earth tilts and comes back, essentially moving backwards under the flow of water, so the sloshing stops. This sloshing is more like the high tides seen during a storm surge, where they roll inland as a torrent and rise above the high tide that normally occurs on that stretch of shore. However, where the storm surge is typically 20 feet above normal, the hard wave flow can be 200 to 300 feet above normal.

ZetaTalk Description of the 2001 Pole Shift Surge: This is a continuously rising tide with the highest drop in level at the leading edge of the water, and the wave rolls far inland without rolling back and forth, like a gently rising flood. For those who find themselves at the mercy of such a tidal wave, their first thought is to climb higher to be above the waves. Soon they are located on the very high point, which can be reached until the water constantly arriving on land reaches this place. Those who find themselves afloat - on a boat or thrown to the surface - will be carried away by the flow inland until the reverse rollback begins, the water will flow back to its bed, but the nature of the water during the reverse rollback will be dominated by the other side (rear front), so that this tide will be experienced for several days alternately on both sides of the ocean, until the inertia of the water decreases. When the tidal wave recedes, those afloat are in danger of being pulled far out into the ocean by the current, as the water rushes unevenly toward its bed, more quickly where it can recede fastest.

The Zetas compare the potential wave during the major wobble to the more similar 2004 Aceh Indonesian tsunami, which rose up to 100 feet and swept inland like a tide.

ZetaTalk Prediction 8/27/2016: We have explained in previous ZetaTalks that the wobble sloshing is not as destructive as the Pole Shift sloshing. The main reason for this is that wobble sloshing backs up, self-correcting, whereas Pole Shift sloshing occurs when a crustal shift puts the crust in a new position and leaves it there. We have stated that wobble sloshing during a severe wobble will result in high tides of 200-300 feet high, and that Pole Shift tides can be expected to be 500-600 feet high. In both cases, the higher wave is the result of a tidal wave, the geology of the shoreline where the water is forced upward because there is nowhere else for it to go.

So a hard swing is a combination of a left swing to a left swing and back again, and a swing North Pole far to the side into extreme darkness for the northern hemisphere, and then back. It will not go to the extremes that we have described for the Last Weeks. However, it will be large enough that the entire population of the world will notice that something is wrong, the Sun is very much out of place, and the establishment will not be able to mutter excuses fast enough. People will know that the establishment is lying, and any such lies will doom the establishment to become an empty phrase that will no longer be believed on any issue.

16:42, 05.10.2017

Our colleagues drew attention to bloggers’ reports that the water in the Dnieper, within the boundaries of Zaporozhye, had receded several meters from the shore, and the Sea of ​​Azov, in the area of ​​the Berdyansk Bay, had also receded several meters. Because of this, a number of social network users began to write with concern about the next “zrada.” “Even the water is leaving,” wrote one of the Cossack women, apparently hinting at the rapid emigration processes.

Indeed, last Tuesday, in the area of ​​the “Zaporizhstal” beach of Khortitsa (opposite Baida Island), one could see how the water moved away from the shore by two, and in some places by three meters from the usual mark.

"Care" of the Dnieper

“No need to worry,” the regional administration assured us. water resources. — Since the Dnieper is regulated by a cascade of reservoirs, every month an interdepartmental commission makes a decision on the release of a particular volume of water. Visually, indeed, it can look impressive when the water recedes 2-3 meters. But if you estimate the changes not horizontally, but “vertically”, it turns out that the water level has dropped, perhaps, by only 10 centimeters, which is very insignificant.

We were also reassured about the “retreat of the sea.” We were reminded that at sea there are so-called “surge” and “dispersal phenomena”, when a strong wind drives away or, on the contrary, promotes the advance of water onto land.

"Retreat" of the sea

On August 11-13, 2017, an unprecedented, extraordinary thing happened a natural phenomenon: on the coasts of Brazil and Uruguay waters Atlantic Ocean unexpectedly retreated from the coast and exposed the ocean floor for hundreds of meters, in some places for kilometers. Despite the extraordinary nature of such an event, it did not receive proper coverage in the world media - mainly videos, photographs and small descriptions and assumptions. No area data available new territory given by the ocean, how far the water went, what happened in the following days, whether the new shore was fixed on a certain line, etc. This is despite the fact that the ocean cleared the coast of two countries and a lot of time has passed since then!

An unprecedented case of ocean water loss

What was happening really shocked residents in both Brazil and Uruguay: what will happen now? After all, when the water suddenly recedes from the shore, it portends destructive tsunami: it is formed in 80% of cases due to underwater earthquakes. The stronger the tremors are felt, the closer the epicenter and the greater the likelihood of a tsunami. Or an unexpected ebb occurs when, for no apparent reason coastline goes far into the sea and the coastal bottom is exposed: the further the water moves from the shore, the stronger the wave will be. But this did not happen in Brazil and Uruguay - no earthquake, no tsunami, no big wave - one unknown that no one can reveal. Neither scientists, nor meteorologists, nor ecologists, nor psychics, nor politicians.
On August 13, in the Brazilian city of Caraguatatuba, people looked in amazement as the water went further and further into the ocean. Moreover, it went not by meters, but by kilometers. Despite the expectation of a tsunami, it did not come. Meteorologists, scientists and the world media do not cover this situation and do not comment in any way. According to reports in Brazilian and Uruguayan media, this unusual ocean retreat is the second in a row. last days(http://earth-chronicles.ru/news/2017-08-15-107328).
Indeed, there are no official or scientific reports. Most importantly, there is still no information about the return of the ocean to its original place. Even if he returns, this is an unprecedented and inexplicable case by scientists. What if this unprecedented multi-day loss of water signals the beginning of the end of the oceans?!
What is this a rare event, is also celebrated in Brazil. In particular, jornal-nacional cites the statement of oceanographer of the National Institute of Space Research Rossio Camaio. “This rare occurrence occurred because several factors came together off the coast of Brazil to contribute to this decline in sea level. One of them was the direction of the wind blowing along the coast. Secondly, the intense wind speed. And also these winds were constant for several days,” noted Rossio Camayo. This source notes that at Caraguatatuba the sea receded approximately 500 meters.

Scientists don't know what happened

Interestingly, some Brazilian publications noted that not a single government agency has given any explanation for the unprecedented phenomenon, and also refuted the version about the strongest winds - they say that there were storms and stronger winds, but nothing like that happened. It is also noted that nothing similar has been recorded on the coasts for decades.
Indeed, it is generally reported that local authorities in coastal cities have begun to take preventive measures in preparation for a possible tsunami disaster because the receding water usually precedes it.
Otherwise, it turns out that the waste of ocean water is a very common phenomenon? What then shocked the people of Brazil and Uruguay? Indeed, in these news it was noted - unexpectedly, suddenly, and by hundreds of meters, which far exceeds the usual waste of water by 10-20 meters due to strong winds. Most likely, this is a rather rare phenomenon, since it caused so much wariness, surprise and bewilderment among local residents. Otherwise, residents would be accustomed to such an event and would give similar examples from the past - in general, there are no references to previous kilometer-long waste of water.
The withdrawal of water began on August 11, 2017 from the south of Uruguay in Punta del Este: the beaches and port were unusually empty, and the ships were stranded. The same surreal scene appeared a few hours later on August 12 in the southernmost state of Brazil - on the beaches of Porto Alegre and Tramande in Brazil. These cities are located approximately on the same parallel: Tramande is on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, and Porto Alegre is 120 km from the ocean coast, in the delta of five rivers that form the Gulf of Guaiba, which is part of the largest lagoon lake in Brazil, Patus, 280 km long. and a width of about 70 km. It turns out that the level of the huge reservoir has dropped to a record level.
Waters have also receded from the coast in the state of Santa Catarina, which is located above Porto Alegre. For example, in Balneario Camboriu the coastline has increased by 50 meters.
And on August 13, the “end of the ocean” was already observed in Caraguatatuba, which is located above the above cities. Eyewitnesses posted videos and photographs. In some videos, the ocean is not visible, only a vague horizon line in the distance. Length highway between Porto Alegre and Caraguatatuba, half of which runs along the coast, is 1307 km. Let's add to it the distance between Porto Alegre and Punta del Este in Uruguay - it's about 700 km.
It turns out that the total length of the coast freed from water (perhaps not everywhere) in the two countries is more than 2000 km, taking into account the waterless coasts west of Punta del Este. This is a huge distance, and it is doubtful that over such a large space those several factors that Rossio Camaio spoke of would combine. Even after 10 days there was no information about the return of water, although it is noted that in some places the water has risen, but is still far from its usual level.
It is not for nothing that many local residents perceived these strange retreats of water within 96 hours as apocalyptic omens of the inevitable strong storms and tsunamis, cyclones and tornadoes to come. The Brazilian media reproaches social media for spreading rumors that the waters had receded due to a strong earthquake and tsunami. Such information created panic among people, mainly tourists, resulting in empty hotels.
In Uruguay, on August 11 and 12, the famous beaches in Punta del Este and Maldonado became dry. Even in the capital, Montevideo, the waters have receded. In Brazil, most beaches in the coastal states of Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo have been cleared of water. In the ports, the water has dropped to a critical level, and they are suffering huge losses.
Some scientists have suggested that an earthquake occurred in the depths Pacific Ocean, which opened cracks where it began to go most of ocean waters.
However, in general, scientists around the world are silent and do not explain this extraordinary phenomenon. Most likely, they are silent for a very simple reason: they do not know the nature of this phenomenon, which occurred contrary to all generally accepted forecasts and scientific data and research. Indeed, in the scientific community, such a well-known point of view has almost become an axiom: global warming is happening, glaciers are melting all over the world, and this will lead to an increase in the level of the world's seas. And even a list of coastal cities that will go under water has been compiled.
The waste of ocean water destroys the world of ideas of modern civilization - for this reason, this natural phenomenon will be shrouded in silence. After all, it really shows the delusions and groundlessness of many international development plans of world powers, and the generally accepted scientific picture of the world is collapsing.

Heavenly Powers Program

The only reliable information about the future global change of the planet, changes in the configuration of continents, the disappearance of oceans, etc. available on the website “galiya.kz”. Back in 2005, in the material “After the Tsunami,” Galia Kerey spoke about the future disappearance of the oceans.
More detailed information contained in the article “The Earth will stop and three Suns will rise (according to information from the Higher Powers)” (01.11.2011). It notes: “Increasing frequency of floods and future floods is the cleansing of the Earth from introduced earth (Mars, Saturn), from reptiles, animals, from everything negative that did not exist in the original life, but appeared subsequently through the efforts of lower forces. Mountain glaciers, permafrost, and the ice of the Arctic and Antarctica will melt. The sea level will not rise due to melting ice. There were no oceans in the original world; they will disappear in the future. “We will arrange a slope towards the Glacier” - Antarctica, the waters of the oceans will go towards it, into the “gates of hell” and go down. The entrance to the “underground kingdom” of dark forces is located under the ice of the South Pole, from where black energy spreads throughout the world. The Earth's axis has tilted. During the “shock”, the Glacier will collapse, the underwater volcano will explode it - the waters of the oceans will go into the Sea of ​​​​the Commonwealth (here there is a “communication channel” with the lower worlds) and go down. In place of the Glacier there will be three-layered earth made of clay, silt and loam, unsuitable for life, which cannot be touched. This way the gates of the other world will close and the black energy will be neutralized.”
This information given and other information from contactee Galia Kazhigalievna Kerey, received from the Heavenly Forces, should be called not a forecast, but a Program of the Heavenly Forces in action - this is what Yoga, the representative of the Heavenly Forces, says. Because the information of bioenergetics specialist Galia Kerey is not predictions, not forecasts, but complex work over many years, on the basis of which future events, predetermined by Heaven, are generally constructed. And we are now seeing real achievements of the Program of the Heavenly Forces everywhere. For example, one of the largest icebergs recently broke off from Antarctica - this means the destruction of the Glacier. Indeed, no rise in sea level due to melting ice has been observed, and using the example of the above-mentioned unprecedented retreat of water on the coasts of Brazil and Uruguay, we can already talk about the beginning of the future disappearance of the oceans.
Scientists only record the consequences of any changes, phenomena, or disasters, but the hidden, underlying causes of these cataclysms are not revealed: there remains a misunderstanding of the nature of global phenomena. This is not the next ebb and flow of ocean water, but the beginning of the revival of the original climate, the original configuration of continents, seas, lakes, when there were no oceans.