See a narcologist to replace your driver's license. Prices for these medical services. At whose expense is the medical examination of drivers carried out?

Attention! Since 2016, a new form of driving license has been introduced - 003 v/u. The main difference is that now you don’t need a photo for registration.
Without extracts from dispensaries, it is impossible to undergo a medical examination and obtain the opinion of other doctors.
The traffic police provides a set of three certificates - from the district PND and ND + a certificate in form 003 in/u.
From us you can buy a ready-made certificate in form 003 or all three certificates at once.

Everyone who has driver license, probably knows what it is driving license. When obtaining or replacing a license, the traffic police requires you to present a medical certificate confirming that the driver is healthy and has no contraindications to driving a car. Until 2014, obtaining a certificate was not a particularly difficult matter - it was enough to pay 600-1000 rubles at a medical center, which, as a rule, is located somewhere near the traffic police building, go through several offices and within half an hour come out with a completed certificate. In fact, you could just buy honey. a certificate for the traffic police with notes from a narcologist and psychiatrist and other doctors.

Absolutely legal! Fast delivery!

The certificate passes any checks.


Since 2014, the situation has become more complicated. Now it is necessary to undergo an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist at state dispensaries at the place of registration. To say that it became uncomfortable is to say nothing. It turns out that to get one honey. certificates for the traffic police with a narcologist and a psychiatrist, you need to stand in three lines and go in three different places. Considering that the operating hours of dispensaries may vary, it is problematic to do everything in one day. It is not surprising that since amendments to the legislation regarding the driver’s commission for the traffic police were adopted, the number of people wishing to buy such a certificate has increased significantly.

This can be called a fair reaction to the adopted amendments. Who wants to waste a whole day, essentially, because of empty formalities? Of course, the supervision of a narcologist and a psychiatrist is necessary, but not at the expense of drivers who bear on their backs all possible extortions - from excise taxes on gasoline to insurance. It’s easier, faster and more profitable now to buy a medical certificate for the traffic police, and we offer just such a service.

In our company you can buy a certificate for the traffic police (traffic police) with a psychiatrist and narcologist of the type you need, with delivery at a time and place convenient for you. We work very quickly - we will fill and deliver honey. a certificate for the traffic police on the day of your call if you call in the first half of the day. Delivery works around the clock and not only in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region. You don’t need to travel anywhere on your own, and you don’t need to undergo an inspection either. To order delivery of honey. certificates for the traffic police with notes from a psychiatrist and narcologist, just fill out the feedback form on our website, call or write to us. Experienced operators will answer all your questions and take your order. Contact us!

For getting medical certificate at the traffic police, we invite you to use the services of our medical center. You can be examined by doctors at any time convenient for you.

Please pay attention!!!
For obtaining a traffic police certificate by category WITH And D- psychologist’s report and EEG Strictly MANDATORY!!!

Prices for these medical services:

Certificate for the traffic police (traffic police) - 1000 rubles, on Sunday - 900 rubles (promotion!)

EEG - 1500 rubles
Psychologist's conclusion - 1000 rubles
EEG (when passing a medical examination for the traffic police) - 1200 rubles!
Traffic police certificate + EEG = 1700 rubles!
EEG+Psychologist - 1600 rubles
Traffic policeman+EEG+Psychologist - 2500 rubles

Registration time - 20 minutes.

Sample medical certificate for drivers or driver candidates (form No. 003-Wu dated June 15, 2015)

According to the new order of the Ministry of Health, a new form of medical certificate for drivers is being introduced, which is brought into line with the new driving categories introduced in Russia. Above you can see an official sample of a medical certificate, which was approved by the Ministry of Health on June 15, 2015.

New rules for conducting a driver's commission.

A new form of driver's medical certificate is issued from 07/01/2016. Old forms of medical certificates are valid until 07/01/2017.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation officially registered the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344n (order dated June 15, 2015), “On conducting mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers).” The document was registered with the Ministry of Justice on March 11, 2016. This order introduces throughout Russia a new procedure for conducting medical examinations of drivers for admission to driving vehicles. The new rules are effective from March 26, 2016.

The new order of the Ministry of Health cancels the previous procedure for conducting a medical examination of drivers for permission to drive cars, introduces new rules for checking drivers for alcohol and drug intoxication, regulates the process of medical examination when exchanging driver's licenses due to their expiration, as well as when returning licenses after deprivation.

New procedure for conducting mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers, as well as driver candidates

According to the new order of the Ministry of Health, a medical examination is carried out to determine whether the driver or candidate driver has medical contraindications, restrictions or instructions for driving vehicles. The presence of contraindications to driving vehicles is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604, which was adopted on December 29, 2014.

Which institutions conduct a driver's medical examination?

According to Order No. 344n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, medical examinations of drivers or driver candidates are allowed to be carried out in public medical institutions, as well as in private medical clinics. Organizations that conduct driving examinations are required to have an appropriate license for this type of activity. The license of a medical organization that conducts medical examinations of drivers must indicate the following services:

  • medical examination for the presence of medical contraindications to management vehicle
  • otorhinolaryngology
  • ophthalmology
  • neurology
  • functional diagnostics
  • therapy

Where should a driver be examined by a psychiatrist?

According to the new rules for conducting a medical examination, which have been in effect since March 26, 2016, in order to successfully pass a medical driver's commission It is necessary, in addition to a neurologist, therapist, ENT doctor and ophthalmologist, to also undergo an examination by a psychiatrist. Examination by a psychiatrist is possible only in public medical institutions. That is, an examination by a psychiatrist is not possible in a private medical clinic.

An examination by a psychiatrist is carried out at the place of permanent or temporary registration of the driver or candidate driver. That is, all drivers who want to be examined by a psychiatrist to obtain a medical certificate must contact a mental health clinic in their area of ​​residence.

What examinations of drivers are carried out at the psychodispensary?

According to the new rules of the Ministry of Health of 2016, in addition to examining the driver by a psychiatrist, the following studies are also carried out:

  • urine test for psychoactive substances
  • blood test for qualitative and quantitative determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT)

Also, in addition to examination by the above medical specialists, candidate drivers or drivers with license categories “C”, “D”, “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb” and subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “C1E” , “D1E”, must undergo a scalp electroencephalography (EEG).

Please note that, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, the collection and interpretation of tests prescribed by a psychiatrist is also possible only in state medical institutions (psychodispensaries), at the place of official registration of the driver and candidate driver (permanent or temporary registration).

Who should undergo a medical driver's examination?

The new rules for conducting compulsory medical examination oblige a medical examination in relation to the following persons:

1. Driver candidates

2. Drivers whose driver's license has expired

3. Drivers whose license deprivation period has expired (for the return of which it is necessary to submit a medical certificate to the traffic police).

4. Drivers whose license was limited due to medical contraindications to driving.

At whose expense is a medical examination of drivers carried out?

According to the current legislation and the order of the Ministry of Health, medical examination of drivers or driver candidates is carried out at the expense of Money drivers. That is, as before, all drivers who need to obtain a driver’s medical certificate undergo a medical examination at their own expense.

According to the new rules of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on conducting a medical examination of drivers or candidate drivers, during the examination, drivers, depending on the categories of access to driving a vehicle that are open in their rights, are examined by certain medical specialists.

For the initial receipt, exchange of a driver’s license or return after deprivation, categories “M”, “A”, “A1”, “B”, “B1”, “BE”, drivers are examined by the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist)
  • psychiatrist
  • narcologist

Also, to obtain a medical certificate, the driver must undergo a series of instrumental tests (blood, urine) to detect narcotic and psychotropic substances. It is worth noting that blood and urine tests are not carried out for all drivers, but only for those whose narcologist and psychiatrist sees signs of symptoms and syndromes of the disease, which may be the basis for contraindications to driving. That is, a doctor, narcologist and psychiatrist can prescribe blood and urine tests at their discretion.

When conducting a medical examination of drivers or driver candidates who have or want to open a license category “C”, “D”, “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb” and subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “ C1E", "D1E" inspection is carried out by the following specialists:

  • general practitioner or general practitioner (family doctor)
  • ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist)
  • psychiatrist
  • narcologist
  • otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

Also, in addition to examination by the above medical specialists, candidate drivers or drivers with license categories “C”, “D”, “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb” and subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “C1E” , “D1Es” must undergo a scalp electroencephalography (EEG).

What will happen if a driver or a candidate driver is diagnosed by a psychiatrist to have symptoms and syndromes of a disease (condition) that is a medical contraindication to driving?

According to the order of the Ministry of Health, if a psychiatrist reveals that a driver or candidate driver has symptoms or a syndrome of a disease in his profile that is a medical contraindication for driving, the doctor is obliged to send the driver for a psychiatric examination by a medical commission of a medical organization.

Do I need a head CT scan to obtain a driver's medical certificate?

The new rules for conducting a medical commission for drivers or driver candidates do not include a mandatory tomogram (MRI) of the head (brain). That is, if you are forced to undergo an expensive head examination using a tomogram to obtain a medical certificate for permission to drive a car, then remember - this is not legal. The most you may be required to do is undergo a scalp electroencephalography (EEG). But this study must be completed by drivers who have or will have the following categories of rights: “C”, “D”, “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb” and subcategories “C1”, “D1”, "C1E", "D1E".

How long is a driver's medical certificate valid?

Based on the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2016, a medical certificate issued to a driver or a candidate driver is valid for 12 months (1 year) from the date of issue.

The procedure for issuing a medical report on the presence (absence) of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) of medical contraindications, medical indications or medical restrictions for driving vehicles

1. A medical report on the presence (absence) of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) of medical contraindications, medical indications or medical restrictions for driving vehicles in form N 003-В/у (hereinafter referred to as the Conclusion) is filled out by a medical professional when presentation by the citizen of a citizen’s identity document.

2. Entries in the Conclusion are made in Russian, ink or a ballpoint pen with blue, purple or black ink, or using printing devices.

3. In the upper left corner of the Conclusion, the full name of the medical organization is indicated in accordance with the registration document, OGRN code, postal address and telephone number, information about the availability of a license is entered - number, date of issue and validity period of the license for work (services) that constitute medical activities .

4. In line 1 of the Conclusion, the Last Name, First Name, Patronymic (if any) of the driver of the vehicle (candidate for driver of the vehicle) is indicated, respectively, in full, without abbreviations.

5. Line 2 “Date of Birth” indicates the date of birth of the vehicle driver (candidate driver of the vehicle): date, month, year.

6. Line 3 “Registration address at the place of residence (place of stay)” indicates the registration address at the place of residence or place of stay of the driver of the vehicle (candidate driver of the vehicle).

7. In line 4 “Date of issue medical report» the date of issue of the Conclusion is indicated: day, month, year.

8. In line 5 “Medical report”, the presence or absence of medical contraindications, medical indications or medical restrictions on driving for the driver of the vehicle (candidate vehicle drivers) is noted by underlining.

9. In the columns corresponding to the categories and subcategories of vehicles of the table “Categories and subcategories of vehicles for which the right to drive vehicles is granted”, the selected one is marked with the sign “V”, in other rows of the table the sign “Z” is indicated.

10. In the corresponding rows of the table “Medical restrictions on driving vehicles”, the selected restriction is marked with a “V” sign.

11. In the corresponding rows of the table “Medical indications for driving vehicles”, the required medical indication is marked with a “V”.

12. Line 6 indicates the Last Name, First Name, Patronymic (if any) of the doctor who issued the medical report and his signature.

13. In the lower right corner of the Conclusion the seal of the medical organization is affixed, on the imprint of which the full name of the medical organization is identified in accordance with its constituent documents.

14. The issued Conclusions are subject to mandatory registration in the Register of issued medical reports on the presence (absence) of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) of medical contraindications, medical indications or medical restrictions for driving vehicles, in the form according to Appendix No. 4 hereto By order.

Statistics provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs indicate that in the Russian Federation up to 15% of accidents occur due to the fault of a motorist who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Such figures eloquently prove why certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist must be provided upon receipt or replacement driver's license.

This is one of the standard actions required by law.

We will learn how to obtain certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist for the traffic police. Is it possible to see a psychiatrist and narcologist for a license outside of your place of registration?

The medical examination is aimed at confirming that the driver does not have health problems that could prevent him from driving a vehicle, or identifying illnesses that make driving a car unacceptable.

After complete completion of the examination, a certificate is issued, which must be submitted to the traffic police.

Help is needed if you:

  • get a driver's license for the first time;
  • exchange old rights for new ones upon expiration;
  • return a document that was previously seized by a court decision and has expired.

Help may also be required:

  • persons who work as drivers and have been shown to have signs of illness that are a contraindication for driving (the “medical certificate is required” checkbox is also checked if the driver wears contact lenses);
  • if you open a new category of driver's license;
  • if you are over 50 years old.

Until 2012, a medical certificate was required when passing a technical inspection, but after this procedure was canceled. Since 2015, a medical examination is not required if you are restoring your driving license after loss or theft.

Law 433 of the Russian Ministry of Health dated July 15, 2015, which came into force in March 2016, states that drivers are divided into two groups. Previously, for each of the groups, the validity period of a new type of certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist for a license was different.

The first group included drivers of categories from A to E. Validity period is 2 years.

Second group, “risk group”:

  • driver's age under 21;
  • persons who spend all their working hours behind the wheel and are engaged in professional transportation;
  • drivers with poor health.

Previously, the period was 2 years. Now the validity period has become the same for everyone - 1 year. The period was reduced to ensure road safety.

A medical certificate is issued only by state, municipal and private medical organizations that have a license to provide services according to “ medical examination for the presence of contraindications to driving a vehicle.” The established form 003-В/У is required.

How much does it cost to see a narcologist and psychiatrist for your license? The medical examination is carried out at the driver's expense. The cost usually varies from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

Differences from the old certificate

Medical certificate became shorter in 2017. Several items have been excluded:

  1. Place for photography.
  2. The column in which doctors' notes were previously placed. Now information about the medical examination is entered into the motorist’s medical record.
  3. Expiration date column. It is standard - 12 months.

The medical certificate now indicates all categories and subcategories (16 indicators). The new certificates now contain a table with a list of contraindications for driving vehicles of different categories. This is an A5 document. It contains watermarks for printing protection.

To obtain a certificate, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • old driver's license;
  • military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • a certificate from a psychoneurological clinic;
  • certificate from a drug treatment clinic.

Be sure to see an ophthalmologist, narcologist, psychiatrist, and neurologist.

Let's find out where to go to a narcologist and a psychiatrist for a certificate from the traffic police.

According to the law, a medical certificate from the traffic police with a narcologist and a psychiatrist is issued only at the place of permanent or temporary registration of the motorist.

But for examinations with other doctors, which are necessary for a medical report, you can go to your place of residence. Both the city and the area where you are registered matter. Find out where district dispensaries are located in your area.

At the drug treatment center, the driver first pays for the examination and fills out an agreement for the provision of paid services in triplicate. After the driver, they check in the database whether the driver is registered for alcoholism and drug addiction.

The patient is sent for examination with a contract and a medical card. The narcologist conducts a visual examination. May order blood or urine tests.

But usually a visual inspection is sufficient. Afterwards the doctor puts in medical card The patient marks “fit” and signs the document.

The procedure with a psychiatrist is carried out according to the same scenario. The driver makes the payment and signs the contract. But a psychiatrist’s report is issued to motorists of categories C and D if there is a mark on the completion of an EEG.

This diagnosis examines the electrical activity of the brain. Drivers of categories A and B need a referral from a neurologist to conduct such an examination.

The technique allows you to detect in the driver:

  • convulsive conditions, epilepsy;
  • disturbance in the blood supply to brain tissue;
  • injuries, tumors;
  • metabolic disorders in the brain;
  • lesions after CNS infection;
  • age-related changes in the brain;
  • mental development disorder;
  • neuroses and other deviations.

An EEG must be done if the patient experiences fainting, loss of consciousness, impaired memory, attention, constant headaches, dizziness, disturbed sleep, mental disorders, or neurotic disorders.

In 2014, the Ministry of Health released a list of contraindications for driving a vehicle:

Even if you do not have obvious health problems, approach the medical examination for a driver’s license with a psychiatrist and narcologist responsibly.

Sometimes it is at the medical commission that certain deviations in the health of the motorist are revealed, which can lead to serious illnesses and road accidents. The narcologist and psychiatrist issue a medical certificate very quickly.

If you do not have mental health problems, you do not suffer from addictions, the doctor will not detain you and will quickly fill out a document of the established form.

Without passing through a narcologist and a psychiatrist, you will not be able to undergo training at a driving school, you will not be exchanged for a driver’s license, will not be given a different category of car, or will not be entrusted with driving a high-risk vehicle.

Do not neglect this procedure, then you will be able to protect yourself and other road users from accidents.

After passing the medical driver's examination, you can receive a medical certificate for the traffic police on a new form without a photograph, which is required in the traffic police departments when obtaining or renewing a license allowing you to drive a vehicle, or to obtain a driver's license valid abroad. Often, passing a medical examination and obtaining a medical certificate is a necessary procedure for professional drivers, confirming the absence of contraindications for driving vehicles.

The new form began to be issued on July 1, 2016. The photograph was excluded from the official form 003-В/У, but some additional fields were added.
The document does not indicate the validity period; the new certificate is valid for 12 months.
The size of the certificate for the traffic police has noticeably decreased: now the medical certificate is issued on secure A5 paper, the form is filled out on both sides.

Official medical certificate for the traffic police in twenty minutes without queues!

Academic Medical Center "Soyuz-Ostankino" offers:

+ fast passage driver's medical commission
+ availability of all doctors- specialists on site
+ no queues to medical offices
+ significant savings Your time and money
+ special conditions for professional drivers
+ Electroencephalogram room and EEG interpretation by a psychologist - in one place

The certificate can be obtained after passing the medical examination at the following addresses:

VDNH metro station , St. Academician Koroleva, house 8, building 1 Driving directions

Documents required to obtain a certificate from the traffic police (GAI):

  • citizen's passport Russian Federation
  • driver's license or certificate from a driving school (to determine category)

*Certificates from a psychiatrist and narcologist must be obtained from district municipal dispensaries at the place of residence (stay). Visit the psychoneurological and drug treatment clinics You can either before passing the medical examination or after receiving the certificate.

Cost of services:

  • Help from the traffic police - 800 rub.

How to obtain a driver's medical certificate:

To obtain a driver's license or its renewal (as well as replacement or restoration), a new medical certificate is required (form 003-В/у). The same certificate is provided by driving school students for admission to practical classes. This requires passing a medical examination, as well as an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist.
Please note that if you have the right to undergo a commission at any medical institution, then the drug and neuropsychiatric dispensary is only at your place of residence (registration). In both cases, a database check is performed to find out whether you are registered.

To undergo a medical examination, you must have a valid passport, as well as documents from a driving school or a driver’s license (to determine the category). After passing the specialists, a form is issued, certified by a seal, for submission to the Traffic Inspectorate.
You can take the commission at any licensed institution. But we recommend using the services of the Soyuz-Ostankino Academic Medical Center. You can visit us both before and after the narcologist. The whole procedure will take no more than 20 minutes.