Boeing passenger aircraft. How is Boeing different from Airbus? (24 photos)

On February 9, 1969, an airplane took off for the first time. Boeing 747, which in the next half century became one of the most famous and sought-after airliners from this American company. However, under this brand over almost a hundred years, many no less legendary aircraft, which will be discussed in this review.

Boeing Model 1 – the firstborn from Boeing

The history of the Boeing Corporation should be counted starting on June 15, 1916, when the B&W seaplane, created by William Boeing and his friend, military engineer George Westervelt, made its first flight. The tests were successful, and within a month the comrades established their own aircraft production company - The Pacific Aero Products Company, which a year later was renamed in honor of the creator.

B&W was named Boeing Model 1, but did not go into mass production. A total of two similar aircraft were produced, which first entered service with the US Navy and were then sold to a civil aviation school in New Zealand. This deal was Boeing's first international agreement.

Boeing Model C - the first production model

Boeing Model C was the first aircraft from Boeing to go into mass production, and the first financial success of the young company. Tests of this aircraft took place in November 1916, and in April 1917 the manufacturer entered into a contract with the US War Department, involving the supply of more than fifty aircraft of this type.

Boeing Model C aircraft (six variations in total) were used by the US Navy for pilot training, as well as for the transport of cargo and correspondence.

Boeing 247 - the first modern airliner

Over the next few years, Boeing produced many aircraft models for the US Army, Post Office Department, etc. But the turning point in the history of this manufacturer came in 1933, when production of the world’s first modern serial passenger airliner, the Boeing 247, began.

The Boeing 247 was a true triumph of engineering at the time. It had an all-metal body with a free-supporting wing, retractable and retractable landing gear, and even an autopilot! A total of 75 copies of this 10-seater aircraft were produced, which is quite good for the period when civil Aviation was just emerging.

B-29 Superfortress - flying superfortress

During World War II, Boeing switched almost entirely to the production of military aircraft. At the same time, the aircraft developed by the engineers of this company were also assembled at the factories of other companies - the whole country was aimed at victory.

The most popular military aircraft from Boeing at that time was the B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, but the most famous was the B-29 Superfortress. This plane became one of the symbols of the US victory in World War II, for example, it was from flying “superfortresses” that the atomic bombs to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The B-29 Superfortress became the basis for the Soviet Tu-4 bomber, and then, in a redesigned version, for the American Boeing 377 Stratocruiser passenger airliner.

Boeing 707 - the first "seven"

The first truly mass-produced passenger airliner from Boeing was the Boeing 707. It first took to the skies in 1954, and mass production began in 1958.

The aircraft was produced for twenty years, until 1978, but more than a hundred of its copies still ply the air spaces of the planet. The reason for this is the high reliability of the device, as well as the ability to modify it to suit specific needs. For example, not only passenger aircraft were created on the basis of the Boeing 707, but also cargo planes, as well as tankers, reconnaissance aircraft, flying laboratories and airborne command posts. And even John Travolta flies his personal B-707!

Boeing 737 is the most popular airliner

The 717 and 727 Boeing models also gained quite a lot of popularity in the world, but the Boeing 737 became a truly legendary aircraft. This aircraft is the most popular jet passenger airliner in the history of aviation, because from 1968 to the present time almost eight have been produced thousands of its copies. A total of ten models of the Boeing 737 family were produced.

A study of aviation statistics has shown that at any given time there are at least 1,200 Boeing 737 aircraft in the air. And the takeoff or landing of such a device occurs, on average, every five seconds. These are records that others can only dream of. passenger aircraft, including the direct competitor of the 737 - the Airbus A320.

Boeing 747 - a giant aircraft, a legendary aircraft

The development and construction of the Boeing 747 was accompanied by lamentations from skeptics. They say that this plane is too big, not as economical as its competitors, and even there are no premises for its assembly - the manufacturing company even had to build a new plant for these purposes, one of the largest buildings in the world. Huge expenses brought Boeing to the brink of bankruptcy, but high profits more than compensated for these risks.

Supersonic aviation, which was supposed to compete with aircraft like the Boeing 747, did not live up to the hopes placed on it. But this airliner itself became one of the most popular in the history of passenger air travel. And the number of orders for it began to decline only in the first decade of the 21st century. In total, almost one and a half thousand copies of the B-747 have been produced since 1969.

Boeing 767 - the workhorse of air carriers

The world owes the appearance of the Boeing 767 to the American airline United Airlines, which showed interest in the economical medium- and long-range airliner and placed an order for thirty copies. This happened in 1978, three years later the first B-767 took off into the sky, and a year later its mass production began, which continues to this day.

The Boeing 767 has gained worldwide popularity due to its high level of comfort comparable to the 747 model, efficiency, use of new technologies and safety. There is a known case when this airliner flew more than a hundred kilometers with an empty tank, gliding from an altitude of 8.5 kilometers and successfully landing without significant damage.

Boeing 777 – three sevens

In the post-Soviet space, the "three sevens" brand is associated with cheap port wine, and in America - with the Boeing 777, the world's largest twin-engine passenger jet. In addition to its size, this airliner also has several other achievements. For example, the absolute record for flight range on one refill of fuel tanks is 21,601 kilometers.

The development of this airliner began in 1990, and it took its first flight in June 1994. It is noteworthy that the Boeing 777 was the first aircraft designed entirely on a computer, without any use of paper drawings. And airlines and even passengers took an active part in the work on the new aircraft, who gave a lot of advice on what a new product from Boeing should be like in order to please people and customers.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner – dream airliner

Boeing specialists know the value of their work and the aircraft they create. Proof of this can be the name given to the new aircraft produced by this company - Dreamliner, a dream airliner. It first flew on December 15, 2009.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, on this moment, is the most scarce aircraft in the world. After all, the Boeing company already has orders for more than a thousand copies of this device, but it has produced only a little more than a hundred units. This excitement among airlines is understandable - a “dream airliner”, despite its big sizes, a very economical, environmentally friendly and profitable aircraft, and even created using “green” technologies, which is very fashionable these days.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry from 210 to 330 passengers and fly a distance of up to 16,299 kilometers.

Family Boeing 737 (Boeing-737) is the most successful construction program passenger aircraft in the world. The first orders for Boeing 737-100 and 737-200 aircraft were placed back in 1965 and since then their volume has amounted to more than 10,000.

In total, the Boeing 737 family of aircraft already has 4 generations. Early Boeing 737-100/200 series, Boeing 737 Classic series - 737-300/-400/-500 models, Boeing 737 NG (Next Generation) series, including -600/-700/-800/-900 models, as well as newest generation Boeing 737 MAX.

Early series aircraft Boeing 737 Original(in limited quantities Boeing 737-100, as well as the popular Boeing 737-200 and Boeing 737-200 Advanced) were intended for operation on short- and medium-haul routes and were produced from 1967 to 1985. A total of 1,831 early series aircraft were built.

In the early 1980s. Boeing 737 aircraft were equipped with new CFM56 engines and digital avionics, which led to the emergence of a series Boeing 737 Classic. The base model of the Classic series was the Boeing 737-300; a shortened version with an increased flight range, the Boeing 737-500, and a version with an extended fuselage, the Boeing 737-400, were also produced. A total of 1,988 Boeing 737 Classic series aircraft were produced between 1984 and 2000.

Since 1997, the airline has been supplying aircraft of the series Boeing 737 NG (Next Generation), equipped with more economical modern engines, a new enlarged wing with the ability to install aerodynamic winglets, as well as new interior equipment. New generation aircraft have higher speed, range and cost efficiency compared to previous models. The Boeing 737 NG is still in production and, along with the Airbus A320 family of aircraft, are the main medium-haul airliners of airlines around the world.

Currently, the Boeing company is developing a new generation of Boeing 737 airliners called Boeing 737 MAX. Designed to replace the Boeing 737 NG, the series of new aircraft will include 4 models: 737 MAX 7 (replacement for the Boeing 737-700), 737 MAX 8 (replacement for the Boeing 737-800), 737 MAX 9 (replacement for the Boeing 737 -900) and 737 MAX 10 (with the longest fuselage of all Boeing 737 family aircraft). These models have a modernized fuselage and wing, as well as new, efficient engines. Deliveries of the first production aircraft in the basic version of the 737 MAX 8 began in 2017.

Models of Boeing 737 family aircraft

Boeing 737-900
The most spacious aircraft in the Boeing 737 family, it seats up to 215 passengers and flies at a distance of up to 5,900 km.

The Boeing 777-200 is the first airliner in the Boeing 777 or Triple Seven (T7) family of wide-body, twin-engine aircraft. The aircraft is designed for medium-long-haul airlines.

At the end of 1989, Boeing Commercial Airplanes began designing an extended version of the Boeing 767 aircraft with a wingspan increased to 63.73 meters. When designing, the new aircraft received advanced technologies at that time, as well as a new design. In mid-October 1990, the project received the designation Boeing 777, which indicated the emergence of a new family. And the first modification was designated as 777-200.

During the construction of the Boeing 777-200, to lighten the airframe structure, the use of composite materials was widely used, which occupy about 10 percent of the weight of the entire structure.

Boeing 777-200 photo

The new airliner was equipped with powerful turbojet engines with a high bypass ratio, Pratt & Whitney PW4074 with a thrust of 329 kN each. Subsequently, Boeing 777-200 aircraft used General Electric GE90-75Bs engines with a thrust of 334 kN and Rolls-Royce Trent 875s engines with a similar thrust.

The Boeing 777-200 was Boeing's first passenger aircraft to feature a fly-by-wire (FBW) control system. The aircraft used avionics manufactured by Honeywell, which complies with the improved computer data bus standard used in ARINC 629 avionics. Six multifunctional TFT displays are used to display all the necessary flight information and the status of on-board systems. The Boeing 777-200 was equipped with a mid-air collision warning system - TCAS (Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System). Today, according to ICAO standards, TCAS equipment must be installed on all aircraft designed to carry more than 19 passengers.

The first flight of the Boeing 777-200 took place on June 12, 1994. The airliner received FAA and JAA certificates on April 19, 1995. The aircraft's first operator was United Airlines, which received its first Triple Seven on May 15, 1995.

The aircraft cabin in a three-class configuration has 305 passenger seats. With a two-class cabin layout, 400 passengers can be accommodated. With an economical interior layout, the number of passenger seats is 440 seats.

On February 6, 1997, a Boeing 777-200ER was delivered to British Airways. This modification has a longer flight range compared to the Boeing 777-200, which is 14,305 kilometers, versus 9,700 kilometers of the base model.

Also, the Boeing 777-200ER has become one of the best-selling twin-engine passenger aircraft in the world. As of 2010, 415 units of this modification were delivered to more than thirty airlines.

The main routes of the Boeing 777-200 today are London - New York, Denver - Honolulu, Tokyo - San Francisco. And the main directions of the Boeing 777-200ER are London - Los Angeles, Tokyo - Sydney, Chicago - Seoul.

The main competitor for the Boeing 777-200 is the European airliner Airbus A330-300.

The best seats on the Boeing 777-200 - Vietnam Airlines

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft:

  • Boeing 777-200 first flight: June 12, 1994
  • Years of production: since 1994
  • Length: 63.73 m.
  • Height: 18.52 m.
  • Wingspan: 60.93 m.
  • Empty weight: 135880 kg.
  • Maximum take-off weight: 262480 kg.
  • Wing area: 427.80 sq.m.
  • Cruising speed: 905 km/h.
  • Maximum speed: 945 km/h.
  • Ceiling: 13100 m.
  • Flight range: 9700 km.
  • Takeoff length: 3000 m.
  • Run length: 1700 m.
  • Engines: 2 x turbofans Pratt & Whitney PW4074 (329 kN), PW4077s (345 kN), General Electric GE90-75Bs (334 kN), GE90-76Bs (338 kN), Rolls-Royce Trent 875s (334 kN), Trent 877s (345 kN)
  • Crew: 2 people
  • Number of passenger seats: 440 seats in economy class

Boeing 777-200. Gallery.

The 737 is one of the most successful models of the American aircraft manufacturer The Boeing Company, as well as the most widely used airliner in the world. Since 1967, over seven thousand cars of this modification have been produced. And even today, the Boeing 737 continues to be produced and is in great demand among air carriers around the world. Its main competitor in the air transportation market, among narrow-body passenger aircraft, is the Airbus A320.

Boeing 737 photo

The Boeing company, in production today, has nine variations of the 737 model, these are different modifications of the 737-600, 737-700, 737-800 and 737-900. The Boeing 737 version can be chronologically divided into three groups - Original (first generation), Classic (second generation) and Next-Generation (third generation).

Generation Original (models -100, -200)

The plane was first presented to the public in 1964, and in February 1968 it took to the skies for the first time. After this, the airliner entered service with the airline. This was a version of the 737-100, which was later modified into a more successful version of the 737-200. The Boeing 737-200 was released in 1988. A total of more than 900 aircraft of this type were sold to air carriers. Boeing initially planned for 60 to 85 passenger seats on its aircraft, but after consultation with its first customer, the number of seats was increased to one hundred. By increasing the number of seats in each row, Boeing beat its rival DC-9

Classic generation (models -300, -400, -500)

In the early eighties, the Boeing 737 underwent significant modernization. The Boeing company has increased the number of passenger seats in the new model range. These modifications allow you to carry up to 150 passengers. Aircraft power has increased. New engines and the latest avionics were installed on the aircraft. The flight range has been increased. There are fewer harmful emissions. They began to meet new standards. Boeing used a completely new CFM56 engine, which had lower fuel consumption and also met strict noise limits. The aircraft's wings were also modified. Aerodynamics have become better. This is how successful models emerged, 737-300, -400, -500, which can satisfy most airports in the world. The Boeing 737-300 first flew in 1984 and ceased production in December 1999.

Boeing 737 interior photo

In 1986, the company began developing an expanded version, designated the Boeing 737-400, with more powerful engines and a capacity of 170 passengers. It has become three meters longer than its predecessor. Production of this model ended in 2000. The smallest and youngest member of the second generation, the 737-500, capable of carrying up to 132 passengers, entered service in February 1990. Before production of the 737-500 ended in 1999, more than 350 units were delivered to the airline.

Next-Generation (models -600, -700, -800, -900)

In the mid-nineties, the creation of the third generation of Boeing 737 began. This generation includes modifications -600, -700, -800 and -900. Unlike previous versions, the -800 and -900 models have undergone significant technological improvements.

One of the most important improvements is the presence of a Head-Up Display (HUD), which is used in military aircraft. The HUD is a transparent display that is located between the pilot and cockpit window. All important data such as altitude, speed, location and much more are projected onto it. During takeoff and landing, it displays a schematic image of the runway, allowing the 737 to fly even in very poor visibility.

Boeing 737 interior diagram

These versions were equipped with new power plant CFM 56-7B. The number of seats on the Boeing 737-700 is identical to the 737-300 version. The first 737-700 aircraft was delivered to Southwest Airlines in 1997. The later version of the 737-800 is a modern variant with a longer range of up to 5,765 km and with 189 passenger seats. The 737-800 is the successful third generation of 737s with over 900 units sold.

Demand for a variant similar to the 727-500 but with greater range led to the development of the 737-600 version. The first flight of the Boeing 737-600 took place in 1998. The Boeing 737-900ER is the largest in the 737 family with a flight range of up to 6,045 km. This model entered flight service in 2007.

The popularity of air travel poses new challenges for developers passenger airliners. Today, experts consider the Boeing 737 800 to be a fairly successful design - these ships are used by Pegasus Fly, UTair, Aeroflot, Nord Wind and other well-known carriers. However, passengers inexperienced in flying do not know how to choose the right seats on board this model during check-in. This review will highlight such an interesting topic.

The board was first tested in 1998. The creation of the airliner is a consequence of competition. The aircraft was designed as an analogue of another iconic model - . The vessel belongs to the third generation group and has improved characteristics compared to the base model.

The passenger cabin here offers two configuration options - an aircraft designed for one class of seats, including up to 189 seats, and a two-class analogue, designed to accommodate up to 160 people. Less common are liners that have a separate compartment with VIP class seats.

Cabin width of 3.54 meters allows passengers to travel in comfort, and the total length of the liner of 39.41 m made it possible for designers to increase the number seats. The increased area (125 m) and wingspan (34.31 m), combined with the aircraft’s powerful engine, help the airliner make flights at a distance of 5,765 km at maximum speed at 852 km/h.

However, these parameters do not say anything to the passenger who wants to fly on such an aircraft. For readers, we will provide specific information about what a Boeing 737 800 is. The layout of the cabin, the best seats and row numbers that are best avoided - you will see all this in our article. The video below shows general tips on choosing seats on an airplane.

General principles of passenger seating

People who have repeatedly flown regular and charter routes know that the purchased air ticket does not contain information about the seat occupied by the passenger. This information is clarified by the airport employee. However, at this time a person does not see what the seat arrangement in a Boeing 737 800 looks like, so beginners make a decision at random. Moreover, quite often such situations become the reason for spoiled impressions of the trip.

Experts recommend studying such nuances at home, before leaving for the airport, so that by the time you make your choice you will be fully prepared. The plan of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, which is presented in the article gallery, will help you decide a little about the principles of landing on airliners. The seats in the standard cabin of the airliner are arranged in two rows, with each row containing 3 seats.

Now a few words about the fundamental aspects of choice. For people who are afraid of flying, it is advisable to choose outer seats located near the aisle. This technique will allow you to avoid accidental glances through the porthole and quickly use the help of stewards if necessary. In addition, these chairs allow you to move freely without causing inconvenience to your neighbors.

Although there are some negative aspects here - a passenger occupying an aisle seat will have to let fellow passengers pass when they need to leave the seat. In addition, staff passing by sometimes inadvertently touch passengers sitting on the edge.

Experts consider the chair located in the center of the row not the most best choice for single passengers. After all, its location involves flying in close proximity to strangers. Many people feel uncomfortable under such circumstances. And armrests occupied by neighbors will only enhance such sensations.

Seats next to the window will allow you to enjoy the view throughout the flight, but it will be difficult to leave the seat. To go into the salon, you will have to lift both neighbors. This is, in general terms, what the first principles for choosing seats on an 800 aircraft look like. The layout of the airliner’s cabin allows us to demonstrate this point, but there are other ways to determine the optimal seat location for a flight.

Choice among single-class aircraft cabins

Let's start by considering each row for the comfort of the flight. Rossiya Airlines offers passengers aircraft of this particular category in several different modifications. We will look at the VQ-BCJ model of this fleet and find out what criteria to use to choose seats when buying a ticket for such a Boeing 737 800.

We will list the layout of the interior, the best seats and chairs that are appropriate to refuse, using the given markings in the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Here, the first three seats are not far from the pilots' toilet and the cabin partition, but there is enough free space in front of the seats to get out without causing inconvenience to anyone. The situation is somewhat different with the second row seats. 2F, 2E, 2D are located directly behind the partition. Therefore, passengers who suffer from a fear of closed spaces are better off refusing this choice - after all, a wall in front of your eyes during a flight will only aggravate this phobia.

The advantage here is a good choice of food - after all, food is served starting from the bow of the liner. And the inconvenience of the person sitting in front with the seat back reclined is excluded here. If you want to purchase tickets for row 14, keep in mind that it is usually cooler here than in the rest of the cabin.

All seats in the 15th and 16th rows have restrictions on the folding of seats, because emergency exits are located in the sixteenth and seventeenth rows. 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E - the so-called space seats - the seats are quite comfortable, because the seats here are located at a decent distance from the previous row. But here it should be borne in mind that tickets for all indicated places will be sold only to adult passengers who do not have disabilities or restrictions on movement. After all, in emergency situation The responsibility to open emergency exits lies with the occupants.

Perhaps quite good seats in the airliner are seats 18A and 18F– there is enough free space in front of them to exit. As for the least attractive options, experts call the seats installed in the 33rd row, behind which the toilets are located. There are always limitations to the reclining function. In addition, due to passengers constantly visiting the toilets, it is always noisy here.

Review of the model with a business class zone

Let's look at another model from the same airline. The VQ-BIZ airliner is the only one in the Rossiya fleet.

Here, the first three rows are occupied by business class seats - double seats. Of course, these seats are quite comfortable, but 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D are located immediately behind the partition of the pilot's cabin. Accordingly, there is not enough free space in front of the chairs, and the view of the wall is unlikely to impress tourists. Although it is advisable to purchase tickets here to do work on the road.

Let's move on and see what the layout of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft is, how many seats are provided by the designers in this airliner and which seats will be the best choice for the passenger. This salon has 154 seats.

It will be comfortable to fly in the fourth row due to the free space in front of the seats - there is only a partition in front separating the seats increased comfort. There are emergency exit hatches on rows 12 and 13. That is, people purchasing seats in the 11th and 12th rows should think about the likely inability to recline the seat back.

13 C, 13E, 13B and 13D – seats located at the emergency doors – good option. Besides, good option There will be a choice of row 14 with seats A and F. After all, there is enough free space in front of them.

Accordingly, the seats in the last, 29th row are not the best option. It is always crowded and noisy here due to the proximity of the toilets. In addition, the seat backs cannot be reclined completely. And the stewards offering food will only get here after walking around the entire plane. As you can see, there are many selection criteria, and most of the nuances depend on the personal preferences of the passenger.

In order not to ruin your mood at the very beginning of your vacation during the flight, it is advisable for inexperienced passengers to take the advice of experienced people. We will provide general recommendations for choosing seats in the aircraft cabin. For a person who has not previously flown on board this model, it is appropriate to go into detail study the layout of the aircraft cabin and become familiar with the main characteristics of the model. In addition, when checking in, it doesn’t hurt to ask the airline staff for their opinion on the choice you’ve made or ask them for advice.

Consider personal perception of turbulence. Here experts suggest choosing seats closer to the nose of the plane - the shaking here is not felt as much as in the tail. It is advisable to avoid purchasing tickets for rows located in front of escape hatches or toilets. Remember, it is generally not possible to travel reclining here due to safety and design restrictions.

Seats located next to the utility areas of the aircraft are unlikely to meet the expectations of a passenger who dreams of flying in silence. It's always noisy and crowded here. Consider your own personal preferences and qualities. It is advisable to plan a trip with a pet in your arms closer to the aisle of the cabin.


As you can see, the selection criteria are simple. A thoughtful and planned approach will ensure a pleasant flight experience, as a well-chosen destination sets the tone for any trip. And the ability to choose an option that is comfortable for yourself will result in a good mood.

Boeing 737 800 is a new generation aircraft that can carry up to 189 people
General layout of a one-class aircraft cabin
Best places on board this model - 17 V, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E
On planes with a single-class cabin, seats are arranged in rows in a 3+3 format
The most comfortable seats are located in the business class cabin