Beach holiday on Hainan Island. Wild beach in Sanya Hainan which beach to choose

There are more than 20 beautiful beaches along the east and west coasts of Hainan Island. Until now, the best beaches on the island were located in the Sanya area, in the very south of Hainan.
Sanya is best place in China for beach holiday. But if you decide to go here, then it is important what beach you will live on.
Yalongwan, Dadonghai, Sanya Bay, Haitang and bay Pure water are the 5 main beaches in the area of ​​Sanya city on Hainan Island. These are, of course, the best beaches in Sanya, and the entire island as a whole.

Best beaches in the Sanya area

Yalong Beach

Located about 20 minutes from Sanya city, Yalong Beach has more than 10 hotels, including world-class resorts and local hotels. Yalongwan is considered the most popular beach for relaxation in the vicinity of Sanya, but it is mainly intended only for tourists.

Dadonghai Beach

If we highlight the best beaches in Sanya, then we cannot fail to mention Dadonghai Beach, which is located about 2 km from the center of Sanya and has more than 30 hotels. Tourism on this beach began to actively develop in 1988. Dadonghai Beach is good for both beach holidays and city life. Local restaurants, bars, shops, supermarkets are just steps away from most hotels. From here you can easily reach Sanya city center by local bus for only 2 RMB per person.

Sanya Bay Beach

Located a 10-minute drive from the center of Sanya, the bay of the same name has a very wide and long beach that stretches for 22 km. True, the beach near Sanya city center is a little dirty, but it's West Side still remains very clean and calm. What makes this area different from Yalongwan and Dadonghai is that it is more low prices and the location of the hotels across the street from the beach.

Haitan Beach

Haitang is considered the most prestigious area in the vicinity of Sanya city, as many luxury hotels such as Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott are located here. This almost 19-kilometer beach is located 30 minutes drive from the center of Sanya.

Beach in Clear Water Bay

The beach in Clear Water Bay is still poorly developed, but it still has very high potential. This beach is located 30 minutes drive from the center of Sanya.


China has long become a leader in the world in terms of economy and other indicators. And now the country is “attacking” the tourism business with ten-mile strides. Literally ten years ago, no one knew about Hainan Island, but now it is one of the leaders in its industry. And this is not surprising, because Hainan Island is completely dedicated to tourists and recreation. People fly here from all over the world and everyone gets what they want. We have collected best photos beaches of Hainan Island and we will show them to you. Check them out and see for yourself that everything here is conducive to having a bright, relaxed and delightful time. There are both sandy and white sand beaches. In general, watch for yourself and find out everything.

Admit it to yourself honestly - when you mention a holiday on an island, you immediately think of the Maldives, Bali or Hawaii, but not China, and especially the island of Hainan. However, it is Hainan Island that attracts tourists more and more every year. Look what wonderful beaches there are:

Hainan - very reminiscent tropical island from billboards. It has everything you need - turquoise sea, golden sand and luxurious palm trees. But unlike the same Maldives. There are plenty of other things to do on this island. For example, here, in addition to diving, you can climb picturesque mountains and see the horizon. You can visit one of the many towns and get acquainted with Chinese culture and traditions. Also available to tourists beautiful parks and medicinal thermal springs. And all this is China and its island of Hainan.

The photo above is familiar to all tourists. This place is called the end of the earth. Here it really looks like the earth is ending. On the shore there are huge stones that are washed by the waves of the ocean. And if you look into the distance, you can only see water and water rocks and nothing else.

Let's take a bird's eye view of the island's beaches. Look how beautiful the coast is in the evening.
Incredible beauty: hotels full of lights, blue skies and a gorgeous big beach. Here you want not just to relax, but to live forever!

Hainan is an artificial island and many of the beaches here are also made by people, and they are sometimes very unusual. For example, the beach shown in the following photo.

Hainan Island is also interesting for its culture, food and attractions. Let's watch a video about Hainan and enjoy its beauty and find out the opinion of the Chinese themselves about what they think about this unusual island.
Also don't forget to read

If you want to go to the beach in the company of your friends, so that no one walks past you, and there are no buildings on the horizon or around, then this is the place for you. Take bus 3 or 26 and go to Canada international school (三亚加拿大国际学校). If you face the main entrance to the school, the road to the beach on the right goes around it. Follow it for about 150 meters to the white building and then to the right along the dirt path.

There is a gentle ascent leading up, walk about 15 minutes to a small building, from which the path turns sharply to the left. After this turn, you need to walk 30 meters and turn right onto the forest path down to the sea.

In about 10 minutes you will find yourself on the beach. In June, the water level is lower than, for example, in October and there is more sand on the beach. Now it’s more comfortable to go into the water when it’s calm. If you go left, be prepared to meet wild monkeys. It is better to return from the beach before sunset, or with a flashlight, as later on the road you can meet a snake crawling to hunt.

  1. On the right you can see a piece of white building, in front of which you need to turn onto a dirt path
  2. Plan of the route from the road along which the 3.26 bus travels. The numbers indicate:
  1. Dirt path
  2. Road 150 meters
  3. School

Until recently, Russian residents had little association with beach holidays. People went to China to become familiar with the ancient culture, to see how our neighbors, who are different from us and yet so similar, live. We drove to breathe air ancient country, where ancient culture grows through modern industrial and economic achievements.

Maybe we don’t quite understand how the Chinese manage to work like this, but now we have the opportunity to see how the Chinese relax, or at least strive to relax. And even relax where the sea and beaches of China invite the tired inhabitants of the Celestial Mountains to relax.

The mass beach movement in China does not have such a long history - for quite a long time, a simple (or more correctly, mysterious eastern) Chinese worker did not have such wide material and physical opportunities to quit his favorite job for a couple of weeks and give up with his family (or girlfriend) on sea. Beaches in China as a recreational and health area began to be developed by the fraternal people just a few decades ago. Income levels have changed, stereotypes have changed, and concepts about recreation have changed. Sea coasts China is covered with a forest of hotels of varying degrees of stardom, and flower beds of bright beach umbrellas bloom on the sands of the beaches. China's mass beach holiday industry continues to gain momentum.

However, the beaches here are special places, corresponding in the minds of the Chinese almost earthly paradise or at least the ultimate dream of a calm, ideal for luxury holiday corner. There is even a proverb about one of them: “If I became rich, I would grow old in Hainan.” This tropical island and especially the area of ​​​​the city of Sanya, as if by the eastern gods themselves, are intended for a leisurely beach pastime. Although many young people work in and around Sanya, Hainan Island with its unique natural conditions known in China and beyond its borders as a traditional area of ​​residence for long-livers.

The island's two main bays, on which the local recreation industry is based, are Yalun Bay, around which expensive five-star hotels are located, and Dadonghai Bay, located closer to the city of Sanya. Hotels in the Yalunwan area are more focused on a secluded, calm and quiet holiday. There are few local residents and only a few shopping and entertainment establishments. The surrounding area of ​​Sanya is characterized by a more lively resort life.

Hainan Island is a developing resort area. Many hotels have already been built here. And construction continues successfully. Level of hotels located in paradise bays south island, is determined not even by their luxury and level of service, but by their proximity to natural resources islands. And this is primarily the coast and beaches of Sanya. Moreover, the price level even best hotels, it turns out, is quite acceptable for Russian citizens. Agencies and tour operators offering tours to the beaches of Hainan usually voice quite reasonable prices for accommodation in first-line hotels, which only wealthy Chinese can afford. The peak influx of holidaymakers from China is February, when China celebrates the New Year.

The warm bays of the island and the beaches of Sanya are not the only thing that attracts people here. There are hot radon springs on the island, which have healing and rehabilitative effects. At resort hotels There are physiotherapy rooms, clinics of European and traditional Chinese medicine, departments of cosmetology clinics and salons that use the famous pearl cosmetics, glorified in ancient Chinese stories. And the pearls themselves, which the local waters are rich in, are not uncommon. As well as products made from it by the hands of Chinese jewelers.

On the beaches of Hainan you can not only lie on the beach and improve your health - there are a lot of events exciting excursions dedicated to the history and nature of China, traditional crafts of the island, tasting tea and rare dishes of the common people and the imperial Chinese cuisine. Those interested can learn the basics of calligraphy, take a qigong course, or simply scuba dive in the coastal waters - the hotels have a staff of diving instructors. True, unfortunately local beaches not always distinguished by water transparency and are not very suitable for photography underwater world. The island has a wonderful golf course and an Olympic-class shooting range. For lovers of sea fishing, boat trips are organized.

The language barrier for vacationers on Sanya is not at all a hindrance - unlike mainland China, where speaking foreign languages ​​is not so common, the workers serving the beaches and hotels of Sanya speak English well, and many speak Russian. Many shops, cafes and restaurants on the beaches of China have already acquired Russian signs and plaques.

So the places that are rightly called the second Hawaii are ready to greet tourists from Russia with greetings in Russian.

Hainan Island is washed on all sides South China Sea, which is known to be in Pacific Ocean. The three largest bays of the island are Sanya Bay, Dadonghai and Yalongwan. I'll tell you about the beaches in these bays.

I would like to note right away that all the beaches on the island are public, so there is no division into types or species here. That is, for example, the beach of Yalong Bay is one very long beach several kilometers long.

Sanya Bay Beach

Mostly Chinese and Europeans vacation in this bay; there are very few Russians.

Sanya Bay has the longest beach on the island, its length is about 11 kilometers. It starts from the "Edge of the World" park, runs near the airport, along residential buildings and hotels, ending near artificial island Phoenix.

The beach is sandy, as is the entrance to the sea. The sand is light gray, almost white, very dense, which especially pleases children, because such sand makes excellent castles! You can also ride bikes and auto-rickshaws along it, and the wheels won’t even get stuck. There are a lot of small crabs on the beach that run along the sand, making burrows in it.

The coastline is very wide. There is enough space for lovers of active games, for those who prefer to lie on the warm sand, and for those who want to walk along the sea at sunset.

There are free showers and toilets on the beach. Sometimes you may be asked to pay for umbrellas and sunbeds that do not belong to your hotel (the price is about 3-4 dollars or 20-30 yuan), sometimes you are allowed to relax on them for free. Apparently, it depends on the mood of the person on duty at the beach.

Lifeguards are always watching over vacationers.

It cannot be said that the sea here is transparent, because there is always fine sand hanging in the water. The color of the water is dark blue, even closer to gray. The water in this bay resembles the Black Sea.

Palm trees and other trees grow along the entire coast. Under them there are benches and tables so that locals can relax, for example during lunch, or simply hide from the bright sun.

In the morning, on the beach you can see those doing yoga; in the afternoon, old people gather here and learn all sorts of dances; at sunset, wedding ceremonies and photo sessions are often held. In the evening, a lot of young people gather in numerous cafes located right on the sand. They are similar to ours" summer cafes“in the parks, only much larger and in addition to the “bar” they also have a “kitchen”. During the day, the “eating stations” are usually closed, but at sunset, literally ten to twenty steps from the water, plastic tables with chairs are placed on the sand and the cafe begins its work. The food is only Chinese; instead of a menu there is a huge poster with pictures of the finished dish and its price. For example, a serving of glass shrimp noodles costs about $4 (RMB 35).

All beaches in this bay are located across the road from the hotels. But there is nothing scary or dangerous in this, because near each hotel there is an above-ground pedestrian crossing, that is, you can safely cross the road. Some hotels have an underground passage, such as the Pullman Hotel.

From Yalongwan and Dadonghai bays you can get to the beach by buses No. 25, 26. Travel from one bay to another costs about 1 dollar (from 5 to 10 yuan depending on the distance). You can arrive by taxi, then payment will be according to the meter. From Dadonghai to Sanya Bay it takes 10-15 minutes, and from Yalongwan about 40-50 minutes. These buses travel along the sea, so you can get off anywhere you like. To get to the beach you only need to cross the road.

Dadonghai Bay Beach

This bay is loved by Russian tourists.

The beach in Dadonghai is only 4 kilometers long. It is located between two mountains, so it seems to me that in winter the water here should be a little warmer than in Sanya and Yalong Bays.

The sand is fine, light, crumbly, and not dense, like in Sanya Bay, you can’t ride on it in an auto-rickshaw or bicycle.

The entrance to the sea is sandy and flat almost everywhere. But in some places the coastal bottom was washed away by waves, and quite deep holes formed near the shore. The water is blue, transparent, with a suspension of sand near the shore. Sometimes, during strong waves, it brings small pebbles and shells from the sea to the shore.

The beach has free sun loungers, umbrellas, showers and toilets. There are lifeguards near the main entrance to the beach (next to the Intime Hotel).

But there are no palm trees on the shore, so you won’t be able to hide in their shade. There are a lot of cafes near the beach, mostly with Russian names: “Kievan Rus”, “At Lena’s”, “USSR” and others. The cuisine is primarily Russian and European, and only then Chinese. The prices are quite affordable: borscht (by the way, very similar to the real thing) costs about 1.5-2 dollars (10-12 yuan).

During the day, the beach in Dadonghai is lively and noisy, with merchants selling pearls, souvenirs and fruits walking along it, crowds of noisy Chinese who love to talk loudly, build sand castles and take photographs.

On the beach around Hotel Resort Intime is played by a violinist, it is very pleasant to relax and lie down on the warm sand to his music. But in the evening the beach is quiet, because the cafes are not located directly on the sand, but a little further away, so the noise of visitors’ conversations is not heard, and you can walk along the shore in silence.

Hotels located on the first coastline, have their own territory on the beach, but it is not fenced in any way. Since all the beaches are owned by the state, no one will ever kick you out of your sunbeds, even if they belong to a hotel where you don’t live. So you can freely move around the entire beach and settle down in any places you like.

You can get to Dadonghai Bay Beach from Sanya Bay by bus No. 2, 4, 8; drive about 10-20 minutes. From Yalongwan – No. 15, 25, 29, 24; the journey will take 40-50 minutes. The fare will cost 1 dollar (5-10 yuan); if by taxi, then pay according to the meter. Stop "Dadonghai Bay" or "Summer Mall". From any stop to the beach it takes 5-10 minutes to walk, you can walk through the territory of any first line hotel.

Yalong Bay Beach

This is the most expensive and luxurious bay on the island. People who prefer a quiet and serene beach holiday relax here.

The sea in the bay is very calm, so the water is clean and clear. In some places the bottom is visible at a depth of 7-10 meters.

The length of the beach is about 7 kilometers, the width coastal strip– 50 meters. The sand is light, soft and warm.

Everything on the beach is conducive to complete relaxation: no noisy merchants, cafes, bustle and screams. Locals Almost no one comes here. For me, it’s just too quiet and deserted here.

It’s a little busier near the Lan Resort, because there you can rent diving equipment, ride a banana boat and other beach attractions:

  1. the dive will cost from 65 to 140 dollars (450 to 900 yuan). The programs are different: sunken ship, coral reefs, professional diving;
  2. scooter riding (only with an instructor) - 23 dollars (150 yuan) for 15 minutes;
  3. ride on a banana - 15 dollars or 150 yuan;
  4. fishing on a boat - 60 dollars or 400 yuan, on a specially equipped boat - 153 dollars (1000 yuan);
  5. Boat trip on a boat with a transparent bottom (for viewing the seabed) - 33 dollars (220 yuan).

On the first coastline there are five-star chain hotels that have their own beach. It is equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers and always has its own rescue station. But, as I already said, these are just conventions, territorial division, of course not. Relax and swim wherever you want.

For sun loungers you will have to pay from 4 to 7 dollars (30 to 50 yuan); the cost depends on the proximity to the water: the closer to the sea, the more expensive. Showers and toilets are free.

If you live in another bay, then you can get to Yalong Beach for 5-10 yuan by bus No. 15, 25, 29 (they go from Sanya via) or by taxi - pay by meter. The price of a bus and taxi depends on the distance of the trip. From Sanya Bay it takes about 40-50 minutes, from Dadonghai 20-30. It's better to go out Central Square, it’s easiest to get to the beach from here.