How many pilots are there in the Boeing 777? The plane that flies the farthest! Layout of seats in the aircraft cabin

Boeing 777 is a long-haul passenger aircraft. In operation from 1995 to this day.

Overview of the salon and location of the best seats

The passenger cabin of the Boeing 777 can accommodate from 301 to 407 passengers, depending on the layout and modification of the aircraft. Today, the most common Boeing 777 is with a three-class cabin layout, so it makes sense to consider it this type passenger compartment.

With a three-class layout, the Boeing 777 has first class, business class and economy class cabins.

The first class (some sources call it business class) of the Boeing 777 aircraft is located in the front part of the passenger cabin and is equipped (as shown in the diagram) with 14 seats arranged in two rows numbered 1 and 2. The first class cabin has two aisles and seats it is arranged according to the “2-3-2” ​​scheme. The seats here are the most convenient and comfortable on the entire plane, and the distance between them is enough for even tall passengers to stretch their legs. Seats in first class are usually soft, with pillows; they can recline 180 degrees, which allows you to turn the seats into cozy beds for complete rest. In addition (mostly in new models), the seats are equipped with multimedia entertainment systems that can brighten up the flight time. First class passengers on the Boeing 777 are offered a delicious menu with a wide selection of food and drinks.

First class seats are the best not only because of their comfort, but also because of their location. Toilets, as a rule, are located somewhat further from the passengers' seats, so unnecessary queues and associated inconveniences were avoided.

Behind the first class seats is a business class cabin (or “Comfort” class, as indicated in some sources). This class occupies seats in four rows numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6. The business class cabin also has two aisles, and the seats here are arranged in a “3-3-3” pattern (except for the last sixth row). The seats in the cabin of this class are comfortable, soft, equipped with reclining backrests. The seats here are also equipped with multimedia entertainment systems that provide ample wide choose movies, games and music.

The best seats for business class on the Boeing 777 are in the 3rd row (according to the diagram). Their convenience lies in the fact that there are no other seats in front of them, which increases the legroom for passengers. Also, no one will be able to recline the seat back, thereby limiting this space. However, these places have certain features that should definitely be taken into account when booking tickets. Monitors and tables for eating are built into the armrests, which can be both a disadvantage and an advantage for different people.

Next to business class is the economy class cabin. The seats here are comfortable and soft and, like other classes, can be equipped with multimedia entertainment systems. However, the distance between the seats here is significantly less than in other classes, although it complies with international standards. Economy class seats have reclining backrests that can only recline to a certain angle. There are also two aisles here, and the seats can be arranged either in a “3-3-3” or “3-4-3” pattern, except for the last five rows (as indicated in the picture).

The best seats for economy class on a Boeing 777 are located in rows 10 and 30 (according to the diagram). Their convenience is explained by the same thing as for similar business class seats: there are no other seats in front, and therefore there is more than enough legroom. For passengers in the 10th row, there is another plus: food service begins, as a rule, from the front seats, which provides them with a large selection of dishes and drinks.

Not the most best choice There will be economy class seats located in rows numbered 28, 29 and 42. Their “failure” is explained primarily by their close, almost adjacent, location to the toilets. The sound of constantly opening and closing doors and queues - all this can seriously spoil the impression of the flight. And finally, the most unfortunate seats are in the back row (43), because they are located between two toilet facilities. The visibility for passengers here is very limited, which can create serious inconvenience.

Boeing 777 development history

In the mid-70s of the XX century Boeing company began the development of three aircraft models, which were supposed to replace the rather outdated Boeing 727 and Boeing 737 airliners, as well as aircraft from McDonnell Douglas (DC-10) and Lockheed (L-1011). The new models were named Boeing 757, Boeing 767

Initially, the Boeing 777 was planned in two versions: a short-haul aircraft with a passenger capacity of approximately 180 people, with a flight range of about 5,000 km - and an intercontinental airliner with a flight range of up to 9,000 km. However, work on it was first suspended and then completely frozen due to the difficulties that the designers encountered in the design.

Boeing concentrated on the development of the 757 and 767 models, considering their creation more feasible at that time. However, from the beginning of the 80s, when mass production of the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 began and began to gain momentum, the need for an aircraft that could replace the outdated DC-10 and L-1011 airliners became obvious. Creating a successful long-haul model passenger plane could guarantee occupying the vacated niche and receiving a huge number of orders. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that Airbus announced the development of an aircraft of just this class - the Airbus A330.

As a result, it was decided to begin development of a new aircraft, which, according to the original plan, was only supposed to be a modification of the Boeing 767. In the late 80s, the project started, receiving the name 767-X. The result was an aircraft with a passenger capacity of up to 330 people and a flight range of up to 13,000 km.

However, according to the requirements of potential customers, the project had to be curtailed and the development of a new Boeing 777 airliner began. When creating the aircraft, much attention was paid to the opinions of passengers, and all drawings were made exclusively with the help of computer technology.

Development of the Boeing 777 continued from 1990 to 1994. In the summer of 1994, the aircraft made its first flight, in 1995 it was certified, and in the same year its commercial operation began.

Modifications of a double-decker airliner

Today, the Boeing 777 has 6 “active” modifications and one modification in development.

  • Boeing 777-200 is the basic model of the airliner, capable of carrying from 305 to 400 passengers (depending on the passenger cabin layout). Flight range – up to 6000 km. The model was intended for domestic flights in the USA, which determined the sector of its customers. A total of 88 Boeing 777-200 aircraft have been delivered to customers since the start of serial production. Commercial operation began in 1995.
  • Boeing 777-200ER is a modification of the airliner with an increased flight range (the letters ER stand for Extended Range). It also has an increased take-off weight and is intended for international flights. Commercial use Boeing 777-200ER launched in 1997.
  • Boeing 777-200LR is a model with an even longer flight range (up to 14,000 km), as well as a take-off weight increased by 50 tons (compared to the ER model). The letters LR stand for Longer Range. In operation since 2006.
  • Boeing 777-300 is a modification of the Boeing 777, which should replace the Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200 aircraft. It has increased passenger capacity (from 368 to 451 people). Another feature of this airliner is its fuel consumption, which has been reduced by about a third. Commercial operation of the aircraft began in 1998.
  • Boeing 777-300ER is a version of the Boeing 777-300 with an increased flight range and a larger wingspan. The Boeing 777-300ER has been in operation since 2004.
  • Boeing 777Freighter is a cargo version of the aircraft, based on the Boeing 777-200ER. Commercial operation has continued since 2009.

Currently, the development of a new generation of the family, the Boeing 777X, is underway. It is known that this modification will have three options: the Boeing 777-8X, which is expected to replace the 777-200ER, the Boeing 777-9X, which will replace the 777-300ER, and the Boeing 777-8XL, which will replace the 777-300ER. models 777-200LR. Production of the first models should begin in 2020.

Aircraft structure and its characteristics

Structurally, the Boeing 777 is a low-wing aircraft with a normal aerodynamic design. The plumage is single-finned. The airliner is characterized by the fact that its hull consists of 9% composite materials, which seriously affects the strength of the structure.

The aircraft's power plant consists of two engines from Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce or General Electric (depending on the modification).

Flight characteristics of the Boeing 777 and its modifications:

Boeing 777 Freighter
Crew, people2
Length, m63,7 73,9 69,5 76,5
Wingspan, m60,9 64,8 60,9 64,8 71,3
Sweep, °31,64
Height, m18,5 18,8 18,6 18,5 18,7 n.d.
Fuselage width, m6,2
Cabin width, m5,9
Passenger capacity, pers.305 301 301 N/A368 365 353 407
(3 classes)(3 classes)(3 classes) (3 classes)(3 classes)(3 classes)(3 classes)
400 400 451
(2 classes)(2 classes) (2 classes)
Cargo compartment volume, m³150 636 200
Maximum take-off weight, kg247 210 297 560 347 450 299 370 351534 315 000 344 000
Empty weight, kg139 225 142 900 148 181 160 120 166 881
Fuel capacity, l117 000 171 160 202 290 181 280 171 160 181 280
Maximum cruising speed, km/h905
Maximum speed, km/h965 945
Flight range with max. payload, ks6020 10740 13890 9065 7035 10190
Maximum flight range, km9695 14260 17500 9065 11135 14685
Runway length, m2500 3536 3410 3200
Practical ceiling, m13140
Engines (×2)PW 4077PW 4090GE90-110BGE90-110BPW 4098GE90-115BGE9XGE9X
RR 877RR 892GE90-115B RR 892
GE90-77BRR 895 GE90-94B
Traction (×2)PW: 330 kNPW: 400 kNGE: 480 kNGE: 480 kNPW: 430 kNGE: 510 kNGE: 470 kNGE: 470 kN
RR: 330 kNRR: 420 kNGE: 510 kN RR: 400 kN
GE: 330 kNGE: 410 kN GE: 410 kN

With the development of aviation, aircraft began to appear that rightfully took their place in history. And indeed, when they talk about Boeing, even people who are far from airliners understand that we are talking about an airplane. The company name has become a household name. Some models became legendary and made a certain breakthrough in aviation. In general, we can say that almost all Boeings were quite different large sizes, while they do not lose speed in flight.

The company began its existence in 1916, its founder - William Boeing, was literally a fan of aviation and was ready to spend his entire fortune on creating aircraft. The company quickly gained momentum. From the creation of the first planes for the masses (they were used to deliver mail) and then when they began to conquer civil aviation. Boeing created its own airfields, pilot schools, and new models. Soon his planes began to fly all over the world, they became reliable and stable in the air. By the way, it was in the airliners of this company that flight attendants first worked.

Air France Boeing 777

Over time, the company began to create military equipment - various, powerful bombers. And even more so in the 60s, active development of cosmetic devices began. It was the engineers of this company who created Apollo 11, which took American astronauts to the moon.

Among all the achievements and models, one can highlight the epoch-making Boeing 777. This is a long-range aircraft with a wide fuselage. It is one of the largest twin-engine airliners. It appeared when in the 70s the public was in dire need of roomy and powerful aircraft. The corporation began active development. Indeed, the passenger capacity of the Boeing 777 is impressive; various modifications can carry from 300 to 500 people on board.

At this time, three main Boeing models were created:

  1. The Boeing 757 is an economical aircraft with low fuel consumption.
  2. Boeing 767 for long distances.
  3. Boeing 777 with three engines.

Surprisingly, it was the last option that was scrapped, considering it unfeasible for now. Despite the fact that the capacity of the Boeing 777 was supposed to cover the deficit in large airliners, the designers did not know how to create a car with three engines (and fewer engines would not be able to lift it into the air). However, in the 80s it was no longer possible to ignore market needs and growth large aircraft from competitors.

At first, the designers wanted to improve the 767 and make it more spacious. However, the company itself wanted the seemingly impossible. They needed an economical, yet spacious aircraft that would fly between continents and short distances equally. Moreover, its production would cost less than the 767 model, and inside it would be possible to change the configuration, add or remove seats.

Boeing 777 interior

Features of creation

It was only in the late 80s that the real and possible concept of the Boeing 777 appeared. It is noteworthy that during development the company allowed major airlines to make edits and recommendations. Subsequently, thanks to this, it was possible to create a truly popular, high-quality product aimed at a wide audience. For example, it was possible to increase fuel efficiency by 10% or install modern instruments and screens for pilots in the cockpit.

Another interesting fact: The Boeing 777 was the first aircraft to be designed entirely on a computer. Not a single paper drawing was produced during the process. They all existed in in electronic format and were created using programs. This also became the reason for the development of mechanical engineering and design. As a result, in 1990 they released a new Boeing 777 aircraft, which was a huge success.

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 777

This aircraft was a change from the era of the aging 767 and 747 aircraft. The digital control system allowed for convenient and more reliable control. Initially, about 30 models were released, but now it is simply impossible to calculate how many of them are used all over the world. The following characteristics of the model can be given:

  • the speed of the Boeing 777 in flight is 900 kilometers per hour;
  • length - almost 74 meters;
  • wingspan - 64.8 meters;
  • number of seats – 300 – 500 (it is possible to remove or deliver chairs);
  • the crew consists of 2 people.

If you're wondering how much a Boeing 777 weighs, the empty figure is 160 tons. With fuel, luggage and passengers, it sometimes grows to 200 tons.

Now there are two main modifications - the 20th and 30th models. The latter is more modern and spacious; it can accommodate 510 seats. She received an extended interior.

In 2000, more and more new additions to existing models were released. Some allowed long flights without refueling. Others were created specifically for the transport of heavy loads and were equipped with innovative, powerful engines. It is noteworthy that in the same 2000s, the Boeing 777 remained the concern's best-selling model.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Boeing's newest model to date

Recent history of Boeing

The Boeing 777 marks an era for the company of the same name, as it immortalized it in history and became the best-selling aircraft worldwide. The aircraft, which was rejected several times as too bulky and expensive, became exactly the airliner that the time required. In 2007, the company received an order for a large number of second generation models. At the same time, the concern simply could not cope with orders, falling behind all plans. In 2008, the factories were hastily expanded. It takes up to 50 days to assemble a modern modification of the 777 model.

Air travel has long become an everyday event for passengers; they arrive at the airport at the appointed time, go through security, wait to board, and settle down on board. Most of us don’t even think about how much knowledge and achievements the developers needed to get such a machine into the air, ensure the safety of those on board, and make their journey comfortable.

Features of this class of aircraft

Depending on the airline, flight distance and passenger volume, you may find yourself on board a small or big plane. You shouldn’t focus only on size when talking about comfort and trust in the carrier, because even models that are small compared to their “colleagues” can be strong and durable. In Russia, Boeing 777 300 is increasingly being used to transport passengers. This is a twin-engine aircraft, so it cannot be the largest or most powerful in the world. However, the manufacturers of the Boeing 777 300 have found their niche for it - this is the largest aircraft in its class. Making the most of its technical capabilities attracted airlines, and this aircraft entered service for the first time in 1998. The positive dynamics of behavior in the airspace and the minimum percentage of breakdowns according to statistics have made the Boeing 777 300 one of the most tested.

Aircraft design data

The general design of the Boeing 777 300 naturally depends on the design features. This model has an elongated fuselage, which allows it to reach high speeds,
better cope with the flow of oncoming air.

In addition, it increased the overall capacity of the aircraft. The maximum take-off weight ranges from 263,080 to 299,370 kg, with a weight excluding passengers and cargo of 155,500 - 158,480 kg.

Of course, the passengers of the Boeing 777 300 do not see all this. The interior layout for them is limited to the passenger compartment. The cabin width is 5.87 m. This is enough for the comfort of passengers and the convenience of flight attendants who serve food and drinks.

Counting passengers on board

The number of seats on the plane may vary. This is due to the fact that the interior decoration depends on the class for which the board is designed. If it is an economy class aircraft, the seats are located at the same distance throughout the aircraft, saving space allows you to make their number maximum - 550 seats. There are certain flights that are popular among economy class passengers, and models of this edition can be selected for them. The combination of basic and business class demonstrates the company's marketing move, because the total number of people will be 479, but some of them will pay almost twice as much for the ticket. There are models with greater variability, for example, a combination of economy, business and first class. There will be 368 places. It is worth considering that this Boeing model has an improved version - ER. Here there will be fewer seats in the last of the presented methods of filling the cabin, namely 365. This is not the general “Boeing 777 300” scheme. Transaero re-equipped the aircraft to suit its needs, and other domestic and foreign companies did the same. If the manufacturer offered 3 types of passenger service programs, then here there are 4 of them: imperial, business, economy, tourist. In this regard, the total number seats is 373.

Interior design

The interior of the aircraft is designed with curved smooth lines. They make the interior look more modern. They also allow you to increase the volume of luggage compartments above the seats and hide the lighting in the folds of the ceiling, making it indirect.

There are toilets and kitchens on board, which can be easily moved if the company wants to refurbish the aircraft. The salon seats are arranged in threes, forming three columns, each row of which has 9 seats. This is convenient, since you can approach the passenger from both sides. For those who like to sit by the window, there are many seating options; you just need to register for the desired seat. In terms of convenience, it is more logical to choose one of the outer seats in the middle row, because it will not be blocked by other passengers, and you will not have to lift people up to get out for your needs. Traditionally, the total number of toilets on board is 7; passengers visit one or another, based on the class of ticket and the proximity.

Secrets of choosing a good seat on a plane

For those who are preparing to fly on a Boeing 777 300, a diagram of the cabin, best places will be the most interesting. Let's consider one of the interior modifications, which is most often used in the CIS countries.

The Imperial compartment is located in close proximity to the access hatch and behind the cockpit. This zone is considered the most comfortable in terms of pressure level, and passengers are served first here. This class is expensive, so there are only 4 seats for it, one at the windows and two in the center of the cabin. Here, more space is provided for each passenger, which allows you to lie down while making a long flight. The chair reclines 180 degrees and is equipped with a 23-inch diagonal monitor.

After a certain limiting space comes the Business sector. Here there are 2 seats at the windows, and 3 in the center, 2 rows are provided. In total, it can accommodate 14 passengers. The level of comfort is also high, the chair takes an almost horizontal position, there is enough space for everyone.

Of course, both of the described classes represent the best, but, alas, not cheap places.

Budget accommodation

Economy class is the most popular type of travel. What do you need to know about the places? There are 133 of them, each with a small monitor and a limited amount of space. As always, the first and last rows are controversial in terms of comfort. Row No. 10 will abut the wall of the toilet. There are fasteners for baby strollers here, and the tables are built in and cannot be removed.

However, the inconvenience is compensated by a large amount of legroom, which will be important for tall passengers. Row No. 26 is also located against the wall. The seats don't recline, and if you're on a flight longer than 3 hours, it can get unbearable. The toilet door will constantly slam, and sufferers will crowd around you, so avoid these places when checking in for your flight.

Tourist class includes 222 seats. The “first” rows here are Nos. 27 and 40, and the “last” rows are 39 and 52. These are inconvenient places. If you have no choice and have to choose a seat in these rows, choose seats A or K, they are by the window and will save you at least a little

(average: 5,00 out of 5)

It is the world's largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft. The Boeing 777 set an absolute distance record for passenger aircraft- 21,601 thousand km! Boeing 777 (“Triple Seven” or “three sevens”) - this aircraft was developed in the early 1990s, made its first flight in 1994, and has been in operation since 1995. The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. And this is the safest long-haul airliner in the history of aviation!

I flew on three sevens only once - from Dubai to Male with Emirates airlines and then I was surprised to learn that they saved a lot on the layout of the economy class cabin; we will put one additional seat in a row, reducing the width of the others! In this report I will talk about the history of creation, design features and show the passenger cabin of the largest operator of this type of aircraft in Russia.

History of creation

In the mid-1970s. The three-engine 777, which was intended as a competitor to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011. This aircraft was conceived as a modified version of the 767 with a redesigned wing and tail section. It was planned to create two main options: a short-haul aircraft, which would be capable of carrying up to 175 passengers over a distance of 5,000 kilometers, and an intercontinental airliner, carrying the same number of passengers over a distance of up to 8,000 kilometers.

Work on twin-engine aircraft soon began, but the 777 project was frozen, as difficulties arose with the design of the tail section of the aircraft, and the company also decided to focus on the more commercially promising 757 and 767. As a result, when both aircraft began to roll off the assembly line, it became Clearly there is a missing link in Boeing's aircraft line. There was an urgent need to have an aircraft that would be in the niche between such machines as the Boeing 767-300ER and Boeing 747-400.

1. At first, Boeing planned to simply modify the 767, which resulted in the concept of the so-called 767-X. It was in many ways similar to the 767, but had a longer fuselage, a larger wing and could carry about 340 passengers over a distance of up to 13.5 thousand kilometers.

2. But the airlines were not impressed with the new plane. They wanted an aircraft capable of flying shorter distances and with a cabin configuration similar to the Boeing 747, which, in addition, could be changed by adding or removing the required number of passenger seats in a particular class of cabin. Another necessary condition was to reduce operating costs - they would have to be significantly lower than those of the 767. As a result, the original project was heavily redesigned and the twin-engine Boeing 777 was born.

The Boeing 777 became the first commercial airliner to 100% computer developed. During the entire development period, not a single paper drawing was released; everything was made using a three-dimensional design system.

Development of the aircraft began in 1990 and the first order was immediately received from United Airlines. In 1995, the first 777 began commercial flights. Currently, the 777-200LR is the aircraft capable of performing the longest passenger flights in the world.


3. 777-200 was the first modification of the aircraft and was intended for Segment A. The first 777-200 was delivered to United Airlines on May 15, 1995. With a range of 5,235 nautical miles, the 777-200 modification was aimed primarily at US domestic carriers. A total of 88 different aircraft of the 777-200 modification were delivered to ten customers. Airbus's competing model is the A330-300.

4. 777-300. The stretched version of the 777-300 was intended to replace the Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200 aircraft. Compared to older versions of the 747, the stretched version has similar passenger capacity and range, but uses a third less fuel and has 40% lower operating costs. The fuselage of the 777-300 is extended by 11 meters compared to the basic modification of the 777-200, which allows it to accommodate up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration. The modification's maximum range is 6,015 nautical miles, allowing the 777-300 to serve heavily trafficked destinations previously served by the 747.

5. 777-200LR(LR stands for Longer Range), a Segment C model, in 2006 it became the world's longest-range commercial airliner. Boeing called this model the Worldliner, indicating the airliner's ability to connect almost any two airports. The modification set a world record for the longest non-stop flight among commercial airliners - the flight range is 9,380 nautical miles (17,370 km). The 777-200LR modification is designed for ultra-long flights, such as Los Angeles - Singapore or Dallas - Tokyo. The 777-200LR has an increased maximum takeoff weight and three additional fuel tanks in the rear cargo compartment.

777-300ER(“ER” stands for Extended Range) is a modification of the 777-300. The modification has beveled and extended wingtips, new main landing gear, a reinforced nose strut and additional fuel tanks. The model's standard GE90-115B turbofan engines are the most powerful jet engines in the world today, with a maximum thrust of 513 kN. The maximum range is 7,930 nautical miles (14,690 km), made possible by increased maximum take-off weight and fuel capacity. The 777-300ER's fully loaded range is increased by approximately 34% compared to the 777-300. After flight tests, the introduction of new engines, wings and an increase in take-off weight, fuel consumption decreased by 1.4%.

6. And all modifications in the visual series:

7. A good illustration for comparing scales is the 737 in front. Please note that the diameter of the GE-115B engine installed on the 777 model is only 30 cm less than the width of the Boeing 737 cabin!

Design elements

8. The design of the aircraft airframe includes the use of composite materials, which make up 9% of the weight of the structure. The interior floor and steering wheels are also made from such materials. The main part of the fuselage has a circular cross-section and at the rear it turns into a blade-like tail cone, in which the auxiliary power point.

12. The airliner also has the largest landing gear and the largest tires ever used on a commercial jet airliner. Each tire on the 777-300ER six-wheel main landing gear can support a load of 27 tons, which is more than the tire load of the 777-300ER. Boeing aircraft 747-400!

15. The aircraft has three backup hydraulic systems, of which only one is needed for landing. An emergency aircraft turbine is located in the wing fairing under the fuselage - a small propeller that extends out of the aircraft in emergency situations to provide minimal power.

The General Electric GE90 engines powering the Boeing 777 are the largest and most powerful jet engines in aviation history. And all five Boeing 777-300 of Transaero are equipped with RR211 Trent 892 engines from Rolls Royse:


17. The cockpit is very spacious. The Boeing 777 in all modifications is a long-haul airliner capable of serving non-stop commercial flights lasting up to 18 hours. However, regulations of various aviation regulatory bodies, professional and trade union organizations limit the continuous work time of crew and flight attendants.


The 777 interior, also known as the Boeing Signature Interior, features curved lines, extended overhead bins and indirect lighting. Seat configurations range from 4 abreast in first class to 10 abreast in economy class. The window size - 380x250 mm - was the largest of any commercial airliner until the introduction of the 787.

Each airline's passenger cabin has its own layout. It depends on certain customer requirements, and not on the type of aircraft!

Please note that in economy class Transaero has one seat less in a row than, for example, Emirates (!) and Aeroflot.

20. Examples of the layout of Boeing 777 -200 and -300 a/k Transaero. Economy 2-5-2:

21. Economy 3-3-3:

22. Aeroflot - economy: 3-4-3:

23. Let's take a look on board the Boeing 777-300 of Transaero Airlines. This EI-UNM aircraft was previously flown by Singapore Airlines. The interior has been completely updated, with a Lumexis entertainment system installed throughout. The upholstery uses wear-resistant Alcantara material, and the seat manufacturer is the Italian company Aviointeriors.

Wrote in July 26th, 2014

It is the world's largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft. The Boeing 777 set an absolute range record for passenger aircraft: 21,601 thousand km! Boeing 777 (“Triple Seven” or “three sevens”) - this aircraft was developed in the early 1990s, made its first flight in 1994, and has been in operation since 1995. The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. And this is the safest long-haul airliner in the history of aviation!

I flew on three sevens only once - from Dubai to Male with Emirates airlines and then I was surprised to learn that they saved a lot on the layout of the economy class cabin, we will put one additional seat in a row, reducing the width of the others! In this report I will talk about the history of creation, design features and show the passenger cabin of the largest operator of this type of aircraft in Russia.

History of creation:

In the mid-1970s. The three-engine 777, which was intended as a competitor to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011. This aircraft was conceived as a modified version of the 767 with a redesigned wing and tail section. It was planned to create two main options: a short-haul aircraft, which would be capable of carrying up to 175 passengers over a distance of 5,000 kilometers, and an intercontinental airliner, carrying the same number of passengers over a distance of up to 8,000 kilometers.

Work on twin-engine aircraft soon began, but the 777 project was frozen, as difficulties arose with the design of the tail section of the aircraft, and the company also decided to focus on the more commercially promising 757 and 767. As a result, when both aircraft began to roll off the assembly line, it became Clearly there is a missing link in Boeing's aircraft line. There was an urgent need to have an aircraft that would be in the niche between such machines as the Boeing 767-300ER and Boeing 747-400.

At first, Boeing planned to simply modify the 767, resulting in the so-called 767-X concept. It was in many ways similar to the 767, but had a longer fuselage, a larger wing and could carry about 340 passengers over a distance of up to 13.5 thousand kilometers.


But airlines were not impressed with the new aircraft. They wanted an aircraft capable of flying shorter distances and with a cabin configuration similar to the Boeing 747, which, in addition, could be changed by adding or removing the required number of passenger seats in a particular class of cabin. Another necessary condition was to reduce operating costs - they would have to be significantly lower than those of the 767. As a result, the original project was heavily redesigned and the twin-engine Boeing 777 was born.

The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. During the entire development period, not a single paper drawing was released; everything was made using a three-dimensional design system.

Development of the aircraft began in 1990 and the first order was immediately received from United Airlines. In 1995, the first 777 began commercial flights. Currently, the 777-200LR is the aircraft capable of performing the longest passenger flights in the world.



The 777-200 was the first modification of the aircraft and was intended for Segment A. The first 777-200 was delivered to United Airlines on May 15, 1995. With a range of 5,235 nautical miles, the 777-200 modification was aimed primarily at US domestic carriers. A total of 88 different aircraft of the 777-200 modification were delivered to ten customers. Airbus's competing model is the A330-300.



The stretched version of the 777-300 was intended to replace the Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200 aircraft. Compared to older versions of the 747, the stretched version has similar passenger capacity and range, but uses a third less fuel and has 40% lower operating costs. The fuselage of the 777-300 is extended by 11 meters compared to the basic modification of the 777-200, which allows it to accommodate up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration. The modification's maximum range is 6,015 nautical miles, allowing the 777-300 to serve heavily trafficked destinations previously served by the 747.




Modification 777-200ER (“ER” means Extended Range, increased range). The 777-200ER has increased fuel capacity and maximum take-off weight compared to the 777-200 modification. Designed for international carriers and transatlantic flights, "nf modification has a maximum range of 7700 nautical miles (14260.4 km).


The 777-200LR (“LR” stands for Longer Range), a Segment C model, became the world's longest-range commercial airliner in 2006. Boeing called this model the Worldliner, indicating the airliner's ability to connect almost any two airports. The modification set a world record for the longest non-stop flight among commercial airliners - the flight range is 9,380 nautical miles (17,370 km). The 777-200LR modification is designed for ultra-long flights, such as Los Angeles - Singapore or Dallas - Tokyo. The 777-200LR has an increased maximum takeoff weight and three additional fuel tanks in the rear cargo compartment.


The 777-300ER (“ER” stands for Extended Range) is a modification of the 777-300. The modification has beveled and extended wingtips, new main landing gear, a reinforced nose strut and additional fuel tanks. The model's standard GE90-115B turbofan engines are the most powerful jet engines in the world today, with a maximum thrust of 513 kN. The maximum range is 7,930 nautical miles (14,690 km), made possible by increased maximum take-off weight and fuel capacity. The 777-300ER's fully loaded range is increased by approximately 34% compared to the 777-300. After flight tests, the introduction of new engines, wings and an increase in take-off weight, fuel consumption decreased by 1.4%.


And all the modifications in the visual series:



A good illustration for comparing scales is the 737 in front. Please note that the diameter of the GE-115B engine installed on the 777 model is only 30 cm less than the width of the Boeing 737 cabin!


Design elements:

The design of the aircraft's airframe includes the use of composite materials, which account for 9% of the weight of the structure. The interior floor and steering wheels are also made from such materials. The main part of the fuselage has a circular cross-section and at the rear merges into a blade-like tail cone, which houses the auxiliary power unit.







The airliner also has the largest landing gear and the largest tires ever used on a commercial jet airliner. Each tire on the 777-300ER's six-wheel main landing gear can support 27 tons, which is more than the tire load on a Boeing 747-400!




The aircraft has three redundant hydraulic systems, of which only one is needed for landing.
In the wing fairing under the fuselage there is an emergency aircraft turbine - a small propeller that extends out of the aircraft in emergency situations to provide minimal power.

The General Electric GE90 engines powering the Boeing 7777 are the largest and most powerful jet engines in aviation history.

And all five Boeing 777-300 of Transaero are equipped with RR211 Trent 892 engines from Rolls Royse:




The cockpit is very spacious. The Boeing 777 in all modifications is a long-haul airliner capable of serving non-stop commercial flights lasting up to 18 hours. However, regulations of various aviation regulatory bodies, professional and trade union organizations limit the continuous work time of crew and flight attendants.






The 777 interior, also known as the Boeing Signature Interior, features curved lines, extended overhead bins and indirect lighting. Seat configurations range from 4 abreast in first class to 10 abreast in economy class. The size of the windows - 380x250 mm - was the largest of any commercial airliner until the introduction of the 787.

Each airline's passenger cabin has its own layout. It depends on certain customer requirements, and not on the type of aircraft!
Please note that in economy class, Transaero has one less seat in a row than, for example, Emirates (!) and Aeroflot. This means that the chairs themselves are wider and more comfortable!

Examples of the layout of Boeing 777 -200 and -300 a/k Transaero:

Economy 2-5-2:


Economy 3-3-3:


Emirates" - economy 3-4-3


Aeroflot - economy: 3-4-3



Let's take a look on board the Boeing 777-300 of Transaero Airlines. EI-UNM flew with Singapore Airlines and was transferred to Transaero in 2012. The interior has been completely updated, with a Lumexis entertainment system installed throughout. The upholstery uses wear-resistant Alcantara material, and the seat manufacturer is the Italian company Aviointeriors.

Imperial class "Transaero":






Business Class:



Economy class:

The economy class cabin in red colors is called “economy class”, and the blue one is called “tourist class”. They differ in the pitch of the seats. In economy class - 36 inches, in tourist class - 32 inches.





Wi-Fi is available on board! I'll have to test it somehow when I fly.


Visually, the color separation in the interior is pleasing to the eye:


Kitchen at the rear of the plane:


And even an installation for uncorking champagne bottles for the Imperial class:


In total, about 1100 aircraft have been produced at the moment!
Once I photographed the 1000th copy in Dubai:



This airliner is considered the safest aircraft among all long-haul airliners. During its 18 years of operation, the Boeing 777 suffered eight incidents, including one crash and two hijacking attempts. On July 6, 2013, the first plane crash with human casualties occurred. An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Seoul to San Francisco, crashed while landing at San Francisco Airport, hitting the end of the runway with its tail. 2 people died.

Boeing 777 in Russia:

In Russia, the largest operator of Boeing 777 aircraft is Transaero. This company has 14 aircraft in its fleet: 5 Boeing 777-300, 9 Boeing 777-200ER. In addition to Transaero, this aircraft is in the fleet of Aeroflot, Nordwind and Orenair.



The Boeing 777 has been operated by Transaero for 5 years; in one of the following reports I will talk about its maintenance at the company’s own repair and technical facilities.


Enjoy your flights!



I thank the press service of Transaero Airlines and personally Sergei Moryakov for the opportunity to make this report!

Taken from alexcheban in The plane that flies the farthest!

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