Aircraft accidents, incidents and air crashes in the USSR and Russia. Fatal deal Aircraft accident with TVS 2MS in Mongolia

These are the first official conclusions of the state commission investigating the tragedy.

The Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission of the Interstate Aviation Committee published an interim report on the results of the investigation into the crash of the TVS-2MS aircraft at Naryan-Mar airport on December 19, 2017.

On this day at 10:27, the airliner of the Naryan-Mar joint aviation squadron with the state registration number RA-01460 crashed while climbing at the airport of the capital of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Four passengers were killed, seven more passengers and both crew members were seriously injured.

During the investigation, it turned out that both the route of the flight and the aircraft carrying it were changed at the last moment. Even the day before, on December 18, it was planned that the flight Naryan-Mar – Khorey-Ver – Kharuta and back would be operated, and on an An-2 aircraft with registration number RA-40280. However, on the day of the flight, it turned out that there were no people willing to fly to Khorey-Ver, and the airline’s production and dispatch service changed the route (Naryan-Mar - Kharuta - Naryan-Mar without landing in Khorey-Ver) and the board.

On the day of the disaster at 08:00, the crew began pre-flight preparations by undergoing a medical examination. There were no comments during the maintenance and preparation of the aircraft. At 08:41, permission to use the airspace was received. A minute later, the crew informed the dispatcher about the decision to take off.

The aircraft commander was born in 1990, had 2.3 thousand hours of total flight time, including more than 1.6 thousand hours on An-2 and TVS-2MS aircraft. The senior instructor pilot was even more experienced: he was born in 1977 and had flown 6.1 thousand hours, including 4 thousand on the An-2 and TVS-2MS. Both had valid medical reports and were allowed to perform their duties. Neither one nor the other had previously been involved in an aviation accident.

At the time of takeoff at Naryan-Mar airport it was cloudy, -3°C, wind speed - 7 m/s, light snow was falling, cloudiness was assessed as significant, but visibility was normal.

Takeoff was completed at 10:26. “During the initial climb, there was a vigorous increase in pitch-up angle, accompanied by a loss of speed, followed by a roll of the aircraft to the right. Then the plane descended. It turned -270° to the right relative to the take-off course and collided with the snow-covered ground on the territory of the Naryan-Mar airport,” the report says.

The aircraft received significant damage to the fuselage, upper and lower wings, and propeller. There was no fire. The distance from the point of first contact with the ground to the complete stop of the aircraft was about 3 m, so the ship fell “compactly”, without losing the movement of structural elements along the trajectory.

The report states that at the time of the incident, the commander and pilot of the ship remained at their jobs and were wearing seat belts. According to the conclusion of the forensic expert of the National Joint-Stock Company “Bureau of Forensic Medicine”, 10 passengers were supposedly wearing seat belts, one was not. But regardless of this, at the time of the disaster, all passengers were scattered throughout the cabin.

Evacuation rescue work was completed quite quickly - already at 11:03. They involved 56 operational service employees, 16 pieces of equipment and employees of Naryan-Mar United Aviation Squad JSC.

The commission found that the take-off weight (the weight of passengers, luggage and mail) was 5,542 kg, although the summary loading sheet shows a different figure - 5,469 kg. The difference between these indicators is fundamental: according to the flight operating manual (FOM), the maximum take-off weight for the TVS-2MS is 5,500 kg.

Meanwhile, experts in the report attribute the disaster not so much to exceeding this parameter, but to non-standard alignment (the position of the aircraft’s center of gravity relative to the wing), which becomes crucial when the ship is fully loaded. When calculating the alignment, an investigative experiment was carried out. Based on information from passengers and witnesses, the location of luggage and mail was modeled, as well as the distribution hand luggage under each of the seats.

According to various calculation methods, the alignment value established by experts ranged from 32.5% to over 34% of the average aerodynamic chord (MAC), which is beyond the established limits (29.5%).

At the same time, the report says, given the maximum load of the TVS-2MS (12 passengers) and the amount of fuel from 500-900 kg (on the day of the disaster it was 904 kg), the resulting alignment will in any case exceed 31% of the MAC.

“Any amount of luggage on board causes the centering to shift backwards. Thus, with the maximum permitted […] number of passengers (12 people), the resulting alignment values ​​will always exceed the established limit (29.5% MAR),” conclude IAC experts.

At the same time, they emphasize, in April 2016, the chief designer of SibNIA named after. To solve this problem, S.A. Chaplygina ordered the installation of balancing weights weighing about 28 kg on the front frame of the engine frame of the plane that crashed in Naryan-Mar and the installation of an additional non-removable weight weighing 3 kg in the area of ​​frame No. 23. This was done.

In addition, in accordance with the instructions of the chief designer of SibNIA, adjustments must be made to the flight manual of the RA-01460 aircraft for the maximum angle of flap deflection during takeoff and landing and the minimum rate of climb and descent if the alignment exceeds 29.5% of the MAR.

The same document states that “to ensure controlled operation, at the end of each flight day, a certificate of the aircraft’s flight parameters must be issued with mandatory forwarding by e-mail to the operation and maintenance of airworthiness department of SibNIA.”

“No restrictions were included in the copy of the Flight Manual for the TVS-2MS RA-01460 aircraft. The operator did not send certificates of flight parameters after each flight day,” IAC experts state.

In their operational recommendations to improve flight safety, they propose to “assess existing risks and make an appropriate decision on the procedure for further safe operation of TVS-2MS type aircraft”, conduct a one-time inspection of all aircraft of this type for the weight of the installed balancing weight, re-evaluate the results of flight tests and the validity of assigning a range of operational alignments, and make appropriate changes to the Flight Manual.

The information presented in the interim report is preliminary and can be clarified and supplemented based on research results, experts emphasize. Now the IAC Scientific and Technical Flight Safety Commission continues to work on calculating unregistered flight parameters based on information obtained as a result of decoding conversations between the crew and the dispatcher, and video recordings of the takeoff recorded by the service aviation security airport and mobile phone one of the passengers.

In addition, the commission is awaiting the results of post-mortem examinations of the bodies of the victims. In the laboratory of the State Research Institute civil aviation The analysis of samples of aviation fuel and oil taken from the refueling tanks of the aircraft and tanker is carried out.

The TVS-2MS aircraft with tail number RA-01460 was manufactured by Rusaviaprom LLC in January 2016. The airworthiness certificate was issued by the Arkhangelsk Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Air Transport Agency on September 15, 2016 for two years. From the start of operation until the disaster, the airliner flew 351 hours and made 428 landings.

TVS-2MS is a modernized version of the An-2. In Russia, at the time of the plane crash, 15 TVS-2MS aircraft were in operation in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, two of them by the Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron.

Last year, on December 19, the plane of JSC “Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron” TVS-2MS No. RA-01460, performing a flight on the route Naryan-Mar - Khorei-Ver - Kharuta, shortly after take-off while climbing, fell onto the right wing and fell on the territory of the capital's airfield complex Nenets District.

Of the 13 people on board, four died, including a child; the rest of the victims are still in medical institutions in Moscow and Arkhangelsk.

Based on the fact of the plane crash, the investigative authorities opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic safety rules and operation of air transport, resulting in the death of more than two persons through negligence). The investigation is considering two main versions of what happened: piloting error and possible technical malfunctions, as well as other versions.

A commission consisting of representatives of the Interstate Aviation Committee, the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Investigative Committee, the FSB and the Ministry of Emergency Situations began investigating the aviation accident of TVS-2MS, which was flying from Naryan-Mar to Kharuta. Experts will have to find out the causes of the disaster: study in detail weather, technical condition and training of the aircraft crew.

In 2016, Naryan-Mar United Aviation Squad JSC (100% of shares owned by the Administration NAO, gene. director V.E. Ostapchuk) became the buyer of two TVS-2MS aircraft (tail numbers RA-01460, RA-40236). These aircraft represent a modernized version of the AN-2 aircraft. The conversion and sale of aircraft was carried out by Rusaviaprom LLC, Novosibirsk, st. Polzunova, 21.

AN-2 (RA-01460, RA-40236) at the cemetery before modernization:

Modernization of AN-2 to TVS-2MS provides mandatory replacement piston engine type ASh-62IR ( weight 560 kg.) on the engine of the American company “Honeywell” TPE-331–12 ( weight 175 kg.). The 385 kg difference in weight significantly lightens the front of the aircraft and changes the aircraft's center of gravity.

The location of the aircraft's center of gravity determines its stability and degree of flight safety. Neglecting the correct placement of luggage and passengers in the cabin of an aircraft (alignment of the aircraft) with a light-weight engine at the time of takeoff and climb is critical and could cause its crash.

Following a similar trajectory of the fall of the Naryanmar TVS-2MS, an accident occurred on June 2, 2017 in Mongolia. While taking off from the Chingiz Khan airfield (Ulaanbaatar), in the afternoon, under simple conditions, a TVS-2MS aircraft belonging to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise SibNIA named after. Chaplygina" (Novosibirsk), passengers and crew were not injured. At 35 seconds into the flight, there was a significant increase in the pitch-up angle with the appearance of a right roll and the aircraft turning to the right with a simultaneous loss of altitude. The plane, with an increasing bank, turned approximately 120 degrees, collided with the earth's surface.

Information about the aviation accident in Mongolia, in order to improve flight safety, was communicated to all operators of TVS-2MS aircraft, but was left to chance by the leadership of the aviation squadron. A serious analysis and analysis of the causes of the Mongolian accident among the flight crew was not carried out, which means that no measures were taken to prevent such incidents at the airline.

Responsibilities for organizing safe flight operations of JSC Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron are still performed by the deputy commander of the flight squadron, Alexander Korol.

It is possible that the death of people in the Naryanmar disaster, who were sitting in the front part of the cabin due to a strong collision with unfastened passengers at the moment of the fall and impact with the ground, is associated with non-compliance with flight safety rules. The commission will make precise conclusions about the causes of the crash and deaths.

In turn, Rostransnadzor also conducts unscheduled inspection Naryan-Mar United Aviation Squad for compliance with legislative requirements in the field of flight safety, for which A. Korol is also responsible.

In addition to his main official activities, Alexander Korol has been the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the flight crew of the air squad since 2009. In 2013 he became a member of the Public Chamber NAO the first convocation, and in September 2014 he was elected as a deputy of the Council of the Polar Region of the 3rd convocation. It is known that the desire for media exposure and political publicity leaves the main place of work activity in the background and professional responsibilities have to be neglected, doing them on a residual basis.

Let's get back to the aircraft deal. The company Rusaviaprom LLC stated that the cost of modernizing AN-2 aircraft is approximately $1 million US dollars per unit, and for large orders even $850 thousand.

TVS-2MS aircraft were manufactured before September 2015 and have a certificate of airworthiness dated September 1, 2015 (for cargo transportation). The weighted average exchange rate for one US dollar in 2015 was 61 rubles. Thus, the cost of two modernized TVS-2MS should be equal to 122 million rubles.

Other calculations were used by the heads of the district administration when they approved Nenets Leasing Company OJSC (100% of the shares belong to the Administration NAO) conclude agreement No. 80 dated December 22, 2015 with the only supplier Rusaviaprom LLC for the purchase of TVS-2MS aircraft at an increased cost for 162 million rubles.

In such cases, they recall various criminal cases of corruption involving bonuses from performers to customers, so we leave any suspicions that arise for consideration by the competent authorities.

The squadron, in turn, purchased TVS-2MS aircraft under a financial lease agreement with Nenets Leasing Company JSC for 187.4 million rubles, having paid an advance in the amount of 75 million rubles, allocated from the district budget. It was not customary to mention the indecently high final cost of aircraft in media mass media.

At the end of May 2016, two TVS-2MS arrived at their home airport - the city of Naryan-Mar, where they were stored in a hangar... It turned out that the supplier Rusaviaprom LLC sold the modernized aircraft to JSC Naryan-Mar United Aviation Squadron without mandatory airworthiness certification.

A serious omission by aviators in accepting aircraft led to the impossibility of operating them in commercial passenger transportation, and the supplier Rusaviaprom LLC, fortunately for itself, categorically refused to fulfill its obligations to certify the airworthiness of the sold aircraft.

The plan coordinator, the governor, had to extricate himself from the absurd situation NAO I.V. Koshin, who in September 2016 received the coveted certificate for commercial operation from the corridors of the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. As a result, the “profitability” of the deal and the incompetence of the aviators had to be smoothed over by district officials with announcements about achievements in the development of domestic air transportation throughout the country.

Valery Ostapchuk, working as the general director of a high-risk airline, also strives to protect the interests of voters in parliament; since September 2014, he has been elected as a deputy of the Assembly of Deputies NAO 27th convocation. Newly elected deputies received their mandates thanks to the assistance of the heads of the Administration NAO.

The participation of the district administration in the activities of the Nenets air detachment was not limited to this. V.E. Ostapchuk was persuaded in 2015 to organize the construction of a hotel for rest of flight crews.

In November 2015, Naryan-Mar United Aviation Squad JSC concluded an investment agreement, rare in its nature in the district, for the “construction hotel complex pre-flight rest for crews in the city of Naryan-Mar" in the amount 99.755 million rubles, for which he acted as an investor. The contract, with the completion date of the facility in the 2nd quarter of 2017, was concluded with Naryan-MarstroyInvest LLC (a subsidiary of Nenets Oil Company JSC), under which an advance payment of about 90 million rubles was paid.

As of the end of January 2018, the facility was not built and turned into a long-term construction project; the money has not been returned, as it was dissolved in the newly organized construction company. As a result, after several years of free lending to LLC Naryan-MarstroyInvest for tens of millions of rubles, JSC Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron is forced to use financial lease at a loss (the amount of interest for leasing is no less than 25 million rubles) purchased TVS-2MS aircraft!

Immediately after the plane crash V.E. Ostapchuk officially announced the engine failure of the crashed plane as the main version of the tragedy. For the two “responsible” deputies involved in public and legislative initiatives, it seems to be the most preferable, but only at first glance.

The aviation technical base of the Naryan-Mar aviation squadron, as has been repeatedly stated by management in the local media, allows for maintenance of all aircraft at the disposal of the enterprise, including TVS-2MS. The squadron has two dock hangars with production facilities and specially trained personnel for full maintenance and repair.

IN regular flights TVS-2MS aircraft departed at the end of September 2016. The supply of spare parts and injectors for the new TPE331-12 engine for the aviation squad took place already in April 2017 under two contracts No. 212-X-17 dated 03/16/2017 and No. 234-X-17 dated 03/27/2017 concluded with Aviaremcomponent LLC for total amount 3.8 million rubles.

Despite the technical base and qualified personnel at the enterprise’s disposal, the provision of services for diagnostics and repair (MRO) of TPE331–12 engine components for aircraft is organized under Agreement No. 871-X concluded with the sole supplier Aviaremkomponent LLC (Arkhangelsk). -17 dated October 20, 2017 in the amount of 5 million rubles.

How justified was the interference of an ordinary Arkhangelsk organization in new American engines and whether it carried out repairs properly - these are the questions that we believe will be answered by the results of the commission's investigation.

Checking the quality, parts used and fuels and lubricants will also yield results. If there were doubts about the serviceability of the engine, for what reasons was the aircraft allowed to passenger transportation?

It is possible that, based on the results of the investigation, repressive measures and organizational conclusions will be immediate and painful. It is obvious that it is necessary to make management decisions to quickly minimize the consequences of the destructive management of the district by Governor Koshin, the “toxic” effect of which will manifest itself for a long time in all spheres of life of the autonomous region.

The aircraft, a single copy of the TVS-2MS aircraft, created on the basis of the An-2 with the replacement of the piston engine with a turboprop, performed demonstration flights in Mongolia. On the day of the incident, a flight was planned along the route Ulaanbaatar (Chinggis Khan airport) - Eroo. On board were the PIC, co-pilot, 2 aircraft technicians and 8 passengers (Mongolian citizens), which exceeded the number of people on board established by the TVS-2MS RLE by 3 people. According to the calculations of the commission, the take-off weight of the aircraft was 5640 kg and the alignment was 37% of the MAC, which exceeded the permissible limits established by the Flight Manual (5500 kg and 33% of the MAC). The crew did not control the loading of the aircraft before takeoff and did not calculate the alignment.
The takeoff was carried out at a heading of 318° from a mountain airfield (altitude 1330 m above sea level) with a slight crosswind from the right, at takeoff mode engine operation, with flaps at 20°. After a run of 230 m, the aircraft took off from the three-point position at an indicated speed of 95 km/h. After lifting off from the runway, the aircraft began to climb without a holding phase as the pitch angle increased. The absence of a process of maintaining the aircraft after lift-off led not only to the cessation of the increase in speed, but also to its subsequent decrease, and by the time it reached an altitude of 15 - 20 m, the ground speed was about 100 km/h (instrument speed - 97 km/h), which is 20 km/h is less than recommended. At an altitude of 40-50 m, the co-pilot (instructor pilot) retracted the flaps. The ground speed during the flap retraction process was 75 km/h (indicated speed - 73 km/h), which is significantly lower than the recommended one. The pitch angle continued to increase. The aircraft, with an increase in pitch angle to 26°, an angle of attack to 22°, a decrease in ground speed to 72 km/h (indicated speed to 71 km/h), gained an altitude of 55 m. At this altitude, the crew energetically moved the throttle to idle, so how the full release of the steering wheel did not lead to the aircraft being brought out of the pitch-up position. A sharp shift of the throttle to idle caused the aircraft to descend. During the descent, the pitch and attack angles decreased and the ground speed increased. The crew increased the engine operating mode to takeoff. At an altitude of 28 m the decline stopped. At the same time, the ground speed was 80 km/h (indicated 78 km/h), the pitch and attack angles were 18°. Instead of landing on the remaining length of the runway to determine the reasons for the abnormal behavior of the aircraft, the crew continued the flight. Within 9 seconds after exiting the descent, the aircraft gained altitude with a gradual decrease in vertical speed from 2 m/s to 0 m/s, a decrease in ground speed from 85 km/h (indicated speed - 83 km/h) to 73 km/h ( instrument speed - 71 km/h) and increasing the angle of attack from 15° to 19°. The crew again moved the throttle to idle. The plane began to descend. The angle of attack increased to 27°, exceeding the critical value. At the 35th second of flight, at an altitude of 38 m, the plane went into a stall. Having entered a right turn, the aircraft, with a bank of 35° to the right, turned approximately 120° from the take-off course, and collided with the ground between the runway and the taxiway. As a result of the collision of the aircraft with the earth's surface, partial damage occurred to the elements of the power train, landing gear and skin in the central part of the fuselage, as well as to the propeller blades. There was no fire at the accident site. The crew members, passengers and other persons were not injured.

Topic: “An-3” (“Annushka spilled oil... And she won’t live to be 100 years old”)

Regarding the document, I actually looked at it for about 5 minutes and my eyes widened

26-12-2017 / Official message from SE “ANTONOV”

Publications appeared in the media about the crash of the TVS-2MS aircraft with tail number RA-01460 at Naryan-Mar YANNO airport Russian Federation, which many media outlets mistakenly called An-2. There are dead and injured as a result of this disaster.

SE "ANTONOV" expresses its sincere sympathy to the families and friends of the passengers and crew members who died and were injured as a result of the disaster.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) Commission will, in due course, investigate the crash and determine its causes.

SE "ANTONOV" considers it necessary to report the following.

In fact, it was not the AN-2 aircraft that crashed, but its modification called TVS-2MS, independently created by the Novosibirsk Federal State Unitary Enterprise SibNIA named after. S.A. Chaplygina" (SibNIA), without the participation of the State Enterprise "ANTONOV". According to current aviation rules, in general, no person other than the aircraft developer can make changes to its standard design or develop modifications. At the same time, the rules provide for certain procedures that allow other persons to create modifications of the aircraft. These procedures involve the conclusion of a number of agreements to divide responsibility for maintaining the airworthiness of an aircraft modification between the developer of an aircraft of a standard design and the developer of its modification.

ANTONOV State Enterprise and SibNIA in 2013 negotiated to conclude a package of agreements that would allow SibNIA to carry out work on creating modifications of the AN-2 aircraft. ANTONOV State Enterprise is interested in continuing to operate the AN-2 aircraft, as well as its modifications, and was ready to assist in this work. The first of the package of agreements on preferential terms was a license agreement that had not entered into force for the right to use the ANTONOV SE trademark, but the process did not go further due to SibNIA’s desire to have the status of an aircraft developer, and not a modification developer, as provided for by aviation rules. An agreement on the distribution of responsibility for the distribution of responsibility for maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft modification was not concluded.

The developer of an aircraft or the developer of a modification is not a matter of prestige, it is a matter of distributing responsibility for ensuring the airworthiness of aircraft - safe operation.

The main task of aviation rules and procedures established by them is the task of safe operation of civil aircraft.

Further work on the creation of the TVS-2MS modification was carried out without any participation from the ANTONOV State Enterprise. On September 1, 2015, the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation approved the Certificate of Fitness of the TVS-2MS aircraft for operation without the participation of the ANTONOV State Enterprise, which is freely available on the Internet.

Developer rights are rights intellectual property related to private law. No government bodies can dispose of these rights. Copyright holders can only be individuals and legal entities.

Currently, various Russian enterprises have been appointed as developers of aircraft developed by the State Enterprise "ANTONOV" without the consent of the State Enterprise "ANTONOV" and without performing any procedures provided for by aviation regulations. Such actions, in particular, violate the rights of the ANTONOV State Enterprise to trademarks guaranteed by Russian legislation, but the saddest thing is that they do not lead to an increase in the level of safety in the operation of civil aircraft.

No government authorities have the right to take any actions aimed at reducing the level of safety during the operation of civil aircraft.

"No government authorities have the right to take any actions aimed at reducing the level of safety during the operation of civil aircraft."
And what about “private people?” they also manage something?
And who will evaluate what actions “the level decreases”? That's what MAC is for.
"The commission will work until December 29. They will have to find out the exact causes of the disaster."
(We'll wait...)
Honored military pilot Yezhkov will head the IAC commission on emergency situations in Naryan-Mar - RIA Novosti, 12/20/2017
And I wonder what they “rounded up...”?

12:51 U_Nik writes:
"I think I need to buy a license from Rotax or another manufacturer...."
Why buy?
We discussed that in the Russian Federation there are two. of these capacities. Engine engineers need to work. But “buying” doesn’t require much intelligence.

15:17 U_Nik writes:
"those whose minds are stuck in the last century cannot perceive perspective..."
What is it?
It’s already been written about soft and tender asses and speed.
And would you say that the DC-3 turbo is "stuck"?

The main feature of mass-produced aircraft is their versatility. And given the situation in the Russian Federation, only versatility can save you.
The adoption of the necessary laws, or not the adoption, can ruin the whole thing.

Well, about the disaster a month ago - on Friday one of the guys “next door” whispered to me... that the Naryan-Mar liner fell victim to the displacement of luggage and other junk that was in the cabin - however, a hint had already appeared on the Internet:



The message was deleted by the moderator

The alignment was not calculated correctly.

Comet writes:
The alignment was not calculated correctly.

Who didn’t calculate it - the pilots of the Naryan-Mar flight or the SibNIA specialists?

Comet, then these are already second pilots! The first were factory ones, in Mongolia.

Is TVS-2MS a re-engined An-2?
To outsiders B writes: then these are already second pilots! The first were factory ones, in Mongolia.
Perhaps there is something wrong with the governing documents that they are mistaken?
Official message from the Antonov State Enterprise regarding the crash of the TVS-2MS aircraft | Aviation and astronautics news
However, the pilot died in an An-2 plane crash near the village of Ekimchan in the Amur Region, the second was taken to the hospital, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Unified Duty Dispatch Service (EDDS) of the Selemdzhinsky District of the region.

“One pilot was killed, another was taken to the central district hospital in the village of Ekimchan, he had a chest contusion and multiple abrasions. The plane was transporting food and crashed outside the village, about 300 meters in a vacant lot,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

The Amur Center for Civil Protection and Fire Safety (CP and PB) reports that the An-2 plane that crashed near the village of Ekimchan developed a malfunction immediately after takeoff.

During a demonstration flight in Balashikha, a single-engine An-2 aircraft crashed. Two people died, but no spectators were injured.

As a source in law enforcement agencies of the Moscow region told RBC, the plane was performing aerobatic maneuvers, then suddenly lost altitude, fell onto the wing and collided with the ground and caught fire.

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region told the publication that two people died in the An-2 crash. “Village of Fedurnovo, we confirm the crash. 2 people died, police officers are working at the scene, the circumstances are all being clarified,” the department’s press service explained.

These are the first two cases during the search, also RLE?

10/27/1979 The crew took off during the day at the PMU. At the moment of lift-off, passengers from seats 10 and 12 voluntarily moved to the rear section. This led to the maximum rear alignment being exceeded to 37.4% of the MAR. The plane increased its pitch angle and went into a sharp nose-up. Fully moving the steering wheel away from you did not produce any results. A further increase in the angle of attack led to a decrease in speed and the extension of the slats. The plane reached supercritical angles of attack. At a speed of 60-65 km/h the PIC removed the gas and eliminated the roll. With a vertical speed of 6-8 m/s, the plane collided with the runway. As it was established, the passengers left their seats to close the door to the tail compartment that suddenly opened at the moment of takeoff. The co-pilot and 2 passengers were killed.

06/20/1985 The crew carried out a flight at the request of the Momsky state farm with a passenger and cargo on board. Due to the negligent attitude towards the official duties of the transportation service workers, a cargo weighing 1,619 kg was placed on the plane, which led to exceeding the permissible take-off weight by 210 kg and a misalignment. The summary loading list listed two passengers and 1,300 kg of cargo, which corresponded to the calculated load. During takeoff, the plane went into a pitch-up position, lost speed, fell to the ground and collapsed.

07/05/1973 The cause of the disaster was a failure to control the aircraft as a result of improper connection of the aileron control cables to the control columns during installation work in workshop No. 7 and incomplete implementation of the maintenance technology when accepting the aircraft from the workshop and preparing it for flight tests in terms of checking the synchronism of the right control and left pilots on the LIS of plant No. 421 GA.

On March 18, 1975, the pilots had to fly along the route Terney - Amgu - Kuznetsovo. In total, there were 14 passengers on board the plane, including two children, 80 kilograms of cargo and 50 kilograms of mail. The crew did not calculate the take-off weight of the airliner, and therefore the alignment was not calculated. Pre-flight preparation was also carried out with violations. As it would later be established, the actual take-off weight of the aircraft was 5699 kilograms with an alignment of 33.5% MAC
As the overloaded plane took off, one of the passengers moved to the rear. The plane reached supercritical angles of attack, lost speed and fell onto the wing.

08/02/1977 The cause of the accident was the criminally negligent attitude of PIC Filatov to his official duties, which was expressed in an unauthorized change of the flight mission for personal gain and takeoff on an overloaded aircraft.

05/28/1979 The cause of the disaster was the excess take-off weight of the aircraft and incorrect actions of the crew during take-off.

Sources in the aviation industry, having studied the picture of the crash, put forward several versions of what happened - an engine failure on takeoff or a cargo misalignment.
The team investigating the crash of the light-engine An-2 in Naryan-Mar will study how luggage was loaded before departure. According to one version, voiced by a source in the aviation industry, the airliner could have collapsed due to improper alignment of the cargo. In addition, according to him, the pilot made too steep a turn during takeoff, which could also have played a negative role in further development events. The sources' assumption is indirectly confirmed by precedents. In June of this year, exactly the same side crashed in Mongolia, presumably due to a misalignment. Moreover, the picture of the crash turned out to be the same - a fall immediately after takeoff.

On the morning of December 19 (Moscow time), a single-engine An-2 aircraft of the Naryan-Mar airline with 11 passengers on board crashed in the Nenets Autonomous District. Immediately after takeoff, it tilted to the right, made a circle and stuck into the ground near the runway.

Small aircraft are especially sensitive to how luggage is distributed and passengers are seated during loading. If the center of gravity moves significantly backwards or forwards, the consequences can be unpredictable. Pilots in in social networks recall an incident from the Soviet era. The same plane crashed only because one of the passengers unfastened his seat belt during takeoff and went to the toilet.

And this time, sources believe, a catastrophic scenario could develop due to a violation of cargo distribution.

Judging by the video, during takeoff an uncontrolled turn occurred, accompanied by a roll to the right wing. This can happen when the alignment of the aircraft is disturbed or the take-off weight is incorrectly calculated,” a source in the aviation industry told Life.

According to the expert, we may be talking about “exorbitantly rear alignment.” That is, all the weight went to the tail of the plane (let’s assume this is how the luggage was arranged).

Photo © Press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Indirect confirmation of his version is stored in the official statistics of the Federal Air Transport Agency from June of this year. At the beginning of summer in Mongolia, exactly the same An-2 crashed during takeoff, and the picture of the crash completely replicates today’s.

While climbing, the aircraft went into descent mode with a right roll and subsequent collision with the ground, experts from the Interstate Aviation Committee write in a preliminary report on the incident.

Then, fortunately, no one died. The investigation into the Mongolian accident has not yet been completed, but experts adhere to the version of an alignment violation. Back then everyone Russian airlines, which operates the An-2, sent out a warning regarding the distribution of baggage and passengers. In particular, they demanded that additional training be conducted with the flight crew in order to correctly calculate the takeoff weight.