What is important when choosing an airline? How to choose an airline? — Tips and reviews Which airline is better to choose?

Which carry out more than one thousand flights every day. Each carrier, in order to attract as many customers as possible, resorts to one way or another; some try to offer the highest level of service, while others reduce air ticket prices to a minimum.

How to decide among a large number of offers, Which airline should you prefer? We will try to help you with this.

So, when choosing an air carrier, pay attention to the following points and characteristics.

Level of service at the airport and on board

Before applying for the services of a particular airline, ask how often flights of this carrier are delayed or canceled due to the fault of the company itself.

Today, some airlines are in a very unpleasant economic situation, some of them have already been banned from operating, others are waiting their turn. Therefore, take an interest in the reputation of the organization on whose plane you are going to fly, otherwise you may end up in a very unpleasant situation.

Note that what works in the air services market today a large number of low-cost companies, which are using all available means to try to reduce the cost of air tickets as much as possible so that they become affordable to more consumers. Therefore, such companies quite often experience flight delays, but this is not related to their economic or other problems.

It is also worth paying attention to the level of service on board. For almost every flight you can purchase an air ticket in one of three service classes - economy, business and first, however, despite their general approximate characteristics, the quality of service in different airlines remains different within the selected class. This largely depends on the professionalism of the employees, as well as on the company’s requirements for its personnel.

Technical equipment and condition of aircraft, aircraft fleet

Agree that flying on new, modern airliners is much more comfortable and enjoyable, and subconsciously also calmer, than on old planes that have been flying for twenty years.

The advantages of new airliners also include the fact that they have much better equipment, a modern interior, many modern technical devices - there are TVs, Internet, telephone, and other entertainment devices on board. In addition, new cars are less energy intensive, they have lower fuel consumption, and they are also faster.

For example, the fleets of low-cost airlines mainly consist of new aircraft, since they require much less money to maintain, as well as on fuel.

Providing additional amenities and services

Every day, aircraft of various companies make many flights, often in the same direction; in order to attract as many customers as possible, carriers try to offer passengers the maximum number of additional services.

So, many clients welcome the presence of the Internet and telephone on board, since many passengers fly as part of business trips, and at the same time they constantly need to stay in touch and continue their professional activities.

During long flights, many people are concerned about having blankets and pillows on board for each passenger so that they can rest comfortably. Others are attracted by the wide variety of dishes and drinks, including alcoholic ones.

Some airlines, in an effort to outdo their competitors, go so far as to even organize a real casino on board.

The Rossiya air carrier, according to Natalya Anisimova, receives positive reviews for the quality of service, the condition of the aircraft and the absence of baggage-free fares, but there are often complaints about flight delays. “Rossiya passengers also complain about tasteless food and at the same time are glad to have a light snack on short flights of up to 2.5 hours,” says Anisimova.

Airlines are at the bottom of the Tutu.ru ratings “ North wind", "Pobeda" and "VIM-Avia", which received less than 8 points on a 10-point scale (see table). According to the observations of the study’s authors, the rating of the air carrier “North Wind” deteriorated significantly at the end of May. This is due to severe flight delays - by several hours, not minutes.

Pobeda's low ratings are mainly explained by passengers' ignorance of the airline's rules. “The rules of the low-cost airline specify the dimensions of luggage; there is a clarification that meals are not included in the ticket price, and hand luggage is paid separately,” says Natalya Anisimova. “However, passengers often do not study the rules in advance and end up unhappy.”

Also negative reviews associated with non-reclining seat backs and a small distance between them. The topic of many reviews is the surcharge for choosing a seat and the inability to change to empty seats on board. However, Pobeda passengers are satisfied with the carrier’s punctuality and the absence of flight delays.

VIM-Avia passengers, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with frequent flight delays, an old fleet of aircraft, and also the fact that there is little legroom in the cabin. Problems often arise with hand luggage, and there is not enough space in the cabin for all things. However, passengers admit that the airline's tickets are generally cheap and the staff is very professional and courteous.

In general, passengers of all airlines most often complain about flight delays, unclear baggage rules, old planes, lack of sufficient legroom and carry-on luggage, paid food and tasteless cold sandwiches. The friendliness of the staff and the professionalism of the pilots are commendable. We are pleasantly surprised by the pilots who communicate with passengers and talk about the cities they fly over. this moment a plane flies by. The quality of food on board is of concern to all passengers. According to their reviews, the best food is provided by Aeroflot, S7 and ALROSA airlines.

How to choose an airline

Experts interviewed by RBC generally agree with the results of the study. “Among the airlines that fly to the south of Russia, our clients most often choose Aeroflot, S7 and Rossiya,” says Maya Kotlyar, director of the individual tourism company MAYEL Travel. The expert also draws attention to the fact that an additional criterion for assessing and choosing a flight should be its type: charter or regular. “Charter flights are purchased at a reduced rate and, as a rule, such flights do not receive fresh boards,” says Kotlyar. “Due to this, the cost of the tariff is reduced.”

At the same time, the passenger should remember that a charter is a private booking of a tour operator, which is not a priority for the airport. Accordingly, if there is a change in the schedule, the airport releases regular flights first, and the holder of a ticket for a charter flight may not fly on time, the expert warns.

Maya Kotlyar also recommends choosing airlines that have relatively new aircraft in their fleet - they should be no more than 15 years old. “The airline must have a modern fleet, and it must comply with all transportation safety requirements,” agrees Alexander Sizintsev, general director of the Biletix service. In his opinion, the quality of food, the availability of entertainment multimedia systems on board, appearance flight attendants, etc. - this is, of course, an important, but subjective parameter for assessing an airline.

“From a service point of view, the first place is taken by the airline’s punctuality, that is, an indicator of the number of delays and canceled flights,” says Sizintsev. “On the Internet it is not difficult to find relevant ratings and data demonstrating this indicator for most of the largest Russian and international airlines.”

OneTwoTrip Development Director Arkady Gines adds that you should pay attention to the distance between the backs of the chairs. New aircraft models, as a rule, have better equipment (there are USB sockets, more advanced multimedia systems, interesting cabin lighting). And if you are traveling with a baby, it is worth finding out whether the airline provides a bassinet for the baby during the flight - this will make the trip much easier.

It is important to study the issue with luggage. “Low-cost airlines allow you to carry for free, as a rule, only hand luggage up to 7-10 kg, with classic airlines baggage is most often included in the price, but, just in case, always check the conditions of your fare,” advises Arkady Gines.

If a passenger faces an urgent issue with special meals: vegetarian, kosher, dietary, it is worth checking whether this or that airline has such an option. “It is important that the passenger has a choice, and that vegetarian, kosher, halal and other dishes, as well as children’s food, are available on board,” sums up Arkady Gines from OneTwoTrip.

Every day, thousands of long- and short-haul flights are carried out around the world. Airplanes are a fairly popular type of transport; millions use them, which allows the aircraft industry to actively develop. A large number of global and local companies transport passengers, so every traveler has the right to choose services.

Which plane to choose

Before setting off on a flight, most people sit down at the computer monitor and browse airline websites to choose the most suitable flight route for themselves. The rating is also not ignored best airlines peace.

This top list changes every year and may differ slightly if you compare different analytical sites (but only slightly). These are not fictitious statistics, but completely objective opinions of real people who have used the services of several airlines.

Such surveys are conducted among random passengers. Many people fill out online forms on websites that regularly monitor airline ratings. The world's largest civil airlines are evaluated according to several criteria that allow them to be ranked in one position or another.

Criteria for evaluation

  • The cleanliness of the cabin, its design, general condition. This is the first impression passengers get when they board an aircraft. This indicator is especially important for pedantic people;
  • Convenience and comfort of the seats. The further you fly, the more comfortable the passenger should be in his seat - soft seats, comfortable headrests, lack of cramping, etc.;
  • The efficiency of the crew, their attitude towards passengers, uniform (design, neatness). The neater the flight attendants look, the more attentive they are to passengers, the more comfortable the clients feel. The teamwork of the pilots and their experience make takeoffs and landings smooth, and the turbulence zone not so scary;
  • Speed ​​of check-in and boarding. The faster these procedures are completed, the less tired passengers will be. This point is important for people who are afraid to fly - delays during registration have a negative effect on the psychological state of a panicked person;
  • Variety and quality of food on board. Not all passengers use this service during the flight, but there are those who like to enjoy the dishes offered on the plane. The more diverse the choice, the more the airline will receive a rating;
  • Entertainment offered. Budget companies in this regard, they do not pay special attention to the leisure of their passengers, in some they limit themselves exclusively to monitors. Prestigious international airlines, on the contrary, consider this point important point, which allows suspicious passengers to distract themselves from bad thoughts and make it easier to endure the flight. This attitude towards clients will definitely be appreciated by them.

The questionnaire also includes an assessment of the website of the company of interest: how information is presented there, how voluminous and useful it is, what online services are provided (ticket booking, etc.).

Top global value

Increasingly, our compatriots began to fly abroad - on vacation, on a visit or in connection with business. We have the opportunity to fly on board a foreign airliner. To be sure that the flight will be hassle-free and with all amenities, the airline ratings that appear every year on analytical websites are taken into account.

The best airlines in the world (according to passenger reviews)

Attention: The internal data of table “12” is corrupted!

Note! Domestic companies occupy lower positions in the rating list. The country's largest airline, Aeroflot of Russia, hovers somewhere in the middle of the second ten international airlines, next to Air France, Air New Zealand, and Austrian Airlines.

Budget flight rating

Some people prefer to save on flights by choosing low-cost global airlines. Low-cost airlines have a smaller list of free services and bonuses, simpler service, poorer on-board food, and limited entertainment. Although this does not change the comfortable conditions in the aircraft cabin, passenger safety continues to be at its best.

The largest airlines in the world and Europe that practice low-cost flights are listed below:

  • AirAsia is one of the most popular low-cost airlines from South-East Asia. With the availability of new comfortable aircraft and high-quality service, it tries to keep flight prices at a budget level;
  • Southwest Airlines is one of the oldest in America, supporting the principles of low-cost airlines since 1971. Cheap tickets are achieved by reducing the number of free services;
  • The largest Irish company, Ryanair, is popular throughout Europe as it serves almost any destination. The aircraft cabins are clean and comfortable, although seats cannot be ordered at will. The low cost of tickets is ensured by paid meals on board, but you are allowed to bring food with you without any problems;
  • EasyJet (Great Britain) is the 2nd largest airline in Europe and the 3rd largest airline in the world. In-cabin amenities and service are at budget level. Meals on board are paid, but the range is wide. The company does not provide entertainment for passengers;
  • Germanwings (Germany) covers all of Europe with its flights. The aircraft cabins are comfortable, clean, the service is at a high level, although the list of free services is kept to a minimum;
  • Virgin Australia (Australia), although a young company, has a large fleet of aircraft. By local residents the services of this airline are used for flights between the nearest islands - for flights to large continents The service is poorly adapted.

From Russian companies we can highlight the more famous ones: “Victory” and “Red Wings”. They have fairly reasonable prices and decent service.

Domestic transportation within Russia

In addition to international air transportation, the country has an active local air fleet, exclusively engaged in communications between Russian regions.

  • The services of Taimyr Airlines, which operates flights from Moscow, Krasnoyarsk and Norilsk, are very popular. Among regular airlines, charter airlines are also actively involved;
  • The UTair company operates flights from Moscow and Western Siberia not only across Russia, but also to the Middle Abroad, as well as to Asia and Europe;
  • The lines of the Rossiya company were given 2 stars in the popularity list. The main airport from which domestic and domestic flights operate international routes– Pulkovo in St. Petersburg. There is a branch in Moscow (Vnukovo). You can also use the airports of Simferopol and Sochi;

  • "I Fly" operates charter flights from a number of Russian cities exclusively to resort destinations;
  • « Ural Airlines» not only practice domestic transportation, but also operate on international airlines;
  • The Metrojet company is registered in Moscow and specializes in charter flights tourist orientation;
  • Central Russia and the Urals are actively served by the RusLine company.

The list of Russian airlines can be continued ad infinitum - this area in the country’s transport industry is so developed. Each flying compatriot has his own preferences in this regard.


The above lists of popularity of international and domestic airlines are conditional. They are based on the emotional impressions of passengers and are entirely subjective. For this reason, the rating table undergoes changes every year, so you should rely only on your own impressions when forming an opinion about the last flight.

Summing up 2017 Federal agency air transport published brief statistics of work civil aviation RF. The big picture for the participants rating of Russian airlines 2018 looks good. The air transportation market continues to develop, and almost all reliable Russian airlines included in the list demonstrated an average increase in the number of passengers and kilometers flown by 15%. At the same time, the weight of the top five airlines continues to grow. If in 2017 they occupied 67.4% of the total volume, then in 2018 it was already 85%.

Travel with a reliable tour operator: .

Read also:, the best airlines of the year according to Skytrax.

Opens the rating of the largest airlines in Russia Nordwind Airlines, aka “North Wind”. Over the past year, the number of passengers amounted to 3.5 million people and increased by 95% compared to 2016. Passenger turnover also showed growth, increasing by 44%.

One of the largest charter carriers in Russia, which transported more than 2.2 million passengers in 2017, was called to the carpet by the Federal Air Transport Agency in the summer of 2016 due to constant long flight delays of up to several tens of hours. The carrier promised to take action. In case of inability to arrange regular flights to exact time the company faces restrictions on transportation.

Azur Air was a subsidiary of UTair, but two years ago it set out on its own. In 2017, the number of passengers of the company amounted to 3.6 million people, almost 2/3 more compared to 2016.

Globus is part of the S7 Group, being a subsidiary of the airline giant Siberia, which took second place in the ranking of the best airlines. 2017 turned out to be favorable for the company - the number of passengers increased by 20.2%, amounting to 4.1 million people.

The Aeroflot subsidiary, which took over the baton from Dobroleta, which died as a result of UES sanctions, is positioned as a budget company. Although the first tickets for the new airline's flights were sold only two years ago, it confidently entered the top 10 airlines in Russia.

The number of passengers in 2017 amounted to 4.3 million people, an increase of 5% compared to 2016. Despite its youth, Pobeda’s flights have already become surrounded by scandals. Users are dissatisfied with the policy of keeping silent about the real price of a flight, demands to pay for the opportunity for families to sit together, flight delays and cases when more tickets are sold for a flight than the number of seats.

In fifth place in the ranking of Russian airlines in 2018 are Ural Airlines, which transported 7.5 million people in 2017, demonstrating an increase of 25%. In the meantime, the company is demanding that the Federal Air Transport Agency pay for the transportation of WWII veterans to celebrate the anniversary of the Victory in 2015. The Federal Air Transport Agency rejected the application for payment, citing the fact that it did not contain the words “including VAT” and other points of the same importance.

The owner of the world's largest operating helicopter fleet appears to have recovered from the crisis of late 2014. In 2017, the number of passengers transported by this company amounted to 6.8 million people, an increase of 9.1% compared to 2016.

The second subsidiary of giant Aeroflot, which made it into the top ten of the 2018 Russian airline rankings, carried more than 10.6 million people last year, posting an impressive 41.5% growth in passenger numbers - the highest of any ranked airline. At the same time, passenger turnover increased by 55.3%.

In second place in the ranking of the largest airlines in Russia is Siberia, also known as S7 Airlines, which carries out transportation to 83 destinations both in Russia and abroad. Most of the latter, however, are served by partner airlines. In total, 9.3 million passengers were transported in 2017.

Russians continue to fly on Aeroflot planes. In 2017, the company transported more than 30.5 million people, surpassing Siberia, which took second place in the rating, by more than 3 times. It’s not surprising, since Aeroflot is the largest and oldest Russian airline, which has been carrying passengers since 1923. Although the company was included in the black sanctions list of Ukraine, this does not prevent the increase in the number of shipments.

According to such criteria as the number of passengers and passenger turnover, the company recorded an increase of 12% over the past year. By the way, Aeroflot can also be called one of the most safe airlines 2018 in Russia- not a single major plane crash occurred on its lines, counting, of course, subsidiaries and accidents caused by the actions of third parties. In the airline safety rating published in 2017 by the auditing company JACDEC, Aeroflot is in 37th place.

World Airlines Safety Ranking 2017 (JACDEC)

RankAirlineA countryCarrier codeSafety index
1 Cathay Pacific AirwaysChina,Hong-KongCX, CPA0,005
2 Air New ZealandNew ZealandNZ, ANZ0,007
3 Hainan Airlines ChinaHU,CHH0,009
4 Qatar AirwaysQatarQR, QTR0,009
5 K L MNetherlandsKL, KLM0,011
6 EVA AirTaiwanBR, EVA0,012
7 EmiratesUnited Arab EmiratesEK, UAE0,013
8 Etihad Airways United Arab EmiratesEY, ETD0,014
9 QANTASAustraliaQF, QFA0,015
10 Japan AirlinesJapanJL, JAL0,015
11 All Nippon AirwaysJapanN.H., A.N.A.0,016
12 LufthansaGermanyLH, DLH0,016
13 TAP PortugalPortugalTP, TAP0,017
14 Virgin Atlantic AirwaysUnited KingdomVS, VIR0,017
15 Delta Air LinesUSADL, DAL0,018
16 Air CanadaCanadaAC, ACA0,02
17 jetBlue AirwaysUSAB6, JBU0,02
18 Virgin AustraliaAustraliaVA, VOZ0,02
19 British AirwaysUnited KingdomB.A., B.A.W.0,023
20 Air BerlinGermanyAB, BER0,023
21 WestJet AirlinesCanadaW.S., W.J.A.0,023
22 Sichuan AirlinesChina3U, CSC0,028
23 Norwegian Air ShuttleNorwayDY,NAX 0,032
24 Shenzhen AirlinesChinaZH, CSZ0,032
25 IberiaSpainIB, IBE0,034
26 Jetstar AirwaysAustraliaJQ,JST0,036
27 Southwest AirlinesUSAW.N., S.W.A.0,037
28 EasyJetUnited KingdomU2, EZY0,037
29 AirAsiaMalaysiaAK, AXM0,043
30 Thomson AirwaysUnited KingdomBY, TOM0,047
31 United AirlinesUSAUA, UAL0,051
32 Singapore AirlinesSingaporeSQ, SIA0,051
33 China Eastern AirlinesChinaMU, CES0,061
34 RyanairIrelandFR, RYR0,064
35 SwissSwitzerlandLX, SWR0,064
36 LATAM ChileChileLA, LAN0,095
37 AeroflotRussiaSU, AFL0,101
38 Jet AirwaysIndia9W,JAI0,109
39 AlitaliaItalyAZ, AZA0,113
40 Air IndiaIndiaAI, AIC0,115
58 Garuda IndonesiaIndonesiaGA, GIA0,77
59 Avianca ColombiaColombiaAV, AVA0,914
60 China AirlinesTaiwanCI, CAL0,977

Flights between cities and countries have long become a familiar part of our lives. However, despite a wealth of experience in air travel, the problem of choosing a carrier remains relevant. Chaskor publishes several reviews from bloggers about airlines operating on the Russian market.

Flights between cities and countries have long become a familiar part of our lives. However, despite a wealth of experience in air travel, the problem of choosing a carrier remains relevant. When planning a trip, thousands of users spend hours surfing the Internet, looking for the best deals and at the same time reading comments from travelers who have used the services of a particular airline. Some are ready to sacrifice comfort, others - cost, but nothing will help you make a choice better than live opinions. Chaskor publishes several reviews from bloggers about air carriers operating on the Russian market.

I myself am a member of them. It’s convenient that miles can be accumulated not only by flying their flights and flights of partner companies, but also by making purchases using a card from Alfa Bank, Citibank, it seems, and Russian Standard. Besides, free ticket You can easily order and check its availability on the Aeroflot website. I recommend it to those who fly a lot around Russia and abroad - they have flights to all corners of the world.

SIBERIA - www.s7.ru, miles are accumulated only by the number of flights completed, only for those who often fly with this particular airline.

KLM - www.klm.com - for those who often fly to Europe (Paris, Amsterdam, London).

LUFTHANSA - www.miles-and-more.com - for those who often fly to Europe (Germany).

That's everyone I know.

By the way, bonus program gives you an advantage at check-in; you can fly using your accumulated miles in business class, paying only for economy. You can fly economy class, but through the business lounge, etc.”

“As someone who works in tourism, I am often asked which airlines are the best. That's why I decided to write my mini-rating, that is, eight airlines that are the best, in my opinion. Why eight? Yes, I just like the number.

I'll start with Royal Jordanian Airlines. The company clearly took the example of Emirates... But this is good... We need to learn from the best... Excellent planes, mostly black and white Airbuses with a crown on the tail, my tourists liked them so much that they decided to replace the standard Israel fly to the other side Dead Sea... Because if you compare the security services at the Amman airport and any Israeli airport, then this is heaven and hell... And the responsiveness and friendliness of the staff on board cannot but rejoice.

Now let's talk about the same Emirates that they take their example from... Many years ago, the authorities of the state of Dubai were deciding where to invest the money that flowed like a river from oil. And they decided to create a kind of shopping oasis, a crossroads of trade routes, an area where tourists can leave their hard-earned money. And so the Dubai duty-free appeared, and with it the airline, which, flying around the world, delivers tourists to this paradise of shopaholics for a couple of hours of connections, thereby bringing significant profits to the state treasury. But still, this is not why Emirates blew up the airline ratings.... They always take care of every client... because at the beginning of the flight they always announce what languages ​​the crew speaks. There are Chinese speakers on almost every board, Russian speakers are gradually appearing, and the menu is always in Russian, even in economy. And also, in my opinion, Emirates has the largest selection of films with Russian translation of all foreign airlines... And the convenient location of Dubai allows, thanks to Emirates, to visit any part of the world.

Next we have Japan Airlines... This company flew to Moscow back in the USSR, but still maintains excellent service and maintenance. What's the secret? It's simple. In Japan they have a tough competitor in the form of ANA, which always forces them to be on their toes. The plane has a lot of little amenities: individual screens, free snacks and drinks throughout the flight, a choice of Japanese or European food, and even rice is cooked on board... In addition, the Japanese provide a hotel in Tokyo for a very reasonable price if necessary. , if passengers have a long connection. In general, well done Japanese... Their workaholism always produces good results.

Now let's talk about Air Malta... Considering how long Malta itself was under the yoke of the British, we can immediately say that this company appeared in the image and likeness of British Airlines... Even the crew uniform is very similar... .. Malta usually flies on Airbuses or Boeings, and the flights are designated KM (Knight of Malta, which means “Knight of Malta”)... Another advantage of this company is its careful handling of luggage... The planes have special compartments for equipment divers and fishermen, and if you have a certificate, then you just need to call the company office - and plus 15 kg free transportation for your equipment. In addition, Air Malta is the least lost luggage of passengers in the world.

Continuing my list is Korean Airlines (KAL). This company, with all its many advantages in service, in airplanes, and so on, has two disadvantages. First of all, not the most popular destinations for the Russian market, and secondly, not a very euphonious abbreviation for the Russian ear.

One of the most worthy is Singapore Airlines. Nice flight attendants greeting passengers in beautiful suits are the first thing that pleases the eye; high-quality flights and incredibly friendly service are a 100% guarantee of success. In addition, Singaporeans have very affordable prices, and the opportunity to stay in Singapore for three days without a visa makes this airline even more attractive. Moreover, the deli at Changi Airport is large and very inexpensive. And Singapore itself is worth a look... This is especially convenient when there are long flights to the same Australia.

Next, it’s worth talking about British Airways... These are some of the most patient crews, as well as the most cheerful... These professionals react with a smile to our drunken compatriots who shove iPods in their ears with the words “what cool music, come on.” Let’s dance,” and, by the way, they can dance very well... They diligently bring these same passengers back to their senses. In general, “British” cars have long been famous for their excellent sides and delicious food... In addition, they fly to such favorite destinations of our compatriots as the Caribbean... The only thing is that due to the crazy structure of Heathrow and Gatwick, sometimes luggage is delayed.

Well, the last one is Thai Airlines (THAI)... This company can be called the younger sister of Singapore... Even the purple-colored branded clothes of the cute flight attendants are reminiscent of the old uniform of Singapore. But on the other hand, this is good. After all, they take an example from the worthy... Moreover, with a relatively inexpensive ticket price, they provide excellent service, good boards and food. Thus, being more preferable among our fellow citizens, especially in the Thai direction.

In general, this is my opinion. Perhaps there are many more worthy companies in the world, such as Virgin Atlantic and Cathay Pacific, but I tried to write about those companies that are most strongly represented on the Russian market and are in demand among our compatriots.”