Goa what to take from clothes. What to take with you to India? Comfortable clothes and shoes

The question of what to take with you to Goa can be answered simply - nothing superfluous. The most necessary things on vacation in the Indian resort state are beach accessories, light clothing, a first aid kit and a flashlight. The latter may come in handy on dark Goan evenings - street lighting is not available everywhere.

To spend time on the beach, first of all, you should take care sunscreen with a high degree of protection. Be extremely careful, you can get burned in two hours, thereby ruining your vacation on the first day. It is also worth taking a hat with you.

For clothes you need to take with you to Goa, you need light things, because it is hot in these parts all year round. If you are traveling to Goa between October and January, you should take a warm jacket or windbreaker with you, as the nights at the beginning of the season can be chilly.

You should take minimal shoes on your trip, because there is a high chance that you will be wearing sandals or flip-flops the entire time. There are no sidewalks in Goa - there is nowhere to walk in heels. If you plan to move around the resort on a moped/motorcycle, you can additionally take sneakers or sneakers with you (although you can limit yourself to strong sandals).

Any clothes can be bought locally for a reasonable price: local shops have everything for a relaxed Goan holiday.

What medications to take in Goa

In a traveler's first aid kit you need to put: remedies for intestinal and stomach disorders (Smecta, Immodium, Linex, Mezim, activated carbon), miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or other antiseptics, remedies for headaches (citramon, nurofen or others) and heart pain (Valocardine, Validol, Carvalol are not available in Goa), elastic bandage (ordinary bandages are sold at every turn in Goa), iodine, plaster, sanitary antiseptic napkins, personal hygiene products for women. As a last resort, in local pharmacies you can find a variety of drugs at reasonable prices; pharmacists themselves will select the right medicine for you if you can explain what problem you have with your health.

If you are going to stay in a guesthouse, the list of what to take with you to Goa can be supplemented with a door lock and bed linen.

It is not necessary to collect a lot of toys and special bathing devices; all this can be purchased on the spot.

First aid kit

What will become very useful is a first aid kit that will contain everything. It’s worth stopping here and examining the question in more detail. You should not forget about these things:

  • Bandages, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Good remedies for insect bites. It is important that they are tested and of high quality, since in an exotic country insects are carriers of many infectious diseases.
  • Drugs that relieve motion sickness.
  • Painkillers.
  • Thermometer and antipyretic drugs.
  • A medicine that allows the stomach to cope with specific Indian cuisine.
  • Sunscreens with high SPF content
  • Personal hygiene products for the child.

Flight nuances

The flight will be quite long, but in most cases it is exciting for the younger generation, and besides, there will definitely be one, or even several, couples with children on the plane who can while away the time with each other.

The landing of the plane becomes less rosy for children. Their ears may hurt or they may get motion sickness. It is worth taking a mint candy, and massaging the dimples behind the ears will help with the pain.

Be prepared that upon arrival in India you will have to stand in line for registration for another hour, or even more. Local workers perform their duties a little in slow motion without speeding up. So think about some kind of snack for the kids, by this time they will definitely be hungry.

When arriving in a country with special sanitary standards, carefully monitor your children, especially if your heirs are fair-skinned and blond; this type of children delights the locals. Indians are very welcoming and hospitable people with a great love for children; if they like a passing child, they can easily treat him with a local spice or a specific sweet. This is exactly what you should watch very closely, since not every adult body can accept Indian delicacies without consequences, and especially a child’s body.

Before you fly out of the airport, you need to take into account that the process of checking and marking luggage will take a decent amount of time, and the child will need something to do and have a snack.

A little about acclimatization

Upon arrival, you may encounter such a thing as acclimatization, which is accompanied by diarrhea and a slight increase in temperature for a day. If the temperature is very high and lasts more than 24 hours, make sure to call a doctor. It is worth noting that this process is much simpler in children. There is no need to worry if your child experiences an upset stomach. This is a normal phenomenon that should pass within a day. After all, the first aid kit will be with you!


Remember that in India the climate is significantly different and has high humidity.

Another thing you should be extremely careful with is street animals. They are quite cute and will not touch the child, but they can still cause harm if they share some local ailment.

When planning to visit India, the optimal period is from early October to March. From April it starts to rain for a couple of months, when everything around is flooded with water and precipitation falls daily. And with the arrival of August, the heat sets in, when you can’t breathe, and even swimming in a pond can’t help. You can escape this by going to the northern part of the country.

List of necessary things


You should always have your passport, tickets and Indian visa with you. It is very convenient to store them and carry them with you in a special bag on your belt. Under no circumstances should you take it off while moving. In addition, it is important to have copies necessary documents and tickets, which should be stored separately. An alternative option could be scanned documents that can be conveniently stored on your phone or other convenient gadget. In an unpredictable situation, they can be printed. When traveling around Goa, it is advisable to give original documents to the hotel safe and have copies of them with you. Thus, you can be sure that unpleasant situations are excluded during your vacation.

Many people send scanned documents to their email or post them on a free photo hosting site. So, you can open access to them without having a gadget. That is, using someone else's computer.

Money issues

It is convenient to take euros or dollars with you; in India they should be exchanged for rupees. You should also have a plastic card with you. But first you need to make sure that it can be used in a given state. It is better to personally consult with bank specialists.

It is also important to remember that amounts exceeding $10,000 must be declared. In addition, in an exotic country, you should not pay with a credit card in markets and dubious trading stalls.

For the baby

It is worth understanding that you need to take very little clothes. If necessary, you can buy your favorite things for a penny at local market. At the same time, in India it is customary to bargain. As a result, you can buy things 5 ​​times cheaper.

If the child is very small, necessary thing there will be a sling on the way. It will allow you to explore the world together with your parents in comfort. Great option For travel, you can use a sling in the form of a backpack, which allows you to adjust the straps on you in front and behind. Thus, you can move around the city and in public transport without a stroller.

For parents who are not afraid of difficulties and plan to take a stroller, they should opt for a light and compact model with large wheels. With such a stroller it will be convenient to move along the beach and you can have a great rest for both the child and the parents. It is worth understanding that in conditions of high humidity the stroller will become unusable much faster than at home. Therefore, it is better to take a model that you don’t mind.


If your child is an infant, you should take baby food with you. There is no hope that it will be available on the road or in India. The cuisine of this country is very spicy and specific, so this is not an option for preschool children. Otherwise, a fragile child’s body may react unexpectedly.

On an airplane or bus they serve food that is harmful to children. You should stock up in advance on the necessary products that will satiate the child and be useful to him. The best option would be not only canned food, but also instant cereals. You can also take muesli, well-washed fruits and vegetables with you. For tea - not sweet crackers. You don’t have to take water with you, its quality is quite satisfactory, and it’s convenient to buy a bottle anywhere.

What to do with your baby

While moving, flying or traveling on a train, a child needs something to do. Plasticine is great for developing fine motor skills; you can also draw on paper. Children love soap bubbles, so it’s worth taking a couple of bottles with you. It is important to take with you on the road toys and objects that the baby has not yet seen, so he will be occupied for a long time and will receive a lot of positive emotions.

During the process of acclimatization, children may develop heat rash as a result of the influence of a hot and humid climate. In this case, you need to use regular powder after bathing. It's good if it ends up in the first aid kit. But if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter, the nearby pharmacy sells such a product.

You also need to pay attention to special products with disinfectant liquid. It will allow you to wash your hands at the most inopportune moment, when there is no access to soap and water.

Personal items

It is worth mentioning that for traveling you need to prepare not only kitchen utensils, but also clean sheets that may come in handy. India is considered a very dirty country and therefore it is better to have your own bedding. Or at least take it for the child.

Sometimes you have to travel around India by bus, some of them are equipped with air conditioning. Therefore, in addition to light things, take a few sweaters and pants, which will come in handy and protect the child from colds.

Another option is to put diapers in your suitcase. But it's not a problem. They are sold in most shops for little money.

Necessary little things

  • Oddly enough, there is no buckwheat in Goa, so those who love this product are better off taking a couple of packs with them.
  • On Goa is better take kitchen utensils with you, since most rental apartments do not have them, and purchasing them is expensive.
  • It is very important to take out insurance for the entire duration of your stay. You should not skimp on this, since safety and health come first. By taking out insurance in time, you can easily count on compensation for the funds spent on treatment.
  • Photographs are required during the Indian visa process. Those that remain are best taken on a trip. They can be very useful for purchasing special SIM cards.
  • A flashlight will be an indispensable thing in Goa, since the roads there are not illuminated and are dark. Therefore, in order to move comfortably, it is worth stocking up not only with a pair of powerful flashlights, but also with spare batteries or a rechargeable battery. In addition, it is very convenient to see where you are stepping and not step on peacefully resting animals.
  • If you are planning a long holiday, you can make a list of some products that are not available in India. These include chocolate, cheese, raw smoked sausage, and seeds.
  • Going to exotic country, it is important to understand that conservative views reign here and it is not customary even for tourists to expose much of their body. No need to bring miniskirts, shorts or tight underwear. Otherwise, the local population will think badly of you.
  • Most hotels have small tabs on their doors for padlocks. Therefore, it would be a good idea to purchase a small, neat lock with which to secure the door. This way you can be sure that no one can enter the room.


An external battery is an irreplaceable thing that is very useful for modern phones. It is considered normal for the battery to run out quickly. In this case, it will not only be impossible to communicate with the world, but you will also have to deny the child the desire to watch cartoons or play. If you find yourself far from a power outlet, which is the norm in Goa, it is worth using an additional external battery. It will allow you to charge your phone a couple of times. It is recommended to take a battery with a capacity of no more than 5000 mAh.


Oddly enough, not all places in Goa have a laundry service. There are no problems in hotels in big cities. But if you want to relax away from the city, you will have to do the laundry yourself, and here a clothesline up to 20 m long will become an indispensable thing. You can also buy it in the supermarket on the spot.

And once again turning to the climate, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in conditions of high humidity, it is better to use quick-drying towels.

Comfortable clothes and shoes

You should take comfortable shoes for both your child and yourself. Options with heels will not be useful. For basic movements, sneakers or sneakers made from natural materials will do. The ideal option would be sturdy sandals with durable soles. You can also bring regular flip-flops. From the beginning of October, the nights in India become cold, so it would be a good idea to bring, in addition to shorts and swimsuits, clothes with long sleeves and fleece jackets with a hood.

It is not advisable to take bulky suitcases with you. It is best to use a backpack.


As in any other country, you should not take expensive gadgets and phones with you when traveling. It is quite possible to get by with a cheap cell phone, since in conditions of high humidity the smartphone can suffer greatly. You should not take valuables with you on the beach or other places. It is better to store documents and jewelry in the hotel safe. Windows and doors should be closed at night.

One of the dangers that can happen in this country is the current. Most Indians are bad swimmers, and there will be no one to help them get out. It often happens that the current carries tourists away.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of stray wild animals on the beaches that may beg for food. But it's better to stay away from them.

A trip to Goa will give you and your family an unforgettable experience and great holiday, if you plan everything in advance and get ready on time without haste and fuss.

A little more about Goa in the video:

The list of things is compiled for people who are traveling around Hindustan for the first time, based on personal experience author for informational purposes.
The list includes things that I personally found very useful in my trips to various regions of India in different seasons, for which a corresponding reservation has been made.

Most of the things and medicines we are used to are either also sold in India or have Indian analogues, so it is not always advisable to take them with you. At the same time, if you are traveling to remote, remote areas of India, you better stock up on what you need before leaving; the choice of goods in local shops is very limited. In addition, if you are not adapted to unsanitary conditions in order to feel protected, you should think about this before your trip.

Documents and the most important

  • Ksivnik or napusnik for carrying money and documents under clothes (preferably synthetic, thin and waterproof)
  • Passport + 2 photocopies of the first page and visa
  • printout electronic air ticket in 2 copies.
  • Health insurance policy (preferred) with copies
  • Denyuzhki cash in large bills (higher exchange rate) + a few small bills. In tourist centers they change travel checks and there are also ATMs.
  • Passport size photos are required when purchasing a local SIM card
  • Ball pen

Means of protection:

Protection from insects (required if you live near fresh water bodies and at an altitude of less than 2.5 thousand meters)

  • Spray Moskitol or Autan, but better is the rarely available spray Gvozdika. Don’t buy the cream; they make an excellent anti-mosquito cream in India, ODOMOS.
  • Spray "RAID" - kills everything that moves / if you are a supporter of ahimsa, you can buy anti-mosquito coils, 18 rupees for 10 pieces, 1 coil is enough for the night
  • Electric fumicator / in India there is, but there is not always electricity
  • Look for the after-bite cream "KOMAREX" - a great thing, it even heals wounds! / there is an Indian analogue of Kailash Jivan cream.


  • Cream (oil, milk) for tanning, decide for yourself depending on your skin type and season, but the sun can be hot. I used Amber Soler No. 15, and I wish you the same.
    If you climb into the Himalayas to an altitude of more than 3 km. or you will walk on a glacier or snow - take a cream with maximum protection for the face, otherwise your face will char!
  • Milk for burns, such as blue Amber Soler or Indian cream Kailash Jivan
  • Hygienic lipstick with UV filter
  • Moisturizing face cream, although you can also use after-sun cream
  • Glasses with UV filter
  • Headdress. I prefer a scarf, it is easier to wet it in water, and this is sometimes necessary.

from dirt (asepsis)

  • Antiseptic (disinfecting) wipes for cleaning hands and utensils before eating are advisable in big cities India.
  • Medical alcohol (for internal and external) - 2-3 cans of 100 ml. if you are very afraid of gastrointestinal infections, although alcohol in India is not of poor quality, but is cheap.
  • Manganese permanganate (crystalline potassium permanganate) - in the solution you can wash fruits and the stomach in case of poisoning too
  • To treat the skin of the face and body during travel and transitions, you can take wet cleansing wipes like Hygena.

Toiletries and more

  • Antibacterial soap - SafeGuard or similar with maximum protection / In India you can buy DETOL soap or liquid with the same properties.
  • Shampoo (preferably in bags) / they are sold in kiosks on the streets for 2 rupees per bag
  • Toothpaste and brush / India has excellent toothpastes, ask in pharmacies
  • Washcloth
  • Comb/hair brush
  • A terry towel, if you’re not too lazy to drag it, hotels don’t always have them
  • double or 2 small sheets, in Indian hotels the linen is often not fresh, even better is a special cotton or silk cover for a sleeping bag
  • A strong synthetic rope for drying clothes; in Indian guesthouses there is often nowhere to dry clothes
  • A small piece of laundry soap / powders in India are the same, household. blue soap is better in my opinion
  • Toilet paper / sold everywhere
  • Some paper napkins or tissues
  • Cotton buds
  • Deodorant, nail file, razor, and everything else you use... cosmetics, IMHO, are not useful

Household supplies

  • A mug for boiling water + a boiler + a spoon - if you like to eat/drink tea at night or don’t like spicy food, and if you are in relatively civilized places
  • A penknife, preferably a folding one with a fork and a bottle opener; if you wander into the Himalayas, you may have to eat without them with a spoon washed in cold water
  • It is better to have a flashlight with batteries or a self-charging one. Electrical problems are quite common even in tourist areas, but in star hotels We always have our own generators.
  • Candles (electricity often goes out) and lighter / available for sale
  • Small padlock (for backpack) / available for sale
  • Needles, threads, pins + scissors

Healthy foods

  • Tea bags + sugar cubes + a little salt, in some places drinking normal tea is a big problem,
  • Instant rice porridge (in case of problems with acclimatization or spicy foods)
  • Chips and chocolate (for the road)
  • Vobla, if you love it, and manage to get it through customs, sprats and other non-perishable things...
  • Cigarettes if you smoke
  • If you are traveling to the Himalayas and love corpses, take freeze-dried meat, smoked sausage, sprats, etc. with myself. The most beautiful Himalayan state of India, Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand), is vegetarian.

IT IS USEFUL to take with you a thin (3 mm) metallized mat or yoga mat - you can sunbathe on the beach, lie down on it, when rolled up it is comfortable as a seat in temples and in nature, in the cold you can sleep on it.

Clothing and footwear for India

  • Sneakers for long walks and travel. For trekking in the Himalayas, special shoes are advisable; in any case, they should not get wet or slip.
  • Sturdy sandals with stable non-leather soles
  • Underwear, socks (preferably cotton or other hygroscopic material)
  • a windbreaker or sweater - it's cold when traveling in air-conditioned trains.

For Indian plains and beaches in spring and autumn

  • light trousers and a skirt made of natural material
  • if you have semi-nylon “pants that turn into elegant shorts” - take them, they are the most practical clothes for traveling, wash easily, dry quickly.
  • a couple of T-shirts or light shirts / available for sale
  • swimsuit/swimming trunks and open clothes for the beach

For easy trekking in the Himalayas

  • Polyethylene raincoat
  • windbreaker with lining or with a sweater. In the Himalayas above 2 km. in summer and early autumn you need to take a trekking jacket, above 3 thousand - already a down jacket and preferably trekking boots or good ankle boots, above 4 thousand and on glaciers without boots it already becomes dangerous.

Readings, photos and more

  • The dictionary is better than English-Russian-English, even if you know the language well
  • Phrasebook, if your language is bad
  • Notebook
  • Something good, eternal, that will harmonize you with your environment.
  • If the camera is digital, take batteries for it. There is memory in India, as well as all kinds of video cassettes.

It is advisable that all this be put in a small backpack or bag, but don’t bother on purpose... In India there was more of all this than here and much cheaper. It is advisable that your main large backpack is not filled to the brim with all of the above, otherwise where will you put the souvenirs?
You can also take the addresses of your family and friends, because they will be terribly pleased to receive a postcard with a view of the Himalayas or the Taj Mahal :)

Own experience achadidi

A dream has come true and a long-awaited vacation is just around the corner. A trip to another country always requires careful preparation, especially if you are planning a vacation with children in India. You need to think in advance about what to take with you to Goa, take into account the recommendations so that you have a supply for all occasions. Civilization has long come to even the smallest resort towns; you can buy everything you need on the spot, but it is better to take the bulk of your things and medicines with you.

There are two ways to prepare for your trip.

  1. Take a minimum of things, buy beach accessories at a local bazaar or market in Goa, and throw away what you don’t need when leaving. Prices for Panama hats, flip-flops, light shorts and T-shirts are affordable. The quality is not very good, but such things will withstand the holidays with honor.
  2. Pack your luggage from your favorite clothes and don’t rely on chance.

What clothes to take to Goa?

Be sure to take into account what month the trip is planned. There are no special temperature changes, and the year is divided into dry and wet seasons. The most successful time is considered to be the period from the beginning of October to mid-March; from clothes you need to take only light things that do not lose their shape and protect from the hot sun. During the rainy season you will need:

  • raincoat;
  • boots;
  • umbrella.

To be on the safe side, you can put one warm jacket or windbreaker, jeans, and closed shoes in your suitcase. Sometimes the nights are cool by Indian standards. Fans of hiking and hiking will need closed clothing, sports shoes, and a hat.

Important! Excessively revealing and tight clothing is not recommended outside the beach, out of respect for local residents It’s worth including a few loose clothes with covered shoulders and knees in your wardrobe.

Camping first aid kit

Its composition depends on the health status of the traveler. The basis will be:

  • drugs for intestinal disorders, including activated carbon, Imodium, Smecta;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • miramistin;
  • fever remedies;
  • ointment for burns, for example, Bepanten;
  • painkillers such as Nise, Nurofen, citramon;
  • cardiac, especially validol and corvalol;
  • anti-allergenic;
  • regular and elastic bandage;
  • patch;
  • hygiene products for women.

It’s better for this list to remain unclaimed than for something not to be at hand. To the list of what pills and medications to take with you to Goa, medications prescribed by a doctor are added if you have chronic diseases.

Please note! In India, many medicines are much cheaper, there are analogues with a more gentle effect, so you only need to take with you the bare minimum.

What should you take with you to Goa first?

The most important point will be the documents. Take with you:

  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • visa;
  • driver's license;
  • e-tickets.

Travel insurance is not required. But skimping on health and safety is unwise. According to the contract, insurance payments are made in the event of loss of luggage, flight cancellation, and funds for treatment are compensated. The cost depends on age, term and type of insurance, and the number of included options.

The list of what you need to take with you to Goa, India, also includes sunscreen, otherwise your vacation may end on the day of arrival. The climate of the country is different from Russia, especially if you go there in autumn or winter. By this time, the skin has lost its natural immunity to the active sun, which leads to burns.

You need to pack your things for India very carefully, so as not to take too much and not forget what you wouldn’t find in India during the day.

My backpack weighed 7.5 kg, but I was traveling to northern India and took warm clothes and trekking boots. I tried to put together a backpack so that I would be allowed on the plane with it - Aeroflot allows me to take up to 10 kg into the cabin. If you go to warm regions, then it is quite possible to pack a smaller backpack - weighing 4-5 kg.

Here is a rough list of things you should take with you to India. Some things can be subtracted, and some things, on the contrary, can be added.

Documents and money

1. International passport with an Indian visa. You need to have copies of your passport and tickets with you and store them separately. You can also scan your passport and store the scan in your email. If you lose your passport, having a copy can speed up getting a new one.

2. Air ticket + photocopy (also in case of loss).

3. Cash (US dollars or euros). Not accepted everywhere in India bank cards, so it's better to have cash. Cards are needed to pay for tickets online.

4. 3x4 photographs may be useful for permits and additional visas (if you are going to border areas).

5. Body bag for documents and money.

6. A guide to India, for example, published by Lonely Planet (can be purchased at bookstores or order online) or buy it already in India - I saw it there both in Delhi and in small towns, you can buy new or used. It's almost a necessity. Without it, I would have spent significantly more money and time. It’s better, of course, to buy it in advance so you can read it before your trip.

Medicines and hygiene products

1. A small first aid kit in case of minor injuries (iodine, bandage, plaster, etc.).

2. Medicine for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: enterosgel or activated carbon, lactobacterin, immodium, etc. I took only carbon, it was not useful to me. Coal based on the calculation that during illness (for example, diarrhea) you need to take 5-7 tablets (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of your weight) 3-4 times a day.

3. For headaches - tsitromon, ketanov, etc.

4. If you are taking any medications, take a supply with you.

5. In many states where malaria is common, malaria preventatives should be taken.

7. Anti-mosquito products that are applied to the body and indoors (but there are no mosquitoes in the mountains)

8. Hygienic lipstick.

9. Drops or tetracycline eye ointment for conjunctivitis - can be useful, the tube weighs quite a bit.

10. Personal hygiene products (feminine pads are sold everywhere in India; tampons and thin pads for every day are more problematic).

11. Wet wipes, preferably antibacterial (can be purchased locally).

12. Sunglasses, if you use them.

13. Soap (but you can also buy it upon arrival), shampoo.

14. Potassium permanganate (for washing hands and fruits).

15. Sunscreen - it's quite easy to get sunburned. You can also buy it on the spot.

Clothes, shoes, etc.

1. Two sheets or one duvet cover. Bed linen in hotels is often of a dubious appearance, unless, of course, it is the Imperial Hotel. You can also buy it on the spot.

2. Clothes for hot weather. Women should cover their shoulders and should not wear tight T-shirts (exception: Goa). In other parts of India, morals are still strict; not even every T-shirt can be worn here. Dresses, blouses with and without embroidery can be bought in Delhi, cost 100-300 rubles, natural cotton. Indians, by the way, look very approvingly if foreigners walk around India in local clothes.

3. If you are going to the mountains, you should take clothes for cool weather, but this can be bought cheaply on the spot. But it’s better to take trekking boots with you.

4. Rain cape (when hiking in the mountains in some months).

5. Sneakers, sandals with Velcro.

6. A small backpack for a camera, water, etc., which you will carry with you every day. If the gifts bought in India do not fit into the backpack you arrived with, you can cheaply buy a large and capacious Chinese-made bag on the spot.

Necessary little things

1. Knife (easy to buy on the spot, since you won’t be allowed on the plane with it, you have to check it in your luggage). Needed, for example, to peel or cut fruit.

2. A small padlock (they use it to close doors in hotels and lock bags under benches on the train) - but this is not necessary. I didn’t have a lock with me, it’s easy to buy in India.

3. Flashlight, preferably LED. There are frequent power cuts in some parts of India.

4. Boiler (boil water for tea or for rinsing your mouth when brushing your teeth).

6. A metal mug (you can boil water in it).

7. Needles, threads, scissors (scissors will again have to be checked in your luggage).

8. Tee - if you have a lot of equipment that requires recharging. There is often only one socket in rooms. Easy to buy locally.