The story of how a Russian plane got lost. Where and why do planes disappear? Amelia Earhart's last flight

Mysterious disappearances. Mysticism, secrets, clues Dmitrieva Natalia Yurievna

Aircraft disappearances

Aircraft disappearances

Where did the DB-A N-209 plane disappear to?

In 1937, on August 12, the DB-A N-209 aircraft took off from the Shchelkovsky airfield in Moscow. On board was a crew consisting of the commander of the ship Hero Soviet Union Sigismund Levanevsky, co-pilot N. Kastanaev, navigator V. Levchenko, radio operator N. Galkovsky, flight mechanics G. Pobezhimov and N. Kastanaev. They had a transarctic flight on the route Moscow - Arkhangelsk-Barents Sea - Fernbecks (Alaska). From Fairbanks, after refueling, it was planned to fly to New York. The DB-A N-209 aircraft was a new type of heavy bomber with four engines, increased payload capacity and improved landing gear. In addition, he was specially prepared for this flight, equipped with all the equipment necessary in these conditions.

The first radiograms from the aircraft indicated that the flight was successful. However, on August 14, Levanevsky reported that they were flying in strong winds and dense clouds, the cabin windows were covered with frost, and one of the engines was damaged. After that, communication with the crew was interrupted. At this time, the plane was in the Alaska region. The last radiogram said that the hearing was poor. All radio stations in the world and radio amateurs tried to find at least some traces of the aircraft on the air, but they found only fragments of conversations that were very difficult to make out.

Pilots from the Soviet Union, Canada and the USA took part in the search for Levanevsky's plane. M. Vodopyanov, A. Alekseev, V. Molokov took part from the Soviet side. General management was entrusted to M. I. Shevelev, head of the Polar Aviation Department. Under his command there were 15 aircraft, among them - H-170, H-171, H-172. On August 25 they were already on Rudolf Island. Earlier, on August 14, the Krasin icebreaker delivered flight crews, aircraft, fuel, warm clothes and dog teams to Cape Schmidt. Pilot Zadkov tried to fly towards the Pole, but his plane was covered with ice. People managed to escape. A detachment commanded by B. G. Chukhnovsky, an experienced polar explorer, also participated in the search for the N-209. From the American side, pilots G. Wilkins and Kenyon took part in the search and rescue operation.

In the 30s. XX in the Soviet Union has achieved great success in the field of polar aviation. Then the first scientific station was landed on a drifting ice floe; Valery Chkalov, followed by Mikhail Gromov, made the world's first flight to the United States via the North Pole.

The search for the missing aircraft continued for a year. However, neither human bodies, neither the wreckage of the aircraft, nor even any small objects were found.

In connection with the disappearance of the H-209 aircraft, several versions were put forward. According to one of them, the crew was forced to make an emergency landing in the region of the Endicott mountain range in Alaska. This version is confirmed by the stories of local residents - the Eskimos. According to them, on August 21, a plane appeared five miles from the coast, which soon disappeared. The American pilot G. Wilkins examined the area, but found nothing.

According to another version, the crew landed safely at 88–86°N. along the 148 meridian, but the drifting ice floe, together with the plane and people, began to move towards Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, it is possible that S. Levanevsky and his group are located in the area between Greenland and Franz Josef Land. To confirm this version, the Soviet pilot Ya. Moshkovsky flew around this area on March 31, 1938, but did not find any traces of either the aircraft or people.

There is another explanation for what happened. Several Eskimos in the twentieth of August 1937 saw an object that, with its outlines, resembled an airplane. This item fell into the water near Tatis Island. locals the noise of the engine was distinctly heard, and a day later a large oil stain spread in this place. It is authentically known that there were no motor boats nearby at that time. In addition (it turned out a little later), Eskimo children saw separate pieces of aluminum washed ashore. Then a survey of this area was undertaken, but the search did not give results.

It is believed that Levanevsky had to make an emergency landing to repair a failed engine. They then took off, expecting to land in Alaska. Apparently they ran out of gas on the way, because most of it was used up emergency landing. It is possible that there was another breakdown. And then the plane, having fallen into the ocean, sank very quickly, and the crew could not get out (the plane stays on the water for no more than 5 minutes) and escape.

A year after the disappearance of the DB-A N-209 aircraft, its search was stopped. The pilots were officially declared dead.

In memory of Levanevsky and his crew, several geographical objects in those places are named after them: Levanevsky Island, Cape Galkovsky, Cape Levchenko, Pobezhimov. In Moscow dead pilots a monument was erected.

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The disappearance of aircraft during a flight from one part of the land to another occasionally happens in the history of aviation. This may be due to accidents and falls into the ocean and other little explored corners of the Earth. One of the most mysterious cases of the disappearance of an entire aircraft is the case of the Boeing 707-323C, which completely disappeared without a trace in 1979. Until now, no one knows what fate befell both of his crew (main and replacement).

Official data

On January 30, a cargo Boeing of the Brazilian company Varig made flight 967 on the route Tokyo - Los Angeles - Rio de Janeiro. After takeoff, the liner stayed in the air for only 0.5 hours. Following this, he seemed to have dissolved somewhere in the air space above Pacific Ocean. Extensive searches were undertaken in the area by Varig itself and rescue services, but no trace of the mysteriously missing Boeing 707-323C has ever been found.

There were also no traces of his fall, debris, pieces of equipment - absolutely nothing. To this day, this case is considered one of the most mysterious in the history of air cargo and aviation in general. There were 2 crews of 3 people on board that day. It is noteworthy that commander Gilberto Araujo da Silva had already experienced one serious accident 4 years before that - the Boeing crash near Paris (RG-820 flight).

After the disappearance of the Boeing 707-323C in 1979, all 6 crew members are considered missing. This aircraft was produced by The Boeing Company in 1966. For 8 years, the airliner faithfully served the American American Airlines, after which it was sold to the Brazilian company Varig.

Event details

On the sad day of his disappearance, he had to deliver an expensive cargo to Rio de Janeiro. These were 153 paintings by Manabu Mabe, a Japanese-Brazilian painter. In addition to works of art with a total value of $1.24 million, the Boeing 707-323C then also carried industrial cargo. Was loaded to capacity.

The weather that day was not particularly conducive to flying. A thick fog hung over Tokyo, it was cloudy. The pilots still decided to fly. Takeoff took place at Narita Airport at 20:23. Approximately 20 minutes later, the captain of the ship reported that everything was fine, the flight was proceeding in a standard mode. The next message from the aircraft was supposed to arrive at 21:23. But there was no more news from the crew.

The search for the missing Boeing 707-323C began shortly thereafter; but they were not immediately brought to their logical conclusion. It got dark, so the rescue services had to take a break for 12 hours. Alarm sent to 70 sea ​​vessels located in the vicinity of the potential crash site. The plane was searched for 8 days. To no avail.

What could happen to the Brazilian Boeing

There are several main versions about the reasons for the inexplicable disappearance:

1. Depressurization could have occurred in the cabin after takeoff. The crew as a result lost consciousness, and the liner under the control of the autopilot continued to fly for some time. When the fuel in the tanks ran out, Boeing could fall somewhere in the Alaska region. Because of this, he was not found in time, and then the plane simply sank.

Air crashes, alas, are not uncommon - whether by mistake of the pilot, whether due to weather conditions or due to a technical malfunction, but the plane can crash. Usually the pilot manages to inform the air traffic controller about the problem or send an SOS signal, but there have been cases in history when communication with the aircraft was cut off for some unknown reason. And sometimes no traces of the crash could be found later ...

Flight 19, missing from the radar

On December 5, 1945, five American Avenger naval torpedo bombers, which made up Flight 19, went on a training flight. They had to fly over the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle. Wing Commander Charles Taylor managed to report by radio that aeronautical instruments had malfunctioned and all five aircraft were flying in the wrong direction. Then a storm began - and radio communication was lost. Five planes were also missing, as was a rescue floatplane sent to look for them.

The pilot of the Star Ariel plane showed no signs of concern, but never made it to his destination.

In 1949, an Avro Tudor Mark IV passenger plane known as the Star Ariel flew from Kindley Field in Bermuda to Kingston in Jamaica. There were seven crew members and 13 passengers on board, and the weather was perfect that day. The captain of the aircraft, John McPee, contacted Kingston Airport twice, and both of his messages were completely normal, that is, there were no signs of problems. However, the plane never reached Kingston, and dozens of ships and planes were sent to search for it. But they couldn't find anything.

Flight 370 Malaysia Airlines with 239 people on board

The aircraft was on an international flight from Malaysia to China on March 8, 2014. About an hour after takeoff, he got in touch with the air traffic control service - at that moment the plane was flying over South China Sea. He did not get in touch again, and soon disappeared from the radar screens. But it was spotted by military radar - and, apparently, the plane began to deviate from the planned course. As a result, he disappeared from this radar as well. 12 crew members and 227 passengers were presumed dead in the accident, but the actual causes of this accident are not known.

Pan Am Flight 7 - Aircraft wreckage and bodies of passengers poisoned by carbon monoxide found in ocean

In 1957, Pan Am Flight 7 was world famous for its international and extremely luxurious flights. On one of these flights - from California to Hawaii - the Boeing Stratocruiser disappeared without a trace. Search teams were immediately created and for five days they worked to the point of exhaustion. Finally, the crash site was found. For some reason, it happened at a considerable distance from the laid course. In addition, when the autopsy of the bodies found was carried out, it turned out that people were poisoned by carbon monoxide. There have been speculations that this disaster is an insurance fraud.

Star Dust and his last cryptic message

A British South American Airways Star Dust transport aircraft took off from Buenos Aires on 2 August 1947 at 13:46. The flight proceeded without complications and at 17:41 the airport controller in Santiago received a message (transmitted in Morse code) that the plane would arrive at 17:45. There was only one oddity in this message: the last word STENDEC, which no one understood and could not decipher. At the designated time, the plane did not land at the airport, and many days of searches did not yield any results. Only in 1998, its fragments were found in the Argentine Andes. Apparently, he began to decline too early.

Mysterious disappearance of a BK7 Stratojet with a nuclear cargo on board

In 1956, a B47 Stratojet bomber disappeared without a trace while flying over mediterranean sea. On board were three US Air Force officers and two nuclear bombs. Nobody knows exactly what happened. In total, in the history of the United States, approximately 11 nuclear weapons have been lost in this way.

Paul Redfern's plane is missing - there are reports of a certain "white" living in the jungle

Paul Redfern was an American musician and pilot. During the summer of 1927, Redfern decided to try and fly from Brunswick, Georgia to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For that time, the flight distance was enormous and no one had yet overcome such a distance in a single flight. A few hours after takeoff, Redfern's plane was spotted by a Norwegian freighter. Redfern got in touch with the Norwegians and asked how far it was to the nearest land. Redfern's plane was later seen by a fisherman off the coast of Venezuela. However, Redfern did not fly to Rio de Janeiro: he disappeared somewhere along the way. Countless search parties were organized in an attempt to locate the wreckage, but Redfern was never found. However, there were people who claimed to have seen a white man, outwardly resembling Redfern, who lived in the jungle in a local tribe.

Glenn Miller's plane vanishes over the English Channel

Alton Glenn Miller was an American trombonist and leader of one of the best swing orchestras of the late 30s and early 40s. After the US entered the war, Glenn Miller decided to volunteer for the Navy, but his application was rejected, as he was already out of military age. Then he proposed to create an army band to raise the spirit of the soldiers - and this proposal was accepted. From 1942 to 1944, Glenn Miller led an army band and gave concerts at Allied military bases. On December 15, 1944, Miller flew to the already liberated Paris to prepare a Christmas concert there. He was flying in a small, single-engine plane, with thick fog in the air. Unfortunately, Glenn Miller's plane never made it to France, getting lost somewhere over the English Channel. The crash site could not be found.

Emilia Earhart's plane went missing

Emilia Earhart was an American aviation pioneer and the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and set many others. aviation records. In 1936, Earhart began planning a round-the-world flight, and in 1937, along with her crew, flew out of Auckland. On June 2, 1937, Earhart's plane disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. They immediately started looking for her. In fact, these searches were the first such large-scale and expensive sea searches in the history of the United States. When the official search was abandoned, Earhart's husband financed his own search - but they also did not give any result.

Boeing 727-223 was hijacked by two men - and never seen again

In 2003, a Boeing 727-223 was hijacked at Quatro de Fevereiro Airport in Angola. By official version, two men entered. One of them was named Ben Charles Padilla and was an American pilot and flight engineer, and the other was John Mikel Mutantu and he was a mechanic from the Republic of the Congo. Both specialists worked at the airport preparing planes for takeoff. When the Boeing suddenly took off, the airport management tried to get in touch with him, but these attempts were unsuccessful. In addition, the tracking transponders were disabled so that the aircraft could not be tracked. He headed for the Atlantic Ocean, and what happened next - history is silent.

Flight TAM-52 suddenly disappeared from the radar

In 1974, the Transporte Aereo Militar (TAM) Douglas DC-4 aircraft mysteriously disappeared. TAM-52 was a Bolivian Air Force civilian flight en route from Santa Rosa to La Paz. It was an unscheduled passenger flight and there were 21 other people on board in addition to the three crew members. The plane suddenly disappeared from radar, the crash site could not be found.

Missing Boeing 707-323C carrying paintings worth over a million dollars

On January 30, 1979, while on a cargo flight, a Varig Boeing 707-323C disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. It was an international flight from Japan to Rio de Janeiro with a stop in Los Angeles. On board were six crew members and an expensive cargo: 153 paintings by the famous Japanese-Brazilian artist Manabu Mabe, the cost of which was estimated at $1,240,000. Literally half an hour after takeoff, communication with the aircraft was lost. This incident is considered one of the most mysterious cases in the history of aviation.

Star Tiger plane vanishes en route to Bermuda
The Star Tiger was an Avro Tudor IV passenger aircraft that went missing in 1948 while flying from Santa Maria (Azores) to Bermuda. The plane was flown by Captain Brian MacMillan, the weather conditions that day were very unfavorable - strong wind and rain. One day had to wait in Santa Maria, and time was running out, so the captain decided to fly. A little earlier, another plane took off, flown by Frank Griffin, and Griffin later said that he and MacMillan kept in touch. Both planes deviated slightly from the route, but then leveled off. As a result, Griffin landed his plane, and Star Tiger disappeared without a trace - without a single sound and SOS signal. The wreckage was never found.

Disappearance of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501

In 1950, a Northwest Orient Airlines aircraft was flying Res 2501 from New York to Seattle. There were three crew members and 55 passengers on board. This happened in the Lake Michigan area: first, the plane requested permission to descend to 2,500 feet, and then disappeared from radar. Needless to say, they later searched for it in Lake Michigan almost with a magnifying glass, but did not find a single fragment.

Before disappearing, a Skyways passenger plane sent an SOS message that ended abruptly

In 1953, a Skyways passenger plane flew from the UK to Jamaica. On board were six crew members and 33 passengers, including the military and their families. Over the North Atlantic, he suddenly disappeared, having managed to send only an abruptly interrupted message for help. The search operations yielded no results. The result of the investigation was strong recommendations for more thorough maintenance of air transport, as well as ensuring the necessary rest for the crew.

Where ships, trains and planes disappear

Mysterious Disappearance passenger aircraft Malaysian Airlines has added to a long list of similar stories. Trains, ships, planes and even entire army units disappear without a trace.
Time loop

In July 1911, the Sanetti firm invited a hundred rich people on a pleasure tour. A locomotive with three wagons drove up to a mountain tunnel. According to the testimony of two passengers who at the last moment jumped off on the move, everything was suddenly covered with a milky-white fog, people suddenly panicked. The train entered the tunnel and was never seen again. Search work was unsuccessful, and the entrance to the tunnel was filled up with stones just in case.
And 15 years later, a relative of one of the missing passengers came across a strange record in the archives. It stated that in 1845, 104 Italians appeared in Mexico City claiming to have arrived by train from Rome. Then they were considered crazy. Evidence of this are the notes of a psychiatrist from Mexico.
The further fate of these people remains unknown. Eyewitnesses noticed that the clothes and things of the Italians did not correspond in any way to the 40s of the 19th century. Some things have survived to this day, such as a snuff box with the numbers "1907".
Mysterious fog
The cloud of fog appeared in many other stories with no trace of disappearances. On August 12, 1915, the battalion of Colonel Horace Beauchamp and the volunteer company of Captain Frank Beck, part of the Norfolk Regiment of the British Army, received an order to occupy a high ground near the Turkish village of Anafarta. Performing a combat mission, 250 soldiers and 16 officers entered a strange foggy cloud that covered the approaches to the forest. No one has ever seen these people again, although the British did not give up hope until the mid-60s of finding at least some traces of the disappeared military. In 1967, among the secret materials relating to the operation in the Dardanelles, a report was discovered about the allegedly found bodies of missing soldiers, but only two of them were identified. And, remarkably, even General Ian Hamilton, who sent the units of Bosham and Beck into battle, did not recognize them - and he, according to contemporaries, knew almost every soldier of the Norfolk Regiment by sight.
Mystery of Flight 914

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of cases of planes disappearing without a trace. One of the most mysterious stories- the secret of Flight 914. A DC-4 charter aircraft with 57 passengers on board, flying from New York to Miami in 1955, landed 37 years later in Venezuela. In less than a few minutes, the ghost plane took off again and disappeared into the clouds.
Eyewitness accounts and tape-recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower prove that the landing did take place. “I saw the plane… I heard the voice of the pilot. I even held a calendar from 1955 in my hand, but I still can't believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who watched everything from his post on the flight control tower. - Those people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida. God only knows where they've been all these years."
Controllers realized that something strange was happening when a propeller-driven aircraft began approaching the airport, which did not appear on the radar screens. “We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” His voice was frightened and confused, but at last he said that he was doing chartered flight 914 from New York to Miami,” recalls Juan de la Corte. - The landing went well. But then I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this?” They looked at the jet plane and acted like it was spaceship».
According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and the tanker approached the aircraft, the pilot yelled over the radio, “No! Don't get close! We're leaving here!" Later, ground service workers reported that they saw the faces of passengers pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened the window of his cockpit and waved some folder to them to get out. Apparently, a 1955 calendar fell out of it, which was later found on the runway.
Disappeared planes can suddenly be found
On August 13, 1937, the DB-A aircraft with the number H-209, piloted by the Hero of the Soviet Union Levanevsky, with five crew members on board, disappeared in the Arctic. The last message sent by the crew was rather strange: "Can you hear me?.. Wait!" The search turned up nothing. According to the head of one of the branches of the Russian Geographical Society, Andrei Fandyushin, "the whole of Yakutia was dug up, but the plane was not found." However, on February 1, 2013, an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society discovered wreckage in Yamal that could belong to Levanevsky's plane.
And in the 30s, the Americans were also looking for our loss, with exactly the same success. However, the abilities of the Yankees for such searches are known: they also could not find their celebrity, no less than Levanevsky in the USSR, the writer Amelia Earhart, who disappeared in the same 37th during a flight over Howland Island. Just like her plane.
But it happens that seemingly missing planes are located. Evidence of this is the recent story of the disappeared in Sverdlovsk region An-2 of the Chelyabinsk airline "Avia-Call". Flight RA 40312 took off from the airfield of the city of Serov with 12 passengers on board on June 12, 2012 and disappeared. One and a half thousand people took part in the search activities - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and even the OMON. Involved 13 aircraft and 330 units of ground equipment. To no avail. In November, the search was stopped. And the next year, in May, bodies and debris were unexpectedly found - 10 kilometers from Serov. In those places that were combed several times by volunteers from the locals. How it happened that they did not notice what they were looking for, no one can clearly explain.
ghost ships
Legends about ghost ships live for centuries and are replenished with new ones. real stories. Probably the most famous of them is the disappearance of the Sulfur Queen tanker in bermuda triangle in February 1963. The tanker left the American Beaumont and two days later disappeared along with a cargo of 15,000 tons of sulfur. The search for the tanker or its wreckage was carried out until 1972, but did not bring success. Enthusiasts are still looking for the ship.

Here's the latest story. The double-deck cruise ship Lyubov Orlova was built in Yugoslavia on a Soviet order in 1976. Since then, the ship has repeatedly changed owners and tenants until it was decommissioned in 2013. On January 23, the ship was sent in tow from Canada to Dominican Republic. On the way, the towline broke, and the ship drifted along with a dozen Dominicans. No matter how they searched, they couldn't find it. For some time it was believed that the ship sank. But "Lyubov Orlova" was found a couple of months off the coast of Ireland. Last summer, the British Coast Guard reported that they watched the same “Lyubov Orlova” sink. They even photographed a ship sinking into the abyss. And a month ago, signals from the Lyubov Orlova ship were taken by Russian sailors - the ship was drifting in the Atlantic as if nothing had happened. But he drowned! And where is the crew, where did the Dominicans disappear to? All in all, mysterious stories enough for our century. And will the story of the missing Malaysian Boeing remain among them - who knows?

Archive number No. 13 (1015) dated March 25, 2014 - Planet of Mysteries

Original entry and comments on

Our world is filled with a variety of secrets and mysteries that no science can yet explain. Despite the development of civilization, in many ways we still do not understand all the laws of the Universe and therefore we often encounter inexplicable, and sometimes even mystical facts of the existence of otherworldly forces. And some anomalies began to occur precisely when a person learned to fly, or, to be more precise, launched into the sky. There are many mysterious facts associated with these marvels of technology, and some cases in which missing aircraft appear are presented in this article.

Malaysia Airlines MH370

A lot of attention at one time was attracted by a plane that disappeared on flight MH370. Millions of people from all over the world followed this event. On March 8, 2014, the flight took off from the Malaysian airport located in Kuala Lumpur, and was supposed to go to Beijing. There were about 300 passengers and crew members on it, and to this day no one is able to answer what happened to this flight.

Having flown about 220 kilometers from the coast of the country, the plane disappeared from the radar. This happened about an hour later, as the car took off. The missing Malaysia-Beijing plane is still being searched, but no wreckage, no traces of passengers or crew have been found yet.

Amelia Earhart

One of the most famous in the event is considered to have occurred in 1937. Then an American woman named Amelia Earhart set off in her two-seat monoplane, which was called the Elektra, on a journey over the Pacific Ocean. She took off in the area of ​​Howland Island with the aim of flying around the world and disappeared. This woman was very famous, because she was the first of the fair sex to decide to overcome the distance over the Atlantic Ocean.

Many researchers are still trying to find out the fate of the girl. There are a lot of theories about this, and not all of them look plausible. For many years, people have tried to find evidence of her crash or cunning, but so far, neither the wreckage of her aircraft nor herself has been found. To date, this case is one of the mysteries called "Secrets of the missing planes."

Authorities declared her dead two years after the incident. But until now, some historians believe that she is alive.

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

most mysterious and mysterious place on the planet, it is considered the territory that is called This is a fairly large space between Florida and Puerto Rico. It was on this site that the most mysterious disappearances occurred, and not only aircraft, but also ships. One of the most notorious cases where there are missing aircraft occurred on December 5, 1945. It is believed that it was from this moment that the whole hoax of this place began. Then there was a training mission of torpedo bombers. Five planes took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with an experienced instructor with them.

An hour and a half after the start of the mission, the pilots contacted the controller, reporting the loss of a landmark. They couldn't figure out where they were, and the terrain they saw didn't look like what they were supposed to see. The pilots also mentioned that their compasses were not working and were completely out of order. There were noticeable deteriorations in the weather, and since the coast was not visible, the pilots decided to land on the water surface. After that, neither the missing aircraft nor their crews were found. Even more mystical was the fact that one of the planes that was sent to find five torpedo bombers also disappeared without a trace.

Star Dust and the mysterious Morse code

As early as August 1947, British South American Airways flew its Star Dust aircraft from Argentina to Chile. The departure took place from Buenos Aires and the plane was supposed to land in the city of Santiago. But the flight never made it to its destination. Before the plane disappeared into the Andes Mountains, the pilot managed to send a message that later caused more questions than it could have been. Using Morse code, the radio operator sent a strange message "STENDEC", which has not yet been deciphered.

The attention to this aircraft was special, because after its loss it was possible to learn more about the passengers. There were six of them and four crew members. But who they were is worthy of a real conspiracy theory. On board were:

  • two businessmen who decide to tour and find new clients;
  • a stern-looking Englishman, a courier at the British embassy, ​​there is a theory that he was transporting secret documents;
  • a German woman who decided to return to her homeland after she lost her husband, and most likely she was a criminal during the war;
  • a Palestinian, reportedly carrying a diamond in the lining of his jacket;
  • representative of a tire company, its sales agent, former mentor of one of the European monarchs.

These citizens and a strange, cryptic message caused a real storm in the press, because with this in mind, you can create many theories and hoaxes.

The solution to the missing Star Dust

The mystery of this event was only solved in 2000, when several climbers accidentally found a piece of an aircraft engine. And when the expedition went there, they were able to establish the reason for the loss of the aircraft. Apparently, the pilot, making his calculations, made a mistake with their position and, deciding that they had already flown over the mountains, began to descend. The aircraft's skin is not capable of sustaining long periods of time at high altitude, so due to the pressure, the radio operator could have confused attention, and his message could mean a "descent" command. And when the plane crashed into the mountains, it provoked an avalanche, which hid the aircraft from prying eyes for half a century.

Flight 191 Mystery

Here we are talking not about one, but about several incidents, the connecting link of which is the flight number. The crash of American Airlines Flight 191 is considered to be one of the worst accidents in US aviation history. Just a couple of minutes after takeoff, the plane, which was carrying a little less than 300 people, crashed at the Chicago airfield.

Also in 1967, another incident occurred, an experimental aircraft with Flight 191 crashed, taking the life of the pilot with it. And in 2012, the crew of JetBlue Airways Flight 191 had a real panic attack that passengers had to contain. Based on this data, many airlines have decided to exclude this flight number from their flight schedules.

Flight 914 Mystery

Probably one of the most controversial legends in aviation is the unidentified riddle - Flight 914. Many skeptics claim that this is a duck, an invention of the yellow press. But in fact, there is neither confirmation nor a worthy refutation of this story.

In 1955, a DC-4 flew from New York to Miami. There were 57 passengers and a crew of pilots on board. There is evidence that the same plane appeared on the runway of one of the airports in Venezuela. According to some reports, there is information that the pilot of the ghost flight contacted airport workers and there is a recording of their conversation.

A sign that something was wrong was that an old-style aircraft began to land on the runway, which was not visible on the radar. After establishing a connection between the pilot and the airport, we managed to find out what kind of flight it was and how many passengers were on board. The pilot's voice was quite confused and frightened. The controller said where the plane was, and after that there was silence. And no wonder, because the distance between the original destination and this airport is very long. When they reported on the link what the time difference was, the pilots got scared and flew away. As the ground crew approached, one of the pilots waved a folder at them, from which a small 1955 calendar flew out. Flight 914 is believed to be partially classified.

Missing planes (according to the military)

  1. The first case recorded by the military occurred in 1945. Then the young sergeant was supposed to transfer the plane from Kansas to Puerto Rico, but did not land at the destination. The search for the guy and the plane was unsuccessful.
  2. In 1947, a US Marine Corps military transport plane went missing. There were 32 passengers on board. The wreckage of the plane was found, but the bodies of the passengers and crew were not.
  3. In 1965, a military transport plane went missing, carrying spare parts for equipment. He disappeared a hundred miles before landing.
  4. In 1972, a twin-engine private jet with several politicians went missing. The last time the pilot contacted was 12 minutes after the start of the flight. Despite extensive searches, no information was ever found.
  5. In 1978, the carrier-based attack aircraft disappeared without a trace in the Gulf of Mexico.


These are not all cases of missing aircraft. Many countries appear in the materials marked "missing plane." Indonesia is among them. In fact, anything can happen in the sky. You can find stories in which there is a plane that went missing on March 8, and many others. Scientists have been developing theories for years regarding the influence of the earth's magnetic field and space-time gaps. Only one thing is clear, as soon as the first aircraft took off into the air, not at all small objects began to disappear. And many of them are under very strange circumstances.