Israeli fruits. Israeli vegetables and fruits supplied to Russia are grown in sand and on mines (Israel)

Exotic fruits of Israel Lychee (Litchi, Chinese plum, Litchi) Lychee, or Chinese plum, has found a second home in the Middle East. Its small oval red fruits are covered with many pointed tubercles and actually vaguely resemble a plum. The jelly-like flesh of the lychee peels easily from the skin and tastes similar to grapes, although it is astringent to the mouth. The round fruit is red, up to 4 cm in diameter. A wonderful, very tasty fruit. It has one bone in the middle. Similar to Longon in shape, texture and bone, but with a richer taste and aroma. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes with sourness. The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent pulp. Unfortunately, fresh Lychee cannot be consumed all year round: the Lychee harvest season begins in May and lasts until the end of July. The rest of the year it is almost impossible to find. In the off-season, you can buy canned Lychee in cans or plastic bags in its own juice or coconut milk. Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can freeze and store peeled fruits in the freezer for up to 3 months. Lychee contains a lot of proteins, pectin substances, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. A very high content of nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, which actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Widespread occurrence of Lychee in countries South-East Asia is responsible for the low rate of atherosclerosis in this region. Dragon's Eye (pitahaya, pitaya, long yang, dragon fruit, pitaya) These are the fruits of a cactus. Dragon's eye is the Russian version of the name of this fruit. International name– Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya. Quite large, oblong fruits (palm-sized) red, pink or yellow color outside. Inside the flesh is white or red, dotted with small black seeds. The pulp is very tender, juicy, slightly sweet, with an unexpressed taste. It is convenient to eat with a spoon, scooping out the pulp from the fruit cut in half. Dragon's eye is useful for stomach pain, diabetes or other endocrine disease. Harvest seasons are all year round. Carambola (Starfruit, Kamrak, Ma Phuak, Carambola, Star-fruit) “Star of the tropics” - in cross-section, it looks like an asterisk. The fruit has an edible peel and is eaten whole (there are small seeds inside). The main advantage is a pleasant smell and juiciness. The taste is not particularly distinctive - slightly sweet or sweet and sour, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of an apple. The fruit is quite juicy and perfectly quenches thirst. Sold all year round. People with severe kidney problems are not recommended to consume Carambola. Mango According to some estimates, Mango is considered the most delicious fruit in the world. Mango is quite widely known and sold in Russia. However, the taste and aroma of Mango in its homeland is very different from what is sold in our stores. In Asia, its fruits are much more aromatic, juicier, and the taste is richer. And indeed, when you eat a fresh, ripe mango grown, for example, in Thailand, it seems that nothing tastes better. The fruit is covered with an inedible peel that cannot be separated from the pulp: it must be cut off in a thin layer using a knife. Inside the fruit there is a rather large, flat stone, from which the pulp also does not come out, and it must be separated from the stone with a knife, or simply eaten. The color of Mango, depending on the degree of ripeness, varies from green to yellow (sometimes to yellow-orange or red). For local consumption, it is better to buy the ripest yellow or orange fruits. Without a refrigerator, such fruits can be stored for up to 5 days, in the refrigerator for up to 30 days, unless, of course, they were previously stored somewhere else. If you want to bring several fruits home, you can buy fruits of medium maturity, greenish in color. They keep well and ripen on the road or at home. Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) Cherimoya is also known as Cream Apple and Ice Cream Tree. In some countries, the fruit is known under completely different names: in Brazil - Graviola, in Mexico - Poox, in Guatemala - Pac or Tzumux, in El Salvador - Anona poshte, in Belize - Tukib, in Haiti - Cachiman la Chine, in the Philippines - Atis , on Cook Island - Sasalapa. The fruit is native to South America, but it can be found in countries that are warm all year round in Asia and South Africa, also in Australia, Spain, Israel, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, Libya and Algeria. However, the fruit is rare in these countries. It is still most common on the American continent. It is quite difficult to clearly recognize the Cherimoya fruit at the first inexperienced glance, since it exists in several types with different surfaces (lumpy, smooth or mixed). One of the tuberculate varieties, including Noina, is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia. The size of the fruit is 10-20 centimeters in diameter and the shape of the cut fruit resembles a heart. The consistency of the pulp resembles an orange and is usually eaten with a spoon, it is very tasty and tastes immediately like banana and passion fruit, papaya and pineapple, and strawberries with cream. The pulp contains very hard pea-sized seeds, so be careful, otherwise you may lose a tooth. It is usually sold slightly unripe and hard and must sit for 2-3 days before acquiring its true amazing taste and texture. The ripening season is usually from February to April. Tamarillo (Tomato tree, Cyphomandra betacea) Tamarillo is an oval-shaped berry, reaches a length of 5 to 10 cm, a diameter of up to 5 cm. The color of the fruit varies from yellow to dark red and even purple. It looks and tastes very much like tomatoes, which is why its second name is Tomato Tree, but it is still a fruit. Its peel is hard, smooth and bitter. Very reminiscent of a tomato with a currant flavor, but has a slightly pronounced fruity smell. The pulp may be yellow or orange. As a rule, it has two sections inside with light or dark small seeds (depending on the color of the peel of the fruit itself, the lighter the color, the lighter the seeds). It grows in countries South America(Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, etc.), some countries Central America, in Jamaica, Haiti, New Zealand. You need to choose even and smooth fruits, without external damage, slightly soft. You should know that yellow and orange fruits are sweeter, while darker colored fruits become sour as they ripen. Ripe fruits are stored for a short time (in the cold for no longer than 7 days), unripe ones can ripen at room temperature. They do not tolerate transportation well. Tamarillo is eaten by first peeling it (it is inedible), and grabbing a little layer of pulp, or cutting it in half and scooping out the pulp with a spoon. It is widely used in cooking, using it in dishes both as a vegetable and as a fruit. Tamarillo is rich in a large amount of vitamins (A, group B, C, E) and microelements. The ripening season is all year round. Kumquat Kumquat is also known as Fortunella, Kinkan, Japanese oranges. This is a citrus plant. It grows in southern China, but is also widespread in other tropical countries. Kumquat fruits can also be found on the shelves of our stores, but the taste is not at all what you can taste at home in its freshest form. Kumquat fruits are small (from 2 to 4 centimeters), similar to small oblong oranges or tangerines. The outside is covered with a very thin edible peel, the inside and structure and taste are almost the same as an orange, except that it is a little sour and bitter. Eaten whole (except for the seeds). The ripening season is from May to June, you can buy all year round.

In what months do the most delicious strawberries, tangerines, dates, pomegranates and other fruits ripen in Israel? What are the prices for fruits in stores and markets? How to buy cheap? What fruits do Israelis respect and love? How many fruits are grown? Read the answers in this article.

Note. Further on in this article we will give prices in Israeli shekels, since prices in stores will be in shekels. Only shops accept dollars and euros, but at a terribly unfavorable rate. To understand what the prices are in rubles or dollars, see the official rate in our article “” or use our convenient one.

Another note. The harvest season for each fruit can vary from year to year by a week, two or even a month, depending on the weather. For example, in 2019, the date season shifted by almost a month due to cold weather in April and May.

An important point when buying fruit

The country of Israel has long officially switched to the metric system. However, before the formation of the State of Israel, these territories were controlled by the British, and the tradition of using the pound as a measure of weight remained.

In addition, as in many countries, half-kilogram packages are popular here. As a result, in markets and shops it is often not obvious to tourists what weight the price is announced for - per kilogram, per package, or perhaps per pound of weight? And market traders especially do not miss the chance to deceive tourists.

So that our dear readers do not overpay and do not become a victim of deception, we publish the names of weights in Hebrew. We hope that the browser on your smartphone or computer will be able to display Hebrew letters correctly.

Buying fruit on Friday can be profitable

In Israel, they really like to add the prefixes “bio” and “eco” to the name of the product. And at the same time increase the price by 50-250%. How much better and healthier are such fruits really than ordinary ones? The question is open;

Don't forget that fruit is fragile. Just imagine what if the watermelon breaks in your suitcase on the flight back? It will probably flood with juice and ruin all the things inside. We strongly recommend that you pack all fruits in plastic bags and tie these bags tightly;

Have a nice holiday in Israel, and read our interesting articles about this country ( list of articles below).

You can find a lot of Israeli vegetables and fruits in Russian and Ukrainian retail chains. But few people know that Israeli eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, onions, grapes, oranges and much more are grown right in the sand in the Negev Desert, or in the even more arid Arava Valley on the border with Jordan. Moreover, a considerable part of the plantations and greenhouses are not even nearby, but right among the minefields and from the extreme eggplant to Jordan about ten meters. And if even this is not enough for you, then in these places there is practically no precipitation, there is less than 50 mm per year (for comparison, in the central part of Russia - up to 800 mm per year). Simply put, the rain is here a rare event, within a year you can count them on your fingers. There is no black soil here, no rivers or lakes. Generally disastrous places where it’s hard to breathe from the constant dust and suffocating heat at +50 degrees in the shade most of the year. And yet, it is these greenhouses and beds in the sand that feed Mother Russia with fresh and tasty vegetables and fruits. Read on and you won't believe your eyes -

These places are located in the southern part of Israel, look at the map, immediately “under” Dead Sea and to Eilat on the Red Sea stretches the border with Jordan and, parallel to it, highway No. 90 leading to Eilat. So, between the road and the border stretches the dry and dusty Arava valley, where there are about ten kibbutzim (farms) growing vegetables and fruits. Amazingly, the efficiency is such that only ten (!) farms not only meet the needs of almost 8 million people in Israel, but also manage to fill the shelves of Russian and Ukrainian supermarkets. Without water, without normal soils, without rain. Without exaggeration - amazing.

Riding on these lost places with sand in his hair and his nose parched from the dry wind, he never ceased to be amazed that a thousand collective farms were unable to feed Russia, but here a dozen farms put things on stream and provide for millions of people. But let’s leave the lyrics (otherwise they will say that I’m a “Russophobe”, they say I don’t like Russian collective farmers, and they have an eternal battle for the harvest) and let’s move on to the walk. It's the most

I said above that the plantations are located on the border. But I forgot to add that the local border has a number of features. The fact is that in 1994, as a result of the signing of a peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, territories were exchanged. The border here ran along the bed of the seasonal Arava River, along which muddy streams descending from the mountains after the rains eventually reach these places and flow towards the Dead Sea. This happens only a few times a year and only in winter. So, along the bed of this river, with permission to name it, the border ran. On the Israeli side, the development of the Arava Desert began in the late 50s; on the Jordanian side there is nothing to this day. Add to this the state of war that existed between the countries until 1994 and we get the following result: the Israelis, in order to secure the villages adjacent to the border, captured strategic points on the Jordanian side of the border. This was a long time ago, the fifties, there was no exact demarcation of the border, the river bed shifted here and there. The Jordanian side actually carried out raids and attacks; it is enough to mention the murder of 11 passengers on an Eilat-Tel Aviv bus in 1954, as described in the article "".

Ultimately, by signing a peace treaty in 1994, both countries finally defined the border once and for all. As a result, Israel recognized about 300 sq. km of territory in the Arava for Jordan, and they, in turn, recognized for the Israelis some small areas of land a little to the north, near the Dead Sea. The most interesting nuance was that in the territory that went to Jordan after the peace treaty, there are several settlements. Not the settlements themselves with houses, but their plantations and farms. New frontier passed a few hundred meters from such villages as Khatseva, Yahav, Lotan and others. So, in exchange for Israel’s consent to return the mentioned territories to Jordan, the following clause was added to the text of the peace treaty: “...Israeli farms remain under the control of Israel, but under the formal jurisdiction of Jordan.” Do you agree that it sounds very vague? In practice, this means that nothing has changed. The Jordanians are obliged to ensure order and security in this territory, but at the same time they do not have the right to create any obstacles of any nature (customs, border, tax) to the Israelis.

In practice, for a tourist it looks like this: you get behind the wheel, leave the village, five minutes later you drive through the border between Israel and Jordan and drive through Jordanian territory among Israeli greenhouses. What do you think? We set off and as soon as we left the village of Khatseva, we passed the formal border with Jordan. There is nothing else here except warning columns -

Warning that you cannot leave the road, mines -

We pass an Israeli border post, where there is not a single person -

Well, we are in Jordan. At least formally. You won't find Jordanians here -

And here they are, plantations on the sand. How all this grows here is beyond comprehension.

Only Thais and Filipinos work here. The Israelis are not ready to work for this money (the Thais are paid a minimum of 4860 shekels per month, that is, 1220 dollars) in the hot and dusty desert -

Up to 80% of the agricultural products of these settlements ultimately go to Russia. If you come across a zucchini somewhere in Yaroslavl or Irkutsk with the inscription “Puerrtto” - don’t be surprised! Just kidding, I didn't sign anything :-)))

Green pepper -

The mesh covers the crops from the sun and dust -

You will not believe! These are grapes and they also grow on sand! Damn, this is beyond my understanding -

By the way, very tasty and sweet seedless grapes, I liked it -

And this is a potato -

And to prevent the Jordanians from stealing the potatoes, they laid mines here. In fact, the mines are not because of potatoes, of course -

Eggplant -

And here preparations are underway for new crops. They plow up the sand and lay irrigation pipes -

In about six months, the potatoes and carrots grown here will be on your table at home, in Moscow and St. Petersburg -

Without water nothing will grow here -

Panoramic view of the plantation. And the bed of the border river is visible immediately below; Thus, you and I have just visited Jordan without a visa. Saved as much as $60. I smile.

A dam was built here to collect the flow of water coming from the mountains. Then the crops are watered with the same water -

Since not all readers have an account in Livejournal, I duplicate all my articles about life and travel in social media, so join us:

Israel – wonderful country for gastronomic tourism. In addition to the original ones, you can also taste delicious exotic fruits here.

The Israelis have achieved great success in gardening and manage to grow rich crops in the dry desert area. Thanks to drip irrigation, a minimal amount of water is wasted, and excess sunlight allows you to grow fruit in Israel almost all year round. Faced with such abundance, tourists may become confused - on the shelves next to familiar fruits there are also completely unfamiliar ones. What exotic fruits grow in Israel, and which of them are definitely worth trying?


The most unusual Israeli fruits are the fruits of certain types of cacti, united by the common name “pitaya”. They are also known under other names: “pitahaya”, “dragonfruit”, “dragon’s heart”. The fruit looks really unusual - its surface is covered with outgrowths resembling pointed scales, and the juicy pulp contains many small black seeds.

The skin of pitaya can be yellow or crimson. Yellow fruits have white flesh, while raspberry fruits have white or pink flesh. The skin is inedible, but the flesh is juicy and aromatic, tasting a little like kiwi. It contains vitamins B6 and C, as well as useful microelements - iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium.

100 grams of pitaya contain only 50 kcal, so these exotic Israeli fruits are appreciated by those who follow a low-calorie diet.

The fruits are eaten fresh and used to make juices, soft drinks and even. Pitaya is harvested several times a year, so it can be seen on sale at any time. The cost of one piece is about 10 shekels ($2.7).

Japanese medlar (shesek)

These fruits, grown in Israel, are very popular. Evergreen medlar trees can be seen not only in nurseries, but also on city streets. In spring, small, bright yellow, pear-shaped fruits ripen on tree branches. The shesek pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, and tastes like a mixture of cherries and pears. The fruits are eaten fresh and also made into juices, compotes, jams and jellies.

Medlar contains many useful substances and vitamins. Regular consumption of these exotic fruits helps normalize blood sugar. Medlar ripens in the spring, the average price is about $3 per kg.


Dates are one of the most common delicacies in the East. In Israel, the Medjool variety is grown, which is highly valued throughout the world. Dates of this variety are large and sweet, they have a soft texture and a special pleasant aroma.

Date palm fruits can be eaten raw or dried. Dried fruits are stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well, so many tourists bring dates home as gifts from Israel.

Dates contain many vitamins and microelements, and thanks to tryptophan they can even prolong youth. These sweet dried fruits are also quite high in calories and help quickly restore strength. Therefore, be sure to stock up on dates if you are going on a long excursion or walk around the city.

Dates are sold throughout the year; in a supermarket, a kilogram costs an average of $5-7.


Mango is a favorite fruit in Israel and an important export item. The country's climate is well suited for mango trees; the fruits grow large and juicy.

It is no coincidence that mango is called the “king of fruits”. The fruits are tasty, aromatic and incredibly healthy. They contain vitamins C and B, useful microelements. Eating mango is doubly pleasant: the fruit improves health and also lifts your spirits!

Mangoes have smooth yellow, greenish or red skin, orange flesh, and a large seed inside. The taste of this exotic fruit is reminiscent of apricot, pineapple and ice cream at the same time.

In Israel, mango trees bloom in the spring, and the fruits, depending on the variety, begin to ripen from July to December. Fruits are eaten fresh, juices, desserts, jam, and marmalade are prepared from them. Mangoes in Israel sell for approximately $3-4 per kg.


Lychees are exotic fruits of Israel that are also worth trying. They are small, oval in shape and do not exceed 4 cm in size. Hidden under the lumpy red skin is light flesh with a jelly-like consistency and a hard bone. Lychee tastes a little like grapes with a winey aftertaste and a slight astringent effect. These exotic fruits are eaten fresh, canned and dried.

The Israeli winery Morad uses lychees to make a special type of wine that can be purchased as an original souvenir.

The fruits usually ripen at the end of June. At this time, some Israeli nurseries offer an exotic service: they invite tourists and local residents to collect lychees. One of these places is located near Kibbutz Matsuva near Nahariya - “Leitahev ba-teva” (להתאהב בטבע). Entry costs 35 shekels and gives you the right to pick and eat fruit without restrictions.

Where to buy exotic fruits from Israel

Other exotic fruits also grow in Israel: carambola, passion fruit, guava, feijoa, tamarillo. There are also more common fruits in large quantities: bananas, apples, pears, melons, watermelons, oranges, lemons, peaches. They are sold in Israeli supermarkets and markets. In the second case, prices are 10-15% lower.

To see what fruits are available in Israel, you must visit the markets. They work from morning to evening and amaze with their picturesqueness, like an artist’s palette. In large Israeli resort towns, prices are slightly higher than in remote places. The cost of common fruits ranges from $1 to $10 per kg, and exotic fruits can cost up to $20 per kg.

The most popular Israeli markets where you can buy fruits:

  • Carmel is the most popular, crowded, noisy and vibrant market in Israel, open from 8:00 to 17:00;
  • Mahane Yehuda - a real oriental market for gourmets, open from 8:00 to 19:00, and on Friday from 8:00 to 15:00;
  • Talpiot in Haifa is a very picturesque market with fresh vegetables and fruits, opening hours from 8:00 to 19:00, Tuesday and Friday from 8:00 to 14:00.

Remember that the “hottest” time in Israeli markets is Friday morning, before Shabbat. On Saturday, almost all markets are closed.

Lychee (Litchi, Chinese plum, Litchi)

Lychee, or Chinese plum, found a second home for herself in the Middle East. Its small oval red fruits are covered with many pointed tubercles and actually vaguely resemble a plum. The jelly-like flesh of the lychee peels easily from the skin and tastes similar to grapes, although it is astringent to the mouth.

The round fruit is red, up to 4 cm in diameter. A wonderful, very tasty fruit. It has one bone in the middle. Similar to Longon in shape, texture and bone, but with a richer taste and aroma. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes with sourness. The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent pulp.

Unfortunately, fresh Lychee cannot be consumed all year round: the Lychee harvest season begins in May and lasts until the end of July. The rest of the year it is almost impossible to find.

In the off-season, you can buy canned Lychee in cans or plastic bags in its own juice or coconut milk.

Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can freeze and store peeled fruits in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Lychee contains a lot of proteins, pectin substances, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. A very high content of nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, which actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The widespread occurrence of Lychee in Southeast Asian countries is the reason for the low level of atherosclerosis in this region.

Dragon's Eye (pitaya, pitaya, long yang, dragon fruit, pitaya)

These are the fruits of a cactus. Dragon's eye is the Russian version of the name of this fruit. International name - Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya.

Quite large, oblong fruits (palm-sized) with a red, pink or yellow color on the outside. Inside the flesh is white or red, dotted with small black seeds. The pulp is very tender, juicy, slightly sweet, with an unexpressed taste. It is convenient to eat with a spoon, scooping out the pulp from the fruit cut in half.

Dragon's eye is useful for stomach pain, diabetes or other endocrine disease.

Harvest seasons are all year round.

Carambola (Starfruit, Kamrak, Ma Phuak, Carambola, Star-fruit)

“Star of the tropics” - in cross-section, it looks like an asterisk.

The fruit has an edible peel and is eaten whole (there are small seeds inside). The main advantage is a pleasant smell and juiciness. The taste is not particularly distinctive - slightly sweet or sweet and sour, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of an apple. The fruit is quite juicy and perfectly quenches thirst.

Sold all year round.

People with severe kidney problems are not recommended to consume Carambola.


According to some estimates, Mango is considered the most delicious fruit in the world.

Mango is quite widely known and sold in Russia. However, the taste and aroma of Mango in its homeland is very different from what is sold in our stores. In Asia, its fruits are much more aromatic, juicier, and the taste is richer. And indeed, when you eat fresh, ripe mango grown, for example, in Thailand, it seems that there is nothing tastier.

The fruit is covered with an inedible peel that cannot be separated from the pulp: it must be cut off in a thin layer using a knife. Inside the fruit there is a rather large, flat stone, from which the pulp also does not come out, and it must be separated from the stone with a knife, or simply eaten.

The color of Mango, depending on the degree of ripeness, varies from green to yellow (sometimes to yellow-orange or red). For local consumption, it is better to buy the ripest yellow or orange fruits. Without a refrigerator, such fruits can be stored for up to 5 days, in the refrigerator for up to 30 days, unless, of course, they were previously stored somewhere else.

If you want to bring several fruits home, you can buy fruits of medium maturity, greenish in color. They keep well and ripen on the road or at home.

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)

Cherimoya is also known as Cream Apple and Ice Cream Tree. In some countries, the fruit is known under completely different names: in Brazil - Graviola, in Mexico - Poox, in Guatemala - Pac or Tzumux, in El Salvador - Anona poshte, in Belize - Tukib, in Haiti - Cachiman la Chine, in the Philippines - Atis , on Cook Island - Sasalapa. The fruit is native to South America, but can be found in warm year-round countries in Asia and South Africa, as well as in Australia, Spain, Israel, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, Libya and Algeria. However, the fruit is rare in these countries. It is still most common on the American continent.

It is quite difficult to clearly recognize the Cherimoya fruit at the first inexperienced glance, since it exists in several types with different surfaces (lumpy, smooth or mixed). One of the tuberculate varieties, including Noina, is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia. The size of the fruit is 10-20 centimeters in diameter and the shape of the cut fruit resembles a heart. The consistency of the pulp resembles an orange and is usually eaten with a spoon, it is very tasty and tastes immediately like banana and passion fruit, papaya and pineapple, and strawberries with cream. The pulp contains very hard pea-sized seeds, so be careful, otherwise you may lose a tooth. It is usually sold slightly unripe and hard and must sit for 2-3 days before acquiring its true amazing taste and texture.

The ripening season is usually from February to April.


Guava (Guajava), Guiava or Guava is found in almost all tropical and subtropical countries.

Guava, or psidium, performs among Israel fruits the role of an extravagant pear. In color, size and even taste, this tropical fruit is similar to the familiar pear. Guava is eaten raw, used to make juices, jellies and jams, and to produce local Israeli moonshine.

Despite the fact that the fruit is considered exotic, you should not expect an exotic taste from it: a rather mediocre, slightly sweet taste, reminiscent of a pear. It may be worth trying once, but you are unlikely to become a fan. Another thing is the aroma: it is quite pleasant and very strong. In addition, the fruit is very healthy, rich in vitamin C and perfectly improves the overall tone of the body and improves health.

The fruits come in various sizes (from 4 to 15 centimeters), round, oblong and pear-shaped. The skin, seeds and pulp are all edible.

In Asia, they like to ripen green, slightly unripe Guava by dipping pieces of the fruit in a mixture of salt and pepper. From the outside it may seem unusual, but if you try it, the taste turns out to be quite interesting and tonic.

passion fruit

This exotic fruit is also called Passion Fruit, Passiflora, Edible Passion Flower, Granadilla. It is native to South America, but can be found in most tropical countries, including Southeast Asia. “Passion Fruit” received its second name because it is credited with the properties of a strong aphrodisiac.

Passion fruits have a smooth, slightly elongated, rounded shape and reach 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits have a very bright juicy color and are yellow, purple, pink or red. The yellow fruits are less sweet than others. The pulp also comes in a variety of colors. Under the inedible peel there is a jelly-like sweet and sour pulp with seeds. You can’t call it particularly tasty; juices, jellies, etc. made from it are much tastier.

When eating, it is most convenient to cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp with a spoon. The seeds in the pulp are also edible, but they cause drowsiness, so it is better not to overuse them. Passion fruit juice, by the way, also has a calming effect and causes drowsiness. The most ripe and delicious fruits are those whose peel is not perfectly smooth, but is covered with “wrinkles” or small “dents” (these are the ripest fruits).

The ripening season is from May to August. Passion fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for one week.


Avocado is also called American Perseus and Alligator pear. It is generally accepted that Avocado is a fruit. This may be true from a scientific point of view, but in taste it is more of a vegetable.

Avocado fruits are pear-shaped, up to 20 centimeters long. Covered with tasteless and inedible peel. Inside there is dense pear-like flesh and one large seed. The pulp tastes like an unripe pear or pumpkin and is nothing special. But if an avocado is well-ripened, its flesh becomes softer, oilier, and more pleasant to taste.

Avocados are more often used for cooking than for eating raw. So you shouldn’t rush to try this fruit. But dishes prepared with Avocado can be very diverse. festive table. On the Internet you can find many recipes for avocado dishes, including salads, soups, main courses, but on vacation you are unlikely to need all this, so you don’t have to look too much at Avocado.

Papaya (Papaya, Melon, Breadfruit)

Papaya is native to South America, but now it is found in almost all tropical countries. Papaya fruits grow on trees and have a cylindrical oblong shape up to 20 centimeters in length.

Many who have tried Papaya say that it is more of a vegetable than a fruit. But this is because they ate unripe Papaya. Unripe Papaya is indeed very widely used in cooking; salads are made from it (be sure to try the spicy Thai Papaya salad called Som Tam), meat is stewed with it and simply fried.

But ripe Papaya in its raw form is really very tasty and sweet. Its texture resembles a dense melon, and its taste is something between pumpkin and melon. On sale you can find both whole green fruits (not yet ripe, for cooking) and yellow-orange ones (ripe, ready to eat raw). It is not worth buying the whole fruit; it is better to buy ready-to-eat, peeled and cut into slices Papaya.

You can meet Papaya in tropical countries all year round.

Coconut (coconut, cocos, coco)

Coconut and coconut are often used as identical words. However, the name "coconut" in in this case not true, because Coconut, by its structure, is classified as a stone fruit crop, such as apricot or plum.

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm tree, growing throughout tropical countries. Belongs to the category of fruits.

It is a large round (up to 30 cm in diameter) fruit, weighing up to 3 kg. Koros has conditionally two degrees of maturation. A young coconut has a smooth, light green or green-yellow outer layer, underneath which is a hard kernel. Beneath this is a clear (coconut water) or white emulsion (coconut milk), with a small jelly-like layer of coconut meat on the walls of the shell. The liquid inside with a slightly sweet taste quenches thirst well; the pulp can also be eaten by scraping it from the walls with a spoon.

Another degree of ripening (or over-ripening) that we see in our stores is the following: on the outside there is a fibrous and rough layer, under which there is a hard brown shell, and under it a thick layer of white pulp and a slightly cloudy liquid. This liquid, as a rule, is not tasty, and the pulp is dry and tasteless.

When opening a coconut, you need to be careful; you won’t be able to do this with just a universal kitchen knife; you’ll need more “heavy artillery.” But fortunately, if you purchase coconut in tourist areas, you won’t have to worry about opening it: they will open it in front of you, and, most likely, they will also give you a straw for drinking and a spoon for “scraping out” the pulp. Cooled coconut tastes best.

Tourists really like a special coconut cocktail: you need to drink a little coconut juice and add 30-100 grams of cognac, rum or whiskey.

Coconut contains vitamins A, B, C, proteins, sugar, carbohydrates, organic acids; minerals - sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

Pomelo or pomelo or pamela (Pomelo pummelo, pumelo, som-o, pompelmus, sheddock, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, Chinese grapefruit, jabong, jeruk, limo, lusho, djembura, sai-seh, banten, zebon, robeb ​​tenga)

Pomelo is a citrus fruit and is considered the largest among this family. Very often it is compared to grapefruit. As a rule, the fruit has a round shape, can reach up to 20 cm in diameter and weigh up to 10 kg!!! The color, depending on the variety, can range from green to yellow-green. The peel is very thick, inside there is light pulp: from white to pale yellow or Pink colour. The pulp is divided into segments separated by film partitions. Each lobe has large fibers and may contain small white seeds. Pomelo tastes sweet with sourness, but may be slightly bitter. Compared, for example, with the same grapefruit, the pulp of Pomelo is drier.

Pomelo grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, China, Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia), on the island. Tahiti, Israel, USA. In Russia it can be purchased in any supermarket, so it is not so exotic for Russian residents.

You should choose Pomelo based, first of all, on the pronounced aromatic citrus smell and soft peel. Before use, you need to peel it from the thick peel, making several cuts (to make it more convenient and easier to clean), then divide it into separate slices, which are also freed from the partitions (they are very hard). Store at room temperature for up to a month, peeled - in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

This fruit is used in cooking and cosmetology. In some countries, it is consumed with salt, chili pepper and sugar, dipping peeled slices into this mixture.

Pomelo contains vitamins A, B, C, microelements, fiber, and essential oils.

Ripening season: all year round.

Figs (fig, fig, fig, wineberry, Smyrna berry, Ficus carica)

Fig fruits can be round, pear-shaped or flattened with one “eye”. On average, a ripe fruit weighs about 80 g, with a diameter of up to 8 cm. The top is covered with a thin, smooth peel from yellow-green to dark blue or purple. Under the skin there is a layer of white crust. Inside, the pulp is very sweet and juicy with small seeds, jelly-like consistency, reminiscent of strawberries in taste. By color - the pulp ranges from pink to bright red. Unripe fruits are inedible and contain milky juice.

Grows in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Crimea, and Mediterranean countries.

You need to choose ripe figs with thick skin, without spots, and slightly soft. It is recommended to store it for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator, because... it quickly deteriorates and is not transportable. You can eat it with the peel, cut into slices or in half, scraping out the pulp with a spoon. Most often, figs can be found on store shelves only in dried form. Dried fruits are pre-soaked in water before use; the water after this “soaking” can be drunk (the beneficial substances pass there).

Figs are dried, pickled, and jam is made. In dried form, it is more nutritious and high in calories than fresh.

Figs contain a lot of potassium, iron, vitamins B, PP, C, carotene, minerals and organic acids.

Ripening season: August to November.

Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa),

Chinese actinidia (Actinidia chinensis), Kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Chinese grape)

The Kiwi fruit is a berry. It has small round or oval fruits, covered on the outside with a fleecy thin brown skin. The weight of the fruit can reach up to 80 g, diameter - up to 7 cm. Under the skin there is juicy pulp, depending on the variety, it can be from green to yellow. In the very middle of the fruit the pulp is white, surrounded by many small black seeds. The seeds are edible, but taste sour. Kiwi pulp is generally sweet with a slight sourness, reminiscent of a mixture of gooseberries, apples, and pineapples.

Kiwi is grown in countries with a subtropical climate (Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Greece). There are also small plantations in Russia ( Krasnodar region). You can buy it everywhere at any time of the year.

You need to choose smooth fruits, without dents or other damage to the skin; their ripeness is determined by the softness of the fruit. If the fruits are hard and hard, then they will ripen at home without any problems, for which they need to be placed in a bag with apples for one or two days. You can store Kiwi at room temperature for up to 5 days, in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, first putting it in a bag or plastic container.

You can eat Kiwi in two ways: peel and cut into slices or cut in half and eat the pulp with a spoon.

Kiwi contains large quantities of vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Various desserts, fruit salads are made from it, served with meat, fish, seafood, and drinks are prepared (syrups, liqueurs, wine, cocktails). Used in cosmetology.

The ripening season is all year round.

Guanabana (guanabana, annana muricata, soursop, annona prickly, graviola, sousap, sauasep)

Guanabana is a close relative of Noina and Cherimoya, and they can indeed be confused with the untrained eye appearance and even to taste. Their main difference is in the peel: in Guanabana, the surface of the peel clearly looks like rare low spines or villi, although in fact these processes are soft and not prickly at all. The fruit is round, irregularly elongated, quite large, can reach a weight of 12 kilograms, although fruits weighing no more than 3 kilograms are usually found on sale.

Guanabana is native to tropical America, but today it can be found in almost all tropical regions, including the countries of Southeast Asia. You can’t find this fruit at every fruit market, but if you find it, be sure to try it.

The pulp of the fruit is white, soft, creamy in texture and slightly fibrous. The taste is sweet and slightly sour, unlike any other fruit. Inside a large number of hard seeds the size and shape of a large bean.

When unripe, the flesh is hard and tasteless, like pumpkin. Moreover, the fruits are often sold unripe (ripen within a few days), which is why tourists, having bought it and tried it, do not immediately fall in love with it. But just let it sit for a couple of days and it will acquire its unique taste. To select a ripe fruit, you need to press a little on it, the peel should bend slightly. Hard, dense fruits are unripe.

You can eat Guanabana by cutting the fruit in half and scraping out the pulp with a spoon, or by cutting it into slices and eating it like watermelon. It is impossible to peel a ripe fruit.

Guanabana is a perishable product and should be stored in the refrigerator. If you want to bring it home, choose hard, unripe fruits; they ripen quite well within 2-3 days, but then they spoil.

Guanabana's ripening season is all year round.

Feijoa (Feijoa, Pineapple Guava, Acca sellowiana)

Feijoa is a small oval-shaped berry, 3 to 5 cm long, up to 4 cm in diameter. The weight of the average fruit ranges from 15 to 50 g. The feijoa fruit is light to dark green in color, sometimes with a whitish coating, dried on one top "tail". The skin is thin, dense, and can be smooth or slightly bumpy and wrinkled. The pulp under the skin, depending on the degree of ripeness, ranges from white or cream to brownish (in the latter case, the berry is said to be spoiled). Inside, the pulp is divided into sections, in the center of which there are several light-colored edible seeds. The consistency of ripe feijoa is light and jelly-like. The berry tastes juicy, sweet and sour, reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries and pineapple or strawberries and kiwi (people have different tastes).

It grows in countries with a subtropical climate: in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay) in the Caucasus and southern Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Abkhazia, Georgia, Crimea and Central Asia.

You can eat the whole fruit together with the peel, however, this is not for everybody, because... Feijoa skin tastes sour and astringent. In most cases, feijoas are cut in half and the pulp is scraped out with a spoon, or you can peel the skin with a knife and eat the peeled fruit.

For immediate consumption, you need to choose soft (ripe) fruits. If you have to transport it, then hard (unripe) feijoa fruits are perfect for this and will ripen on the road. Ripe berries should be stored for no more than 3-4 days.

Feijoa contains a large amount of iodine, acids, and vitamin C.

It is used in cooking: jam and jellies, salads and drinks are prepared.

Ripening season is October-November.

Tamarillo (Tomato tree, Cyphomandra betacea)

Tamarillo is an oval-shaped berry, reaching a length of 5 to 10 cm, with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The color of the fruit varies from yellow to dark red and even purple. It looks and tastes very much like tomatoes, which is why its second name is Tomato Tree, but it is still a fruit. Its peel is hard, smooth and bitter. Very reminiscent of a tomato with a currant flavor, but has a slightly pronounced fruity smell. The pulp may be yellow or orange. As a rule, it has two sections inside with light or dark small seeds (depending on the color of the peel of the fruit itself, the lighter the color, the lighter the seeds).

It grows in the countries of South America (Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, etc.), some countries of Central America, Jamaica, Haiti, and New Zealand.

You need to choose even and smooth fruits, without external damage, slightly soft. You should know that yellow and orange fruits are sweeter, while darker colored fruits become sour as they ripen. Ripe fruits are stored for a short time (in the cold for no longer than 7 days), unripe ones can ripen at room temperature. They do not tolerate transportation well.

Tamarillo is eaten by first peeling it (it is inedible), and grabbing a little layer of pulp, or cutting it in half and scooping out the pulp with a spoon.

It is widely used in cooking, using it in dishes both as a vegetable and as a fruit.

Tamarillo is rich in a large amount of vitamins (A, group B, C, E) and microelements.

The ripening season is all year round.


Kumquat is also known as Fortunella, Kinkan, Japanese oranges. This is a citrus plant. It grows in southern China, but is also widespread in other tropical countries. Kumquat fruits can also be found on the shelves of our stores, but the taste is not at all what you can taste at home in its freshest form.

Kumquat fruits are small (from 2 to 4 centimeters), similar to small oblong oranges or tangerines. The outside is covered with a very thin edible peel, the inside and structure and taste are almost the same as an orange, except that it is a little sour and bitter. Eaten whole (except for the seeds).

The ripening season is from May to June, you can buy all year round.