Which country owns the island of Ibiza? Where is Ibiza, in what country? How to get to the resort areas of Ibiza

The island of Ibiza, or as it is also called Ibiza, is located on the edge of the archipelago and is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the group.

This was once the center of hippie life, but now Ibiza is a place known throughout the world for its club parties.

How to get to Ibiza

If you want to get to Ibiza without transfers, you need to wait until the beginning of the tourist season, which lasts from the beginning of July to the end of September, since it is during this period that you can fly on Sunday by charter flight from Moscow to Ibiza.

If you don’t want to wait, you’ll have to spend not only more money, but also time, since you first need to get from Moscow to Barcelona or Madrid, and then take a plane to Ibiza, which will take about 40 minutes.

You can choose a ferry that sails from Barcelona, ​​but the journey time will increase to 9 hours.

You can also fly to Ibiza using flights from other cities in Spain, such as Gerona or Valencia, or you can also arrive by ferry, but in 4-4.5 hours.

Cuisine and restaurants

Ibiza is a paradise for foodies. Some of the most expensive and gastronomically diverse establishments in Spain are located here. Among them, the Ancient people restaurant stands out, offering its visitors dishes of oriental cuisine.

Ars Vivendi can rightfully be considered the best restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine. Its highlight is fish dishes and signature tapas.

Fans of French cuisine can visit the most famous restaurant in this area, Bistrot Cote Sud. Those who are eager to try national treats should visit the Ca N’Alfredo restaurant.

Sights of Ibiza

The most important site from a historical point of view is the Almudaina Castle, built at the beginning of the 16th century. Absolutely everyone can visit it, view the great halls and walk along the long corridors of the castle. One of the scientific versions says that instead of a fortress, the first buildings appeared in the 7th century.

Elsewhere, attractions include the Reina Sofia Park and the Square of the Sun.

Religious monuments include the Church of Santo Domingo, which is of national importance.

The Archaeological Museum, which has a huge collection of valuable exhibits, is popular as a cultural institution in Ibiza.

Entertainment in Ibiza

Every year one of the most best clubs islands and promotional groups such as Cream, Renaissance, Cadenza turn the island into a sea of ​​​​solid fun. All this begins in May, and the peak can be observed in August and September, since it is then that Ibiza becomes a gathering place for celebrities: popular DJs and residents of the most expensive clubs in the world. That is why this period can be called peak in terms of fun and entertainment.

In general, life on Ibiza is in full swing at night, as this is when most shops, nightclubs and bars begin to open. Everywhere you can see advertisements for nightlife establishments, beckoning you to go to them.

The island of Ibiza is also famous for its pre-club bars. The most popular among them are Mambo and Cafe del Mar.

Pre-club bars are, as the name implies, the places where most vacationers go before visiting the club itself, because they start working only after one in the morning.

Ibiza is one of the most popular modern resorts. It is famous not only for its green hills and meadows, pure snow-white sandy beaches, but also with enchanting architecture that beckons with sophistication and superiority.

Ibiza is an ideal resort for young people

Ibiza attracts many tourists with its unique discos. This resort is an ideal place where young people can really have fun. People come here from all over the world. The main tourists are English, Spanish, and French. Russians can be found here extremely rarely.

Everyone has heard about this island, but many do not know exactly where Ibiza is.

Geographical location of the resort

Where is the island of Ibiza? This is one of the largest islands in area located off the Spanish coast. Its area is almost 600 square kilometers, and there are more than 80 unique beaches along the coast. Its length is 40 and its width is 15 kilometers.

The island is located about 100 kilometers from Spain and 200 kilometers from the African mainland, washed by the Mediterranean Sea.

The official name of the island is Ivica. This is its Catalan name. But the locals pronounce it in a Spanish maneuver - Ibiza, which has taken root in many other foreign languages.

The resort of Ibiza, where there are many untouched places by man, attracts with its enchanting natural beauty and clean air. Here you can find many varieties of trees, the main ones being pine trees. It is worth noting that among the numerous species of wild animals, snakes are extremely rare here. This is another reason why the resort attracts tourists from all over the world.

Ibiza Climate

The climate in the area where the island of Ibiza is located is moderate. There are no harsh winters or rainy summers here. The temperatures of the warm and cold seasons do not differ significantly.

The summer season lasts from May to October. At this time, thermometers show no lower than +25 C. Usually the hottest months are July and August. The air temperature reaches +32, water - +26 C. The only salvation from the heat is the cool breeze from the sea.

From September to October, the beaches of Ibiza are no longer as crowded as in the summer months of the year. This period is called the “velvet” season. The air temperature drops and stays up to +25C.

Many people are interested in what the air temperature is from December to February in the area where Ibiza is located. This country is practically no different from Spain. Therefore, the climate here is the same: in winter time quite cool. The temperature drops to +11-12 degrees.

The history of the discovery of Ibiza

Many centuries ago, people not only did not know where Ibiza was, they did not even imagine the existence of this island.

In 654 BC. For the first time, sailors from Carthage sailed to this land. It was they who became the first settlers of this area, which later became the most important. The Carthaginians named the city Ibiza, which translated into Russian means Besa Island. They christened this land in honor of the most powerful Egyptian god at that time and believed that he would save their homes from all kinds of disasters, help in their sexual life, and protect women in labor and babies. Many magazines about the island provide this information. From our article you already know what Ibiza is famous for, where it is located, photos of numerous ancient and modern attractions can also be seen.

Modern island

Today Ibiza is an autonomous region of Spain. It is the most fashionable European resort. Its specificity lies in the atmosphere, people, nature and discos. Huge dance floors are famous all over the world. In no other megaclub in the world do they behave as relaxed, open and uninhibited as here. And this is all thanks to the ancient inhabitants who worshiped the patron saint of sexual pleasures.

The most big cities in the territory where Ibiza is located are San Antonio de Portmany and Santa Eularia des Rio.

The main feature of the local culture is the magnificent holidays that are regularly celebrated on the beaches.

These days, almost every village, even the smallest one, is filled with noise and fun. People are having fun, dancing Balearic folk dances, enjoying national dishes and savoring exquisite expensive wines.

On certain dates, festive processions and carnivals are held here, you can admire grandiose fireworks and watch interesting stage performances.

Sights of Ibiza

We have already mentioned where Ibiza is located, its climate and history. Let's look at what attractions can be seen on the modern island.

Ibiza Old Town is historical and cultural center. Concentrated here a large number of ancient and modern architectural monuments, which are considered to be the main attraction of the island.

The narrow streets make you return to the Middle Ages and plunge into the world of brave knights and stone walls. Climbing up the local hills, tourists get a unique opportunity to admire the local panoramic view: the blue sea, mountains covered with all kinds of greenery, cliffs. And at night, a mysterious silence reigns in these places, overflowing with romance under the open starry sky.

The most popular resort places on the island

Talamanca is perhaps the most famous place. At night, young people have fun and drink cocktails, and during the day, lovers active rest surfing and others marine species sports

Dance lovers can enjoy time at the most popular disco called Space. This event is for everyone and invites you to have fun from 6:00 to 15:00.

Ibiza is not just a place for young people. Families also like to relax here. The most famous resorts for family vacation are considered Portinach, from where you can go on any excursion of the island, Santa Eularia des Rio, where the only river Punta Arabi flows. In these places you can buy a lot of souvenirs from local craftsmen in the hippie style: baubles, bracelets, beads and the like.

Fans of “exclusive” holidays are invited to the resort of San Miguel. In addition to chic restaurants, you will find here luxurious palaces, protected areas with untouched landscapes. This is a place for lovers of silence and romantic walks.

How to get to the resort areas of Ibiza?

Are you going on vacation? Do you want to visit exotic island, but don’t know where Ibiza town is (yes, many people think it’s a town!)? No problem. Any travel agency or airport ticket office can help you. Buy a ticket and the plane will take you to the airport in the southern part of the island.

As practice shows, you need to book tickets in advance. Otherwise, you risk being left without a holiday in Ibiza, since the number seats on airplanes is very limited.

To get to the city from Ibiza Airport, take bus number 10, which will take you to the ferries. After transferring to the desired boat, in half an hour you will be delivered to Formentera or Mallorca. These flights do not stop operating until 12 o'clock at night.

With greater comfort, but a little more expensive, you can take a taxi from the airport to your booked hotel. This trip will cost you about 15-30 euros. All prices are fixed. You can view them at the stand at the taxi rank. It is worth noting that taxi fares on holidays and weekends may increase by several euros.

The island of Ibiza, or Ibiza, lies in the very west of the archipelago and is considered the most beautiful in the group. For years Ibiza was a European hippie hub, but nowadays it's extraordinary club island, home to Europe's most famous entertainment venues, an island of resorts and endless nightlife. However, all this is in the summer - in winter it is a quiet and calm piece of Spanish land, whose inhabitants seem to be taking a break from the crazy summer.

The city of Ibiza (Ciutat d'Eivissa) is the capital of the island and a youth resort known for its free morals, the most attractive and expensive settlement in the region.

Northeast of Ciutat d'Ibiza, at the mouth of the only river on the island, lies the town Santa Eularia des Rues with its beautiful church (XVI century) and a small ethnological museum. Located 7 km north Sant Carles famous for its Saturday "hippie market" and the legendary Anita's bar opposite the church. To the east begin the almost untouched beaches of the bays of Cala Lenya and Cala Bois, as well as the tiny bay of Cala Mastella with nice beach. And further north, a good coastal road snakes over the coast through dense pine forests, leading to the popular nudist beaches of Aijes Blanches and Cala de Sant Vincent. Then the road runs up the slopes of the Sierra de la Mala Costa and goes to the beautiful beaches of Cala d'en Sierra, Benirras Bay, the resort Portinach, the beautiful church of the village of San Miguel with nearby caves and runs off to the west coast of the island.

The center of the western bank is considered quite chaotic resort town San Antonio(Sant Antoni de Portmany), almost entirely aimed at tourists from the British Isles. Its coastal promenade, the Sunset Strip, is featured on thousands of advertising posters, and the bars and nightclubs that line the entire shore rival those in the capital. However, this is a very specific place, so many foreigners prefer to visit more cozy places west coast- the small bay of Cala Salada, a picturesque sleepy village Santa Agnes de Corona, family resort Cala Bassa Bay and Cala Conta Bay are multiple winners of the Blue Flag. In the very southwest of the island is beautiful beach Cala d'Ort with its picturesque island of Es Vedra, sticking out of the water like a monster's tooth. The beaches of Ibiza outside the capital and large resorts are generally noticeably better than the city ones, but the inaccessibility of many of them often leads to the fact that popular beaches are simply crowded, while on the excellent beaches of small bays there are no people at all.

Hundreds of Punic necropolises have been discovered on Ibiza, many of which are being excavated. Even by the Phoenicians, this piece of land was dedicated to the goddess Tanit, and therefore for many centuries it was used for the burial of the most influential people ancient empire peoples of the sea. It acquired particular significance during the heyday of Carthage, when every rich resident paid with minted coins specially for this purpose to transport the body of the deceased to the island, from where it was believed that the shortest path to heaven opened. That's why ancient monuments and necropolises on Ibiza are constantly being found, but their significance for history remains to be assessed.

Türkiye, Egypt, Cyprus - about these countries, so popular among Russian tourists, almost everyone knows. What about Ibiza? Where is this and how to get there? How is it different from others famous resorts and why is it better than others?

So, where is Ibiza? This island is not so easy to find on the world map. Located 92 km from Valencia, Spain and 200 km from the northern coast, Ibiza (Ibiza) belongs to the Balearic Islands, an archipelago under the jurisdiction of Spain. Of the four major ones (Mallorca, Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera) it ranks third. Its length is about 40 km and its width is 20 km. The population of the island is just over 130 thousand people. You can get there by ferry from the mainland or by plane.

The local climate is very mild. The temperature in winter (this is where snow and frost are considered a real natural disaster) rarely falls below +15 o C. The hot season lasts from June to September. At the same time, the temperature rarely rises above +30 o C thanks to refreshing light breezes.

The sea water temperature reaches +26 o C by July and remains until October, making Ibiza unusually comfortable for a beach holiday.

History of the island

Despite the fact that the area of ​​this island is just over 500 km2, people began to settle here since ancient times. Thanks to the Carthaginians, who found out where the island of Ibiza was located seven centuries BC, it became a major cultural and commercial center of almost the entire Mediterranean, and therefore a tasty morsel for all kinds of conquerors and lovers of easy money. In 123 BC. Ibiza began to belong to the Roman Empire, and later (in the 19th century AD) the Arabs settled here. However, they also failed to retain the island. In 1235 the Catalans came here. They destroyed the mosque, built a cathedral (which, by the way, has survived to this day) and renamed all the settlements. Yet Arab culture has left an indelible mark that can be traced not only in the general culture of the island’s inhabitants, but also in the local dialect.

Currently, Ibiza belongs to Spain, however, according to the autonomous statute, the inhabitants are considered Balearic Islands are one of the peoples of Spain, and therefore, along with Spanish, the Catalan language, which has official status, is also widespread here.

Tourist paradise

Ibiza is rightfully considered the island of happiness. Literally everything is unique here - the sun, sky, air, water and, of course, people. The landscapes here are truly stunning. Ibiza is where the endless turquoise sky stretches over the vast blue sea, lush green vegetation and, of course, unique snow-white beaches.

The main centers on the island are the cities of Ibiza and San Antonio. These cities harmoniously combine the medieval spirit and modern appearance. These are narrow cobbled streets lined with small shops where you can buy the most fashionable clothes and unique souvenirs. The San Antonio embankment is especially impressive, where you can see the snow-white luxury yachts that arrived here richest people world - millionaires, Hollywood stars and show business stars, famous top models and famous athletes.

Ibiza is where you can find entertainment for every taste, from wild discos and European club parties to calm peaceful rest on the beach or visiting local attractions. No wonder Ibiza is popular both among young people and among those who come here on holiday with children. In any case, anyone who has been in this at least once paradise, will definitely want to come back here.

Russian tourists prefer to spend their holidays on foreign beaches. They visit Turkey and Egypt especially often. Ibiza is one of the most popular holiday destinations among Russian residents. The interest in her is quite understandable. This resort area offers tourists a lot of unique opportunities that they will certainly want to take advantage of.

What is Ibiza? This is the first question that a person who is not familiar with such a colorful place asks himself. This is the name of the sunny island, lost on the world map. It is located close to the African coast and belongs to the archipelago administered by Spain. The island is home to approximately 130 thousand people. There are only two ways to get to Ibiza:

  • Arriving by plane.
  • Arrived by ferry.

Where Ibiza is located, in what country, you can understand by finding it on the map. Its location was discussed a little higher. Now a few words should be said about the climate of the Spanish island. It is quite soft and comfortable in these parts. In winter, the temperature here does not drop below fifteen degrees Celsius. This is one of the reasons why Russians prefer to wait out the cold season in warm Ibiza, forgetting about snow blizzards and unpleasant frosts. Hot days usually occur between June and September. At this time, real heat is observed in this corner of paradise, marking the beginning of the swimming season. At the same time, the temperature rarely rises above thirty degrees. Thanks to this feature, both island residents and tourists feel quite comfortable on it.

The emergence of the island and its history

The area of ​​Ibiza is not that big. It reaches only about 500 square kilometers. People began to inhabit its territory in ancient times. The Carthaginians were the first to know about this paradise. This happened approximately seven centuries ago BC. They turned this place into a real one shopping mall, where many Mediterranean residents gathered. Therefore, it is not surprising that the island quickly attracted the interest of various conquerors who were accustomed to conquering little-known lands. It was quite easy to subjugate Ibiza, since it didn’t really belong to anyone.

In 123 BC the island became part of the Roman Empire. After some time, Arabs began to actively settle there. But they were never able to defend their own rights to this place. They had to give it up to the arriving Catalans. In these parts it still stands ancient cathedral, which was built by representatives of the people of the conquerors. They also gave new names to existing settlements that had managed to form before that time. But the Arabs were still not forgotten. Their culture still lives on in Ibiza, which the locals continue to inherit.

Today, all rights to own the island belong to the Spanish state. The local residents are among the peoples of this country. Therefore, the official language of Ibiza, like many other Balearic Islands, is Catalan.

Ideal place for tourism

Ibiza is difficult to compare with other islands popular among travelers. After all, everything here is unique. Spending time in these parts leaves a special impression on tourists. That's why they come back here again and again. The landscapes here are especially unusual. Combination clean beaches, clear water and bright sun are just perfect. The green vegetation that covers the most islands.

There are two main ones on the island central cities. This is Ibiza and locality called San Antonio. Every tourist should visit here. The residents of these cities managed to preserve the spirit of history in them, while adding modern details to it. In the local narrow streets you can see fashionable shops with beautiful clothes. San Antonio has a great waterfront. There are yachts of influential people here: businessmen, movie and sports stars. And if you’re lucky, tourists may encounter real celebrities who also came here for a quality holiday away from big cities.

Ibiza offers its guests a huge amount of exciting entertainment that is difficult to refuse. Night discos are especially popular here. Club parties take place almost every night. Lovers over have a relaxing holiday can simply stroll along the embankments or take an interesting tour of the most interesting places cities. After all, you can’t visit an unfamiliar place and not get acquainted with its attractions. Without such a cultural pastime, a vacation can hardly be called complete.

Young people prefer to come here. Also, tickets to Ibiza are often purchased by spouses with children. Both families and young people will be offered the most suitable types of recreation that will be interesting and incredibly exciting. After this, tourists will want to spend their next vacation in this paradise.

What to eat in Ibiza

The island is crowded with all kinds of cafeterias, bars and restaurants. Each establishment offers visitors to get acquainted with a specific cuisine. It will be especially interesting for real gourmets who like to try something new to look into such places. Local chefs are not limited to Mediterranean dishes. If desired, travelers will be able to find a cafe that serves treats traditional to their home country.

So-called English breakfasts are popular in Ibiza. They include toast, eggs and bacon and strong coffee. You can refresh yourself with such a set in almost any public institution.

The main attractions of the island

It is recommended to set aside a few days of your vacation for a walk through the memorable places of Ibiza, where its main attractions are located. Special escorted excursions are offered for tourists. You can also go on such a trip on your own, if you are not afraid of getting lost by mistake in an unfamiliar area.

Every tourist should visit the most ancient part of the island, called Dalt Vila. On its territory there is a unique museum of modern art. The Cathedral is also located here.

One of the most beautiful caves on the island is Can Marsa. There is a museum inside it. To view all its exhibits, a traveler will need at least half an hour. It also doesn't hurt to visit the local vineyards to taste the most delicious wine in the world. Tourists also often visit the hippie market. In this place you can buy unusual things that will become a wonderful souvenir.

It’s not for nothing that Ibiza is called the place where the most colorful parties take place that never end. It gives every guest the opportunity to feel real freedom, to forget about the hated rules, and just live for their own pleasure for at least a couple of days. This island seems to transport you into a fairy tale that you will never want to leave. Every traveler must visit this wonderful place. Ibiza will change the usual idea of ​​relaxation and entertainment. Here the dreams in which many of us imagine our ideal life really come true.