Who built the golden gate. Golden Gate (Historical appearance)

1. The creators of the "Golden Gate"

The construction of such a huge structure lasted only 4 years! Joseph Strouss was the developer of the project, the famous architect Irving Morrow was his consultant, and Charles Alton Ellis performed all the mathematical calculations. But the latter's name was not entered on the bridge builders' tablet because he had a bad relationship with Strouss. Such is the injustice!

2. Where does the name come from?

The poetic name of the bridge has its own history. Military topographer John Fremont in 1846 noticed the similarity of the Pacific Gulf with the Golden Horn Bay in the capital of Turkey - Istanbul.

3. The complexity of the design

The construction of such a structure required considerable effort. Just imagine what kind of load had to lie on a bridge 1970 meters long with a support height of 230 meters above the water and weighing almost a million tons! It had to withstand the Pacific current of 185 kilometers per hour and gusts of wind, causing the bridge to oscillate up to 9 meters.

4. Opening day

On the first day of opening at 6 am on May 27, 1937, the bridge was only accessible to pedestrians. But the very next day, the first cars drove to it. On the fiftieth anniversary, the Golden Gate was visited by 300,000 people. Until 1964, it was considered the largest suspension bridge in the world!

5. Why is the bridge so popular?

The Golden Gate Bridge is popular for several reasons. First, its bright red color makes it easily recognizable. Secondly, he is depicted on the emblem of the NBA basketball club Golden State Warriors and Cisco Systems. And thirdly, the picturesque landscape of the Golden Gate neighborhood flashed in many films, in particular, X-Men: The Last Stand and View to kill" - one of the parts of Bondiana.

6. But there is also a bad reputation

The number of suicides committed on this bridge brought bad fame to this bridge. According to statistics, every two weeks someone's life ends on it.

The city of Vladimir, which was founded in 990, has a large number of sights preserved from medieval times. One of the most important is the Golden Gate, built in the middle of the XII century and partially preserved to this day.

History of the Golden Gate in Vladimir

These gates are known as a monument of ancient Russian architecture, which is located in the city of Vladimir. They are also considered to be world heritage UNESCO. The year of their construction is 1164. This is the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Initially, they were used as a defensive structure. The gate was the main entrance to the very rich boyar and princely part of the city.

Presumably, the Golden Gate in the city of Vladimir was created by princely craftsmen. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that on one of the blocks of white stone used in the construction, there is a princely sign. The gates were founded in 1158, and their construction was completed at the end of April 1164, when the Church of the Rizpozheniye, located above the gates, was consecrated. During the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by a rampart, and there were six more gates, these are Trade, Ivanovo, Copper, Orinin, Volga and Silver. However, only the Golden ones have survived to this day.

Golden Gate in the city of Vladimir

It is said that the prince ordered the tops of the gate to be covered with sheets of copper with gilding, which sparkled brightly in sunny weather. From the south and north, the constructed bulk ramparts adjoined the gates, next to which there were deep ditches located on the outside. A retractable bridge was built across the moat that led outside the city.

The height of the arched span was 14 meters, there were massive gates made of oak boards. They were attached to strong forged hinges and attached to the lintel located on the arch. This lintel also served as the basis for a wooden deck, which was an additional defensive battle area. Until our time, only holes in the walls have survived, where the beams for the flooring were attached.

The entrance to the site itself was made in the southern wall, inside which a stone staircase was built, it led to another flooring located above. The latter had jagged finials that served as loopholes.

white stone church

The Golden Gates in Vladimir in the center of the platform of the upper tier have a square church built of white stone, which was erected in the name of the Position of the Robe of the Mother of God. Most likely, the church was a square building of the four-pillar type with three altar apses. The building had three arched portals and a cylindrical structure with a top. The middle of the church facade was decorated with a decorative stucco belt.

Until today, the building has come with large restructuring and alterations. The original parts of the building include a wide passage arch and massive side pylons, as well as a combat platform located above them, however, preserved in fragments. The building itself was made using half-stone masonry, which was widespread in the Vladimir-Suzdal architecture of that time. The church was very similar to the temples built during the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Restoration of the Golden Gate

Numerous invasions of enemy troops and severe fires significantly changed the image of the Golden Gate in Vladimir. According to a number of sources, the restoration of the church built over the gate was carried out in 1469 under the guidance of a wealthy merchant Yermolin, who was also an architect. In 1641, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich issued a decree according to which the architect A. Konstantinov made an estimate for the restoration of the Golden Gate, but all restoration work began to be carried out only in the last quarter of the 17th century.

In 1778, during a strong fire, the gate was significantly damaged. A few years later, in connection with the general urban redevelopment, the bulk shafts that adjoined the walls at the gate were removed, ensuring free passage past them. Because of this, the gate supports weakened, and it became necessary to reconstruct the ancient building. In 1795, the project of the architect Chistyakov was approved, according to which buttresses were attached to the corners of the pylons and enclosed in rounded towers. At the same time, the vaults of the gates are being shifted using the old stone, and a new brick church is being erected.

Museum "Golden Gate" in Vladimir

The famous Vladimir gates are an integral part of the museum-reserve called "Vladimir-Suzdal". It includes 56 architectural monuments of the XII-XVII centuries. In the church, located at the top of the gate, there is a military-historical exposition. The main thing in it is a diorama, which shows the events of 1238, when the horde of Batu Khan attacked the city of Vladimir. The opening hours of the Golden Gate in Vladimir can be clarified on the official website of the museum, as restoration work is currently being carried out there.

And also in the museum the combat equipment of warriors, weapons belonging to different periods are widely represented. Here you can see: arrowheads and spears dating back to the 13th century, the chain mail of the Russian squad, a reed, a captured crossbow of the Polish army from the beginning of the 12th century, flintlock guns that were used during the time of Catherine II. And also a blunderbuss and a metal cuirass related to the period of the Patriotic War of 1812. The museum presents portraits and documents of Heroes Soviet Union who were originally from Vladimir.

Hotel at the Golden Gate. Vladimir

A cozy small hotel was built not far from the gates themselves. Walk to them for about three minutes. It offers 24-hour check-in, comfortable rooms and free parking around the hotel. Other city attractions are also nearby.

You can book a hotel room at the Golden Gates in Vladimir by phone or through a large number of sites that provide such a service. Numerous reviews of travelers say that this hotel is the best combination of price, quality and availability of the main attractions of the city of Vladimir.

Once in Vladimir, you must definitely look at the Golden Gate, which is one of the architectural gems and a monument to ancient Russian architecture. The beauty and history of this beautiful building will not leave anyone indifferent.

USE. Culture. Architecture.

Golden Gate in Vladimir. 10 questions - 10 answers

The Golden Gate in Vladimir is one of the most beautiful architectural monuments of the 12th century. Many times it was destroyed, more than once restored. But even today it amazes with beauty and grandeur.

10 questions and answers on architectural monument, which will help in preparing for the lessons and the exam in history.



1.Where is it located?

Vladimir city

Built by princely craftsmen

3.Vek and date of construction?

12th century, 1164

4. Under what ruler?

Years of his reign

Andrey Bogolyubsky


5. In honor (or memory) of what event?

The gate was built as a defensive structure and at the same time as a triumphal arch.

6. Features of the building?

This is a travel arch covered with a semicircular vault. The height of the arch is 14 meters. Massive oak gates used to hang on forged hinges that have survived to this day. Upstairs is a small Rizpolozhenskaya church, which gives a special grace to the building. This is the only gate out of seven built during the reign of the prince. The gates were covered with sheets of gilded copper, which amazed the imagination of contemporaries.

7. Interior design?

The gate is active. Today it is fashionable to walk in them. In the evenings, the arch is beautifully lit.

8. The fate of the monument?

The gates were often threatened: it was both fires and enemy raids. Their appearance changed. The first reconstruction of the church was carried out in 1469 by the architect VD Ermolin. Only in 1795 did the reconstruction of the gate itself begin under the guidance of the architect P.P. Chistyakov, and in 1810 a new church was erected on the gate.

9.Golden Gate today.

This is the main gate of the city. In the gate church there is a museum with a military-historical exposition: weapons, military equipment of different times. The central place in the exposition is occupied by a diorama, which conveys the dramatic events of February 1238: the defense of Vladimir during the assault by the troops of Batu Khan. There is a "Gallery of Vladimir heroes", participants of the Great Patriotic War.

10. Current condition?

Since 1992, the Golden Gate has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Golden Gate in Vladimir

Diorama "Defense of Vladimir. 1238". Artist E.I. Deshalyt. 1972

Museum exposition

Museum exposition

Coin of the Bank of Russia.3 rubles. Silver. 1995

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

A symbol of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge is more than just a bridge that serves as a transportation link.

Since its opening after four years of construction in 1937, the $27 million bridge has appeared in dozens of films and other works of art.

Yet it is also a working bridge, monitored daily by some 200 employees to ensure the comfortable and safe passage of more than 100,000 vehicles per day, as well as thousands of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport passengers.

10 secrets of the Golden Gate Bridge:

1. Why is it called the Golden Gate Bridge? It's not made of gold

The Golden Gate Bridge got its name because it spans the Golden Gate Strait.

It is a strait three miles (4.8 km) long and one mile (1.6 km) wide, which connects Pacific Ocean with San Francisco Bay.

2. What color is the bridge? He looks red

It is not red, although it seems to many that the bridge has that color.

After the construction of the bridge, the US Navy, which then monitored the waterways, wanted to paint this bridge black and yellow for the best possible visibility.

When the bridge was installed in the 1930s, the steel used to build it was a reddish color due to lead, and the team of architects who designed the bridge liked how the color looked against the landscape.

They mixed the paints and painted the bridge a color called International Orange, which is very similar to lead red.

3. Can I paint my house the same color?

It's hard to predict how your family and neighbors will react to an International Orange house, but it's possible to paint it that color. Copy the paint formula listed on the bridge website - it's free - and take it to your local paint shop.

4. Is the bridge completely repainted every year?

No. The top coat of paint has indeed been completely replaced with a new and environmentally improved paint. However, not all of its parts had the old paint stripped down to bare metal in order to be completely repainted.

5. What colors?

Every two years, bridge engineers inspect every inch of the structure and create a work plan for where to paint and make other repairs needed to keep the bridge in good working order.

After that, the painters get to work, as well as specialists who create protective temporary structures for them so that the painters can safely reach all painting points. To begin with, all the old paint is removed, and only then a new one is applied. Then they apply 4 layers of paint, up to 10 milliliters thick. This may take months, depending on the size of the processing area.

6. How long does the paint last after staining?

On average, engineers expect 25-30 years of paint durability without the need for repainting.

However, this depends on which part of the bridge is being painted and how it is exposed. Some parts of the bridge are still painted with the paint created by the architects after it was built.

7. What sounds do I hear on foggy days?

This is the unique tone of the bridge, created by four foggy pipes that produce a sound of 165 decibels. Its hearing range is up to six miles (about 10 km), and it activates when heavy fog can make it difficult for ships to see the bridge.

Of course, this is a safe bet, since ships have GPS systems and specially trained helmsmen, but no one wants to take risks.

These sounds are triggered manually, attempts to use automated systems have failed due to the fact that salty water damaged the equipment.

8. Who is responsible for rescue operations on the bridge?

This is the responsibility of Darren McVey and his team. They have been doing this task for the past 17 years and have already lost count of the number of people they have saved.

If the person refuses to listen to the cops, McVeigh's team goes behind the bridge railings to rescue the person.

In September 2018, construction of a suicide containment system began on the bridge. It is designed to catch a person who is trying to jump off, but, according to experts, its very existence becomes a deterrent for those who want to commit suicide. Construction is expected to be completed in 2021.

9. Did the bridge really have a poem dedicated to it?

Actually, two. Both poems were written by engineer Joseph Strauss, who made preliminary sketches for the Golden Gate Bridge in 1921 and served as chief engineer during construction. Upon completion of the bridge, he wrote poems: “The Mighty Task is Done” and “The Golden Gate Bridge.”

Golden Gate (Ukraine) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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What the people of Kiev call the Golden Gate, the symbol of their city, is actually a newly built pavilion. The gates themselves, or rather their remains, are inside this massive structure. The reconstruction pavilion was erected to preserve unique monument defense architecture Ancient Russia that has come down to our days. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also served as the main entrance to the great city, its landmark. Eminent guests and foreign ambassadors were met here. Here the princely squads saw off, and after the completion of the campaigns, the winners were greeted with honors.

Kyiv Golden Gate got its name from the triumphal gates of Constantinople. It was probably a kind of rivalry with the great Byzantine Empire.

The Golden Gate was built during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Some sources say that the date of creation of the monument of defensive architecture is 1164, others call 1037. The latest version is confirmed by the Tale of Bygone Years, which mentions these Kyiv gates, and the fact that the prince died in 1054. Initially, the gate was a rather wide arch with a combat platform above it. The white-stone Church of the Annunciation crowned the site so that the guests knew that they had arrived in a Christian city. The building was striking in its grandeur and impregnability. The Kyiv Gates got their name from the triumphant Golden Gates of Constantinople. Perhaps this is how Russia competed with the great Byzantine Empire.

In general, the main city gates built in 1164 differed from similar structures built in Europe. The Church of the Annunciation above the combat tower emphasized that the entrance to the Christian city was located here, and the general appearance of the building resembled, rather, the triumphal Golden Gates of Constantinople.

In 1240, the gate was badly damaged during an attack on Kyiv by Batu Khan. From the records and drawings of travelers, it becomes clear that by the 17th century the fortress was badly destroyed. They brought it into a presentable form only in 1982, when Kyiv celebrated its 1500th anniversary. But the reconstruction was carried out in a hurry, low-quality concrete and wooden fortifications began to quickly collapse, and the gate again dilapidated. The next restoration was carried out already in the 21st century, in 2007.

The Golden Gate in Kyiv is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Now inside the pavilion there is a museum where you can see the preserved parts of the fortifications, learn the history of the Golden Gate. There is also a staircase on which you can climb and admire the panorama of modern Kyiv.