The longest passenger aircraft in the world. The largest Russian aircraft

The list of maximum size aircraft includes both military cargo transport and aircraft capable of carrying more than five hundred passengers. The leaders among them are the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747.

What models are on the list of the largest aircraft?

The list of the world's largest aircraft includes such giants as the An-225 and Airbus A380, Boeing 747 and An-22, ANT-20 and Airbus A340-600. All of them at one time became leaders in length or passenger capacity.

The listed aircraft were created in different countries world, some of them are transport and cargo, some are created only for the transport of passengers. The need for high-capacity aircraft is growing from year to year, which is associated with people’s desire to travel, get to know new countries, and discover new continents.

Hughes H-4 Hercules

Today, the aircraft with the largest wingspan is the Hughes H-4 Hercules. It was built in 1947 from wood. It was assumed that it would be capable of transporting at least seven hundred and fifty troops with full equipment.

The height of this wooden giant is twenty-four meters, length is sixty-six meters and forty-five centimeters, with a wingspan of ninety-eight meters. Today the Hughes H-4 Hercules is located in Oregon and is a museum exhibit.


There is only one An-225 aircraft in the world. Its second name is “Mriya”. In the eighties it was created in Ukraine for air transportation and is a cargo plane. Its maximum take-off weight is six hundred and forty tons.

The dimensions of the Mriya are also striking. With a height of twenty-four meters, ten centimeters and a length of seventy-three meters, its wingspan is almost eighty-eight and a half meters. It is known that construction of a second such aircraft is underway.

Airbus A380

The leader among passenger aircraft in terms of capacity is the airliner called Airbus A380. Its creator is Airbus S.A.S. Passengers on this plane are accommodated on two decks.

Being the largest among commercially produced airliners, this one is also the most economical in terms of fuel combustion. For a hundred kilometers of travel, fuel consumption for each passenger is only three liters.


The An-124 aircraft, also called “Ruslan”, is one of the largest cargo-lifting aircraft in the world. This giant is used as a military aircraft. The length of "Ruslan" is sixty-nine meters ten centimeters, the height is slightly more than twenty-one meters with a wingspan of seventy-three meters thirty centimeters.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

Until 1982, the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy was considered the largest among mass-produced transport and cargo aircraft. It is used today by the US Army and is capable of transporting at least two hundred and seventy soldiers.

This aircraft gains altitude up to ten kilometers and can cover a distance of five thousand six hundred kilometers without refueling. Maximum speed The range that the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy can reach is nine hundred and twenty kilometers.

Boeing 777-300ER

The record holder for the ability to fly without refueling is the Boeing 777-300ER, which can fly a distance of twenty-one thousand six hundred one kilometers. This passenger airliner was developed in 1990, and four years later it made its first test flight, and operation began in 1995.

Among twin-engine jet passenger aircraft, the Boeing 777-300ER remains the largest. It can accommodate from three hundred five to five hundred fifty people on board.

Airbus A340-600

A large four-engine passenger aircraft is called the Airbus A340-600. It was created for intercontinental flights and could fly without additional refueling over a distance of fourteen thousand six hundred kilometers.

The height of the liner is seventeen meters and thirty centimeters, the length is seventy-five meters and thirty centimeters, and the wingspan is sixty-three and a half meters.

Boeing 747

The Boeing 747 was considered the largest, most spacious and heaviest passenger airliner at the time of its creation. It held this record for thirty-seven years until it was overtaken by the Airbus A380.

The Boeing 747 is also the record holder for the most common aircraft in the world. It is known that more than one and a half thousand such airliners were produced.

The largest passenger plane in the world

As you know, the most comfortable and fastest way to travel is by plane. For this reason, many modifications of passenger cars have been created. aircraft. The largest among them for a long time remained, released in 1969, passenger Boeing 747. Its original capacity was four hundred and fifty-two passengers, but after modification it increased to five hundred and sixty-eight.

In 2005, a new super-capacious large aircraft appeared - the Airbus A380. Surprisingly, its capacity is eight hundred and fifty-two passengers. They are located on two decks. The wingspan of this four-engine airliner is nearly eighty meters, height is twenty-four meters, and length is seventy-three meters. The weight of this “giant” is also surprising - without passengers it weighs almost two hundred and seventy-seven tons and is capable of flying fifteen thousand two hundred kilometers without stopping to refuel.

And the largest cargo plane is called An-225 Mriya. It was made in the USSR. .
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Air travel is considered a safe and affordable means of travel. To lift one airliner into the air, a decent amount of fuel is required, so designers are constantly fighting to reduce fuel consumption. Large-capacity airliners have proven themselves to be an effective means of transporting large volumes of cargo and serving large passenger traffic.

Largest passenger aircraft

The largest passenger aircraft in the world is the Airbus A380. The airliner is produced by a group of European companies in several EU countries. The wingspan of this giant is 80 meters, which frees up space for large fuel reserves and makes it possible for long non-stop flights.

The A380 has incredible technical characteristics:

  1. Number of passengers: 850 people.
  2. Max. flight speed: 1020 km/h.
  3. Max. flight distance: 15,200 km, more than any representative of this class.
  4. Max. take-off weight: 575 t.

The use of composite materials allows the aircraft to weigh significantly less, which helps to gain the desired altitude with minimal acceleration.

In the aircraft project, engineers managed to combine knowledge in the field of engineering and aerodynamics.

Aircraft capacity

The model has a large number of modifications, but on average an Airbus can accommodate about 555 people. The aircraft features the highest level of comfort. The liner is operated on all continents. Airbus is famous for its good handling and almost zero accident rate.

Not every engine is suitable for lifting such a colossus into the air, because in addition to passenger seats, the airliner has:

  1. Recreation areas.
  2. Sleeping cabins.
  3. Bars and more.

Only 4 Rolls-Royce engines, manufactured to special order, are capable of lifting this mass to heights.

In Russia, the largest passenger aircraft is actively operated by the country's main airline, Aeroflot. The A380 has a significant share in the carrier's fleet.

Largest cargo plane

An 225 – “Mriya” rightfully holds the title of the most big plane in the world. The length of the aircraft is 73 meters, and the wingspan is an incredible 88 meters! The plane exists in a single copy and is operated by the Ukrainian company Antonov Airlines. In theory, this aircraft can be classified as a transport aircraft, but its original purpose was to transport the Buran reusable spacecraft.

After the collapse of the USSR, the largest cargo aircraft in the world went to Ukraine, but was not used for a long time. The engines and all valuable equipment were removed from the liner. It was only in the early 2000s that the need for such an “air truck” arose and the aircraft was modernized to meet international aviation standards.

Now the largest An aircraft has been adapted for commercial transportation. The aircraft's carrying capacity is about 250 tons.

Important: in fact, there is a second copy of Mriya, but it is not completed. The project readiness is estimated at 70%. To complete the construction, about $100 million is required, which no investor is yet ready to provide.

Liner records

An-225 broke many load-carrying records. The largest cargo plane in the world has an absolute record for lifting cargo into the air - 253.5 tons. The air record holder has been included in the Guinness Book of Records more than once.

In the next ten years, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to build a project of this scale, so the airliner will hold the palm in the categories “largest aircraft in the world” and “heaviest aircraft” for the next ten to fifteen years.

The largest military aircraft in the world

The world's largest aircraft is used only for peaceful purposes, but many of its smaller brothers are used to transport military cargo. The most successful countries in this area are Russia and the USA. Cold War spurred the arms race and a flood of government funding poured into the defense industry.

The production of one model required huge amounts of money, so each project was thoroughly tested before flights. The commissioning time for this type of equipment is about 5 years from the start of design.

An 124 "Ruslan"

This military transport aircraft is one of the few representatives of aircraft manufacturing giants in Russia. The development of the project and the first flights were carried out back in the era Soviet Union, however, the technological solutions of the designers were really ahead of their time and therefore remain relevant to this day.

The name “Ruslan” was given to the airliner by combat pilots, but journalists liked it so much that it appears in all the tops and ratings with this abbreviation. The nickname became an integral part of the aircraft.

The aircraft has a wingspan of about 80 meters and a length of 73 meters. The maximum flight range is more than 15 thousand kilometers. More than once during their flights these airliners went around Earth with a minimum number of refills.

The Ruslan is operated in Russia and Ukraine, and not only for military cargo transportation.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

The Lockheed C – 5 Galaxy model is the American response to domestic projects of super-lift aircraft. The scale of this monster is impressive: in military configuration it is capable of transporting 275 fully equipped soldiers, and when used in civil aviation carries 75 passengers. The initial design assumed that the aircraft was capable of carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles.

10 largest planes in the world

Since the birth of aviation, aircraft have become more reliable and increased in size. In every era there has been an aircraft that is a technological breakthrough. For you, we present the top 10 aircraft that influenced the development of world aviation.

Tupolev ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky"

Built in honor of a significant event in the biography of M. Gorky - the 40th anniversary of the beginning of his literary career, the plane was striking in size. This eight-engine giant housed a printing house, laboratory and library. For full use, a flight staff of 20 people was required.

The fate of the only released copy was tragic - on May 18, 1935, an accident occurred that led to disaster. However, this aircraft became the prototype for the creation of heavy domestic aircraft, such as Ruslan and Mriya.

Important: in the mid-30s of the 20th century it could rightfully be called not only the largest Russian aircraft, but also the largest cargo aircraft in the world.

Hughes H-4 Hercules

It is no coincidence that “Hercules” occupies a place in our top. To this day, it is the largest transport aircraft with the ability to take off and land on water.

The project was financed by the American tycoon Howard Hughes, but was completed only in a wooden version. This is due to the fact that the construction period fell on the Second world war, so all the metal went to military needs. Its estimated capacity of 750 people would make it the largest passenger aircraft ever built.

Boeing 747

Each of us has seen this plane in one way or another: live, in photos or on video. For 37 years, the Boeing 747 held the title of the largest civil aircraft, until the Airbus A380 appeared. Used all over the world. Used to deliver the space shuttle from its production site.


  1. Length from nose to tail: 76.4.
  2. Wingspan: 68.5.
  3. Crew: 2 pilots.
  4. Number of passengers: 600 people.
  5. Max. flight speed: 1100 km/h.
  6. Flight range: about 14,000 km.
  7. Max. take-off weight: 448 tons.

The following models are also included in the top 10 most large aircraft world, but their place on the list is deserved primarily by their reliability and performance.

Boeing 777-300ER

Boeing's largest aircraft. The device has a wide space inside the casing and is capable of transporting up to 70,000 tons of commercial cargo.

Airbus A340-600

It was produced in the amount of 97 copies, which allows it to be called one of the most popular aircraft, capable of carrying 450 passengers. Discontinued in 2011, but continues to be used everywhere.

Boeing 747-8

The extended version of the airliner tops the honorary list of the longest aircraft (76.4 meters). In the international classification it is called “Intercontinental”.


A medium-passenger long-haul airliner, which is rightfully considered one of the best in Russia. This model attracts not with its huge volume inside, but with its decent speed for its size - it can reach up to 950 km/h.

Sukhoi Superjet-100

The Russian aircraft is the forefront of the domestic aircraft industry. It has the latest digital technology and is capable of transporting 100 people. It is actively purchased in Asia, and the Sukhoi company plans to enter the US market.

Irkut MS-21

This airliner is not yet in production and receives a place on our list in advance. Despite the not very large dimensions of the project (length - up to 40 meters), which will not allow it to displace the most large planes The West, he is able to save Russia from the dominance of foreign producers.


The aircraft marked the beginning of a sharp surge in the construction of supersonic aircraft. passenger airliners. The recognizable silhouette with a pointed nose can be easily recognized in photos and videos. It was used for 27 years, which allowed it to become a record holder for transporting passengers - 3 million people.

Every manufacturer wants to be called an industry giant. In the aircraft industry, Airbus has no equal yet with the A380 model. The largest passenger aircraft in the world has been in production for several years and is constantly being modified. The time is not far off when one plane will carry more than 1,000 people.

The Russian heavy aircraft market is experiencing better times. Old Soviet models are in use. Russian manufacturers are gradually trying to catch up with their colleagues from Europe and America, but this takes time.

Each of the described liners can weigh tens of tons, but the utility coefficient is estimated using the formula: 1 kg of dead weight per amount of weight lifted.

Characteristics below the name: First flight Length, wing span / S, Number of passengers, Cruising speed, Flight range.
An-225 "Mriya"

12/21/1988 84 m, 88.4 m, 905 m² n/a, 800 km/h 15,400 km
The largest aircraft in the world, the An-225 is also the world's heaviest aircraft (maximum take-off weight of more than 640 tons) and the largest aircraft in terms of wingspan (except for the Hughes H-4 Hercules, which belonged to the class of flying boats and took off only once in 1947). 1 copy in use.

Airbus A380-800

04/27/2005 72.73 m, 79.75 m, 845 m² 525 (3-class), 853 (1-class) 1020 km/h 15,400 km
The largest passenger aircraft in the world, the largest production aircraft.

Antonov An-124 "Ruslan"

12/24/1982 69.1 m, 73.3 m, 628 m² cargo 800-850 km/h 14,400 km (without cargo)
The second largest production aircraft in the world, after the Airbus A380. The largest military aircraft in the world. The largest production cargo aircraft in the world.

Boeing 747-8

02/08/2010 76.25 m, 68.45 m 554 m² 467 (3 classes), 605 (max.) 917 km/h 14,800 km (467 pax + luggage)

The longest passenger aircraft in the world is 76.25 m.

Boeing 747

02/09/1969 70.6 m, 64.4 m, 525 m² 416 (3 classes), 660 (1 class) 913 km/h 14,200 km with maximum load
The largest aircraft in the world in terms of passenger capacity until the advent of the Airbus A380.

Boeing 747 LCF (Dreamlifter)

09.09.2006 71.68 m, 64.4 m cargo 878 km/h 7800 km
747 freighter with an enlarged fuselage.

Airbus A340-600

04/23/2001 75.36 m 63.45 m 439.4 m² 419(2 classes) 440/520(max.) 885 km/h 14,600 km
The world's second longest passenger aircraft (75.36m) after the Boeing 747-8.

Antonov An-22

02/27/1965 57.31 m, 64.40 m, 345 m² n/a 580 km/h 5225 km (practical)
The largest turboprop aircraft in the world.

Tupolev ANT-20 Maxim Gorky

05/19/1934 33.0 m, 63 m, 486 m² 8+72 people 275 km/h 1000 km
The largest aircraft produced in the 1930s with a land landing gear.
Dornier Do X 06/12/1929 40.05 m, 48 m, 454 m² 60-100 people 175 km/h 2,300 km (practical)
The largest successfully flying boat and heaviest aircraft in the world from 1929 until 1942, when the Boeing B-29 Superfortress made its first flight.

Characteristics source: relevant Wikipedia pages. S-wing - wing area. Image source: Relevant Wikipedia pages. Image credits: Dmitry A. Mottl, Terence Ong, Arcturus, Boeing Dreamscape, Dmitry A. Mottl, Yamaguchi Yoshiaki, Arpingstone, Dmitry A. Mottl.
Table row source.

The world's largest aircraft June 5th, 2017

So the leaders in our selection of THE MOST are changing. Just recently, the Soviet An-225 Mriya with a wingspan of 88.4 meters was considered the largest aircraft. And now the plane, produced by the aerospace firm Allen Stratolaunch Systems, has the largest wingspan of any ever built. aircraft- 385 feet, which is 117.3 m.

It was this indicator that allowed the new aircraft to become a record holder.

Photo 2.

A few days ago, the plane was taken out of the hangar for the first time to conduct refueling tests. In addition, for the first time the plane rested entirely on its 28 wheels. This made it possible for the first time to fully weigh the finished apparatus. The mass turned out to be approximately 226.8 tons. After this, the company will move on to the ground and flight testing phase. It is said that this will happen in the coming weeks and months.

At the same time, the length reaches 72.5 m, and the height - 15.2 m. The maximum take-off weight reaches 590 tons. The device is lifted into the air by six Boeing 747-400 engines.

Photo 3.

Recall that Stratolaunch is the brainchild of Stratolaunch Systems, founded by Paul Allen and Burt Rutan.

Paul Allen founded Microsoft with Bill Gates in 1975 and left it in 1983, selling it. most its stake, and is now investing in space projects.

Photo 4.

As for the first demonstration flight, it is planned for 2019. Let us remind you that the aircraft will be used to launch rockets intended to launch satellites into orbit.

Photo 5.

It took 6 years to build the plane. In 2011, the cost of the project was estimated at $300 million.

Paul Allen has been investing in space projects for a long time. One of the most famous is the suborbital manned reusable spacecraft SpaceShipOne, which was built as part of the space tourism program. The ship was first launched in 2003.

Photo 6.

This is a new approach to spaceflight that is reminiscent of the X-plane testing in the 1950s and 1960s.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

And what do you think? How potentially survivable is this launch option for missiles?


These giants plow the skies with ease and grace, and, looking at them from the ground, no one would think that these steel birds represent such a huge structure that the height of the tail of one of these airliners - the A-380 - is five giraffes, set Each other. The Airbus A-380 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but this article will not only talk about it.

"Boeing 747"

Among passenger aircraft the maximum size is Airbus A380 and Boeing 747. These are airliners capable of simultaneously carrying more than five hundred passengers. In particular, the A380 is capable of lifting 853 passengers into the air. Before this giant appeared Boeing aircraft The 747 with a length of 70.6 meters and the Boeing 747-8 with a length of 76.25 meters (the longest passenger aircraft) were the most spacious airliners in the world (the maximum number of simultaneously transported passengers reached 600 people). The Boeing 747-8 is more fuel efficient than the Boeing 747, which first flew on February 9, 1969. The designers originally planned a double-deck aircraft design, but the upper deck was shortened due to technical problems. The Boeing 747 was the first airliner in the world to have two aisles between seats. This aircraft is certified to fly on three engines, and if one of the four fails, the aircraft can fully take off, fly and land on the remaining three engines. At the same time, the cruising speed of a Boeing 747 passenger aircraft is 913 km/h.

Giant A-380

The giant double-deck “French” airliner A380, the first copy of which rolled off the production line in 2005, is the largest passenger aircraft in the history of world aviation. Indeed, its creators have something to be proud of - the cabin of the Airbus A380 can accommodate 853 passengers. To date, more than 110 machines have already been built and put into operation. The monthly production volume of these aircraft is 2.5 aircraft. Today, these giants are used by 20 airlines, with Emirates airline having the largest fleet.

The cruising speed of the A380 passenger aircraft reaches 1020 km/h. Each airliner consists of about four million individual parts and components that are manufactured in thirty countries around the world by one and a half thousand manufacturing companies and delivered using a unique logistics system developed by Airbus, which includes routes by water, as well as by air and road transport. Each landing gear can withstand a load of about 260 tons (200 passenger cars). For comparison with its predecessor, the wing area of ​​the A380 aircraft is equal to one and a half wing areas of the Boeing 747-400 and is 845 square meters.

The world's largest passenger aircraft can be powered by two types of low-noise engines: either the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 or the Engine Alliance GP7000. At the same time, the A380 is the most economical airliner in its segment - fuel consumption for transporting a passenger per 100 km with a cabin layout of 525 seats does not exceed three liters.

The dimensions of passenger aircraft are impressive; the A380 cabin area is 554 square meters. The liner has two decks - the main one, the width of which is a record high - 6.5 meters, and the upper one with a width of 5.8 meters.

An air volume of 1,500 cubic meters is replaced every three minutes by the air conditioning system; during the flight, there is a pleasant silence in the aircraft cabin, the hum of the turbines is almost inaudible.

Russia is proud of them

What does the domestic aviation industry offer us? The largest turboprop aircraft in the world is the Antonov An-22. Its length is about 60 meters, flight speed is 580 km/h. The first airliner was released in 1965.


The legendary Tu-134 is a passenger airliner for medium-distance flights, up to 2800 meters. It is designed for a maximum of 96 seats, its cruising speed is 850 km/h at an altitude of 11,000 m. The Tu-154 is a larger capacity aircraft, 158 people can be accommodated in the cabin of three classes, 180 in economy class. The maximum flight speed of this airliner is 950 km/ h, and the Tu-154M modification is capable of covering distances of up to 5200 km.

The Tu-204 can accommodate 214 passengers, and the cruising speed is slightly lower than its previous “brother” - 850 km/h.


The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is not the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but it is famous for being the first Russian airliner designed using digital technologies. It is designed for flights up to 3,000 kilometers on lightly loaded airlines. The maximum number of passengers is 98 people.


Speaking about domestic aircraft, one cannot fail to mention the Ilyushintsy. Russian passenger aircraft, presented by this design bureau, have several main types that are well known to us. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Let's start with the simplest one - the IL-62, an airliner that has been produced since 1971 and is designed for medium-distance flights - up to 10,000 kilometers. This aircraft accommodates 198 passengers and five crew members. Its maximum speed at cruising altitude is 850 km/h.

As for the Il-86 aircraft, it is also designed for medium-distance flights; the cabin, containing two classes, can accommodate 234 passengers; if the aircraft is three-class, then 314 people. At the same time, 11 flight attendants serve customers. The aircraft are equipped with twelve emergency slides and all the necessary modern rescue systems. The cruising speed of the Il-86 is 950 km/h, the distances over which it flies do not exceed 5,000 kilometers with a maximum flight duration of eight hours.


Now about the largest representative of the Ilyushin family - the Il-96 airbus. It is designed for long distance flights. Three hundred people in economy class and 262 passengers in three classes - this figure is practically no different from the previous described model of this family. The airliner flies at a maximum cruising speed of 900 km/h and is capable of covering a distance of up to 12,100 km. Its improved “model” - Il-96M - can accommodate a larger number of passengers - up to 435 people in the charter version.

Near term, or domestic developments

Today, the largest Russian aircraft project is the Irkut MS-21. Within its framework, it is planned to produce short- and medium-haul passenger airliners. Now the Irkut company is carrying out development and construction, the first copies of the aircraft according to the plan will be certified in 2016, and flight tests will begin at the same time. The start of serial production of MS-21 is expected in 2017-2018. On the Russian passenger aircraft market, these airliners should replace the Tu-154 and Tu-204 and will be operated on domestic and international routes.

The project is not developing the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but the family of airliners being created will include various aircraft of three types in length and passenger capacity - with 150, 180 and 210 seats. The model range will contain aircraft with an increased flight range. The vessel's cruising altitude will be 11,600 kilometers, the speed that the liner will develop will be 870 km/h, and the maximum fuselage length will be 39.5 meters. The crew will consist of two people.

As for the progress of work, the base of the project is the Yak-242. The development of the new wing belongs to the company " Civil aircraft Sukhoi", fuselage work is carried out directly by the Irkut Corporation and the Yakovlev Design Bureau.

It is expected that the new airliners will be more economical due to the use of modern composite materials, as well as new generation engines. The aircraft will be equipped with Pratt & Whitney geared turbofan engines; in the future, it is possible to install domestic Perm PD-14 engines.