Salt Lake City is a large salt lake. Facts about the Great Salt Lake

New Big city on my journey there are new impressions and surprises. Salt Lake City amazed me with its not-so-American architecture, and perhaps even overtook Chicago in my ranking of ideal cities to live. Everything here is done with even greater care for people. I had a chance to visit the city library, which anyone would envy, look at a real comic book store (a very American phenomenon), accidentally see the training of city services (the city is preparing for a possible earthquake) and look into the camp of protesting defenders of some local Khimki forest. And of course, I took a ride along the shores of the famous Great Salt Lake. I tried it and it’s really salty, the Americans weren’t fooled :)

1. I will write in chronological order. It started raining early in the morning, the first serious bad weather in two weeks of travel. What to do if it's wet outside? Look for interesting things inside buildings. So I ended up in the Salt Lake City City Library, which is not a library at all, but a modern media center, and at the same time a free office space for city downshifters. IN travel notes a story about a library wouldn't fit, so we'll come back to that later, okay?

2. There are many wonderful sculptures and a beautiful park around the library.

3. In the same park I found a camp with 10-15 tents. It looked like a homeless person's home, with pieces of paper, cigarette butts, leftover food scattered everywhere...

4. Handwritten posters made me understand that it was not homeless people who lived here, but some kind of protest participants like “Occupy Wall Street” or “Khimki Forest”. Unfortunately, the inhabitants showed no signs of life, and snoring could be heard from a couple of tents. I decided not to disturb the rebels and moved on.

5. Meanwhile, the weather began to improve. This beautiful castle in English style - courthouse.

6. Near the court there were a lot of police, ambulances, and for some reason fire trucks. Although nothing was burning.

7. At first I thought that a movie was being made. And to understand what was happening, I turned to two police officers. It turned out that city services were doing exercises here, where they were not practicing their skills in dealing with an earthquake.

8. There has never been an earthquake in this city, but scientists have calculated that it is possible.

9. Therefore, police officers, firefighters and doctors will study for several days how to act in the event of a natural disaster and how to avoid casualties and destruction.

10. The architecture itself in the city is not entirely American, as I already wrote. There are also skyscraper towers, but look at what houses they are adjacent to.

11. The construction of the city was strongly influenced by the culture of the Mormons - a religious denomination (some consider it a sect), polygamous Christians.

12. Unfortunately, I was not able to penetrate inside the Mormon movement and learn all their secrets (they are very closed to communicating with strangers on the topic of religion, but very kind and welcoming themselves), so there will be no sensations. And polygamy itself is prohibited in the USA, so now it is almost impossible to find a Mormon “sultan”. But they have a very beautiful complex of buildings and churches in the city center, the main thing, which is called the Castle. You can't go inside :(

13. Although Mormons are still the majority here, you can find other churches in the city.

14. The city is actually very convenient for living; they not only build useful things here, but also make them beautiful.

15. Who can guess what’s in this photo? Who knows for sure - keep quiet :)

16. After lunch I stopped by the post office to send a message to Moscow. Suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass and a child crying. What exactly happened is still unclear, but the glass broke and part of the wall was damaged. Five seconds later, postal employees asked not to worry and take the children away from the scene of the emergency. Thirty seconds later a cleaner arrived with a huge bucket and a special device for collecting glass, and a minute later the police arrived. As I found out later, nothing criminal happened.

17. I decided to spend the evening on Antelope Island, which is 60 kilometers from the city center. An amazing combination - yachts and mountains, and the water is almost invisible.

18. Interesting road sign. If you meet a bison, stay on the road. They even asked - please.

19. Well, how to refuse when you are asked? Therefore, I did not go close to the beast.

20. Well, some photos of the lake :)



23. I met the night on one of the high hills that surround the city. In principle, I have many more interesting photographs of Salt Lake, if you want, I will publish them upon my return.

And tomorrow morning (today evening according to you) I’m going into the wilderness again, now in the states of Utah and Arizona, my next destinations are four national parks: Canyon Land, Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon and, of course, the Grand Canyon.

August 2007

In July 1847, Brian Young, the leader of the Mormons, saw the Salt Lake Valley for the first time. Looking around these open spaces, which in the future will become home to many, he said: “This a good place"The Mormon saints, hoping for his protection, followed him to the valley of the canyons, which they would soon call home.

Cultural traditions

From the earliest days of Salt Lake City's founding, the city's predisposition to become not only the capital of the state, but also its cultural center was obvious. In 1912, the Capitol Theater was built to serve as a stop for passing theater troupes with vaudeville-style performances. Since then, many theater, dance and ballet groups have performed on the theater stage, including the famous Ballet of the West.

The city is famous not only for its dance performances, but also for its excellent symphony orchestra, which is famous throughout the country and abroad. The orchestra is complemented by the famous Mormon Choir, which has achieved worldwide fame since its radio debut in 1929. The choir's concerts make a truly unforgettable impression on listeners.

The Salt Lake Arts Center is another place that shapes the cultural image of the city. Together, dance and theater groups, orchestras and choirs shape a variety of cultural tastes.

Heart of the city

The heart of Salt Lake City is in historical center cities where history and modernity, uniqueness and traditional style are combined. This is confirmed by the buildings that make up the Downtown area.

Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days is the main attraction of the city, which is difficult to miss. It, like other ancient buildings, contains a piece of Mormon history and culture. The church is a link between the past and the present in the architectural appearance of the city. The institution of the family plays a huge role in the life of the church, which has one of the most important places in Everyday life society.


Among museum lovers, everyone here will find something to their liking. Most museums are concentrated in the center, close to each other. They represent the guardians of certain moments in the history of the city and state. In them you can find collections of exhibits from old carriages to modern cars, from guns and other weapons to the latest innovations in the world of electronics.

At the Pioneer Memorial Museum you can see exhibitions of clothing, household items, and weapons that were used before 1800. A similar exhibition with archival photographs is presented at The Utah Historical Society houses.

Car enthusiasts should definitely visit The Classic Cars International Auto Museum of Utah, where you can see the entire transportation history of the country from horse-drawn wagons to the latest model cars. The museum's collection includes more than 100 antique and specialty vehicles that represent automotive classics. If desired, the copy you like may well become yours.

The Museum of Childhood will seem much more modern to you. (The Children's Museum of Utah). Perhaps the exhibitions of this museum will intrigue more adults than children. Robots, entertaining electronic gaming devices that you can control yourself - all this will certainly bring a lot of pleasure.

If you are not tired yet, you can go to the Naturalistic Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Douglas Military Museum, the names of which speak for themselves.

Great Salt Lake

Salt Lake City sits on the shores of the beautiful Great Salt Lake, which is the largest body of water in the state. The waters of Utah Lake slightly dilute the strong concentration of salts in the Salt Lake thanks to the Jordan River, which is a connecting channel between the two lakes. Only in the Dead Sea of ​​Israel does the concentration of salts exceed those of the Salt Lake, due to which there is no fish in the lake, except for a lot of already salted shrimp.

One of the most popular activities on the lake is boating. You can rock on the waves, watch the seagulls circling over the lake, breathe in the salty aroma of the lake and enjoy the magnificent mountain landscape. In the heart of Salt Lake lies Antelope Island, which is called the only piece of land in Utah surrounded by a natural sandy coast. The island has become natural place habitat for buffalo and, of course, antelope, which roam freely throughout the island. Hiking and bird watching have become favorite activities among visitors to the island.

On Antelope Island you feel as if you are on the ocean coast. Screaming seagulls, salty air, sand... But you won’t be able to drown, because the water will simply keep you near the surface and unnecessary movements trying to stay on the water are absolutely useless here. You can just relax, stretch your legs and lie on the surface of the water with a magazine in your hands. Thanks to all these wonderful water properties, it is very good to learn to swim in Salt Lake, because all people simply have extraordinary buoyancy, although later they may have problems adapting to swimming in plain water.

Features of education

Salt Lake City is not called a university city for nothing. Parents tell their children about the educational opportunities available in the city from childhood, thereby reinforcing their thirst for knowledge and desire to receive higher education. Salt Lake City is proud of its young people's desire for higher education.

One of the most famous is The University of Utah, founded in 1850. It not only provides quality higher education, but also offers many educational programs for those who have already graduated from the University, which is known throughout the world for its students who have made excellent professional careers for themselves.

Another educational institution is Westminster College. Graduates of other colleges are often envious of students who have received a degree from Westminster College. The college also offers Master's degrees. The community and business colleges, which offer a two-year and cheaper education, are also very popular among students. Salt Lake Community College is also often used as a bridge and pre-college pathway.

Sports and entertainment

If you are a sports fan, you can experience a real adrenaline rush at the Delta Center during team sports competitions. In addition to sporting events, you can enjoy hiking and cycling along the beautiful mountain trails in Lagoon, north of Salt Lake. There you can experience the most positive emotions while communicating with living mountain nature. In summer, after such walks, you can cool off in the Raging Waters water park, with its exciting water slides, swimming pool with artificial waves and others water activities. Playing golf and visiting the zoo with children are some of the most favorite activities among tourists in the valley. It's definitely worth checking out one of the great ski runs at least once, otherwise you'll find it hard to believe you've actually been to Salt Lake.

For this purpose, there are specialized and very Beautiful places that are worth visiting. Many of them are attractive to tourists not only in winter, as they are excellent ski resorts, but also in the summer. One such place can be called Park City, which is also known for its summer festival arts

Another recreation area can be called Snowbird, which is very popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. In winter you can ski or snowboard here, and in summer you can swim, hike, play sports and have fun with friends.

But there’s no way to find one for morning fishing. better place than Silver Lake. Of course, fishing is not in the first place here. People come here primarily to enjoy the beauty of Silver Lake, mountain peaks, clean air, peace and quiet.

If your trip happens to fall on July 24th, consider yourself very lucky because Salt Lake City celebrates its birthday on that day. In other words, residents celebrate City Day and do it with all their hearts. From the very morning there is a grand procession of everyone in Liberty park educational institutions and city organizations that come up with various compositions with huge figures and bright decorations. All these “works of art and fantasy” slowly float along the main alley of the park, to the roar of the orchestra and thunderous applause of a huge number of spectators. It is also interesting to watch the demonstration performance of police officers on motorcycles and the car parade of city leaders. The whole holiday ends only in the evening with a concert and enchanting fireworks.

Residents of Salt Lake City are very proud of their city. This became especially noticeable after the White Olympics, which glorified the capital of Utah throughout the world. Several years ago, when ordinary people had not yet thought about the 2002 Olympics, when many did not even know about the existence of the city of Salt Lake, Americans were already hanging posters and posters about the future Winter Olympics throughout the city, opening souvenir shops selling Olympic symbols, building mountain tracks, ski jumps, stadiums and sports grounds were being prepared, and Delta airline flights showed their passengers stories about the upcoming event. Now this is no longer the modest Salt Lake City that it was before, but the transformed capital of the “white” 2002 Olympics. And this is another reason to visit this amazing place, and then tell all your friends and family that you were in this Salt Lake City.

Evgeniy P.
01/04/2008 18:02

The opinions of tourists may not coincide with the opinions of the editors.

The largest endorheic area in North America. It ranks 6th in area among US lakes.

Big Salt Lake
English Great Salt Lake

Satellite image of the Great Salt Lake
Absolute altitude 1280 m
Dimensions120 × 45 km
Square2500-6000 km²
Volume18.92 km³
Greatest depth 15 m
Average depth4.5-7.5 m
Pool area55,685 km²
Flowing riversBaer, ​​Weber, Jordan
41°09′ N. w. 112°36′W d. HGIOL
A country
Media files on Wikimedia Commons


The ancient predecessor of the lake was a large fresh lake Bonneville, which never had a drainage into the ocean. The size of the predecessor of the Great Salt Lake can be judged from sediments in the area of ​​the modern lake. Before the arrival of the Mormons in 1848, the shores of the lake were a desolate desert. With the help of artificial irrigation, the surroundings of the lake became suitable for Agriculture; On the Jordan River, the Mormons founded the city of Salt Lake City, now the capital of Utah and the largest lakeside settlement (the other lakeside city is Ogden).


The water level in the Great Salt Lake, being strongly dependent on precipitation, is not constant from year to year and, accordingly, the area of ​​the lake also undergoes changes (for example, around 1850, the area of ​​the lake was 4.6 thousand km², and just a few years later, in 1873 - already 5.7 thousand km²). By the beginning of the 20th century, the Great Salt Lake had almost dried up, but already in 1925 its area was approaching 5 thousand km².

The salinity of the water in the lake varies depending on its area; in some years it reached 300 ‰ (the lowest recorded salinity was 137 ‰). The average depth of the lake is 4.5-7.5 m, the greatest is 15 m (the amplitude of level fluctuations over the century was about 5 m). The height above sea level is 1280 m. It has no drainage; Small rivers flow into the lake - Ber (the largest),

Salt lakes on our planet are not uncommon, although many people think that there are much more freshwater ones. These bodies of water may look like small seas or very modest ponds, but size is not the main thing here. Each has its own unique ecosystem, and each has its own mystery. You can admire them, you can get the necessary substances from them, they will help improve your health and tell you about the past of the Earth. So, we present the TOP 9 amazing salt lakes.

Where do they come from? As a rule, the concentration of salt in closed reservoirs increases gradually as the water evaporates. In this case, both rocks and groundwater can be a source of salts, but the main factor is a decrease in volume. This process can take millennia, but human intervention speeds it up significantly. Example - Aral Sea. If water is actively used by people for various needs, and its inflow decreases, then an ordinary lake can dry up and become salty in a few decades. The water in it is no longer suitable for drinking or irrigating fields. Lake salinization is one of the pressing problems associated with global water resource shortages.

Underwater salt lakes on the ocean floor (there are such!) arose differently. Millions of years ago, the seas dried up, and in their place a very thick layer of salts formed. And then the water returned, and at the greatest depth a “brine” appeared, which, due to its high density, did not mix with the waters of the returning ocean.

Salt lakes also form in the craters of volcanoes.

The salinity of lakes is measured in ppm: this value reflects how many grams of salt are contained in one liter of water. For example, for the Red Sea this figure is approximately 40, for the Gulf of Finland - 2, and for Dead Sea- about 300.

What's all the salt? People used mineral lakes from ancient times. Firstly, the habit of salting food forced us to look for new sources of the main seasoning. Secondly, swimming in salt water turned out to be beneficial for health, and the deposits of healing clay along the shores of lakes are excellent cosmetic product. In addition, various substances necessary for medicine and industry can be extracted from salt water. Of great interest from the point of view of biotechnology are unique extreme bacteria that live calmly even in very salty water. They can be used to extract metals from ores, or to treat wastewater.

1. Urmia (Iran). This lake was once the largest in the Middle East. However, recently it has become smaller and smaller - photographs taken from space make it possible to observe this. Unreasonable consumption of water from rivers for irrigation has led to the fact that over 40 years the reservoir has shrunk by 70%. The water there usually has a pinkish tint due to the proliferation of Dunaliella algae. After the winter and spring rains, Urmia turns blue again. At the same time, the salinity of the water drops from 260 to 150-80 ppm. There are more than a hundred islands in the lake, some of which are covered with pistachio forests. Pelicans and flamingos nest here. If the Iranian government does not implement a program to save Urmia, the lake will dry up completely and 10 billion tons of salt will remain in its place, scientists warn.

2. Dead Sea (Israel, Palestine, Jordan). One of the most famous salt lakes in the world. Its length is 50 km, maximum width is 18 km. main feature This reservoir is located at the lowest point of land on the planet - more than 400 meters below sea level. Main source water in the lake - Jordan River.

This is one of the first health resorts in the history of mankind. Also, since ancient times, potassium carbonate (potash) was mined here to fertilize the soil. The Dead Sea was called the Asphalt Sea, and this is no coincidence: natural asphalt is formed at depth, which the ancient Egyptians used to mummify the bodies of the dead.

Environmentalists are concerned that the water level in the Dead Sea is falling by an average of 1 meter per year. This is due to the active use of groundwater, the extraction of minerals through evaporation and climate change.

3. Lonar (India). Located in a crater that appeared in basalt rock after a meteorite fell - this is the only such crater on Earth. The name “Lonar” is simply translated as “salt lake”.

The lake is both salty and alkaline. The salinity of the water in it is 10.7 g/l. The diameter of the lake is 1 km, and the depth is more than 130 m. The water is muddy green and has a rotten smell, so it is not very pleasant to be on the shore.

Since 1842, commercial salt mining has been carried out on the lake. There were five or six types of Lonar salt on sale, varying in composition and color. Nowadays it is only used local residents. A rare mineral, geylussite, was discovered in Lake Lonar - these transparent crystals resemble crystal.

4. Baskunchak (Russia). Located in the Astrakhan region. The area of ​​the lake is approximately 106 square meters. km, salinity is about 300 g/l.

Basically, the lake is fed by underground sources. Salt mining has been carried out here since the 8th century. Baskunchakskaya was built especially for its removal. Railway from the lake to the Vladimirovskaya pier on the Volga. Today, from the lake, 1.5 to 5 million tons of NaCl are obtained annually.

Above the surface of the lake you can see mysterious pillars covered with a salt crust. They remain from the footbridges along which, even before the 1917 revolution, workers walked to collect salt. The Baskunchak sanatorium, which is located on the shore, is very popular among tourists. Salt solution and mud baths help cure many diseases.

5. Great Salt Lake (USA). Located in Utah, it is the largest salt lake in the Western Hemisphere. The salinity of the lake also varies depending on the water level, ranging from 137 to 300 ppm.

The Great Salt Lake is also known for regularly causing heavy snowfalls. There are no miracles here. It’s just that in winter the water in the lake is much warmer than the air above it, which leads to the formation of clouds and precipitation. Oolitic sand can be seen on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. It consists of round or spherical mineral formations resembling very small pearls.

The lake is divided into two parts by a dam along which trains run. The southern and northern parts have different salinity and, as a result, different colour due to the spread different types seaweed In 1970, the installation “Spiral Dam”, created by American artist Robert Smithson, appeared on the shore of the lake. The object is visible only when the water level in the lake drops to 1280 m above sea level.

There are many legends about the lake. For example, they say that in 1875 two whales were released into the reservoir in order to attract more tourists. Since then, no one has ever seen whales. Another story involves the local Nessie, the North Coast Monster, who once allegedly attacked workers.

6. Don Juan (Antarctica). This small body of water owes its name not to the famous hero-lover, but to two helicopter pilots. Their names were Don Ro and John Hickey, and in 1961 they flew over the lake and noticed that the water in it did not freeze, despite the 30-degree frost. It later turned out that the lake’s salinity is so high that it is not covered with ice even at minus 53 degrees! The salt content in Don Juan is more than 400 grams per liter. The source of water in the lake is melting glaciers. The surface area of ​​the reservoir is only 0.3 km. No signs of life were found in the lake. Experts note that conditions in this area resemble those on Mars.

7. Assal (Djibouti, East Africa). One of the saltiest lakes on the planet (up to 400 grams per liter) is located in the crater extinct volcano. This is the lowest point in Africa. The length of the reservoir is 19 km, width is 6.5 km. During the day, the water in the lake strangely changes its hue, up to fluorescent colors. Salt is mined on an industrial scale, while nomads evaporate it in the old fashioned way on the shores of the lake and send it to Ethiopia on camels.

8. Socompa (Argentina, Chile). The lake is located on the border of two states, in the Argentine Andes, at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level. There was a time when this body of water was considered exclusively as a source of lithium, without which it would be impossible, for example, to produce batteries. This metal was obtained by evaporating a brine solution in the sun. However, now Socompa and other Andean salt lakes are becoming specially protected natural objects. The reason is that scientists discovered stromatolites in the water - “layered” structures formed by minerals and cyanobacteria. These are the most ancient ecosystems on Earth. Some of the finds are several billion years old, and they can help scientists learn more about the origin of life on our planet.

9. Underwater salt lakes (Gulf of Mexico). The saltier the water, the higher its density - therefore, numerous lakes at the bottom of the bay have very clear boundaries. The water in salt pools is 4-5 times saltier than ocean water. If it descends to such a body of water Submarine, it begins to slide along its surface. Underwater lakes range in length from 1 m to 20 km. As a rule, they have a high concentration of methane, and only extremophiles - living creatures adapted to harsh conditions - can live in them. For example, bacteria and mussels, tube worms and shrimp. Scientists believe that such creatures could easily survive on other planets.

Salt Lake City is the capital and largest city of the state of Utah. The city is located in the western United States on the southeastern coast of the Great Salt Lake, in honor of which it received its name, literally translated as “City by the Salt Lake.”

Geographically, Salt Lake City is located in an arid and sparsely populated region called Big Pool(Great Basin). Average height above sea level a little more than 1300 meters. The city is surrounded by mountains with numerous canyons, giving the area scenic view. To the east of Salt Lake City are the Wasatch Mountains, to the west are the Oquirrh Mountains, and to the south is the large freshwater Utah Lake.

There are only two large urban agglomerations in the region, one of which is the Salt Lake City metropolitan area. The population of the city in 2013 is estimated at 191 thousand people, the population of the urban agglomeration is more than 1.1 million people.

From the first days of its founding, Salt Lake City has been the religious center of the Mormons. Followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), led by their leader Brigham Young, founded the city in 1847. The influence of Mormons in the region is very high, although the percentage of adherents of this religious movement is gradually declining. Today, only half of Salt Lake City residents are members of LDS (the percentage is higher in rural and suburban areas).

Having played an important role during the development of the western United States, Salt Lake City is known as the “Crossroads of the West.” Today it is an important transport hub. The main industries of the city are trade, transportation, services, tourism.

Statistical data

Racial composition of Salt Lake City as of 2013:

  • white - 65.2%
  • Hispanics of any race - 20.6%
  • Asians - 5.1%
  • African Americans - 2.9%
  • people from the islands Pacific Ocean - 2,8%
  • Indians - 0.9%
  • the rest are other or mixed races

Interesting data:

  • 43% of the population have at least a bachelor's education.
  • 17% of the population was born outside the United States.
  • The average per capita income according to 2013 estimates is $31,065.
  • Cost of living rating is 92.6 (lower than the US average).
  • Unemployment in Salt Lake City in June 2014 was only 3.7%
  • 17% of Salt Lake City residents live below the poverty line.


The main attraction of Salt Lake City and the entire state of Utah is the historical and religious complex Temple Square, which is also the center of the city. Every year, Temple Square is visited by up to 5 million tourists. The main Mormon temple, Salt Lake Temple, is closed to the general public. 2 information centers are open for tourists.

Other attractions Cathedral Square are: the Church History Museum, historical libraries, and the Tabernacle, primarily known for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Other attractions in Salt Lake City include:

  • Utah State Capitol - Utah State Capitol building
  • This Is the Place Heritage Park - a historical park with a monument dedicated to the Mormon settlers
  • Hogle Zoo is the most big park Utah
  • Salt Lake City and County Building - city administration building
  • Utah Museum of Fine Arts - local art museum
  • Utah Museum of Natural History - Utah Museum of Natural History
  • Clark Planetarium - a planetarium that also shows popular science 3D films

A visit to Salt Lake City cannot be complete without visiting the mountains. To the south is Little Cottonwood Canyon, where popular resorts Alta and Snowbird SKi & Summer Resort. To the north is Big Cottonwood Canyon, home to the Solitude and Brighton resorts. Another popular vacation spot is Donut Falls. Emigration and City Creek Canyons are good for biking. There are about a dozen ski resorts within a 1-hour drive from the city.

In 2002, Salt Lake City hosted the Winter Olympics.

Salt Lake City is home to several sports teams, but only one is included in a major professional league. The Utah Jazz basketball club plays at the EnergySolutions Arena, located downtown. Utah Jazz has a good reputation; Andrei Kirilenko, the most successful Russian basketball player, has been on its roster for many years.

Pioneer Day is celebrated annually on July 24 in Salt Lake City, marking the date of the Mormons' arrival in Utah.

The climate in Salt Lake City is semi-desert with a clear division of seasons. Summers are hot and long with cool nights. Daytime temperatures do not reach terrifying numbers and are tolerated normally due to the absence of high humidity. On average, 56 days during the summer the temperature exceeds 32 C, however, the average daily humidity in July is only 22%. Precipitation occurs infrequently during the summer and early fall, and is most frequent in the spring when storms moving in from the Pacific Ocean pass through the region. The wettest month is April.

Winters are usually moderately cold. The mountains to the north and east act as a barrier, protecting the region from the intrusion of cold continental air. On average, 127 days a year the temperature drops below zero, however, only 2-5 times a year the temperature reaches - 17 C. Snow can fall from November to April.