Trek around Annapurna - report. Annapurna trek - insights, impressions and practical recommendations Annapurna trek radial exits

This track impresses with the beauty and power of the surrounding mountains. There are also enough stupas, temples and other local color. The route passes through different climatic zones and allows you to make a very voluminous impression of the Himalayas. It is no coincidence that this is one of the most popular routes in the world.

There is a lot of talk about the Annapurna track being damaged by the road. This is not entirely true. Yes, without the road it would be more atmospheric, but it would take 3 weeks to walk and there would be much less comfort in the shelters. And now there is an opportunity to drive less interesting sections, and see the most important. If you start from Chamzhe, as many do, including us, then the trail soon leaves the road and you don’t have to walk along the side of the road much. And after a couple of walking days, you deepen so much that the transport practically disappears.

As expected, the journey began with a reboot in .

Drop day. Kathmandu - Besisahar (1100m) - Chamzhe (1400m)

We travel by rented bus from Kathmandu to Besisahar. With a check-in for permits and a stop for lunch, it's almost all day. On the way - a hell of a dusty section of the road, variously decorated trucks with the inscriptions "King of the road", and, finally, the mountains.

We arrive in Besisahar in the evening. However, this is not the end of today's move. Then the road is such that you need to look for a jeep. And he is soon, but the driver offers to go tomorrow, since it is already late and it is forbidden to drive in the evening. We are already going to look for a hotel, as the driver suddenly agrees, apparently the thirst for profit has done its job.

And here we are for a few more hours hanging out in the car, which on this road resembles a raft, passing the rapids of the highest category of complexity. At some point, the Chinese jeep breaks down and the wheel falls off. We find ourselves alone in the night on an empty road.

The adventure started abruptly.

I'm figuring out how many kilometers we have to go to the nearest village, and the driver is trying to get a connection to get through to his comrades.

Soon he succeeds and in half an hour we are driving another jeep. But it also breaks down before reaching a few kilometers.

However, this happens suspiciously near the hotel, which is kept by the driver's relatives.

Perhaps this was the original plan, and this is the reason why the driver still agreed to drive at night - the payment of a large group for an overnight stay and food is decent money. That's just the breakdown of the first jeep happened real.

We are already glad that we arrived at least here, and agree to stay for the night.

First walking day. Chamzhe (1400m) – Darapani (1850m)

After talking with the jeepers, we decide to start from the hotel. Let's go a few kilometers more, it's not critical.

The trail goes through a picturesque gorge. We are drawn into the everyday life of trekkers, getting used to walking with backpacks.

If you wish, you can save this day by driving a car, but going here is also not bad.

Second walking day. Darapani (1850m) - Chame (2650m)

On this day, in the immediate vicinity, the first views of big mountains This caused a surge of enthusiasm among the entire group.

Annapurna 2 (7525m) is especially beautiful due to its pyramidal shape.

Third walking day. Chame (2650m) - Upper Pisang (3300m)

Not everyone liked walking with a full backpack, so they took two porters to the group.

And the views are getting more beautiful.

And the villages are becoming more authentic.

Upper Pisang is remembered not only by its name. Starting from him, on the track around Annapurna, in each locality, in addition to the local color, the harsh and sublime atmosphere of the highlands was added.

We passed the transition to Upper Pisang in half a day. Having settled in the lodge and having lunch, we went for a walk around the village and, having entered the temple, got to a Buddhist prayer. One monk beat a suspended drum, bringing out a powerful bass rhythm. Two more recitative read a prayer, from time to time picking up long pipes and performing a brass part. It was a whole concert, which, in the end, put me in a state close to a trance. The impression is powerful.

Fourth walking day. Upper Pisang (3300m) - Manang (3550m)

Long walking day with very beautiful views. The length of the route is about 20 km.

Rest day in Manang

Fatigue has accumulated, the height has gained, and Manang with its surroundings is beautiful and original, so we make a day of rest.

We go on a radial walk to Gangnapurna Lake, and the most seasoned one even bathes in this glacial lake.

We climb a little higher, to the ridge, from which excellent views open up.

We examine Old city and spin the prayer wheels.

And we eat yak steak, it is beautiful here and you should definitely try it.

In general, for food, on the entire track around Annapurna there is a good choice, there is far from only Dal-bat, but for a snack you can always buy pies, bread, etc. Beer is sold everywhere. The local rum is pretty good.

Fifth walking day. Manang (3550m) - Tilicho Base Camp (4150m)

We are going on a two-day radial trip to Lake Tilicho, but we have problems. One of the participants fell ill, and it is better for her not to go to the heights, but to heal. We have to leave her in Manang and give the task of self-acclimatization in the vicinity.

In addition, the porters were capricious, trying to beg for more money, but after negotiations we leave.

Going to Tilicho, in all respects, is correct. You can enjoy new beautiful views and at the same time get acclimatized before the highest pass of the Annapurna Trek.

Sixth walking day. Tilicho base camp (4150m)– Lake Tilicho (4949 m) – Manang (3550 m)

Leaving most of the things in the base camp, we lightly rise to Lake Tilicho. However, going is not easy at all. Gornyashka significantly covers, especially since for all participants this new height. But most cope and reach the lake.

Then we all descend to Manang, with a stop at the base camp for lunch. You can go down not to Manang, but further along the route, but we had to return to the sick participant. The day was long and hard. Passed about 25 km.

Seventh running day. Manang (3550m) - Yak Karka (4020m)

Sick Natalia feels better. She was on her own for acclimatization, as agreed, and is ready to go further with us.

But one of the porters must return home for family reasons. I had to urgently look for a replacement for him, but, in the end, the issue was resolved.

But the transition on this day is small, which is very useful after yesterday's load.

Eighth running day. Yak Karka (4020m) - Thorong Pedi (4450m) - High Camp (4900m)

We gain height again and it starts to cover, but everyone copes. We make a stop at Thorong Pedi to get used to the altitude and have lunch. We find a guitar and arrange a small concert.

We arrive at High Camp in the late afternoon and all the places are occupied. We are placed in the dining room on the floor. In the evening, to brush your teeth, you need to break the ice on a barrel of water that stands outside.

But this option is better than going in the morning from Thorong Pedi. With dawn, the wind on the pass intensifies and is expensive every hour.

Ninth walking day. High Camp (4900m) - Thorong La Pass (5416m) - Descent to Muktinath (3750m)

We leave after dark headlamps. Frost and wind are quite unpleasant, I go with thoughts of dawn. It was worth taking tops or warm mittens. Some got cold feet.

At dawn, we are already close to the pass. A little more, and here it is, Thorong-La Pass (5416m) - highest point trekking around Annapurna.

There is a shack on the pass - a tea house where several types of hot tea are poured - an atmospheric place, the dream of a frozen trekker!

We wait for the laggards and begin the descent down.

We go down to Muktinath, check into a hotel with a great view and a Russian bath!

Tenth running day. Muktinath (3750m) - Jomsom (2700m)

From Muktinath you can take a bus on a good road, but it is worth walking. The trail is beautiful and not difficult, mostly downhill, and goes far from the road.

It was interesting to visit the temple of the pre-Buddhist shamanic faith, the Bon religion, where we were even allowed to beat the prayer wheel.

In Jomsom, we completed our Annapurna trek, took plane tickets, and flew to Pokhara the next day.

Pokhara contrasts strongly with the dusty Kathmadu. This is a neat mountain resort.

Then, on a rented minibus, we returned to.

The track ran from 6 to 17 November 2017. The weather was good all the time, mostly clear. The wind at the pass was not strong - we were also lucky with that.

The group was predominantly female, with little mountain experience. But everyone tried and coped with a serious Himalayan track. Well done!

And the Himalayas are calling to return and already on May holidays going there for a new cool track.

From September 1, 2019, the total cost of a visa in rubles (including consular fees, bank fees and my registration):
- on 30 days(April to June) = 2100 rub,
- on 30 days(from July to March) = 3000 rub,
- on 1 year multi = 4200 rub,
- on 5 years multi = 7100 rub.

Why this time Nepal and the track around Annapurna? Because it's MOUNTAINS! Himalayas. Again, the beloved Himalayas, but not Indian, but Nepalese.
I was interested in Nepal from my youth, but in those years I did not even think that I would ever be here.
On this trip, we were called “trekkers” (from the word “trekking” - hiking in the mountains).
Why was I, completely unprepared, never an athlete, able to become a trekker in Nepal?

Because here it is possible for anyone. In Nepal, there are routes that pass through the mountains from one village to another. Since the slopes in Nepal are all inhabited, sooner or later you will definitely reach some village where you can have dinner and spend the night, so there is no need to carry a tent and a supply of food with you. It is very comfortable.

Trek around Annapurna (or Annapurna Ring)

Of all the Nepali tracks we chose , because they read on the Internet how super-duper-picturesque it is, it passes through a high-mountain pass, and in general the very best. And the fact that the ascent to this pass is not easy is not very much written about. Apparently, difficulties are quickly forgotten, only beauty remains in memory.

Technical data of the track around Annapurna:
length - 211 km,
duration - about 20 days,
elevation difference - from 800 m (at the beginning of the route) to 5416 m (Thorong-La pass).
The route is circular (non-closed circle), it is recommended to go counterclockwise, because. if you go clockwise, then a very sharp climb before the pass, it is harder to go, besides, the body does not have time to acclimatize at a height and, as a result, mountain sickness torments.

What is Annapurna Mountain Range?

The Annapurna mountain range is located in the central part of Nepal (the map enlarges if you open it in a new window):

These are the southern spurs of the Main Himalayan Range.
From east to west, this mountain range stretches for 55 km.
Here's what it looks like from the plane (photo from Wikipedia):

You can enlarge the picture by opening it in a new window and view all this beauty.

Main peaks mountain range Annapurna in descending order of altitude:
Annapurna I - 8091 m,
Annapurna II - 7937 m,
Annapurna III - 7575 m (on another map - 7555 m),
Annapurna IV - 7535 m (on another map - 7525 m),
Gangapurna - 7455 m,
Annapurna South - 7219 m,
Tilicho Peak - 7134 m,
Nilgiri - has three peaks - 7061, 6940 and 6839 m,
Machapuchare - 6998 m.

Our route goes around all this array.

It translates as "goddess of the harvest." But when you get acquainted with the history of ascents to the main peak of this massif, the question involuntarily arises: “What kind of harvest are we talking about?” This mountain has really collected the biggest harvest - the highest death rate among climbers (41% for all the years of climbing). In addition to this terrible figure in October 2014, a terrible tragedy was added with the death of tourists, porters and local residents in the area of ​​the Annapurna mountain range as a result of a cyclone that came from indian ocean and caused abnormal snowfall and avalanches.

Track map around Annapurna

The map (as it turned out) is rather conditional, but this is given out at. detailed map large format, which I bought in a bookstore, I will lay out in pieces as I go along the route, since it does not fit entirely into the scanner.
On this map, our trail is shown in brown.

The map can be enlarged.

Track Height Chart

I scanned the height map, which is issued upon receipt of permits. Since it is long, I broke it into two parts.
Part 1 - Eastern - from Besisakhar to Thorong La pass.
(map enlarges)

And part 2 - western - from Thorong La pass to Nayapul

The first conquest of Annapurna by Erzog's expedition

Annapurna is the 10th highest eight-thousander in the world and the first conquered by man.
In 1950, people climbed the summit for the first time - French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. About this expedition, Maurice Herzog wrote a fascinating book "Annapurna". It is impossible to tear yourself away from reading, especially after you have visited those parts yourself: familiar places, familiar names of the rivers along which you also walked, familiar names of villages in which you also stopped ... The most amazing thing is that Erzog's expedition did not have a clear map (the map was with errors), and they had to determine, through numerous reconnaissance, which particular peak is Annapurna and how to approach it. The situation was complicated by the fact that initially this group was given the task of climbing either Dhaulagiri or Annapurna (at that time both of them were not conquered) within the allotted time, or climb wherever possible. And the first peak, on which they spent a lot of time, was Dhaulagiri, but the ascent to it failed, after which they switched to searching for approaches to Annapurna, and there was not much time left, the monsoon was approaching and it was necessary to hurry ... And when the peak was , finally conquered, a very difficult, unsuccessful and dramatic descent began ... In general, if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.

This entry was posted in , tagged , on 11/19/2014 by the author.

After half a year of preparation and several years of dreams, we finally visited Nepal on the track around Annapurna. What are the general impressions? Now, after a few months after returning, when emotions subsided and the body recovered, I can say that it was unforgettable journey, I will be happy to return to Nepal again, but now to the Everest region.

So, how was it all….

There were 8 people in our group (this is not a commercial group, but just 8 friends who love something unusual), which helped us rent an inexpensive private transfer and buy out half of the guest houses.

We flew China Southern Airlines, which we regretted more than once. I strongly do not recommend contacting these guys: constant changes in flight schedules, a website where it is impossible to find out anything, a call-center where you cannot get through, and if you do get through, you face a problem when operators practically do not speak English, etc. d. However, this was all before our trip, the flight itself went without problems.

Arriving in Kathmandu - (1360m above sea level), we stayed at the Dream Nepal hotel. Good place for price, location and service. The owner of the hotel was very kind and helped us with any question, provided a free transfer to / from the airport, helped to book good hotel in Pokhara at a discount, took us several times to the Nepal Tourism Board to obtain permits, and even when we were already on the track, ordered us plane tickets for 8 people from Jomsom to Pokhara without any advance payment, hoping only for our honesty that after the track, we will return to it and pay for everything.

Leaving the airport, we were immediately surrounded by a crowd of local "helpers", importunately offering their service. In order to somehow get rid of them, Dima found a very non-standard way out of this situation. He carried in his hands a large envelope with red letters Costco (Costco is a supermarket chain) and showed the Nepalese as if it meant something, and, oddly enough, this had a magical effect on the local porters, they nodded their heads in understanding and lagged behind. This envelope later became our talisman. Throughout the trip, when the locals were too overbearing or not allowed to do something, we joked among ourselves that they needed to show Costco's envelope.

Day 13 transfer to Kathmandu, which took about 6 hours from Pokhara by private minibus, a short walk around the capital with a stop at the monkey temple, buying souvenirs in the city center.

Day 14 Departure home in the morning from Kathmandu airport.

The government of Nepal has set itself the goal of connecting most of the remote villages in the mountains with roads, many believe that this will serve as an end to the wild hiking in this area, real tourists with big bellies and even bigger cameras will start to come here en masse. comfortable hotels and chic restaurants. As an example, the paved road to Manang, which until recently did not exist. But, having been there, I can say that there will not be such tourists there for a long time, as well as good roads unless the government changes or something else happens in Nepal. If the current government builds roads, then it will most likely be some kind of primitive, driving on which is real suicide. But even because of such primitive roads, the number of tourists who come to Nepal will certainly decrease precisely because of its authenticity, the opportunity to plunge into places untouched by civilization, and not everyone will like walking along roads along which jeeps periodically raise dust. But you can understand the locals - it is more important for them to get comfort in their lives than to satisfy the whims of tourists. I am glad that we managed to visit the Nepalese Himalayas even before the mass construction.

What are your impressions from the trip? At first there were no impressions, there was only fatigue, a desire to return to civilization, lie in a hot bath and forget the nightmare seen in Kathmandu. But after a couple of weeks, I began to catch myself thinking that I want to go back. At first I was afraid of this desire, but then I clearly realized that even now I was ready to pack my backpack again and go to Nepal.

Here the dream came true to see the Himalayas, even though we did not climb any peaks, but simply walked along the trails, but our boots had real Himalayan dust, and our eyes enjoyed the most beautiful mountain landscapes in the world.

And these mountain villages… If it were not for the periodically meeting satellite dishes and wires, then it seemed that time had stopped here. Unusual places With stone houses on the slopes and narrow streets from tourist photos come to life and become a reality. And the people in the mountains of Nepal ... They are really very beautiful, a light shines in their eyes, and early wrinkles do not spoil them at all. stone houses, bright National clothes and knitted hats only confirm that they value their traditions, do not want to change their lifestyle and are happy with what they have.

The Himalayas… I don’t even need to describe them, what’s the point of saying that I am delighted with the greatness of the mountains I saw, about climbing which I watched hundreds of films and read dozens of books.

I will never forget the yak bells, the prayer drums, the faces of the Nepalese women, the feeling of life there, the evening gatherings in the canteens, and the bright stars over Annapurna II.

If we discard Kathmandu, Pokhara, the road to the start of the track and back, then it was a very interesting and unforgettable trip. The populated regions of Nepal, with their dirt, just want to be thrown out of memory. But in general, an unpleasant aftertaste remained in my soul: we arrived there and left after 2 weeks to our comfortable homes, to prosperous areas with lawns and flowers, to the world of cars, highways and civilization, to the world of the Internet, unmanned vehicles and space flights. And these people stayed there to live in their small primitive houses with cracks, forced to work hard physically, fighting for their existence every day. Perhaps, looking at them through the prism of European values, I see no reason why they can be happy, they only make me pity. But, despite the fact that for many Nepalese even the basics of Maslow's pyramid are not fulfilled, they feel quite happy, probably, we really do not understand a lot of things in this life and we should sometimes take an example from the Nepalese.

The Annapurna trek is one of the most popular hiking trails in the world and definitely the number one track in Nepal. Every year, hundreds of travelers set out on this amazing route for incredible views, in search of inspiration, to challenge themselves, or simply to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Himalayas.
Regardless of the reason why people set off on the majestic Annapurna Circle, at the end of the journey, all travelers agree on one thing - this is a time spent in the heart of the mountains, they will never forget.
The high season for the Annapurna trek is four months of the year, two in spring (March and April) and two in autumn (October and November). Of course, there are also desperate travelers who decide to trek around Annapurna at other times, but as a rule, such an undertaking can spoil your experience, since with a high degree of probability you will be accompanied by such unpleasant things as heavy rain and low visibility in the trek. summer months, and bone-chilling cold in the winter.
The high season months, on the contrary, are optimal both in terms of weather conditions and the number of mountains in your field of vision. By the way, the high season in the Annapurna region and in other places in Nepal (for example, in the Everest Base Camp or in the Manaslu region) is different, if you are going to another mountainous region of Nepal, you need to study the weather conditions there individually, based on observations in the area you are interested in.
One way or another, the weather in the mountains is not always predictable, and we do not recommend completely trusting the forecast. Despite the rainy season, sunny and pleasant weather can set in, and, conversely, a few rainy days can easily happen during the high season. That is why you should pay special attention to the selection of equipment that you take with you on a trek in Nepal and take into account any possible conditions in order to feel confident in the Annapurna reserve all the way. For example, your trekking boots must be waterproof. If it's your first time on a track and you're buying yourself a new pair of boots, don't forget to break them in before you hit the track. Be sure to have a raincoat, sun cream with a high degree of protection, high-quality sunglasses. Full list everything you need during a trip to the mountains along this route is listed on our website. You can check with our specialists for more complete information, who will help you choose the right equipment for the mountains and answer all questions about the quality and functional component of the things you need. Much of what is on our list is best purchased right before the track, upon arrival in Nepal. The exception is trekking boots and a sleeping bag, which we recommend purchasing in advance. Special attention should be paid to the quality of these two items of equipment.
If you are reading this text, then you are probably thinking with might and main about going to the famous Himalayan mountains. The key to ensuring that such a trip leaves you only the most pleasant impressions is the right preparation and good planning. Out of Town agency specialists will give you detailed travel recommendations and explain all the most important points associated with being in the mountains at high altitude. We have extensive experience in mountain hiking and we know all the nuances and problems that a person unprepared for a hike may encounter.

  • The most beautiful snowy peaks of the Annapurna massif, which will accompany us throughout most of the trekking
  • Three eight-thousanders that can be seen in the distance: Manaslu (8156m), Dhaulagiri (8167m) and Annapurna 1 (8091m)
  • Thorong La Pass (5416m) - one of the highest passes in the world, which are passed without special equipment
  • Mountain lake Tilicho - it is located at an altitude of 4949m and has a very big sizes: length - about 4km, width - about 1km
  • The unique gorges of the mountain rivers Marsiandi and Kali-Gandaki, along which we will walk
  • The longest suspension bridges across the gorges - a walk along these can tickle everyone's nerves
  • The Mustang area - its lower part, which is completely different from anything we have seen before
  • Riding jeeps on, frankly, scary roads
  • Fly over the Himalayas from Jomson to Pokhara in a small plane with a view of Annapurna
  • Amazing Nepalese traditions, their way of life and culture
  • Delicious, albeit unusual, Nepalese food
  • Walks in the calm and green town of Pokhara with a boat ride on Phewa Lake
  • The main attractions of Kathmandu - Swayambhunath, Pashupatinath, Bodtanh, Patan
  • The noisy streets of Thamel - the tourist district of the capital, where we will live
  • Evening gatherings for stories ..

And much, much more, because it is so individual. Trekking around Annapurna will undoubtedly become one of the most interesting adventures in your life!

Program cost: $850

  • Included in the price:
  • Meeting at the airport;
  • Accommodation in lodges on the route;
  • Accommodation in hotels in Kathmandu and Pokhara;
  • Transfer by charter bus Kathmandu-Dharapani;
  • Jeep transfer Dharapani - Chamzhe;
  • Jeep transfer Mukhtinath - Jomson;
  • All necessary permits and permits;
  • Services of a guide of the Couloir club;
  • Services of a Nepalese guide;
  • Track preparation advice;
  • Assistance with the purchase of air tickets;
  • Group first aid kit;
  • Porter trunk rental
  • The price does not include:
  • Air flight to Nepal ($500-700);
  • Air flight Jomson-Pokhara ($110-125);
  • !Compulsory medical insurance and from the National Assembly;
  • Nepalese visa ($30);
  • Meals ($15-20 per day, depending on appetite);
  • Porter services ($120 for 12kg);
  • Excursions in Kathmandu and Pokhara (optional, from $50);
  • Tipping to the local guide and porters (about 20-30 dollars);
  • Tips for the guide (not necessary, but he will be happy to have them);
  • All expenses not specified in the program (force majeure, evacuation).

Total amount of mandatory expenses, not included in the price, will be approximately 500 $ + air flight to Nepal (400-700). It is advisable to have about $ 200 with you in reserve.

VERY DESIRABLE: We highly recommend taking a porter to this track. The cost will be approximately $ 10 per 12 kg of cargo per day. And that for the whole track is about - 120 dollars. + tips ($10-20).

Payment order

To reserve a seat in a group, you need to make a deposit of $100. This money is needed for issuing passes and booking hotels. In case of cancellation of the trip, the money is not returned, but can be transferred to another participant or remain on your "account" to pay for future trips. Payment Methods . The rest of the amount is given to the instructor on the first day of the hike. In case of departure from the route, the money is not returned.

Friends! We kindly ask you to select dollar bills of 2003 and newer. Dollars of the 90s are not accepted in many countries and we sometimes have problems with settlements with local partners. Thank you for your understanding and new dollars to everyone :)

Program changes

Depending on the weather conditions, status and general wishes of the group, the instructor has the right to make changes to the route.

Mobile communication, Wi-Fi, charging

On trekking around Annapurna there is a connection, but it is poor. The most popular Nepalese operator Ncell catches well only the first days and after the pass - in Mukhtinath. Therefore, we advise you to take SIM cards from the NTC operator, it has coverage in this region better, sometimes you even get to watch videos on YouTube :) To buy a SIM card, you will need a passport and a 3x4 photo (you can do it on the spot for an additional fee). Wi-Fi is available in every lodge, its cost is 100-300 rupees. IN major cities There is free Internet in the cafe. Charging is available in almost all lodges, except for the base camp of Tilicho and Thorong La, the cost of charging can be per hour or per device, the price is 100-800 rupees.

Food on the track

The menu in all the lodges is extremely varied ( different types eggs, pasta, potatoes, soups, pizza, rice). An interesting feature is that the same dishes in different lodges can be prepared differently and taste completely different! Food prices rise proportionally with altitude. On average, it will take $ 15-20 per day to eat normally.

For example, we recommend looking at some of the most expensive prices on the route in the village of Gokyo, but here is a folder with photos of menus and food from other lodges on the Everest trek. On the track around Annapurna, food is much cheaper.

Let's say right away that someone really likes Nepalese food, but there are those who "do not go in". With meat on the track, you usually strain, you can take some lard and a stick of sausage with you.

Accommodation on the track

In Kathmandu we will live in Hotel Arts****. Standard accommodation in double rooms.

During the trek we live in lodges - these are shelters for tourists, which have a public shower and toilet (sometimes in the room). We order food in the same lodge where we live. The rooms are very simple, small, for 2-3 people, they are not heated. From furniture often there are only beds. The beds are covered with linen, but it is recommended to take your own sleeping bag and sleep in it. On request, the hosts can ask for a blanket. Electricity is available in almost all lodges, but sockets are rare in the rooms.

To better understand the conditions of life, it is highly recommended to look at some examples of lodges from our tracks. Click on the name: a good lodge in Namche Bazaar with a shower in the room, a basic lodge in Dola - without a shower and with ice in the washbasin, cool rooms in the Eco-resort in Gokyo, a standard lodge in Chukung, a mug of tea after spending the night in a room in Gorak -Shepe. Even if you spend the night in other settlements, the lodges will be about the same level.

Individual accommodation is possible for the entire program, it costs +250$. Be sure to notify the manager in advance.


Most of the track is at moderate altitudes. During the day, the temperature will be about +20 degrees, at night it can drop to zero. During an early exit to the pass, the temperature can drop to -10. Rains are rare. Typical weather for mountainous regions is a clear morning and cloudy evening.

Prices, money of Nepal

The country's currency is the Nepalese rupee. The exchange rate is approximately 100 rupees to 1 dollar. You can exchange at the hotel at the reception or at the exchange office, with which we have long had agreements for a more favorable rate. The guide will take you to the right place. It is noteworthy that the Nepalese are very casual about paper money - piercing a pack of rupees with a stapler is quite normal. All expenses on the route are in rupees only. Exchange about $400-500 for them before the track. Bank cards only accepted at some points in Kathmandu, so be sure to bring cash. In addition, there are big restrictions on withdrawing cash from an ATM, and the commission for this is simply extortionate. It is worth buying souvenirs in the shops of Thamel ( tourist area Kathmandu), and not on the sights. Always bargain with the Nepalese, sometimes the price can be dropped several times.

Required documents

A visa to Nepal is issued directly at the border, the cost of a visa for 15 days of stay is $30. detailed instructions by design. To obtain a visa, you only need a valid passport, the validity of which is more than 6 months from the date of the return flight.

To participate in the hike, you must have no diseases that are not compatible with active tourism: .

Track map around Annapurna

Upcoming trek dates around Annapurna + Lake Tilicho

Start Finish Route Price days
11.04.2020 25.04.2020 850 $ 15 days
12.04.2020 26.04.2020 Trek around Annapurna + Lake Tilicho 850 $ 15 days
07.11.2020 21.11.2020 Trek around Annapurna + Lake Tilicho 850 $ 15 days

Trekking around Annapurna daily

Day 1. Group meeting in Kathmandu

Immediately after obtaining a visa (set without problems, you can take it for 15 days for 25 dollars, one day of delay is not scary), pick up your luggage and go to the exit from the airport. While you are alone or already with a group of tourists flying from your city. For example, several people usually fly from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, and we introduce them even before the trip. Flying together is more fun. At the exit, the guide of the Kuluar club or our Nepalese assistant is waiting for you, who will take you by taxi to the hotel booked in advance. It is in the hotel that the whole group will gather.

Today is the day of the first acquaintance with the peculiarities of Nepal, our guide will tell you how not to get lost, what is better to buy where and at what prices, where to eat deliciously so as not to get indigestion.

In the evening, a general dinner and group acquaintance. The guide tells plans for tomorrow, answers all your questions.

Day 2. Transfer Kathmandu - Besisahar (1100m) - Chamzhe (1430m)

Let us not walk today, but the day is hard - we need to throw ourselves to the start of the route. First, on a custom minibus we go to the village of Besisakhar. The journey will take about 7 hours with a mandatory stop for breakfast - since we leave at 5 in the morning and it’s not a fact that we can eat at the hotel. Many people start walking from Besisakhar. But this, frankly, is very boring - for a day and a half to stomp along a wide road where the mountains are not yet visible. Is this why we went to Nepal? Therefore, in Besisakhar, we transfer to jeeps and drive through the section to the village of Chamzhe (or even further, if possible). We are located in lodges - mountain shelters.

Day 3. Trek Chamzhe (1430m) - Dharapani (1860m)

First day of trekking around Annapurna! Finally, we do not have to shake in buses and jeeps on these terrible roads, or you can safely stomp on your two while admiring the surroundings. The trail goes along the picturesque Marsiandi River, jumping from one bank to another from time to time. It will not do without steep climbs, this will be the first serious test on the track. Toward evening we will reach the village of Dharapani, where we will spend the night. It is notable for the fact that the trail of the track to Manaslu starts from here, but this time we are in the other direction.

Day 4. Trek Dharapani - Chame (2670m)

Friends, today for the first time we will see really big snowy Himalayan peaks! These peaks are Lamjung (6983m) and Manaslu (8157m). They are far away, but the grandiose dimensions are felt even from such a distance. At the same time, Lamdjung is one of the smallest peaks of the Annapurna massif. Be sure to drink a cup of masala or ginger-lemon tea with a view of the mountains and continue our journey. And today he is almost always up. Step by step, kilometer by kilometer, we will see the real Buddhist gates to the Chame village, we will walk along the mani wall and spin the drums with mantras.

Travel time: 6-7 hours, distance: 15 km

Day 5. Trek Chame - Upper Pisang (3300m)

We continue to climb rapidly. So much so that today we will see the Gates of Paradise - this is a huge granite amphitheater, smoothed by the Annapurna glacier. In the spring it is covered with snow and looks like the flattest plateau for skiing, while in autumn the snow melts and exposes the rock. The scale of these "gates" is really impressive. For the night we will stop in Upper Pisang, settle into rooms, have a rest and go for a walk to the monastery. Let's choose the time to get to the puja and see how the monks in traditional red-orange outfits chant mantras, sorting out the rosary and playing musical instruments. We can stay here until sunset, after which we will return to our lodge for dinner.

Travel time: 6 hours, distance: 16km

Day 6. Trek Upper Pisang - Manang (3540)

Personal opinion - today is the most beautiful day on all trekking around Annapurna. The first hour we will walk along a good pleasant path, admiring the huge peaks of the Annapurna massif, which will open to us in all their glory. Annapurna II (7,937m) stands out especially, on the slopes of which, if desired, one can distinguish a wolf's muzzle. We pass a large mani vol, suspension bridge and start the long climb. Perhaps the most difficult and unpleasant section of the path. But on the other hand, at the top we are waiting for an excellent viewing platform and a stall with cool drinks, apples and cheese. We reached the maximum height during the day, then the trail smoothly descends, without large elevation changes and ascents. We will have lunch in the village of Ngawal, and closer to the evening we will go to the largest village of the region - Manang. Here we will stay for two nights.

Travel time: 7-8 hours, distance: 20 km

Day 7. Gangnapurna lake, walking around Manang

A legal rest day on the track. For better acclimatization, we will spend it actively - we spend half a day walking over Gangnapurna Lake, which is fed by glacial waters flowing down from the mountain of the same name. Very beautiful and unusual scenery. We spend the second half of the day studying the life of Manang. It's quite small town, which, like most of the mountain villages of Nepal, still lives somewhere in the Middle Ages. There are delicious pastries, tongba (Tibetan beer) and even a couple of cinemas that show films about the mountains. We advise you to wash and lie down - ahead is the key part of the track around Annapurna.

Day 8. Manang - Tilicho Base Camp (4150m)

Truly an extraordinary day. The trail to the base camp Tilicho winds its way along the loose slopes of the mountains and leads us to the very heart of the Himalayas. It is here that there is a feeling of a real expedition and some kind of unreality of everything that happens. Imperceptible landscapes and a huge wall of Mount Tilicho (7134m) bring the brain into a state of constant ecstasy, the camera shutter clicks tirelessly. There are only a few loggias in the base camp, but there are many tourists. Might have to push a little.

Travel time: 6-7 hours, distance: 16 km

Day 9. Radial hike to Lake Tilicho (4949m)

Radial - this means that we go to the lake lightly, without all the things, and return to the same place for the night. Lake Tilicho impresses everyone. First of all, of course, we are interested beautiful landscapes with the reflection of the snowy peaks in the calm waters of the lake. Very big lake, about 4 km long and about 1 km wide, which is located at an altitude of 4,949 meters. Just imagine such a huge reservoir at such a height - this is a unique and inimitable phenomenon. Often small icebergs float on the waters of the lake.

We will return to Tilicho base camp for the night. This outing to the lake will give us not only unique views and wonderful impressions, but also give us the necessary acclimatization to overcome the key point of the track around Annapurna - Thorong La Pass. Today we will overcome the height of 5000 m for the first time.

Travel time: 6 hours

Day 10. Trek Tilicho base camp - Yak Kharka (4018m)

At altitudes above 4000 meters, the harsh climate of the highlands is clearly felt - there is little that can take root and survive here. And only yaks go and chew dry thorns. It's amazing how they can eat such food. We will not eat thorns, but we will have breakfast and go to the village of Yak Kharka. A remarkable feature of all Nepalese trekking is that the higher you go, the poorer and worse the diet of the menu, the simpler the lodges, the higher the prices. After all, all goods and products are carried here by porters or yaks. There are no cars here, which is great.

Day 11 Trek Yak Kharka - Thorong Phedi (4450m) - High Camp (4925m)

Trekking around Annapurna continues. Today is a difficult day, you need to dial about 800m. The first part of the day is easy - a non-steep path smoothly leads us to the small village of Thorong Phedi. There are only a few lodges here and we will stop for rest and lunch. Gain strength, because ahead is one of the most difficult sections of the hike around Annapurna - the ascent to the upper camp of the Thorong La Pass. The height difference is not so big - 500m, but what! The trail wags steeply in small endless zigzags, the height affects and it becomes more and more difficult to walk with each step. Most likely, here the group will stretch out - the most nimble ones will go to occupy the lodges, and the rest will gradually rearrange their legs and slowly rise up.

After settling in and a short rest, we will definitely go for a walk around the surroundings. In particular, we will go out to a small hill, from which views of the harsh rocky ridges open. It won't take long and we will spend the rest of the evening in the dining room: first ordering dinner, then having dinner, then talking and playing games - whoever has the strength and desire. At night, the temperature at such an altitude can drop to -10, and the lodges will not save you from this. It seems that it is even colder in the middle than outside. Therefore, we climb into the sleeping bag dressed and be sure to cover ourselves with an additional blanket. We are trying to sleep, tomorrow is a very early exit and a hard day.

Travel time: 5-6 hours, distance: 9km

Day 12 Thorong La Pass (5419m) - Muktinath (3760m) - Jomson (2720m)

The key and hardest day of trekking around Annapurna. We get up at 4 am, exit at 5. Before leaving, a light semblance of breakfast is tea with cookies. It will be about -10 outside - it's cold, especially considering the lack of oxygen. Most of all, hands and feet will freeze. We wrap up warmer, turn on the flashlights and move forward to storm the pass. We need to gain 550m vertical. The trail is good, gently sloping, somewhat reminiscent of climbing Elbrus from the south. Gradually we get into a rhythm and warm up. Two hours later, it finally dawns and the sun gradually comes out from behind the rocky peaks. Having opened our mouths, we take out cameras and frantically begin to shoot this action.

There is a small tea house on the pass. In no case should you drink coffee, but you can have a cup of hot tea and a piece of chocolate. The pass must be passed before noon, because after that the weather starts to deteriorate, the wind rises and it can even snow heavily.

If it seemed to you that the rise was difficult, then do not rush to conclusions. We need to throw 1,800m on rocky paths. This is really hard. In the nearest lodges we sit and solder Ginger Lemon Tee Wiz Honey- It's great for toning.

Around noon we will descend to Muktinath. Yes, about one o'clock. And it seemed to you that an eternity had already passed.

We have lunch and buy souvenirs. Those who wish to descend from the pass can visit the local temple. We get into jeeps and move to Jomson. Here is the airport from which we will fly to Pokhara tomorrow.

Travel time: 8 hours, distance: 14 km

Day 13. Flight Jomson - Pokhara

That's all, the walking part of the track around Annapurna is completed. Today we are flying in a small plane to Pokhara - one of largest cities Nepal. We will check into a hotel and spend the rest of the day on excursions. There is something to do here. If there is enough time, we will see the Davis Falls and the Shiva Cave, climb to the Peace Stupa, go down to the Phewa Lake and return by boat to the lakeside - the tourist area of ​​the city where we live. You can also visit the unique museum of mountains.

Day 14. Transfer Pokhara - Kathmandu

Long drive to Kathmandu and hotel accommodation. In the evening, walks, shopping - after all, you need to buy souvenirs home. Farewell dinner, during which we share impressions and exchange contacts, if someone else has not exchanged.

Day 15. Sights of Kathmandu, flight home

We will devote the first half of the day to exploring the main attractions of Kathmandu - temple complex Swayambhunath, Pashupatinath and Boudhanath Stupas.

Take tickets for evening flights.

Who is this track for?

If you want to see the maximum variety of Himalayan landscapes, walk through the jungle and forests, visit original villages lost among highest mountains planets - you are on the right track. Compared to, this route is a little easier in terms of acclimatization, but wilder, there are much fewer tourists. In addition to a wide variety of nature, you will also often meet monasteries and other Nepalese shrines where you can visit the puja, feel the spirit of Buddhism. The main highlights of the route are Lake Tilicho and Thorong La pass, the passage of which will require you to make the most efforts that you are capable of.

How to prepare for a track

Due to the fact that we spend the night and eat in lodges, backpacks on the route will be light. In addition, there is always the opportunity to hire a porter, which we strongly recommend to all participants. It will carry the main part of your things (up to 12 kg), and you will go with a small backpack in which you will carry a warm jacket, water, documents and money. The track around Annapurna is not easy, but every person leading an active lifestyle can do it. The best way to prepare for a mountain track is running (about 5-7 km 2-3 times a week), squats, cardio exercises that will not only increase your endurance, but also train your legs for daily transitions. The more physically fit you are, the easier it will be for you to tolerate altitude, acclimatize, and enjoy the trek and the scenery around you more.

When to go

As in other regions of Nepal, there are two seasons for trekking in the Himalayas - spring (from mid-March to late May) and autumn (from mid-October to mid-December). If you go in the spring, then you need to be prepared for the fact that there will still be a lot of snow on the pass and the approach to the lake, and the lake itself is hidden under ice. But a big plus during this period are the flowering rhododendron forests, which create incredible contrasting pictures against the backdrop of snow-white mountains. In the second half of the day in spring, clouds often cover the sky, and at about 3-4 pm it can start to rain or snow. But by this time we usually already come to the lodge. Autumn is warmer, there are practically no clouds, the snow on the pass has melted, and the lake catches the eye with the bright blue color of the water.

When and where to buy flights to Kathmandu

You need to buy tickets in advance, as soon as we confirm your participation in the track. It is most convenient to fly from the CIS with AirArabia and FlyDubai, on their websites it is worth buying tickets. Please note that luggage is not included in the price and you will need to add 20 kg at the time of purchase. When boarding, you need a credit card that was used to pay for tickets - do not forget it! The cost of tickets in both directions is 500-700$.

To find the cheapest tickets, you can use the form below:

Get good insurance

Buying equipment


Porters are porters who carry your things for money. One porter can be loaded no more than 24 kg. The cost of such a service is about $ 20 per day, but you can take one porter for two - it will be half the price! It is not customary to feel sorry for porters, no matter how much they have loaded onto themselves. Like inviting them to your table. At the lodges, porters have their own room where they eat and sleep with friends. Your best thanks will be a tip in the amount of a porter's daily salary. So prepare an extra $20 for tea for a porter and a Nepalese guide.


The guide has the right not to allow you to participate in the program if your equipment does not match the recommended on the site. For example, if instead of mountain boots you took sneakers or rubber boots.

Please be as responsible as possible when collecting equipment. Not only your health depends on this, but also the comfortable passage of the route by the group as a whole!


When packing a backpack, put all things in plastic bags (you can use garbage bags), this will protect them from getting wet in case of heavy rain or snow.

There is nothing worse than a wet sleeping bag on a hike, put it in the strongest bag that will definitely not tear. Also, pack warm clothes very carefully, especially downy ones. Stay dry and enjoy the adventure!

Track equipment list


  • Trekking boots - semi-high, hard, well worn. Article: " "
  • Trekking shoes - optional, but at low altitudes they will be more comfortable
  • Trekking sandals, crocs - for easy trails and relaxing in the camp


  • Light headwear - cap, buff
  • Warm hat - ideal ones are sold in Kathmandu for 1-2 dollars
  • Fleece gloves
  • Warm down jacket, always with a hood (calculated for -5..-10 degrees)
  • Membrane jacket with ventilation, windproof "skirt" and hood
  • Self-resetting or ventilated membrane pants - optional
  • Lightweight trekking pants
  • Shorts
  • Warm fleece or polartec
  • Lightweight fleece
  • Fleece sleep suit (or "inactive" thermal suit)
  • A set of good active thermal underwear - for movement. Article: " "
  • T-shirts - 2-3 pieces
  • Trekking socks - 5 pairs. We use Nepalese for 1.5-2 dollars a pair.
  • Wool socks - 1 pair for sleep
  • Shoe covers (flashlights)
  • Interchangeable underwear
  • Raincoat or poncho
  • Light dress for photos (it's really beautiful :)


  • Sleeping bag. Comfort temperature -5 for men and -7 °C for girls. Article: " "
  • Lightweight trekking backpack for 30-40 l. Article: " "
  • Good sunglasses (protection factor 4) in a hard case
  • Microfiber towel
  • Thermos for 0.5-0.7 l (optional)
  • Head Torch
  • Trekking poles. Article: " "
  • Personal first aid kit. The composition of a personal first aid kit is here: ""
  • Sun cream with at least 50 protection units
  • Hygienic lipstick
  • Moisturizing hand cream
  • Stock of wet sanitary napkins
  • Toilet paper
  • Documents, money - in hermetic packaging
  • Camera, phone
  • A set of personal goodies - snickers, nuts. Small, up to 1 kg in weight
  • Powerbanks - better a couple
  • Small toys, pencils, notebooks as a gift for local children

Tablets (in addition to personal first aid kit)

There are no miracle pills that will save you from altitude sickness. The main thing here is smooth and competent acclimatization. Some pills can speed it up and make it easier. If you are confident in your abilities, taking pills is not necessary at all.

  • Diakarb, Acetezelomid - active substance Diamax. Start taking one tablet in the morning the day before reaching the height of 3000 m. Diuretic, lowers internal pressure. According to our personal observations, it really helps the participants to better tolerate height. Contraindicated in the presence of renal failure
  • Hypoxen - recommended for increased physical exertion, including mountain climbing. Start taking a week before the track
  • Vitamins - prepare your body for stress, compensate for vitamin deficiency in the mountain diet. Start taking two weeks before the start.