New passport: is it possible to transfer a valid visa from the old one to it and how to do it. What to do if a valid Schengen visa remains in the old passport

Today, citizens of the CIS countries often face such a problem: the old foreign passport has become invalid, but it still has valid visas, which cost a lot of effort and expense to obtain. The question is how to transfer a visa to new passport becomes especially relevant when it comes to long-term multiple visas. In most cases, this problem can be solved, but, unfortunately, not always. Much will depend on the visa rules of a particular state.

A foreign passport that has become invalid can sometimes be left with the owner (at the same time, a number is cut out of it with scissors and stamped “Cancelled” on each page, and on the last page - a stamp with the number of the new issued document). One such case is the presence of valid visas in it.

Situations where a valid visa remains in a canceled passport happen quite often, but each case must be considered specifically.

There are many reasons for canceling passports, including:

  • expiration of their validity;
  • lack of free pages;
  • mechanical damage or pollution, etc.

If earlier the only solution to the problem was the annulment of the entry permit and the procedure for issuing a new one, but now the situation has changed. In the case when the visa stamp is up-to-date, and the passport has expired, you can try to transfer the visa to a new one if you wish, but most often it is practiced to use both documents - the newly received and the expired.

How to travel with two foreign passports

Traveling with two passports - with a canceled, but with a valid visa, and with a new one, with blank pages - is a fairly common phenomenon in world practice. In the EU in 2011, the guidelines on the procedure for processing visa applications (II, 4.1.1) specifically spelled out the provision on the right to enter the Schengen area with two passports.

Here, the only legal reason for issuing a new document is the complete completion of the old one. Therefore, if the visa is valid, and the passport ends, you should apply in advance with an application for a new one to the relevant authorities. Change of surname as a result of marriage entails the annulment of the entry permit. In the US and Canada, the rules are different - for example, a different transliteration of the surname is allowed, but citizenship should not change.

There is no single view on the problem of entering the country with two passports in the world. Three positions can be distinguished:

  • allow completely;
  • allow with reservations;
  • forbid.

The first group should include most of the Schengen countries. If three conditions are met: the old passport has a valid visa, it is completely filled out and canceled, and there is a new document, entry into the Schengen area will be unhindered.

Germany even allows entry with one valid passport without free pages, but with a valid permit. The first group also includes such countries as the USA, Japan, Canada, Great Britain, South Africa.

The second group includes:

  • Bulgaria (allows border crossing with two Schengen passports, but open national visa canceled);
  • Ireland (does not allow dual passports);
  • Latvia (allows such entry in the most extreme cases);
  • Slovakia (requires the provision of an exclusively non-annulled passport with a visa and a special additional form for stamping).

The third group includes China, India and some other countries. They are of the view that the cancellation of the document automatically revokes the entry permit. It cannot be transferred to another document. Such a permit for crossing the border should be applied again.

How to transfer valid visas

Transferring a visa from an old passport to a new one is not a requirement in most countries that allow entry with two foreign identity cards, and often it is simply not possible.

In Germany, such a transfer is not recognized - you must re-apply to the consulate and issue a permit. France, in the absence of blank pages in the passport, meets those who wish to transfer the visa to a new document for free, but on the condition that it is the French visa that is pasted in the old passport and there is new passport. Of all the Schengen countries, only Ireland and Latvia require the transfer of an entry permit from the old document to the new one.

Validity periods visa permits during such a transfer, they should be preserved, however, if for technical reasons this turns out to be impossible, they are reduced.

The applicant must fill out an additional application form, provide two photographs and old passport with a valid visa.

In the USA, such a transfer from an old document to a new one is not practiced. In Japan, on the contrary, if you wish, you can apply for the transfer of a valid multivisa from an annulled to a new passport. Along with the application, you must provide the old and new documents, their photocopies. In the UK, foreigners are also met halfway in this matter.

In order to get a comprehensive answer, whether it is possible to transfer the entry permit to a new passport or not, you should contact the consulate or embassy you are interested in directly.

When answering the question of whether an old international passport is needed when applying for a visa, it should be emphasized that, firstly, without it, the transfer of a valid entry permit to a new foreign document cannot be carried out and, secondly, a visa history that you can confirm with an old international passport, will help in opening new permits in a simplified manner.

We do a Schengen visa. How to make a Schengen. How to get a visa to Europe: Video

It happens that a person who often travels to foreign countries ends up with two foreign certificates available. This can happen, for example, if it draws up a new document due to the fact that quite a long time has passed since the registration of the old one. But what if the first document "ended", but there was a mark in it that allows you to travel abroad? In this case, you need to decide how to transfer the visa to a new passport.

Visa in an invalid document

So, what to do if there is a valid visa in your canceled passport and you are unable to reschedule your trip? As a rule, the probability of such an event is minimal.

When applying for a visa, immigration officials look to ensure that the passport meets the requirements:

  1. The paper was provided no later than five years ago (biometric - ten).
  2. The period of validity expires at least three months after the end of the trip.
  3. There are two more pages left.

But still, things like this do happen. And sometimes it happens that the remaining pages ended quickly. In this case, you need to seek help from a document that was adopted by the European Union back in 2011. This paper prescribes that if there is not enough space for stamps, a person has the right to visit another state using two passports.

Departure on two passports

When the previous one has a valid visa, and the new one has only a blank page, then you should be released. It is only necessary to explain everything to customs officials, referring to the standards of the above document.

In most cases, there are no problems. But there are countries that have separate entry rules, so they should be considered in more detail.


The customs papers of this country say that visiting the state with two certificates is possible only as an exception.

But if this suddenly arises, then at the border they will not be sent back home, but will help to transfer the visa to a new document as soon as possible, without charging you for it.


You will be able to enter this country if your previous passport has not been canceled yet. In such a situation, all the necessary stamps are placed in a special form, which must always be with you until the end of the trip.


They just won’t let you out: if the visa is valid, and the passport is running out, then you need to transfer the stamp to the current certificate. You will not be charged.


If you travel to Bulgaria on a Schengen visa, then there will be no problems. But if you cross the border with a national, that is, Bulgarian visa, then you won’t be able to leave - you need to apply for a new visa.

Great Britain

English customs officers will let you in only if the personal data in both passports are identical. However, if you have changed your first or last name, you will not be able to travel on a visa. This is spreading to many countries in Europe, but in England they are watching it especially closely.

Visa transfer

If you need to transfer a visa from an old passport to a new document, then this should be done without much difficulty and as quickly as possible.

To begin with, it is worth contacting special agents, but it is realistic to carry out the transfer yourself. This is due to the fact that the issue is resolved quite simply, and the agents are trying to make the problem global so that you pay them for their help.

You need to go to the visa center or the embassy of the country where you intend to go. You need to come during the reception hours, go up to the employee and tell about the situation. As a rule, to resolve this issue, you need to spend no more than two hours. But you must have all the required documents with you.

"Electronic journal "Azbuka Law", 10/16/2017


When applying for a visa, it is submitted valid passport, issued less than ten years ago, containing at least two blank pages and whose expiration date, according to general rule, expires no earlier than three months after the expected date of departure from the territory of the EU Member States (Article 12 of the EU Visa Code).

However, in practice, a situation may arise when you have a valid Schengen visa in your invalid passport. In order to avoid going through the procedure for obtaining a new visa, there are two options.

1 . Transferring a visa to a new passport

In this case, a visa will be pasted into the new passport with a validity period up to the expiration date of the visa in the old passport.

Transfer Schengen visa from old foreign passport new is not always possible. The issue of transferring a visa is considered in each case separately by the consulate or diplomatic mission of the country that issued the visa.

To clarify the issue of the possibility or impossibility of transferring a visa to a new passport, contact the consulate (diplomatic mission or visa center) of the country that issued the visa. In some countries, such as Germany, there is no practice of transferring a visa to a new passport. It is necessary to request a visa again with a full application of the package of documents and payment of the consular and service fee.

If visa transfer is possible, the consular officer ( visa application center) advise you on what documents you must submit and issue a special application form.

2 . Entry into the EU on two passports (invalid and new)

Some countries in the Schengen area allow entry and travel within the country by valid visa in the old passport without transferring it to the new one. At the same time, both passports must be on hand: old and new. In order for you to be able to safely cross the border, having two passports in your hands, you must contact the authorized representative office (consulate, diplomatic mission) of the country in advance before the trip and clarify this issue.