Is it possible to return e-tickets? How to return plane tickets

Nowadays, due to convenience and saving time, most people make purchases online, including booking airline tickets. Therefore, to purchase them it is not at all necessary to go to the air ticket office or contact tourist agency. On airline websites you can choose and book the most suitable option yourself.

Important! Air tickets purchased online are no different from those purchased in the usual way.

Often, having seen a favorable fare for a planned flight, promotions, discounts, tourists are not interested in the terms of its return and exchange if necessary. Don't worry, you can almost always get back the money you spent or part of it. Let's figure out how to return an air ticket with the least financial loss.

Electronic ticket and fare

First of all, pay attention to the fare specified by the air carrier.

Print your surrender e-ticket, it contains all the information you are interested in:

  • point of departure (airport) and destination;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the passenger;
  • number of your passport or other identification documents;
  • airline code;
  • flight number;
  • booking class;
  • type of tariff;
  • departure date and time;
  • fare set by the airline;
  • air ticket price and number;
  • date of its registration and validity period.

Non-refundable tariff

It is worth making sure that the air ticket purchased via the Internet does not have a note in the fare: “Non Ref” or “non refundable”. This word translated means “irrevocable”. At this rate, the cheapest tickets are purchased, at special promotion and on low-cost airlines. Such non-refundable budget fares may be called differently for different airlines.

For example, for Aeroflot PJSC these are economy class tickets: budget (saver) and promo (promo). Return money to in this case it will be hard. It is usually allowed to postpone the departure date with an additional payment by making changes to the issued transportation.

Sometimes this is an easier way out of the situation. According to the Federal Law of April 20, 2014. No. 79-FZ “On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation”, air carriers have the right to sell two types of air tickets. Some of them provide for the conditions for the return of freight charges upon termination of the contract of carriage, others do not.

It is important to know! You can get a refund for a ticket purchased at a non-refundable fare in case of illness or violation of the contract of carriage by the airline. In case of voluntary cancellation of the flight, the passenger will lose the previously paid amount of the carriage charge.

Return procedure

Let's look at how to return a plane ticket purchased at a regular fare via the Internet.

Important! Rule number one - apply for a refund to the place where you purchased your ticket.

Since the purchase was made online, you don’t have to go anywhere. You need to find the appropriate form on the website where you booked the ticket and fill it out. Carefully fill in all the required information:

  • flight number, ticket number and booking code;
  • exact date and time of departure.

Please attach to the relevant application:

  • scanned passport (page with photo);
  • payment receipt or bank statement.

If there is no specific application form on the website, then you can fill it out at will, call the specified contact numbers or write to the specified email address. You can call the airline's hotline or use the support services on the website.

It is important to keep in mind when handing over an air ticket that a refund application can only be submitted by the person who purchased it. Another person does not have the right to return it without the appropriate power of attorney.

Please pay special attention to filling out all ticket and personal information correctly. Indeed, in case of errors, the application will not be accepted for consideration and a new one will have to be written. You may miss the most favorable deadlines for submitting documents.

When is the best time to return an air ticket?

When thinking about the question of how to return a plane ticket, first of all, you need to remember two main things:

  1. If a passenger voluntarily cancels a flight, it is best to notify the air carrier one day before the specified check-in time for the flight in order to receive back the amount paid for the ticket without paying a penalty. This applies to refundable tariffs;
  2. Return conditions may vary depending on different airlines. You need to read them on official websites. But, as a rule, than more expensive ticket, the less problems there will be with his return;

Why is application deadline important? The sooner you return your ticket, the less fines or commissions you will pay to the air carrier. According to the Federal Law dated April 20, 2014. No. 79 “On amendments to the Air Code Russian Federation", airlines have an obligation to return all money (fare) paid for a ticket purchased at a refundable fare, subject to notification of cancellation of the flight 24 hours or more before the end of check-in for the flight.

If a ticket is returned less than a day before the end of check-in for a flight, but no later than the specified time for its completion, the penalty is 25% of the carriage charge and other expenses actually incurred by the air carrier. This rule applies to refundable tariffs.

So, how can you get a full refund of the money spent on purchasing a ticket and how much refund can a passenger expect? The airline may reduce the amount of the above penalty. It is recommended to read the rules for applying your fare on the carrier’s official website. All conditions for the return of a specific air ticket are described in detail there.

Forced and voluntary ticket return

It is necessary to distinguish between a forced refusal to fly and a voluntary one. For example, hospitalization, illness of family members and other force majeure circumstances beyond a person’s control can change his plans. In this case, along with your passport, you must present a document that is the reason for refusing the flight. For example, a certificate of hospitalization.

It is important! If an involuntary refusal is recognized, the airline will return 100% of the fare previously paid by the passenger.

How to return a child's air ticket

We figured out how to get money back for a returned adult air ticket. With children, a similar procedure occurs. Only in addition to your documents, you must provide documents for the child (birth certificate or passport, that is, the document with which the ticket was purchased).

What to do if your flight is canceled

The following question may also arise: “How to return an electronic plane ticket when a flight is canceled or rescheduled indefinitely?” In this situation, you will need the owner’s passport, air ticket or receipt (certificate) of its purchase (in case of electronic booking).

Note! The passenger's money must be returned in full if the flight is cancelled.

How will the airline return the money?

After submitting an application for a ticket refund, the average processing time is 7 days, but can last up to a month. It depends on the air carrier.

Money is returned to the tourist in the following ways:

  • cash;
  • transfer to an electronic wallet;
  • transfer to a current account;
  • transfer to a bank card.

Most often, the same method of transferring funds for the returned ticket is chosen as it was paid for when booking.

It is important to provide the necessary Additional information to speed up the return procedure:

  • bank details, current account;
  • name of the electronic transfer system, for example, Webmoney;
  • e-wallet number.

It all depends on how they will be transferred cash.

Note! If within 90 days there is no response to the refund application from the airline, then the passenger has the right to go to court.

In some cases, it is more profitable to change the date and time of departure rather than cancel the flight. For some business class fares, a refund of the carriage fee is possible even if you are notified of flight cancellation after the end of the specified check-in time for the flight.

How to return a plane ticket without losing money

Having considered the question that is relevant for many passengers, how to return an air ticket, it is important to remember the following rules:

  1. The procedure for handing over electronic and regular tickets is practically no different. By purchasing it online, passengers save their time. In case of a ticket return, filling out and submitting documents takes place on the same resource where the reservation was made;
  2. If a passenger voluntarily cancels a flight, it is important to submit an application for a ticket refund at least one day before check-in. Subject to this condition you can get up to 100% of the original cost back;
  3. It is easiest to return business class tickets, but more difficult to return for budget fares. In some cases, it is recommended to agree to change the previously scheduled departure date, so the passenger will lose less money;
  4. In the event of a forced return due to circumstances beyond the control of passengers, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the reason for canceling the flight. In this case, the passenger will not be charged any fines or fees even if the ticket was returned in less than 24 hours;
  5. If a flight is canceled due to the fault of the airline or is postponed indefinitely, the client has the right to receive 100% of the original ticket price when returning it.

Answering the question of how to return a ticket with the least financial losses and analyzing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Before booking a flight online, carefully study all contracts and instructions provided on the airline’s website;
  2. If circumstances arise that force one to cancel the flight, the passenger must return air tickets purchased via the Internet as quickly as possible by filling out an application for their return;
  3. Fill out all necessary documents carefully and without errors;
  4. Save your time by booking and returning air tickets on the websites of reliable airlines;
  5. Don’t be afraid to buy them in advance, having found a suitable option on the Internet, because the procedure for returning an air ticket is simple, and the prices are early booking cheaper.


Happy flights to all passengers!

Traveling is an opportunity to study, relax, explore the world and be a free person at the same time. This is the best thing that can happen in life, and there is hardly a person willing to argue with it. The best way travel - buy a plane ticket and go to some distant or not quite country in order to spend time usefully and leave it after the trip good impressions and warm memories.

Many people choose airplanes as transport. It is practical, convenient, fast, safe and comfortable. But, alas, this is one of the most expensive types of transport (although there are exceptions here). In any case, a plane flight can account for almost half of the entire budget for a vacation somewhere in southern country. But in life anything happens. It happens that a trip is cancelled.

What to do in this case? Can I return a plane ticket? Is it possible to get back at least a small part of the money spent on booking a flight? What do I need to do? Let's try to figure it out together.

How many days in advance can a plane ticket be returned?

So, there are two news, according to tradition, one of them is good, the second is not so good. Let's start with the first one. Yes, it is possible to return a plane ticket purchased online or in any other way. The bad news is that this cannot always be done; in some cases they will refuse you, in others they will reimburse only part of your costs, and with some airlines you will have to tinker and even go to court.

But don’t rush to get upset; with the right approach, absolutely anything is possible. The main thing is to comply with several very simple but important conditions. First time. Yes, the phrase “time is money” is not just a metaphor, but a rule. If you contact the airline on the day of departure or a few hours before departure, you can expect virtually nothing. In fact, each company has its own rules. Of course, they are regulated by laws, but in some cases the ticket return time is regulated by internal regulations. And by purchasing a ticket, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of this airline.

Therefore, be careful and study this issue as thoroughly as possible. How long it takes to return a plane ticket is not an easy question. The earlier the better. The money refund operation will be even more successful if you notify that you will not fly on this flight at least two days before departure. You can, of course, try to do this before registration, but in this case the process will become more complicated, since it is not profitable for the airline to lose money. After registration ends, and especially after departure, tickets become non-refundable.

How much money can you get back?

Can I return a plane ticket? Can. But is it possible to get, or rather return, the money spent? In theory, yes, although here, too, everything depends on the airline. They have their own tariffs, promotions, conditions, and so on. People, as a rule, do not pay attention to such things, and then complain about how bad the airline is that it does not want to return the money, although according to the law it seems to have to do so. Few people know that they exist originally non-refundable tickets, but we'll talk about them a little later. They cannot be called absolutely non-refundable, so at least a small part of the money can still be returned.

Service fees that are paid when purchasing an air ticket are also non-refundable. Also, many airlines impose a fine for returning a ticket, but its amount is not fixed in any legal act, so each company has its own “appetites.” If you want to know a way to return a plane ticket and get 100% of the amount back, then you should familiarize yourself with the grounds for returning a ticket, which in most cases guarantee a full refund.

Reasons for returning a ticket

There are two types of air ticket refunds: voluntary and forced. In the first case, the passenger returns the ticket without any particular reason. Maybe he has it, but for the airline this is not a valid reason. For example, if you had a fight with your companion, decided not to fly to this country, or your boss changed his mind about giving you a vacation, then in this case it will most likely not be possible to return the full cost of the ticket. But at the same time, there are a number of reasons why the airline is obliged to consider your application and return all the money as soon as possible. This is the so-called forced refund of air tickets for direct flights.

Valid reasons that guarantee a refund include, for example, an official refusal of a visa. In this case, you are obliged to document this refusal by providing all the necessary evidence. If the passenger was urgently hospitalized and he also has all the certificates in this regard, he can expect a refund. At the same time, his companions who did not fly precisely because their friend or relative was ill will not receive full compensation.

The death of a close relative (wife, parents, children) also allows you to receive the money spent on tickets. You just need to prove the relationship and provide a death certificate so that the airline has grounds to issue a refund. There are also a number of reasons for which the carrier itself is to blame: cancellation or serves as a reason to return the ticket and receive compensation for its cost.

All such cases are considered on an individual basis. The most important thing is to request a refund on time, at least one day before departure. This is stated in all airline ticket refund policies. Some companies may consider your application on the same day, but be prepared for the entire procedure to take a week or even a month. This happens extremely rarely, but no one is immune from it.

When will the money arrive?

As noted above, the most important thing is to provide all the necessary evidence of the reason for the return. This needs to be done as early as possible, then there is every chance that the airline will meet you halfway and solve the problem as soon as possible. But it also happens that returning air tickets for a direct flight is a difficult and time-consuming task. What to do in this case? Alas, all we can do is wait. But as soon as your return is officially recognized as forced, the process of transferring money to your bank card will immediately begin. It usually takes several business days, in some cases you have to wait about a week for money.

How to return an e-ticket

Nowadays, so-called aggregators are very popular - services that look for the cheapest air tickets and help you book them right at home. All you need is the Internet. But what should you do if you need a plane ticket purchased online urgently?

In fact, the process of returning such a ticket is no different from what was described above. You need to inform the airline of your desire and reason for returning the ticket, provide evidence that this is an involuntary refund, and expect money on your bank card. The main thing is not to forget to check if your electronic ticket is marked non ref, which means “non-refundable”. Let’s look at what to do if you find these words, and whether it’s possible to return a plane ticket of this type right now.

Non-refundable tickets

Non-refundable tickets are in great demand among air passengers. There is only one reason - such air tickets are much cheaper than regular ones, so purchasing them turns out to be more profitable. You fly on a regular flight, but at a lower price. As a rule, people purchase non-refundable tickets knowing for sure that they will fly. But, as mentioned above, life is an unpredictable thing, so sometimes there is a need to return such tickets.

How to get money back for non-refundable tickets

Fortunately, the law provides for those cases in which you can claim a refund and describes how to return a plane ticket if it is “non-refundable”. Of course, the airline is suffering losses, but it cannot do anything about it and is obliged to return the money, otherwise the state will deprive it of its license and the right to transport people. In fact, there is nothing fundamentally new here; money for the return of such tickets is provided in the same cases as in the case of a regular ticket. A forced return is recognized in the event of your hospitalization, the death of a loved one, or if the carrier itself violated its obligations and delayed or canceled the flight.


Alas, no one is immune from force majeure circumstances. Even today you can plan a trip, but a few days before departure everything can change dramatically. That is why it is possible to return the ticket and the money for it. Remember, it is best to contact the airline as early as possible, provide all evidence that you will not be able to board the flight, and expect a refund. Of course, it is best not to get into such situations and always get only positive emotions from traveling, but just in case, you should know whether it is possible to return a plane ticket and how to do it correctly.

Airplane tickets can be returned and you will receive the full cost of the flight. You can also return the cheapest ones non-refundable air tickets, but get only part of the money. If plans change, a trip is canceled or a flight is missed, then knowing the rules according to which airlines are required to refund passengers the cost of air transportation, you can avoid losing all your money.

In what cases can you get a refund for air tickets?

The conditions for refunding plane tickets depend on the reasons. If the return of air tickets is voluntary and the passenger, for personal reasons, refuses the flight, then he agrees with the airline’s terms and fines. The amount that an airline will refund for unused air tickets depends on their fare. The cheaper the fare, the less chance you have of selling your tickets. If you are planning a charter flight, economy class, or purchasing a promotional offer, please note that if you cancel the trip, you will not be refunded the full cost of the air tickets, and you will have to pay extra when exchanging.

Refund of air tickets due to the fault of the airline

A passenger can return the full cost of air tickets in the event of a forced refund, which occurs due to the fault of the airline.

  • Flight rescheduling or cancellation for more than 3 hours.
  • The flight is not operating as scheduled.
  • Changing the flight route.
  • Failure of the airline to provide connecting flights.
  • Lack of space on the plane (overbooking or overbooking).
  • Delay of a passenger due to inspection at the airport (if during inspection no substances and items prohibited for transportation were found).

A refund of the full cost of air tickets is also possible in case of refusal to obtain a visa, in cases of hospitalization, death or illness of a passenger or his close relatives. Each airline ticket refund case is examined individually, requiring supporting documents: a certificate from the embassy or hospital.

Non-refundable air tickets

The hardest thing to do is get your money back for non-refundable air tickets. They are marked Non Ref (Non Refundable) in the “Restrictions” section, which means “Not Refundable”. Even if there is no inscription, carefully study the information “Refunds” and “Exchange” (Change), because by purchasing a ticket, you agree to the terms and conditions of the airline.

Non-refundable air tickets are non-refundable fares; most often they are sold through promotions and special offers. All airlines have such tickets, and this tariff is especially popular with low-cost airlines: "", Wizz Air, EasyJet, and others. It is prohibited to return non-refundable air tickets, but there are exceptions.

In what cases can non-refundable air tickets be returned?

You can get a refund for non-refundable air tickets in the following cases:

  • Illness of a passenger, a member of his family or a relative who is traveling with him on the flight.
  • Death of a passenger's family member or close relative.
  • Flight cancellation due to flight delay.

These cases must be documented before check-in for the flight ends and medical certificates must be submitted to the airline.

For non-refundable air tickets, you can get a portion of the money back in the amount of the airport tax without a valid reason or documentary evidence. This is stated in the rules Air Code. The airline will not return an amount equal to the fare of a non-refundable air ticket.

How to exchange air tickets

A hassle-free exchange for another flight is rare and in most cases you will have to pay extra for it. The amount of the surcharge is calculated from the amount of the fine and the difference in the cost of tariffs. The rules are the same: than cheaper air ticket- the more expensive its exchange. Business class air tickets are generally exempt from commission. If you want to exchange air tickets, do it as early as possible and always before the plane takes off. Compare the terms of return and exchange - sometimes it is more profitable to return your current air ticket and buy a new one.

How to get your air tickets back if you miss your flight

Refund of air tickets if a flight is missed depends on the fare and rules of the airline. Most likely, the money for the air ticket will not be returned, or a serious fine will be deducted. As soon as you realize that you are late, immediately call the airline and warn about it. This way you will get back at least part of the cost of the air ticket - the airport tax. If you are late for check-in, but the flight has not yet been announced, run to the counter and try to solve the problem with the airline staff. Some air carriers make concessions and allow you to exchange air tickets.

How long to wait for money after returning air tickets

The exact refund period depends on the date of application, payment method and airline. If you ordered air tickets through a bank card, the transfer will arrive on the same card within 5 days to 2 months.

You must issue a refund for air tickets where you purchased them: on the website of the airline or ticket agency via the feedback form or by email. Prepare a copy of your passport, air tickets and details - the recipient's account, full name of the bank, BIC and correspondent account. If a letter or application is not answered within 3 days, you must call and find out the reason.

If you want to reduce risks, choose a tariff with flexible return conditions. Look for information about fares on the airline's website. The most profitable terms for returns and exchanges apply to business class tickets; the most inconvenient are non-refundable air tickets. Do not forget that you can return or exchange air tickets only where you bought them.

It is better to plan your vacation in advance, so you have time and choose tickets for the desired dates, and “catch” a discount on the hotel. But there is a danger: what if life makes adjustments and the trip has to be cancelled? How not to lose money in this case? Especially if you chose a “hard” fare that does not provide for cancellation of the flight?

There are several options: you can spend a little more in advance and purchase air tickets at a more expensive fare, which implies more flexible terms of use. You can also insure yourself against non-flight - insurance companies offer such a service. But it turns out that you can get your money back for a trip that didn’t take place in other cases. If the flight was canceled for a valid reason, airlines can accommodate and exchange tickets or refund their cost. True, this does not always happen, and sometimes you have to seek protection of your interests in court. And here is the key point: behave correctly, act competently, obtain the necessary documents.

This is, in fact, what a resident of Kaliningrad did, who managed not only to return the cost of a far from cheap flight to Mauritius, but also to receive a penalty and compensation for moral losses from the air carriers. RG was told about this by the Consumer Union Roskontrol.

The lady planned her vacation in advance. Air tickets for two people on Air flight Mauritius on the Moscow-Dubai-Port Louis route were booked and paid for nine months before the vacation. There - on July 12, back - on August 2. In order to fly to Mauritius from Moscow on time, tickets were also purchased from Kaliningrad to the capital for July 11, as well as for the return route - for August 3, from two Russian air carriers.

But two days before the trip, the woman was admitted to the hospital. The treatment dragged on for a week, and the trip was cancelled. The couple immediately notified airline representatives that they were canceling the reservation for all tickets and asked for a refund.

But all airlines - both foreign and both of ours - refused to compensate for the costs. The woman had to go to court.

All tickets were purchased via the Internet. Therefore, the materials of the court case confirmed that the online agents performed the booking and ticketing services, and the money was transferred to the air carriers on time and in full. When the woman was urgently hospitalized, her husband immediately contacted travel agents asking them to cancel the entire itinerary. He sent certified copies to air carriers medical documents, confirming the fact of illness, hospitalization and treatment of the plaintiff. Neither pre-trial nor during the trial did the air carriers agree to the demands of the failed passenger. They say that the tariff did not provide for the possibility of canceling the flight. However, the Air Code, the Air Transportation Rules, and other regulations (see the full list) contain many articles and clauses that protect passengers. You just need to refer to them in court, which is what the woman did.

As a result, the court found that the trip was disrupted due to objective circumstances beyond the lady’s control, which was documented, and made a decision in favor of the plaintiff.

“The route of the trip was uniform and pre-planned,” explained Alexander Borisov, co-chairman of the Roskontrol Consumer Union. “Therefore, it is obvious that all stages of the flight to Mauritius and back to Moscow and Kaliningrad were impossible to carry out for the same forced reason - illness and hospitalization of the passenger. It is important to note that for a positive court decision, it is necessary that copies of medical documents confirming the disease and the completion of treatment are properly certified. In fact, the refusal to accept them by the air carriers even before applying for judicial protection was not justified. , the reluctance to comply resulted in additional costs for the airlines. The court concluded that the plaintiff should be refunded the cost of the air tickets, and confirmed that the proper defendants were the air carriers. In addition, since the defendants did not fulfill the fair demands of the consumer voluntarily, the court decided to recover from the airlines. penalty, compensation for moral damage and fine. As a result, in favor of the woman, the court recovered 116 thousand rubles from all three airlines, with a third of the amount being fines for refusing to satisfy the passenger’s demands voluntarily.”

Which legal norms to refer to?

According to Art. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, an air passenger has the right to refuse a flight by notifying the carrier no later than 24 hours before the flight, if the established rules of air transportation do not define a grace period, and receive a refund of the amount paid for air transportation amount.

By virtue of clause 227 of the Federal aviation regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82, a passenger’s forced refusal to transport, among other reasons, is recognized as a refusal due to a sudden illness, which must be confirmed by medical documents.

In accordance with clause 240 of the Rules, the refund to passengers of money paid for transportation performed under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter) is made by the person to whom the passenger paid the cost of transportation performed under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter).

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 28, paragraph 1 and 4 art. 29, art. 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, consumer demands for the return of the amount of money paid for work (service) must be satisfied within 10 days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand. For violation of deadlines, the contractor pays the consumer a penalty for each day of delay.

In accordance with Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and paragraph 45 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On the consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes regarding the protection of consumer rights”, moral damage caused to a consumer as a result of a violation of his rights is subject to compensation by the causer of harm if he is at fault. The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court.

In accordance with paragraph 46 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes regarding the protection of consumer rights” and paragraph 6 of Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, if the court satisfies the consumer’s demands that were not satisfied on a voluntary basis, the court collects a fine from the defendant in favor of the consumer, regardless of whether such a demand was submitted to the court.

What are you entitled to if your flight is delayed?

The reasons may be different (bad weather, technical malfunction, late arrival of the plane), but in most cases the airline must take care of its passengers:

place passengers with children under 7 years old in the mother and child room;

if the flight is delayed by more than 2 hours, provide water and the ability to call or send messages by email;

if the delay is more than 4 hours, passengers are provided with hot meals (and then every 6 hours - during the daytime and every 8 hours - at night);

if the delay is more than 6 hours at night and more than 8 hours during the day, passengers are accommodated in a hotel, with round-trip transfer to the airport provided; organize luggage storage.

Important! All these services are provided to passengers free of charge, regardless of who is carrying you - a state or private carrier, charter or regular flight. If services are not provided, passengers must contact the representative office of the carrier airline at the airport of departure.

If you decide to return an electronic ticket, you need to know how to do it and where to go. All the details are in the article below.

Refunds for air tickets - instructions

In order to return an electronic ticket, you must go to the website where it was purchased. Find the window that says “refund”, fill out the electronic form, entering all the necessary information on the purchased ticket.

A letter will be sent to your email that you need to open and read. It indicates the flight and ticket details, reservation number, date and time interval of departure. This data must be entered into the electronic form on the website and click the “send” button.

If an electronic ticket is returned through an air ticket office, you must provide information on the travel document, passport details of the ticket buyer, details bank card from which the payment was made

How much money can I get back?

The amount that can be received when returning an air ticket depends on the time interval for returning the document. In case it is returned 24 hours before plane departure, the airline is obliged to refund the full cost of the air ticket, in addition to collection fees; some companies also require payment of a penalty fee.

In case the passenger returns the travel document in less than a day before departure, the amount is a quarter of the price. In addition, a collection fee and possibly a penalty fee will be charged.

Returning an air ticket 240 minutes before plane departure, you can get three quarters of the amount from the cost. Minus commissions and penalties. In case of return less than 240 minutes before departure flight, the amount of refund depends on the carrier company. In addition, the fine fee may be two to three times higher.

Air ticket refund conditions

The buyer can return the ticket under the following conditions:

Refund due to the fault of the carrier company in case of flight cancellation due to technical malfunctions, weather vagaries, technical failures, etc. — in this case, the amount for the air ticket is refunded in full, it is enough to provide a travel document and identification card. This form of return is also possible for reasons beyond the control of the carrier. The company undertakes to return funds in the event of the death of a passenger or the death of close relatives of the passenger, or in the event of a delay in processing travel documents by the consulate.

Upon voluntary surrender, if the citizen does not make the flight for personal reasons and returns the travel document, wanting to return the money spent — in this case, the return conditions are determined individually, depending on the terms and tariff. According to the rule, the higher the cost of the ticket, the easier it is to return it

Return deadlines

How long before departure can tickets be returned? It all depends on the tariff plan. For example, a reduced or economy rate, full or premium.

Specific deadlines for delivery are determined separately for each tariff. If the reservation was canceled after the plane departed, a refund of the ticket is not available at a reduced rate.