Carpathian mountains. Where are the Carpathians? Carpathians where the country is located

Ukrainian Carpathians from A to Z: map of hotels and ski areas, slopes and pistes, lifts and ski passes. Vivid photos and videos. Reviews of ski tourists about the Ukrainian Carpathians.

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Weather in the Ukrainian Carpathians

From an ecological point of view, the Carpathians are a powerful climate-forming factor, a source fresh water and clean air for the region. The climate of the region is temperate continental, in the lowlands winters are short and mild, summers are warm with average temperature+19..+21°C. In the mountains, winters are cold and snowy, summers are short and cool. There is snow in the mountains from mid-December to early March, and in some places even from November to May.

Nature of the Ukrainian Carpathians

The flora and fauna of the Carpathians is rich and diverse, many plants are found only in this region, and some animals are considered rare species. A large number of Mountain rivers and lakes are full of fish, in particular trout. As you know, this fish is found only in clean water, and its widespread distribution in the Carpathians indicates the cleanliness of the local reservoirs. The most famous of the lakes is Synevyr, which is recognized as the cleanest in the region. Large rivers suitable for timber rafting. The mountains themselves are flat, replete with spacious plateaus; there are no rocks here, so the terrain is characterized by smooth lines and is very picturesque.

Treatments and sources

The Carpathians are of interest as a region rich mineral waters all types. A huge number of natural springs, more than 800 in total, made the region attractive from the point of view of not only recreation, but also health improvement. Almost every region can boast of its own numerous sources of one or another water. Some of its species are known throughout the world: Naftusya, Morshynskaya, Truskavetskaya, Rapa, Polyana-Kvasova. The widely known resort of Truskavets, where treatment is based on the use of Naftusya water, specializes in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, and diabetes. Svalyavsky district has water sources such as Borjomi and Vichy. The composition of these waters is indicated for the treatment of metabolic diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, and tuberculosis. Staying in the fresh air, which is literally saturated with phytoncides of local coniferous plants, in combination with hydrotherapy, gives an amazing long-lasting effect in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Some of the springs are associated with ancient touching legends, some of them are revered by the local population as holy springs.

Ski resorts

The Carpathians are also well known to ski lovers. Bukovel, Dragobrat, Slavskoe are the main ski resorts in the region. The snow lasts here for a long time; thanks to the mild winter (in the coldest month of January, the temperature rarely drops below -6 degrees), you can ski from the end of December to the end of March. These resorts are becoming more and more popular, they are developing dynamically and last years offer a level of service and infrastructure comparable to European ones. Many ski lifts, schools for beginner skiers, well-groomed slopes, many of which are illuminated in the evening, and equipment rental centers await athletes.

You can relax and unwind in numerous entertainment venues that offer a varied menu and entertainment programs. With the end of the ski season, interest in holidays in Carpathian Mountains ah: numerous routes for horseback riding, hiking and cycling are interesting for lovers active rest of all ages.

Maps of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Popular hotels in Ukrainian Carpathians

Entertainment and attractions

There are many in the Carpathians most interesting cities and villages, castles, natural attractions, so there is every opportunity to implement an extensive excursion program. The mountain villages have preserved their original way of life, and a trip through the Carpathians will clearly show: the higher in the mountains people live, the less fuss there is in their lives. However, there is also less civilization. The cities located in the Carpathians are extremely interesting for their original architecture and rich history. First of all, this is Lviv. One of the most major cities Ukraine and the most beautiful. The central part of the city was included in the list of world monuments in 1998. cultural heritage UNESCO. The city was founded in 1256, it was incredibly lucky: it was almost not destroyed during both world wars, so it has preserved more than 2,000 historical and architectural monuments.

Some Lviv cafes were opened before the First World War and have preserved the magical aura of the beginning of the last century to this day.

Ivano-Frankivsk, one of the largest cities in Ukraine, is popular among tourists. It is traditionally considered a city more European than Ukrainian, this can be seen both in architecture and in the way of life. The city's numerous historical sites speak volumes about past Polish rule. Mukachevo, Uzhgorod, Ternopil, Truskavets are unusually cozy and attractive, and their attractions can easily compete with what can be seen in recognized European tourist centers.

The Carpathians are a huge mountain system in the central part of Europe which passes through Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Austria.

These mountains are located closer to the western part of Ukraine and have an average length of 280 km. The relief here is multi-tiered, there are foothill, low-mountain, mid-mountain and high-mountain areas. Their height can reach 2000 m.

These places are distinguished by particularly clean air and beautiful open spaces, which of course cannot but attract tourists and climbers. We hope that you will no longer be tormented by the question - where are the Carpathians.

The Carpathians are located in four regions of Ukraine:

  • Chernivtsi;
  • Transcarpathian;
  • Lviv;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk.

The most popular mountains among tourists are:

  • Hoverla;
  • Pop-Ivan;
  • Petros;
  • Hamster.

The height of these mountains sometimes exceeds 2000m, which is why they attract tourists. The atmosphere around is fascinating: virgin nature, clean air, absence of people, variety of trees, plants and aromas.

In addition to the stunning scenery, tourists, like local residents, fishing attracts here. Rivers of the Carpathians rich in a wide variety of fish.

It is not difficult to determine where the Carpathians may be located on the world map, since they occupy an impressive territory and are highlighted in brown.

Click on the map to enlarge

The Carpathians can be divided into 3 parts according to geographical location : Southern, Western, Eastern. Western Carpathians - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland. The most high point The Carpathians are located on Mount Gerlach, whose height is 2655 m. In turn, all the Southern Carpathians are located in Romania, and almost the entire part of the Eastern Carpathians is located in Ukraine.

Usually, most active tourism in the Carpathians in winter. From mid-autumn, the first snow appears here and vacationers come in anticipation of the beginning, warming mulled wine and a good mood.

Recently, one of the most preferred places for ski holiday it was the Carpathians. Summer holidays here have their own charm. Everyone can choose something they like:

  • swimming in rivers;
  • interact with different animals on farm yards;
  • take up your favorite folk craft.

Surely many have heard about the Ukrainian Carpathians. This is a truly wonderful and charming place that is perfect for a family or romantic getaway. The mountain system is located closer to the west of Ukraine and stretches for 280 km. Sometimes tourists can encounter mountains up to 2000 m high, but the highest point is Goverla - 2061 m.

It is quite natural that many people want to visit this ecologically clean area and are trying to find out in more detail where the Carpathians are. It is worth noting that the relief here is multi-tiered. Thus, there are high-mountain areas (height up to 1500 m), mid-mountain areas (up to 1300 m), low-mountain areas (up to 400 m) and foothills.

Location of the Carpathians

To more accurately understand where the Carpathians are, you need to know that they are located on the border with countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. Nevertheless, officially the mountains are located on the territory of Ukraine, namely its four regions: Transcarpathian, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk. Thus, from these regions you can easily and quickly reach recreation centers and take great excursions, as well as enjoy stunning scenery and fresh air. Quite often, the region under consideration is divided into two parts: Transcarpathia and Prykarpattya. In addition to which most attracts tourists, Pop-Ivan, Petros and Khomyak are just as cool and beautiful. Their height exceeds 2000 m, which is why they are considered no less powerful and interesting. It is known that people live in the mountains, but civilization does not spoil the overall picture. At the same time, there is a completely different atmosphere around: nature is practically untouched, the air is clean, sometimes heavy, and the tops of the trees touch the human gaze. The rivers running throughout the Carpathians contain the most different types fish, which is why fishing is one of the most favorite activities of both local residents and tourists.

Where the Carpathians are located is very easy to determine on the map, since it is an impressive territory, highlighted in dark brown. There is only one such site in Ukraine - in the western part of the country.

Hiking trails

Tourism in the Carpathians is most developed in the cold season. Already in mid-autumn, vacationers can visit the mountains and enjoy the first snow by climbing one of the peaks.

Most tourists have no idea where the Carpathians are, but they want to go there with all their hearts. And all because o majestic mountains there are legends, the atmosphere around fills you with strength and joy, and the stunning nature surprises. Are you planning to visit this region in the warm season? Great! A lot of entertainment awaits you: horseback riding, massage and sauna at altitude, fishing and swimming in local rivers, communicating with animals in farm yards, practicing folk crafts and much, much more. In winter, every vacationer will be able to visit the mountain ski resort and try out the best trails in Ukraine; taste the famous Hutsul cuisine and warming mulled wine; visit gorges covered with ice and find other entertainment. When planning a vacation, it never hurts to consider a mountain vacation. Just don’t forget to check where the Carpathians are.

Such settlements, like Guta, Yaremche, Yablunytsia, Synevyr, Mezhgorye and Svalyava. Many tourists dream of visiting there. In some villages you can even try locally produced water, which is popular throughout Ukraine and is considered medicinal. It is not surprising that in the Carpathians there are a huge number of sanatoriums and health centers, as well as recreation centers - the air and water here truly work wonders!

It is also recommended to visit famous cities: Ivano-Frankivsk, Mukachevo and Slavske. In the first of them, vacationers will be able to get acquainted with the history of this people, look at amazing sights, visit the Town Hall and much more. The Carpathians of the country Ukraine are the main attraction that people are so proud of. Arriving in Mukachevo, you should visit ancient fortresses, taste unique wine and buy souvenirs. In the village of Slavskoye you can enjoy relaxing holiday or skiing. There is never a dull moment there, so the trip for tourists will be unforgettable.

Stunning heritage of the mountain range

When wondering where tourists are, they first of all mentally calculate the distance from their hometown to Ukrainian attractions. But they will never see those fascinating places on any map. For example, the pride of the Carpathians is the Pearl Cave, on the walls of which calcite balls are formed, somewhat reminiscent of jewelry. No less interesting will be a hike to the Enchanted Valley - a picturesque gorge with powerful rocks. It is also recommended to visit the Hanging Swamp, Stone Gate, Synevyr Nature Reserve, Lovers' Rocks and the Cave of Transparent Walls. in spring great place For a walk, you can visit the Valley of Narcissus, which is completely covered with snow-white flowers, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm.

Treatment in the Carpathians

The Carpathians occupy an impressive place on the map, the same as in the hearts of many Ukrainians. This is why tourists come here from different countries and for various purposes. It's no secret that the Carpathian climate, fresh air, and healing mineral springs help restore strength and strengthen the body. Comfortable hotels, recreation centers and other health resort establishments await their guests all year round. They are located in picturesque places, as a rule, near rivers and dense forests.

Pleasure for everyone

The peculiarity of the Carpathians is that almost anyone can visit them. Affordable prices and indescribably beautiful landscapes will help make your vacation or recovery unforgettable and interesting. Also, at certain periods of time, tourists will receive a pleasant surprise - discounts on trips and various bonuses. In addition, the cost of the trip varies depending on the region chosen for vacation, the number of days of stay and the intended cultural program.

The Carpathians are an ancient mountain system, but few people know where the Carpathians are. The mountain system is located in the countries of central and of Eastern Europe, in countries such as Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland. The mountains are long - about 1500 kilometers and have the shape of an arc.

On the map, the mountains are divided into western and eastern. By the way, it is in the western part of this system that the highest mountain is located, about 2600 meters. The places in these parts are incredibly beautiful; The Carpathians are very popular in the field of world tourism, and they are also famous for their affordable prices.

The mountain system occupies more than 70% of the territory of Romania, which is why ski tourism has become extremely popular here. The mountains here are not as high as the Alps, but no less picturesque and attractive to tourists.

Carpathians on the world map.

As the map shows, in the western part of the mountain system there is a famous thousand-year-old glacier, as well as many unusual and interesting caves.

In the eastern part of the state, the Carpathians form the longest volcanic chain in Europe, and the southern part, in turn, is famous for its high mountains - more than 2500 meters.

The ski slopes in the Romanian Carpathians are very diverse and unusual: they have different lengths - from 5 to 35 kilometers, slope and level of difficulty, which is suitable for both ordinary tourists, and for athletes.

The Carpathians in these places attract not only skiers, but also lovers of history and architecture. Here, surrounded by coniferous forests and meadows, there are beautiful medieval castles, which were built by the first Romanian king for his summer holiday.

Hungarian Carpathians

The Carpathians in Hungary until recently were not very popular, but now the resort is gaining great popularity, and the level of recreation is rated very highly. E

that state is located in the western part of the mountain range and is famous for its huge number natural caves, which amaze even experienced tourists with their beauty.

There are several famous recreation areas in Hungary:

  1. Matra - this resort has gained popularity due to its huge beech forests, clean air and mild climate.
    Huge vineyards grow here and the place is famous for its quality wines of various varieties. In winter, the resort turns into a haven for skiers, both beginners and professionals. There is also a track for sleds, it is a pleasure to be there.
  2. Bükk is considered the largest ski park in Hungary due to its huge selection of slopes for professionals.
    In addition, the Carpathians are famous for their huge number of geothermal sources, which is a popular recreational resource.

Ukrainian Carpathians

The Carpathians on the map of Ukraine occupy a huge territory - as many as 4 regions, and are conditionally divided into 2 parts - Transcarpathia and Prykarpattya.

The Carpathians of Ukraine are famous for their medieval castles, wonderful views, original villages, which allows you to choose an excursion program that is interesting for everyone. The most famous among tourists are Uzhgorod, Lviv, Ternopil and many others.

The most popular castles in the mountains and foothills of the Carpathians are…

Castle in Mukachevo

The castle in Mukachevo is located on high mountain and belongs to Transcarpathia.
According to scientists, the castle arose in the 10th-11th centuries with the purpose of monitoring trade caravans passing through these places.

The castle acquired the appearance that tourists are accustomed to in the 17th century through careful architectural reconstruction by the French. It has a rich history, because the castle went through many wars and served as a defensive point. A separate attraction is the famous well, almost 90 meters deep; it was used for many hundreds of years, until the beginning of the 20th century.

But the most interesting for tourists is the story of Princess Bathory, who ruled in these parts and for 20 years drank the blood of innocent people and also bathed in it. The story received great publicity and became the subject of books, films, and legends.

Ruins of the Templar castle

On the territory of the Carpathian Mountains, namely in the Carpathian region, there are the ruins of the Templar castle, which was built in the 12th century in a distinct Romanesque style.

The castle has always been surrounded by legends, because it passed from one holy order to another, which gave it even more mystery. By the way, in this village, which is called

The climate is average, very mild and humid, which favorably affects the growth of various grape varieties, which is why local wine is extremely famous throughout the world. Khust Castle is located in the city of the same name, surrounded by high mountains, the slopes are completely covered with grass and other greenery of the Carpathians and fast-moving wild rivers.

Castle in Nevitsky

The castle in Nevitsky is located on the ledge of a high mountain, with a winding and dangerous serpentine leading to it.
At the end of the 12th century, the castle was of great importance in controlling trade routes, but 100 years later it was destroyed by Batu Khan during a Mongol-Tatar raid. Later the fortress was restored.

These places have an incredible number of legends, all connected with love stories. These places are extremely romantic and filled with love; there are remarkable views for every tourist.

Polish Carpathians

The Tatras are the highest part of the Carpathian Mountains, which are located on the map in Poland. Not only the ski resorts are famous here, but also the vast valleys, such as Khocholovskaya and the Fish Stream valley.

Most high mountain The Carpathian mountain range is the Tatr-Genlach mountain.

In the region of the High Tatras there are many reservoirs, lakes, mountain landscapes formed by stone ledges, precipices, and sharp rocks.

In the region of the Western Tatras there is a huge number of different caves, the relief here is softer.

We’ve all heard about holidays in Crimea: it was believed that “everyone should” relax there, but about the Carpathians – a place that is becoming popular destination international tourism, the majority of Russian residents have fragmentary knowledge, although holidays in these parts today are very attractive and inexpensive.

Where are they located?

The Carpathians are an ancient mountain system, which is “shared” on the map of Europe by many countries, and, of course, in these territories there are many resort areas created specifically for active recreation. The ski and health resorts of the Carpathians attract tourists first of all: the nature here is amazingly beautiful, the level of service is close to Western European, but the holiday in general is much cheaper. The Carpathians are located on the territory of several countries: Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary; to a lesser extent – ​​Serbia and Austria

The places here are incredibly beautiful, there are many natural and cultural attractions, and you can come to the Carpathians all year round, but first, let’s talk about the climate.

Climate Features

The climate of the Carpathians can be called both temperate and mountainous: it is humid, but winters are not very cold. The sun shines often, the temperature is slightly below zero, and there are thaws - even in January. High in the mountains it is colder - up to -15°C, and sometimes -30°C, but this is rare. The highest mountain is considered to be Gerlachovsky Štit in Slovakia - 2655 m, and in Ukraine - Hoverla, 2061 m high - in the summer, ascents to this mountain are organized even for unprepared tourists.

From May to October the region is warm and sunny - 20-25°C, but there are also heavy rains - more often in the mountains. In summer, when going to the mountains, it is worth remembering the temperature difference: at night it gets cold there - about 0°C and colder. In winter you can relax in comfort: there is a lot of snow - from November to May, although ski season and the time is considered from mid-December to March. It is in the Carpathians that ecotourism is now actively “gaining momentum”: nature here is little affected, and therefore the landscapes are amazingly beautiful - tourists have an unforgettable experience.

As for the cultural and historical attractions of the Carpathians, you can’t talk about them briefly: on the territory of Ukraine alone - not to mention Romania and other countries of south-eastern Europe - there are dozens of ancient castles and temples built back in the Middle Ages. But we will try to briefly talk about some of the resorts of the Carpathians, where you can relax, see the sights and beautiful places, have fun and restore your health: in every country that is lucky enough to own at least a “piece” of the Carpathians, their territory is used to build resorts, sanatoriums, parks and reserves.

Sunny glade of Romania

Romanian Carpathians among European ones mountain ranges occupy 2nd place in size, and “cover” 1/3 of the country’s territory. The majestic mountains, rich in volcanoes and minerals, glaciers and caves, are home to modern ski resorts.

The most famous resort is Poiana Brasov, located in a convenient valley where there are many sunny days. It appeared at the end of the 19th century as a place for recreation and entertainment: then you could walk here, play sports, ride horseback and ski. At the beginning of the 20th century, Poiana Brasov became very famous among locals and foreigners; it does not lose popularity even now, and is generally considered elite.

Summer here is cool due to the mountain climate, but there are many opportunities for recreation: swimming pools and gyms, national restaurants, bars and discos; you can play bowling, ride a horse and go to the skating rink with artificial ice. In winter, ski lovers can be completely happy here: Poiana Brasov has 10 ski slopes, and all are different - even beginner skiers and snowboarders will find many excellent opportunities for themselves. The hotels are located right in the coniferous forests: cars are not allowed - horses are used, so the air is always transparent and clean.

Polish Beskids - rivals of the Alps

Part of the Western Carpathians “enters” the territory of Poland – here they are called the Beskids. The famous Polish resort of Szczyrk is located at the foot of two high mountains - Skrzyczne and Klimczok: they say that it is not inferior in terms of service and development to the most famous European resorts, and even surpasses them in the beauty of the landscapes. Tourists, and especially skiers, have long appreciated the mild climate here: there is almost no strong wind, and winter temperatures seem very comfortable to residents of various regions - the thermometer usually shows just below 0°C.

Tatra Mountains of Slovakia

The Slovak Carpathians are called by a sonorous word - the Tatras, and the High Tatras are indeed the highest part of the Carpathians. The climate is reminiscent of the Alpine, but many mountains are covered with green spruce forests, so the air here is surprisingly clean and healthy. About 50 years ago, these places were declared protected areas, and the main resorts are Smokovec, Tatranska Lomnica and Strbske Pleso. It’s convenient to come here: the resorts are connected Railway, and in High Tatras It’s not just European tourists who love to relax.

The oldest resort in the country is called Smokovec, which is divided into several ski regions. The local hotels and guesthouses seem to be built into the mountain landscapes: classic buildings in the local style look natural on the slopes covered with coniferous forests. Here, if you wish, you can climb with a guide to the very top. high peak Carpathians – Gerlachovsky Shtit.

Tatranska Lomnica has the “glory” of a youth resort: you can ski until May, and the network of nightlife and other entertainment venues is well developed. Several trails are designed only for professionals - they are dangerous for beginners, but beginners can ski at the foot of Mount Lomnicky Štit, on gentle slopes. Not far from the resort there are ancient castles, a water park and other local attractions, so your vacation can not be limited to skiing and visiting entertainment venues.

The resort of Strbske Pleso is popular among those who like to relax with families: there are many trails for beginners and for children. There are ski schools, so those who are trying to ski for the first time can come here; gear and equipment can be rented at numerous rental centers.

White Carpathians – flower paradise

This is a landmark of the Czech Republic - the most beautiful national park, on the territory of which there are resort towns that receive many guests for recreation and treatment. There is a lot laid in the mountains interesting routes: you can walk, ride a horse or bike, or raft on rivers. In winter, excellent conditions are created for skiers and snowboarders - from November to April, and those who do not like to ski on the slopes can enjoy skiing on the adjacent plains - routes are also laid there. The White Carpathians are rich in rare trees, flowers and herbs: there are about 2000 high-mountain plant species alone - flowering in the mountains begins in early spring and continues until late autumn. Magnificent beauty, it is a must see.

A great Hungarian holiday for the whole family

There are not many resorts in the Hungarian (Western) Carpathians, but in recent years they have become increasingly lively: people come here not only from European countries, and our compatriots also rate holidays in Hungary very highly.

About 100 km from Budapest there is a recreation area called Matra - in the mountain range of the same name. The mountains here are overgrown with forests of oaks and beeches - the air is clean and healthy, and in the summer a lot of fruits ripen in the surrounding gardens. The vineyards of these places are a special topic: the best wine in Hungary is made here, and it is known far beyond the country’s borders - vacationers have a great opportunity to try many varieties “in the original”.

In winter, the resort creates excellent conditions for relaxation with the whole family: the slopes of the Hungarian mountains are quite gentle, so beginners and amateurs often ski on them; It’s true that professionals also like to come here, but they skate more often in the evening and at night, when the powerful lamps come on - it’s more interesting for them.

There is also a toboggan run, as well as a ski school: in a few days, experienced instructors help even those who are skiing for the first time in their lives - both children and adults - learn how to ski well on gentle slopes. Ski slopes on Mátra they are now called the best in Hungary and one of the best in Europe: they stretch and meander through the mountains for almost 3500 m, and there is snow here for more than 3 months a year, from December to the end of March. However, if there is a need to “add” it, modern snow cannons start working - everyone has time to ride.

A little to the northeast is the Bükk resort - it is considered the largest ski park in the country. More precisely, the park is called Bükkom, and the ski resort itself is called Bankut. There are also trails for beginners here, but there are more opportunities for experienced skiers. Not far away, in a separate complex, you can not only relax and have fun, but also receive treatment in thermal springs, healing pools and baths; Local water is also taken orally for medicinal purposes.

In addition, the territory of Bükka is very beautiful and attractive for lovers of unusual beauty: there are at least a thousand natural caves with unique natural decorations.

Serbian Carpathians – beautiful places

Among the resorts in Serbia, Kopaonik is considered the best, but it is located in a different mountain range.

In the Carpathians there is another famous ski and climatic resort country - Stara Planina. Here is also the highest mountain in Serbia - Mizdor, the peak of which is called Babin's Tooth - a protected reserve has been established there. There has been snow for almost 5 months, and winter sports are actively developing - the area is considered very promising.

The Academy was opened a few years ago winter species sports, and now anyone can become a real professional if they have enough patience and perseverance to practice. The Academy trains athletes and coaches, but amateurs can also study if they wish. You can learn to ride alpine skiing and snowboards, improve your skills or become an instructor yourself.

IN warm time Every year, ascents are organized on Mount Babin Zub: it is better to go there from June to September. The level of difficulty may vary, but you don’t need to be an experienced climber to climb to the top: complex equipment is not needed in most cases, and any “conditionally healthy” tourist can test his endurance.

Sights of Ukrainian places

There are a lot of resorts and attractions in the Ukrainian Carpathians, so it is better to briefly talk about recreation opportunities in general. Even if you come here every year, it is unlikely that you will be able to see at least half of the beautiful places and wonders.

To begin with, the local nature amazes with its preserved richness and diversity: mountain lakes with the purest water are home to trout and other valuable fish, many species of local animals are considered rare, and many plants are endemic. There are very beautiful places here, the Carpathians in Ukraine are just a fairy tale.

About one thing most beautiful place nevertheless, it is worth mentioning separately - about Lake Synevyr, located almost a kilometer above sea level, and considered the most beautiful and largest in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The water in it is clear, but from a bird's eye view it looks blue; the lake is framed by the bright greenery of forests - they say that the reservoir is more than 10,000 years old. It cannot be called very deep, but the depth is impressive - up to 22 m; the water is cold - no higher than 11°C even in summer, and you cannot swim in Synevyr. However, you can relax here for a nominal fee, although vacationers are strictly monitored: there is a lot of trout in the lake, but catching it is strictly prohibited, as is hunting local animals - deer, roe deer and predators.

The deep Carpathian rivers are used for timber rafting, but this is also monitored - the ecological balance should not be disturbed. There are no rocks in these places, the relief is calm and smooth - they say that in this sense the Carpathians have an even character.

Varied mineral springs there are many hundreds in the Ukrainian Carpathians, so there are many health resorts and sanatoriums: almost every region has its own types of medicinal waters. So, everyone knows the water from Truskavets - Naftusya, which has practically no analogues in the world. Naftusya is universal: it is used to treat various inflammations and pains, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems. In many sanatoriums, patients are literally treated with air saturated with phytoncides of coniferous trees, and the properties of water complement its effect: other medications become unnecessary.

On the main ski resorts mild winters - 6°C below zero is considered severe frost - and a lot of snow, so their popularity is growing every year. Infrastructure and services are developing accordingly: local authorities have been actively using all opportunities for growth and development in recent years. There are ski schools everywhere, the slopes are well-maintained, the ski lifts work, and renting equipment has become as easy as in European resorts.

When the ski season ends, “overland” tourism begins: you can choose routes for every taste and age - walking, horseback riding or cycling. The local Carpathians are full of not only natural beauty, but also cultural and historical attractions - for example, castles and colorful mountain villages with unique customs and traditions.

Modern entertainment also allows you to relax and have fun from the heart: there are enough entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants, but Carpathian cuisine needs to be discussed separately.

There are many advantages to vacationing in the Carpathians, but the hospitality of the locals is called “unlimited”: most tourists who come here retain pleasant memories of their vacation and only positive emotions for a long time.

Is it worth going to the Carpathians?

There are wonderful mountain climatic resorts in the southern part of the Western Carpathians - in Hungary; and in the Serbian Carpathians, where there are dozens of mineral springs; and, of course, in Ukraine, where Bukovel alone receives hundreds of thousands of tourists a year - a couple of years ago it was named the world's fastest growing ski resort.

They say that in the Carpathians, residents of large cities, exhausted by the accelerated pace of life, constant noise and polluted atmosphere, find a second wind. They also say that in these mountains everything is real: nature, food, fun, and people, so there’s hardly any point in thinking about it – you should definitely go to the Carpathians.

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