The beauty of the Ural mountains. Ural Mountains, Urals

In this collection called Ural Mountains photo you can see a picturesque corner with incredible story creation.

Geologists claim that the Ural Mountains were formed 400 million years ago.

The Ural Mountains are a mountain system of the East European and West Siberian plains. This is a kind of border between two continents - Europe and Asia.

The formation took place as follows: the Eurasian and African lithospheric plates collided, as a result of which one plate fell on top of the other.

The Ural Mountains stretch for 2,000 km, while their width reaches a minimum of 40 km, and a maximum of 150 km.

In one of the ancient references of the 11th century, the mountains of the Urals were called the Earth Belt. Today the names Big Stone and Siberian Stone are also known.

But the name “Ural Mountains” first appears only in the 17th century in Tatishchev’s report. The researcher and his colleague Rychkov organized an expedition to study the mountains. Although the name of the mountains cannot be attributed specifically to Tatishchev. In fact, he borrowed it from the local Bashkir people, who called the mountains exactly that.

In the Bashkir language, height or elevation means “үр *ör”. After a series of transformations, the word “Ural” appears. But this should not be the end, since research debates are still ongoing.

The height of the mountains is 1895 m, which is exactly the height that the highest peak, Narodnaya, reaches.

More than 48 types of minerals were discovered in the mountains - copper, nickel, iron ore, chromium, etc. But the main value is gems– amethyst, emeralds, jasper, malachite.

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The highest point of the Sverdlovsk region (1569 m). We were very lucky with the weather! It was warm, sunny and almost dry. It is impossible to forget this beauty!..

In August, a five-day trip to the Merry Mountains took place. To places sacred to the Old Believers. We walked from Karpushikha to the Uralets, visited the mountains Starik-Kamen, Golaya, Two Brothers, Bilimbai, Ostraya, Opakhin Kamen, Belaya, and also accidentally found a small waterfall. The places are very beautiful and deserted.

3. Kachkanar (March)

In 2014, we went twice to Mount Kachkanar, famous for its bizarre rock outcrops and Buddhist monastery, but most of all I remember the first trip in March. The mountain that day was covered in clouds, which gave it a sense of mystery. Due to the abundance of snow, they no longer walked, but crawled. And it all ended with a night hike to the city of Kachkanar. Fun, interesting, unusual)

This is not only the oldest, but also the most memorable settlement in the Urals. At least from all the ones we visited earlier. Coming here, it seems that you have been transported back a century or two. Very nice and interesting city, a must visit.

We didn’t trodden the path on our own, but it was worth it! A real winter fairy tale, bizarre rock formations... A very beautiful place!

The ridge and lake are very beautiful. And the sunset on a lake surrounded by mountains is unforgettable...

A beautiful, spacious and pleasant cave with the largest underground waterfall in the Urals.

13. Usvinskie Pillars

Usvinskie Stoby - a huge rock with a separate rock outcropping that looks like a giant’s finger, fascinates with its beauty.

14. Rafting on Sosva

Picturesque rocks, caves, a clean river and no people.

In total, more than 70 trips took place in 2014 (excluding the Perm branch of the project).

And in 2015, if everything goes well, new ones await us interesting places and new adventures. For those who have not traveled with us yet, let me remind you that all our trips are completely free. Start every weekend from Yekaterinburg and Perm. Join us!

Basic moments

This mountain system itself, which not only separates both continents, but is also an officially delineated cordon between them, belongs to Europe: the border is usually drawn along the eastern base of the mountains. Formed as a result of the collision of the Eurasian and African lithospheric plates, the Ural Mountains cover a vast territory. It includes the expanses of the Sverdlovsk, Orenburg and Tyumen regions, the Perm Territory, Bashkortostan and the Komi Republic, as well as the Aktobe and Kustanai regions of Kazakhstan.

In terms of its height, which does not exceed 1895 meters, the mountain system is significantly inferior to such giants as the Himalayas and Pamirs. For example, the peaks of the polar Urals are average in level - 600-800 meters, not to mention the fact that they are also the narrowest in terms of the width of the ridge. However, such geological characteristics have an undoubted advantage: they remain accessible to humans. And we are talking here not so much about scientific research, but about the tourist attractiveness of the places through which they lie. The landscape of the Ural Mountains is truly unique. Here crystal clear mountain streams and rivers begin their run, growing into larger bodies of water. Such large rivers as the Ural, Kama, Pechora, Chusovaya and Belaya also flow here.

A wide variety of recreational opportunities open up for tourists here: both for real extreme sports enthusiasts and for beginners. And the Ural Mountains are a true treasure trove of minerals. In addition to deposits of coal, natural gas and oil, mines are developed here that produce copper, nickel, chromium, titanium, gold, silver, and platinum. If we recall the tales of Pavel Bazhov, the Urals zone is also rich in malachite. And also emerald, diamond, crystal, amethyst, jasper and other precious stones.

The atmosphere of the Ural Mountains, regardless of whether you visit the Northern or Southern Urals, the Subpolar or Middle Urals, is indescribable. And their greatness, beauty, harmony and clean air charge you with energy and positivity, inspire and, of course, leave vivid impressions for the rest of your life.

History of the Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains have been known since ancient times. In sources that have survived to this day, they are associated with the Hyperborean and Riphean mountains. Thus, Ptolemy pointed out that this mountain system consists of the Rimnus mountains (this is the current Middle Urals), Norosa (Southern Urals) and the northern part - the Hyperborean mountains themselves. In the first written sources of the 11th century AD, it is due to long length called nothing less than the “Earth Belt”.

In the first Russian chronicle, “The Tale of Bygone Years,” which dates back to the same 11th century, the mountains of the Urals were called by our compatriots Siberian, Poyasov or Big Stone. Entitled " Big Stone“They were also included on the first map of the Russian state, also known as the “Big Drawing,” published in the second half of the 16th century. Cartographers of those years depicted the Urals as a mountain belt, from where many rivers originate.

There are many versions of the origin of the name of this mountain system. E. K. Hoffman, who developed the so-called Mansi version of this toponym, compares the name “Ural” with the Mansi word “ur”, which is translated as “mountain”. The second point of view, also very common, is the borrowing of the name from the Bashkir language. She, according to many scientists, seems the most convincing. After all, if you take the language, legends and traditions of this people - for example, the famous epic "Ural-Batyr" - then it is not difficult to see that in them this toponym has not only existed since ancient times, but is also maintained from generation to generation.

Nature and climate

The natural landscape of the Ural Mountains is incredibly beautiful and multifaceted. Here you can not only look at the mountains themselves, but also go down into numerous caves, swim in the waters of local lakes, and get a dose of thrill while rafting down wild rivers. Moreover, each tourist chooses for himself how exactly to travel. Some people like to hike independently with a backpack on their shoulders, while others prefer more comfortable conditions. excursion bus or the interior of a personal car.

No less varied is the animal world"Earth Belt". A predominant position in the local fauna is occupied by forest animals, whose habitat is coniferous, broad-leaved or mixed forests. Thus, squirrels live in coniferous forests, the main diet of which is spruce seeds, and in winter these cute animals with a fluffy tail feed on previously stored pine nuts and dried mushrooms. The marten is widespread in local forests, the existence of which is difficult to imagine without the already mentioned squirrel, which this predator hunts.

But the real wealth of these places is the fur-bearing game animals, the fame of which extends far beyond the region, for example, the sable, which lives in the forests of the Northern Urals. It, however, differs from the dark Siberian sable in its less beautiful skin of a reddish color. Uncontrolled hunting for valuable furry animals is prohibited by law. Without this ban, it would probably have been completely destroyed by now.

The taiga forests of the Ural Mountains are also home to the traditional Russian wolf, bear and elk. Roe deer are found in mixed forests. On the plains adjacent to mountain ranges, the brown hare and the fox feel at ease. We did not make a reservation: they live precisely on flat terrain, and for them the forest is just a shelter. And, of course, the tree crowns are well inhabited by many species of birds.

As for the climate of the Ural Mountains, then geographical position plays a significant role in this regard. In the north, this mountain system extends beyond the Arctic Circle, but most of the mountains are located in the temperate climate zone. If you move from north to south along the perimeter of the mountain system, you will notice how the temperature gradually increases, which is especially noticeable in the summer. If in the north during the warm period of the year the thermometer shows from +10 to +12 degrees, then in the south - from 20 to 22 degrees above zero. However, in winter the temperature between north and south does not differ so sharply. The average monthly temperature in January in the north is 20 degrees minus, in the south it is 16-18 degrees below zero.

Air masses moving from Atlantic Ocean, also has a noticeable impact on the climate of the Urals. And although as atmospheric flows move from the west towards the Urals, the air becomes less humid, it cannot be called 100% dry either. As a result, more precipitation - 600-800 millimeters per year - falls on the western slope, while on the eastern slope this figure varies between 400-500 mm. But the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains in winter fall under the power of a powerful Siberian anticyclone, while in the south during the cold period of the year, partly cloudy and cold weather sets in.

A factor such as the relief of the mountain system also has a noticeable influence on fluctuations in the local climate. As you climb the mountain, you will feel the weather getting harsher. Different temperatures are felt even on different slopes, including those located nearby. Different parts of the Ural Mountains are characterized by unequal amounts of precipitation.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

One of the most famous protected areas The Ural Mountains is the Olenyi Ruchi Park, located in the Sverdlovsk region. Curious tourists, especially interested ancient history, make a “pilgrimage” to the Pisanitsa rock located here, on the surface of which are painted drawings made by ancient artists. The caves and the Great Failure are of considerable interest. “Oleniye Ruchiki” has a fairly developed tourist infrastructure: special trails are equipped in the park, there are observation decks, not to mention places to relax. There are also cable crossings.

If you are familiar with the work of the writer Pavel Bazhov, his famous “Malachite Box,” then you will probably be interested in visiting the “Bazhov Places” natural park. The opportunities for complete rest and relaxation here are simply magnificent. You can take walks, bike rides or horseback rides. Walking along specially designed and thought-out routes, you will take in the picturesque landscapes, climb Mount Markov Kamen and visit Lake Talkov Kamen. Extreme sports enthusiasts usually flock here in the summer to go kayaking and kayaking down mountain rivers. Travelers also come here in winter, enjoying snowmobiling.

If you appreciate the natural beauty of semi-precious stones - namely natural, not subject to processing - be sure to visit the Rezhevskaya reserve, which combines deposits of not only precious, but also semi-precious and ornamental stones. Traveling to the mining sites on your own is prohibited - you must be accompanied by a reserve employee, but this in no way affects the impressions of what you see. The Rezh River flows through the territory of Rezhevsky; it was formed as a result of the confluence of the Bolshoy Sapa and Ayati - rivers originating in the Ural Mountains. The Shaitan Stone, popular among travelers, is located on the right bank of the Rezhi. The Urals consider this stone to be the center of mystical natural forces that help in various life situations. You can believe it or not, but the flow of tourists coming to the stone with various requests to higher powers does not dry out.

Of course, the Urals attract lovers like a magnet extreme tourism, who enjoy visiting its caves, of which there are a huge number. The most famous are Shulgan-Tash, or Kapova, and the Kungur Ice Cave. The length of the latter is almost 6 km, of which only one and a half kilometers are accessible to tourists. On the territory of the Kungur ice cave there are 50 grottoes, over 60 lakes and countless stalactites and stalagmites. The temperature in the cave is always below freezing, so when visiting here, dress as if you were going for a winter walk. The visual effect of the splendor of its interior decoration is enhanced by special lighting. But in the Kapova Cave, researchers discovered rock paintings, the age of which is estimated at 14 thousand years or more. Approximately 200 works by ancient masters of the brush have become the property of our time, although there were probably more. Travelers can also admire the underground lakes and visit grottoes, galleries and numerous halls located on three levels.

If the caves of the Ural Mountains create a winter atmosphere at any time of the year, then some attractions are best visited in winter. One of them is the ice fountain, which is located in the Zyuratkul National Park and arose thanks to the efforts of geologists who drilled a well in this place. Moreover, this is not just a fountain in our usual “urban” sense, but a fountain of underground water. With the onset of winter, it freezes and turns into a voluminous icicle of a bizarre shape, also impressive with its 14-meter height.

Many Russians, in order to improve their health, go to foreign thermal springs, for example, in the Czech Karlovy Vary or the Gellert Baths in Budapest. But why rush beyond the border if our native Urals are also rich in thermal springs? To undergo a full course of healing procedures, all you need to do is come to Tyumen. The hot springs here are rich in microelements beneficial for human health, and the water temperature ranges from +36 to +45 degrees Celsius depending on the season. Let us add that modern recreation centers have been built on these sources. Mineral waters are also used for treatment in the Ust-Kachka health complex, located near Perm and unique in its chemical composition their waters. Summer recreation here can be combined with boating and catamarans; in winter, ice slides, skating rinks and full-fledged ski slopes are available to vacationers.

Despite the fact that waterfalls are not so typical for the Ural Mountains, they are present here and attract the attention of tourists. Among them we can highlight the Plakun waterfall, located on the right bank of the Sylva River. It throws down fresh water from a height exceeding 7 m. Its other name is Ilyinsky, it was given by local residents and visitors who consider this source holy. There is also a waterfall near Yekaterinburg, named Rokhotun for its roaring “temper”. Its peculiarity is that it is man-made. It throws its waters down from a height of more than 5 meters. When the summer heat sets in, visitors enjoy standing under its jets, cooling off and receiving hydromassage, completely free of charge.

Video: Southern Ural

Large cities of the Urals

Millionny Ekaterinburg, administrative center Sverdlovsk region is called the capital of the Urals. It is also, unofficially, the third capital of Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg and the third capital of Russian rock. This is a large industrial metropolis, especially charming in winter. He is generously covered with snow, under the cover of which he resembles a giant who has fallen asleep in a deep sleep, and you never know exactly when he will wake up. But when he gets enough sleep, then, no doubt, he will definitely unfold to his full potential.

Yekaterinburg usually makes a strong impression on its guests - first of all, with many architectural attractions. Among them we can highlight the famous Church on the Blood, erected on the site of the execution of the last Russian emperor and his family, the Sverdlovsk rock club, the building of the former District Court, museums of various subjects and even unusual ordinary computer keyboard. The capital of the Urals is also famous for its shortest metro in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records: 7 stations account for only 9 km.

Chelyabinsk and Nizhny Tagil also became widely known in Russia, primarily thanks to the popular comedy show “Our Russia”. The characters of the program, beloved by viewers, are, of course, fictional, but tourists are still interested in where to find Ivan Dulin, the world’s first milling machine operator of non-traditional sexual orientation, and Vovan and Gena, hapless and drinking-loving Russian tourists who constantly find themselves in frankly tragicomic situations. One of the business cards of Chelyabinsk are two monuments: Love, made in the form of an iron tree, and Lefty with a shod flea. The city’s panorama of local factories located above the Miass River is also impressive. But in the Nizhny Tagil Museum fine arts you can see a painting by Raphael - the only one in our country that can be found outside the Hermitage.

Another Ural city that has become famous thanks to television is Perm. This is where the “real boys” who became the heroes of the series of the same name live. Perm claims to be the next cultural capital Russia and this idea are actively lobbied by designer Artemy Lebedev, who is working on the external appearance of the city, and gallery owner Marat Gelman, specializing in contemporary art.

Orenburg, which is called the land of endless steppes, is also a real historical treasury of the Urals and all of Russia. At one time, it survived the siege of Emelyan Pugachev’s army; its streets and walls remember the visits of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko and the wedding of the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

In Ufa, another Ural city, there is a symbolic “Kilometer Zero” sign. The local post office is the very point from which the distance to other points on our planet is measured. Another famous landmark of the capital of Bashkortostan is the Ufa bronze sign, which is a disk with a one and a half meter diameter and weighs a whole ton. And in this city - at least that’s what the locals say - there is the tallest equestrian statue on the European continent. This is a monument to Salavat Yulaev, who is also called the Bashkir Bronze Horseman. The horse on which this associate of Emelyan Pugachev sits rises above the Belaya River.

Ski resorts of the Urals

The most important ski resorts in the Urals are concentrated in three regions of our country: the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, as well as in Bashkortostan. Zavyalikha, Bannoye and Abzakovo are the most famous of them. The first is located near the city of Trekhgorny, the last two are near Magnitogorsk. According to the results of the competition, which is held as part of the International Congress of the Ski Industry, Abzakovo was recognized as the best ski resort in the Russian Federation in the 2005-2006 season.

A whole scattering ski resorts concentrated in the regions of the Middle and Southern Urals. Thrill-seekers and simply curious tourists who want to try themselves in such an “adrenaline” sport as alpine skiing come here almost all year round. Travelers here will find good trails for skis, sleds and snowboards.

Besides alpine skiing, descents along mountain rivers are very popular among travelers. Fans of such alloys, which also increase adrenaline levels, go for thrills to Miass, Magnitogorsk, Asha or Kropchaevo. True, you won’t be able to get to your destination quickly, since you will have to travel by train or car.

The holiday season in the Urals lasts on average from October-November to April. During this period, another popular entertainment is snowmobiling and ATV riding. In Zavyalikha, which has become one of the most popular tourist spots, they even installed a special trampoline. Experienced athletes practice complex elements and tricks on it.

How to get there

Getting to all the major Ural cities will not be difficult, so the region of this majestic mountain system is one of the most convenient for domestic tourists. The flight from Moscow will take only three hours, and if you prefer to travel by train, then the route via railway will take a little more than a day.

Main Ural city, as we have already said, is Yekaterinburg, located in the Middle Urals. Due to the fact that the Ural Mountains themselves are low, it was possible to build several transport routes leading to Siberia from Central Russia. In particular, you can travel through the territory of this region along the famous railway artery – the Trans-Siberian Railway.

The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and are unique geographical object, dividing the continent of Eurasia into two parts.

Direction and extent of the Ural Mountains.

The length of the Ural Mountains is more than 2500 km, they originate from the shores ofArctic Ocean and end in the sultry deserts of Kazakhstan. Due to the fact that the Ural Mountains cross Russian territory from north to south, they pass along five geographical areas. They include the expanses of the Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Aktobe, Tyumen and Kustanai regions, as well as the territories of the Perm Territory, the Komi Republic and Bashkortostan.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains.

In the depths of the Urals are hidden countless riches known to the whole world. This includes the famous malachite, and semi-precious stones, colorfully described by Bazhov in his fairy tales, asbestos, platinum, gold and other minerals.

Nature of the Ural Mountains.

This region is famous for its incredible natural beauty. People come here to see amazing mountains, plunge into the clear waters of numerous lakes, go down into caves or raft along the stormy rivers of the Ural Mountains. You can travel through colorful places either by walking across the expanses of the Urals with a backpack on your back, or in the comfortable conditions of a sightseeing bus or your own car.

Ural Mountains in the Sverdlovsk region.

The beauty of these mountains is best seen in natural parks and nature reserves. Once in Sverdlovsk region, you definitely need to visit Oleniye Ruchiye. Tourists come here to see the drawings painted on the surface of the Pisanitsa rock. ancient man, visit the caves and descend into the Big Gap, marveling at the strength of the river that has carved a path through Holey Stone. For visitors, there are special trails throughout the park, observation decks, cable crossings and places for recreation.

Park "Bazhovskie places".

Available in the Urals natural Park“Bazhovskie places”, on the territory of which you can go walking, horseback riding and cycling. Specially designed routes allow you to explore picturesque landscapes, visit Lake Talkov Kamen and climb Mount Markov Kamen. In winter you can travel here on snowmobiles, and in summer you can go down the mountain rivers in kayaks or paddle boards.

Rezhevsky reserve.

Connoisseurs of the natural beauty of semi-precious stones should definitely visit the Rezhevskaya reserve of the Ural Mountains, which includes several unique deposits of ornamental, precious and semi-precious stones. Traveling to the mining sites is only possible if accompanied by a reserve employee. The Rezh River flows through its territory, formed by the confluence of the Ayat and Bolshoi Sap rivers. These rivers originate in the Ural Mountains. On the right bank of the Rezh River rises the famous Shaitan stone. Locals They consider it a receptacle of mystical power.

Caves of the Urals.

Fans of extreme tourism will be happy to visit the numerous caves of the Urals. The most famous of them are Kungur Ice and Shulgan-Tash (Kapova). The Kungur Ice Cave stretches for 5.7 km, although only 1.5 km of it is accessible to tourists. On its territory there are about 50 grottoes, more than 60 lakes and many stalactites and stalagmites made of ice. The temperature here is always below freezing, so you need to dress appropriately to visit it. To enhance the visual effect, special lighting is used in the cave.

In the Kapova Cave, scientists discovered rock paintings that are more than 14 thousand years old. In total, about 200 works by ancient artists were found in its vastness. In addition, you can visit numerous halls, grottoes and galleries, located on three levels, and admire the underground lakes, in one of which an inattentive visitor risks swimming at the entrance.

Some attractions of the Ural Mountains are best visited in winter. One of these places is in national park"Zyuratkul". This is an ice fountain that arose thanks to geologists who once drilled a well in this place. Now a fountain of underground water gushes out of it. IN winter time it turns into a bizarrely shaped icicle, reaching a height of 14 m.

Thermal springs of the Urals.

The Urals are also rich in thermal springs, so to undergo healing procedures there is no need to fly abroad, just come to Tyumen. Local thermal springs are rich in microelements that are beneficial to human health, and the water temperature in the source ranges from +36 to +45 0 C, regardless of the time of year. Recreation centers have been built on these waters.

Ust-Kachka, Perm.

Located not far from Perm health complex"Ust-Kachka", unique in its composition mineral waters. IN summer time Here you can ride catamarans or boats. In winter, ski slopes, ice skating rinks and slides are available to vacationers.

Waterfalls of the Urals.

For the Ural Mountains, waterfalls are not a common occurrence, so it’s even more interesting to visit one natural wonder. One of them is the Plakun waterfall, located on the right bank of the Sylva River. Fresh water falls from a height of more than 7 m. Local residents and visitors consider this source holy and gave it the name Ilyinsky.

There is also a man-made waterfall near Yekaterinburg, nicknamed “Rokhotun” for the roar of the water. Its waters fall down from a height of more than 5 m. On a hot summer day, it is pleasant to stand under its streams, cooling off and receiving a free hydromassage.

IN Perm region there is a unique place called Stone town. This name was given to it by tourists, although among the local population this miracle of nature is called “Devil’s Settlement”. The stones in this complex are arranged in such a way that the illusion of a real city with streets, squares and avenues is created. You can walk through its labyrinths for hours, and beginners can even get lost. Each stone has its own name, given for its resemblance to some animal. Some tourists climb to the tops of the rocks to see the beauty of the greenery surrounding the City.

Ridges and cliffs of the Ural Mountains.

Lots of cliffs Ural ridge They also have their own names, for example, Bear Stone, which from afar resembles the gray back of a bear glimpsed among the green trees. Climbers use the hundred-meter steep cliff for their training. Unfortunately, it is gradually being destroyed. In the rock, archaeologists discovered a grotto in which there was a site for ancient people.

Not far from Yekaterinburg in the Visimsky Nature Reserve there is an outcrop of rocks. An attentive eye will immediately discern in it the outlines of a man whose head is covered with a cap. They call him Old Man Stone. If you climb to its top, you can admire the panorama of Nizhny Tagil.

Lakes of the Urals.

Among the numerous lakes of the Ural Mountains, there is one that is not inferior in glory to Lake Baikal. This is Lake Turgoyak, fed by radon springs. The water contains almost no mineral salts. Soft water has healing properties. People from all over Russia come here to improve their health.

If you appreciate the virgin beauty of mountain landscapes, untouched by civilization, come to the Urals, to the Ural Mountains: this region will definitely give you a piece of its amazing atmosphere.

The Sevastyanov House is a famous mansion in Yekaterinburg, a kind of symbol of the city. The house was built in the first quarter of the 19th century on the banks of the Iset River and belonged to the Ural entrepreneur, collegiate assessor Nikolai Ivanovich Sevastyanov. The first information about the mansion goes back to 1817, and Sevastyanov received it in 1860.

The style of the building is neo-Gothic, and the rotunda was built in a purely Gothic style. The building, which surprised and delighted the residents of Yekaterinburg, influenced the appearance of more buildings in the city built in the neo-Gothic style.

Since 1874, the building housed the District Court, then the Yekaterinburg District Court, and after the revolution, city trade unions met. This is where the second name of the mansion came from - the House of Trade Unions. In 2008, the building was thoroughly restored and prepared for the SCO summit. During the reconstruction, the building was returned to its historical façade colors - white, green and terracotta. The Sevastyanov House is classified as a cultural monument of Federal significance and is under state protection.

Coordinates: 56.83888900,60.60638900

Koiva River

The Koiva River is located in the Perm region.

The name “Koiva” is derived from the Komi-Permyak words “koi” - “spray” and “va” - “water”, which fully reflects the turbulent nature of this river. During floods in the middle and lower reaches, the current speed reaches 10-12 kilometers per hour. The total length of the channel is 180 kilometers. Koiva flows into the Chusovaya River. The main tributaries of the Koiva are the Biser, Kusya, Kyrma, Olkhovka, Tyrym, Saranka, Tiskos.

The river enjoys well-deserved popularity among rafting enthusiasts due to the abundance of difficult sections of all possible types - rapids, rifts, ridges, etc. The tourist value of Koiva is complemented by luxurious views of the Ural nature - along the banks there is a mixed coniferous-deciduous forest interspersed with rocky areas.

Coordinates: 58.39826800,58.78364700

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Source Kurgazak

KURGAZAK, mineral spring, flowing from the spurs of the Karatau mountain range on the left bank of the Yuryuzan River, 3 km south of the Yangantau resort. It has a high flow rate - 100-125 l/sec and is characterized by constant temperature at all times of the year (16-16.50C). Alkaline reaction - pH 7.3, mineralization - 0.6 g/l. Belongs to the class of low-mineralized table and mineral waters. Hydrocarbonate water, magnesium-calcium: HCO3 84-87, Ca 57-60, Mg 34 eq. %. Contains active trivalent arsenous acid (3.9 mg/l).

Aisuvak is a mountain located in Russia, in the Urals, in the Baymaksky district, in Bashkortostan in the very center of the village of Old Sibay. It is one of the mountains of the Irandek massif - the easternmost ridge of the Southern Urals, its height is 544 meters.

Just like Irandek, the mountain is composed of limestones, diabases, porphyrites, and in the north – Devonian volcanics. In the eastern part of the mountain range is the Ibragimovsky waterfall. Mountain chain is divided into southern and northern parts. Near Aisuvak, ancient settlements, burial grounds, abandoned villages and workshops were discovered.

The mountain is inhabited by mountain goats, mouflons and small rodents.

Coordinates: 52.71694400,58.55055600

Man-Pupu-Ner plateau

One of the little-known and exciting places in Russia is the Man-Pupu-ner plateau, lost in the Ural mountains. In the Mansi language "Man-Pup-ner" means " Malaya Gora idols." This name very accurately reflects reality. Seven huge (up to 40 meters high) stone sculptures are very reminiscent of some ancient gods.

Stone colossi are products of weathering. Millions of years ago, mountains rose in this place, which collapsed over the millennia. Heterogeneous rocks with different densities were destroyed at different rates, which led to the formation of such bizarre relief forms.

Of course, this place, by the way, is quite remote from settlements, covered in legends. Most of those who visit these places note the unique, peaceful energy of this place. Previously, the plateau was considered sacred and even climbing the mountain was prohibited.

A variety of excursions and routes are organized on Man-Pupu-ner. But it should be taken into account that this journey can only be undertaken by more or less prepared tourists.

Coordinates: 62.18537300,59.25453200

Stella Europe-Asia

Among the attractions of the Urals, two main types can be distinguished: natural and memorable places. Beautiful natural places The Urals are represented by rivers, lakes, rocks, caves, and steppes. The geographic location of the region at the junction of Europe and Asia plays a special role here. The Urals are located on the oldest of the ridges - the Ural - where on one side it is adjacent to flora and fauna of the European type, and on the other - Asian.

Zyuratkul National Park

National Park"Zyuratkul" is located in the Chelyabinsk region. It stretches from north to south for 57 kilometers, and from west to east for 28 kilometers. The national park is located at the junction of Europe and Asia, and is a unique place, where two meet natural areas: taiga and steppe, due to which the flora and fauna of the park is very diverse.

Lake Zyuratkul is located on the territory of the park. Traces of ancient man were discovered on its shore.

In the Urals it is difficult to find a more beautiful place than Lake Zyuratkul and its surroundings. Every nearby hill offers stunning views of the lake, coniferous forest to the very horizon and the high Ural Mountains. The most famous attraction of the Zyuratkul park, after the lake, is the Nurgush ridge - the highest mountain range in the Chelyabinsk region.

More than 650 species of plants, more than 150 species of birds, including rare ones, are found in the park, and large wild animals such as bears and elk are found.

There are 13 routes throughout the park. tourist routes of varying lengths and difficulty, including two water ones.

Coordinates: 55.04137700,58.99876700

St. George's Church

St. George's Church is one of the youngest churches in Chelyabinsk. Construction took place from 1998 to 2009 for the most part with donations from the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. The townspeople took an active part in the construction of the temple.

Rising among the surrounding residential buildings, the red brick temple amazes at first glance with the grandeur and power that are so inherent in St. George the Victorious himself. The largest bell weighs about 3 tons, and the height of the central dome is 41 meters, thanks to which the beautiful ceremonial building can be seen from afar. For the residents of Chelyabinsk, this is not just a temple, but a sanctuary, the construction of which united them, the construction was carried out thanks to a large number ordinary donations from residents and their work.

Townspeople came to the construction site and helped the masons and other professionals, and some simply cooked lunch for everyone. St. George's Church can confidently be called the pride and dignity of the Metallurgical District of the city.

Coordinates: 55.25247500,61.39011800

Bashkiria National Park

The Bashkiria National Park is located on the southwestern slopes of the Southern Urals and unites the Meleuzovsky, Kurgachinsky and Burzyansky districts. It was formed in 1986 and on its territory is the water area of ​​the Nugush Reservoir. This national park is an ideal destination for travelers and nature lovers. They are attracted here by diverse and picturesque forests, fast rivers and mysterious caves.

Those rivers that cut through the mountain ranges here form deep and narrow canyons with rocky outcrops of bizarre shapes, their names are appropriate - “Devil's Finger”, “Sphinx”, “Castle”, “Duck’s Nose” and others. Almost all species of animals characteristic of the Southern Urals are found in the park.

There are wonderful natural monuments here. Firstly, this is the Kuperlya karst bridge: the Kuperlya river began to make its way underground, developing the cave; over time, the roof of the cave collapsed, leaving part of it in the form of a bridge. Another notable place: laboratory in the Kutuk-Sumgan tract. Here are located natural caves, tunnel, bridge, funnels, wells and numerous springs. In the underground halls of local caves you can see stalactites, stalagmites, grottoes and cave pearls.

Coordinates: 53.05000000,56.53333300

Yugyd Va National Park

The Yugyd Va National Park was created in 1994 and unites the Vuktylsky, Intinsky and Pechora districts of the Komi Republic. It was created in order to preserve endangered natural, cultural and historical monuments, as well as rare species of plants and animals, in the Northern Urals.

Yugyd Va National Park is the only corner of Europe where pristine nature has been preserved in an almost undisturbed state, due to the remoteness and harsh climate of the area. Therefore, the Yugyd Va park was included in the List World Heritage in 1995.

Yugyd Va National Park is attractive for its natural landscapes. In these mountains you can find taiga, mixed forests, subalpine and alpine meadows, and mountain tundra.

Here are the most high peaks Subpolar Urals, including the symbol of the park - Mount Manaraga, its height is 1663 meters.

Also, the attention of tourists is attracted by herds of deer and quartz deposits; visitors are offered ethnographic routes introducing them to the religious places of the ancient Komi and Mansi peoples, and geological tours dedicated to the history of the development of the riches of the Ural Mountains.

Coordinates: 63.85701100,57.30935900

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