The best vacation for men and the most interesting vacation for women. What are the differences? Best tips for men Where and how men relax

Relaxing is not working, but both require organization. When planning a vacation, both men and women expect something special from it. Some people want to fly as far away from worries as possible, lie on the beach or simply devote time to watching TV on their favorite sofa, turn off the phone and get some sleep. Naturally, men's and women's views on relaxation can differ radically...

Women: “Resorts are waiting for us, but we are not going”

Have you walked barefoot on the silky sand of Goa? Or kayaking along the rivers of Karelia? Or maybe there is a selfie with a polar bear?

D oh, this is a vacation. Browsing in in social networks photos of my acquaintances and childhood friends, I never cease to be amazed: ours have taken us everywhere! Here Volodya, who did not know how to tie his shoelaces until the third grade, conquers Elbrus. Marina, who was afraid of frogs, is sitting on a crocodile. And even San Sanych posted photos from his vacation. No matter how happy I am for their fun adventures and resort delights, one thing saddens me: I don’t have such pictures! Because I haven’t walked barefoot on the silky sand of Goa, I haven’t kayaked on the rivers of Karelia, and I certainly don’t have a selfie with a polar bear. Basically, when I just imagine that I'm racing on a banana, cutting sea ​​wave, makes me shiver: what if I knock over a buoy or that group over there in striped swimsuits? But if you are lucky with a banana, then on the shore you will definitely be bitten by the monkey with whom the traditional photo for these places was planned. And I’m afraid to even think about how the plane will maneuver with me on board. In general, this is tourism phobia.

To be honest, I can’t imagine how to devote my vacation to something other than children, chronic repairs and seaming. Of course, you can go on vacation with your family to Turkey, but, as you understand, this is not about me. In addition, I have the experience of a friend who spent the whole time in a room with her daughter - she caught chickenpox. Both sad and funny. Therefore, I will spend my vacation in the village, where chickenpox is my own, dear.

However, I have a special relationship with the countryside: I was born there. From an early age I knew from which side it was better not to approach a cow, what shitiki looked like and what you could eat in calamus. What is a milking machine and a strainer, how to neutralize an attacking gander and that one chicken always lays in a cow's feeder. And yes, horses bite. And my city children are learning English and doing choreography! When I was their age, I rode a bicycle under a frame and tended chickens. In general, I gained a wealth of experience that has come in handy more than once in adult life. Therefore, I can’t imagine that I can deprive my children of those very rural delights, knowledge of the world that begins with nature, and relaxation that gives energy for the future. By the way, for young city dwellers who have problems with appetite, in rural areas they disappear without a trace. There is no need to force, ask or persuade, even lard is good for a sweet soul. Isn't this a vacation for parents?

I'm not one to lie in the sun for hours. If possible, I’d rather collect herbs for winter teas while the children get to know the flora and fauna, naturally, under my supervision. Let's take a blanket with us and have a picnic, take a swim, let the water be knee-deep. There is no need to rush anywhere. Of course, the villagers have enough to do - they, like ants, are all doing something, carrying something, in a hurry. But I envy them. This is how my parents lived. They planted potatoes, fermented cabbage, worked on the collective farm and managed to take care of the children. But there was not enough time for rest. Although there is also a philosophy here. Once a fellow villager came to visit us for several days - to the diagnostic center for an examination. Tired from constant physical work, like a driven horse, she said: “At least I’ll rest here with you!” But back to the village, she flew ahead of the bus, because there she had space, housekeeping, and everything was scheduled to the minute. That's where her life is.

Of course, I wouldn’t mind trying Prague pastries, seeing the wonders of the world and other interesting places. Everything is fine, if not for the distance. Besides, probably, while the children are small, you won’t be able to accelerate much.

At least that's how I console myself. Marina, for example, has no children, and therefore there are no obstacles to travel. Or maybe she has already done the repairs - for the same reason. Probably, by the time she, having seen the world, starts a family and is immersed in worries, I will go on tour with my household. It is possible that I will have to stock up on Corvalol: at my age! And, probably, it won’t be me who takes the children on vacation, but they will take me: I feel sorry for the old lady, she’s never been anywhere. Theoretically, I’m even ready to travel: I know that in China they eat with chopsticks, that jellyfish swim in the sea, and they serve tea on the plane. Of course you can use by land transport, but is that vacation worth spending a decent amount of time on the road? In general, whatever the children decide, so it will be.

In the meantime, in anticipation of the upcoming vacation, I am puzzled by how best to manage my money. Should I buy a vacuum cleaner or install a door in the vestibule? Children need shorts, T-shirts and other wardrobe items, and it wouldn’t hurt to update it yourself. In short, there are a lot of plans, but the village is ironclad. Since I’m not going there for selfies, but to relax my soul, I won’t be able to post something on social networks. Although what kind of footage there can be! The rarest. How I ride my bike to the store in rubber slippers, my hair fluttering in the wind, and behind me there is a column of dust, like the tail of a comet. Or the surprised faces of children who saw a cow give milk for the first time. A live chicken in the palm of your hand, a cucumber in your pocket instead of candy. Even if you don’t get a selfie, the picture will remain in your memory.

By the way, many urban people do not understand why villagers wear rubber slippers and socks. It’s just that your feet are easier to wash afterwards.


Men: “Why do Belarusians need that Turkish coast?..”

When I was a Soviet schoolboy, my family, in addition to a lot of other periodicals, subscribed to the satirical magazine “Vozhyk.” The humor there was, frankly speaking, unimportant compared to the same “Crocodile”, but childhood memory retained one caricature. The man depicted on it reclined in a container similar to the one in which Archimedes exclaimed his famous “Eureka!” Only our citizen expressed his wise thoughts in a different, poetic form: “Lepsh for the pestilence, dear brother, bath and dear hat!”

N I wouldn’t say that I am an ardent fan of this type of relaxation (if you wash, it’s much better and healthier in our village bathhouse), but on southern shores somehow, to be honest, I don’t feel like it... Perhaps, due to my temperament and physiology, I can’t lie aimlessly on the hot sand for hours. Moreover, delight your insides with all sorts of goodies under the all-inclusive program.

I also noticed this fact. A significant part of travelers to the “Turkish, Spanish, Greek, French, etc.” (primarily representatives of the fair sex) are not so much attracted by the process of relaxing under the scorching sun as by the subsequent “oral memoirs” about it in the circle of friends, colleagues and neighbors. Of course, it’s a sacred thing to show off your cruise to all your friends on social networks on the Internet, posting dozens of photos with breathtaking views. Recently, for example, he caused a storm of anger in one of his virtual girlfriends when, instead of the expected expression of envy about her upcoming trip to Egypt, he simply modestly congratulated her on the upcoming event.

As for me, I like to relax in my homeland. This is also related to finances, which I prefer to spend on something more tangible. In addition, I can tolerate our temperate climate much better, when, even if it gets very hot, you can always hide from the rays under the canopy of trees, and we have them in abundance. As well as lakes, many of which are similar in size to small seas. The Vitebsk region is especially rich in them. Drivyaty, Osveyskoye, Lukomlskoye, Ezerishche, sung by the classic of Belarusian literature Yan Barshchevsky, Nescherdo, on the banks of which in Muraga he was born. And this despite the fact that I do not belong to the category of fishermen for whom the Dvinye region is simply the Klondike.

And yet, no matter what beauties you encounter along the way, the main wealth of the region is its people. And most of us are wonderful. I confess that the last thing in the world I like is to stay overnight in hotels. Why, if, in the words of Ales Staver, a native of Begomlshchyna, brilliantly set to music by Igor Luchenok and arranged by “Pesnyarami”, here is “a skin care and a warm house of care.” And I met this attitude everywhere. And in the lake Postavshchina, and in the ancient Polotsk region, and in the forest Rossony region, in the bearish places of the Gorodok region and the swampy Shumilin region... And why leave somewhere from places where, as our ancestors noted, “God lives”!

Therefore, on my working holiday, and it is already almost beginning, of course, I will visit Paris once again, but not the one that people die after seeing, but my own, Postavy: in this agricultural town, among other attractions, there is also the “Eiffel Tower”, built with the efforts of in blessed memory of priest Juozas Bulka, who created the “Belarusian Versailles” in Mosar. It doesn’t matter that it is smaller in size than its French “colleague,” but there are plenty of tourists who want to climb it or take pictures next to it. I would also like to visit Kamai with the wonderful Church of St. John the Baptist. Walk along with the pilgrims, enjoying the unforgettable landscapes of Glubokoye and Dokshitsy, on the way to Budslav with its miraculous icon of the Mother of God. If time permits, take a look at the numerous attractions of Ostrovets land.

I believe that expectations will be justified and, in the words of Vladimir Korotkevich:

“ experienced feeders,

I want to show you the best America in the world

(Vesku Amerik, INTO PAD Orshai).”

Ales Bynkov.

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How to compliment a guy? 100 best compliments that every man wants to hear every day!

First of all, it is necessary to note that compliments are given not only to girls and beautiful words are said not only to beloved women - they can and even should be given to men.

In fact, guys love compliments just as much as girls, but gentlemen receive them much less often, at least girls give compliments to their favorite guys much less often than vice versa.

A good, beautiful compliment significantly increases a man’s self-esteem and strengthens self-confidence, therefore such a psychological “vitamin” is a necessary condition for a good relationship with a loved one.

Unfortunately, wives (civil and official), as well as seemingly loving and caring, seemingly affectionate and gentle girls, speak kind and beautiful, necessary and important words to their dear life partners extremely rarely and not always accurately.

But we women are always ready to criticize our partners and do it often, a lot, tastefully and without reminders. And then they wonder, abandoned wives, why their husbands abandoned them and left the family for other girls - more joyful, cheerful and positive, who not only know how, but also know how, and actually compliment the guys with all their hearts and souls.

If your beloved young man is still close to you, but your love-family relationship already leaves much to be desired, it’s time to resort to the art of giving compliments beautifully.

After all, this is not just your boyfriend - he is a brave and courageous hero, a caring gentleman, a generous knight or a gallant gentleman who can make you feel like a princess - and all thanks to a skillfully made compliment, a couple of well-timed and beautifully spoken words to your beloved.

In order to cheer up a person with the best compliments in the world, you need to understand what men and women love different types"praises".

For example, a compliment that is guaranteed to please a girl is almost guaranteed to offend or confuse a guy. Now I will dwell on this in more detail.

The male rule of an excellent compliment is that if you want to compliment a man, you need to emphasize and accentuate his “masculinity” in every possible way.

Men are very sensitive to criticism and very quickly recognize insincerity, flattery and lies, so try to avoid showering your beloved guy with “empty admiration” that is not backed up by anything.

That's why say only what you really think, - do not overload your beloved with untruthful words that lead away from sweet and sweet conversation to dishonest praise, because he will definitely feel it... And maybe he will take revenge on you, or, even worse, he will stop trusting you.

How do men react to compliments?

Imagine that you called your loved one a “real gentleman” - and he will begin to open all doors for you and will try to justify such high trust, will try his best to behave like a really well-mannered and polite young man. Inspired, by the way, by your beautiful words and your belief that he really is such a wonderful knight!

Aphorism about COMPLIMENTS

Compliments to a girl: The ability to accept beautiful compliments from men

If you thank your boyfriend or husband for his kindness and generosity, care and affection, love and good attitude, he will always want to give you more and more in order to be worthy of your kind and gentle words, thanks and high marks.

If you, as a loving woman or dear wife, call your beloved man “talented” and “skillful,” he will want to move mountains and dry up oceans for you, and will try to do as much as possible and as best as possible for you.

Therefore, instead of criticizing your loved one, give him sincere highly appreciated and say a good, kind compliment from the heart.

And the most important rule on how to give a compliment to a man so that he remembers it for the rest of his life: your words must be sincere and you need to praise for a specific thing - say who the author of the compliment is (you or someone else), what exactly you are praising for, why, note how exactly he did something cool.

Give a compliment from the heart so that your compliment is heartfelt, sincere, honest and deserved.

Speak the words kindly and gently, in a pleasant, sweet voice, talk about your love and how you appreciate your beloved man as often as possible.

And if you still have to express your dissatisfaction with your husband or boyfriend, then instead of criticizing and scolding, it is better to first tell him what is already good (give him psychological candy), then just tell him what could be improved (suggest changes in his behavior for the better ), and then say again that it’s already good (give me the candy again).

Now, let's look at the list of 100 compliments to a man.

100 of the best and most beautiful words to the guy you love and with which you can decorate his life, making it more pleasant, easier and inspired:

You're so clever!

You have such big muscles - just iron cans!

You are a very sincere person.

No one has ever understood me and no one understands me like you.

Yes, dear. Of course, beloved.

My dear, I'm sure you can do it!

I am sure that you will find the best solution.

Only you understand me!

You will succeed - I believe in it, I just know it.

You are so handsome!

Wow! What biceps!

You are a very influential person.

My favorite !

You are the strongest.

Thank you for your affection, tenderness and care, my dear.

Gentle lion.


Passionate tiger!

Smart, kind, strong - you are the ideal man.

I love you.

You are my hero!

Medieval knights are resting next to you :)

There is no stronger beast than a husband!

You are the best lover in the world! I have never felt so good with any man.

I adore you.

What beautiful eyes you have.

A real man!

You are so kind, gentle, affectionate - I just melt in your arms, I become sticky and wet, like chocolate ice cream...

You are the best of the best !

Just my ideal!

I don’t know if there are guys cooler than you, but if they exist, then there’s definitely no one cooler and cooler than you!

Thank you for being someone I can rely on.

Next to you I can relax and feel like a weak woman.

You are very reliable - I feel good with you.

A reliable strong male shoulder is yours.

You are my wall, fortress and stronghold! I'm behind you - like behind a stone wall.

Just my fearless hero!

Well, you are brave!


You are so charming.

Your charm is irresistible.

The embodiment of all my ideals.


You have a very inviting smile.

Thoroughbred appearance, very aristocratic. Were any of your ancestors a nobleman?

Who can compare with you in sense of humor?

Mine and only mine...

You have an amazing sense of humor.

Next to you I always feel calm and protected.

You are a bright and multifaceted personality.

Next to you I can be myself, real.

Your charm is impossible to resist.

You are the coolest lover in the world.

Only you can give me such deep pleasure...

You are a very bright and non-trivial person, I always have something to talk about with you, you always touch on such important and necessary, interesting topics.

You are a great conversationalist.

Only with you I laugh all the time, you probably know what buttons to press to make me laugh.

Sometimes it seems to me that you know me better than I know myself.

You dressed so beautifully to seduce me and make me fall in love with you (again)!

With you, my dreams of happy love have come true!

With you I feel at home everywhere.

Your smile... it's something! Simply charming.

You are so funny!

You look very healthy and courageous.

This suit (T-shirt, shirt) suits you very well.

You are the most attractive man not only on Earth, but in the entire Universe!

I love your eyes, your forehead, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, fingers, arms, legs... I love all of you - thank you for choosing me... You made me the happiest woman on earth.

My love! I am a very lucky girl - I am very lucky that it is me who is next to you.

You're so groovy!

We still need to look for a more energetic and enchanting guy than you.

You have a big kind heart.

My amazing.

Brave, courageous, courageous - and at the same time a caring and gallant gentleman.

It's amazing how quickly you got over it!

It’s amazing how quickly you reacted to this difficult situation on the road - I would definitely be at a loss if I were you.

You are the best programmer in the world!

There is no more successful businessman in the world!

The most talented.


How sexy you are!

Hot stallion!

And you are also creative, it turns out!

You look amazing in this suit.

You have a calm, reserved, laconic masculine style.

How romantic you are.

You understand me so well!

A real gentleman!

The best dad in the world!

I am sure that my husband is the most wonderful in the world.

I love you so much!

Next to you, I feel like a real Lady or even a Queen.

You cook better than me! Your omelet is the most delicious.

You are a born driver from God.

I'm so proud of you.

You command my sincere respect!

You amaze me!

You inspire me!

You are a cup of my favorite tea that I am dying to drink!

So, now you know how to compliment the man you love, and I hope that now you will often practice the art of saying beautiful words, delight, admiration and gratitude.

And a few more tips from a psychologist on how to correctly pour honey into a man’s ears so that he listens and asks for more sweets.

Both women and men need compliments to feel important and needed, to feel loved and appreciated. Even those people who claim not to care about other people's opinions still beam when they hear that someone appreciates a job well done or recognizes their achievements.

In our modern society, it is generally accepted that women need compliments more than men, that only girls need to give love through kind words and beautiful compliments, but this is actually not entirely true. For men, a kind word and pleasant thanks to their ears are sometimes no less important than for women.

Let's now get acquainted with the basic rules of affectionate and beautiful words to a guy and pleasant, gentle compliments to men. So, why and how to praise a man.

1. Compliment his sense of humor.

Compliments to a man - Beautiful words for a guy

Something as simple as “You are the funniest man I have ever known” can greatly elevate you in his eyes. Men love to be funny, they love it when their sense of humor is appreciated, and they feel great when a girl laughs at his jokes. If your lover is really good at humor, be sure to note his great sense of humor - leave a positive comment or witty review on it.

2. Ask your loved one for advice or ask for help

In this way, you will raise his self-esteem - by asking for advice you recognize that he is smart and you need intellectual help from him. And men are really great at making decisions and solving a number of problems. And if the advice or help is truly wonderful and effective, thank you!

3. His appearance

Evaluate his appearance. Praise your loved one, if he really looks cool, make a comment on this topic out loud.

“I love your green eyes” or “I adore your strong, powerful legs, you are a great runner” - such simple beautiful words about the appearance of the other half will make him feel like a Winner.

In fact, many outwardly confident business men have major doubts about their attractiveness, physique, or behavior. Therefore, well-deserved boasting will certainly increase his self-esteem and lift him to the skies.

4. Compliment a man for his real achievements

The secret is that if you share your man's success, then he wants you to recognize his achievements and appreciate them in verbal and non-verbal forms. Even if your boyfriend is modest and does not seem to like pompous words and odes addressed to him, he still wants you to notice, appreciate and celebrate his triumph with him.

If your knight received a promotion, won a race, earned a million, or even just outdid his friends - use this as a reason for approval, a good word, a compliment.

5. Admire his strength

Yes, it may sound primitive, but guys still like to carry heavy bags instead of their beloved girl and change the tire of her car. At the same time, young people like it when their power and strength are noticed, their courage and generosity of a true gentleman are noted.

6. Adore his charm, charm

Guys love to hear and know that your family and friends respect, love, and appreciate him. If you are a wise wife, a smart girl, then with the help of a compliment to your loved one, you can cheer him up and convince him that he is the very best.

Just a throwaway phrase:

“You made a huge impression on my parents - you just blew them away, in a good way!”

“All my friends are jealous of what a cool boyfriend I have, everyone would like to be in my place”

can turn an ordinary boy into a national superstar.

7. Extol his exploits in bed!

It's no secret that men often identify with their masculine power. If your knight is wonderful in bed, just tell him about it, because this is the best compliment for a guy. Having pleased you once and received excellent feedback from you on this occasion, he will want to give you pleasure again and again...

8. Appreciate his intelligence

Compliment his knowledge of politics, economics, business, pay tribute to his professionalism, ask him questions on topics in which he is well versed, let him share what worries him. When your loved one sees your interest in something that he himself is interested in, it will strengthen your relationship and improve mutual understanding between you.

9. Say words of admiration for his professionalism

As much as we wives might sometimes not like to believe it, many men identify themselves with what they do and how they earn their living. Compliment the guy about his work, tell him that you are amazed by his professionalism, note what a responsible position he has, that he makes a great contribution to an important and necessary cause for people.

10. Be a little jealous

If a girl is just a little jealous of her life partner, then this increases his self-esteem and shows what a popular and sought-after friend he is. A little jealousy in the most moderate quantities will make him feel like a consummate man.

11. Do you want to give a man a really cool compliment? Praise him in public!

You shouldn’t say beautiful words to your loved one only in especially personal moments one-on-one - tell all your friends, dad and mom, talk about how good he is, list his advantages. This will not only flatter him, but will also prove that you really love him.

12. Compliment his dance steps

Men are divided into 2 groups - those who dance and those who do not dance. Those who don’t dance are courageous boys who don’t waste their time on trifles - they dance beautifully with their bodies in bed. And those who dance at a disco in a nightclub should know that they move better than anyone else.

13. Believe in him and his successful future.

Guys are big dreamers and love it when the girl they love believes in him and supports his dreams, believes that he will really achieve anything, that he can achieve even his most daring goals.

Encourage your loved one to dream - listen carefully to him, ask clarifying questions, give a couple of compliments about his plans and future projects.

Men love those who believe in them.

14. Notice his gorgeous smile

Of course, he has the most charming and attractive smile in the world. Of course, he has the most open and inviting smile. You can giggle, laugh, and have intelligent humor with him.

15. And the best compliment to a man is to never put up with his absence as if it were due.

There is no need to impose yourself and be intrusive, you should not control your lover with authority. But if your loved one is not around, you send him love SMS, saying, I miss you, I feel bad without you. Call sometimes and remind yourself. Ask more often: “How will I live without you?”, “What will I do without you?”, “Thank you for being in my life.”

Every man wants to know that he plays the most important role in the life of the woman he loves and loves him dearly.

I hope that now you not only know how to praise a guy with affectionate and gentle words, nice words, but you will actually use them in daily communication.

A compliment is life-giving water for the flower of your relationship: the more often you water it, the more beautiful the flower of your love!

Molchanova Tatyana

Our compatriots have already mastered foreign erotica and everything that is tougher. Trains and planes all year round carry Russian tourists of all ages to world-famous resorts with beautiful girls.

It's time to combine their impressions and find out which country in the world has the hottest vacation for men.

If the warm embrace of your beloved does not await you at home, read this article and run for tickets!

Germany: taxable creep

There are no underground massage parlors or saunas with unverified girls in Germany. Sex work is completely legal. A complete list of places for the pleasure of the flesh can be found in the first newspaper, specialized catalogs (look in the nearest sex shop) and even in the telephone directory.

For a population of 80 million, there are about 400 thousand paid girls and boys. There is plenty to choose from. Things were done especially well when it came to tumbling in Hamburg. Immediately from the station we go to the nearest puff (official brothel), we try not to pay attention to street ladies. It’s not a fact that they are vaccinated against rabies in their intimate parts. But in puff, girls have a license (and boys too), the sheets are starched, and you can wipe off a friend who has worked hard with an embroidered napkin.

A full spectrum awaits our tourists here - from to fashionable. But brothels are not cheap - 1 service ranges from 300-400 euros.

A class cheaper - girls from shop windows. Really from shop windows! Decent street ladies have little rooms where they can do a good job for a client, and their windows are decorated like shop windows. This is how beauties display their goods both with their faces and not with their faces. Price tag 200-300 euros. There are no guarantees of pleasure, however.

There are also strawberry establishments:

Sex cafe

Swinger clubs

Saunas are not very cheap, because water is expensive in Germany

Czech Republic: girls for beer

Prague for a Russian today is like Moscow. Familiar, a little expensive, full of native speech and offers to rub noses at every intersection. Prostitution is not prohibited in this blessed country, so a huge number of girls of the most exotic nationalities come to Prague to earn their place in the sun in one place. Competition with locals is the highest, so everyone’s skin certificates are perfect, and the price list is wide and tempting.

Street girls work in the area of ​​Wenceslas and Old Town Squares. Some are ready for 15 euros, some for a hundred. You should be afraid of theft and attacks from the girl's “roof”; they may take your money and not even show your breasts.

You can ride with a guarantee in any strip club or bar. Ask local men, they will not only show you, but also recommend a specific lady. Her services cost around 100-200 euros.

Spain: debauchery at home

Body trafficking is not prohibited in Spain, although it is not officially permitted. If you go out in the evening Puerto del Sol square in Madrid, you can join the stream of girls in negligee. Be careful, they are all wearing sharp heels! 90% of Spanish butterflies are newcomers, but all are cheerful and passionate because the climate is like this. You can get a lot for 50 euros! In hotels, visits from prostitutes are frowned upon, so ladies mostly work from home.

In nightclubs and saunas, prices are higher, but there is no difference in technology.

Holland: beautiful reds

Well, which of the sexually mature males has not dreamed of getting into Red light district?! Everyone has dreamed of it, and it is advisable to be a little euphoric - from branded bar drinks and from visiting coffee shops.

You can buy a girl, or not a girl, here absolutely legally. There is a hefty downside to this - the bill for the service includes taxes and union dues. So a satisfied man is a poor man. 50 euros for 15 minutes, well, that’s somehow not Russian!

However, eyewitnesses say “It was cool!”

Thailand: girls and "girls"

All sex for tourists is in Bangkok and Pattaya, so we go to the epicenter of the boiling of the world's sperm. Sex tourism in Thailand is a very developed industry. So developed that when you buy a girl for the night, upon closer inspection you can find that she has a penis. Congratulations, you got a branded Thai ladyboy (they occupy a fifth of the intimate market)! You can try it, it’s a sensation for connoisseurs. And if faith does not allow, look at:

Adam's apple (real girls don't have it)

Hand and foot size

Shoulder width

Real girls are just a temptation. Small, with chiseled shapes and dark nipples - they are good and skillful. You can rent one of these at a go-go bar, but the drinks there are not cheap, and your girlfriend’s thirst will be simply irrepressible - after all, it adds to the establishment’s profits. A night with an oriental doll will cost 4-5 thousand with our money.

More Thai entertainment options:

Street girls (about 500 rubles)

Massage salon (1200-1500 rubles)

Full escort for the entire vacation

Sexy shows

The girls on the street may be underage, be careful. In the salon you can relax your back and jump on your friend – two pleasures in one.

It is very profitable to book a girl for all 7-12 days of vacation. Not only will she make daddy feel good as many times as he wants, but she will become an excellent guide and a convenient shopping companion.

And you should definitely go to the erotic show. There girls do things with their second lips that you can’t even imagine! Nuts are cracked, bottles are uncorked - a very exciting circus.

Cuba: ladies without price list

Are you going to Liberty Island? Take with you a pack of tights and a pair of bras - Cubans will instantly jump out of their scarce panties for this wealth. In Cuba, a girl needs everything: underwear, clothes, jewelry. But the official earnings of factory workers, teachers and ordinary employees are not enough, so in the evening they all go out to work part-time. And they do it for 20 dollars. The price list is not varied, but it is passionate. Additional expenses:

Payment for her territory for sex +20 dollars

In case of a visit to your hotel - a bribe to the guards +10 dollars.

Yes, buy condoms along with the ticket; in Cuba this is an expensive rarity.

The first place singles of any age, gender and orientation should go is Amsterdam, the city of sexual freedom. Local laws allow many things that are illegal in Russia, including means to become liberated. True, not all of them are worth resorting to. For example, the availability of marijuana does not mean that you definitely need to try it. But legalized prostitution is quite safe: prostitutes here are required to have a medical book, receive permission to operate and pay taxes.

On the sea

Of course, a cruise as a way to start a romance is simply vulgar, but the effectiveness of resort and cruise romances has not been canceled. The Caribbean is one of those places where the fiery atmosphere of night parties and the romance of coastal sunsets and sunrises contribute to the creation and strengthening of relationships. Moreover, during cruises to the bays Caribbean Islands many people come in ocean liners. By the way, recently there have even been separate cruises for those looking for their other half or a light and fleeting romance.

Buenos Aires

The capital of Argentina - beautiful, rich and cosmopolitan Buenos Aires - perfect place for sex tourism. To the point where they offer you a card best clubs city, attaching a package of condoms to them - the client’s safety is not an empty phrase here. Even if you are not lucky enough to have an affair with one of the top models of local elite clubs, you have the opportunity to meet “brothers in mind”, create a friendly company, which is much easier to find the company of people of the opposite sex, as they say, for a pleasant time together. Especially during late-night Latin dance parties. Even if you don’t find anyone for yourself and just learn tango, this will probably play into your hands in your homeland. Or on your next visit.


According to legend, in Alaska there are two women for every man. Almost no census is carried out here, so all that remains is to go and check it in person. Especially it concerns local villages, both ethnic and with the visiting population. Here you will be accommodated with all the comforts, entertained and not left without attention. By the way, at the same time you can buy fur souvenirs so that you don’t return home empty-handed. And if the rural pastoral is your thing, then head to Juneau - a city of bright fur hats and lipstick, as well as rather loose morals

Las Vegas

With the slogan “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” you can safely go to this most famous “Sin City” in the world. Here everything that is impossible, indecent, inaccessible in other places is possible and real. That's why they come here - to relax full program. There you will certainly meet something special, find something for yourself in a string of bars, clubs and casinos, and maybe that hat that flashes by the fountain belongs to the one you have been looking for all your life...


Bikinis, beaches, beautiful bodies, bright sun- Miami will set you up for a wave of love, or at least flirting. Salsa and rumba lessons - for everyone, for sexual minorities - separate gay scenes, shops with music and books, for everyone - art galleries, theaters, clubs, bars, discos - for every taste and cultural level. Miami is a cosmopolitan city and offers many dating options for singles.


If your goal is stylish and sophisticated ladies, or no less stylish street girls, gentlemen with thick wallets and bright but poor musicians - New York will offer whatever you want. In this city, more than 185 thousand women and the same number of men are actively looking for life partners, and one of the places for dating here is... the metro. New York has no shortage of nightlife, in places where you could meet new acquaintances, where to invite a girl: restaurants, museums, concerts - and every day entertainment unique.


La Dolce Vita - this Italian expression has already become an independent concept that does not need translation. A happy and free life awaits you in Rome, one of the oldest cities in the world. Oldest, but not old: Italian men and Italian women are so hot and impetuous that you can plunge headlong into a love adventure here without even noticing how it happened. For Italians, flirting is as natural as breathing. And it is possible that " The eternal City"will bring you eternal love... or at least just a light flirtation with your personal Casanova, a sort of light sip of “Dolce Vita”.


Inviting random acquaintances “to your room” is no longer so fashionable, and hotels don’t like it when they invite guests for the night. However, in Tokyo they are much more tolerant of this. There are even separate “Love Hotels” and huge - several floors - sex shops, in particular, in the famous youth district of Shibuya. Moreover, “Hotels of Love” are created in such a way as to preserve the confidentiality of their clients as much as possible. And the rooms provide a lot of opportunities for a pleasant rest: there are luxurious bathrooms with mirrored ceilings, designed for two, and even karaoke - if you want, then in the bathroom. And if you don’t have experience yet, then in Tokyo you can easily find someone who will share it with you.

Washington, D.C.

The US capital is not at all the puritan paradise that many might think. Henry Kissinger even once said that this green City filled with power, and “power is the strongest aphrodisiac.” Love and politics intersect here - a poignant combination. You can warm yourself up by arguing with Democrats and Republicans in bars and clubs, and at the same time flirt with attractive party representatives, and at night walk with the person you like through the capital of monuments and museums, brightly lit at night.

So, if you want to try everything and have time not only to see the world, but also to solve personal problems during your next vacation, make your route through Amsterdam to America, from there to Japan, and you will return home tired, but almost certainly happy.