City bus schedule in Zakopane. Zakopane bus and train stations on the map

The nearest airport to Zakopane is Krakow International Airport, located 11 km away. from the second largest city in Poland.

International Airport Krakow-Balice. John Paul II

Address: Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II, st. Kpt. Mieczysława Medweckiego 1, 32-083 Balice,Poland
Telephone: + (48 12) 295-58-00

There are no direct public transport links from Krakow Airport to Zakopane. Visitors to the country must first travel from the airport to Krakow (by bus from the terminal exit or by train from Krakow-Balice station, 20-40 minutes), and then take a bus or train to Zakopane.

For travelers with sufficient funds, it is possible to book a taxi to Zakopane at Krakow Airport or rent a car here.

Rent a car at Krakow airport

By car, you can get to Zakopane from Krakow by following route No. 7 (“Zakopianka”) to Rabka and then continuing along route No. 47. The distance is approximately 100 km. can be covered in 2 hours.

Phone: + (48 12) 285 50 45

Phone: + (48 12) 639-32-89

Phone: + (48 12) 285-50-84

Order a taxi at Krakow airport

The taxi service at Krakow airport is represented by a single company. Taxi drivers work strictly according to the meter, the tariff is 7 pl. PLN per km, waiting hour - 35 pl. zlotys

FirmKrakow Airport Taxi
Phone: + (48 12) 258-02-58

Krakow Airport on the map

How to get to Zakopane by bus

The bus is the most popular mode of transport for most travelers from Krakow to Zakopane. Bus routes are organized by the state company PKS and large private transport companies Szwagropol and Trans Frej. Buses depart from Zakopane bus station at intervals of approximately 1 hour, from 06:00 to 20:00.

Travel time from Krakow bus station to Zakopane is about 2 hours, and the ticket price is 17-20 pl. zlotys The Krakow-Zakopane bus schedule can be viewed.

Bus station Zakopane

Address: Zakopiański Dworzec Autobusowy, Kosciuszki Street 25, 34-500 Zakopane, Poland
Phone: + (48 18) 201-44-53, + (48 18) 20 153 28 (cash office)
Opening hours: ticket office - 08:00-16:00, from January - 06:30-18:30, from March - 08:00-16:00

Zakopane bus station on the map

How to get to Zakopane by train

Many large cities in Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Gdansk) have direct rail connections to Zakopane. From the nearest of them, Krakow, you can get to Zakopane by rail in 3-4 hours (ticket - 25 PLN).

The main disadvantage of this method of getting to Zakopane is a large loss of travel time, since due to the mountainous terrain the train travels at a very low speed.

Zakopane railway station

Address: Zakopane PKP, ul. Chramcowki 35, Zakopane, Poland
Phone: + (48 42) 205-45-55
Opening hours: 24 hours a day

Zakopane railway station is located in the city center, next to the bus station. The station has a luggage storage room, a bar and a buffet.

You can get to Krakow by train - during the daytime express trains leave every hour. Travel time, for example, by express from Warsaw is only 2 hours 35 minutes. And getting to Warsaw while in Poland is not a problem.
In addition, some trains from Ukraine go through Krakow, which makes travel even easier.
It is better to travel from Krakow to Zakopane by bus. The express parking lot is located directly in front of the station building. Travel time is a little over 2 hours (if there are no traffic jams).

Now in more detail about possible ways to travel to the winter capital of Poland, as Zakopane is called.

Direct trains from Warsaw to Zakopane

There are 2 trains from Warsaw to Zakopane (additional trains may be scheduled during peak season).
One train is an overnight one: it leaves Warsaw at 11 pm and arrives in Zakopane at 8 am (like our Red Arrow from Moscow to St. Petersburg). However, along the way the train makes several dozen stops, which does not have the best effect on night's sleep.
Another train leaves at 8 am and arrives in Zakopane at 2 pm.

However, it is not at all necessary to focus on these trains. You can simply take any train to Krakow (from eight in the morning to eight in the evening, express trains depart every hour) and change trains there.

Travel from Krakow to Zakopane

From almost any major Polish city you can get to Krakow, and in extreme cases, you will have to change trains in Warsaw.

You don't need to worry about how to buy a ticket in Krakow - at the ticket office of any Polish train station you can purchase tickets for the entire route. In this case, you will be given one general ticket, and a separate ticket for each train.
Usually at each station there is an information point where you can find out which trains can take you to Zakopane. I mean the type of train and class of carriage, because... The ticket price and travel time depend on this. And then, having chosen the appropriate train for yourself, you can go to the ticket office for a ticket.

Before the war, there was a fast train from Krakow to Zakopane, which covered a distance of 109 kilometers in 2 hours. Modern trains take about 4 hours.
The only exceptions are branded express trains, which depart at 6:30 (train 33121) and 10:31 (train 33123), and the journey takes 3 hours.
Their schedule is as follows:

Train 33121
Krakow Glowny 6:30 - Krakow Plaszow 6:36-6:39 - Krakow Lagiewniki 6:45-6:45 - Skawina 6:56-6:57 - Kalwaria Lanckorona 7:17-7:18 - Sucha Beskidzka 7:51 -7:54 - Makow Podhalanski 8:01-8:02 - Jordanow 8:17-8:17 - Chabowka 8:29-8:30 - Rabka Zdroj 8:34-8:39 - Chabowka 8:43-8: 43 - Nowy Targ 9:09-9:10 - Bialy Dunajec 9:20- 9:20 - Poronin 9:24-9:25 - Zakopane 9:33

Train 33123
Krakow Glowny 10:31 - Krakow Plaszow 10:37-10:40 -
Krakow Lagiewniki 10:45-10:46 - Skawina 10:57-10:57 - Kalwaria Lanckorona 11:17-11:18 - Sucha Beskidzka 11:46-11:49 - Makow Podhalanski 11:56-11:57 - Jordanow 12:13-12:13 - Chabowka 12:24-12:25 - Rabka Zdroj 12:29-12:35 - Chabowka 12:39-12:41 - Nowy Targ 13:10-13:10 - Bialy Dunajec 13: 20-13:20 - Poronin 13:24-13:24 - Zakopane 13:33

Read more about Polish trains and fares

Trains with sleeping cars are rare in Poland and are used mainly on international routes or for overnight journeys. For a country that an express train travels from end to end in five hours, this is quite natural.
Polish trains come in three types: regular, fast and express.
Ordinary ones are the slowest ones, an analogue of our electric trains. They stop at every stop and are used for commuter transportation.
Ambulances are trains that connect large (by Polish standards) cities. Such trains make a dozen stops along the route only in large populated areas.
Express trains are the fastest trains, which often cross the whole of Poland from end to end, and travel without stops (except that they stop at different stations in the first and last settlement, and in Warsaw).

The carriages come in first and second class. Once upon a time there was a significant difference between the classes - these were “soft” and “hard” cars. Today, the only difference is that in first class there are fewer seats in the compartment (6 instead of 8), and there are fewer compartments in the carriage, making each compartment more spacious.
The classes of carriages are distinguished as follows: on second class carriages a large number “2” is painted near each entrance, on first class carriages there is a large “1”. Second class carriages have green stripes on board, first class carriages have red stripes; however, branded trains often have their own colors, so it’s better to focus on the numbers.

For regular and fast trains, you buy a ticket without a specific seat - take whichever seat you want; The train number is often not indicated on the tickets - take the one that arrives first.
But express tickets are sold only to specific seats. However, you can take the express train (but only the express train) without a ticket, and then buy it from the conductor. At the same time, if you agree to stand the whole way, you can buy a ticket without a seat (without a “miejscowka” - an additional ticket for a seat), then the ticket will cost a little less.

To what has been said, we can only add that there is a toilet in each carriage (regardless of the class of the train).

About discounts on tickets on Polish trains

On domestic lines, foreign school-age children and students do not have discounts. In order to get a discount, you need to have either a school ID (a foreign one is also suitable, but they are not issued in Russia) or a Polish student ID.

If there is a “misunderstanding” with the conductor, remember that all problems can be resolved peacefully. If it suddenly turns out that you haven’t paid extra for something, there is always the option of simply making an additional payment on the spot, without any penalties. If you think the conductor is wrong, you can always call the train manager. The main thing is to calmly explain that you had no intention of violating anything, and that what happened was just a misunderstanding that you are ready to resolve.

By train to Krakow and from there by bus

This is the most convenient way to get to Zakopane (despite the fact that its name sounds a little scary).
Every hour (from eight in the morning to eight in the evening) express trains depart from Warsaw to Krakow, which will take you to the cultural capital of Poland in 2 hours 35 minutes without stopping.
Since 2003, express trains to Krakow stop at two stations: the first is Krakow Centralny, followed by Krakow Plaszow; you must get off at the first stop - Krakow Central.
Right next to the station building there is a stop for two private lines: Frej (see Frej bus schedule) and Szwagropol (see Szwagropol bus schedule). They offer travel to Zakopane on comfortable intercity buses (with luggage space).
Departures are approximately once an hour. The schedule is posted here.
The fare is 10 zl (2.50 Euro; 2003), tickets can be purchased from the driver.

You can also take public PKS buses. The bus station is located opposite the railway station building. The small white house is the ticket office and waiting room.
Ticket prices are the same as for private lines.
Attention! In 2003, a comprehensive reconstruction of the station square in Krakow began, so the bus station site may be moved during the construction period.

The journey takes a little over 2 hours. The distance from Krakow to Zakopane is 109 kilometers. The speed of movement is determined mainly by the congestion of the highway: for example, on weekends, and even more so on national holidays, when many people want to go to the mountains, traffic jams can form on the road, which sometimes increase travel time by one and a half to two times. On such days, only the train can help, but usually they get there by bus earlier.

Bus schedule from Krakow to Zakopane.

Bus schedule in Zakopane

Exotic ways to get to Zakopane

By car

From the north of the country (for example, from Warsaw), you can drive to Zakopane by car through Krakow along the road called Zakopianka.
The road passes through the towns of Myslenice, Chabowka and Nowy Targ.
Travel time from Krakow is about 2 hours; Moreover, traffic jams are common on weekends, so local drivers try to choose bypass roads. However, in this case, you need to navigate the map very well, because there are direction indicators not everywhere (one morning we drove from Zakopane almost to the center of Krakow in just 45 minutes, but realistically we still need to count on 2 hours).

By plane

It will not be possible to fly to Zakopane by plane due to the lack of an airport.
The nearest airports are in Krakow (110 km) and Slovak Poprad (70 km).

You can get to Krakow by train - during the daytime express trains leave every hour. Travel time, for example, by express from Warsaw is only 2 hours 35 minutes. And getting to Warsaw while in Poland is not a problem.
In addition, some trains from Ukraine go through Krakow, which makes travel even easier.
It is better to travel from Krakow to Zakopane by bus. The express parking lot is located directly in front of the station building. Travel time is a little over 2 hours (if there are no traffic jams).

Now in more detail about possible ways to travel to the winter capital of Poland, as Zakopane is called.

Direct trains to Zakopane

If you need to cross the entire country to travel to Zakopane, it is better to use night trains with sleeping cars. If the trip is not so long, you can take an express train.
The advantage of express trains over buses is that they sell tickets with a seat - i.e. no matter the passenger flow (this is especially true during the winter holidays), you will have a guarantee that you will leave on time.
(But for regular trains they sell tickets without seats.)

So, from the main cities of Poland you can get to Zakopane:

- from Bydgosz by train No. 53507 with sleepers, it departs at 16:25 and arrives at 5:22 (am).

- from Warsaw:
- express train No. 13403, departure at 6:30 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 13:20.
- train No. 13505 with sleepers, departure at 6:37 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 16:16.
- by express train No. 13401, departure at 7:30 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 14:05.
- express train No. 53400, departure at 12:15 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 19:13.
- express train No. 13415, departure at 15:15 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 21:38 (on Fridays there is a train of “cheap railways”, where the ticket price is several times lower than usual).
- train No. 13501 with sleepers, departure at 21:40 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 6:32;

- from Wroclaw by express train No. 53507, departing at 7:35 and arriving at 15:12.

- from Gdynia, Gdansk, Sopot:
- express train No. 53400, departure at 6:55 from Gdynia, at 7:25 from Gdansk (Gdansk Central), arrival at 19:13.
- by train No. 53702 with sleepers, departure at 20:07 from Gdynia, at 20:36 from Gdansk (Gdansk Central), arrival at 10:28.
- by train No. 53700 (53704) with sleepers, departure at 18:18 from Gdynia, at 18:48 from Gdansk (Gdansk Central), arrival at 9:10.

- from Krakow:
- by train No. 5523, departure at 5:28 (Krakow Main), arrival at 9:00;
- by train No. 33121, departure at 7:25 (Krakow Main), arrival at 10:51;
- by express No. 13403, departure at 9:56 (Krakow Main), arrival at 13:20
- by express No. 13401, departure at 10:48 (Krakow Main), arrival at 14:05
- by train No. 33123, departure at 11:31 (Krakow Main), arrival at 14:59;
- express train No. 63129, departure at 11:57 (Krakow Main), arrival at 15:12;
- Cheap Railway Express No. 33411 (only on Saturdays), departure at 13:29 (Krakow Główny), arrival at 17:17
- by train No. 5527, departure at 14:44 (Krakow Main), arrival at 18:25;

- from Poznan by train No. 73501 with sleepers, departure at 18:02, arrival at 5:38.

- from Szczecin by train No. 83501 with sleepers, departure at 16:55 (Warsaw Central), arrival at 8:04.

I do not provide here the timetable for local trains from Nowy Sacz.

By bus from Warsaw

From Warsaw to Zakopane there are both night flights (departure in the evening, arrival in the morning) and day flights. However, the travel time is from 8 to 10 hours, so not everyone is able to withstand it. Compensation may be the price of travel - 60 zl, and the opportunity to save on a hotel in case of an overnight trip.

Departures from Warsaw Western Station:
- departure – 7:30, arrival – 15:50 (travel time 8:20)
- departure – 2:30, arrival – 9:50 (travel time 2:20)

From Warsaw Central Station: departure – 19:10, arrival – 5:40 (travel time 10:30)

From Metro Marimont: departure – 21:15, arrival – 7:25 (travel time 10:10)

From st. Straszynski: departure – 22:31, arrival – 6:50 (travel time 8:19)

Times vary due to different travel routes. The shortest route is through Radom and Krakow. Buses traveling for 10 hours call at Lodz or Katowice.

Travel from Krakow to Zakopane

From almost any major Polish city you can get to Krakow, and in extreme cases, you will have to change trains in Warsaw.

You don't need to worry about how to buy a ticket in Krakow - at the ticket office of any Polish train station you can purchase tickets for the entire route. In this case, you will be given one general ticket, and a separate ticket for each train.
Usually at each station there is an information point where you can find out which trains can take you to Zakopane. I mean the type of train and class of carriage, because... The ticket price and travel time depend on this. And then, having chosen the appropriate train for yourself, you can go to the ticket office for a ticket.

Before the war, there was a fast train from Krakow to Zakopane, which covered a distance of 109 kilometers in 2 hours. Modern trains take about 4 hours.
The only exceptions are branded express trains, which depart at 6:30 (train 33121) and 10:31 (train 33123), and the journey takes 3 hours.
Their schedule is as follows:

Train 33121
Krakow Glowny 6:30 - Krakow Plaszow 6:36-6:39 - Krakow Lagiewniki 6:45-6:45 - Skawina 6:56-6:57 - Kalwaria Lanckorona 7:17-7:18 - Sucha Beskidzka 7:51 -7:54 - Makow Podhalanski 8:01-8:02 - Jordanow 8:17-8:17 - Chabowka 8:29-8:30 - Rabka Zdroj 8:34-8:39 - Chabowka 8:43-8: 43 - Nowy Targ 9:09-9:10 - Bialy Dunajec 9:20- 9:20 - Poronin 9:24-9:25 - Zakopane 9:33

Train 33123
Krakow Glowny 10:31 - Krakow Plaszow 10:37-10:40 -
Krakow Lagiewniki 10:45-10:46 - Skawina 10:57-10:57 - Kalwaria Lanckorona 11:17-11:18 - Sucha Beskidzka 11:46-11:49 - Makow Podhalanski 11:56-11:57 - Jordanow 12:13-12:13 - Chabowka 12:24-12:25 - Rabka Zdroj 12:29-12:35 - Chabowka 12:39-12:41 - Nowy Targ 13:10-13:10 - Bialy Dunajec 13: 20-13:20 - Poronin 13:24-13:24 - Zakopane 13:33

Read more about Polish trains and fares

Trains with sleeping cars are rare in Poland and are used mainly on international routes or for overnight journeys. For a country that an express train travels from end to end in five hours, this is quite natural.
Polish trains come in three types: regular, fast and express.
Ordinary ones are the slowest ones, an analogue of our electric trains. They stop at every stop and are used for commuter transportation.
Ambulances are trains that connect large (by Polish standards) cities. Such trains make a dozen stops along the route only in large populated areas.
Express trains are the fastest trains, which often cross the whole of Poland from end to end, and travel without stops (except that they stop at different stations in the first and last settlement, and in Warsaw).

The carriages come in first and second class. Once upon a time there was a significant difference between the classes - these were “soft” and “hard” cars. Today, the only difference is that in first class there are fewer seats in the compartment (6 instead of 8), and there are fewer compartments in the carriage, making each compartment more spacious.
The classes of carriages are distinguished as follows: on second class carriages a large number “2” is painted near each entrance, on first class carriages there is a large “1”. Second class carriages have green stripes on board, first class carriages have red stripes; however, branded trains often have their own colors, so it’s better to focus on the numbers.

For regular and fast trains, you buy a ticket without a specific seat - take whichever seat you want; The train number is often not indicated on the tickets - take the one that arrives first.
But express tickets are sold only to specific seats. However, you can take the express train (but only the express train) without a ticket, and then buy it from the conductor. At the same time, if you agree to stand the whole way, you can buy a ticket without a seat (without a “miejscowka” - an additional ticket for a seat), then the ticket will cost a little less.

To what has been said, we can only add that there is a toilet in each carriage (regardless of the class of the train).

About discounts on tickets on Polish trains

On domestic lines, foreign school-age children and students do not have discounts. In order to get a discount, you need to have either a school ID (a foreign one is also suitable, but they are not issued in Russia) or a Polish student ID.

If there is a “misunderstanding” with the conductor, remember that all problems can be resolved peacefully. If it suddenly turns out that you haven’t paid extra for something, there is always the option of simply making an additional payment on the spot, without any penalties. If you think the conductor is wrong, you can always call the train manager. The main thing is to calmly explain that you had no intention of violating anything, and that what happened was just a misunderstanding that you are ready to resolve.

By train to Krakow and from there by bus

This is the most convenient way to get to Zakopane (despite the fact that its name sounds a little scary).
Every hour (from eight in the morning to eight in the evening) express trains depart from Warsaw to Krakow, which will take you to the cultural capital of Poland in 2 hours 35 minutes without stopping.
Since 2003, express trains to Krakow stop at two stations: the first is Krakow Centralny, followed by Krakow Plaszow; you must get off at the first stop - Krakow Central.

Buses to Zakopane depart from the Krakow bus station from 5:40 to midnight.
From 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., a bus from one of the carriers departs every 15 minutes. The rest of the time, movement intervals increase to 30-60 minutes.
Each carrier has its own buses, which differ in age, comfort and capacity. The only thing that remains low is the travel time - 2 hours (to be precise, the travel time varies from 1:59 to 2:25 depending on the route). The speed of movement is determined mainly by the congestion of the highway: for example, on weekends, and even more so on national holidays, when many people want to go to the mountains, traffic jams can form on the road, which sometimes increase travel time by one and a half to two times.
The fare is from 17 to 20 zl. Tickets “with seats” can be purchased at the box office, tickets “without seats” can be purchased from the driver (if there are still free seats).

Exotic ways to get to Zakopane

By car

From the north of the country (for example, from Warsaw), you can drive to Zakopane by car through Krakow along the road called Zakopianka.
The road passes through the towns of Myslenice, Chabowka and Nowy Targ.
Travel time from Krakow is about 2 hours; Moreover, traffic jams are common on weekends, so local drivers try to choose bypass roads. However, in this case, you need to navigate the map very well, because there are direction indicators not everywhere (one morning we drove from Zakopane almost to the center of Krakow in just 45 minutes, but realistically we still need to count on 2 hours).

By plane

It will not be possible to fly to Zakopane by plane due to the lack of an airport.
The nearest airports are in Krakow (110 km) and Slovak Poprad (70 km).

Ski lovers annually strive to come to a small Polish town called. Many ski resorts, clean mountain air, historical sights and a peaceful atmosphere - all this attracts a significant number of vacationers. Getting to Zakopane from Zakopane is quite possible if you know the main routes.

To Zakopane by plane

The most convenient and fastest option to get to Zakopane is to travel by plane. However, there is no airport in the city itself, so you should first fly to the Polish capital or. For this purpose, you can first find out information about the availability of tickets from the following carriers: Aeroflot; LOT; Brussels Airlines; S7; Belavia; Air Baltic.

There are both direct and connecting flights from and to. Travel time averages about 2-3 hours. Ticket prices vary from 4 to 7 thousand rubles per person one way.

From other large cities of Russia, a flight to Krakow is possible only with connections in, or Warsaw. Once in Krakow or Warsaw, you can easily get to Zakopane using the mode of transport that you prefer.

Train travel

Using the services of Russian Railways, you can travel by train from Moscow to Warsaw or Krakow. Trains 013M and 009Shch run daily from Belorussky and Kursky railway stations on the Moscow-Warsaw route. One of the trains is high-speed and arrives at the station of the Polish capital in 14 hours 50 minutes. The carriages are equipped with luxury, compartment and reserved seat seats. The minimum price for a ticket starts from 9,500 rubles, and for a maximum price of 49,000 you can travel in a soft suite.

Train 009Ш is considered a more economical option, since the ticket price ranges from 7 to 9 thousand rubles. However, the train takes 5 hours longer.

As for Krakow, traveling there by rail is only possible with a transfer to. Train 077Ш departs from the Belorussky railway station, and the stop in Grodno lasts approximately 6-7 hours. During this time, you need to have time to transfer to another train.

While in Warsaw or Krakow, you purchase a ticket for any of the many trains to Zakopane and hit the road. The average cost of one ticket in one direction is 5-16 euros.

How to get to Zakopane by bus

Few tourists prefer to travel to Zakopane by bus, since this method is suitable only for those who are ready to spend several days on the road.

You should first travel to Warsaw or Krakow. This can be done using any of the methods described above. Instead of taking a train or plane as your means of transportation, try taking a bus. Several modern buses, equipped with air conditioning, toilets, comfortable seats and a TV, run from Moscow to the capital. All this is quite enough to make a two-day trip comfortable. A bus ticket costs 2,772 rubles, which is much cheaper than a plane or train.

It is also worth noting that there is no direct bus service between Russia and Krakow, so you will have to get to this city by other routes.

Arriving in Warsaw at the Warszawa Dworzec Autobusowy bus station, find an electronic board showing information about all flights to Zakopane. In case of difficulties, contact the bus station staff. Next, for 10-13 euros, purchase a ticket for the nearest bus in the direction Warsaw-Zakopane. Once on the bus, you will arrive at your final destination 7 hours later.

A significant number of buses run daily from Krakow to Zakopane and the travel time is only 2 hours, which is very convenient.

The route is popular with both tourists and Polish residents and is served by different types of public transport. Buses and tourist shuttles are a good option for those traveling alone or as a couple, for young people who know their way around the country and know the language, and for those who need to reduce their vacation budget.

Advantages of buses and shuttles over other types of public transport

Typically the cheapest option. Travel by bus is either comparable to other group modes of transport (for example, the train), or is 5–15% cheaper than any alternative.

Drive to a stop where you can easily get to the desired location. And in the case of a tourist shuttle, perhaps even to the hotel. Regular buses from major transport hubs leave for the most popular destinations and pass through the central areas of surrounding cities and resort areas. For example, from the stop where a bus from the airport takes a tourist, it will be possible to get to any desired place with at most one more transfer. Kiwibuses tourist shuttles in a number of destinations transport tourists to holiday destinations, rather than dropping them off in the city center.

Mini-excursion while on the road. The bus does not travel quickly and has stops. Some tourist buses and shuttles have attendants who brighten up the trip by telling you about the sights.

Disadvantages of buses compared to other types of public transport

Crowded during peak hours. Since buses are the most affordable option, they are used by most tourists who are not willing to spend money on a taxi. You may have to travel with your luggage on your lap or even standing. Group shuttles fill up evenly and running out of seats is almost impossible, however luggage space may be a problem.

There may be no tickets. For the same reason - buses are popular in Poland, so you need to buy tickets for them in advance, not expecting to find them on the spot.