Rating of tourist countries in Southeast Asia. International tourism in Asia

Asia is islands, temples, a colorful kaleidoscope of exotic fruits, kind painted elephants, fussy and intelligent monkeys, the sea, the sun, palm trees... In general, Asia is a whole philosophy, time flows smoothly, nothing passes without a trace, everything is reborn and flows into each other into a friend. Do you want to visit the most beautiful places Asia? Then here are 10 countries, after visiting which you will no longer be able to live as before.

1. Thailand

This country has won the laurels of the most popular resort destination for our compatriots. It has everything: a lazy beach holiday, interesting excursions, picturesque nature, rich night life with parties, cocktails and Thai specialties (well, you know what we mean). There are so many resorts here that you can go to a new one every year. Pattaya, the islands of Phuket and Samui are larger, and Phi Phi, Koh Mak are smaller, but in general, there is a whole scattering of islands, on each of which you can find everything you want.

2. Vietnam

Holidays in Vietnam are inexpensive in terms of costs for food, entertainment, etc. This is why European youth love it, because you can also surf here and just relax lazily. The main resorts: Nha Trang, which is popular with active tourists, Phan Thiet - quieter, for which couples with children love it, and Phu Coc - for those who love luxury holiday. Entertainment: excursions to national parks, boat trips to the islands, all sorts of unusual activities for us (like a ride on ostriches), as well as more familiar ones - for example, the Vinpearl Amusement Park on the island of the same name.

3. Sri Lanka

You will hardly be able to find as many antiquities as there are in legendary Ceylon anywhere else. Here is the ancient Sigirya - majestic mountain, decorated giant statue lion, and Dambulla with the largest collection of Buddha statues, and Kandy - the ancient residence of rulers, and Anuradhapura with a long history and the sacred Bodhi tree. And this is not the entire list, but we have not yet said a word about the wonderful quiet beaches with red sunsets, against which the dark silhouettes of local fishermen sit on special poles right in the sea.

4. China

Relatively recently, we learned that in China, in addition to the Great Wall of China and Pikin, there are seaside resorts. Meanwhile, the island of Hainan (also called “East Hawaii”) is very popular, both among the Chinese themselves and among Russian tourists. Holidays here can be called relaxing. For those who get bored on the beach, we recommend going on a couple of excursions and looking at life and traditions local residents- Li and Miao tribes or heal in healing springs.

5. India

If you want to visit the sea, then Goa and Kerala are waiting for you. Goa is for partying in the north and complete relaxation in the south. We can say that this is not even India, but “little Portugal”, everything is quite modern, local color not much, but there is a special atmosphere that the hippies brought here: freedom, parties on the beach and all that. Kerala will appeal to those who want to get acquainted with Ayurveda; there are many Indian medicine centers and yoga schools. There is also the famous golden triangle “Delhi-Agra-Jaipur”, the city of Varanasi, Mumbai and many other cities where traveling alone is interesting, but not at all safe.

6. Indonesia

To understand how you can really relax on vacation, go to Bali or Java or Sumatra, in general, one of beautiful islands Indonesia, where calm and tranquility reigns against the backdrop of the Indian Ocean. See the temples, play with the monkeys. And if you want parties, clubs and entertainment, then, for example, Balinese Kuta is more than enough for you: a whole street of entertainment venues and several schools for teaching surfing will fully compensate for your desire for activity.

7. Malaysia

If you are a follower beach holiday, then here you can get plenty of it: the islands of Penang, Langkawi and Sipadan are simply created to enjoy the sea and the sun. And if you want to take a walk around the metropolis, be sure to visit Kuala Lumpur, where you can visit the Bird Park, the famous Petronas Twin Towers and check out a couple of nightclubs.

8. Singapore

People usually visit Singapore while passing through, because for a transit visit to the country (you have a full 96 hours) you do not need a visa. During this time you will be able to visit that minimum must see, which is enough to form an opinion about the country. Visit Clar Quay at night to soak in the lights, check out the Botanical Gardens and, of course, don't forget to take a photo or two at the iconic Marina Bay Sands rooftop pool with stunning views.

9. South Korea

This country is becoming more and more popular among tourists. When you get here, you get the impression of jumping into the future: modern architecture Seoul, Wi-Fi availability almost everywhere and a lot of newfangled entertainment. But history buffs will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves: royal palaces Joseon Dynasty, temples and fortresses. And here you can improve your health and undergo diagnostics using modern equipment relatively inexpensively.

10. Philippines

A trip to Wonderland, of course, will cost a pretty penny, but it’s worth the money to immerse yourself in ancient Eastern traditions. Attend the healing ceremony, appreciate the heritage of the Spanish conquistadors, admire the urban beauty of Manila, buy a couple of real pearl necklaces and conquer the Mayon volcano - here is a short list of things that you can add to yours.

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Best resorts South-East Asia

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Region Southeast Asia- one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide. The reason for this is the winter seasonality, the unique exotic nature, the combination of skyscrapers and urbanization with snow-white beaches and the azure sea, where you can escape in the middle of our winter weather. Great advantage - wide choose the cost of tours from affordable reed bungalows to luxurious hotel complexes with a worldwide reputation on.

Are you ready to dive headfirst into the exotic? Then - go ahead!











Vacation - what a wonderful word! Every working person looks forward to it with great impatience, plans in advance how to spend it in order to not only have a good rest, but also gain strength until the next one. There are many options for spending your holiday. Whatever you choose, be sure to go travel. This is the only way you will truly have a good rest, gain strength and new impressions. In addition, meeting new interesting people can encourage you to make global changes in your life.

If you want to go abroad and you are faced with the question of choosing a vacation spot, choose a vacation in Asia. This is a large number of places with their own flavor and culture.

Asia - the land of smiles

Located on the continent of Eurasia. The most most of world in area and population, four times the area of ​​Europe. It was here that all the most ancient civilizations and all world religions arose. Asia includes 53 states. Natural features and geographical conditions contributed to the fact that the indigenous people are hardworking and patient.

Geographical features are very diverse. In Asia there are mountains: Tien Shan, Himalayas, Caucasus. The endless steppes of Mongolia, the jungles of India and Vietnam, the taiga in Siberia, and there are also volcanic places. Asia, like no other country in the world, is exposed to monsoon winds. Therefore, the humidity level here constantly fluctuates: either a huge amount of precipitation or drought. Asia is washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Indian. The border between it and Europe runs along the foot of the Ural Mountains.

But the most amazing thing is that people live here who love to smile and generously give their joy to visiting tourists.

Interesting facts about Asia

  • In Asia there are the remains of ancient civilizations.
  • Its area is larger than the area of ​​the Moon.
  • Asia is divided into 5 parts: Central, Eastern, Northern, Southwestern, Southeast Asia.
  • The climate here is very diverse: from equatorial to arctic.
  • More than half of the world's population lives in Asia.
  • The earliest human remains have been found here.
  • In one of the Asian countries - India, the population is the same as in Central, Northern and South America, taken together.
  • The highest mountains are located here.
  • The largest country in Asia by population is China.

10 reasons to vacation in Asian countries

  1. Getting to know unique monuments architecture.
  2. The most are located right here.
  3. Good opportunity to go scuba diving.
  4. If you decide to spend your holidays in Asia, you will be able to get acquainted with the places where the most famous religions appeared: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.
  5. Try unusual Asian dishes.
  6. Purchase highly effective cosmetic and medicinal products at relatively inexpensive prices.
  7. Many Asian countries do not require a visa for holidays.
  8. Buy various souvenirs that you will not find in other countries of the world.
  9. Get acquainted with exotic nature.
  10. Visit the largest shopping centers and purchase goods at inexpensive prices.

Asian countries for holidays

Among the huge number of countries in this part of the world, there are some that are definitely worth visiting:

  • China. Ancient civilization full of mysteries and secrets. Great Chinese Wall, Imperial Palace, Temple of the Jade Buddha, Temple of Confucius and many other ancient attractions. China is one of the three most popular countries chosen by tourists planning tours to Asia. Many people come here not only to get acquainted with ancient history and traditions, but also to receive medical care. Modern medical advances and the knowledge of ancient healers, combined together, provide a powerful effect for the treatment of many diseases.
  • Japan. By traveling here, you can experience the rich Japanese culture. How were geishas trained and who were the samurai? The history of the country, its traditions, architectural monuments and an eventful holiday will make your stay in Japan unforgettable. If you don't like heat, then come here in the fall. Light coolness and a small amount of precipitation will allow you to comfortably walk around the Country rising sun and admire its sights. In addition, do not forget to try real Japanese cuisine: sushi, yakitori and, of course, the national drink of the Japanese - sake.
  • Vietnam. Here you can eat tasty and inexpensive food. You can purchase products from famous world brands at manufacturer prices, since their factories and factories are built in Vietnam.
  • India. Many of us become acquainted with this country in our early youth, when watching Indian melodramas. Judging by the films, all manifestations of emotions are transmitted here through dance. The prices are a pleasant surprise. Food, souvenirs, equipment rental are much cheaper here than in Russia. One of the most popular holiday destinations in India is Goa. This territory, judging by the preserved drawings on the rocks, was inhabited about 30 thousand years ago. A large number of ancient temples, diving centers for scuba diving, the sea in Asia, beautiful architectural monuments will make your vacation unforgettable. Don’t rush to conclusions if you see men holding hands in India; male friendship is just highly developed here and there is nothing reprehensible about it.

Popular resorts in Asia

  1. Bali island in Indonesia. Best vacation in Asia for parents with children and newlyweds. Swimming with dolphins, windsurfing and a variety of slides in water parks are just a few of the attractions here.
  2. India, Goa. Just to find out what the air of freedom is like, you should choose this place to relax.
  3. Sri Lanka. Here you can not only have a good rest, but also buy Ceylon tea, which was popular in the Soviet Union. Travelers around the world are impressed by coral clusters and tea plantations.
  4. Maldives. Are you depressed or frustrated with life? Get here immediately. Take a minimum of things with you, you don’t even need shoes here. Walks along the shore, aromatic treatments and much more will bring back your lost peace and enjoyment of life.
  5. This resort is compared to the popular Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, where life is an eternal carnival.
  • Dead Sea in Israel. One of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. If a fish accidentally falls into this sea, it immediately dies from the high concentration of salt.
  • Fujiyama in Japan. The height of this volcano is 3776 meters. It last erupted in 1707. To date, activity has been weak.
  • The great Wall of China. It passes through the whole of Northern China, its length is about 9,000 thousand meters.
  • Taj Mahal in India. It is protected by UNESCO and is one of the monuments admired all over the world. It is visited daily by tens of thousands of tourists choosing Asian countries for their holidays.
  • Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia. The most beautiful islands for scuba diving. A large number of different fish and corals.
  • Temple complex in Cambodia. Its area is about 400 square kilometers. The complex includes about 2,000 temples and buildings, which from a height are very similar to the starry sky.
  • Borneo Island. Here are the largest caves in the world and a tree that bears unusual name"walking". Its roots grow from the middle of the trunk and are able to move underground in search of water. Thanks to the unusual type of algae that grows near the shore, you can see the "red" tide.
  • Wat Pho Temple in Bangkok, Thailand. This is where Thai massage appeared. The library, which houses ancient manuscripts, will attract the interest of tourists.
  • Nha Trang, Vietnam. Here is the longest cable car. Its length is about 4,000 thousand meters.
  • in Malaysia. About 15,000 thousand people can fit here at the same time. When the sun comes through the windows of the mosque, the room is painted in blue light.

The most exotic countries in Asia

  • Malaysia. It's always summer here. You will be able to see the rarest plants and animals that cannot be found in any country in the world. Ancient temples, religious buildings, exotic nature, a huge number of unusual attractions. Just look at the names: Snake Temple, Bird Park, Orchid Garden, Butterfly Park and many others.
  • Indonesia. This country includes five large islands, including Bali, beloved by many tourists. One of the islands is shaped like a starfish. Huge coral walls will amaze diving enthusiasts. Buddhist temples and volcanic lakes, mountain rivers and singing caves. On one of the islands, an ancient tribe has survived, which lives according to its own laws and hunts animals with homemade weapons. Here children are buried in a hollow tree, and caves are cut down for adults.
  • Philippines. When choosing tours to Asia, pay attention to this country. If there is heaven on earth, then it is undoubtedly here. The sand of the beaches is white as snow and the vast ocean expanse is turquoise. underground river and active volcanoes. Here you can have a wedding in the best traditions of the Filipino people.

What you need to do before traveling to Asian countries

  • Get acquainted with the traditions and features of the place you are traveling to.
  • When planning a vacation in Asia, do not forget to take with you a first aid kit consisting of the most necessary medications: painkillers, antipyretics, antihistamines, antidiarrheals and antivirals.
  • Get all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Take a certain amount of cash with you.
  • Take a credit card, preferably several, preferably each with the same amount of money.
  • In tropical countries of Asia, the sun sets very early, so it is advisable to take a flashlight with you.
  • Purchase insurance for medical care while on vacation.
  • Take an English-Russian dictionary for your trip, in many Asian countries locals speak English language, and many tourists too.

We invite you to big Adventure for five countries of Southeast Asia: China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the “state within a state” - Hong Kong. Saturated interesting excursions a tour with a beach holiday on the picturesque islands of Bali and Borneo will delight tourists who prefer to combine relaxation with beautiful beaches with immersion in ancient history and impressive architecture. As part of the program, you will appreciate the beauty of Senado Square with its stone mosaic depicting waves in Macau, visit National Park Kota Kinabalu, climb Victoria Peak in Hong Kong, take a photo in front of the crystal Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, explore the beauty of the island of Bali and learn the history of the symbol of Singapore - the Merlion. Airfare is included in the tour price!

For five countries in Southeast Asia

Tour duration: 14 days/13 nights.

Tour type: individual, combined.

Tour route: Hong Kong (2 nights) - Macau (1 night) - Kota Kinabalu (3 nights) - Kuala Lumpur (2 nights) - Bali (3 nights) - Singapore (2 nights).

Tour dates in 2020: on request.

The cost of the program per person is from $3600.

Included in cost:

  • international flights:
  • four domestic flights along the route;
  • accommodation in hotels of the selected category according to the program;
  • meals according to the program;
  • transfers according to the program;
  • excursions according to the program;
  • services Russian speaking guide.

Additional charges:

  • health insurance ($20);
  • food and drinks not included in the program price;
  • additional excursions (upon prior request);
  • decor e-visa Singapore (we recommend, cost - $50);
  • personal and other expenses not included in the tour price.


Tour program

Day 1. Hong Kong

Departure from Moscow Domodedovo airport at 12:35 on a flight of the airline " Etihad Airways" Arrival in Abu Dhabi at 18:55. Transfer to another flight and departure to Hong Kong at 21:55.

Day 2. Hong Kong - Macau

Arrival in Hong Kong - the largest administrative center of China. Transfer to the pier, accommodation on the ferry and departure at 12:00. In an hour you will arrive in Macau - an open port and a large Finance center China, famous for its casinos, gambling houses, hippodrome and nightclubs. But this is not only the capital of excitement. Macau is a former Portuguese colony. The picturesque center of the Portuguese era reflects the clash of European and Chinese cultures and values.

Passing immigration control. Transfer to the selected hotel, accommodation in the room. The tour of Macau will begin at 15:00. You will visit Senado Square with stone mosaic depicting waves, ruins of St. Paul's Church And Fort Monte, and you will also see Wynn casino with its famous light and music fountains, the “golden tree” and fire-water show. In addition, on this day you will be able to hear the singing of gondoliers and ride Venetian gondolas in complex "Venice".

The excursion ends at 19:00. If desired, and for an additional fee, you can visit a unique show in House of Dancing Water - "The House of Dancing Water"».

Ticket prices for the show:

Performances take place on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Performance starts at 17:00 and 20:00.

Day 3. Macau - Hong Kong

Breakfast, check out, transfer to the pier and departure to Hong Kong at 12:00 (travel time - 1 hour). Transfer to the hotel, accommodation.

At 14:30 the introductory tour of Hong Kong will begin (duration - 4 hours). You will have the opportunity to climb the famous Victoria Peak - highest point islands. Since its inception in 1888, the funicular has carried tourists up the steep, 373-metre-high mountainside, providing breathtaking views of Hong Kong Harbor and the skyline of skyscrapers during its seven-minute climb.

In addition, you will see the ancient Cathedral, take a walk around street Queens Road and view several thousand Chinese vases on a vintage antique Hollywood Road, discuss with your guide the features of local cuisine.

The excursion ends at 18:30. Its format: by bus to Victoria Peak, ascent to SKY TERRACE, descent to Trem Peak, walk to Sheng Wan (via the cathedral, Man Mo Temple and antique street), transfer by double-decker tram to IFC).

Day 4. Hong Kong

Breakfast, free time for independent walks. If desired, and for an additional fee, you can go on optional excursions.

Hong Kong, China

Day 5. Hong Kong - Kota Kinabalu

Breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the airport, departure at 9:55 on an Air Asia flight to the island of Borneo. Arrival in the capital of the Malaysian state of Sabah - Kota Kinabalu. Hotel accommodation, free time and relaxation.

Day 6. Kota Kinabalu

After breakfast at the hotel, you will have an excursion to National Park Kota Kinabalu with a visit to hot springs accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide (duration - 8 hours, lunch included).

You will pass along scenic road, winding along rice fields, colorful local villages and endless valleys. Don't miss the opportunity to walk across Sabah's longest rope bridge, suspended 50 meters above the ground in the upper layers of the rainforest. You will reach a park located at the foot of Mount Kinabalu(its height above sea level is 4095 meters). A walk through the mountain garden and jungle, where you will see more than 1000 species of plants, including Rafflesia - world-famous and very rare carnivorous flowers.

After lunch, you will immerse yourself in hot springs known for their healing properties. Relax and swim in springs among picturesque nature. Return to the hotel.

Days 7-8. Kota Kinabalu

Tomorrow, free time, beach holiday. On day 8, if you wish and for a fee, you can go on an optional excursion to a park wildlife Lok Kawi(duration - 4 hours, accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide").

Day 9. Kota Kinabalu - Kuala Lumpur

Breakfast at the hotel, free time for independent walks. Release of the number. You can leave your luggage in storage before transfer to the airport.

Departure at 18:55 on an Air Asia flight. Arrival at 21:25 in the capital of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation in the room.

Day 10. Kuala Lumpur - Bali island

Breakfast at hotel complex, room release. Introductory tour of the city accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide (duration - 6 hours, lunch included).

You will visit central square and inspect Palace of Sultan Abdul Samat, drive through the old quarters of the city, you will see Masjid Negara mosque with a 75-meter minaret and a star-shaped roof, check out Chinese temple with a source of living water and a Buddha garden, climb a 270-meter observation deck TV towers and, of course, take a photo against the backdrop of “crystal” Petronas Twin Towers.

Sultan Abdul Samat Palace, Malaysia

Visit Batu Caves, located near Kuala Lumpur, in limestone cliffs covered with dense tropical vegetation. For millions of years, water has sharpened stone here to create beautiful and amazing natural monuments. You will walk up a staircase of two hundred and seventy-two steps to the entrance of the caves. Indians regularly make this unique pilgrimage here. Inside and outside the caves are some of the most beautiful Hindu temples in Malaysia.

Transfer to the airport, departure at 17:55 to Denpasar on an Air Asia flight. Arrival at 20:55, transfer to the hotel, accommodation and rest.

Day 11. Bali Island

Breakfast at the hotel and an introductory tour of the island of Bali accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide (lunch included). Every corner of the resort seems to be imbued with an oriental and festive atmosphere. Its tropical forests and majestic volcanoes, magnificent beaches and unique ancient temples amaze the imagination.

Traveling across the entire island, you will reach UNESCO Global Geopark in the Kintamani region, where the Batur volcano and the lake of the same name located in its crater are located. On the way you will visit colorful local villages and get acquainted with the types of crafts popular on the island - silver jewelry making, batik production and wood carving. Visit the temple, visit the local people's house and explore the rice terraces.

You will also visit the garden where coffee, cocoa, vanilla and pineapples are grown. Here you can taste freshly roasted and brewed coffee or cocoa and, if desired, purchase several packages.

After lunch you will go to Bird and Reptile Park. It is located between the resorts of Ubud and Kuta and covers an area of ​​2 hectares. It represents an impressive a tropical forest with beautiful exotic gardens and almost invisible aviaries for birds. In the park you can meet Balinese starlings and parrots, Australian cockatoos and African crowned cranes, admire Tanzanian flamingos, chat with South American macaws, watch pelicans and funny hornbills, as well as see rare cassowaries and beautiful birds of paradise.

Later - inspection Reptile Park, where crocodiles, snakes and lizards live. Some species of turtles, iguanas and lizards even allow themselves to be picked up for photos.

Day 12. Bali Island

Breakfast in the hotel. Free time for self-study islands and beach holidays. Vacations in these places will delight even the most experienced travelers and will be remembered for a long time. The island has excellent infrastructure: cruises on ships are constantly organized here, and at night there are many cafes and discos. In addition, Bali has all the conditions for practicing active species water sports, including kitesurfing and diving.

If desired, and for an additional fee, you can go on additional excursions:

  • Visit to the temple located on the island of Java Borobudur complex And Prambanan Hindu Temple(with lunch, accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide).
  • Travel through the most mysterious places islands - “Ancient Bali” - with inspection Elephant Cave, ancient temple with healing springs - Tirta Empul, archaeological site of Gunung Kawi(lunch included, duration - all day, accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide).

Prambanan Temple Complex, Indonesia

Day 13. Bali Island - Singapore

Airport transfer. Departure at 6:10 for Singapore on an Air Asia flight, arrival at 8:55.

Starts at 10:00 sightseeing tour around Singapore with a Russian-speaking guide (duration - 3.5 hours). You will visit the colonial part of the city, see the historical Padang Square,Parliament and Supreme Court buildings. They have high historical and architectural value and were built at the beginning of the last century. Afterwards you will take a walk next to the ancient Queen Victoria Theater, admire the majestic cathedral St Andrew's Cathedral and see the oldest hotel in the city - Raffles. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the creation of a small state, which is often called the “lion city,” and also hear the history Merlion- symbol of Singapore.

Next, you will go to the business center of the city to appreciate the architectural masterpieces of the newest era: Explanada concert hall, Raffles Place skyscrapers and also famous Marina Bay Sands complex. Then, once in Singapore Chinatown, You will be transported to a colorful Chinatown with a unique oriental atmosphere and two-story shophouses. You will visit one of the local temples, which will amaze you with the incredible variety of colors and a large number of statues of various gods scattered throughout the building.

After - visit to gem factory, where you will see a unique gallery of paintings made by hand from semi-precious stones, and learn all the intricacies of the technology of their production. The tour ends with a visit Botanical Garden , striking in the variety of forms of tropical flora and fauna presented here. You will visit an amazingly beautiful orchid garden, where, in particular, the national flower of Singapore grows. The last stop on the route is the main street of Singapore Orchard Road, where shops and restaurants are located. This is a real shopper's paradise where you can find almost any product.

Day 14. Singapore

Breakfast in the hotel. Free day for independent walks.

If desired, and for an additional fee, you can go on additional excursions (must be booked in advance):

  • Travel to Sentosa Island accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide. Duration - 4 hours.
  • Visit to the Singapore Zoo. Duration - 3.5 hours.
  • A walk through the Gardens by the Bay. Duration - 3.5 hours.

Day 15. Singapore - Abu Dhabi

Breakfast at the hotel, free time to explore the city on your own and purchase souvenirs for family and friends. Check out of the room, transfer to the airport. Departure to Abu Dhabi at 20:05, arrival at 23:35.

Asia is the largest part of the world. More than half of the world's population lives here.
In order to better understand the peculiarities of tourism development in this largest part of the world, the following regions should be highlighted: Southwest Asia(Near and Middle East), South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central and East Asia.
Asia is attracting an increasing number of tourists due to the following factors:
- a huge, extremely capacious territory for receiving tourists (Asia is the largest part of the world);
- washing the coast of Asia by three oceans and dozens of their seas and bays;
- the location of this part of the world in all climatic regions, the significant diversity and richness of natural landscapes and recreational resources;
- availability huge number historical and cultural monuments, as well as natural attractions;
- the location of the world's most important shrines and centers of pilgrimage in Asia;
- the ethnic diversity of the continent;
- the presence in Asia of countries with the highest population in the world: China, India;
- rapid pace economic development a number of countries: Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China, etc.
Along with these favorable conditions, there are also a number of negative factors that hinder the development of tourism in Asia. First of all, it should be noted:
- unfavorable natural conditions for tourism in vast territories of a number of countries (deserts, highlands with complex terrain, jungles, etc.);
- poor development transport infrastructure a number of countries;
- the dominance of ideological interests over economic ones in a number of countries, as a consequence of this, the economic backwardness of these countries, their unpreparedness to receive tourists, lack of service (DPRK, Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq);
lack of internal political and economic stability in a number of Asian countries(Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq).
The main purpose of visiting Asia by tourists from other parts of the world is to get acquainted with the culture, historical and natural attractions. Business travel and congress tourism are most typical for Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China. Israel is visited for the purpose of treatment and worship of religious values.
External tourism relations in Asia are carried out mainly
aviation. Most flights are operated by international aircraft
airlines, a smaller part - by companies owned
countries of Asia.

Due to the wide range of climatic conditions, there is no specific season for arrivals in Asia, but it can be traced to individual regions.
The main tourist market for Asia is the countries of Europe (of which the former metropolitan countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian countries stand out), the USA and Canada. From Africa, the largest tourist flows are from the Maghreb countries to Mecca and Medina, and from East Africa- to India, Pakistan and Iran. There are relatively large flows of tourists from Australia and New Zealand, especially to Southeast and South Asia. Among the Asian countries, Japan stands out in intra-Asian flows.
Flows from Asia to other parts of the world are relatively small; the Asian tourist market is still completely inadequate to match the huge size of its population. Today, the Japanese and residents of a number of countries in South-West Asia are the most likely to travel outside this part of the world.

Southwest Asia

This region covers a vast and extremely diverse territory geographically, historically and socio-economically. This includes 16 states: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, United United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Türkiye. It should be noted that the conventional concept of “Near and Middle East” is somewhat broader than “Southwest Asia”, since it covers the territory of the states of South-West Asia, as well as Egypt and Sudan. Profitable geographical position some states and regions are combined with the remoteness and isolation of others; favorable climatic and landscape conditions for tourism and resort business, as well as the diversity of recreational resources in some countries - with desert and arid ones (in most of the Arabian Peninsula) in others. There are also serious political differences: in a number of states in the region, monarchies (including absolute ones) with strong vestiges of feudal and tribal relations have been preserved, but the republican form of government still prevails.

In general, South-West Asia can be considered one of the most promising regions in the development of tourism. Wide access to many seas and bays of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, as well as to the Caspian Sea, geographical location at the junction of three parts of the world, various relief and climatic conditions, big number sunny days, unique natural attractions, numerous historical, cultural and religious monuments, the presence of a developed tourist infrastructure in a number of countries (Cyprus, Turkey, Israel) - all these and many other factors contribute to the widespread attraction of guests from other parts of the world, as well as the development of tourist exchange within the region .