Return your official train ticket online. Exchange of train tickets

Is it possible to exchange a train ticket?

Exchange of train tickets.

This article describes in great detail the system for exchanging train tickets. Such a need may arise if you need to change your train ticket to a more suitable time, or if you need a ticket for another train.

Russian Railways ticket exchange rules.

The exchange of travel tickets is carried out as follows: the old ticket is returned and immediately purchased another required ticket.
Subject to return policy Money for purchased tickets when returning the ticket, and according to the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 473, the money is returned in the same way as the passenger used when purchasing the travel document. If you want to find out all the detailed information about returning a ticket, you just need to contact the help desk, they will explain everything in detail.

Refund of money after returning a ticket purchased online.

The easiest way to get a refund is when you return your travel ticket, if it was issued and purchased online. The entire procedure is carried out through Personal Area client on the website or through order management (after purchasing a travel document online, a letter will be sent to the client’s email with the appropriate link).
When purchasing a travel document online, the ticket is returned an hour before the train departs from the starting point on the train route.
Even if a certain number of travel documents have been ordered, you can also return them all, or only one of these tickets.
After the procedure for canceling a travel document, the client receives a notification either by email or via SMS. The notification contains information about the refund for the ticket with the departure date, amount and direction of the train route.

Procedure for refunding money when returning a paper ticket

In order to return a paper travel document, you must have identification documents with you, the travel document itself (printed on a form with a hologram). In order to return a travel document, you should contact the Russian Railways ticket office in any locality Russia.
Among other things, it is worth considering that if payment for the purchase of a travel document was made through a bank card, then the funds are transferred to it within 30 days. If the purchase was paid through electronic wallets, then the money is credited there. But if the travel document was purchased at the ticket office, through a terminal or in a mobile phone store, then when returning the ticket, the money is given in cash at the Russian Railways ticket office. For non-cash payment methods, when returning a travel document, the money is credited within ten days. If it is money, then in this case the period is significantly reduced - the money is given the next day after the return of the travel document.
If the travel document is returned one day before the departure of the train, then almost the entire amount is returned, only commissions and fees are charged.
If the travel document is handed in 2-8 hours before the arrival of the train, then half of the reserved seat price is returned. If you are going to return your ticket, you need to check whether the ticket office you need is open. But you can usually change tickets at any ticket office. But you need to remember that another person cannot leave with your ticket, since you will still have to return this ticket.

If you need to replace your purchased train tickets for a more suitable date or for another train heading in the same direction, you can easily do this at the railway station ticket office. However, to avoid unnecessary hassle, you should familiarize yourself with the existing rules.

Remember that the ticket cannot be reissued for another passenger, but children's tickets can be replaced with adults' - with an appropriate surcharge for the full price. You can exchange paper tickets for an earlier train if there are less than 24 hours left before departure. This rule applies exclusively to ambulances and passenger trains. It is important that the carriage belongs to the same carrier, but you can re-issue a document for travel in a carriage of a lower or higher class.

You can also change seats within one carriage or arrange new seats in the same composition, but in a higher class carriage - this rule is also relevant for children seats. Please remember that tickets can only be exchanged if the cities of departure and arrival remain the same.

Exchange of electronic tickets

If you purchased tickets in electronic format, you can exchange them only at the railway ticket office. However, if time and opportunities do not allow you to get to the station, you can issue a refund of your travel document online and your desired seats, subject to their availability for booking.

There are a number of restrictions when exchanging electronic travel passes. So, the following cannot be replaced:

  • Travel cards without a seat;
  • Tickets for international trains;
  • Documents purchased outside Russian Federation and paid by non-cash method;
  • Adult tickets that the passenger wishes to exchange for children's tickets, and vice versa.

When making an exchange at the box office, you will have to pay a special fee for the exchange of each ticket. Commissions of payment systems and other intermediaries that you may have paid during the purchase of an electronic travel pass are not refunded.

It is worth remembering that if you paid for your travel document using bank card, the money will be returned to the account after some time, which means that when re-issuing, a new ticket will have to be paid separately. If you have already completed electronic registration, and the train leaves the starting station in less than an hour, you can issue a refund through a claim: for this, at the ticket office you will be asked to fill out a specialized form, and the money will be returned after reviewing the application.

How to return train tickets?

If for some reason you cannot exchange your travel document, do not despair. You can return your old ticket and buy a new one for a more suitable time or date. You can do this online at or directly at the box office.

At the same time, we recommend that you remember that commissions and fees paid upon purchase are not refundable - in any case, you will lose part of the costs. If you purchased a travel pass for cash and return it at the station, the money will be returned immediately. In other cases, the refund may take up to 30 banking days.

The returned document will return to the sales system after a few hours, and if you want to buy it again, but for another passenger, the only in an accessible way There will be a wait for the ticket to appear on the website. At the same time, at any time, “your” place can be purchased by another user.

How to return tickets without problems?

To avoid any difficulties when returning your electronic travel document, we recommend opening the confirmation letter that was sent to your e-mail upon purchase. There you will find a link to the refund page and can return your ticket. When returning tickets at the box office, pay attention to the format of its operation - return or sale. In most cases, you will be able to return and buy a ticket in one window.

Bon Voyage!

The return of railway tickets is written in the section How to return a railway ticket.

Restoring lost tickets

Only tickets from Russia to Russia sold in Russia to carriages of the Russian Railways formation are subject to restoration. A lost ticket can be restored in one of the following places: at the train departure station, at the sales station, at the destination station. The passenger must present his document for which the ticket was issued (or a police certificate if his ticket was stolen along with his passport), indicate the departure date (the main details for the search, except for the last name) and the travel route. The recovery process takes 1-2 hours, so you should contact us in advance. A duplicate ticket issued to a passenger cannot be returned or reissued. Once a duplicate is issued, the original ticket is also non-refundable.

Re-issuance of tickets

The ticket can be reissued for a previously departing train or for another train carriage. Tickets can be reissued only if there are less than 24 hours left before the departure of the train for which the ticket is being reissued. When reissuing tickets, the travel route cannot be changed (except for changing the departure or arrival stations of the train). Re-issuance of travel documents for another person or for later trains is not possible.

Re-issuance of railway tickets to another person

Re-registration train tickets another person is not allowed to board the train. It is only possible to return the ticket and try to buy a seat using other passport data after a while, but no one can guarantee that this is possible, because the ticket can be purchased by another ticket office in the Express-3 system or become a reservation.


Russian Railways ticket exchange - return and purchase

Unforeseen situations can occur in the life of every person, due to which the immediate schedule of not only business, but also travel will change. It is for this reason that any of us should know how to change a Russian Railways ticket and, in general, whether this procedure can be completed. In accordance with the current rules established today, it is not possible to exchange train tickets.

There are often questions about whether it is possible to exchange a ticket. No, this operation cannot be performed directly. However exchange can be represented as two other processes:

  • The first is returning the old ticket. Refund for it;
  • purchasing a new required ticket.

How to change a train ticket?

Every person should know how to change a train ticket. This may come in handy at any moment, so you need to be prepared for it. So, the first step to exchange a ticket is to return it to the box office. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • the passenger must appear in person and present an unused ticket. He must bring with him a passport or other similar document as proof of identity, which is indicated on the travel ticket. This rule is not excluded even in cases where the payment was made through an ATM and not through a cash register;
  • in the event that an official representative of a passenger appears, who for certain reasons cannot arrive on his own, a power of attorney is required on his behalf. In this case, you will also need to present an unused ticket and a photocopy of the passport or other document as identification, which was indicated on the travel ticket when purchasing it;
  • attention! Even in case the agency reserves the right to withhold a commission fee because a train ticket was issued. On the part of Russian Railways, the fee is no more than seventy rubles. In turn, the agency retains one hundred rubles. Do not forget that there are no refunds for unused but lost tickets.

Ticket return rules

Is it possible to change train tickets? This can only be done by performing two additional operations that are not related to each other. The first is the return of an unused travel document. TO current rules established by Russian Railways, the withholding applies to:

  • 50% of the money paid for a reserved seat, when the ticket is returned 8 hours before the train departs from the initial station. In this case, the cost of the carriage is returned to the passenger in full;
  • all funds paid for a reserved seat when there were two hours left before the train departed from the initial station. The funds, payment for which was necessary to purchase seats in the carriage, are returned back to the buyer;
  • If the ticket is returned within half a day after the train departs from the initial station, then only the funds that were paid for the seats are returned.

Tickets can only be refunded for trains long distance. On suburban routes, a travel document can only be returned if the train is late by more than an hour. And the next step in the question of how to change a train ticket is to purchase another new travel document.

If you have any questions about this topic, it is recommended contact professional lawyers. They will tell you in more detail about refunds for each type of ticket and provide reliable information on any other issue.

Traveling long distances has become commonplace for modern man. The choice of travel method is determined by the availability of roads and special routes of communication by land.

The most common type of transportation is rail transport services. This interest among the population is due to the fact that there are different options for conditions for passengers to stay depending on the distance between cities and objects. If the trip takes a short amount of time, you can get there by train. And for long journeys It is convenient to use reserved seat or compartment carriages with the possibility of proper rest and sleep.

To take advantage by rail, a ticket purchasing system has been developed. In most cases, people buy them in advance. This approach allows you to choose a convenient time in the train schedule, as well as a comfortable place.

Currently, the purchase of a travel document is implemented, according to the policy of the relevant department, in two ways:

  1. At railway ticket offices, paper tickets are sold.
  2. IN in electronic format- carried out via the Internet on official websites, as well as through intermediaries.

Paying for transport services online is very popular among potential passengers. This is due to certain advantages of such a financial transaction.

The following positive points can be highlighted:

  1. Convenience of purchasing without leaving the premises.
  2. Save time.
  3. No queues at the cash register.
  4. Possibility of payment through banking websites or structures.

List of documents for travel

When boarding the train, you will need to show the conductor a ticket printed on a piece of paper or show it on the screen of your mobile phone. Additionally, you need to show the papers with which it was purchased, and, if there are benefits, the corresponding confirmation.

Attention! During the procedure electronic registration Printing out the document in the standard version is not required.

You can print the form at ticket offices or machines located at railway stations in Russia. If you have a terminal at the cash desk, you will need to deposit a certain amount of money. If the device is not available, the employee does not need to pay for the document.

Conditions for replacing a travel ticket

However, almost every person is faced with a situation when there is a need to leave on another day. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to change the ticket?

Even despite the reason for canceling a planned trip, the rules for exchanging or returning railway tickets are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Sometimes you have to find out how to exchange your boarding document. This option is used if you need to leave on your train at an earlier time.

Then the following conditions must be met:

  1. The departure time of the new train is less than 24 hours.
  2. Type of train: passenger or fast.
  3. Getting another seat in the carriages or changing to a higher or lower class.
  4. The destination and arrival points remain the same.
  5. Exchange adult tickets for children's tickets and vice versa.

Important! Re-issuing your ticket to another person is not allowed.

An additional fee will be charged for the exchange procedure.

Document replacement process

Is it possible to change a train ticket to a different date? In fact, in most cases, the process involves returning an old ticket and purchasing a new one. Information on how to correctly change a train ticket is posted on the official portals of railway companies. Also at the station, if any question arises, the passenger has the opportunity to ask it at a special bureau.

To make a refund, you need to contact the ticket office at the railway station. You should have documents proving your identity and papers for another person with you in order to present them at the request of an agency employee for comparison with the details of travel coupons.

You can exchange a train ticket containing someone else's passport details.

In this case, you will need a power of attorney obtained from a notary. If you have to return travel passes, you should first make sure that you have a ticket available for a different time and date.

Financial compensation for ticket return

Refunds are subject to certain conditions. To find out how much money will be returned to your account, you need to consider the categories that form the ticket price.

It consists of cost:

  • reserved seat or sleeping place;
  • ticket or transportation;
  • insurance fee;
  • commissions.

Reimbursement of funds occurs in the following order:

  1. Full refund of reserved seat and ticket - 8 hours before the departure of the carriage.
  2. Ticket price and half reserved seat - if departure time is from 2 to 8 hours.
  3. The cost of a ticket without a reserved seat is the train departure time is less than 2 hours.

In this case, a commission and insurance premium will be withheld. Additionally, the passenger pays monetary compensation for the return of the travel document. Therefore, in any case, he loses on such a ticket exchange.

Rules for exchanging an electronic coupon

Replacing tickets purchased online will require a procedure at the railway station ticket office. In this case, additional fees of payment banking systems are not refunded. New travel documents are paid according to the tariff at the ticket office in cash or by payment card.

Compensation for unclaimed tickets is made after some time to an electronic account. If you need to return a ticket less than an hour before the train departs, then the issue of refund will be decided individually, according to the submitted application.

It should be noted that, despite certain difficulties, purchasing tickets via the Internet has not lost its relevance.

Conditions for refusal to replace a ticket

The administration of the department that is responsible for transporting passengers on railways, may refuse to exchange electronic documents.

This decision is made in relation to the following situations:

  1. Availability of a document for a child and an adult passenger for one seat.
  2. Purchasing a ticket without a seat.
  3. Purchasing a travel pass outside of Russia.
  4. Replacement with routes of international importance.


The railway company of the Russian Federation in most cases is loyal to its customers, so many issues can be resolved in a positive way. However, you should first familiarize yourself with the available information in order to correctly purchase passenger documents.