Samui or Phuket in April. Phuket or Samui? Where better to rest? Transport accessibility: flights and moving

Phuket and Samui. Pattaya scold for the dirty sea, praise for active nightlife. Dirty sea? Not dirtier than in Sochi. And nightlife is really very diverse. If the Pattaya is increasingly less clear: urban-type resort with entertainment weight for any age, then the island and Samuifor more than thirty years, rivalries are among themselves.

I am often asked what is better - Samui or Phuket.? Here I will answer the question of the question: when?

In the south of Thailand, the climate monson, and the seasons depend only from the winds. For Phuket, the ideal months with on inclusive, for Samui- From March to October. In the season on the islands, the chic sea and a large number sunny days. "Bad months" are characterized by winds that bring waves on the coast and small rains. The name "rainy season", in my opinion, wrong. It would be worth named "season waves on the sea" or "magnificent holiday for surfers." The rains in Thailand are regardless of the month, the tropical climate is prone to precipitation. I adore rains on Phuket.. Not so hot, and even in the evening it is cool. Have you seen a tropical shower? He is not at all like autumn in Russia. Tropical rain is so strong that it is better to wait for it in a cafe for watermelon cervical. And so fast that end, until you finish your cocktail. Of course, cyclones and storms occur when within a few days the sky in the clouds, and there are shower.

With the time of recreation in Thailand, you decided. It remains to choose a place. Let's compare Phuket Islands and Samui.

Developed Infrastructure - Phuket

Island Samuitwice less Phuket and resembles a small sleigh village. Phuket is a wide variety of beaches from the most part to absolutely calm. But by the number of entertainment, shopping centers, the quality of the road is the unconditional leader. Here you can retire on one of the northern beaches, and if I wanted shopping, come to Patong or Phuket Town. A few years ago, the Central Festival was opened on Samui, but he did not compare with a variety of.

Nightlife - Phuket

Patong is the most part of Phuket, I call it a "mini-pattaya". Restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, go-go - any night entertainment. Reminds Walking Street in Pattaya. On Samui nightlife is much more modest. Disco and bars are, only the format does not reach the international level. And on Samui, and on Phuket there are beach clubs, in which you can spend the time for a cocktail or evening under the rhythms of famous DJs. Only on Phuket you will see a wide variety of go-go-gow bars with focus. Samui more family resort.

Prices for rest - Samui

Purity of the sea - Phuket and Samui

Samui is still less developed and small island, on Phuket there are still preserved such places.

Small distances - Samui

The annular road on Samui, built in the seventies of the last century, a little more than sixty kilometers, it is possible to drive around the island for an hour and a half. If you go from Phuket Airport, located on the North Beach May Kao, to Rawai, you will spend more than 2 hours.

Shopping - Phuket.

Phuket is the third place after Bangkokaand Pattaya on shopping in Thailand. Last years And large shopping centers began to open on Samui: Central Festival, Outlet, Tesco Lotus, Bigc.

The possibility of privacy - Samui and Phuket

And there, there are secluded beaches and the opportunity to visit the beautiful neighboring islands, where people can be counted on the fingers.

Conditions for long stay - Phuket

The alturience of the island, a developed network of transport messages, the presence of wicked villas, pretty houses and cozy apartments, the presence of all types of services is definitely the perfect place to relax. Phuket has international schools, hospitals, entertainment for children and much more, which Samui has not even dreamed.

In my opinion, Phuket is suitable for living and work, and Samui is more good for rest.

Compare Phuket and Samui can be exactly in the same sense that the parallel between, for example, Sevastopol and Koktebel, Sochi and Loo, Sukhum and New Athon, Kemer and Olympos, mainland Greece and Crete.

In all listed pairs, the first position is characterized by a developed infrastructure, transport accessibility and high anthropogenic load. The second - the provinciality, slow motion and the possibility of a secluded rest. The answer to the question is that better from the Thai Islands - Phuket or Samui - is determined by what kind of recreation prefers tourist.

Features of Phuket Islands and Samui

The formation and development of the tourist industry in Thailand began with Phuket. Here in the late 1960s - early 1970s. The construction of the main infrastructure begins: the bridge connecting the island with mainland, asphalt roads, hotels.

The proximity of the location to continental Thailand (0.41 km in the very narrow scene) predetermined the status of Phuket and opened wide prospects for the tourist development of the area.

On the island of Samui, separated from the nearest province of Surathathani 27 kilometers of the sea, in the 1970s there are only a few dozen bungalows, and not every tourist will be decided to go on it. Thus, the transport accessibility of Phuket, on the one hand, and the isolation of Samui, on the other, laid the objective prerequisites for the differentiation of their tourist potentials.

The first one became a big, popular and crowded resort. The second is calm and in a certain sense of melancholic. This trend is preserved today, and, in all likelihood, will not change in the future.

Characteristic features of Phuket:

  • a large island with a permanent population of more than 300 thousand people;
  • tourist center of South Thailand with its own airport, which has the status of international and receiving flights from hundreds of cities;
  • developed trading infrastructure;
  • there is a system of municipal transport, which allows to save on movement on the island;
  • unique natural reserves around who are of interest to tourists, incl. For divers.

What is Samui:

  • the population of the island is 6 times less than Phuket;
  • transport is available (aircraft, ferry), but there are certain difficulties - expectation of the ferry, too much time on the way, costly flights exclusively by Bangkok Airways flights;
  • traditionally relevant for resort holidays The question of the proximity of housing to the sea is replaced by a more pragmatic - about the proximity to the supermarket;
  • for $ 700 a month, you can remove the whole home and live in the middle of the jungle;
  • it is comfortable to relax almost all year except October-November.

Question price

Despite the fact that insignificant variability in prices and costs of services on both islands are there in the end due to compensation of some expenditure articles by others total Costs will be approximately the same.

For example, other things being equal on Samui can find accommodation significantly cheaper. However, transfer to the island, transport costs inside, food costs largely level this difference.

On the other hand, since the high season on Phuket is extremely short, and on Samui there is an opportunity to relax all year round, then, accordingly, if you compare the rest on both islands in January, then on Phuket will be more expensive. If in June is cheaper.

The difference between Phuket and Samui can be formulated as follows: In the first case, the rest pays for the civilization of recreation and the level of service, in the second - for the "Bounty" -Exotic and the possibility of resting in the style of Eco.

Natural and climatic conditions

If we consider the comfort of climatic conditions, the island in the Siamese bay differs in more even weather during the year. The rainy season is not so pronounced: from the sky a little dripping throughout the year, and the peak of the showers falls on October-November.

The sea most of the year is calm, but there are tides and flow. In January, it becomes noticeably cool here: the temperature of the air during the day does not rise above +25 degrees C.

Phuket, being on the other side of the Malacca Peninsula, is experiencing a strong influence Indian Ocean. The comfortable period from December to February is replaced by terrible wet heat +40 degrees with in March-May. The sky is tightened by clouds.

Rains can go daily, but not long. The main minus, given the beach orientation of recreation, as well as the recreational value of diving, underwater hunting and excursions to the surrounding islands, is the sea that storms is 9 months a year, making it impossible main types of tourist activity.

It should also be remembered that it was Phuket very much suffered during Tsunami 2004. This is due to the peculiarities geographic location Islands, which is not protected from the Indian Ocean.

Despite the fact that the faults of the ocean bottom (earthquake) may occur in the Pacific Ocean, which is even more seismic, nevertheless Samui is in the depths of the Siamese Gulf and is protected from possible tsunami by the numerous Pacific Islands and the Indochinese Peninsula.

On the other hand, in order to vain not to scare tourists from Phuket, it should be noted that such cataclysms happen every hundreds of years: in our life we \u200b\u200bare unlikely to see what happened in 2004

Accommodation and infrastructure

In the economy of Phuket for decades, huge financial resources were invested. Therefore, this island objectively provides more than wide selection accommodation options I. best infrastructureneeded resting.

Will not be a mistake to say that Phuket is one big tourist city With the islets of the jungle in its central part. Samui is equiterate to characterize as the jungle island with small settlementsStretching along the coast.

Nevertheless, both islands have numerous accommodation options - from very budget to Laksheri-segment in his Thai interpretation.

The shopping areas of Phuket are superior to Self-size and the range of products offered. Although today and on Samui feature Central Festival and other shopping centers that provide the opportunity to purchase high-quality goods, clothing, products.

However, they are all concentrated in the areas of Chaweng, Bophut and Natong. There are also numerous 7leven, Family Mart, small private shops. The basis of the road infrastructure of both islands is the ring trail passing in close proximity to the coast.


Often you can find the opinion that there is something to do on Phuket, and on Samui is bored. This is not true. Just about the first talk a lot, but the second island has a long story. Cultural attractions on both islands on tradition are represented by Buddhist temples and other places that have a cult value.

Just like in Phuket, there is a zoo on Samui, aquarium, butterflies garden, numerous eco-attractions:

  • waterfalls;
  • botanical gardens;
  • conservative sea park;
  • safari Park;
  • fishing village for lovers of ethnographic excursions.

On both islands, water activities are practiced. However, for scuba diving and studying marine life, the water of the Andaman Sea is more interest.

What is better?

As we saw, Phuket and Samui have more in common than different. You can relax on both islands. The choice between them is in many ways the case of individual preferences and idea of \u200b\u200bthe perfect vacation.

To put a point in the question, what is better, remember the famous aphorism J.-P. Sartre: "Hell is other people." If you agree with the French philosopher, you will be suitable for Samui, where, if you wish, you will be able to spend secluded with your family or in a narrow circle of friends without any financial costs and efforts.

If you want a greater presence of civilization around, and do not mind to be in the crowd of the same tourists, then your version is Phuket.

As it is known, the resorts of Thailand are incredibly in demand among beach-maritime lovers. If you are planning to go to the islands, then you will have a question: "What to choose - Phuket or Samui, where it is better to rest?". Of course, it is not easy to make a choice, however, knowing more information, you can decide on your preferences.

Thailand Islands

There are more than 250 islands in Thailand, but not all of them are sufficiently equipped. Naturally, choosing this country As a place to stay, tourists prefer rest on the refined islands. Like, for example, Samui or Phuket.

In the second of them, the process of the formation and development of civilization was much more dynamic. Already in the fifteenth century, locals actively used the favorable location of the lands and developed the economy. At the same time, the inhabitants of Samui's island lived enough wildlife in their bungalows. Today, such great differences between the islands are practically erased. On each of them is quite actively developing tourism. Now the islands have become competitors. And yet historical aspects to this day determine the features of Samui and Phuket. Each of them has its own characteristics. So, for example, Phuket is interesting as a place for active rest. On the island goes quite active nightlife. But Samui prefer those resort workers, which, on the contrary, seek to relax from the rapid pace of metropolis. Therefore, to determine where it is better to rest - on Phuket or Samui, - you need to know all the features of each of them.

The difference in the weather

In order to make the right choice, it is worth knowing the weather differences. If you do not want to spoil your holiday, then you do not need to come to the islands in the rainy season. At such periods, water is not very warm, often rain and there are waves. It would seem that Samui and Phuket are close enough, and yet there are differences in their climatic conditions. This is due to the fact that the coast of Phuket is located on the Andaman Sea. The rainy season here lasts from May and until the end of October. But Samui is located in the Siamese bay, so the rainy season lasts here from November to February. Knowing such features of the islands, it is easy to make a choice, focusing on vacation time.

Of course, Samui is the most attractive place on the weather, because the rains here are observed just a few months a year. But on Phuket, the high season lasts from March to April. At this time, there are always a lot of tourists on the island. The air temperature ranges within + 30 degrees, and there is no precipitation at all.

Where is easier and faster to get?

So still, what is better: Samui or Phuket? Not least the answer to this question depends on how convenient to get to one or another resort. Of course, Phuket wins in terms of air travel, because there are five direct flights to the island of Moscow. But from other regions there are no direct flights.

How to get to Phuket and Samui? If we figured out the first, the road to the second is more complicated. The fact is that direct flights to the island are simply not. Samui airport serves only domestic flights. Therefore, tourists will probably have to take tickets to Bangkok, and then get to the ferry. Perhaps later the situation will change and get to Samui will be easier.

What resort is cheaper?

Assessing what is better - Samui or Phuket, - many are repelled from the cost of rest. Phuket with confidence can be called the most expensive resort of Thailand. The island is more urbanized and densely populated. It resembles a megapolis more. According to experts, Samui is definitely more cheap resort. Of course, wanting to save, you can cut your needs, but still many want to afford to relax and fully enjoy the holidays.

Stay on Samui will cost much cheaper. Prices for food, shopping, entertainment are significantly lower. Rest on the island is more suitable for those tourists who wish to get relaxes of the soul and body.

On Samui, you can afford to completely relax and live in the traditional bungalow on the very shore, enjoy the deserted beach and go for fruit to the local market. Here you are guaranteed quiet, calm and dimensional rest. This is the dream of any resident of the noisy megalopolis.

As for Phuket, he is chosen by people who value a higher level of service and entertainment. Prices for food, services and hotels here are really higher, which is quite logical for a popular resort.

Infrastructure resorts

Phuket refers to the unified Islands of Thailand, on which civilization began to develop quite early. And the past century has become very significant for the island. Phuket has always provided a significant impact on the country's economy, but its tourist potential was estimated only in the 60s. It was during this period that a restaurant, hotels and roads began to be built. It is difficult to imagine, but in just one decade, the island turned into an incredibly popular resort, which was sought to visit all the avid travelers. But Samui began to develop in the 70s. And the popular island has become only in the 90s.

In fairness it is worth noting that there is a big difference in the development of infrastructure between the resorts. On Phuket, you can find anything: restaurants, hotels, entertainment, clubs, shopping centers, attractions, spa salons, shopping centers and much more. There are the same objects on Samui, but they are much smaller, and they are much more modest. Of course, Phuket can be bolden by the leader in the infrastructure. In this issue, there is even no sense to compare Samui and Phuket. The leading position occupies the second island.

Transfer Phuket - Samui

It is worth noting that the islands are in the waters of completely different oceans, therefore the possibility is eligible to get only by the sea. But despite this, the relationship between them is fine enough. The distance from Phuket to Samui is about 350 kilometers. And yet there are a lot of options to get from one island to another - by bus, plane, taxi, plane and ferry.

One of the fastest and simple options is the airfare. because of geographical features The direct distance between the islands is 80 kilometers is less than on the routes of communication paths. How many from Phuket to Samui you need to fly? The flight takes about an hour, and the cost of the ticket is 5600 rubles.

The most budget option is the bus. If you do not want to spend money on air tickets, you can use land transport. But it is worth remembering that, except for the bus, you will also have to use the ferry. From Phuket in Samui without transfers just not to get. This journey takes up to six hours, and in essence disappears all day, because night flights do not exist in nature. As for the cost of the passage, it depends on the carrier.

If you decide to get on a bus and ferry from Phuket to Samui, then the fare will cost you about 800 rubles.

Those tourists who love comfort, you can offer to use taxi services. Machines are moving along the same route as buses. However, such a trip will cost you more than the flight, so it makes sense to travel for a taxi. Taxi's trip takes about five hours.

Very often, resting in Thailand, the resorts rented transport to be able to travel freely. If you rented a bike or car, you can independently get to the ferry and cross it on it with your vehicles.

Beach Islands

Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the resorts, of course, it is worth remembering their beaches, because it is for the sake of their tourists go to the distant journey. Phuket and Samui are simply created for beach holidays. Their prolonged coasts will delight any resort. There are youth, elite, children's and even nudist beaches. Still, between the beaches of the islands there are different differences. In popular Phuket, the incredible number of tourists is resting. Therefore, its beaches are more contaminated. As for Samui, its coast is cleaner. Local beaches Less people and more natural. Periods occur in Phuket when bathing is prohibited due to excitement on the sea. But on Samui waves does not happen. There the sea is very calm and quiet.

If you dream rest right on the sea coast, then unambiguously, it is worth choosing Samui. On the island you can remove the bungalow, built directly on the coastal sand, and throughout the holiday enjoy the noise of the sea.

But on Phuket, find this option, you can hardly succeed, because all the hotels are quite removed from the sea.


Since Phuket is no longer the first decade is the most popular resort of Thailand, its territory is still being built up. Now the island is already reminiscent of the metropolis. And all some beautiful natural seats managed to save. Tourists, if desired, can watch parks, waterfalls, jungle, coral reefs and underwater inhabitants.

As for Samui, the island is more attractive in terms of nature. There are no high-rise buildings and a continuous buoy of cars. Oddly enough, but a large number of holidaymakers come on Samui, but at the same time the island does not go along the path of Phuket. In the interests of the country, to fully maintain the unique nature of the island, to attend the contrast of the directions tourist holiday. Going on Samui, you can be sure that coral reefs are waiting for you there, sand beaches and coconut palms.

Resort hotels

Find housing on the islands at the time of vacation - not a problem at all. There are modern hotels and distinctive bungalows in a romantic style. However, it is worth considering the fact that there is absolutely no on Phuket beach hotels. When building the island, a big mistake was allowed. After the sandy coast goes the road, it turns out that beach hotels Simply does not exist in nature. Therefore, if you want to live near the sea, it is worth going on Samui.

Where is more comfortable to relax with children?

If you plan to go to something you should choose a place with clean beaches, children's entertainment and gentle seaside. All this is in Phuket and Samui. With kids comfortably relax on both islands. The only thing you need to remember is that on the Samui sea is more quiet and calm, the waves here never happens. And this is very important for children.

Entertainment for tourists

Going to rest, many tourists want to break away to complete and visit nightclubs. In the plan undoubtedly wins Phuket. There is a whole street with all sorts of nightlife, which is by itself the landmark of the resort. Samui in this regard is a quieter place. Even if you find night club On the island, it will not be compared with the establishments of Phuket.

As for attractions, they are all located on Phuket. Samui is a very small island that has only natural beauty.

Phuket and Samui: tourist reviews

Thai islands are stunning seats. Each of them is good in its own way. Before deciding to go on vacation, it is worth deciding with priorities and think about how you see your holiday. Phuket and Samui are fundamentally different places that offer diametrically different features and conditions. According to experienced tourists, Phuket is worth choosing to people who appreciate comfort, attractions, nightlife and developed infrastructure. If you like natural beauty and a relaxing holiday on the very seashore, the best place, than Samui, you just do not find. Therefore, making a choice, listen to yourself: so that you want to get - a holiday or peace.

Just 50 minutes ( land transport - bus and ferry in total will be released at least 7 hours).

In this article we will try to compare in detail and answer the question: "What is better - Phuket or Samui?" And give recommendations to which categories of tourists is suitable for this or that place. We will analyze everything on points, and then we will give recommendations.

Where is it easier to get: Samui or Phuket?

Here the leader is undoubtedly the island of Phuket, because there are direct flights from Russia to him (from Moscow, flight time is 9 h). Although Samui also has an airport, but it is small and takes only local flights. In some way, it is private, because Bangkok Airways airlines belongs to a pretty high prices on tickets.

In April 2012, in the Thai newspaper Bangkok POST information appeared that it was planned to build a new international Airport, 14 km from the old one. And there will be flights from almost all countries of the world. At the same time, the mayor of Samui in the local newspaper claims that there is no smooth place on the island for the new airport, and there will be very many for moving the hills of the hills of funds and it is not profitable. What will come of this will show the future. If he still appears, then to the question: what is better - Samui or Phuket in terms of accessibility, they will be the first island, because from the airport to the main beaches and drive for 15-20 minutes. While from getting to the main beaches - Patong, and at least 45 minutes.

Sea features

And there, and there everything is with him, it is clean even on popular and crowded beaches. But in from May to October, there are often high waves and on the coast sticks out red flags, warning about what to bathe is unsafe. Of course, if you are a good swimmer and you will not swim far, then you can hide on the waves. But if you are going, then he will have to be on the shore all the time, since the meter waves are clearly not for children. And there are waves even on Patong, which is considered one of the most calm due to the characteristics of its location. This time is good for surfers, and not for a beach holiday. The island is washed by the Andaman Sea, which is part of the ocean. Because of this, in 2004 it was destructive tsunamiAfter which the instrument of early warning about the impending element was installed.

But on the Samui high waves almost never happens. But here it happens another attack - frequent signs from May to October, in which water goes far from the coast (a hundred meters) and the sea becomes pretty small. It is very great for children, but adults sometimes strains to go a few hundred meters to finally swim on the neck in the water. Phuket does not suffer.

Party and secluded beaches

On both islands there are also party beaches, and, practically, "wild".

On Samui, even on the most popular - Chaweng and Lamai - the people are a bit. On Phuket people more. And on Samui, and on Phuket there are all the conditions for recreation - sun beds, umbrellas from the Sun, white sand, spicy palm trees.

Comparison of Phuket and Samui by hotels

The main minus of Phuket is the almost complete lack of hotels on the first line, since the asphalt road passes between them and the sea. Even on the relatively wild beachesWhat is located in the north-west (,) still there is asphalt, although it is almost and do not drive motorbikes and cars. The only exception is a few isolated beaches in the south, next to. Here there are small bungalows right on the coast. True, this is the coast of all meters 50 long.

On Samui with an accuracy of the opposite. Although there is also an annular road, but it passes not next to the sea. There are hotels on the beaches, and the highway begins behind them. This is the indisputable plus of the island, because Many tourists want their house standing right on the beach.

In Phuket, hotels in several floors and buildings are dominated, and on Samui - a lot of bungalows and separate houses.

As for prices for hotels in Phuket, it is generally more expensive, although if you try, you can find cheap accommodation. If you take pictures for a month, the prices are almost the same - on both islands you can rent a number for 5000-6000 baht.


If you compare that better Phuket or Samui in terms of climate, the choice will be for the second. Phuket is generally very brightly expressed rainy season. From May to October, all week Sun can be behind the clouds, rain - every other day or every day (though everything is 1-2 hours), God's waves give God! But on Samui at this time, much calmer, a large amount of precipitation falls only in October-November, so it a good place To relax in the "wet" season, which lasts in Thailand from May to November.


Traditionally, Phuket is considered the most expensive resort of Thailand, but it only applies to prices for hotels and taxis. Everything else is not so expensive - food, massage, motorbike rental. Almost all the beaches go to (the capital of the island) public buses, where the passage costs from 25 to 50 baht.

And in the capital you can see, climb on, visit the night market and the largest shopping center of the island - Central Festival. Not far from him is Tesko Lotus, where, for example, sell a large fish of 17 baht, kilograms of chicken legs of 60 baht. So in terms of products Phuket is not so expensive.

As for housing in Phuket, you can find inexpensive offers for 400-500 baht per day and 4000-5000 baht per month (naturally not near the sea).


If you answer the question that choose Phuket or Samui in terms of stores, it is definitely on Phuket. There are large shopping centers here - the Central Festival, Jung Ceylon, Robinson, not to mention the heap Tesko Lotus and Big S. Here you can buy everything, absolutely everything! Souvenirs, Latex, Jewelery, Technique, iPhones, laptops, phones, etc.

On the Samui shopping centers are a bit. Of course, the choice of products is noticeably worse. But if your goal is to be purchased in Thailand about cheap, then it is better to settle in Pattaya or Bangkok at all - prices there are the lowest in the country.


Here Phuket is no equal. On the beach of Patong, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe street (and on it itself) are all the main parties of the island. There is a dozen, a bunch of bars (sports, peteers, with live music), go-th bars, restaurants, all kinds of shows, a lot of interesting things for lonely men. If you are a party and love nightlife, then your choice is definitely Phuket.

On Samui entertainment, mostly are present in the area of \u200b\u200bSeweng Beach and to a lesser extent on Lamai. But after sunset here, life does not hurt the key as much as on Phuket. Smaller bars and discos, yes in general, everything is smaller.

But everything changes when every month there are parties of the full moon (Fool Moon Party) in Pangan - Neighboring with Samui island. Before it is very easy to get and then you can participate in the Grand River under open sky - Such Phuket and did not dream! Thousands of people from all over the world sausage under techno music. Basically, the whole Tus is located on the beach of Had Rin, which is the closest to Samui.

Water entertainment is more in Phuket, although not on all beaches.

Where is the best excursion on Phuket or Samui

Phuket has more interesting attractions, including temples. Plus, hence can be made to the neighboring Islands (Racha, Yao, a little away - Lanta) and resorts (,). Popular and dive tours, for example, to the Similan and Surin Islands. You can get to all of them quite quickly, as Phuket is connected with the mainland bridge, according to which buses and minivans go to the nearest resorts.

But Samui is in one and a half hours from the mainland, yes, actually there is no particular interesting in this part of Thailand. On the island itself there are sights, though little. Popular travel to Phangan and Tao islands.


On Samui smaller machines and motorcycles, and the main road is actually only one. The central part is occupied by the jungle. All the tourist zones of the island resemble small villages with 1-3-storey buildings.

On the Phuket Forests is smaller, and the transport is more. The villages here and does not smell, at all resorts are full of 5-8-storey buildings, there are also skyscrapers on some.


From Phuket easy to go to the most popular Thailand Islands for diving: Similana, Surin and others. The world of the Andaman Sea is considered richer than in the Siamese bay. From Samui goes to the island of Tao - there are also quite a few coral reefs with exotic inhabitants.

Family holidays with children

On Samui and Phuket there are calm unusual beaches, where you can relax with children (although there are still more on their first). There are zoos, all kinds of crocodile shows, elephants, snakes. Will do it.

Long accommodation: where better Samui or Phuket

If you are important for you, little beaches and "bounty", then better on long term Hang on Samui (from the month). If you prefer proximity to civilization and well-developed infrastructure, then Phuket. In principle, and there, and there you can stay for life, for this there are all conditions - inexpensive guesthouses and detached houses, restaurants, shops, markets, bars, nightlife, for men - affordable girls.

Total: What is in Thailand better than Samui or Phuket?

Pluses of Phuket: well-developed infrastructure with hotels, bars, nightclubs, restaurants and shops; a lot of entertainment and excursions; Easy to get from Russia; The best features for shopping and diving.

Cons of Phuket: From May to October, it is often raining and a lot of waves on the sea; There are practically no hotels on the first line; prices higher; Ecology worse.

Pluses of Samui: More than greenery I. untouched nature; full of hotels on the first line; Prices are somewhat lower; The climate is better, you can relax even in the rainy season.

Minuses Samui: There are no direct flights from Russia, which means you will have to get to Bangkok or Phuket; Less features for shopping, excursions, entertainment and diving.

For you, Phuket is better than Samui if you ...

budget tourist, because there are direct flights from Russia (prices for accommodation of malfunctional more than Samui); Active man who loving nightlife; Lonely man in search of exotic entertainment; shopaholic; Diver or surfer.

For you, Samui is better than Phuket if you ...

want to calm holiday on the lap of nature and tired of the rapid rhythm of large resorts; They gathered to relax in Thailand in the rainy season (May - October).

In many tourists who have decided to relax in Thailand, the problem of choosing a resort arises. In this article we will look at the choice between the most popular islands Thailand: Samui and Phuket.


Samui is located on the eastern side of the mainland Thailand, in the waters of the Siamese bay, which belongs to the pool Pacific Ocean. Phuket is located on the western side of the mainland and is washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea, belonging to the Indian Ocean.

The distance between the islands in the straight line is about 250 kilometers.

Both islands are located close to the mainland of Thailand. Phuket is connected to a large land bridge, about 700 meters long, and crossing Samui in a ferry, which overcomes the distance from the port of DonSak to Samuysk (about 32 kilometers) from 45 minutes to one and a half hours (depending on the type of ferry).

The size

Phuket Square is about 543 km², the population is 361 thousand people, the highest point is 529 meters. Square Samui - 228 km², the population is 45 thousand people, the highest point is 529 meters.

That is, Phuket is a little more than 2 times more Samui in size, but at the same time there are 8 times more residents.


And on Samui and on Phuket you will be offered a lot of interesting excursions and entertainment. In general, in Phuket, the choice of entertainment is more, but also there is something to see.

Amateurs marine excursions From Phuket can visit the islands of Pi-Pi, James Bond. From Samui goes no less an interesting excursion On the island of ang Tong, you can also make a one-day excursion to the Tao on a triple island or in general, to move for a few days to the neighboring Phangan or to Tao.

If you compare the most popular beaches: Patong on Phuket and Samui, then it should be noted that Patong is much larger than in size and by the number of entertainment. Compared to him, Chaweng seems like a very secluded beach with a small number of people.

But on Phuket there is very cozy beaches For lovers of relaxing holidays.


Despite the fact that Samui and Phuket are close to each other, weather conditions can differ significantly. We have already told (see article) that the season on Samui lasts from December to August-September.

In Phuket, the most favorable weather is observed from December to mid-April. During the rest of the year, the probability of rain is high. In addition to the rains, in the period from May to November on Phuket you can not swim in the sea because of very large waves.


On December 26, 2004, an Earthcallion occurred in the depths of the Indian Ocean, the consequence of which they became numerous tsunami, which collapsed on the shores of several countries of Asia. Among others, suffered and Phuket: at least 250 people died, including tourists, many beaches and hotels were destroyed.

Fortunately, such catastrophes are quite rare. In addition, after the 2004 tsunami, a tsunami alert system was created in Thailand: a special buoy recording tsunami wave is located far to the sea, and loudspeakers are located on the island for the threat alert, there are arrows on the beaches showing ways to evacuation to elevations. So now the death of the tsunami is very unlikely.

However, even if you are safe, in the event of a wave collapse on the shore of Phuket, your rest will be spoiled. Moreover, there were cases of false response system of alert, resulting in thousands of tourists and local residents They were evacuated with the beaches and during a few hours were sitting waiting for the arrival of the waves. Agree that there is little pleasant in this.

Samui, being in the Siamese Gulf, is protected from tsunami waves from all sides. So here this natural disaster threatens.

Airport and airfare

The airfare is the fastest and most pleasant way of traveling. And on Samui and Phuket there are airports, so you can get off the plane to any of these islands.

It should be noted that on Phuket you are waiting for nothing noticeable airport, and the airport on Samui is outstanding (). However, you will not spend most of the rest at the airport, so I would not give this fact much much importance.

But at the airline to pay attention to. The fact is that only a couple of Thai flights are flying, but this does not change the situation), which, using their monopoly position, establish relatively high prices for flight.

There is no other airline in Phuket of such a monopoly and there are other airlines, in particular, known to many AIR ASIA Loading. If you buy tickets in advance, you can save well, but note that the louns are cheap only if you do not pay extra for luggage, meals, etc.

And one more thing: In Bangkok Air Asia makes flights from the Old Airport, which does not receive international flights. Those. If you plan to fly to Bangkok and immediately go to Phuket, you will have to go by taxi (add expenses) from one airport to another.

In general, in terms of flight, you can save a little in the case of Phuket, but most likely not much.

However, some airlines route directly to Phuket, without landing in Bangkok. If you have already been to the capital of Thailand and everyone saw (and there is a lot of interesting things), then this option may be optimal. Therefore, it makes sense to search for tickets not only to Bangkok, but also to the end item.

What to choose? Samui or Phuket?

Samui and Phuket have a lot in common and many different things. What to choose - envy of your personal preferences. I advise you to visit and there and there, and then decide what you like more.

If you are planning your holiday in Thailand from May to September, then because of the weather conditions, I recommend choosing Samui. Going on vacation from December to April? Well, there will be there and there, but once on Samui you can go and in the summer, then you can choose Phuket? Eat in autumn? Forget about Samui and Phuket and choose completely different resorts (at this time in Thailand you can go to Chang or Pattaya).