Mexican territory. Mexico

United Mexican States, state in the southwest part of the north. America. In 1821, Spanish independence was proclaimed. colonies of New Spain. The resulting new state took the name Mexico City (Spanish: Mexico, Mejico) after the name of the capital of the state city... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Aztec country Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Mexico noun, number of synonyms: 2 country (281) ... Synonym dictionary

MEXICO- (Mexico, Mejico), Mexican United States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), state in the South North. America. Pl. 1972.5 t. km2. Us. 73 million hours (1982). The capital is Mexico City (over 14 million hours, with suburbs, 1979). M. independent state since 1821. M. industrial... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Mexico, Mejico), United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), state in the southwest. parts of the North America. Pl. 1958.2 thousand km2 (according to official Mexican data). Hac. 71.2 million people (est. cep. 1984). The capital is Mexico City. M. consists of 31... Geological encyclopedia

- (Mйxico, Mйjico), United Mexican States, a state in the southwestern part of North America. In ancient times, a number of artistic cultures of Indians (Olmecs, Toltecs, Zapotecs, Mayans, Aztecs) developed on the territory of Mexico... ... Art encyclopedia

Mexico- (Mexico), state in the Center. America. Since 1521, as part of the vice kingdom of New Spain, M. was under Spanish rule. board In the beginning. 19th century influenced by the ideas of the French. revolution, an independence movement arose in the country, led by two priests... ... The World History

Mexico- MEXICO, federal republic in the south. parts of North America; borders on the village. with S. Am. Conn. Pieces, to the south s Brit. Honduras and Guatemala, with. washed by Mexico. Bay and Antillsk. sea, from the west Vel. ocean. Area 1,744,936 sq. ver... ... Military encyclopedia

MEXICO- Territory 1972 thousand sq. km, population 83 million people (1990). It is an industrial-agrarian country with an average level of economic development. Agriculture provides about 10% of the total social product. Up to 75% of st... World sheep farming

Mexico- (Mexico) State of Mexico, geography, history, population and cities of Mexico Information about the state of Mexico, geography, cities, history and population of Mexico, economy and political structure Contents United Mexican States, ... ... Investor Encyclopedia


  • Mexico, Ya. G. Mashbits, The first monograph by a Soviet author on the economic geography of Mexico - one of largest countries Latin America. It talks about the country’s diverse natural resources,… Publisher: Geographgiz,
  • Mexico, J. G. Mashbits, Bright, fiery, richly flavored with various spices and herbs, seasoned with sauces of the most unusual tastes and colors, original and unique - this is the cuisine of Mexico. It is based on… Series: Cuisines of the world Publisher:

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Description of the country

Mexico has a rich historical heritage. It invites tourists to immerse themselves in the times of the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs, enjoy the beauty of colonial architecture and the majesty of modern facilities. The contrast can also be seen in the nature of the country. It has everything - volcanoes, deserts, sandy beaches and coral reefs. Who hasn’t dreamed of visiting a Mexican carnival full of passions and trying tequila? And all this in a year-round summer. Today Mexico is a unique and vibrant interweaving of past and present. This land amazingly combines dense impenetrable jungle, wide plains, fabulous mountains and volcanoes, fantastic landscapes and graceful pyramids. This country of proud and open people, bright colors and rich history will undoubtedly amaze and captivate you with its sincere hospitality.


MEXICO (Mexico, Mejico), United Mexican States (Estado Unido Mexicanos), a state in the south of North America. Also owns islands in Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California. Mexico is shaped like a loop, stretched from northwest to southeast, narrowing closer to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and expanding again in Yucatan. Area 1958.2 thousand km2. The capital of Mexico is Mexico City. Big cities: Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Tijuana.
Mexico is a mountainous country. Two mountain ranges in the north and south of the country frame a group of broad plateaus in central Mexico known as the Altiplano Central. In the south, the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains stretch across the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. From the isthmus, a narrow line of lowlands runs along the Pacific coast to Guatemala. Beyond these lowlands are the Chiapas highlands, which transition into hot tropical rainforests that also extend into Guatemala. The plains and lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula are covered with tropical savannas.
Western Mountain chain The Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental meet in the southeastern region of La Junta and form the Sierra Madre del San, a labyrinth of volcanoes that includes highest points Mexico (up to 5700 meters). In the southeast of the country is the Yucatan Peninsula, a flat average height from 20 to 30 meters The main “waterways” are the Rio Grande or Rio Bravo del Norte, Balsas Panuco, Grijalva, Usumacinta and Conilos rivers.
The most large lake Mexico - Chapala.


It is 9 hours behind Moscow. From the first Sunday in April to October - summer time. Pacific coast - at 11 o'clock.


Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. In the area of ​​the Mexican Highlands it is usually much cooler (from +2 C in winter to +15 C in summer) than on the coast, where the air temperature does not drop below +20 C even in winter. In the northern part of the country and in mountainous areas, little snow falls in winter. In coastal resort areas (Acapulco, Cancun), temperatures range from +22 C in winter to +35 C in summer. Due to the features of the relief, altitudinal zonation is clearly expressed. Usually there are dry (November-April) and wet (June-September) seasons, which differ slightly in temperature, but due to the influence of tropical cyclones, they vary greatly in the amount of precipitation, and especially in air humidity. Total precipitation ranges from 100 to 3000 mm. in year. The Gulf Coast receives much more rain than the country's Pacific shores, so some resorts require some acclimatization due to the high humidity. Powerful tropical cyclones are frequent. Mexico is rich in volcanoes. And in this regard, there are many different balneological centers in the country.


Official language: Spanish. Mayan, Nahuatl, etc. dialects are also common. Naturally, they all speak the languages ​​of their ancestors, but they also use Spanish. English is widely spoken.


Christianity is the dominant religion of Mexico (97% of the country's population consider themselves Catholics). 3% of Mexicans adhere to the most diverse forms of Protestantism. There are small but quite prosperous communities of Baha'is and Jews.


Mexico population is 106,202,903 (2004), average density population is about 54 people per km2. More than half of the country's inhabitants (55%) are Spanish-Indian mestizos, Indians - 29%, Europeans - about 15%. Birth rate - 26.64 newborns per 1,000 people (1995). Mortality - 4.64 deaths per 1,000 people (infant mortality rate - 26 deaths per 1,000 births). Average life expectancy in Mexico: men - 70 years, women - 77 years (1995). The working-age population is 26,200,000 people, of which 32% are employed in the service sector, 26% in agriculture, and 11% in industry (1990).


120 volts, 60 hertz (American standard - flat plug, adapter required).

Emergency numbers

Police, ambulance, fire protection and other emergency situations - 06.


International telephone calls can be made from hotels, specialized call centers and from the post office. Most street pay phones work with cards and a call from them is much cheaper than from a hotel, especially since in many hotels you have to pay even for the call that did not result in a connection with the subscriber. Telephone rates are quite high (an additional 49% tax applies). To call to Mexico you need to dial 8 - 10 - 52 -<код города> - <номер вызываемого абонента>.

Currency exchange

Banks are open from 9.00 to 17.00 on weekdays (some bank branches are open even until 24.00 or 01.00), and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Saturdays. Sunday is a day off. Some bank branches in resort areas are also open from 16.00 to 18.00, on Saturday - from 10.00 to 13.30 and from 16.00 to 18.00, and on Sunday - from 10.00 to 13.30. Currency exchange can be done in banks, large hotels, airports (usually the best rate) or specialized exchange offices "casas de cambio". Difficulties often arise with the exchange of tattered banknotes or banknotes of old series. Most hotels, restaurants, shops and travel agencies Credit cards of the world's leading systems and traveler's checks (preferably in US dollars) are accepted for payment. A network of ATMs is widely developed in resort areas. US dollars are also accepted almost everywhere (the exchange rate is not the most favorable).


Consular fee
Consular processing fee tourist visa is $36, business and visitor visas - $134. The fee is payable in consular section after receiving permission to enter, when submitting your passport for a visa. Payment is made in rubles.
Visa validity periods
The standard validity period for a tourist visa is 5 and 10 years. The length of stay in the country is determined migration service Mexico and can range from 14 to 90 days.
Visa processing times
The appointment date at the consulate is set on the second or third day from the date of sending the electronic visa request. Visa processing takes 2-3 days.

Customs regulations

The import and export of foreign currency is not limited (declaration is required), national currency - up to the equivalent of $10 thousand. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed duty free import up to 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco; up to 3 liters of spirits or wine; a reasonable amount of perfume, 1 video camera, 1 photo camera and 12 films (video cassettes) for them, as well as gifts and other goods worth no more than $300. Additional goods worth no more than $500 can also be imported without paying customs duty, however, you will need to prove their non-commercial use. When entering Mexico, you must fill out a customs declaration, which must list all valuable items that are imported into the country. The import of fruits, vegetables and products made from them, plants, cuttings and seeds of plants is prohibited (the latter are permitted for import only on the basis of a special license from the Ministry Agriculture), soil, flowers, fresh meat and meat products (import of canned meat, with the exception of pork, is allowed), medicines without documentary evidence of the need for their use (a prescription or medical card is required), psychotropic substances and pornographic publications, archaeological values, antiques, precious metals, rare animals and birds, as well as their skins and stuffed animals.

Holidays and non-working days

January 1 - New Year
February 5 - Constitution Day
February 24 - Flag Day
March 21 is the birthday of the country's national hero Benito Juarez
April 21 - Good Friday
March-April - Easter
April 30 - Children's Day
May 1 - Labor Day
May 5 - Anniversary of the Battle of Pueblo in 1862 (Indian holiday)
September 16 - Independence Day (1810)
October 12 - Discovery Day of America, "Dia de la Rasa"
November 20 - Revolution Day
December 8 - Day of the Immaculate Conception
December 12 - Day of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe
December 25 - Christmas


Transport in Mexico, as in the United States, is predominantly automobile (bus). Although local airlines are also quite developed.
Largest airport countries - Benito Juarez, located in Mexico City, receives and dispatches many flights within the country. At the same time, the flight time to the main cities of Mexico is as follows: 1 hour 15 minutes to Monterrey, 2 hours 15 minutes to Cancun, 50 minutes to Guadalajara and about 1 hour to Acapulco. There are buses to many cities within the country. You can buy a ticket for first class buses, luxury class buses, as well as regular buses. The country also has a developed network railways. But for some reason Mexicans prefer to use either buses or planes.
You will be transported to the California Peninsula by ferry. In cities there are all types public transport- buses, in the capital - metro. You can also get within the city by minibus taxis(Spanish for “pesero”), plying along a specific route. The price of travel on buses and minibuses depends on the distance you are traveling. In Mexico City you can also use the metro. It has 9 lines. The metro covers the entire city, there are also lines to the airport and to railway station. The metro operates daily from 5-00 in the morning until 0-30. On Saturdays - from 6-00 to 1-30, and on holidays and Sundays from 7-00 to 0-30. Metro trains run frequently - every 1-2 minutes. The price of travel in the Mexican metro is low - only 1 peso. While in Mexico City, you can also use the services of a taxi, calling it by phone. The cost will be approximately 20 cents per kilometer (at night - about 30 cents). I must say that most of taxis are not equipped with meters, so when boarding, negotiate the price immediately. Better yet, call a specialized taxi for tourists (from the hotel) - here the tariff is stable, and you can communicate in English.


It is customary to leave it in restaurants, bars, porters, taxi drivers, etc. - 10% of the total bill.

The shops

Stores in Mexico are open every day from 9-00 to 18-00. Near hotels, shops are open longer - until 22-00, also every day, including on Sunday.
City shops have lunch breaks from 13:00 to 16:00, and are closed on Sundays. Payment by credit cards is possible. VAT (IVA) in Mexico is 15%. By law it must be included in the price, but in some expensive hotels prices are quoted excluding tax.

National cuisine

Mexican cuisine is famous for its culinary traditions all over the world. You may find some dishes a little spicy at first, but you will still appreciate their taste. As a rule, national dishes are not complete without at least one of three typical components: tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers. The appetizers are genius, just like everything simple. Actually, most popular snacks - nachos, quesadillas, tacos, tostados, chimichangas - are the same unleavened corn tortillas (not only from corn, but also from wheat “imported” by the Spaniards) with fillings from corn, beans, peppers, cheeses, meats minced meat with tomatoes, for example, picadillo. Stews with seafood, legumes, and spices are common. Salt, chili and tortillas must be on the table. Hot dishes are prepared from several types of meat; goulash olla podrida, fried beef ribbons with a side dish of carne asado, and even the famous chili con carne, the preparation of which is held in real championships, are popular. Again, hot flatbreads with fillings: reminiscent of our dumplings or empanadas, which were once a simple omelette, and then turned into a kind of enchiladas rolls, thick, like packs on the back of a donkey, burritos. Well, for lovers of antiquity - aromatic tamales, steamed pieces of corn dough, wrapped in a leaf of corn on the cob and topped with a sauce of your choice. The most famous Mexican dessert is the sweet royal bread Rosca de Reyes, the center of which is filled with dried fruit, and a doll is placed inside, symbolizing the Christ Child and the onset of the fiesta.


The true ancient monuments and attractions in Mexico are pyramids. There are many of them in the country, but only a few are available for viewing. Many of the pyramids are buried under cultural layers and covered with dense tropical vegetation, so that they are just green hills. Most pyramids are multi-layered structures: the oldest is located inside, and above it there are several later superstructures and facings. The most famous and probably the most ancient are the pyramids of Teotihuacan.
Teotihuacan(Teotihuacan, "place where the gods are born") is 50 km away. northeast of Mexico City, and is a cult place for many peoples of “Mesoamerica.” It is still unclear when the first people began to settle here and why the city was abandoned, but he architectural monuments stuns the imagination. Temple of Quetzalcoatl and the 5-kilometer Road of the Dead (40 m wide), the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, the Palace of Quetzal-Papalotl and the Palace of the Jaguars, ancient temple Feathered Shells, the Quetzal Butterfly Palace, Plaza de la Luna and the Tepantitla residential complex with the famous Paradise of Tlaloc frescoes are just a small part of the local “treasures of history”, assembled from huge stone blocks and strictly subordinated to some unknown system. In the center of the archaeological zone there is a wonderful museum with an exhibition of rare archaeological objects and a scale model of Teotihuacan.
Another impressive group of pyramids are the Pyramids Mitla and Monte Albana, which is located near the city of Oaxaca. The ancient Zapotec cities developed especially magnificently in the 4th-7th centuries, but by 1400 the former capital of the Zapotecs, Monte Albana, had turned into a huge cemetery with very rich burials. The treasures discovered already in the 20th century in burial No. 7 are one of the richest archaeological finds in the world. Some of these treasures - Aztec gold jewelry depicting the god of death, the sun, the ball game and others, are on display in a museum in Oaxaca, 100 km from the Mexican capital. Today this pyramid is a hill overgrown with forest, on top of which stands a Catholic church. In this way, the Spaniards indicated their superiority over the ancient Indian civilization.
The city center is El Zocalo Square(Constitution Square, the second largest in the world), surrounded by the miraculously preserved buildings of the Aztec Tenochtitlan (Templo Mayor) and buildings of the colonial era, including the largest in Latin America the Catholic Cathedral Metropolitan Cathedral (1563-1667) and the Palace of Cortes. Also interesting is the Square of Three Cultures in the center of Mexico City, where there is a unique archaeological zone with the stone foundations of ancient Aztec buildings, above which rises the Catholic Cathedral, which, in turn, is adjacent to modern residential buildings bordering the square.
Uxmal("built three times") - an important Mayan ceremonial center in Yucatan. The local historical monuments are simply countless - Great Pyramid(100 m long and 70 m wide with a height of more than 30 m), the Pyramid of the Wizard ("house of the dwarf") 38 m high, the perfectly preserved building of the ruler's palace with its famous "throne of the two-headed jaguar", Temple of the Phalluses, House of Turtles , the ball field, the Nuns' Quadrangle and the Old Witch's Pyramid. In the evenings, the colors of a light and sound show spill over the forested ruins of the great city, giving this place an absolutely fantastic look.
Definitely worth a visit National Palace , decorated with the famous frescoes of Diego Rivera, Garibaldi Square and the world's largest bullring, as well as Alameda Park and the nearby Palacio de Bella Art (Palace of Fine Arts), which contains the best works of Mexican culture, or the Xochimilco canals on the outskirts Mexico City, where people still live the same way they did 500 years ago. Don't forget to go to the Basilica of the patroness of Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe, where a huge religious procession is held on her feast day (December 12), visit the first European quarter of the capital - Coyoacan, or walk along Paseo de la Reforma (Reforma Avenue) - copies Parisian Champs Elysees (and by the way - also full of shops and restaurants) with colorful buildings of the late 19th century. and numerous fountains.

In the very center of this giant "anthill" is a pedestrian enclave and area nightlife - Zone Rose, with many shops, shops, restaurants and cafes - "cantina". You can take a break from the bustle of the city in the parks of Pedregal, Alameda, Bosc de Chapultepec ("grasshopper hill", the most... big park Mexico City) with the presidential palace Castillo de Chapultepec, where the country's largest National Anthropological Museum is located (there is a good zoo nearby), or the forested area of ​​La Marquez on the outskirts of the city, which is also famous for its large number of restaurants, cafes and attractions. But huge Mexico City, despite all its attractions, is not very suitable for relaxation, so it is better to head straight to its famous suburbs.


City and port of Acapulco on the Pacific coast of Mexico, a modern highway connects with Mexico City. Acapulco has a beautiful natural bay. It was founded in the 16th century and during the colonial era it was an important transit point on the “Asian road” - the trade route from Spain to other countries South-East Asia. Acapulco is one of the best sea climatic resorts Western Hemisphere. There is an airport here shopping mall, yacht Club. Dozens of fashionable multi-storey hotels are built along the coast on the beaches of Condeza, which are especially actively filled during the peak season. tourist season. There are hundreds of thousands of tourists here. Unlike temperate countries, best time for holidays in Mexico - the end of December and all of January, when the coasts of the country experience dry, warm weather with temperatures of 25-30 °C, moderated by sea breezes. The best place for swimming is the beaches of Caleta in the Old Acapulco area. Here you can rent a boat and go to Roqueta Island, where jaguars and tigers, giraffes and armadillos live in special pens. The coastal waters of Acapulco are very rich in wildlife. Barracuda, tuna, seuk, dorado, striped marlin and Pacific sailfish can all be seen when local fishermen's boats come ashore at midday. But fishing also promises good luck for vacationers. Local instructors guarantee fishing masters a “large fish”, which, by Acapulco standards, can be 2-2.5 m. Acapulco also offers a breathtaking spectacle - professional divers jumping from 20- and 35-meter cliffs into a narrow bay where the depth is not exceeds 3.5 m. The resort has many bars and restaurants offering exquisite seafood delicacies. There is also a cabaret called La Jacaranda.
Cancun- one of the most famous resorts on the Gulf Coast, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. It is built on a long and narrow 25-kilometer sand spit, which faces one side Caribbean Sea, and the other - to the lagoon, which formed between the spit and the shore. It is famous for its endless beaches with white sand, crystal clear sea water and proximity to the architectural monuments of the Mayan civilization. This is the most visited and popular resort Mexico. The predominant nationality of tourists at the resort are Americans. Coastline Cancun resort from a bird's eye view resembles the number "7", dividing the resort into two parts: "short" and "long". The short part is characterized by calm seas, since it is closed from the ocean by the island of Isla Mujeres. But there are some disadvantages here - the presence of algae in the water, which clog the beach and make the sea not so clear. In addition, in this part of the beach area there is a port, which also has a bad effect on the cleanliness of the water. The advantages of staying in hotels in this part of the resort are the proximity to entertainment venues and the city center. The city is 10 minutes from here by bus (runs with very short breaks). main feature The “long part” is constant waves, since they do not encounter any obstacles on their way from the open ocean. But at the same time, you can not only splash around in the sea, but also feel the healing power of a water massage - no worse than in a jacuzzi. The water in this part of the resort is crystal clear, and since there are no algae, the beach is in perfect condition. The seabed is sandy, but the sand does not rise when entering the water. The downside of the “long part” is that this beach is located further from the city, 15-20 minutes by bus. Cancun has a very mild maritime climate, slightly dependent on the time of year. Average daytime temperature in (in degrees Celsius, maximum/minimum): January - 27/19, February - 27/20, March - 28/21, April - 29/22, May - 31/25, June - 31/25, July - 32 /26, August - 32/25, September - 31/24, October - 30/23, November - 28/22, December - 27/21.
Los Cabos- new expensive and prestigious resort, located in the southern part of the California Peninsula. The Los Cabos resort area stretches along the sea for almost 40 km between the cities of San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo, where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of ​​Cortez. Los Cabos has luxurious hotels, surrounded by greenery, and behind the hotels, where the resort area ends, there is a desert and colorful dunes, alien landscapes that are very enlivened by a variety of cacti. One of the main natural attractions of this place is the rock "El Arco" - a giant rock in the shape of an arch. There are endless white sandy beaches along the coastline here.
Puerto Vallarta Resort is located on the Pacific coast in the largest bay of Mexico - Banderas. This bay is bordered by mountains. The city itself has a colonial feel - the cobbled streets are lined with white houses with red tiled roofs. There are several beach areas on the coast. Playa de Oro is known for its good conditions for aquatic species sports In the north of the resort - best places for windsurfing. But the most popular place is Playa de los Muertos. This beach is surrounded by restaurants and shops.
Cozumel Island- biggest Caribbean island Mexico, which is located 19 km off the coast of the state of Quintana Roo. The area of ​​the island is 647 km². The climate here is warm and humid, with heavy rainfall in summer and average temperature+26ºС. The island is surrounded by lush vegetation, mostly jungle, and is surrounded by a rocky coastline, white beaches, lagoons and mangroves. Also close to the island is a group of coral reefs that are part of the world's second largest coral system. In addition, the island has 2 largest marine reserves: Cozumel National Reef Marine Park and natural Park Chankanaab, which were created to protect territories with a huge diversity underwater world and which attract researchers and biologists from all over the world. There are excellent spots for scuba diving and nature walks.

Mexico is a country that few people know anything interesting about. Most inhabitants of the planet know this state as the place where such cinematic masterpieces as “Wild Rose”, “Simply Maria”, “The Rich Also Cry” and other soap operas were born, which won the hearts of millions of residents of post-Soviet territories in the nineties. Meanwhile, Mexico is a beautiful land, with an ancient and magical history, amazing sights inherited from the Mayan prophets and unsurpassed nature that has been formed over the centuries.

The very first civilizations

The area of ​​Mexico is 1,972,550 km2. In addition, its territories include approximately 6,000 km 2 of islands located in the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Mexican Ocean and Naturally, not all of these lands immediately belonged to the country. They were conquered, given away, returned back, and so on until the state known as to modern man. Excavations in 1947, carried out in Tepespan and other possessions of the country, proved that no less than 22 thousand years ago the first person appeared in this part of America. By the fifth-sixth century BC, the first settled civilizations were formed here. They grew legumes, pumpkins and maize.

Historians know several ancient cultures of Mexico. One of them is the Olmecs, who inhabited the modern area of ​​​​Mexico somewhere from the 12th to the 5th century BC. e. The centers of this civilization were mainly located in Tres Zapotes, Cerro de las Mesas and La Venta. Today these are the states of Tabasco, Guerrero and Veracruz. The Olmecs had a fairly strong influence on civilizations that arose a little later. Their prosperity dates back to the 4th-9th centuries AD. Today these cultures are considered classic. These include the civilization of Teotihuacan, Zapotecs, Totonacs, and, of course, the Mayans.

Arrival of the Spaniards

Mexican lands were famous for their extraordinary wealth. The Spanish conquistadors had heard about their treasures. In 1511, a Spanish ship was wrecked near This was the first meeting between the peoples who inhabited Central America, and Europeans. Jeronimo de Aguilar is a man who managed to survive that disaster. He stayed to live with the Mayans. Jerónimo mastered the language of this people, and eight years later he became a translator on an expedition led by Hernán Cortés.

Mexico is a country that was simultaneously explored and conquered in 1517. Diego Velazquez, the governor of Cuba, sent several expeditions here. The first of them was led in 1517 by Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba, the second was led by Juan de Grijalva in 1518. And the last one took place in 1519. Its head was Hernan Cortes. It was he who conquered the empire that belonged to the Aztecs and became the governor of those territories that he managed to subordinate to his laws.

Sights of Mexico

Mexico is a country that has experienced a lot of suffering in its lifetime. And the sights of the country are, of course, witnesses to all these trials. There are very, very many of them here. Visit all these Amazing places pretty hard. But there are some special exhibits that simply need to be seen in person. One of these is This giant reached a height of 5636 meters and is considered the highest Mexican peak. Orizaba is mostly called a mountain, but in reality it is not. After all, this is a real volcano. At the border of the 16th-17th centuries, the most a large number of eruptions. During this time there were as many as seven powerful explosions. After one of them in 1687, Orizaba fell asleep. The Aztecs called it Citlatepetl - the mountain that strives for the stars.

Fort San Diego is also a must-visit. This is a pentagonal building, shaped like a star. It is located in Acapulco. The fort was built to protect merchant ships and the city from pirates from Holland and England. San Diego was built back in the 17th century. This is the only historical landmark in Acapulco that has survived to this day.

Formation of the Mexican capital

The capital of Mexico is called Mexico City. But the city did not always bear this name. Previously it was called Tenochtitlan. The city was founded in 1325 by the Aztecs. There is a legend according to which Huitzilopochtli - the sun god - ordered the Indians to come here. He ordered the Aztecs to settle in the place where they would meet a proud eagle, who would sit on a tall cactus and hold a snake in its beak. The Indians searched for such a territory for a long time, but finally found it and founded a settlement there. This is how Tenochtitlan appeared on the western shore of Lake Texcoco. Later it became the capital of the Aztec power.

The capital of Mexico is indescribably beautiful. The first Europeans, who were struck by the splendor of Tenochtitlan, called it the Venice of the Aztecs. This unsurpassed city existed for almost two hundred years. It was conquered by the Spaniards, so it was greatly destroyed. In 1521, on the site of the ruins, a new town- Mexico City.

City of contrasts

The capital of Mexico is a city full of contrasts. You either like him at first sight, or he causes irritation and a burning desire to leave him immediately and go somewhere a little calmer. Unparalleled museums and buildings coexist with poor neighborhoods, while ancient churches and fragrant parks, synonymous with the word “peace,” border noisy and busy streets. In short, Mexico City is a multi-faceted locality, it is special, unpredictable and fascinating, just like the country itself.

Mexico City Museums

The capital's museums are one of the main attractions of the city. Mexico, the capital Mexico City in particular, is simply oversaturated with them. The most beautiful and impressive institutions are located here. First of all, I would like to mention the Mexico City Museum. It is located in a palace made in the Baroque style. was built in the 18th century and belonged to the count family of Santiago de Calimaya, who was a descendant of the famous conquistador Cortes. The museum in this house opened only in 1964. There are 26 halls demonstrating the history of the development of the capital of Mexico from the time of the Aztecs to modern days.

The house-museum of Leon Trotsky is considered no less famous. The great publicist lived in it for the last few months of his existence, and here he was killed in 1940. The capital of Mexico is the city that provided political shelter to the famous revolutionary in 1937. On August 20, 1990, the house-museum was officially opened. There is a public library here, in which Trotsky’s works and some of his documents are carefully preserved.

Palaces of Mexico City

Among all the attractions of this city, I would like to note the palaces, which are majestically located in their honorary territories. The capital of Mexico (photos can be seen in our article) boasts the Chapultepec Palace. This famous castle in all North America. Emperors, presidents and governors of the country once stayed here. The palace is located on the hill of the same name, the height of which reaches 2325 meters above sea level. King Bernard de Galvez initiated the founding of the castle. Today, numerous excursions are held here, which appeal to all visitors without exception.

The Palace of Fine Arts is another attraction that has captured the hearts of many travelers. This is an opera house, and it is located in the very center of Mexico City. The building is the largest structure on the planet, for the construction of which Carrara marble was used. The domes of this architectural masterpiece are decorated with Italian marble. And the interior of the theater was created by Federico Mariscal.

Latin American Tower

As mentioned above, the country of Mexico (whose capital is Mexico City) is a state full of contrasts. But besides them, it is also filled with paradoxes. One of these is the Latin American Tower - a 183-meter building located in the center of the capital. This building is located in a seismic zone, but this did not prevent it from successfully surviving several powerful earthquakes.

The tower has 44 floors. And the structure was created not so long ago, in 1956. Today it is used as an office center. You can move from floor to floor using a high-speed elevator, of which, by the way, there are two: one takes you to the 37th floor in just half a minute, and the other reaches the 42nd floor, where the cafe and observation deck are located.

The day of the Dead

No, no, don't be afraid, it's traditional. Just if you are lucky enough to be in the country when it takes place, be sure to visit it. The country of Mexico (the capital in particular) celebrates this day on the first and second of November. These events are an occasion for the whole family and friends to gather to pray and remember those who are no longer around. Not a single bank is open in the country during the celebrations. So, people go to cemeteries, where they want to spend a little time with the souls of the departed. At the graves they build altars on which they display photographs, favorite drinks and dishes, and memorial items of the one who rests in the ground.

The skull is the main symbol of this holiday. People celebrating the Day of the Dead cover their faces with masks, wear skeleton costumes, make skulls out of chocolate or sugar, and write their names on the forehead of a unique dessert. Perhaps this is a little wild for us, but there it is in the order of things. Sweet skulls are given as souvenirs to both the living and the dead. The capital of Mexico is called Mexico City, and in the first two days of November it can be called a dead city.

You might be interested

Mexico is an amazing country, and the capital of Mexico is generally something unique. And there are things that will surprise every person for whom this region has even the slightest interest. So, here are some fun facts about this state:

  • Every year it is visited by 20 million people.
  • Brazil - Mexico is a football match that took place between these countries in the summer of 2014. The game ended with the score 0:0.
  • The pyramid called Chichen Itza, which is one of the seven wonders of the world, is located in Mexico.
  • uses 80 varieties of pepper.

Instead of a conclusion

Mexico is the birthplace of everyone's favorite chocolate. It is also the only Latin American country to host the Olympic Games. So pack your bags, an exciting journey awaits you!

Almost a year has passed since our trip to North America and today we decided to refresh our memory of this trip by compiling 50 facts about Mexico based on our impressions. We do not pretend to be objective - this is exclusively our vision of the country.

1. Burritos and tacos- This is a national and very popular food here, based on flatbreads made from corn, wheat and even cactus flour. The second component is meat, chicken or vegetables and definitely beans or beans, all seasoned with hot chili sauce.

2. Fresh juices, as well as various soft drinks sold on every corner, very cheap, but be careful - ice is generously put in there or diluted with water of unknown origin

3. Fruit on the streets They are sold already peeled and cut, in plastic bags. Before selling, they are offered to sprinkle chili powder and sugar on top - for those who like it hotter

4. Homemade ice cream, which can be found on sale, is sold without packaging, and what appears to be chocolate chips may turn out to be chili peppers. Even when buying ice cream, you need to clarify - “but spicy please” =)

5. Tequila(full name Santiago de Tequila) is the name of the Mexican city in which the main production of the drink of the same name is located.

6. Blue agave- this is the plant from which Tequila is made, contrary to popular belief that it is made from cacti. Blue agave belongs to the asparagus family and looks like a small bush with thorns, which is probably why the stereotype about cacti appeared.

7. Tequilero- this is the name of a tequila specialist.

8. Popular local sweets: marshmallow from apple and other fruits - in the form of toffee and in the form of cubes; lime candied coconut; sweet beans with chili peppers in the form of chuchkhela.

9. Boiled corn It is also a popular delicacy here - you can buy the cob whole or already peeled in a glass. The seller, in addition to corn, adds salt and mayonnaise to the glass, sprinkles it with cheese and squeezes lime juice onto the whole mixture. The price for both the cob and the glass is the same - a little more than a dollar.

10. Corn Here it is generally a universal product - it is eaten raw, boiled and grilled, it is used to make flatbreads, stew, yogurt and even corn ice cream with pieces of corn.

16. Underwater Museum with four hundred sculptures located at a depth of about 2 to 10 meters is located nearby. It will certainly appeal to divers who are bored with tropical fish and coral reefs.

17. Beaches Cancun and Tulum are in the top ten best beaches world according to TripAdvisor.

18. Cenotes- these are natural wells or small lakes that the Mayan Indians used as sources of water and places for sacrifices; they will definitely appeal to snorkeling enthusiasts. Most cenotes are located in caves with many bizarre stalactites and stalagmites. The water there is crystal clear and pleasantly cool, good for relaxing from the heat outside.

19. Iguanas different colors and sizes are very common in

20. In official taxis There must be a state license with a photograph of the driver hanging on the glass. To avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to check the photo with the person driving.

21. Taxi in Mexico City varies according to safety classes. The safer it is, the more expensive it is, but in general it is quite cheap. For 3-4 people, it is often more profitable to take a taxi than to go by public transport

22. Cost of local calls from a pay phone does not depend on the duration of the conversation. For example, it will cost 3 pesos (25 cents)

23. Mexico City located in the mountains, at an altitude of 2240 m, so if you are flying from the coast or lowland parts, be prepared to wear a sweater or jacket when leaving the airport. It is warm here during the day, but quite cool in the morning and evening.

Modern Mexico as we know it is a country with a very rich and variable history, which developed despite any obstacles, and gave the world many significant people and events that generally influenced the formation of history and the development of mankind.

So, the most interesting facts about Mexico:

The territory of modern Mexico, which previously housed the most developed nations of the Western Hemisphere, was like a magnet and attracted both conquerors and great, free peoples. One of the first civilizations was the Olmec state, which existed long before our era. Also in this territory there was a culture glorified throughout the world, Maya. The whole story of this is true amazing country, replete with fateful events. Perhaps because of this, from this land, a lot of amazing things, traditions and discoveries came into the world. Here are a few of them.

  • The whole world thinks that Mexico is the full name of this state, but few people know what official name- United States of Mexico.

  • An equally fascinating fact is that the city of Mexico City itself is one of the oldest cities in all of North America, and at the same time, ranks second largest in the world. The population of Mexico City is almost 20 million people.

  • The Pyramid of Chichen Itza, one of the seven great wonders of the world, is located in Mexico.
  • The very first printing press in all of North America for work was used in Mexico City, back in 1539.
  • The city itself is quite dangerous to live in; it is located in the so-called “ring of fire”, this is the largest zone of volcanoes and earthquakes.

  • The beloved Chihuahua dog is the smallest in the world, and it was named after one of the states of Mexico.

  • And the strong, national drink of the Mexicans, tequila, appeared long before the country gained independence as a state.

  • Mexico is the progenitor of a delicious delicacy that is loved by the whole world - chocolate.

  • Contrary to popular belief, in Mexico, football, not bullfighting, is considered the most beloved and popular sport.
  • In all of Latin America, it is Mexico that has the highest income per person.

  • Day of the Dead is one of the most important holidays in Mexican culture. It is dedicated to the memory of the dead and takes place annually on November 1 and 2. It is believed that on these days the souls of ancestors visit their home. The tradition dates back to the times of the Mayans and Aztecs. Traditions associated with the holiday include creating private altars to honor the deceased, including sugar skulls, verbena, the deceased's favorite foods and drinks, and visiting the grave with these gifts.

Carnival during the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico

  • These days, a carnival is organized, sweets in the form of skulls are prepared, special figurines of dressed female skeletons are made - Catrina, that is, a fashionista, a dandy (Spanish: La Calavera de la Catrina).

Bread of the Dead - baked goods for the Day of the Dead celebration in Mexico

  • They also bake Bread of the Dead - traditional baked goods for the Day of the Dead.

Candles, ribbons and decorations of cemeteries and altars - applied attributes of the Day of the Dead

  • Cemeteries are decorated with ribbons and flowers, and the roads to the homes of the deceased are lined with candles by their relatives so that the deceased can find his way home. Day of the Dead is a day to celebrate life.

It is only at first glance that Mexico does not arouse interest, but if you delve a little into the history and culture of this great people, you can glean and learn a lot from them.