Beau monde Sharm el Sheikh famous people of the city. The best excursions from Sharm El Sheikh

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh. The most important and interesting sights of Sharm el-Sheikh - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    the very best

    Coral Islands in Sharm El Sheikh

    Many people go to Egypt not at all to lie by the pool and absorb in unlimited quantities everything that the all inclusive system gives the consumer. Egypt and especially Sharm el-Sheikh is the most accessible financial and transport opportunity to get acquainted with the world of sea corals.

    the very best

    Tiran Island

    At the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba between Egypt and Saudi Arabia rests desert island Tyrant. Just half a century ago, it represented an absolute mystery to researchers, but in a short period it turned into one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt.

    the very best

    Ras Mohammed

    Sharm el-Sheikh, Ras Mohammed

    Ras Mohammed National Park, created in 1989, is designed to protect the wall of coral reefs that once captivated Jacques-Yves Cousteau himself from destruction. Now their beauty is admired by tourists visiting the “Head of Muhammad” - this is how the name of the reserve is translated.

    Sharm el-Sheikh is good because here you can not only lie on the beach, have fun at discos and admire the inhabitants of the coral reefs. Many attractions and excursions await those who enjoy a more eventful holiday. True, almost all of them are not located in Sharm itself, but in the surrounding area, but many of them are really worth the bus trip. In addition, proven routes to all attractions have long been developed; There are a great many companies that take excursions there, so all the inconvenience for tourists is kept to a minimum.

    One of the main tourist sites in the vicinity of Sharm el-Sheikh is Sinai desert. Here is located, for example, the monastery of St. Catherine with a temple built in the 6th century. It is from here that pilgrims rise early in the morning to Mount Sinai to meet the first rays of the sun on it. According to legend, it was on this mountain that Moses received the tablets with the text of the Old Testament commandments. Even in the monastery you can see the burning bush - a bush in the flames of which God appeared to Moses.

    On the way to the monastery you can stop by the Navamis, ancient tombs in the form of stone wells in the middle of the desert. The oldest burials inside the Navamis date back to the 4th century BC. e.

    The Colored Canyon, which is also located near the Sinai Mountains, is worth visiting. The landscape of the canyon is very bizarre and captivates the imagination: some see a lunar landscape in it, others discern mystical figures in the stones. The canyon got its name because of the colorful view that opens to travelers from its bottom, from the old river bed.

    The famous Ras Mohammed, which is about 25 km from Sharm, is an amazing diving site and has the richest and most diverse marine life in the entire country.

    Nature lovers should definitely visit the protected natural areas, of which there are three near Sharm el-Sheikh. First of all, this is the famous Ras Mohammed, which is located about 25 km from Sharm. This is an amazing diving site, and the marine life here is the richest and most diverse in the entire country. In addition, due to seismic activity, the bottom here is covered with cracks and various interesting formations. And on the territory of the reserve there is the Magic Bay: it is distinguished by extremely salty water, which, as they say, is very healthy. On land around you there are no less interesting inhabitants, including storks and other birds whose migration routes pass through Ras Mohammed.

    Nabq Park is located northeast of Sharm, and it is the largest natural Park in Sinai. In the 1990s. it was included in the territory of Ras Mohammed, but is still perceived as a separate attraction. This is a birdwatching paradise: thanks to the mangroves, a surprising number of birds nest in Nabq. The park also has a section of coastline where you can snorkel or scuba dive to view the remains of a sunken ship.

    Ras Abu Galum National Park is located near Dahab, near the Sinai Mountains. It's a bit of a journey to get here, but the picturesque landscapes here are worth it. On an area of ​​500 hectares, an unusual climate for Egypt is preserved, most similar to the classic Mediterranean. Therefore, in Ras Abu Galum, many representatives of the flora grow around fresh water bodies, including more than 40 endemics.

So, now I've reached the famous Egyptian resort Sharm el-Sheikh. What I want to say right away is that this is one of the best places on the planet, which uniquely combines entertainment, attractions and sea beauty. Although, the first points of my frantic joy simply pale in comparison with the last. It is not for nothing that annual competitions among amateurs, amateurs and diving professionals are held here.

It is not for nothing that the great Jacques Yves Cousteau conducted repeated research here in his time, who, it seems, was already raising the price of this famous resort. It is not for nothing that no one here pays attention to the infrastructure of the resort town itself and the surrounding environs, because it is not without reason that it is criticized for the simplest ordinariness, they say, such beauties require an appropriate style and level of hotels and service.

True, all these curses begin only after a person returns home and begins to think about whether he was cheated on something. Discussions begin, searches for reasons begin, and for some reason everyone comes to the conclusion that the lack of modern entertainment and active recreation is to blame for everything.

And who, in fact, asked you to come here if you knew that here the entire emphasis is on relaxation either in the water or under the water. Do you want large parties or dozens of different entertainment options? Go to any larger resort, such as Alexandria. While a holiday in Sharm el Sheikh will appeal to many other tourists who love to bask in the sun.

I want to say right away that I knew where my friends and I were going. First of all, what would possibly look, or rather, read, amazingly, I went here for the purpose of ordinary passive relaxation, since I knew that there would be nothing more to see here besides the sea beauties. Yes, I wasn’t particularly upset. Even at the stage of purchasing air tickets from Moscow to the glorious Shar el-Sheikh, I knew that this would be a real vacation, but, to get ahead of myself, I still found something to do here and something to tell you about.

So, a little about the resort itself city ​​of Sharm el Sheikh. The resort has existed for several decades and is famous for its beauty, which is why hotels whose age definitely does not exceed the creation of the resort itself are still in good demand here. If you want, go swim at the beach.

If you want, go to a party, start dancing and relaxing in the morning. If you want, do sports all day, play football, tennis, or something else, in general, whatever, but that’s not the point. The city was created solely for lying in the sun, sunbathing, swimming and occasionally getting out to see some sights. Although, that’s what I say to them.

The sights of Sharm el Sheikh are not as pathetic as I say about them. For example, only in the city itself you can take sightseeing tours. tours to several beautiful national parks. Both parks cover an area of ​​approximately thirty kilometers. By the way, here you can travel on foot or in an open jeep.

It is worth noting that here you can observe the most beautiful representatives of marine flora and fauna. What is most interesting is that tourists constantly come to these national parks not only from Shar el-Sheikh itself, but also from other neighboring resorts and even from the capital.

Moreover, if you would like more active entertainment, then a city water park, which is considered one of the most beautiful such places in the whole, can also be an excellent choice for a local attraction, and, of course, the famous night life cities. In fact, the city almost never sleeps - round-the-clock parties and discos are considered the norm for such a famous resort.

Besides the fact that Sharm el-Sheikh is the main beach resort in Egypt, located at the end Sinai Peninsula on the shores of the Red Sea, its resort area is becoming an increasingly popular holiday destination for international tourists, and for good reason to visit. Cheap direct flights from most regional airports in Europe make this resort easily accessible.

And now, even when low-cost airlines such as Easyjet have added their routes here, the price of plane to Sharm el Sheikh decreased noticeably. As I said above, the sun shines here all year round, sandy beaches, pristine sea waters and affordable accommodation are the main attractions here.

So, if you are one of those who are considering a holiday to Sharm El Sheikh as a potential holiday, I have specially curated the top five reasons to visit this fascinating destination.


Sharm el-Sheikh is considered almost the most best place for diving in the world. The local water is crystal clear and warm, while the endless water presented here undersea world is considered almost the complete opposite of the desert areas of Egypt.

Due to the presence of some fast currents locally, there is a real abundance of plankton here, which means that a huge variety of fish awaits you here. Sharks, barracudas and moraines can be a real live experience.

Moreover, they are available here for viewing almost every day, not to mention representatives of bright reef fish, corals and many other representatives of the marine world.

The underwater world includes not only playing with seahorses and hunting for some interesting fish, caves and sunken ships will also be waiting for you here. One of the best shipwrecks to view is definitely the ship called Thistlegorm. Prices for diving in Sharm el Sheikh start at thirty dollars for one hour of diving, but it is definitely worth it.

Camel ride in the Sinai Desert

A ride through the desert on the back of a camel is definitely worth it, believe me. There are at least ten camel companies in the city that offer excursions through the desert. But here it’s not even about the desert itself, but about the “you need to saddle a camel” checkbox.

I definitely recommend a visit, especially taking into account the incredible starry night sky, cooking dinner over a fire and communicating with local representatives of the desert. By the way, if you don't want to travel on camels, I can also recommend you a similar trip on ATVs.

These trips are taken either early in the morning to see the sunrise or in the evening to capture the sunset and night sky.

Monastery of St. Catherine

The Orthodox Monastery of St. Catherine is an object World Heritage UNESCO and located at the foot of Mount Sinai. It is considered one of the oldest Christian monasteries still operating in the world. Another similar structure is the monastery of St. Anthony, located south of.

The monastery was built in the sixth century, and is a structure surrounding the site where Moses once saw the burning bush. After the Vatican Library, it is this monastery that contains the second largest collection of manuscripts and ancient records in the world.

The very place where the monastery was built is sacred to Muslims, as well as to Christians, in addition, it contains the original document in which the great Muhammad declared his own protection of this monastery.

Old city Sharm el-Sheikh

The local market is a real bargain place. If you find yourself in a market in the old town, don't hesitate to bargain, and in most cases you will definitely be successful. The Old Town features some ancient buildings and caravan cave passages that date back at least 2,000 years.

Local merchants can be said to be more aggressive than in any other part of the city, so it is quite possible that they will force you to buy something. Therefore, if you do not want to spend extra money, it is better not to come here in splendid isolation.

As you can see, it’s a great city for traveling and active/passive recreation at the same time. Compared to all of Egypt, prices in Sharm el Sheikh are quite affordable, perhaps due to not so new hotels and not such quality service, but you can definitely turn a blind eye to this. So it all depends on you. Of course, this place is ideal for sunbathing and swimming, but if you don’t want to sit still, you will definitely find something to do.

Translated from Arabic it means "Sheikh's Bay". One of the most popular resort centers in Egypt. The oldest and most famous city in the south of the Sinai Peninsula. Known for its numerous hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, and, most importantly, the most picturesque underwater world of the Red Sea and endlessly long sandy beaches. Location, climatic features, highly developed infrastructure - all this distinguishes Sharm el-Sheikh from other resort towns in Egypt, and is more reminiscent of a Mediterranean resort in Europe.

General information for tourists

It is known that the city appeared during the great Ottoman Empire, owning large territories in Europe, Africa and Asia...
Today's Sharm el-Sheikh- this is a former village called Ophira, which in 1967 came under Israeli occupation and turned into a specially built, “artificial” city (the indigenous people - the Bedouins - have never led a settled lifestyle here). It is thanks to the capture of the Israelis that the good roads, the first hotels and vacation spots. In 1973, the war ends, after which Israel returns the Sinai Peninsula, previously taken from it, to Egypt. As a result of active development and a number of favorable natural factors, by the beginning of the 80s the city was turning into a resort known throughout the world.
Nowadays, Sharm el-Sheikh is loved by tourists all over the world, and of course - by Russians!

The very south of the Sinai Peninsula. It has a coastline 35 km long, stretching from north to south along the Gulf of Aqaba.


The main street is Peace Road, connecting the parts into one whole.

Naama Bay - the “unofficial capital” of the resort, a central vacation spot for tourists, with a large number of luxury hotels, bars, cafes, supermarkets, etc. located here.
Sharm El Maya - a bay in the southwestern part of the city, which has a port famous for its beaches and hotels. The most famous microdistrict here is the Old Town.
Hadaba - a residential area in the southwest of the city, located on a hill. Includes the neighborhoods of Aida, Il Mercato and Tower.
Hay-en-Nur - a place where mainly residential and religious buildings are located.
Sharks Bay - zone upscale hotels and magnificent coral reefs.
Gardens Bay - a bay with luxury hotels.
Ras Nasrani - the most beautiful, one of the best corners of the marine exoticism of the Red Sea. Business centers and an airport are located here. It includes microdistricts - SOHO, Montaza.
Nabq Bay - the farthest corner, located a few km from Naama Bay, not far from the Nabq nature reserve.
Coral Bay - an area with hotels and dive centers.

About 35 thousand people live here, mostly men working in the tourism sector. You can also meet Bedouins - the indigenous inhabitants of Egypt, leading a sedentary or semi-sedentary lifestyle, strictly adhering to the traditions of their tribe, one of which is hospitality.

National currency
Egyptian Pound (EGP). 1 $ =7.4913 EGP.

Visa regime
Russians coming to Sharm el-Sheikh, can stay free of charge throughout the entire Sinai Peninsula (and even travel to Jordan and Israel) for 15 days from the date of arrival. If you want to stay longer and travel throughout Egypt, it will cost about $25 with a 30-day permit to stay in the country. Moreover, if you are planning to visit the pyramids, or maybe go to Luxor, then having this visa is a must!

Tropical desert, with very little annual precipitation. But, despite the heat, you feel very comfortable.
IN summer time air temperature can reach +45 or more (in the shade). The hottest month is August, average t +38. The sea temperature rises to +28.
In winter, the temperature is + 15-17, a cool breeze may blow, but still bright sun rays and a warm sea (even in winter +20) make beach season year-round. The coldest month is January, average t +15.
Rains in Sharm el-Sheikh very rare, the air is always warm and dry.
Don't forget that in winter time difference between night and daytime temperatures may be quite large. In this regard, do not forget to take long sleeves with you when traveling.

Natural features

Sharm el-Sheikh
ideal for snorkeling! The purest and warmest sea water, vibrant underwater life with hundreds of colorful corals, sponges, algae, amazingly diverse species of fish, and other extraordinary vegetation - isn’t this fantastic?! Not by chance, great traveler Jacques Cousteau and his team conducted their underwater filming here. Yes this sea ​​world truly stunningly beautiful!

Thanks to this, there are all opportunities for diving and snorkeling, always in winter and summer. Vacationers can take advantage of numerous diving centers, the help of professional instructors, and the rental of diving equipment.
True connoisseurs of underwater life can visit national park Ras Mohammed is a beautiful place, characterized by a huge variety of coral reefs, as well as various other types of marine life.
That's not all! The uniqueness of the city lies in its landscape, as it is located on the Sinai Peninsula - one of the most amazing regions of Egypt, widely known for its colorful mountains.
Attention tourists! Almost along the entire coast of the resort, not far from the shore there are sharp coral reefs with many sea ​​urchins, so be sure to wear shoes when entering sea water.

Urban transport
All types of transport are actively developed in the city: buses, taxis, airplanes, sea liners and ferries.
Basically, these are mini-bass ( minibus), which are the most popular modes of transportation. They run very often, every 1-2 minutes. Usually they don't have a schedule. The main mini-bus routes: Old Town - Nabq Bay - Hadaba - Naama Bay. The fare is 1-2 Egyptian pounds.
Renting a car is not particularly popular, because there are a lot of reckless drivers on the roads and it can be unsafe, and the distances here are not that long.
There is also a developed taxi service, it is inexpensive here, and if you still haggle for 5-7 minutes, the trip will cost you very little. Although this is very convenient, since you can order a taxi directly from the hotel and get to anywhere in the city, be it day or night!
Travel by sea: There are regular trips to Hurghada (approximately 2 hours' drive). Cost - 45 USD (one way).There are also cruise trips with excursions to the areas Sharm el-Sheikh.
Domestic airlines: toEvery day there are flights to Cairo, as well as to Luxor, Hurghada, etc.
Intercity buses: ot bus station, not reaching the Delta Sharm hotel, there are daily buses to Cairo, to the Monastery of St. Catherine, as well as to Nuweiba, Taba, Dahab, to the Colored Canyon and Alexandria.

Phone numbers that may be useful
Area code +20 (69)
Tourist Police: 600-675
Hospital: 661—011
Ambulance: 600—554
Airport: 601—140

How to get to Sharm el-Sheikh

The geographical position of the city predetermined its special role in transport system throughout Sinai, which contributed to the active development of communications.
Ras Nasrani International Airport is the largest on the Sinai Peninsula, receiving about 50 international charter flights daily, as well as providing connections within the country (to Hurghada, Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, Taba, Nuweiba, Dahab).
The main local airlines are EgyptAir and Air Memphis.
From Russia to Sharm el-Sheikh can be reached by departure from Moscow, St. Petersburg, or another large city. Most often these are planes of Aeroflot, S7, and Egyptair airlines. Estimated travel time is 4-5 hours.
Attention: from June 1, 2014, the Egyptian government has established new rules - charging a tax of $7 from tourists arriving at the airport.
When leaving the airport there are many taxi drivers. If you decide to take a taxi, keep in mind that initially they will offer to take you at inflated rates, but then agree to more reasonable prices, based on 1 km - 1 Egyptian pound.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh

Myself Sharm el-Sheikh is a city of beach and hotel holidays with many restaurants, bars, shops, etc. All the interesting places that you can visit are located mainly outside of it.
One of these places is stunningly beautiful natural world peninsula, as well as unique archaeological buildings.

Natural monuments
Sinai Mountains - pThey are a mountain range located throughout the south of the peninsula of the same name. The composition of the mountains is granite and crystal. slates. During the long action of the winds, they acquired an amazing relief, and some rocks acquired very unusual images and shapes. In some places in the mountains you can meet Bedouin tribes. Mountain hiking is very popular among tourists! The distance from the city is about 208 km.
Mount Moses is the most famous peak of Egypt, having a height of 2285 m. A sacred place, according to biblical legends, it was here that God told Moses about the 10 commandments. It is believed that if you climb this mountain, all sins will be forgiven. Many people climb Mount Moses to watch the sunrise here. It is believed that it was in this place that the tablets of the law with the Ten Commandments were handed down by God.
You can climb to the top in two ways: on foot along the 3,750 steps of the stairs, or along an 8-kilometer camel trail. At the very top of the mountain you can see: Orthodox church Holy Trinity, Moses' Cave, Mohammed Mosque, Temple of the Prophet Elijah.
Mount St. Catherine - highest point Egypt (2637 m). At its foot, at an altitude of 1570 m, you can see the beautiful Monastery of the same name, which united the religion of Christians and Muslims, a popular tourist destination, founded in the 6th century. Don't forget that the monastery is closed on major holidays.

Coral Islands
- amazingly beautiful, with fairy world corals and its inhabitants. The water here is so clean and transparent that everything is visible to the naked eye. This is a natural wonder that is truly worth seeing! Trips to the islands are organized every day on special pleasure yachts, including lunch and rental of diving equipment.
The Colored Canyon is a most picturesque creation of nature. A group of rocks of different colors formed by sand and wind. Red, pink, beige, blue... - what shades do these rocks have?! Amazing sight! 150 km from the city.
Tiran is an island at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. The underwater world around Tiran is considered one of the best in Egypt. Also, rare species of waterfowl live here, and a huge grove of mangrove trees grows in the south.
There are constant excursions to the island. However, landing is prohibited due to the fact that it hosts an MFO military base that monitors compliance with the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty.

Natural parks (located 25 km)
Ras Mohammed is the first national park in the very south of the Sinai Peninsula. It is unique in both its underwater world: corals, fish and other vegetation, and its surface world. On land you can see wonderful mountains, shallow rivers, inhabitants of the animal world - foxes, hyenas, gazelles, different kinds birds.
Nabq Park - located in the Gulf of Aqaba. This is a special place - there is so much to see here: sand dunes, salt marshes, various animals, 135 species of plants, among which there are quite original ones, such as "arak". The real highlight of the park are the evergreen mangrove forests that filter the salty sea water. Also, on the territory of the reserve you can meet real Bedouins.
You can get to the parks by taking a taxi or renting a car. Travel time is 30 minutes.

Monuments of ancient architecture
Navamis is a mysterious architectural structure in eastern Sinai, consisting of separate large blocks, each with a hole. Navamis are believed to be the oldest burial chambers.
Serabit el-Khadim- 40 km from the city - unique archaeological find, in appearance it resembles a settlement, from which practically nothing has survived. As historians suggest, there were mines here where turquoise was mined.
Another famous and no less interesting place is sunken during World War II English transport ship Thistlegorm. Only experienced divers usually swim there.

Excursions from Sharm el-Sheikh

There are many around the city interesting surroundings where bus and plane tours depart:
- Dahab - a popular resort among divers all over the world, a 1-2 hour drive along the Gulf of Aqaba. 100 km.
- Nuweiba - a calm, picturesque corner of the country. 170 km.
- Hurghada - the most popular resort. 200 km.
- Cairo - capital, 583 km. Pyramids of Giza - main symbol Egypt, 100 km from Cairo.
- Alexandria - a special city, interesting for its antiquity. 775 km.
- Luxor - the most historically attractive city. 300 km.
- Taba - border town, famous for its beaches and beautiful views of neighboring countries. 200 km.
- Safaga - large sea ​​port, is valued by its beach holiday and the underwater world. 146 km.

Arriving in Sharm el-Sheikh, it is very convenient to visit the countries bordering Egypt:
Israel : Jerusalem is the capital, where such holy places as the Temple Mount, the famous Western Wall, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are located; Nazareth is the holy Israeli city, here you can visit the Temple of the Annunciation; Dead Sea - swimming, buying natural cosmetics; Tel Aviv is the largest economic and cultural center of Israel.
Palestine : sacred city of Bethlehem - Cave of the Nativity of Jesus Christ, Church of the Nativity.
Jordan : Ancient city Petra (" Pink City") - one of the 7 wonders of the world, a huge necropolis located in the rocks.

Entertainment in Sharm el-Sheikh

Naturally, all city entertainment is connected with the sea. On the beaches, in addition to swimming and sunbathing, tourists have the opportunity to take advantage of diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, boating, jet skiing and skiing, etc.
In addition to the sea and beaches, we recommend that you visit:
- The Old Town, where the oriental bazaar "Old Market" is located
- Naama Bay - the main entertainment area, with a waterfall and pedestrian area
- Dolphinariums: in the Nabq area and "Dolphinella" in Hadaba
- Water parks: Cleo Park and Park for Children Fun Town (in Naama Bay), Albatross (at the Albatros Aqua Blu Hotel), in the Hadaba area
- "SOHO Square" (near the Savoy Hotel in Ras Nasrani) - the newest shopping and entertainment center, the best in the entire Red Sea region. There really are a lot of places where you can go: hookah bars, bars, restaurants, clubs, as well as an ice skating rink and a bar, and, of course, a wonderful evening atmosphere accompanied by singing beautiful fountain and music concerts.

Night life
Naama Bay zone largest accumulation bars, discos, casinos, etc. Here shops and street cafes are open until night.

At the famous "Old Market" you can buy souvenirs at a good price, as well as visit a bazaar selling fruits.
The most expensive shops are concentrated in Naama Bay.
Shopping complexes:
- Soho Square
- Harrods
- Shopping center "Daria".

What to bring from Sharm el-Sheikh

Gold or silver jewelry is extremely popular and inexpensive. You can order “Cartouche” pendants with your name or some wish written on it. Amulets in the form of a scarab beetle, a symbol of Egypt, are especially valued.
Egyptian oils are amazingly aromatic, of plant origin - almond, jojoba, gyr-gyr, aloe, etc.
Tea - different types, medicinal and hibiscus.
Spices - baharat, ground kamun (good for salads), or cumin.
Coffee - ground with cardamom.
Leather - shoes made of crocodile, snakeskin, made in the Arabic style, as well as leather bags, wallets, belts.
Oriental sweets - delicious, with raisins, nuts, coconut. Halva, kunafa, basbousa, baklava, Turkish delight, etc.
Cotton - towels, bed linen, T-shirts, tunics, etc. Egyptian cotton is one of the best in the world!
Shisha is a hookah in our opinion.
Incense sticks - interesting souvenir from Sharm el-Sheikh for friends.
Amazing root - "desert rose". It is believed that if you put it in water, it opens up and begins to smell wonderful.
Carpets - self made, artistic, made from natural camel wool.
“Kaf Maryam” baskets with dried grass bunches.
All kinds of figurines, boxes with mother-of-pearl and mosaics, Aladdin lamps, hookahs, leather pillows, magnets, key chains, plates, mugs with Egyptian symbols, ceramics, the most beautiful Egyptian papyri, etc.

Sharm El Sheikh is the second most popular resort in Egypt, which is located on the Sinai Peninsula. The city divides the Red Sea into two gulfs: Suez and Aqaba.

By order of President Hosni Mumbarak in 1982, the city began to be built as a resort from scratch, so it has the most developed infrastructure. The temperature is high all year round, so you can come here even in winter. Construction of Sharm El Sheikh began from Naama Bay. This resort is a good place for scuba diving: the rich underwater world will not leave anyone indifferent.

There is almost no indigenous population here, since many hotel owners are Europeans. You can only enter the resort as a visitor or employee travel agency. Undoubtedly, the city has many attractions, which we will talk about now.

Ras Mohammed (national park)

The attraction is located in one of the areas of Sharm El Sheikh called “Riviera”. Shark Reef, Marsa Ghozlani, South Bereika and the shipwreck are good places for diving.

At the end of the 20th century in Egypt, the Environmental Agency declared these areas a nature reserve to avoid the construction of new cities that would pollute the flora and fauna.

The canyon is located in the Sinai Mountains, not far from Sharm El Sheikh (150 kilometers away). Many years ago, a gorge was formed, and the wind did its best to decorate the canyon with its colorful patterns. Hiking trips are often organized here, which are in great demand among visitors.

This cultural attraction is located in the Hadaba area between Sharm El Isee Street and City Council Street. Russian dolphins perform here and will delight you with their unusual tricks. Children will receive a storm of unforgettable emotions, and adults will be quite surprised.

After the hour-long event, you can participate in a drawing for paintings made by dolphins. In addition, there is a chance to take a photo or swim with these cute creatures.

The temple was built in the 6th century and is considered the oldest monastery worldwide. It is located on the place where, as the legend says, the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush of the burning bush.

Today, in the annex of the main temple there is an exhibition of ancient icons and books. The most Holy place- this is a chapel, when entering which you must take off your shoes. Numerous excursions are organized here, and every year many tourists come to the monastery to visit this historical place.

"Nabq" (national park)

It is located between the cities of Sharm el-Sheikh and Dahab. This is one of the largest national parks in the entire Sinai Peninsula. 600 square kilometers - total area throughout the territory. The park is known for its unique flora. Plants such as arrack and mangrove trees grow here. Besides animal world also varied.

In the territory national park There are good diving spots where everyone can enjoy the underwater beauty.

Tiran is located between Saudi Arabia and Egypt, at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. In the 6th century AD e. the Jewish principality of Jotvat (Iotav) was located on this site. The independent territory had good economic relations with many countries of the world. Moreover, she had at her disposal Navy. Today the island belongs to Egypt, and there are only employees on it military base UN.

This beautiful place suitable for diving enthusiasts. The beauty of the underwater world will not leave anyone indifferent.

This natural attraction is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula. The mountain also has a name and other names: Mount Moses, Mount Horeb, Mount Tur.

According to legend, it was here that God gave Moses the law of the 10 Commandments. At the top of the mountain you can see the Chapel, dating back to the 4th century, and the Tablets of the Covenant (a stone slab with the 10 Commandments written on it). Many believers make a pilgrimage here.

This is the founding place popular resort Sharm El Sheikh. The bay is rich in its natural beauty: everyone can admire the coral reefs and diverse underwater world. In addition, on Naami Bay Street there are restaurants, shopping centers, cafes, shops - in general, everything that will make your vacation unforgettable and colorful.

In general, if you don’t pay attention to the name, this place is considered new. You can buy many beautiful things in the market.

Here they sell not only spices, fruits, vegetables, but also various souvenirs: totem figurines in the form of gods, papyrus, amulets, amulets and much more. The best time to visit the market is in the morning, when there are not many people.

"Palace of 1001 Nights" (entertainment center)

This fabulous place will help you immerse yourself in the world of Scheherazade. The event program consists of 2 parts. In part 1, tourists are shown models of Egyptian monuments and told some tales about them.

This is followed by a theatrical production with brilliant light shows and special effects. Part 2 is held in a cafe, on a huge stage, where beautiful dancers will appear before the eyes of the audience, bewitching with their movements. In addition, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with Egyptian folklore.

The attraction is located near the Savoy Sharm el-Sheikh hotel. Huge water streams, dynamically moving to the music, attract the attention of tourists every day. Typically, the fountains are rarely turned on during the day, but in the evening they delight spectators with their charming dance every 15 minutes.

This is the main business center of Sharm El Sheikh. It houses many offices, restaurants, shops and cafes. Not far from Il Mercato there is a sea coast. The architecture of this center is represented by a variety of solutions. Some tourists even forget that they are in Egypt. This is a good place for family outings.

The temple was built in honor of the Great Martyr George the Victorious. There is an opportunity to see in the monastery building a torture room and the famous collar that was worn on St. George.

According to belief, whoever wears it will become a saint and be healed of all diseases and illnesses. In addition, the monastery has an icon of St. George. Every believer can come to the temple for services. In the morning, at 5 o'clock, the Liturgy begins here.

Hollywood (shopping and entertainment complex)

It is in this place that you can find many cafes, restaurants and bars. In addition, the complex has a large number of shops with a variety of souvenirs, clothing, goodies and luxury items. Everyone will find something for themselves here.

Tourists are offered different types entertainment such as dancing fountains, Cinema 7D, Jurassic Park. There is also a playroom for children on the complex, so the pastime will be enjoyable for both adults and children.

The Yolanda Reef is located in the Red Sea near Sharm El Sheikh and is an excellent place for deep diving.

Tourists can enjoy the diversity of flora and fauna of the sea reef and see the remains of a ship called “Yolanda” (in 1980 the ship ran aground near the shore, and in 1987 it sank on this moment the ship belongs to Cyprus). The most suitable time for diving is July - August.

Sinai Golf (entertainment complex)

This wonderful place is located in the popular Nabq Bay area. It houses more than 600 swimming pools, 7 lakes, a large number of restaurants, shops and cafes. In addition, there is a huge golf course for professionals.

The complex additionally performs the functions of a five-star hotel and is good place for a holiday with the whole family. The airport is located not far from Sinai Golf, and the center of Naami Bay is just a stone's throw away

This landmark is the hotel's signature feature. Huge chess pieces stand on a kind of board. They move freely, and therefore visitors can play a game with each other. This is a favorite photography spot for tourists.

This attraction was built in the 11th-12th centuries by the Georgian King David II. The church is located at the foot of Mount Horeb. Many Orthodox tourists make excursions to this place to touch the shrine.

The most interesting and remarkable thing is the amazing, azure and always warm Red Sea with its unusual, colorful inhabitants and plants. This is what tourists from all over the world come here for. What else can you see in these fabulous lands, where to go, what to be surprised by, we will tell you further.

Naama Bay

It is impossible to be in Sharm and not visit the main and very old street of Naama Bay. No matter how far your hotel is located, you will still come here, and more than once. The first hotels were built right here, in the bay of the same name, quiet and calm, reliably sheltered from the wind and bad weather. Wide pedestrian area - promenade, great for evening walks. It's clean here, the barkers and salespeople aren't too intrusive. On the sides of the street there are a variety of entertainment establishments: clubs, discos, casinos. You can buy anything you want in small shops; there are also well-known retail chains that occupy large areas. Recommended to visit shopping mall and the Panorama cafe, the Pasha discotheque. On the three-kilometer Naama Bay there are many cafes, bars, and restaurants. It's fun and safe here at night.

Naama Bay

Ras Mohammed

Egypt's Ras Mohammed National Park is located 25 km from Sharm el-Sheikh. Translated, the name means “head of Mohammed.” Here they go underwater to observe the coral reefs and the exotic life in them. Not all places are safe for snorkeling, as you can get caught in strong currents. You can get to the reserve by water or land. It is best to buy a tour from an operator, since getting here on your own is problematic. With children, the option of traveling by water is out of the question, since a yacht or boat does not come close to land and you will need to swim some distance. The most convenient way to buy a tour is by bus. In comfortable air-conditioned conditions, you will go on an interesting tour. The journey will take about half an hour. You will see a lot of interesting things in the reserve itself and on the road to it. The impressive mangrove trees have adapted to grow directly in salt water. Magic salt Lake- another miracle of Ras Mohammed. You can swim in it, but you won’t be able to dive headfirst, because salty water pushes the body upward. The cost of the tour ranges from $25 per adult and $15 per child. Price includes lunch and $5 admission.

Climbing Mount Sinai

It is the dream of every believer to visit Mount Moses. He received 10 commandments against sin for man from God. They say that everyone who has visited here is forgiven all their sins. The climb is night and very difficult. Before dawn, travelers walk 6 km, at the end climbing a long and sharply uphill multi-step staircase. There are two ways. One is the shortest and most difficult with 3570 steps. This is the “Path of Repentance”. The second path, “Camel Trail,” is flatter and longer. Camels climb it, and Bedouins offer weaker people a paid climb. After 20 minutes of ascent, both trails join into one.

Even in summer, the air temperature in these places drops very low at night. Bedouins rent blankets for $5-8. It is even more difficult to go back down the slippery steps. However, no one is injured, as Moses is believed to be protecting his guests from harm.

All the difficulties overcome will be nothing compared to the delight that embraces the pilgrims at dawn. The picturesque spectacle will be remembered by every person forever! The Sinai mountains, illuminated by a small red sun, become pink, and everyone contemplating this incredible sight is overwhelmed with unimaginable happiness and joy, all sorrows and grievances are forgotten.

In the morning, those who descend will have breakfast at the monastery of St. Catherine, which is protected by UNESCO as oldest monastery in the world. For more than 3,000 years, the legendary Burning Bush bush has been growing here, against the background of which Moses turned to God. No matter how they tried to plant it in other places, the shoots did not take root.

Advice: dress warmly, take comfortable shoes on non-slip soles and a flashlight is a must. Water and fruit won't hurt. Climbing the mountain is not cold and even hot. As you ascend, the oxygen in the air becomes less and less, so you have to rest. That's when it gets very cold.

Climbing Mount Moses on your own is almost impossible. Groups of 10-12 people go with a guide through a checkpoint and have their documents checked.

The tour costs $35-40 for an adult. It is dangerous for children to climb.

Mount Sinai


Uninhabited island, territorially owned by Saudi Arabia Tirana attracts many tourists. A breathtaking sight awaits them - an incredibly beautiful sea with a varied coral reef and broken ships, schools of colorful exotic fish. The island itself is big rock, on which there is nothing remarkable, but around it there are amazingly beautiful underwater reefs, named after their explorers:

  • Jackson;
  • Gordon;
  • Woodhouse;
  • Thomas.

Tourists swim near each one for several hours. In calm weather, these places offer excellent diving.

Tourists are transported to the island from Naama Bay by a comfortable boat accompanied by a guide. The tour lasts 5-6 hours. The cost of the excursion depends on the hotel or operator, as well as the availability of diving equipment.

Pyramids of Egypt

Fascinating tour to a Bedouin village

The journey is made on ATVs in the evening. The journey takes two hours. Before departure, a safety briefing is provided. Tourists will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the Bedouins living in the desert, try their drinks and food. This is a traditional tea from wild mint, freshly baked bread, vegetables, fried meat, rice, prepared in the traditional way. A hearty buffet-style meal is included in the tour price. During the trip, you can climb the mountainside, see a picturesque sunset in the desert, and watch the stars through a telescope.

The price of the excursion is approximately $50 per person.

Tutankhamun Museum in Sharm

Unlike the museum in Cairo, where the originals of the sarcophagus and gold mask of Tutankhamun are exhibited, all 100 exhibits are exact and indistinguishable copies. However, this does not detract from the interest in the artifacts. The collection is constantly updated. Exhibits can be touched and photographed. The guide will interestingly tell you about the events of ancient Egypt, the fascinating life of the pharaohs and ordinary Egyptians. The excursion will be useful for children. A transfer will pick up tourists from the hotel. Cost is $25 per adult and $15 per child.

Snorkeling in the Blue Hole

A wonderful diving site is located 10 km from Dahab in the Gulf of Aqaba. This incredible spectacle of the most beautiful underwater world leaves no one indifferent. A bus takes tourists from Sharm el-Sheikh. From its windows it is convenient to view the landscapes. On the way you can see a Bedouin cemetery. Then they transfer to camels and proceed to an oasis, where it is pleasant to relax and descend into the Blue Hole. On the way back we have lunch and stop in Dahab, where you can go shopping and buy unusual souvenirs. The cost of the tour is about $18 per person.

Blue hole

Water parks in Sharm el-Sheikh

Some hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh have water parks. The two largest: Albatross Aqua Blue and Cleo Park, stylized as Ancient Egypt. Water parks are entire cities with numerous and varied slides, rivers, swimming pools and children's areas, where children can be left for a while under the supervision of staff.

It's best to go to water activities organized from own hotel. Such a visit will cost you $30, while a solo trip will cost much more. Operators have a significant discount, which allows them to charge less for tickets and still make money. At the water parks you can buy food, drinks, and souvenirs.

Panoramic Submarine Tour

The underwater world of the Red Sea looks impressive from the 18 windows of a submarine submerged at depth. An air-conditioned vehicle will take you from the hotel to the shore. You will immediately go underwater. In comfortable conditions, you can calmly enjoy the beauty of coral reefs, colorful fish, mysterious inhabitants, and rare plants. Entertainment price is $45.