What is Lagoon South America? Lake Patus: “The largest in Brazil

South America- the most rich water resources continent. The continental river flow is twice the average river flow globe. Main source Rivers are fed by rainfall. Rivers are glacially fed only in the southern Andes. The role of snow nutrition is small. The continent is characterized by large river systems. Their formation is facilitated by the flat terrain of the eastern part and the high mountain ranges of the mainland, large contrasts in altitude, and a humid climate.

Rivers of South America

The Andes Mountains are the main watershed of the continent. To the east of the Andes flow large and deep rivers belonging to the basin Atlantic Ocean. They provide 90% of the river flow. Among them are the Amazon, Orinoco, Parana. Originate on the western slopes of the Andes short rivers that relate to the pool Pacific Ocean. (Locate river basins on the map.) The area of ​​internal flow is insignificant (about 6%).

The longest and deepest river on Earth originates in the Andes mountains. Amazon and many of its major tributaries. The Amazon basin is located in a richly and evenly moistened region, where 1500-3000 mm of precipitation falls. The Amazon River is 7,100 km long (with the Apacheta source). The river collects numerous tributaries from the slopes of the Andes, Brazilian and Guiana plateaus. The Amazon river basin is the largest in the world (about 7 million km2). It is almost equal in area to Australia. The waters of the Amazon make up 1/5 of all waters carried into the World Ocean by the rivers of our planet. The desalination effect of Amazon waters on the ocean is evident over 400 km from the mouth of the river. After the confluence of the Ucayali and Marañon rivers, the Amazon is 1-2 km wide. Downstream the width increases to 5 km, and in the lower reaches to 20 km. At the mouth, the width of the main channel with numerous islands reaches 80 km.

The Amazon is full of water all year round, as it is fed by thousands of tributaries. The largest tributaries: the right one is the Madeira and the left one is the Rio Negro. Highest level water in the Amazon occurs after the rainy period in the Southern Hemisphere (in May), when the bulk is carried by its right tributaries. The water level in the Manaus area rises by 12-15 meters. The lowest water level is in August and September.

Together with its tributaries, the Amazon forms the world's largest system of inland waterways with a length of more than 25 thousand km.

From the mouth to the city of Manaus, which is 4,300 km, the Amazon is accessible to large ships. The river has enormous hydropower resources. The waters of the Amazon are home to 1/3 of the freshwater fish species on our planet. This is 6 times more than in the waters of all of Europe. The Amazon is recognized as one of the seven natural wonders peace.

Parana(“silver river”) is the second largest river in South America (4380 km). Like the Amazon, it has two sources (Rio Grande and Paranaiba) on the Brazilian Plateau. Paraná, unlike the Amazon, crosses several climatic zones. This is why the amount of rainfall that reaches different parts of the river basin varies. In the upper reaches of the Parana, most rain falls in summer, in the lower reaches - in winter.

The river makes its way through the solid rocks of the platform's foundation, so it is characterized by rapids and waterfalls. The largest of them is Iguazu Falls. This is not just a waterfall, but a whole system of waterfalls stretching for almost three kilometers.

Situated on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is one of the world's most majestic natural wonders. The waterfall falls into the gorge from two steep basalt steps in 275 jets and streams, separated by rocky islands. Overall height fall - 72 m, width - 2700 m. The roar of water can be heard 20-25 kilometers away.

The third largest river in South America - Orinok o (2730 km) originates on the Guiana Plateau. The Orinoco floods in the summer thanks to the rains. Its tributaries are turbulent, they have many rapids and waterfalls, so they are not suitable for navigation. The Orinoco River is the most important trade route.

The basins of the Parana and Orinoco rivers are located mainly in subequatorial zones, and therefore have a pronounced seasonality of flow - rapid floods in summer and a sharp decline in water in winter.

On one of the tributaries of the Orinoco there is the most high waterfall world - Angel (1054 m).

A huge column of water, foam and steam falls with a mighty roar, as if from the clouds. The waterfall is included in the List of objects World Heritage UNESCO.

Lakes of South America

South America is not very rich in lakes. By origin they are divided into tectonic, glacial, volcanic, lagoonal, and oxbow. The largest glacial lakes concentrated in the west in the southern Andes. On the interior plateaus of the Andes, on the Gran Chaco plain, the lakes are tectonic, drainless, saline. Along the low-lying shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea there are large lakes-lagoons - shallow parts of the ocean, separated from it by land and connected to it by a channel.

The largest alpine lake, Titicaca, is located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. Its area is 8300 km2. The lake is located at an altitude of 3812 m, occupying a deep tectonic depression. The depth of the lake is 304 m. It is the largest mountain lake in the world in terms of reserves fresh water.

It is believed that the lake is the remnant of a sea bay. Balsa trees grow around the lake, from which the Indians make rafts and boats.

In the north of the mainland, in Venezuela, the largest lagoon lake, Maracaibo, is located with an area of ​​more than 16,000 km2. It is connected by a narrow channel to the Gulf of the Caribbean Sea. The lake plays an important role in fishing. The most valuable product of his fishery is shrimp.

There are approximately 2,000 reservoirs located in South America. The Parana River is a cascade of reservoirs.

Artesian waters are widely used in water supply to arid areas of South America (Gran Chaco plain, intermountain basins). The most powerful glaciers in South America are located in the southern Andes of Chile and Argentina. There they descend all the way to the sea and form vast ice fields.

Glaciation developed in the Patagonian Andes. The largest glacier is Perito Moreno. The glacier area is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its area is 250 km2, width is about 5 km.

South America is the richest continent in water resources and has a dense river network. Most of flow falls into the Atlantic Ocean. The longest and deepest river in the world - the Amazon - flows here, and there are two largest lakes - Titicaca and Maracaibo. The main source of river nutrition is precipitation. Rivers are used as sources of fresh water, they have large reserves of energy resources and are important transport routes.

And the Panama Canal separates these continents.

The continent lies entirely in the Western Hemisphere. In the northern part it is crossed by the equator, and almost in the middle by the South Tropic. This continent is the wettest on Earth. Most of it has a warm climate. The shores are slightly indented; the mainland does not have large bays, islands or peninsulas. The nature of the mainland is full of contrasts and diversity. There are many natural records here and there are places that have not been touched by civilization. The natural world of the continent amazes with its richness, uniqueness, and beauty. On this wettest continent there are many rivers, mountains, plains, endemic living organisms, the smallest proportion of islands and peninsulas, many world and mainland natural records. This continent has many of its own world and continental records. Indigenous people the mainland is represented by Indian tribes.

Nature records of South America

The largest plain on the globe

The Amazonian lowland is the largest plain on Earth in terms of size. The area is 5.2 million sq. km. It is second only in size.

Lowest land elevation in South America the level of the Laguna del Carbon area is now considered.

It is located in the Argentine province of San ta Cruz, about 60 meters lower than the previously known lowest point of San Matias (- 40 m). This mark is now considered a record not only for the mainland of South America, but also for the entire part of the world of America as a whole, its value (-105 meters).

The highest point on the mainland is Mount Aconcagu

Its value is 6962 meters. This point is the highest in the Western Hemisphere. The name of the mountain means “stone guardian” in Araucanian. The mountain is located in the central part of the Andes, in its main Cordillera. The mountain is located in national park Aconcagua. There are many at the top, the largest being Polish and Vostochny. The Englishman E. Fitzgerald first attempted to climb this peak in January 1897.

The highest volcano on the mainland is Llullaillaca.

It is located at an altitude of 6723 meters on the ridge of the Western Cordillera. It is located on the high plateau of the Atacama Desert region. At its top lies a glacier. The last volcanic eruption was in 1877.

The largest peninsula of the mainland is Guajira.

Its area is 14 thousand sq. km. This peninsula is the northernmost point of the mainland. The Guajira Peninsula is home to the Guajiro Indians, who speak the Guajiro language.

The largest island of Isla is Grande Tierra del Fuego

It is part of the largest archipelago Tierra del Fuego. The area of ​​Isla Island is 48 thousand sq. km. It is the largest in this archipelago.

The largest archipelago in South America is Tierra del Fuego

It is located at the southernmost tip of the continent, and is separated from the mainland by the Strait of Magellan. It was discovered in 1520 by F. Magellan. Seeing the lights on the shores of the islands, F. Magellan gave them a name. The area of ​​this archipelago is 72 thousand km². south of Tierra del Fuego is the widest strait on Earth -.

The terrain on the archipelago is hilly, with many glaciers. There are fiords on the shores of the islands. The highest altitude of the archipelago is Mount Shipton (2469 meters). The climate is humid and cold. Precipitation exceeds 5,000 mm/year. Avg. Temperatures in January are 10–11 °C, in July 0–2 °C.

Beech and evergreen forests and meadows with steppe vegetation grow up to a height of 400–500 meters. Penguins live on the coasts. In some places of the archipelago, nature has been preserved in its original form. In order to preserve the unique nature of the arch. Tierra del Fuego created national park Alberto - Agostini in Chile. People extract oil and gas, raise sheep, catch fish and service ships calling at ports.

The largest and driest desert on the Atacama mainland

It is located in is not only the driest on the mainland, but also in the world. This is the highest desert in the world.

Precipitation does not occur here every year. The average annual precipitation is 0.1 mm. Precipitation often falls in the form of dew and fog. In some places in the desert there has been no precipitation for about 400 years. This desert is tens of times drier in .

The length of the desert from north to south is 1000 km. It covers an area of ​​150,000 square meters. km. Average daily temperatures range from 0 to 25 C.

Despite the drought in the desert, there are 200 species of living creatures. The most common are cacti. There are 160 species here, and 90 of them are endemic. This desert is one of the oldest. It has existed for more than 20 million years. People began to master it 10,000 years ago. Water is obtained in oases from great depths or from fog.

Atacama is home to the famous Valley of the Moon. Atacama is considered an ideal place for astronomical observations.

The Atacama Desert is home to the world's largest saltpeter deposit. The desert is also interesting because it is the only place on Earth that resembles a lunar landscape. This is the Valley of the Moon between the city of Calama and the city of San Pedro de Atacama.

Lowest mainland temperature (-39C) in Valle de los Superion

The highest temperature on the mainland (+49C) is in Valle de Maria)

Lowest rainfall in the Atacama Desert

They fall out 0.1 mm. In some places in the desert there has been no precipitation for several centuries. Precipitation in the form of dew and fog.

The highest rainfall occurs in Kibuyu in Colombia

Here the average annual precipitation is 7734 mm.

The largest lake in Maracaibo

The area of ​​the lake is 14,350 sq. km. It is a sea lagoon in the Gulf of Venezuela, in which a specially dug deep-water channel for ocean tankers to enter the lake. The water in the lake is desalinated by the rivers flowing into it. Thunderstorms are very frequent here, 140-160 days a year. The flag of the state of Zulia features a lightning bolt. The second place among the largest lakes on the continent is Lake Patus. This is also a lagoon lake, directly connected to the sea.

The largest fresh water lake is Titicaca.

It is located on the border of Bolivia and Peru. Its name in the language of the Quechua Indians comes from two words." Kaka" - mountain. rock and “titi” - puma, this is the sacred animal of the tribe. In the language of other tribes, the name is translated as lake of the Pukino tribe. There is an explanation that the name means “lead mountain” and others.

Its area is 6900 sq. km. It is located at an altitude of 8300 meters. The average depth of the lake is 140 -280 meters. Water temperature is from +10 to +12 degrees. 300 rivers flow into the lake, which greatly desalinate it.

At a depth of thirty meters at the bottom of the lake, a one-kilometer-long wall and a sculpture of a human head were found. The age of these finds is 1500 years. It can be assumed that the bottom was once dry land.

The largest endorheic lake on the continent is Mar Chiquita.

The largest salt flat on the mainland is Uyuni.

It is located in Bolivia near the city of Uyuni. Its area is 10.6 thousand sq. km. and it is located at an altitude of 3650 meters. Currently, Uyuni is not only the largest salt marsh of the mainland, but it is the largest in the world. The thickness of the table salt layer is 2-10 meters. During the rainy season, the salt marsh turns into a salt lake with clear water.

About 40 thousand years ago this area was part of big lake Minchin. After its gradual drying out, two small lakes that currently exist appeared - Lake Poopo and Lake Uru - Uru. In addition to them, two large salt marshes also appeared: Uyuni and Salar de Coipasa. According to experts, total salt reserves amount to 10 billion tons of table salt.

Every year in November, flamingos fly to the coast of the salt marsh. Thanks to the large flat surface, clear skies, and dry air, satellite instruments are tested in the Uyuni region.

Tourism is developing in Uyuni. In order to create exotic experiences for tourists, local residents They make hotels from salt blocks. Tourists are invited to see the “locomotive cemetery”. These locomotives once worked here, but now they are no longer needed.

The longest and deepest

Recently, information has emerged that this river is longer than the Nile. Brazilians call the length of the Amazon 6992 km; there is information that the length of the river is 6450 km. This river, despite the controversial figures about its length, has a great length. It is the great river of the continent and the world. It is the deepest on the continent and in the world. It is flooded all year round due to heavy rainfall and brought water from the right and left full-flowing tributaries.

The Amazon throws out 200,000 cubic meters in one second. meters of water. This one has the most large swimming pool on the mainland and in the world. Its basin is the Amazonian lowland. Its area is 7.2 million sq. km. The Amazon has the largest delta in the world. Its area is 100,000 sq. km. The width of the mouth is 20 km.

The river is home to the largest fish, the ten-meter piraruca, which jumps out of the water.

second longest on the mainland

It is located in the southeast of the mainland and ranks 14th in length in the world, and its length is 4380 km. The river originates on the Brazilian plateau and flows into La Plata Bay. Its basin area is 2.6 million sq. km. The depth of the river is from 12 to 48 meters. The river has a large delta, 130 km long and 18 to 65 km wide. The delta consists of 11 branches. Parana has great energy potential. It was used in the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station on the mainland, Itaipu.

On the right tributary of its Iguazu River there is the most abundant waterfall in the world - Iguazu.

The largest reservoir in Guri

It is located in Venezuela on the Caroni River, which is a tributary of the Orinoco River. Official name named after Simon Bolivar. It was built in 1968.

The area of ​​the reservoir is 4.3 thousand sq. km, the volume of water is 135 cubic km, and the length is 70 km. It was created next to the Guri hydroelectric power station, which is considered the third largest in the world in terms of power after the Chinese Sanxia and the Brazilian Itaipu.

The longest inland river is the Rio Dulcier.

It is located in northwestern Argentina. The Rio-Dulcie River originates in the Andes. Its source is called Sali. Further, the river flows along the arid plain of the Gran Chaco and, breaking up into branches, flows into Lake Mar - Chiquito. Local residents call it the “sweet” (fresh) river.

The length of the river is 812 km. The river's waters are used to irrigate fields in the arid plain.

The Brazilian plateau is the largest on the mainland

It takes eastern part mainland. The plateau is bordered in the north by the Amazonian lowland, in the west by the Andes, and in the southeast by the La Plata lowland.

Its area is about 4 million sq. km. The length and width of the plateau is approximately 3200 km. Altitudes from 500 meters in the west and more than 2000 meters in the east. The most high point Mount Bandeira 2897 meters. In its eastern part there are several mountain ranges, the largest ones being the Sierra do Mar and the Sierra do Espinhaço. On the Atlantic coast, individual mountains rise in the form of towers and cones. They are called "sugar loaves". The subsoil of the plateau is rich in ore minerals.

The plateau has very diverse nature, its climate, soils, flora and animal world. 95% of the population of South America lives on its territory.

La Plata Lowland is the second largest in area on the mainland

It is located in the southeastern part of the mainland. Its territory includes Paraguay and Uruguay, southeastern Bolivia, southern Brazil, northern Argentina

Its territory is more than 3 million sq. km. This plain extends from north to south for 2400 km, and from west to east for 900 km.

The nature is diverse: steppes (pampa), forests, swamps. Agriculture is well developed on the plain.

The world's tallest Angel Falls— 979 meters

Animal world


Among the animals there are endemics: armadillos and anteaters, sloths and broad-nosed monkeys, llamas and chinchillas, rhea ostriches and tinamou birds, vultures and toucans, hummingbirds and some species of parrots.

The biggest

The largest turtles on land and in the ocean are found here.

The only marsupials

The only marsupials are opossums.

The only equids

Even-toed ungulates - tapirs


Ostrich Nandu

The nature of South America is full of diversity and contrasts; there are many world and continental natural, cultural and historical records.

South America receives the highest amount of precipitation compared to the rest of the Earth's continents. This created good conditions for the emergence of an abundant system of lakes and rivers. They play a serious role in various aspects of the life of humanity and the Earth, among them there is also a tourism component. By the way, some rivers and lakes in South America contain practically no water. But for travelers this does not make them any less attractive. Even, rather, on the contrary - today many people are interested

The lakes of the mainland attract a lot of travelers every year. People come from all over the world to see some of them.


Many tourists today are interested in exploring South America. Lakes also attract their attention. The largest of them is Maracaibo. But if we consider it as geographical education, it has signs of a bay. Its main feature is a rather scary and unique a natural phenomenon- these are Catatumbo lightning.

Lightning is observed at the point where the Catatumbo River flows into it. Here they strike almost continuously for 9 hours. Almost half of the nights here are illuminated by very bright flashes; they can be seen at a distance of 400 km.

This phenomenon is explained by the collision of methane rising upward. It comes from local swamps, as well as from the Andes, from downward air currents. At this moment, a potential difference is formed in the clouds, which is constantly discharged in the form of celestial electricity.

Peach Lake

Red Lake

When considering the lakes of South America, one cannot help but highlight Red Lake. This is what Laguna Colorado is often called. This lake is located in a reserve called Eduardo Avaroa in Bolivia, at an altitude of almost 4200 meters.

Its uniqueness is based on two factors.

  • First: algae “live” in this place, which produces substances that reliably protect them from ultraviolet radiation, therefore changing the hue of the water. Depending on the temperature and time of day, the lake can take on different shades - from scarlet to dark purple.
  • Next: this is a place where thousands of flamingos live, among which there are representatives of the rarest species.


Some lakes in South America are characterized by small amounts of water. Likewise, in Uyuni it appears extremely rarely. This is the world's largest salty dry lake, which was formed in the prehistoric period by the transformation of several reservoirs at once.

This giant salt marsh, with a total area of ​​about 10.5 thousand km², is located in Bolivia, in the south of the Altiplano, a desert plain. It contains large reserves of salt, lithium chloride.

For travelers who come here during the rainy season, the lake gives an amazing experience. At this time, you get the feeling of driving or walking on a huge mirror, flat and smooth, which stretches over enormous distances.

There are many beautiful lakes on the mainland. Some of them are located in hard-to-reach regions, others are “tourist hyped attractions.” Whatever one may say, seeing the large lakes of South America is worth seeing for every traveler looking for unforgettable sensations and vivid impressions.

In Bolivia, on the high plateaus there are many lakes - salty and fresh. One of them is Laguna Colorado(Spanish Laguna Colorado; ketch. Pukaqucha) - shallow water lake, saturated with mineral salts, located on a vast (Spanish: Altiplano), in the territory National Nature Reserve Eduardo-Awaroa(Spanish: Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve) in the southwestern part, near the border with, at an altitude of 3.8 thousand m above sea level.

The surface area of ​​the lake is almost 60 km², but its depth rarely exceeds 30 cm. The shores of the reservoir are rich in sulfur and sodium deposits, and in many places are covered with a layer of borax - evaporated salt, which also forms numerous snow-white islands in the lake itself.

Laguna Colorado is surrounded by picturesque cliffs and boiling geysers. The stunning landscapes here, stretching against the backdrop of the sparkling white Andean peaks, look unearthly, as if you miraculously found yourself on another planet.

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Description and characteristics

Laguna Colorado is one of the important natural sites of international importance included in the Convention on Wetlands (1971). In 2007 amazing mineral lake was among the nominees for the title of one of the seven New Wonders of Nature, but based on the number of votes, it did not make it to the finals of the competition.

The lake refutes generally accepted ideas about the color of water: contrary to natural laws, the waters here are not the usual blue or green, but red-brown, which, along with the surrounding Martian landscapes and the flocks of flamingos that have chosen this region, gives the lagoon a uniqueness and special flavor. The unconventional color of the water, which, depending on the time of day and air temperature, acquires various shades of red (from pinkish to crimson), green and deep purple, is explained by the pigmentation of the seaweed and salt deposits present in it, as well as local sedimentary rocks. The combination of burgundy-terracotta water with snow-white islands of borax creates an amazing play of colors - an unforgettable fantastic sight.

Because of the strange color of the water, the lake is often called Red

In summer it is quite warm here, but at night the air temperature often drops below 0°C.

Tourist excursions to the lake are worth taking during the warm season, when natural landscapes abound in all kinds of colors.

Flora & Fauna in Laguna Colorado

The Red Lagoon, rich in plankton, is home to almost 200 species of migratory birds. Despite the harsh local climate, the lake of rare beauty is favored by numerous flamingos (about 40 thousand). The Laguna Colorado region is home to many representatives of the rare South American species of flamingo - James' pink flamingos(lat. Phoenicparrus jamesi). Despite the fact that there are very few of them left on the planet, beautiful birds flock to the shores of the lake. large quantities and are in this area invariably throughout the year, only periodically flying outside its borders.

You can also find Andean and Chilean flamingos here, although in much smaller quantities. Exotic birds wander in shallow water or stand picturesquely with their beaks dipping into the water.

Flamingos are especially beautiful at dawn, in the rays rising sun. Birds acquire plumage pink color thanks to plankton, which is abundantly present in the bottom layer of the lake, which they eat in huge quantities. By the way, once in captivity, pink flamingos very quickly become ordinary white birds. In order to fully enjoy the view of the majestic flamingos in the morning, you can stay overnight in a small hotel located right on the shore of the lake.

Despite the tough climatic conditions, in the area there are vicunas, pumas, alpacas, llamas, foxes, chinchillas, and reptiles.

At a distance of about 100 km from Krasnoye there is Green Lake, and between them lies a thermal zone consisting of hot springs, mud volcanoes and fumaroles - jets of hot volcanic gas and steam escaping from cracks. Of course, Green Lake is inferior in unusualness to Red Lake with its Martian landscapes, but this body of water is surrounded by a chain of smoking active volcanoes.

Nearby is also a small White Salt Lake (Spanish: Solar de Chalviri), along the banks of which there are many warm thermal springs where you can swim. The country's government is trying to take action to harness the geothermal energy of the earth, but so far it has not progressed further than drilling wells.

In recent decades, more and more tourists have been flocking to Laguna Colorado, who are attracted here, first of all, by the unusual color scheme of the fantastic, almost alien landscapes.

Curious facts

  • Laguna Colorado with brown-red water is one of the most valuable “pearls” of Bolivia and the most visited place in the country.
  • Interestingly, the color of the lake changes depending on the weather and light. The water of the Lagoon can shimmer in different colors, from burgundy-black to greenish and yellowish.
  • On the shores of Laguna Colorado, a rather rare species of flamingo, the James Flamingo, lives in such numbers that it is quite difficult to believe the rarity of these beautiful birds. In fact, this lake is one of the few places on the planet where James Flamingos feel at home.
  • Back in the middle of the twentieth century, scientists were sure that James's Flamingos had completely disappeared from the world; Only later did it become clear that these rare birds still live in South America.

Is the largest and most rich country South America. In addition, it is one of the most popular tourist regions in a world where there are many natural attractions that rightfully bear the title "Most": Pico da Neblina (port. Pico da Neblina Mountain) - The most high mountain In South America; (port. Amazonas) - The most water-bearing river in the world; (port. Iguazu Falls) is the largest and most beautiful waterfall system in the world. Decent place in this series of “the very best”, it certainly ranks Lake Patus.

Patus(port. Lagoa dos Patos) - a lagoon lake located on south coast Brazil, on the territory of Rio Grande do Sul (port. Rio Grande do Sul), the southernmost state of the country.

Description and characteristics

pond with with total area almost 10 km² is the most large lake in Brazil, the second largest in Latin America and the largest shallow lake in the world. Having a length of about 280 km and an average width of 48 km (maximum - 70 km), the lake stretches along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, from which it is separated by an alluvial sand spit about 8 km wide, and is connected to it only by a small channel in its southernmost part. By a very narrow and long channel of São Gonçalo (port. São Gonçalo), Lake Patus is connected to (port. Lagoa Mirim), a lagoon lake located on the Atlantic coast, on the border with.

There are large hydroelectric power stations on the lake, oil, coal and salt are extracted, and fishing is carried out.

Patus Lake

Nearest cities: São José do Norte (port. São José do Norte), (port. Porto Alegre), Gravataí (port. Gravataí).


The first settlers from Portugal at the beginning of the 16th century mistakenly decided that Patus was the mouth of the Rio Grande River (port. Rio Grande). This data has been displayed on maps of the country for several decades. The name of the lake was coined by the Dutch cartographer Frederick De Wit (1630 - 1706), a famous Amsterdam cartographer and publisher.

In 1698, cartographers already marked on the map more accurate, corresponding to the real, outlines of the lake. The settlement of the coastal area began around 1720, when immigrants from Azores who named these territories Big river St. Peter (port. Rio Grande St. Peter). The first city of Rio Grande was founded here, which later became the capital of the state.

Natural features

The coastal areas uninhabited by people are covered with dense forests, characterized by a rich diversity of flora and fauna. The lake is notable for the fact that it experiences constant fluctuations in water level due to changes in the mass of runoff water due to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and the amount of precipitation.

Big fat Patus caterpillar

Subsoil development, which is actively carried out in the vicinity of the lake, leads to severe soil erosion in its basin, which has a negative impact not only on the reservoir itself, but also on the ecological situation of the adjacent territories.

Curious facts

  • The name of the lake comes from the Indian tribe that lived in its surroundings before Spanish colonization.
  • The peculiarity of the lake is that its depth can vary greatly. The rise or fall of the water level depends on the amount of precipitation.
  • If you look at a map of Brazil, the outline of the lake resembles a large, thick caterpillar that lies on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.