Get to the ai petri cable car. What is worth seeing on Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea? A storm of emotions with which your holiday on Ai-Petri begins


Among the most popular man-made miracles In Crimea, one of the first places is occupied by the famous Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car. Its features - the presence of the longest unsupported section with a length of 1670 m and an elevation angle of 46 degrees - secured its place in the Guinness Book of Records.

Work on creating the road began back in 1967 and lasted about 20 years! It took a lot of time to adjust the steel ropes, but at the project implementation stage an unforeseen circumstance arose - the ropes sank directly onto the rocks. There were two ways out: either destroy the rocks or change the project. Fortunately, the designers could not encroach on the beauty and changed the project.

In the winter of 1987, the state acceptance committee accepted the work, and already in May of the same year the first passengers appreciated it. Since then, the cable car to Ai-Petri has become a favorite attraction of all tourists. It operates year-round, stopping for maintenance only for a few weeks in February. During the entire period of its operation there were no accidents, only once, in 2013, there was trouble when the power supply to the road was cut off. No one was injured, but since then the funicular has been serviced by its own autonomous power plant. In addition, in the same 2013, the steel rope was replaced with a new one, so the Ai-Petri cable car meets 2019 in excellent condition.

Cable car to Ai-Petri in numbers

Many will be interested in technical and geographical details:

  • the road begins in Miskhor at an altitude of 86 m (hereinafter the altitude above sea level is indicated);
  • Sosnovy Bor station is located at an altitude of 391 m;
  • the length of the first, lower section is 1310 m;
  • the length of the second, upper unsupported section is 1670 m;
  • the elevation angle on the second section of the road is 46°;
  • total length cable car on Ai-Petri - 2980 m;
  • the highest point is at an altitude of 1153 m;
  • travel time is 15 minutes;
  • to ensure load uniformity, two booths operate in each area;
  • one cabin accommodates 30-40 passengers;
  • cabin weight is about 1.5 tons;
  • About 130 people operate the cable car, but in the summer their number increases.

Security measures

For some people, the cable car in Crimea to Ai-Petri can cause excitement. There is no need to be afraid! You will forget about fear as soon as the stunning beauty of the Crimean coast opens before you, and the cable car staff takes care of the safety of your life.

Every morning, the duty team inspects all components and assemblies, checks the electrics and ropes, and only after that the road starts working. At each station there are attendants who monitor the boarding and unloading of passengers, and each carriage is accompanied by a conductor.

At all stations there are stands with work schedules and contact details of road employees. IN summer time there are many people who want to take the cable car to Ai-Petri, and since 2019, all stations have TVs, air conditioning and very comfortable waiting areas.

On Ai-Petri, the 2019 cable car price is affordable, and you can also buy souvenirs to remember the trip in one of the souvenir shops at the stations. If any problem arises, you can always contact the staff; administrators on duty at the stations will answer all questions.

Route description

So, you climbed into the booth, and it starts to move. To the middle station its speed will be 7-8 m/sec. The highway, vineyards, pine forest float under your feet, the road supports are clearly visible, and the higher you rise, the better you can see the sea. The difference between the lower and middle stations is only 220 m.

Sosnovy Bor station is ahead. The speed drops to 5 m per second, and you no longer see the supports - the trailer rises only along the ropes, the angle of inclination changes and it begins to seem to you that a little more and you will crash into the mountain. The feeling is simply amazing! Of course, this will not happen, but all tourists who will climb the Ai-Petri cable car this way for the first time in 2019 will take their breath away. The difference between the middle and final station is 850 m, which can even cause a little blockage in your ears. But the view from such a height will make you forget about this: an endless sea, land covered with dense forest, and tiny cars running somewhere far below! In clear weather, you can see the entire coast of Crimea from Foros to Sudak itself, and when the top of Ai-Petri is shrouded in clouds, you will gasp at the unreality of what is happening, because the rocky cliffs emerging through the fog look even more fantastic and inaccessible!

The final stop is you on the Ai-Petri plateau. And there is no need to rush down, because crystal clear air awaits you here, bright sun And natural wonders. You can go down to the caves (Trekhglazka, Geofizicheskaya, Yalta), independently climb to the top of Ai-Petri or visit the Uchan-Su waterfall.

Ai-Petri cable car: price 2019

Such a trip is not the cheapest - the price child ticket in 2019 will be 250 rubles. (under 6 years free), and for an adult – 400 rubles. But you can bring a backpack and even a bicycle with you, however, luggage is also paid for.

The operating hours of the Ai-Petri cable car 2019 remain the same:

  • you can rise from 9 to 17 hours;
  • go down - from 9 to 18 o'clock.

How to get there

Getting to the cable car on Ai-Petri in 2019 is as easy as before: there are two buses from Yalta to the village of Miskhor - No. 102 and 32, the ticket price is about 30 rubles. Go to the “Lower Cable Car Station” stop.

The southern coast of Crimea is the most popular place among vacationers and tourists. They are attracted by the pearl of Crimea - Yalta, which can be seen from a bird's eye view if you climb to a hill. To realize your desire, you should find out how to get to Ai-Petri from Yalta and use its observation deck.

Location of Ai-Petri

To climb to the flat surface of the mountain top, whose height reaches 1,234 meters, you can:

  • By cable car;
  • By minibus;
  • By car;
  • On foot.

You can get to Ai-Petri by shuttle bus before settlement Miskhor. From the Yalta bus station, a regular bus covers the distance within half an hour. If you decide to get there by car, then you should go towards Simeiz. The reference point for the turn will be the Uzbekistan sanatorium, there is a sign for Ai-Petri on how to get there.

Climbing Ai-Petri

The movement of the funicular to the top of Ai-Petri evokes an exciting sensation in a person. The cable car with the longest span without supports in Europe, for the convenience of tourists, the waiting station is equipped with TVs and stands with the necessary information. From its top you can see such sights of the surrounding area as:

From the top of the mountain there is a clearly visible road along which you can see - how to get to Ai-Petri. ends at 18-00, after this time tickets are not sold. The cable car ride to the top takes no more than five minutes. Many people prefer to climb by car.

Conquering Ai-Petri by car is quite exciting. The route to Bakhchisaray passes through a coniferous forest, the duration of the route will take about 40 minutes. By car, only experienced drivers climb Ai-Petri, but the bravest ones cover the distance and conquer the peak on foot.

Hiking trails

There are several hiking trails which are used for hiking:

  • Botkinskaya;
  • Taraktashskaya;
  • Koreizskaya.

The most convenient trail is the Koreizskaya one, it will lead to the plateau.

It should be noted that at its top the temperature is seven degrees lower than at the foot, and it is also very windy, so you need to stock up on warm clothes.

The flat top allows for stalls with souvenirs and products made from sheep skins, establishments with Tatar cuisine, and Crimean wine.

The state becomes special from the mountain air, coniferous forests, from the view of the sea merging with the sky. Mountain peaks that remain below and surround Ai-Petri.

Neighborhoods of Ai-Peri

Returning from the top you can visit one of warm places Crimea - Miskhor, which has an amazing park. The park area stretches along the coast, there are more than three hundred species of plants from different countries. The fountain attracts tourists, as well as the sculpture of a girl in the sea - this is a little mermaid.

On the territory of Miskhor there is the Yusupov Palace, surrounded by a park that attracts attention no less than the palace building. You can return to Yalta by regular bus; they travel at intervals of one hour.

There is a boat service to the Yalta embankment from Miskhor. Boat trip will enchant you with the beauty of the changing landscapes; from the sea you can see mountains buried in greenery and clouds. If you're lucky, you might be surprised by the boat being accompanied by dolphins.

You can also traditionally use a taxi service. No matter how difficult the road to Ai-Petri may be, this trip will leave an unforgettable impression and a positive attitude for a long time. Anyone who has become acquainted with Crimea will always return to it.

GPS g. 44.448960,34.056196 (format used in online maps)
GPS g.m. 44°26.937", 34°3.717" (format used in navigators and geocaching)
GPS g.m.s. 44°26"56.26", 34°3"22.31"

Life here begins at 9 am, when the first tourists arrive.

Do you want a minimum of queues, a quick run through the main attractions, while maintaining your mental health? Come to Ai-Petri with the first car of the cable car. At this time, there are still almost no loud barkers, from whom you so want to run away from this beautiful place.


Behind the pine forest you can see vineyards and the sea. And then along the steep cliff the trailer jumps onto the very rock. At the very top the feeling is indescribable. Firstly, there is always a cold wind blowing. Secondly, it's scary there. You can stand at the fence and be afraid. Because Alupka below is so small, small, and the sea merges with the horizon... It happens that the clouds lie below the top, and you can admire the white sea of ​​water vapor, above which the sun rises.

And even if it’s very scary, it’s still beautiful there, you can stick closer to the ground and look down there.

Even higher than the cable car station! More beautiful! Even scarier!

At the top station there is some kind of platform for a panoramic view, but don’t be too lazy to go up to the battlements of Ai-Petri, the views there are even better. You can climb to the battlements using a paid path (through the market, 100 rubles per adult, free for children) or a free path, bypassing the market to the north through the stables and then directly to the battlements, if you don’t mind looking at the thousand-year-old yew and Stephen’s maple. Payment is not for the fact of climbing the battlements, but specifically for passing along a short path, i.e. No one is asking for tickets upstairs.

Free and paid routes to the teeth of Ai-Petri:

Ai-Petri on an interactive panorama

The image in the panorama can be moved with the mouse cursor, as well as zoomed in and out (with the wheel).

Ai-Petri is the leader in the number of permitted paid places in Crimea. It's very beautiful here.

Views from the battlements. This is a real observation deck!

It’s especially great to be here in clear weather.

With clouds, expectations may not be met.

Rope bridges

The rope bridges were recently installed, reinforced, insured, and priced at 500 rubles. And this is in September 2015, almost no longer the season; in the summer, they say, walking over the abyss costs much more.

“You can go there for free! At 8 am or in the evening after 6 pm, well, yes, without insurance, just step over the fence...” incites the local Tatar.

There are also three caves on Ai-Petri - Geofizicheskaya, Yalta, Trekhglazka (not to be confused with Trekhglazka on Chatyr-Dag), entrance to each is 150 rubles. In our opinion, these caves are significantly inferior in terms of entertainment to Mramornaya and Emine-Bair-Khosar.

Tatar market

At the top there is a completely different climate and a different world, while you stand in line for two or three hours to descend (during the peak season - August), you can eat sweet baklava, drink aromatic herbal tea, wrap yourself in a fluffy scarf to your taste and choose one of the most beautiful plates from one and a half hundred.

“The fly in the ointment” is the disgustingly annoying Tatars.

Tatars tempt you to take a photo with an eagle or a monkey, ride horses, ride ATVs and, of course, eat... Despite all the promises, the quality of the cuisine is far from ideal. In addition, there are no sources of drinking water here; all the water is imported and therefore questionable. However, at the market you can choose souvenirs to suit your taste. Bargain.

An Asian teahouse, an oriental bazaar with southern sweets and baklava, plates with Tatar patterns and many, many sheepskin coats, scarves and felt boots - not surprisingly, downstairs people sunbathe in swimsuits, but here you want to wrap yourself in a blanket. Take something here in advance to protect yourself from the wind so as not to waste money.

Everything at the bazaar is bright and colorful, you can’t help but stop and stare!

There are also delicacies: honey with nuts, pine cone jam...

Cable car

Cable car with an intermediate station. A pendulum-type cable car means that the cars do not move in a circle, but towards each other. Starts working at 9 am. There are 4 carriages and an intermediate station where you need to change trains. Keep your tickets until the end of your trip.

Large trailers will lift 40 people each to a height of 1000 meters, first along a wooded slope - the “Fairytale Forest”, in which many Soviet fairy tales were filmed, then higher and higher, to the mountain between steep cliffs. The Yalta cable car does not compare in sensations with the cable car on Ai-Petri.

The queue for it in August is scary, but it's worth it. And while you’re standing there, you can look at all the souvenirs in the numerous stalls. A significant drawback is that organized tourist groups go without a queue, which is somewhat strange.

  • Ai-Petri lower station: N44°25.527" E34°04.229" (44.425450, 34.070483)
  • Upper station Ai-Petri: N44°27.100" E34°03.623" (44.451667, 34.060383)

And in August 2013, an accident occurred on the Ai-Petri cable car, one of the cabins stalled and passengers were taken off from a height of about 50 meters. I think people have had too much extreme sports for the rest of their lives and I wouldn’t want to be in their situation.

The line down is even longer than up, and everyone is tempting you to go down by bus. Do not give in to the provocations of barkers! The cable car is taxiing. Guides line up in advance while their tour groups walk around. Then 20 people arrive and the whole line looks at the group angrily. You should keep this tactic in mind and alternate walks towards the end.

There are three ways to be on one of the most famous mountain peaks Crimea: by minibus, cable car and on foot.

By minibus

Minibuses run from the Yalta bus station. These are not regular routes, but finding the right minibus will not be difficult. Drivers will find you themselves, and if they don’t find you, then you will definitely hear them. The fare is 350 rubles, travel time is about 40 minutes. The road to Ai-Petri runs along a picturesque mountain serpentine. By the way, it was on this track that one of the rally races of the European championship took place, before the introduction of sanctions.

The minibus will take you to the eastern market, next to which there is a cable station and the famous Ai-Petri battlements. But you will have to fight off the local Tatars for a long time, who will invite you to eat. You can also return back to Yalta by minibus, but the fare will be 300 rubles.

I like this option least of all, because the road along the mountain serpentine gets very motion sick, and then it takes me a long time to get away from the trip, but if you don’t know the terrain well, then this option is the simplest and most reliable.

Cable car

You can also get to the top of Ai-Petri using , which is located in lower Miskhor, it is about 30 minutes drive from Yalta. The fare is 350 rubles, the ascent time is about 12 minutes. The cable car will give you a lot of fun unforgettable impressions, but only if the weather is clear. If Ai-Petri is covered by clouds, then from the cable car cabin you will not see anything except fog.

Therefore, take the weather into account when planning your trip. In order to enjoy panoramic views and see the coast, the weather must be clear and cloudless. Only in this case will you fully experience all the beauty of nature and the acute sensation of height that Ai-Petri gives to tourists.

On foot

Well, the most The best way Climbing Ai-Petri is, of course, a walking option. Only after reaching Ai-Petri on foot can you proudly say that you have conquered this peak.

Hiking will give you a lot of positive emotions, and as you climb to the top, your gaze will open to such landscapes that you will not want to take your eyes off, you will come to places that you will want to return to again. Depending on the route you choose, you will be able to swim in the icy waters of mountain rivers and drink the purest spring water.

In addition to all this, such hikes will strengthen your health and physical fitness, and you will also be able to breathe mountain-forest air, which, together with physical activity, has a healing effect on the body.

For me the best and interesting option is a hiking trip, but for this you need to know the routes of the trails and their names. The mountains do not tolerate being taken lightly, and accidents are not uncommon here, so hiking must be taken very seriously and responsibly. Options walking routes to climb Ai-Petri you can

Or you can go on one of the hikes along the picturesque trails with us. We organize such trips. You can familiarize yourself with route options and prices .

Closer to us, the Iograph spur departs from the Main Mountain Range. Its continuation within the boundaries of Yalta is Darsan Hill, the watershed of the Vodopadnaya (Uchan-Su) and Bystraya (Derekoyki) river valleys. While walking around Yalta, you crossed these rivers more than once.

Right under our feet is the cone-shaped Mount Mogabi, along which we drove while climbing Ai-Petri. Its peak is almost 400 m below the Shishko rock. For some reason, many people think that Mogabi is dormant volcano; Obviously, this idea is suggested by its regular cone-shaped shape. In reality, it is a remnant of a mountain range, of which there are quite a few South Coast. Mogabi hides from us that part of the coast where Livadia and Oreanda are located. To the west of this mountain there is a view of the Miskhor resort area. Cape Ai-Todor with the Swallow's Nest is visible from behind the Mogabi slope.

At your feet below Ai-Petri lies Alupka, and if you look closely you can even see the Vorontsov Palace and Park. And even further east lies our favorite resort, Simeiz, headed by Mount Koshka and the Diva rock.

Turning to the north, you will see Mount Bedene-Kyr with white domes in the distance - this is military base. Well, below you you can see the upper station of the Ai-Petri cable car, an oriental bazaar, and countless cafes with oriental cuisine...

But we are more interested in the panorama of the sunny southern coast, which attracts attention for a long time... But then a small cloud covered the sun for a minute, and everything immediately changed: otherwise shadows from the mountains lay, the sea became green, the bright colors dimmed. The panorama is the same, but you see it completely different...

From Ai-Petri you can watch a magnificent picture of the sunrise. But usually an excursion to Ai-Petri is designed for one day, and you can only see the sunset on Ai-Petri... And to completely complete the picture of Crimean mountains also visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, better in the excursion program New Crimean Switzerland - this is exclusive.

About the Ai-Petri teeth and the red flag

In the summer of 1950, Nikolai Pavlovich Antsiferov, a researcher at the Moscow Literary Museum, came to the Yalta Museum of Local Lore. He said that in 1907, as a young man, together with his friend, he climbed to the battlements of Ai-Petri and on one of these battlements he saw the remains of the inscription “Down with Tsarism,” riddled with bullet holes. The young people took pictures of her. After 43 years, Nikolai Pavlovich found an interesting photograph and was now donating it to the museum.

Several years passed until the museum staff managed to find out the origin of this amazing inscription. And it was like this. On the autumn morning of 1905, a scarlet banner fluttered at the top of Ai-Petri, and under it everyone saw the inscription “Down with Tsarism.” This was the time when the first Russian revolution was on the rise. And here, in “blessed Taurida,” so far from the working centers of Russia, next to the Tsar’s summer dacha in Livadia, the ghost of revolution also appeared. The police did not find anyone willing to climb the rock to tear down the banner. Then they decided... to shoot the banner and the seditious words carved on the stone. A machine gun platoon went to Ai-Petri. The flag pole, beveled by the burst, fell, but did not fall into the abyss: the red banner caught on the crevices of the rock. Again and again the lead rain poured down on him and tore him to shreds. They carefully knocked out every centimeter of the inscription on the rock with bullets. But for a long time the fragments of the banner remained red in the crevices of the Ai-Petrin spire, for a long time it was still possible to distinguish the inscription...

Who climbed to the top of the battlement, managed to strengthen the banner in one night and make an inscription, each letter of which was the height of a man?

After a lengthy search, museum workers managed to find one of the participants in this bold demonstration. In 1957, they met him in Moscow: A. A. Teodorovich worked as an employee of the Institute of Medicinal Plants. Here's what he said.

One day, a small group of Swedish tourists appeared on the South Coast and spoke Russian surprisingly well. In Miskhor they found a guide who! led them to the foot of the battlements. Having cut several steps into the rock and attached a hanging cradle, the “Swedes” set up a red banner and made an inscription.

The guide of this dangerous expedition was a mason from Miskhor I.D. Ananyev (died in 1947), and the “Swedes” turned out to be members of the RSDLP(b), who emigrated abroad and came to Russia illegally in 1905...