Mountains around the world names. The highest mountains in Russia

Since Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Chomolungma in 1953, every climber has dreamed in his heart of repeating this feat. The name "most high mountain in the world" was not given to Everest lightly - the height of the mountain is 8.85 thousand meters. A lot of tourists and climbers from all over the world flock there every year.

Everest - the highest mountain in the world

When people talk about something extremely high, they mean distance above sea level. However, if we judge only by this parameter, then the exact height of the mountain will be 8 kilometers 849 meters. Height competition on the planet on this moment does not exist. The mountain extends into the atmosphere much higher than other mountain peaks.

Interesting fact: At the moment there are 18 routes along which you can climb the mountain, making your dream come true.

Tallest mountain in the world from the center of the Earth

In this case, the highest point, in terms of proximity to the center of the planet, is considered to be the peak of Chimborazo. Its elevation above sea level is 6 kilometers 384 meters. Chimborazo is a layered volcano located in Ecuador. The volcano is part of the Andes mountain range.

Chimborazo is the highest mountain in the world from the center of the Earth

The Earth is not a smooth ball; it rises at the sides of the equator and flattens out a little at the poles. Thus, mountains near the Equator are located further from the center of the planet than those at the poles. Chimborazo is located closer to the Equator than Everest. This means that it is closer to space than even the highest point of Chomolungma (another name for Everest).

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Tallest mountain in the world from base to summit

Chomolungma is the highest mountain peak above sea level, but the most high mountain From the base to the top, the Hawaiian mountain Mauna Kea is considered, local people call it the White Mountain. The distance above sea level is 4 kilometers 205 meters, but the mountain goes down almost another 6 kilometers, since most of Mauna Kea is submerged deep sea.

The height of the mountain in its entirety is more than 10 kilometers, which is 1345 m more than the size of Everest. In fact, it's not really a mountain - Mauna Kea is an extinct volcano that arose about a million years ago. It was then that the tectonic plate on which the island is located moved over a plume of hot mantle inside the planet. The last volcanic eruption occurred approximately 2.6 thousand years BC.

The peak of White Mountain is a real find for astronomical observations. The humidity there is low, the sky is mostly clear, and the nearest light sources are at a decent distance, without illuminating the night sky. Thus, at the peak there is an excellent view of any celestial bodies. There are currently approximately 13 telescopes installed at the top of the mountain.

It's also worth noting that Everest officially remains the tallest mountain above sea level alone. Using this parameter, the remaining mountains cannot even claim the title of insurmountable peak of the Andes, which belongs to the peak of Mount Aconcagua, rising 6 kilometers 961 meters above the sea. However, even she is not a rival to Everest.

Where is Everest?

Everest is located in Himalayan mountains on the Mahalangur Himal ridge. The Nepal-China border is also located there.

Interesting fact: there is an annual increase in the mountain of several millimeters.

What does Everest look like?

Everest looks like a three-sided pyramid with a more sloping southern slope. It is because of this that on the southern part of the mountain and on its edges, coarse-grained and fine-grained snow simply cannot be retained, so the stone protrudes under them. The northeastern shoulder of the mountain reaches 8393 meters in height, the distance from the top to the mountain foot is approximately 3550 meters. Mountain peaks are generally composed of sedimentary rock deposits.

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The southern part of the mountain passes into the South Col pass, located at an altitude of 7906 meters, and also from Lhotse - 8516 meters. Some call it South summit mountains.

Interesting fact: The youngest climber who climbed to the top was 13 years old, and the oldest was 80.

In the north of the mountain there is the North Col, measuring 7020 meters, connecting the mountain with the separate peak of Changze, 7553 meters high. Towards the east, the Kangshung wall ends abruptly, 3350 meters. Glaciers constantly flow from the entire mountain range, ending quite high - at an altitude of 5 kilometers. Part of the mountain belongs to the Nepal National Park, the rest belongs to the PRC.

Interesting fact: To climb to the top of the mountain you will have to spend from 40 days to two months.

The summit of Everest aggressively welcomes climbers. There are constant winds raging there, the rarefied atmosphere makes it difficult to breathe normally. The speed of some air flows reaches up to 80 m/s, maybe even higher. The strongest winds and storms often blow here. The air around is very cold - the temperature drops to -60, which feels like -100 degrees Celsius. IN summer time The mountain is a little warmer than usual - the temperature rises to -19. There are never positive temperatures at the top. Without special equipment and acclimatization, it is not possible to survive on the mountain.

Flora and fauna of Everest

The climate is too aggressive for a mass of animals and plants to appear on the mountain. From flora there you can find small shrubs, mosses, lichens and some conifers. Animals on Everest are also not very common: jumping spiders, grasshoppers, flies and a few birds.

Every year there are fewer and fewer places on the planet that have not been spoiled by humanity, and the mountain area is also included among them. During the ascent, tourists are surrounded by picturesque landscapes. On the Nepal side, the mountain is fenced by two more mountain ranges, so for good visibility you have to walk several thousand meters.

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Why is Everest called that?

The first map of Tibet was released in 1719, it was compiled according to the results of Chinese intelligence. The reconnaissance was carried out by lamas on the orders of the ruler of China. The European copy of the map reflected only the approximate location of the mountain; its name was not the same as on the Chinese original map.

From the Indian point of view, the mountain was called Discovery, but the last name was determined only in 1856. The mountain is named after the previous leader of the expeditions of the Survey of India, colonized by Britain, George Everest. Until about the 20th century, one could hear a lot of mountain names from India, but geography as a science did not take them seriously due to inaccuracies in location. The first representative of the Indian Review who was able to visit the area near Everest was Natha Singh. It was he who first heard the name of Everest as “Cholungbif”.

At the beginning of the winter of 1920, thanks to an employee of the British mission, Charles Bell, who at that time was trying to resolve the issue related to the ascent of the first English explorers to the mountain, a parchment was handed over. This parchment was presented by the Dalai Lama along with permission to climb. The words were written in Tibetan on the parchment that there was a monastery on the mountain. Part of the sentence was: "Cha-Mo Lung." This excerpt of the phrase interested researchers. A little later in Lhasa, the researcher was told that this was not a set of words, but the abbreviated name of Everest “Cha-Dzi-Ma-Lung-Ma”, next to it was the prefix “Lho”, which translates as the southern side.

In a special document that allowed the British expedition to climb the mountain peaks, issued by official representatives of the Tibetan authorities, the mountain was called “Chha-Mo-Lung Ma”. Later, this name was found in all climbing permit documents issued by the Tibetan government until 1936.

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The new name of the mountain became official many years later - in the 1960s. it was then that it became documented geographical name terrain. Many translations of the name Chomolungma from Tibetan indicate that the mountain was called the Divine Mother of the Earth or Wind. Locals Everest is referred to among themselves as “the mountain over whose peaks birds cannot fly.” Judging from the Nepalese side, the mountain was called “Sagannatha”, a similar name has been found since the 1960s, when the territories of Nepal and China were divided along the top of the mountain.

The meaning of “Chha-Mo-Lung Ma” is translated as “Divine Mother of Life Energy”. Everest is named after the deity of one of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Sharab Zhamma. The name of the goddess can be translated as the wisest and most loving mother. Thus, for certain schools of Buddhism, the mountain represents maternal energy. The mountain is also sometimes called “Chomogangkar”, which is also translated as “Holy Mother”. Because of the snow on the peaks, the phrase “white as snow” is added.

Chomolungma is the highest mountain. This fact forces tourists from all over the world to fly to this place. Climbing occurs regularly, but not every climber can survive the climb.

You will have to climb to the top within two months. This is subject to acclimatization, as well as regular tourist camps. When climbing, climbers lose about 15 kilograms. Countries around the mountain charge not only for climbing the peak, but also for accompanying services like translator, transport and signalman. Each expedition climbs according to the order, the cheapest ascent is from Tibet. The most standard climb to the mountain starts from the north.

The rise is mainly carried out in the spring and autumn. Then there are no monsoons, so climbing is somewhat easier. The most suitable season for conquering Chomolungma is spring. In spring it is much easier to climb the opposite slopes of the mountain. In autumn it is much easier to climb on the south side.


The highest peaks are at the peak of the highest mountains of the seven continents. Among climbers they are known as " Seven Peaks", which was first conquered by Richard Bass on April 30, 1985.

Here are a few interesting facts about the highest points in all parts of the world.

Highest mountain peaks

The other day the program Google Maps' Street View invited everyone to enjoy the view of the highest peaks in the world, offering interactive galleries of the highest mountains on Earth.

Maps include panoramic view of 4 of the 7 peaks: Everest in the Himalayas of Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe and Aconcagua in South America.

You can make a virtual ascent of these peaks without exposing yourself to the dangers of height and natural difficulties that climbers face.

1. The highest peak in the world and Asia - Mount Everest (Qomolangma)

Height of Mount Everest

8848 meters

Geographic coordinates of Mount Everest:

27.9880 degrees north latitude and 86.9252 degrees east longitude (27° 59" 17" N, 86° 55" 31" E)

Where is Mount Everest?

Mount Everest or Chomolungma is highest mountain on earth, which is located in the area Mahalangur Himal in the Himalayas. The international border between China and Nepal runs along its top. The Everest massif includes the neighboring peaks Lhotse (8516 m), Nuptse (7861 m) and Changtse (7543 m).

The highest mountain in the world attracts many experienced climbers and amateurs from all over the world. Although technically there are no major problems in climbing the standard route, the biggest dangers on Everest are considered to be lack of oxygen, disease, weather and wind.

Other facts:

Mount Everest, also called Chomolungma translated from Tibetan as “Divine Mother of Snows” and from Nepali as “Mother of the Universe”. The mountain is considered sacred to local residents. The name Everest was given in honor of the British George Everest, who was the first to measure the height of the world's highest mountain peak.

Mount Everest annually rises by 3-6 mm and shifts to the northeast by 7 cm.

- First ascent of Everest committed by New Zealander Edmund Hilary(Edmund Hillary) and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay(Tenzing Norgay) as part of the British expedition on May 29, 1953.

The largest expedition to climb Everest consisted of 410 people who were part of the 1975 Chinese team.

- Safest year On Everest it was 1993, when 129 people reached the summit and 8 died. The most tragic year was 1996, when 98 people reached the summit and 15 people died (8 of them died on May 11).

Nepalese Sherpa Appa is the man who has climbed Everest the most times. He set a record by climbing 21 times from 1990 to 2011.

2. The highest peak in South America is Mount Aconcagua

Height of Aconcagua

6,959 meters

Geographic coordinates of Aconcagua

32.6556 degrees south latitude and 70.0158 west longitude (32°39"12.35"S 70°00"39.9"W)

Where is Mount Aconcagua located?

Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Americas, located in the Andes mountain range in the province Mendoza in Argentina. Also this the most high peak, both in the western and southern hemispheres.

The mountain is part Aconcagua National Park. It consists of a number of glaciers, the most famous of which is the Polish Glacier in the northeast - a frequent climbing route.

Other facts:

- Name "Aconcagua" probably means from Araucanian "from the other side of the Aconcagua River" or from Quechua "Stone Guardian".

From a mountaineering point of view, Aconcagua is easy mountain to climb, if you head along the northern route, which does not require ropes, pitons and other equipment.

- The first to conquer Aconcagua British Edward Fitzgerald(Edward FitzGerald) in 1897.

The youngest climber to reach the top of Aconcagua was a 10-year-old Matthew Monitz(Matthew Moniz) December 16, 2008. The oldest is 87 years old Scott Lewis(Scott Lewis) in 2007.

3. The highest mountain in North America is Mount McKinley

McKinley Height

6194 meters

Geographic coordinates of McKinley

63.0694 degrees north latitude, 151.0027 degrees west longitude (63° 4" 10" N, 151° 0" 26" W)

Where is Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska's Denali National Park and is the highest peak in the United States and North America, and third most prominent peak in the world after Mount Everest and Aconcagua.

Other facts:

Mount McKinley used to be the highest peak in Russia until Alaska was sold to the United States.

Local residents call it "Denali" (translated from the Athabasca language as "Great"), and the Russians who inhabited Alaska simply " Big mountain". Later it was renamed "McKinley" in honor of US President William McKinley.

- First to conquer McKinley American climbers led by Hudson Stack(Hudson Stuck) and Harry Carstens(Harry Karstens) June 7, 1913.

Best Climbing period: from May to July. Due to the far northern latitude, there is lower atmospheric pressure and less oxygen at the summit than other high mountains in the world.

4. The highest peak in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro

Height of Kilimanjaro

5895 meters

Geographic coordinates of Kilimanjaro

Latitude 3.066 degrees south and longitude 37.3591 degrees east (3° 4" 0" S, 37° 21" 33" E)

Where is Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and is located in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania. This volcano consists of three volcanic cones: Kiba, Mawenzi and Shira. Kilimanjaro is a huge stratovolcano that began to form a million years ago when lava erupted in the Rift Valley region.

Two peaks, Mawenzi and Shira, are extinct volcanoes, while the highest, Kibo, is sleeping volcano, which may erupt again. The last major eruption occurred 360,000 years ago, but activity was recorded only 200 years ago.

Other facts:

There are several versions explaining Origin of Kilimanjaro. One theory is that the name comes from the Swahili word "Kilima" ("mountain") and the Kichagga word "Njaro" ("whiteness"). According to another version, Kilimanjaro is a European origin of the phrase kichagga, which means "we did not climb it."

Since 1912, Kilimanjaro has lost more than 85 percent of its snow. According to scientists in 20 years all the snow on Kilimanjaro will melt.

- First ascent was committed by a German explorer Hans Meyer(Hans Meyer) and the Austrian climber Ludwig Purtscheller(Ludwig Purtscheller) on the third attempt on October 6, 1889

- About 40,000 people They try to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro every year.

The youngest climber to climb Kilimanjaro is a 7-year-old Keats Boyd(Keats Boyd), who climbed on January 21, 2008.

5. The highest peak in Europe (and Russia) is Mount Elbrus

Height of Mount Elbrus

5642 meters

Geographic coordinates of Mount Elbrus

43.3550 degrees north latitude, 42.4392 east longitude (43° 21" 11" N, 42° 26" 13" E)

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano located in the western part Caucasus Mountains on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia in Russia. The summit of Elbrus is highest in Russia, Europe and western Asia. Western peak reaches 5642 m, and the eastern 5621 m.

Other facts:

- Name "Elbrus" comes from the Iranian word "Albors", which means "high mountain". It is also called Ming tau ("eternal mountain"), Yalbuz ("mane of snow") and Oshkhamakho ("mountain of happiness")

Elbrus is covered by a permanent ice sheet that supports 22 glaciers, which in turn feed the Baksan, Kuban and Malka rivers.

Elbrus located in a mobile tectonic region, and deep under an extinct volcano there is molten magma.

- First ascent the eastern peak of Elbrus was reached on July 10, 1829 Hilar Kachirov, who was part of the expedition of Russian General G.A. Emmanuel, and to the western (which is about 40 m higher) - in 1874 by an English expedition led by F. Crawford Grove(F. Crawford Grove).

From 1959 to 1976 it was built here cable car , which takes visitors to a height of 3750 meters.

Per year on Elbrus about 15-30 people die mainly due to poorly organized attempts to reach the summit

In 1997, an SUV Land Rover Defender climbed to the top of Elbrus, setting a Guinness world record.

6. The highest peak of Antarctica - Vinson Massif

Height of Vinson Massif

4892 meters

Geographic coordinates of the Vinson Massif

78.5254 degrees south latitude and 85.6171 degrees west longitude (78° 31" 31.74" S, 85° 37" 1.73" W)

Vinson Massif on the map

Vinson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica, which is located on the Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains. The massif is approximately 21 km long and 13 km wide and is located 1200 km from the South Pole.

Other facts

The highest peak is Vinson Peak, named after Carla Vinson- Member of the US Congress. The Vinson Massif was first discovered in 1958, and first ascent was committed in 1966.

In 2001, the first expedition reached the summit via the Eastern Route and measurements of the summit's height were made using GPS.

More 1400 people tried to conquer Vinson Peak.

7. The highest peak of Australia and Oceania is Mount Puncak Jaya

Height of Puncak Jaya

4884 meters

Geographic coordinates of Puncak Jaya

4.0833 degrees south latitude 137.183 degrees east longitude (4° 5" 0" S, 137° 11" 0" E)

Where is Puncak Jaya

Puncak Jaya or Carstens Pyramid is the highest peak of Mount Carstens in western Papua province in Indonesia.

This mountain is highest in Indonesia, on the island New Guinea, in Oceania (on the Australian plate), highest mountain on the island, and the highest point between the Himalayas and the Andes.

Mount Kosciuszko is considered the highest peak on the Australian continent., whose height is 2228 meters.

Other facts:

When Indonesia began administering the province in 1963, the peak was renamed Sukarno Peak in honor of the Indonesian president. Later it was renamed Puncak Jaya. The word "Puncak" means "mountain or peak" in Indonesian, and "Jaya" means "victory".

The top of Puncak Jaya conquered for the first time in 1962, Austrian climbers led Heinrich Garrer(Heinrich Harrer) and three other members of the expedition.

Access to the summit requires government permission. The mountain was closed to tourists and climbers from 1995 to 2005. Since 2006, access has been possible through various travel agencies.

Puncak Jaya is considered one of the most difficult climbs. It has the highest technical rating, but does not have the greatest physical requirements.

Everest (Qomolungma) 8848 meters

Coordinates: 27°59’ N. latitude, 86°55’ e. d.

The highest mountain in the world is Everest (Chomolungma). This mountain consists of two peaks: the southern one, lying on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region, with an altitude of 8760 meters, and the northern one, located in China, with a height of 8848 meters. The shape of the mountain is a triangular pyramid, with a steeper southern slope. Due to the fact that firn and snow are not retained on the southern side, the slope and ribs are bare. The peak itself is covered almost entirely by sedimentary deposits. At night, the air temperature at the top of the mountain drops to -60 °C, and wind speeds can reach 200 km/h. Partially this mountain became part of Sagarmatha, national park in Nepal.

Chogori (K2) 8614 meters

Coordinates: 35052′ s. latitude, 76°30′ e. d.

The peak in the east is 8230 meters, and in the south - 8132 m. Chogori is the second highest mountain after Everest and the northernmost eight-thousander in the whole world. This mountain peak is located in Kashmir, the northern territories of which, on the border with China, are controlled by Pakistan. The mountain is also part of the Karakoram massif, which is located from the Himalayas to the west. Sometimes Chogori is called: Karakorum 2, Godwin-Austen, Dapsang.

8598 meters

Coordinates: 27042′ s. sh., 88009′ e. d.

Mount Kanchenjunga is located in the Himalayas, or rather on the border of Nepal and the Indian state of Sikkim, in national park which is partially included. The name of this mountain range can be translated as “five treasures of the great snows.” And the mountain is named so because it consists of five peaks: the main (8586 m), southern (8491 m), middle (8478 m), western (8505 m) and Kangbachen peak (7902 m). Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest mountain peak in the world. However, after performing some calculations, it became known that Everest was still much higher and Kanchenjunga became the third highest mountain in the world.

8516 meters

Coordinates: 27058′ s. sh., 86056′ e. d.

Lhotse is considered the fourth highest mountain, which has three peaks: main (8516 m), middle (8414 m) and eastern (8383 m). It was called "Southern Mountain" and is located on the border of China and Nepal, at a distance of 3 km from Everest along south direction. Like Everest, it is partially included in Nepal's Sagarmatha National Park.

Makalu 8481 meters

Coordinates: 27053′ s. sh., 87005′ e. d.

Makalu is the fifth peak of the world, the massif of which is expressed by the main (8400 m) and southeastern (8010 m) peaks. The mountain is located 22 kilometers from Everest in an easterly direction, in the Khumbu region. The western, eastern, southwestern and northeastern ridges extend from this mountain peak, on which the Chomo Lonzo massif with a height of 7804 meters is located. A distinctive feature of the area is powerful glaciations.

8201 meters

Coordinates: 28006′ s. sh., 86040′ e. d.

Chl-Oyu has two peaks: Ngoyumba Ri-1, whose height is 7806 meters, and Ngoyumba Ri-2, which reaches a height of 7646 meters. Cho Oyu is located on the Nepal-China border in Tibet autonomous region. The top of the mountain has entered mountain range Everest and became part of the Sagarmatha National Park. Cho Oyu is the easiest eight-thousander in the world.

8167 meters

Coordinates: 28042′ s. sh., 83030′ e. d.

Dhaulagiri closes the list of the highest mountains in the world. The location of the multi-peaked mountain is Nepal. In total, this mountain range has 11 peaks, of which the highest is Dhaulagiri I - 8167 m, and the lowest is Gurya Himal - 7193 m. If you translate the name of the mountain from Sanskrit, you get the phrase “White Mountain”. The roof-shaped shape and thick snow and ice cover are the distinctive features of Dhaulagiri.

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05/08/2015 at 15:50 · Johnny · 161 630

Top 10 highest mountains in the world

There are fourteen on Earth mountain peaks, having a height of more than eight thousand meters. All these peaks are located in Central Asia. But most highest mountain peaks are located in the Himalayas. They are also called the “roof of the world.” Climbing such mountains is a very dangerous activity. Until the middle of the last century, it was believed that mountains above eight thousand meters were inaccessible to humans. We compiled a rating of ten, which included highest mountains in the world.

10. Annapurna | 8091 m

This top opens the ten the highest mountains on our planet. Annapurna is very famous and famous, it is the first Himalayan eight-thousander to be conquered by people. People first climbed to its summit back in 1950. Annapurna is located in Nepal, the height of its peak is 8091 meters. The mountain has as many as nine peaks, one of which (Machapuchare) has never been touched by a human foot. Locals consider this peak sacred abode God Shiva. Therefore, climbing it is prohibited. The highest of the nine peaks is called Annapurna 1. Annapurna is very dangerous; climbing to its peak has claimed the lives of many experienced climbers.

9. Nanga Parbat | 8125 m

This mountain is the ninth highest on our planet. It is located in Pakistan and has a height of 8125 meters. The second name of Nanga Parbat is Diamir, which translates as “Mountain of the Gods”. They were able to conquer it for the first time only in 1953. Six unsuccessful attempts were made to reach the summit. A lot of climbers died while trying to climb this mountain peak. In terms of mortality among climbers, it ranks sadly third after K-2 and Everest. This mountain is also called the “killer”.

8. Manaslu | 8156 m

This eight-thousander ranks eighth on our list highest mountains in the world. It is also located in Nepal and is part of the Mansiri Himal mountain range. The height of the peak is 8156 meters. The top of the mountain and the surrounding area are very picturesque. It was first conquered in 1956 by a Japanese expedition. Tourists love to come here. But to conquer the peak you need a lot of experience and excellent preparation. 53 climbers died while trying to climb Manaslu.

7. Dhaulagiri | 8167 m

A mountain peak located in the Nepalese part of the Himalayas. Its height is 8167 meters. The name of the mountain is translated from the local language as “ white mountain" Almost all of it is covered with snow and glaciers. Dhaulagiri is quite difficult to climb. They were able to conquer it in 1960. Climbing this peak took the lives of 58 experienced (others do not go to the Himalayas) climbers.

6. Cho Oyu | 8201 m

Another Himalayan eight-thousander, which is located on the border of Nepal and China. The height of this peak is 8201 meters. It is considered not too difficult to climb, but despite this, it has already claimed the lives of 39 climbers and ranks sixth on our list of the highest mountains on our planet.

5. Makalu | 8485 m

The fifth highest mountain in the world is Makalu, the second name of this peak is the Black Giant. It is also located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China and has an altitude of 8485 meters. It is located nineteen kilometers from Everest. This mountain is incredibly difficult to climb; its slopes are very steep. Only a third of expeditions that aim to reach its summit succeed. 26 climbers died while climbing this peak.

4. Lhotse | 8516 m

Another mountain located in the Himalayas and having a height of more than eight kilometers. Lhotse is located on the border between China and Nepal. Its height is 8516 meters. It is located at a distance of three kilometers from Everest. They were able to conquer this mountain for the first time only in 1956. Lhotse has three peaks, each of them over eight kilometers in height. This mountain is considered one of the highest, most dangerous and difficult peaks to climb.

3. Kanchenjunga | 8585 m

This mountain peak is also located in the Himalayas, between India and Nepal. It is the third highest mountain peak in the world: the peak height is 8585 meters. The mountain is very beautiful, it consists of five peaks. The first ascent of it took place in 1954. The conquest of this peak cost the lives of forty climbers.

2. Chogori (K-2) | 8614 m

Chogori is the second highest mountain in the world. Its height is 8614 meters. K-2 is located in the Himalayas, on the border of China and Pakistan. Chogori is considered one of the most difficult mountain peaks to climb; it was only conquered in 1954. Of the 249 climbers who visited its summit, 60 people died. This mountain peak is very picturesque.

1. Everest (Qomolungma) | 8848 m

This mountain peak is located in Nepal. Its height is 8848 meters. Everest is highest mountain peak The Himalayas and our entire planet. Everest is part of the Mahalangur Himal mountain range. This mountain has two peaks: northern (8848 meters) and southern (8760 meters). The mountain is stunningly beautiful: it has the shape of an almost perfect triangular pyramid. It was possible to conquer Chomolungma only in 1953. 210 climbers died during attempts to climb Everest. Nowadays, climbing along the main route no longer poses any special problems, however, at high altitudes, daredevils can expect a lack of oxygen (there is almost no fire here), heavy winds and low temperatures (below sixty degrees). To conquer Everest you need to spend at least $8,000.

The highest mountain in the world: video

Conquering all the highest mountain peaks on the planet is a very dangerous and difficult process; it takes a huge amount of time and requires a lot of money. Currently, only 30 climbers have managed to do this - they managed to climb all fourteen peaks, with a height of more than eight kilometers. Among these brave souls are three women.

Why do people climb mountains, risking their lives? This question is rhetorical. Probably to prove to himself the fact that man is stronger than the blind natural elements. Well, as a bonus, the conquerors of the peaks receive spectacles of unprecedented beauty of landscapes.

Readers' Choice:

The highest mountains different countries such as Hungary, Austria, Greece and Argentina are presented in the table below.

This article briefly describes the highest mountains in different countries of Europe and America. The name and height are given. Some descriptions about their names, locations and more are provided.

Highest mountain in Hungary

Hungary is located 200 meters above sea level, and at the same time it does not have high mountains. The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes. In English it means “bluish” in front. Well, indeed, if you look at the mountain from a distance, it seems bluish.

Mount Kekesh is included in mountain range Matra, being the longest ski slope Hungary. Its length is about 2 km. The mountain is ideal for beginners. Its height is 1014 meters above sea level. It is located between the cities of Eger and Gyöngyös.

After Lake Balaton and the Danube, Kekes is one of the most popular attractions in Hungary.

The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes, 1014 meters high.

Highest mountain in Austria

A quarter of Austria is occupied by the ridges of the Eastern Alps, united in chains. The most impressive landmark in the country and at the same time the highest mountain in Austria is Grossglockner. This mountain has 2 peaks: Großglockner and Kleinglockner. The height of Grossglockner is 3798 meters, the second peak is slightly lower and reaches a height of 3770 meters. There is a pass between the peaks, and at the foot there is the largest glacier - Pasterze.

The highest mountain in Austria is Grossglockner, 3798 meters high.

Highest mountain in Greece

Known for ancient greek mythology Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece, where 12 gods lived, led by Zeus.

In ancient times, Mount Olympus was the border between two states - Thessaly and Macedonia. Today, the entire area surrounding the mountain range has been declared a national park. Since 1981, the mountain has been recognized as part of the World Natural Heritage and an object of historical and architectural heritage UNESCO organization.

There are 52 peaks on the mountain, the heights of which vary from 760 to 2917 meters. The highest peak of Olympus is Mitakis, whose height is 2917 meters. The second and third places were taken by the peaks of Scolio, 2912 meters high, and Stefani, 2905 meters high.

The highest mountain in Greece is Olympus, the highest peak of Olympus is Metakis, 2917 meters high.

Highest mountain in Argentina

Aconcagua rises 6962 meters in height and is highest point South America, as well as the entire southern and western hemispheres.

The mountain appeared at the time of the collision of the South American and Nazca tectonic plates. Today the mountain is completely covered with snow. The name of the mountain is translated into Russian as Stone Guardian.

The highest mountain in Argentina is Aconcagua, 6962 meters high.