How to change a Russian name to an English one on VKontakte. How to make a first and last name on VKontakte in English

You've probably seen user pages on VK whose first and last names are written in English language(more precisely, in Latin letters)? Some users also want the name in English. How to do it?

Unfortunately, if you are not a resident of another country, then this option can be excluded. Why? It's simple. In order to change your first or last name, you must wait until the data is verified by the moderator. Moderators, in turn, do not allow a name in Latin if you are not a resident of any other country. If you state that you are a citizen of, say, England, the moderator may believe your words, but only after you show him a photo of your passport. And rest assured, the moderator will have no problem understanding that this is clearly a work that has been in Photoshop.

Is there really no way out? Why, there is only one way out. The fact is that when a user registers, no one checks his first and last name, so theoretically you can write whatever your heart desires.

We go to the VKontakte website and home page the site offers us instant registration. We write the first and last name in Latin, then select the gender. When finished, click “Register”.

Some users claim that this method does not work. If you are unable to register with your first and last name in Latin, you need to indicate English as your main language. On the main page of the site, click on the “All languages” link.

Select English from the languages.

Now the VK main page will be in English.

Register, remembering to write your first and last name in Latin. You will succeed.


At the top left of the page next to the “My Page” item there is an “edit” command. Click it to edit your first and last name. A window with your personal data will open in front of you.

Delete entries in the First Name and Last Name fields. To do this, activate the corresponding fields one by one with the left mouse button, and then use the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys.

Change the input language from Russian to English. This is usually done using the Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift key combination. You can also select the desired alphabet from the taskbar. Click on the “RU” button with the left mouse button, after which a list of languages ​​that have been assigned to the language bar will pop up. Click on the “EN English” option. After this, the text you type will be written in Latin letters.

Activate the "Name" field with a mouse click. Enter your details there in English letters. Fill out the “Last Name” field in the same way. Even if your name contains letters that look the same in Russian and English, use only the Latin layout for printing. Otherwise, you will not be able to be found through the Search function. Some letters of the Russian alphabet have no analogues in the English language. To avoid confusion with the reading of your name, it is better to write your full name as it appears in your passport. Or you can use the transliteration rules that are proposed in Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 310 of May 26, 1997.

Click the "Save" button located at the bottom of the page. Now your name is written “VKontakte” in English letters. It will appear on your home page, in correspondence, and also in your friends' news feed if you leave any notes on the wall or change your status. Even though your name is now written in English letters, you can be found through the Search function, even if the request was created using the Russian alphabet.

Today, quite often you may need to know how to correctly write your name in English. For example, it can be useful when filling out various documents, questionnaires or surveys. In order to write your name correctly, you must know the following rules.


Mikhail Khorin

Khoriton Plokhoshev – Khoriton Plokhoshev
The letter C in English is rendered as TS:

Tsokin – Tsokin

If the device does not support work in Russian language Yes, you need to change its firmware. To do this, download the firmware from the Internet that is designed for your phone model and install it on the devices. Installation of new software is carried out using a USB cable. Also, for this you will need a program that allows you to flash cell phone firmware. You can find it on the Internet by entering the appropriate query in any search engine.


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If you decide to change last name, then you will have to start sending new documents. General passport, TIN, pension certificate, medical policy - all these papers will need to be obtained again. However, the legislation does not regulate the time frame for replacing a foreign passport when changing your last name. Therefore, you can use it until the document expires.


If you still decide to change your foreign passport, then first you need to get a new civilian one. Further, the procedure for replacing a passport due to a change of surname is the same as when receiving a new document due to the expiration of the previous one.

To obtain a new foreign passport, you need to collect the following documents: - application for a foreign passport;
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- photo (for biometric passport- 2 pcs., for an old-style document - 3 pcs.);
- military ID with a mark of completion of service, or a certificate from the military commissariat (only for men 18-27 years old);
- permission from the command, issued in the appropriate manner (only for military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation);
- receipt of payment of the state fee (the cost of a biometric passport is 2500 rubles, the old type is 1000 rubles);
- a previously issued foreign passport, if its validity has not expired.

In the first case, you take the package of documents to the Federal Migration Service yourself and after a month (or a little more) they give you a new one international passport.

In the second case, you register on the site The registration procedure takes from two weeks to one and a half months. The fact is that you must wait for the letter sent to the address at which you are registered. There you will find a code that can activate your account on the portal. And only after this it will be possible to fill out an application for a new passport.

After your application passes the necessary verification, you will be invited to the Federal Migration Service with the original documents. The employee will set a time for you to report to the department. In this case, you won't have to stand in line.

In 3-4 days you will be issued a new passport.


  • Official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia

The sounds denoted by the letters of the Latin alphabet, with a few exceptions, correspond to the sounds of the Russian language. There are no analogues in Latin for the letters “x”, “ch”, “sh”, “w”, but special combinations of letters are used - digraphs.


The letter “I” is written as a combination “ja”, which has a similar sound. However, at the end of names (Maria, Lydia, Valeria) such a replacement is optional. Instead of a digraph, as a rule, only the letter “a” is used: Maria, Lydia, Valeria. However, the rule is not mandatory. Sometimes the letter “j” is replaced with “i” or “y”. The same letter replaces the sound “th” in the letters “e”, “yu”, etc.

The sound “sh” is absent in the Latin language, even as a combination of sounds, but an analogue can be borrowed from English or German languages. These are “sh” and “sch” respectively. The sound “sch” is found only in German and is designated as the combination “stsch”. Sometimes the combination is simplified to “sch”.

The sound “ts” is written either Latin letter“c” or a combination of “ts”: Tsepochkin, Cepochkin. However, in the second case, the reading is not always obvious.

The sound “zh” is written with a digraph created on the principle of the digraph for “sh” - “zh”: “Zhenya”.


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Changing a surname is not uncommon. Most often this procedure is associated with marriage or divorce. Another question is whether a person can change his last name for any other reason and what reasons are valid in this case.

Reasons for changing your last name

Valid reasons for changing the surname of a Russian citizen are:
- marriage (the most popular case);
- divorce and change of surname to premarital name;
- a difficult-to-pronounce surname (especially for citizens who come from other countries);
- a dissonant surname (sometimes people get tired of having the surname Kozyulin, Kakaev or Otryzhkin, this is often associated with bad memories from childhood);
- the desire to take the surname of the stepfather or stepmother by whom the person was actually raised;
- death of a spouse and adoption of a premarital surname, etc.

The entire process of changing both the first and patronymic and surname is subject to the family code. If the change of surname is not related to marriage, the procedure may be delayed.

In fact, there are a great many reasons for changing your last name, and almost all of them can be considered valid. However, the procedure for changing a surname itself requires serious paperwork.

Nuances of changing your last name

To change the surname of a child under fourteen years of age, an application from the parents and the permission of the child himself is required (applies to children over ten years old).

Also, the application must be accompanied by a receipt for payment of the state fee, a certificate of birth, marriage or divorce.

A minor citizen who has reached the age of fourteen can change his surname with the consent of his parents or guardians. Moreover, if they cannot be present in person, an explanatory note signed and stamped at the place of work or residence must be attached to the application.

It all starts with a standard trip to the registry office, where an application is submitted according to Form 15. This application indicates all personal data and reasons for changing the last name.

Based on the issued certificate of change of surname, you must apply to replace your passport at the Federal Migration Service within one calendar month.

The application is considered within a month, after which the civil registry office notifies the citizen in writing of a positive or negative decision. In case of refusal, all submitted documents will be returned, and the reasons for the refusal will be communicated and information on appealing the decision will be provided.

Therefore, if you suddenly no longer like your last name, you have the right to change it to another, but you need to be patient and have good reasons.

Recently, the VKontakte administration has tightened the process of changing a name, taking on extra work. Apparently, a name on a social network actually has an important function.

How to change your name

To change the name, you just need to go to the “Edit Page” section, the link to which is located in the avatar. Here in the “Basic” tab, you will see a field for changing the name.

After registration, you can change your first and last name within two weeks without checking with the administration. After this period, conditions become more complicated. Now the user has the right to change his name only once a year, and before the new data appears on your page, the change will be checked by one of the VKontakte administrators.

According to the rules of the social network, only real names are accepted for approval. The period during which a response from the administration is received lasts from one day to a week. You will not receive any notification once your application is reviewed and accepted. But your new name will appear on the page.

If your first and last name are rare, the administrator may make a mistake and reject the application. In this case, you will have to write a letter to the administration, confirming your data with an electronic copy of your passport.

But to avoid such problems, when registering, indicate your real name and real surname.

Maiden name

Under the first and last name entry fields in the “Edit Page” section there is a line “Maiden name”. The information in this field is not moderated by administrators, so you can write whatever you want here, changing the information several times.

However, if you abuse this opportunity, then most likely your page will be “frozen” due to increased activity.

Page name

VKontakte has a function for changing the page name or the so-called id. This is not just a beautiful name, but a link to your page, through which any social network user can immediately find you.

To change your ID, you need to go to the “My Settings” section. In the first tab, scroll down a little and you will find the “Page Address” field. Enter the name you want to use as a link: it must consist of Latin letters and Arabic numbers. If the name you have chosen is already taken by another user, then VKontakte will automatically notify you about this and offer you to choose something else.

The name of the page address, unlike your name, which is indicated on the page and not in the browser line, is not checked by the moderator and changes after clicking the “Save Changes” button.


Please re-register on When entering information about yourself on VKontakte, you must write your first and last name in English. In this case, at the bottom of the page you can select English as the main language. In this case, the system will consider you a foreigner and will save your name in English after registration. For greater efficiency, you can access the site through an American or English proxy server using one of the special sites. Once you gain access to the page, all the necessary information can be rewritten in Russian, leaving only the first and last name in English.

Write to VKontakte technical support, if you do not want to lose your existing page, with a request to change the name. To be more persuasive, you should write your message in fluent English and indicate a good reason for changing your name. For example, an acquaintance of yours in Russia registered you, you were given the right to use the page, etc. But in most cases, the administration allows you to leave your name in English only if it is truly your own and is difficult to translate into Russian.

Purchase one of the available pages with first and last name in English. A few years ago social network VKontakte allowed you to indicate information about yourself in almost any language, and now some users are putting up for sale pages with their first and last names in Latin.

When preparing international documents, as well as translating texts from Russian into English, you may encounter the problem of transferring Russian names and surnames in Latin letters. Since the sound composition of Russian and English languages ​​is different, this task requires compliance with some rules.


Most of Russian letters are expressed in Latin letters that are similar in pronunciation. These are, for example, the letters A (A), B (B), B (V), G (G), D (D), E (E), Z (Z), I (I), K (K), L (L), M (M), N (N), O (O), P (P), P (R), C (S), T (T), U (U), F (F).
For example, Name Boris is transcribed in Latin letters as Boris.

Please note that the Russian letter P and the Latin letter P (pronounced “p”) are written the same, but are pronounced differently, as are the Russian V and Latin B (pronounced “b”). Latin C is written in the same way as Russian C, and is often read this way in English, however, in the transcription of Russian words it is used only when rendering sibilants.

The letters Ж, Х, Ш, Ш, Ш are transmitted in combinations of two or more letters. Zh corresponds to the Latin ZH, X - KH, C - TS, Ch - CH, Sh - SH, Shch - SHCH.
For example, the surname Zhurikhina is rendered in Latin letters as Zhurikhina.

The letters Yo, Yu, Ya are expressed as diphthongs IO, IU, IA if they follow consonants. However, after vowels or at the beginning of a word, they can be transcribed with the combinations YO, YU, YA. For example, “Sinyavin” is Siniavin, but “Yakovlev” is Yakovlev.
E after sibilants is transmitted as O (for example, “Black” - Chorny), or is replaced by E (in this variant the surname turns into Cherny).

The letters b and b are not transcribed at all, for example “Melnikov” - Melnikov. However, sometimes an apostrophe is placed between consonants instead: Mel’nikov. If the sign b is between a vowel and a consonant, then it is transcribed with the letter I, for example, “Zinoviev” - Zinoviev.

The letter Y is usually represented by the Latin letter Y. For example, “Sytin” - Sytin.
The same letter is used to convey Russian Y, for example, “Zaitsev” - Zaytsev.

Particular attention should be paid to the endings of first and last names, since in these cases the rules of transcription may change slightly. The endings “-ov” and “-ev” are usually rendered as -ov and -ev, respectively. However, the old English tradition of transcribing such names requires the endings -off and -eff. This can create difficulties when comparing English and international documents. The ending “-й” is always transcribed as -i. The ending “-й” turns into -yi. For example, “Yuri Malevanyi” - Yuri Malevanyi.


  • How are names written in English?

Good afternoon. Many of you have noticed that some VKontakte users have their first and last names in English. Today we will look at ways to do this for a newly registered and old account.

The first thing we need is to change our IP address. You can do this using a proxy / SOCKS servers or anonymizers. Or the most in a simple way— install TOR (The Onion Router).

Many articles have been written on the Internet about how to get a different IP address. The most important criterion for us is that the IP address is in an English-speaking country.

I note that if you do not use paid, so-called VIP proxies, then the speed of your network connection will leave much to be desired. But for our small task - like changing the name and surname to English, it will be quite enough.

The second stage is to change the VKontakte interface language to English. To do this, go to the very bottom (basement) of the site and next to the copyright and the inscription PAVEL DUROV, select the language we need - English.

Then you need to go to the page settings ( and specify ENGLISH (English) from the drop-down list. It is advisable to remove Russian. Then you need to click on the “save” button.

The preparatory stage is completed. Now everything is in the same settings - ( change the first and last name to English, save and wait for moderation by those. support. Usually the decision takes 2-3 days. After changing your first and last name to the Latin spelling, you can disable the proxy and return to the original account settings - your FIRST AND LAST NAME will remain unchanged.

As for creating a new account, all the steps are similar, but they must be performed at the registration stage - obtaining an English IP address - writing your first and last name in English - indicating your native language ENGLISH. A desirable condition is the presence mobile phone from a foreign operator.

That's basically it. Don't forget to change your VK password if you use public anonymizers and proxy servers. Thank you for your attention.