History and modernity: the island of Sark is the last stronghold of feudalism in Europe. Isle of Sark, UK Crosses Prison - Russia

Most prisons around the world are largely organized around a unifying concept: cells for convicts where they spend most of their sentences, separate recreational areas where they can walk, exercise, and a number of amenities such as bathrooms, kitchens and dining areas. Since prisons vary in their specifications, they are built according to certain requirements. We offer an overview of the strangest and most unusual prisons in the world. They are far from the idea of ​​penitentiary service institutions; they are located in unusual places, are characterized by non-traditional living and operating conditions for prisons or have a strange layout.

10. Louisiana State Penitentiary - USA

In many ways, the Louisiana State Penitentiary is no different from a number of prisons in the United States. Both the territory and the conditions of stay here are quite ordinary. There is a reception center, death cells and many other rooms and departments. But, unlike other prisons, there is a 9-hole golf course on the territory, which is available to everyone. You just need to indicate your intention to play in advance so that the prison authorities can carry out various checks. While prisoners are playing on the field, it is not open to the public.

9. San Pedro Prison - Bolivia

San Pedro Prison is unique place for several reasons. Firstly, the living conditions here are different from traditional prisons. Since there are more than a thousand prisoners here, the place looks more like an ordinary area in the city where the prison is located. In addition to security guards, high cement fences and checkpoints, there are shops, restaurants, etc. What is also surprising is the fact that the prisoner must buy himself a place in the cell where he will serve his sentence. This means that rich prisoners can live in luxurious conditions with cable TV, a pool table, and a private bathroom, while poorer prisoners are forced to live in overcrowded cells.

8. Bastoy Island Prison - Norway

Experts believe that the prison system in Norway is the best and most liberal in the world. This is because prisoners in prisons undergo rehabilitation rather than serve a sentence. They are taught to live differently, without crime. The prison is completely self-sufficient. Solar panels supply electricity to all rooms; pigs, cows and chickens are raised on the prison farm, etc. Nothing is thrown away in prison; everything is recycled. The cozy cells are fully furnished, and prisoners can ride horses or play tennis. It's all very strange, but the system works, since Norway has the lowest reoffending rate in Europe.

7. Prison "Crosses" - Russia

Many prisons in Russia are overcrowded, one of the reasons is that no new prisons are being built and prisoners are forced to huddle in crowded cells in existing institutions. Kresty is considered the most overcrowded prison in the world. The prison is designed for 1,500 prisoners, but their number in reality sometimes reached 12,000. In addition to overcrowding, the prison is famous for its terrible living conditions, lack of beds and lack of working showers. This gives prosecutors the opportunity to promise to transfer a prisoner to another place in exchange for a confession or valuable information.

6. Prison in the city of Aranjuez - Spain

Aranjuez Prison in Spain is the world's first prison service facility that houses families and lives in special complexes. Separate rooms have all the amenities, private bathrooms, toys, and in the children's rooms there is wallpaper with children's motifs on the walls. It's cozy and homely here. Such conditions provide prisoners with meetings with children in comfortable conditions that do not traumatize the child’s psyche. In addition, such communication contributes to the socialization and rehabilitation of the prisoner. When a child reaches the age of three, he is sent to continue living with relatives, since there is no place for him in prison. But official bodies are now considering the possibility of children continuing to live with their convicted parents.

5. Justice Center Leoben – Austria

The Justice Center was built in 2004. Within its walls there is both a court and a prison for 250 prisoners. It was built in order to guarantee prisoners human conditions while serving their sentences and to show that the state respects their honor, despite the sentence. Many people call this establishment a “five-star hotel” due to its luxurious conditions. Prisoners here have many freedoms. The spacious and cozy cells are equipped with modern kitchens, bathrooms and other amenities.

4. Prison for pirates - Seychelles

The Seychelles are small islands that are synonymous with paradise thanks to their luxurious beaches and tropical landscapes. Villas and guest houses on the islands are very expensive. Seychelles is a place for the rich and famous. Here on the island there is also a prison founded in 2010 under the auspices of the UN, the Department of Drugs and Crimes, to hold Somali pirates until they are deported to their homeland. Judges and lawyers from the UK and the Netherlands work here on issues related to punishment or acquittal, and the pirates themselves live freely, play sports and relax in the fresh air, enjoying sunny treatments.

3. Ceby Prison - Philippines

This institution is famous for its mass dance performances by convicts. On the Internet you can watch a series of stories about how prisoners dance to famous compositions. A story about a flash mob dance of 1,500 prisoners to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” became especially popular on the Internet. Prison authorities practice such exercises to maintain discipline and fitness of prisoners. Prisoners dedicate their choreographic performances to special events and receive money for participation.

2. Sark Prison - Channel Islands

Sark is small island in the English Channel, owned by the British Crown, but operating independently of British politics. The island is located between Jersey and Guernsey and has no police force, only a volunteer constable who represents the law for the island's 600 residents. On the island there is a small prison with two cells without windows or amenities, only beds. Basically, it temporarily houses drunk people or tourists who are suspected of committing crimes. Tourists can spend the night here if the prison is free.

1. Medici Fortress Prison - Italy

The Medici Fortress prison is amazing place, as it is located in an ancient fortress built in 1474 during the Renaissance. But that is not why it is considered unusual. Since 2006, prisoners have been rehabilitated in prison and acquired skills and abilities to live outside of prison. There is a restaurant on site where non-dangerous prisoners prepare and serve haute Italian cuisine to clients.
Despite the plastic dishes and several levels of access control, the place is very popular, and on weekends it is completely sold out.

An ideal option for travelers who are tired of the bustle of the city, the noise of cars and the smog traditional for megacities is the island of Sark. This small island, home to only 600 people, is one of the rare corners of the planet that is completely free of cars.

There are only seven such places on Earth, so don’t miss the opportunity to see an island whose inhabitants travel exclusively by horse-drawn carriages and bicycles!

To get to the Island of Sark you will first have to go to the island of Guernsey, which is part of the Channel Islands and is located in the English Channel. From here you can take a ferry to Sark. There is no airport on this island; moreover, even flights over the island are strictly prohibited!

If you still doubt that Sark is worthy of your attention, consider that it is the smallest member of the European Union, as, although under British jurisdiction, it remains part of the Crown Dependency of Guernsey. Very interesting fact- until 2008, a feudal system of government operated on the island. This is the last stronghold of feudalism on the planet, and the inhabitants abandoned it only under pressure from the European Union.

What is there to do on the Island of Sark? Of course, take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage, walk along picturesque coast, which has a length of 60 kilometers, walk along the bridge, only two meters wide, connecting the Little and Great Sark. In addition, the island is famous for its fishing, local chocolate factory products, caves, excellent diving and unique rural flavor.

Sark Island - PHOTO

The Isle of Sark (Great Britain) is a small island with a population of 600 people. This is one of the rare places on the planet where you will not find a single car, since they are prohibited here. Residents travel exclusively by horse, tractor or bicycle. There is also no electricity on Sark, local residents We are used to using torches in everyday life without any problems. The complete absence of the benefits of civilization and industry has made the island one of the most environmentally friendly in the world.

The most interesting thing is that until 2008, feudalism reigned here and all the land was controlled by the lord. He rented out land and collected taxes from people.

It is also surprising that exotic customs still exist in Sark, which officially allow husbands to beat their wives in case of disobedience.

On the island there is a school, a church, two pubs, and a shop. There is a doctor. Rescuers and firefighters are mostly volunteers. There are also several guest courtyards and hotels on the territory.

The island's main income comes from tourism, which has been developing rapidly recently.

One of the most interesting spectacles on Sark is the sheep race. You can have a great time on the beach, enjoy swimming or diving. You can also explore caves or watch birds settling on the rocks. Have a fun ride on a horse-drawn carriage and on a bicycle.

In addition, the island is famous for fishing. This is a wonderful time for all guests. Here you can catch a wide variety of fish.

When visiting Sark, tourists can go to a chocolate factory and enjoy local delicacies.

A trip to the island of Sark is a trip back in time! This real paradise for those who prefer relaxing holiday far from civilization. And every year there are more and more such tourists who want to take a break from the crazy rhythm of big cities and see something unusual!

Sark is a small island located in the southwestern part of the English Channel. This is one of the Channel Islands, part of Guernsey. Therefore, Sark is subject to Great Britain.

Cars are prohibited on the island, but bicycles and horse-drawn carriages are allowed. The island's population is allowed to use tractors.

Pensioners and disabled people have the exclusive right to use motorized vehicles. The island consists of 2 parts. These are Greater and Lesser Sark. Both islands are connected by a narrow rocky isthmus.

Sark belongs to the customs territory of the EU.

Sark does not have an official capital.

The local currency is the Guernsey pound, pound sterling.

Official languages: English, French.

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Description of the place

Sark is one of the Channel Islands, the fourth largest. Its area is approximately 5.4 square kilometers and its inhabitants are about 600 people.

The island consists of two parts - the Greater and the Lesser Sark, connected by the rocky isthmus of La Coupe. Highest point The island reaches 114 meters in height. Until the 16th century, Sark was virtually uninhabited, with the exception of small monastic communities. It later became known as a haven for pirates, who were later dispersed by the king's soldiers.

Nowadays Sark is unique territory, which is largely due to local laws. For example, there is a ban on cars on the island. Residents are only allowed to use bicycles and horse-drawn carriages; farmers also use tractors. Another feature is the last active feudal system of government in Europe.

The second most attractive feature of Sark for tourists is its amazing natural beauty, which has preserved its appearance over thousands of years. The most popular sites on the island are the bridge crossing the aforementioned La Coupete isthmus and the 15th-century mill.