Punishment for smoking in public. Fines for smoking in public places

Since February 2013, after the introduction of the anti-tobacco law, dark times have come for smokers in the Russian Federation - smoking rooms were closed at Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports.

Fines for violation of sales rules tobacco products can reach 90 thousand rubles, and for smoking in prohibited places - 1.5 thousand rubles.

In almost all countries of the world it is prohibited to smoke in public places; cigarette smoke can be inhaled no closer than 15 meters from the entrance to any public place. And if the distance is shorter, you will have to fork out a couple of thousand rubles, but this is nothing compared to fines in other countries.
Do you smoke? – Pay
For the pleasure of smoking a cigarette at London airport you will have to pay 50 pounds; in Greece you can be fined up to 10 thousand euros. And in United Arab Emirates A nicotine lover will face a fine of 190 thousand euros and criminal liability with imprisonment.

You can smoke for free only in strictly designated areas - smoking rooms at the airport or transit zone. Alternatively, there will be a smoking area with an appropriate sign in the open air near the entrance.

There are smoking rooms in almost all major airports in the world, with the exception of Strasbourg, Cancun, Heathrow, Tegel Airport in Berlin and airports in Croatia. Smoking areas can be different: from a small transparent hutch with a hood and filters to luxurious oases with a bar, tables and fountains among flowering gardens.

On the territory of Boryspil International Airport, smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas of the terminals.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport. This is what the special smoking rooms at this airport looked like

IN international airport“Ufa” all three waiting rooms have their own smoking rooms with detailed instructions how to smoke.

The smoking room in Seoul resembles a real jungle. Green color is very relaxing.

The smoking area at Incheon Airport is large and bright, with very good ventilation.

Sometimes you can smoke secretly in the toilet only in Russia (if there is no policeman there to impose a fine). But abroad, all suspicious places are equipped with CCTV cameras, and smoking a cigarette will result in a huge fine.

Antalya Airport. There is a smoking room in the 2nd terminal on the 3rd floor (with a bar, tables and a scoreboard).

Smoking area at Frankfurt Airport.

According to data from smoking cabin manufacturing companies, the cost of placing even 1 small smoking cabin for 7-12 people will be about 400 thousand rubles.

Installation and maintenance of smoking booths at airports and train stations requires significant financial investments from the state budget.

By the way, fines for smoking at the airport are far from horror stories. For example, at Bolzano airport (Italy), the smoke, delight and pleasure from a smoked cigarette cost lawyer Alberto Mammuccari two thousand euros - this is the fine the police issued to him.

The ban on smoking in public places has pleased non-smokers, but has made life very difficult for smokers, many of whom need a cigarette every couple of hours, or even more often. In particular, waiting at airports, where smoking rooms have been removed, has become difficult. The problem also affected Sheremetyevo - one of 20 largest airports Europe, handling a passenger traffic of approximately 35 million people per year.

Many tourists began to find out if there is a smoking room at Sheremetyevo. Cigarette use is a drug addiction, but the fact is a fact - a huge number of passengers needed to know for sure whether it is possible to smoke in the terminal building, and if not, where smoking is allowed in Sheremetyevo. Considering that you can spend a lot of time in the “clean zone”, they began to try to circumvent the law, for example, many smoked in the toilets. However, such actions entailed not only inconvenience for non-smokers, but also large fines, so the management of the institution found another way out.

A little history

After a law was passed protecting the health of citizens from the negative effects of tobacco smoke and the consequences associated with the use of cigarettes, Sheremetyevo banned smoking in all areas of the building. For people wondering whether it is possible to smoke at the airport, special rooms have been built in terminals D and E, equipped for the needs of smoking passengers.

In 2013, the smoking rooms were dismantled under the pretext that the smell of tobacco smoke from them disturbed other passengers, and the question of where to smoke in Sheremetyevo was again open. After some time, the premises were restored, but they did not function for long. In the spring of 2014, the Khimki City Court of the Moscow Region ordered the liquidation of the “smoking rooms” by the institution itself.

For a long time, the decision of the Khimki court did not enter into legal force, and at that time the management of Sheremetyevo studied the problem in detail in search of solutions. The smoking booths remained open for quite a long time, since it was unclear whether it was worth dismantling the structures or whether it would be possible to file an appeal and have the court decision overturned.

As a result, the smoking areas of sector D were disbanded, and the newer terminal E retained three comfortable smoking areas in the Cosmos business class lounge.

High-tech equipment, powerful hoods and air fresheners were installed there; only non-flammable and low-flammability materials were used to avoid the possibility of accidental fire.

The furnishings of the smoking rooms corresponded to the level of service. Each room had comfortable chairs, working TVs, ashtrays on the tables, and several outlets for charging mobile devices. The smoke and smell, unpleasant for non-smoking travelers, did not extend beyond the smoking areas.

Current situation

In 2016, the administration of Sheremetyevo Airport was forced to close the last smoking rooms in terminal E, since large fines had to be paid regularly and quite often. Of course, such a measure did not solve the problem. Now management is constantly faced with a large number of complaints about smoke in the toilets.

The CEO believes that airports should have smoking areas, which is understandable. European colleagues have specially equipped “smoking rooms”, since the government understands that bans alone cannot force smokers to give up their harmful addiction.

Recently, there have been active discussions on various tourism forums about where smoking can be done at Sheremetyevo Airport. The conclusions drawn are disappointing – almost nowhere. There are a couple of places for semi-legal smoking, but they are located extremely inconveniently for both smokers themselves and other passengers.

The first option is located outside the building, as prescribed by law, at a distance of approximately 15 meters from the exit.

There are large trash cans in the areas, and there are several signs along the way. However, smoke from such areas still travels quite far, and cigarette butts and ashes are scattered by the wind over a wide area.

The second option, which passengers are sometimes allowed to use, is the space between the gangway platform and the hatch leading into the plane. Flight attendants who have this habit are also forced to smoke there. Despite the cracks through which smoke should theoretically be drawn out well, the smell still remains, and non-smoking travelers with a more acute sense of smell are forced to endure such inconveniences. You won’t be able to smoke anywhere else in Sheremetyevo.

This year, the Czech authorities approved an agreement on control over the circulation of tobacco products. New amendments have been introduced, and a project related to a smoking ban in restaurants is being considered. A quarter of the country's population are smokers (15% are women); there are special places for them where the bad habit will not disturb others.

Smoking at the airport

Since the airport is a public place, smoking is strictly prohibited. This is due to fire safety rules and protecting the health of non-smoking citizens. If after long flight If you really want to smoke, you need to go to a cafe or bar. There should be no bright red sign on the doors of the establishment with the image of a crossed out cigarette. If there are ashtrays on the tables, then you can safely take out a cigarette.

Outdoor smoking bans

Officially, in places large cluster People should not smoke, especially at bus stops. It is better to prudently move a few meters away from them. It is allowed to smoke on uncrowded streets if there are no children, playgrounds or schools nearby. The penalty for throwing garbage in the form of cigarette butts is a fine of 1 thousand crowns.

Public catering places

Smoking is allowed in many restaurants and bars in Prague. But you can also find establishments where the entire room is divided into zones so that everyone can feel comfortable. They are indicated by a sign with the inscription “Kuřácký prostor” - a sign allowing smoking, “Nekuřácký prostor” - a sign prohibiting.

Most beer bars in Prague have a patio where you can also see ashtrays.


Smoking in the rooms is not allowed and is strictly prohibited. Because of this, guests often have to go outside or onto the balcony, if there is one. The exception is specially equipped rooms with powerful ventilation, but not all hotels have them. When registering, please indicate your preference to stay in a room for smoking residents.

Where should you never smoke?

A ban has been imposed on smoking tobacco in public transport, institutions for children, museums, cinemas, stadiums, train stations. Serious penalties await serious violators!

Pay attention to the signs, be interested in the rules, there are suitable places everywhere. Don’t forget that you can always ask the administrators and find out if they have any restrictions or if there are designated areas for smokers.

Article 12 of Law No. 15-FZ contains information that smoking is prohibited in transport communication areas outside airport buildings if the distance from the entrance to the building to the smoking area is less than fifteen meters. In other words, smoking is prohibited in an unspecified area!

What is the fine for smoking at the airport?

The fine ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles. Russian smokers can rejoice; if they lived in the UAE or Singapore, they would be prosecuted and, in the worst case, imprisoned, and in Ukraine they would be fined $100.

It should be noted that if a smoker “gets caught a second time,” he already pays 2,500 rubles, and an amount of 1,000 rubles will be added to this for a repeated violation of the law.

There are other subtleties that you need to know. For example, if a minor is involved in the smoking procedure, the fine for smoking in public places will range from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. And if the adult found guilty of causing a teenager to smoke is his direct relative, the amount of the fine is doubled.

Who can fine you for smoking?

It should be said that only police officers are authorized to carry out punishment; they are the ones who can issue a fine to an individual.

It must be taken into account that not only smoking, but even using images of people smoking is prohibited by law, so the inscription about the place designated for smoking will not be catchy and, moreover, will be devoid of illustrations.

Organizations, unlike individuals, pay fines for violations of this kind, measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles. There are rumors that in 2017 the fines for individuals will be revised.

Where to complain?

If you are at the airport and notice a smoker in the wrong place, you can contact the security service for help, since the airport administration is responsible for observing the law in the building entrusted to it.

If there is a police station at the airport, then it would be logical to go directly there. If you detect trade in tobacco products, which should not be displayed in visible places and should be sold in large supermarkets and not in small kiosks, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor.

How and where can I pay the fine?

After drawing up a protocol regarding the identified violation, the fine must be paid within 30 days at any bank or via the Internet (government services or Sberbank-online websites).

If the payment deadline is missed, a penalty will be charged. When obtaining a visa to travel abroad, all information about offenses is taken into account.

Is it possible to smoke an electronic cigarette at the airport?

The law does not specifically prohibit ES; accordingly, you can smoke them in public places, in particular at the airport. Perhaps something will change in 2018.

How can I find out if there are smoking rooms at the airport?

Heavy smokers will have to go 15 meters from the airport building to smoke. If a smoking person has not decided to give up his bad habit, he should look for a specially designated place for this, marked with a special sign, in order to avoid such sanctions as a fine for smoking at the airport.

Where can you smoke in Vnukovo?

However, smokers will be disappointed at Russian airports: there are no smoking rooms! But foreign airports also strictly adhere to the law: for violating this law at London airport you will pay a fine of fifty pounds, in Greece it will be ten thousand euros.

Unauthorized smoking on an airplane is punishable by a penalty of twenty to fifty thousand rubles or labor service of fifty to two hundred hours of fine labor.

Where can you smoke in Domodedovo?

The situation is no less strict in Domodedovo. Old smokers remember very well the small room in which, until 2013, lovers of bad habits gathered. In those days, the smoking room in Vnukovo was considered more comfortable. Now these smoking rooms are gone.

Where can you smoke in Sheremetyevo

In Sheremetyevo, as of August 2015, there is a special smoking room for business class passengers; they say it is located in the “Cosmos” business lounge and it was nicknamed “The Universe for Smokers,” although the size of this “universe” is minimal. It is impossible for an economy class passenger to get into it. Whether it is in effect today is unknown. If it works, please write in the comments to the article.

Where can you smoke in Pulkovo?

The airport administration once stated in an interview with reporters that it was not going to break the law and return the smoking room. And here smokers look for designated smoking areas outside the building. There are no such rooms inside the terminal.

We must understand that the purpose of the legislative act is the health of citizens and public order and treat it with respect.

About smoking areas at airports in Russia and the world.