Island states - how many are there and where are they located? Island countries of the world Which country is located on 15,000 islands.

Island states are those countries that have no land borders—their territories are bordered only by water bodies. There are quite a few such countries in the world, however, they differ significantly. There are also peninsular countries - those that are on peninsulas. There are countries that are rightfully considered mainland, but their capitals are located on an island or islands - for example, Equatorial Guinea and Denmark. There are island states in Asia, Europe, and other parts of the world.

Great Britain on the world map

Island mentality

The fundamentally different positions of island countries and continental ones are felt in everything, from everyday life to political worldviews. If we evaluate the practical way of life, the difference is obvious. Residents of the continent are accustomed to the fact that if there is a shortage of any resources - gold, oil, gas, timber, human resources - they can always be borrowed from their neighbors (both with and without their consent). Islanders think differently. All they have is an island. The smaller it is, the stronger the difference in mentalities is felt. Their world is more fragile, and at the same time more connected, related.

They say that every islander carries an island with him - in his soul and in his thoughts. This is partly true. Limited territories meant that there were virtually no widespread large dynasties on the islands that would rule and own the lands from generation to generation. The island has a more communal way of life, much of which depends on the collective subconscious.

Small island countries in the Caribbean

Many island countries are located in Caribbean, among them all famous countries and Cuba. Very interesting from a tourism point of view, and practically unclaimed by a wide flow of migrants.

Cuba remains one of the few socialist states. This country was once called the Island of Freedom, but today few people like the version of freedom that is adopted in Cuba. The quality of education here is frankly low, but the medicine is the best, as the Cubans say. Due to its territorial proximity, Cuba constantly sends its own doctors to third world countries.

Most of the local population works for the benefit of the state, officials earn about 20 dollars in one month, and children are given milk for free. At the same time, this closed country with an area of ​​just over 100,000 km2. with its own way of life, which is difficult for a European or Russian to understand.

Among the island states it stands apart New Zealand. Today it is called one of the most promising countries - it is attractive in terms of living standards, social development and economic situation. Incomes among the population are slightly lower than in Australia, Sweden and Canada, but New Zealand has the best environment. The distance from Europe and the continent played a role in the formation of society and way of life - everything here is not the same as in Europe. The environmental situation is more than favorable - it’s not for nothing that New Zealand is called the greenest state in the world.

The Philippines stands out very strongly among the island states. There are practically no direct flights with this state, and rare tourists travel to those parts. There are too many prejudices - bad beaches, long flights, lack of exotic things. The last one is most surprising.

In fact, historically, instead of preserving its own history and culture, the Philippines absorbed the traditions brought by foreigners, and the result was a symbiosis of several European countries. Of course, the jungle and palm trees create the feeling of a resort area, but there is no internal, genuine exoticism.

Davao is a city in the Philippines

Unique ceremonies and rituals have replaced traditional Catholic services, national clothes is not here and is unlikely to appear here; the entire population wears T-shirts and Bermuda shorts. Even in culinary tastes, Filipinos differ from other islanders - they mostly eat meat here. It will not be easy for raw foodists and vegans here - almost all local vegetables and fruits are brought from other countries, they are expensive and do not have bright flavors. And the local cuisine is based on meat-eaters.

Papua New Guinea is one of the most exotic islands

There are island countries and in Oceania - an independent state Papua New Guinea. Its coastline is washed by four seas, and land border only with Indonesia.

Unlike many island countries, Papua New Guinea carefully preserves its traditions - even those that seem very, very strange to people with big land. For example, for many decades, the ritual of burying the dead by smoking has been preserved, after which the mummy is hung in a cage on a rock - according to local traditions, all the dead become guardians of villages and tribes.

There is practically virgin jungle here, inhabited by various tribes of natives. More than a thousand tribes live here - they speak different languages ​​and are not always able to understand each other.


Indonesia occupies about 2,000,000 km2 - among the island countries it is the largest. This country is popular both among tourists and among travelers who like to spend the winter in warm climates. Here two oceans meet and exotic landscapes are everywhere; the local population sacredly preserves their own ancient traditions.

Bali island in Indonesia

On the other hand, Indonesia is located on many islands - they are exotic, remote from each other and most of them have not been trodden by humans. Stunning landscapes and impassable thickets, ancient civilizations. Indonesia, like other archipelagos, has its own charm - for example, there are more than 15,000 islands, large and small, of which about a thousand are permanently inhabited. Most of the territory is mountainous.

Tourists go to Indonesia in order to plunge into the atmosphere of Asia, explore its features, and also to fully enjoy Asian exoticism - extraordinary fauna and flora, stunning landscapes and unique culture.

Madagascar is considered to be another large island country. More than twenty different nationalities live here, the most ancient cults of ancestors are practiced, there are many protected areas and beautiful tourism infrastructure, which never ceases to delight travelers.

Small island states

Exists a large number of island states that are practically unknown to the general public. This list includes states such as:
Antigua and Barbuda is a place with fabulous nature, practically untouched by civilization, belongs to the archipelago of the Antilles (small) Islands.

  • Aruba is a small Caribbean island dotted sandy beaches with the purest waters.
  • The Bahamas, which attract underwater sports and fishing enthusiasts from all over the world.
  • Barbados with its fine coral sand and stunning beaches.
  • Bahrain is one of the most developed and progressive countries in the Gulf.
  • Muslim Brunei, where the great Sultan lives.
  • Vanuatu, which is called the land of happiness.
  • Dominica and Dominican Republic- tourists usually confuse them, and this is no wonder - they have similar names and a similar form of device.

Island countries in Europe

Green, hilly Ireland, which for many centuries was famous for its natural resources. Plains strewn with clover, gloomy rocks and the ocean, which in these parts is very gentle. Ireland is part of Great Britain, as are England, Scotland and Wales.

Iceland, which is sometimes called the state of volcanoes, sheep and oceans. A small state whose population does not exceed that of a provincial state Russian city. Iceland is famous for its magical, amazing landscapes - and it's not just because of their undeniable beauty. Rivers and lakes, volcanoes and geysers, green hills and friendly people - that’s all that catches your eye at first glance.

Despite all its originality, Iceland is one of the most modern countries in terms of energy development. There are no thermal stations here, and almost every river has its own hydroelectric power station.

beautiful scenery of Iceland

Cozy Cyprus, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea and has become a favorite place to live for rich Europeans - people come here to spend their old age in style, enjoy the sea and excellent cuisine.

The island of Malta will surprise guests with the absence fresh water on the island - almost all the water necessary to support human life is obtained using desalination plants.

Another interesting state in Europe is Faroe islands. The harsh northern nature and beautiful mountain landscapes will not leave any of the travelers who have been there indifferent.

Faroe islands

A country whose territory is entirely within an archipelago and is in no way connected to the mainland is called an “island state.” Of the 194 officially recognized countries in the world, 47 are considered such. They should be distinguished from coastal territories and political entities that generally do not have access to the sea. More often island states of the world are located near the edges of the continents, but some, for example, the archipelagos of Oceania, may be located at a sufficient distance from coastline. For ease of classification, countries are divided into groups. The main criterion for division is belonging to one or another part of the world or continent. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


2. Japan

The oldest East Asian state. Located on (the largest of them is Honshu, followed by Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu) and the Ryukyu archipelagos (the largest large object- Okinawa) and Nampo. A dangerous seismic zone passes through the country. The capital Tokyo is located in the center of the island of Honshu.

3. Philippines

Often island states are located on archipelagos of the same name. The Republic of the Philippines is a clear confirmation of this. The capital of this country is South-East Asia is the city of Manila on the island of Luzon. This state is considered one of the poorest in Asia.

4. Sri Lanka

Small South Asian state. The territory is located directly on the island of the same name, south of Hindustan. The capital is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. She is best known for her historical name- Ceylon has also been famous since ancient times for its unique varieties of mountain tea.

5. Republic of China

A partially recognized state located in Southeast Asia. Located on the island of Taiwan and several adjacent archipelagos, the capital is Taipei. A major commercial and economic area on the Asian coast.

6. East Timor

The state in the southern part of the Malay Archipelago occupies eastern part Timor and the small islands of Atauru and Jacu. Capital and The largest city- Dili.

7. Brunei

The state belongs to Southeast Asia. Located on which is part of the Bolshoi Sunda Archipelago. One of the smallest states in the Asian region and the whole world. The capital is a large and picturesque city With exotic name Bandar Seri Begawan, which is translated from the local language as “The City of His Lordship.”

8. Bahrain

A small island state, geographically located in South-West Asia, on the island of the same name in the Persian Gulf. It is very rich in oil and is one of the active members of OPEC. The capital and main economic center of the country is the city of Manama.

9. Singapore

This country belongs to the Southeast Asia region. It lies on the territory of 63 islands, the largest of which are Singapore, Ubin, and Sentosa. It is a free trade and economic zone in Asia. The capital is the city of the same name on the main island with an identical name.

10. Maldives

A state located on a group of atolls of the same name in South Asia. It is no secret to many that this is the most picturesque and attractive country for tourism in the world. The only city of Male is the capital and a major tourist center. Approximately 97% of the territory is occupied by water surface.


Almost all of the American island states are in Atlantic Ocean and washed with warm waters Gulf of Mexico and restless Caribbean Sea. This part of the world is sometimes called the West Indies. In the past, these territories were under the rule of large European colonialists, but currently they have the status of independent countries.

The island states of this region are located on the territory of the Large (the largest is Cuba, followed by Haiti and Puerto Rico) and Small (Leeward and Windward) Antilles, Bahamas and other small archipelagos. The countries are distinguished by a special warm Caribbean climate and picturesque nature with lush reed thickets.

Island states of America: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bahamas, also Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, St. Lucia, along with Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and countries such as Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis.

Other island states

Besides listed countries, it is worth highlighting island and Oceania as a separate group. Independent African territories in the east include Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles, and in the west - Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde. Basically, the territories of these countries are located on the archipelagos of the same name.

The islands are divided into Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia. But many of them are uninhabited or dependent territories. Independent island countries Pacific Ocean: Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Nauru, also New Zealand, Solomon islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Tonga, Federated States Micronesia, Palau and, of course, the Marshall Islands.