Passengers looked and did not believe that the pilots were simply floating away from the plane that had crashed into the ocean. What to do if a plane crashes

Is it very typical for Russian planes to fall from Ukrainian missiles? Have you already counted a lot?

It sounds blasphemous to mention Ukrainian missile after such events:

1 Malaysian Boeing, hit by a beech tree (the report of the Dutch prosecutor's office proves this irrefutably)

2 On the night of June 14, 2014, a shot from an anti-aircraft missile system and long line A military transport plane was shot down with a heavy machine gun Air Force Ukrainian aircraft Il-76 landing at the airfield in Lugansk. There were 40 Ukrainian military personnel and 9 crew members on board the Il-76. They all died. This feat was celebrated Wagnerians, who were in Ukraine at that time. The Ukrainian special service has documentary information that part of the “Wagnerites” fired at the Lugansk airport almost every day in the summer of 2014.

What if we remember history?

September 1, 1983, in the sky above Pacific Ocean a tragedy occurred, which some Russian sources bashfully call an “incident” to this day: a Soviet air defense fighter shot down a South Korean civilian airliner that violated the air border of the USSR. All 269 people on board, including 23 children, were killed.

Boeing 707 crash in Karel II

Everyone is now hearing about the crash of the Malaysian Boeing over the Donbass. Less known, but nevertheless known about it, is the story of how a South Korean Boeing was shot down over a Soviet one. Far East September 1, 1983. It turns out this is not the first South Korean Boeing shot down over Soviet Union. There was one more.

On April 20, 1978, in the area of ​​the Kola Peninsula over the territory of the USSR, another South Korean Boeing 707 was shot down, flying on the route Paris - Anchorage - Seoul
On April 20, 1978, in the area of ​​the Kola Peninsula, the USSR border was crossed by a diverted passenger Boeing-707-321B (HL7429) of Korean Air Lines (KAL), operating flight 902 - Paris-Anchorage-Seoul.
The Korean Boeing continued to fly towards Severomorsk. Dmitry Tsarkov, who in 1978 held the position of commander of the 21st Air Defense Corps of the USSR, reports to Vladimir Dmitriev, who at that time held the position of commander of the 10th Air Defense Army of the USSR, that the air defense is ready to shoot down the intruder. Dmitriev did not give permission, saying that we could shoot down our plane; the exact identity of the plane was not yet clear. The offender was walking at a speed of 15 kilometers per minute (900 km/h). At this time, the intruder crossed the border of the USSR. A flight of fighters was lifted into the sky.
The plane was detected by Soviet air defense radars and initially identified as a Boeing 747. The anti-aircraft missile system was put on alert. A Su-15TM fighter ("Flegon-F") under the control of Captain A. Bosov was sent to intercept.

According to the testimony of the captain of the airliner, Kim Chang Ki, the interceptor approached his plane from the right side (and not from the left, as required by the rules international organization civil aviation- ICAO). The captain states that he reduced his speed and turned on his navigation lights, indicating that he was ready to follow the Soviet fighter for landing. Attempts by Captain Kim Chang Kee to contact the interceptor pilot on frequency 121.5 were detected by the control tower air traffic in Rovaniemi, Finland. According to the official statement of the Soviet side, the airliner evaded the requirement to land. When the interceptor pilot reported that the intruder was in fact not a 747, but a Boeing 707, the command decided that it was an RC-135 electronic reconnaissance aircraft (produced on the basis of the Boeing 707 airliner) and gave the order to destroy goals.

According to American radio intercepts, the interceptor pilot tried for several minutes to convince the command to cancel the order, because he saw the KAL airline emblem on the airliner and inscriptions in hieroglyphs, however, after confirming the order, he fired two P-60 missiles at the airliner. The first of them missed the target, and the second exploded, tearing off part of the left wing, causing depressurization of the aircraft and killing two passengers with fragments.

Due to depressurization of the cabin, the airliner began an emergency descent and disappeared from the radar screens of the Soviet air defense system. The interceptor pilot also lost the damaged airliner in the clouds.

Over the next hour, emergency flight 902 flew at low altitude across the entire Kola Peninsula, looking for a place for an emergency landing and, after several unsuccessful attempts, landed in the gathering dusk on the ice of Lake Korpiyarvi, already on the territory of Karelia. Throughout this entire time, the air defense had no information about the fate and location of the aircraft.

The USSR refused to cooperate in the investigation of this incident with international experts and did not provide data from the black boxes seized from the plane. The plane itself was dismantled and removed in parts. The Korean airline refused it so as not to pay for the evacuation of the plane. 95 passengers were taken to Kem, and then to Murmansk airport. On April 23, 1978, they were handed over to representatives of the US Consulate General in Leningrad and Pan American Airlines and sent to Helsinki. Su-15 pilot Captain A. Bosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star for completing a combat mission.

The Boeing commander, the highest-class pilot Lee Chang Hui, a former military pilot, managed to land a barely controllable 200-ton aircraft on a frozen lake. This saved the lives of the remaining passengers. The Boeing commander was later questioned. He said that he fought as a fighter pilot back in Vietnam. Finished fighting with the rank of colonel. Then he worked for 10 years in a civil airline, and also had 10 years of experience flying along the route of flight 902. He has been flying with this crew for 7 years. The last flight before this flight on this route was a week ago. The weather during the flight was good. When asked how you could have gone so off course, the commander replied that the navigation equipment had allegedly failed.

Years later, a flight map of Flight 902 was released based on declassified black box data, showing that the plane began a smooth, wide right turn shortly after reaching Iceland on the Amsterdam-Anchorage leg. This turn was too smooth to be done by hand, and The only explanation can be a malfunction of the navigation equipment.

Where to aim? Magee crashed onto the stone floor of the station, but his fall was slowed when he crashed through the glass roof a moment earlier. It's painful, but it's life-saving. A haystack will also do. Some lucky ones survived after falling into dense bushes. The thicket of the forest is also not bad, although you can run into some branches. Snow? Just perfect. Swamp? A soft, vegetated bog is the most desirable option. Hamilton talks about a time when a skydiver with a parachute that didn't open landed right on high voltage wires. The wires springed and threw him up, saving his life. The most dangerous surface is water. Like concrete, it is practically incompressible. The result of falling on the ocean surface will be approximately the same as on the sidewalk. The only difference is that asphalt - alas! — will not open up beneath you to swallow your broken body forever.

Without losing sight of your intended goal, take care of your body position. To reduce the speed of your fall, act like a skydiver during a skydive. Spread your legs and arms wider, throw your head back higher, straighten your shoulders, and you will naturally turn your chest towards the ground. Your drag will immediately increase, and there will be room for maneuver. The main thing is not to relax. In your, frankly, difficult situation, the question of how to prepare for a meeting with the earth, unfortunately, remains not fully resolved. The journal War Medicine published an article on this topic in 1942. It said: “Load distribution and load compensation play an important role in trying to avoid injury.” Hence the recommendation - you need to fall flat. On the other hand, a 1963 report published Federal agency Aviation (FAA), claims that the optimal grouping for preserving life will be the classic grouping adopted among skydivers: legs together, knees higher, shins pressed to the hips. The same source notes that survival in a disaster is greatly facilitated by training in sports such as wrestling or acrobatics. When falling on hard surfaces, it would be especially useful to have some martial arts skills.

Japanese skydiver Yasuhiro Kubo trains like this: he throws his parachute out of the plane and then jumps out himself. Delaying the process to the limit, he catches up with his equipment, puts it on and then pulls the ring. In 2000, Kubo jumped out at an altitude of 3 km and spent 50 seconds in free fall until he caught up with the backpack with his parachute. All these useful skills can be practiced in a safer environment, for example, in free-fall simulators - vertical wind tunnels. However, the simulators will not allow you to work out the most important stage - meeting the ground.

If there is a water surface waiting for you below, get ready for quick and decisive action. For the surviving lovers of jumping from high bridges we can conclude that the optimal way would be to enter the water “soldier-first”, that is, feet first. Then you will have at least some chance of getting to the surface alive.

On the other hand, the famous cliff divers who hone their skills near Acapulco believe that it is better to enter the water head first. At the same time, they put their hands with clasped fingers in front of their head, protecting it from blows. You can choose any of these positions, but try to maintain the parachute position until the very last second. Then, just above the water, if you prefer to dive like a soldier, we strongly recommend that you tense your buttocks with all your might. It would not be very decent to explain why, but you can probably guess for yourself.

Whatever surface awaits you below, under no circumstances land on your head. Researchers from the Institute for Highway Safety have concluded that in such situations, the leading cause of death is traumatic brain injury. If you are still carried head first, it is better to land on your face. This is safer than hitting the back of the head or the top of the skull.

07:02:19 Altitude 300 meters

If, after falling out of the plane, you started reading this article, then by now you have reached just these lines. You've already got the basics down, and now it's time to pull yourself together and focus on the task at hand. However, here is some additional information.

Statistics show that in the event of a disaster, it is more profitable to be a member of the crew or a child, and if there is a choice, it is better to crash on a military aircraft. Over the past 40 years, there have been at least 12 plane crashes with only one survivor. On this list, four were crew members and seven were passengers under the age of 18. Among the survivors is Mohammed el-Fateh Osman, a two-year-old child who survived the Boeing crash in Sudan in 2003 by landing in the wreckage. Last June, when not far from Comoros The Yemenia Airways airliner crashed, leaving only 14-year-old Bahiya Bakari alive.

The survival of crew members can be associated with more reliable passive safety systems, but it is not yet clear why children are more likely to survive. FAA research notes that children, especially those under four years of age, have more flexible bones, more relaxed muscles, and a higher percentage of subcutaneous fat that effectively protects internal organs. Small people—as long as their head does not protrude from the backs of airplane seats—are well protected from flying debris. With a small body weight, the steady-state fall speed will be lower, and a smaller frontal cross-section reduces the chance of running into some sharp object when landing.

07:02:25 Height 0 meters

So, here we are. Hit. Are you still alive? And what are your actions? If you escaped with minor injuries, you can get up and light a cigarette, as did the Briton Nicholas Alkemade, the rear gunner of the tail machine gun, who in 1944, after falling from a height of six kilometers, landed in a snow-covered thicket. If no jokes, then a lot of trouble awaits you ahead.

Let us remember the case of Juliana Kopke. On Christmas Eve in 1971, she was flying on a Lockheed Electra. The airliner exploded somewhere over the Amazon. The 17-year-old German woman woke up the next morning under the jungle canopy. She was strapped into her seat and there were piles of Christmas presents lying around. Wounded and completely alone, she forced herself not to think about her dead mother. Instead, she focused on her biologist father's advice: "If you're lost in the jungle, you'll find your way out by following the flow of water." Kopke walked along forest streams, which gradually merged into rivers. She walked around the crocodiles and pounded the shallow water with a stick to scare away the stingrays. Somewhere, she tripped, she lost a shoe, and all she had left was a torn miniskirt. The only food she had with her was a bag of sweets, and she had to drink dark, dirty water. She ignored the broken collarbone and the inflamed open wounds.

During a flight, any emergency situation can occur, including an accident. This is why it is important to know how to act correctly to increase your chances of survival. Let's look at how to behave and what to do when a plane crashes.

How to behave during a flight?

As statistics show, in 95% of air accidents there are those who survived, so you need to try to do everything possible to escape, even from such a seemingly doomed fate. It is enough to take precautions during the flight and in case of an unsuccessful landing. Preparing for a successful flight consists of the following steps:

  1. Put on comfortable clothes . Clothes can protect your body from burns, so you need to dress warmly for the flight. It is enough to give preference to trousers, a long-sleeved jacket and lace-up shoes. It is advisable that clothing be made of cotton or wool, since these materials consist of slightly flammable particles. You also need to take a jacket or coat with you, which will also protect you from burns. No high-heeled shoes, flip-flops, short skirts or dresses should be worn by the passenger if he wants to remain alive during an emergency.
  2. Choose a seat at the back of the plane. Passengers who choose seats at the rear of the plane have a much better chance of survival during an accident. The fact is that the ability to quickly exit increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.
  3. Visually count the number of seats between your seat and the emergency exit. This will help you find an emergency exit faster. During an accident, there may be smoke and noise that can make it difficult to navigate. That is why you need to find out in advance where the exit is.
  4. Do not unfasten your seat belt during the flight.. A loose belt increases the force of gravity several times. Therefore, you must keep your seat belt fastened at all times while on board.

If you follow these rules, you can increase your chances of survival during an airliner crash. Unfortunately, there are cases when even precautions do not help to save yourself, but you still cannot do nothing, since this is certain death. Many people who behaved correctly during the crash escaped safely, unlike other passengers who, apart from panic, did not take any action and also did not prepare for the flight.

If you happen to be on board at the time of the fall, then the main thing you need to do is stop being nervous and panicking. You need to pull yourself together and think about your safety. You should not be fooled by any desperate actions of other passengers. You need to think about saving your life first.

The main thing in emergency situation- do not panic and control your actions

What to do if the plane crashes?

Many people wonder: what to do if a plane crashes? First of all, you need to gather your thoughts and start acting competently and quickly. You can increase your chances of salvation in the following ways:

  • Prepare your place as the situation allows. Firstly, the chair must be in an upright position. Secondly, you need to remove all objects that are dangerous if the liner falls.
  • Take the correct posture. To do this, you need to button up your jacket or coat, lace your shoes tightly, and then sit in a chair so that your feet are on the floor and not at a right angle. This will save your legs from damage. To avoid a shin fracture, you need to move your legs as far under the seat as possible. You also need to lean your head against the front seat so that your fingers are intertwined on your head. If there is no chair, then you can bend over and lean your chest against your thigh, and place your head between your knees.
  • Keep calm. If there is a risk of the plane crashing, panic begins on board. At this time, the main thing is not to panic, but to act methodically and rationally.
  • Wear a life jacket. This is necessary if the liner falls into the water. However, there is no need to inflate the vest. When the cabin fills with water, you will be lifted up, and in this case it will be very difficult to escape. It's better to hold your breath and try to swim out. Once outside the plane, you can inflate the vest.
  • Put on an oxygen mask. If you do not do this, you can quickly lose consciousness.
  • Get away from the smoke. Often people die in a plane crash not because of severe injuries, but because of smoke and fire. That is why you need to cover your mouth and nose with a scarf. It is advisable that it be wet.
  • Get out of the plane if possible. This must be done as quickly as possible, if conditions permit.
  • Listen to instructions on what to do after the crash. Flight attendants always explain in detail to passengers the rules of behavior on the plane, as well as during and after the crash. They must be listened to to increase the chances of survival.
  • Don't take things. Often people try to save their belongings instead of taking care of their own safety. The only thing that should be protected, if possible, is documents and money. But even they can be left in order to escape faster.
  • Wait for the rescuers. After an accident, you should wait for rescuers to arrive and provide the necessary assistance.

In addition to all of the above, what to do if a plane crashes, in the event of an accident, you need to remove all sharp objects away. You also need to cover your head with a pillow, but before that, tie it with clothes. The main thing is to think about your own safety. Of course, if possible, you need to help people, but do not forget that no one but you will save you from death. If it is not possible to get out of the plane, then you need to stay in less dangerous place until he lands.

Alas, no one can be absolutely immune from getting into a plane crash. In such terrible moments, a person has a choice - either to surrender resignedly to the will of fate, remembering his entire past life, or to act decisively, giving hope to himself and those around him. The second, in our opinion, is preferable.

But you also need to act wisely. We offer 4 of the most general and simple rules for how to behave if a plane crashes in the area sea ​​coast. And we wish that these rules never come in handy for you.

1. Be prepared!

Don’t be shy and carefully study all the life-saving equipment that is available on board the airliner. It is better to do this while the plane is still on the ground. To do this, do not miss a single word from the stewards, who usually instruct passengers how to behave in an emergency.

Make sure a life jacket, small inflatable boat, and breathing apparatus are within reach. If possible, try how these gadgets will fit on you, practice putting them on. Of course, by doing this you can make a little noise and incur ridicule in the salon. But, as you know, the one who laughs without consequences laughs.

2. Time yourself

Play out in your mind in advance (and, if possible, practice moving) all your actions necessary for this. Find out how to quickly and correctly open the emergency exit doors, estimate the height of the fuselage of the airliner, ask the flight attendant how to slide down the emergency inflatable slides and go down the rescue ropes. If you learn everything efficiently, then your jump from the crashed plane will not only be safe, but also beautiful in its own way. And this cannot but give confidence to the passengers around you.

3. Take care of a spare set of clothes

Suppose that when a plane crashed, you escaped with only fear and very quickly, competently, left the “board” in distress. But you had to jump and swim in cold water. If you don’t have the opportunity to change into something warm and dry, then even if you survive an aircraft crash, you risk getting severe pneumonia. Therefore, before departure, do not forget to take with you a waterproof bag or bag with spare clothes. You can also put an iPod there so that you don’t get too bored hanging out in a boat in the middle of the ocean.

4. Be equally selfish and selfless.

The old wisdom says that a person is born and dies alone. When it comes to saving your own life, talking about morality is sometimes futile. But even if we have to fight for a place in a lifeboat, then, once in relative safety, we must not forget that we are still people.

Share the warmth of your own body with the person who is freezing next to you - and he will definitely return this warmth to you. Well, if there is a pretty girl next door, this is also an excellent reason to get to know each other better and hug the frightened little one tightly.

A dream in which any catastrophe occurs cannot be called good, because a person experiences extremely unpleasant emotions, and it is unlikely that he will be in a normal mood after waking up. To understand why you dream of a plane falling into the water, you need to know all the details of the dream, which can significantly change the prediction.

What if you dream of a plane falling into the water?

When a person dreams of a plane falling into the water, one should expect life collisions that will end unpleasantly for the dreamer. It is also upsetting that there will be no opportunity to receive support from either friends or relatives; perhaps some troubles will happen in a foreign country. At the same time, a falling airliner predicts long journey, for which the sleeper has been waiting for a long time. An astrologer may recommend postponing the flight to another, more favorable time.

In the case when a plane crash into the water does not lead to casualties, and all people are safely saved, the dream interpreter says that some difficulties await the dreamer. For a businessman, such a dream promises disagreements with partners and long negotiations, which, however, end quite successfully. We can say that victory will be more joyful precisely because of the difficult road to it.

If a person wants to get a correct and detailed interpretation of a dream, he needs to write down all the details of what he saw and tell them to a specialist, because sometimes the most insignificant, seemingly trifle can completely change the prediction.

Having seen a plane crash into the sea in a dream, it is advisable to pay attention to what the water was like at that time. Pure and transparent promises the dreamer success in love affairs; he will definitely be able to charm the girl he likes and achieve reciprocity. If there is garbage floating on the surface, and only dregs differ in the depths, it is not recommended to count on a long relationship; most likely, after the first meeting, the man and woman will not want to continue acquaintance.

Observing the crash of a flying machine from the outside means not overestimating your strengths and capabilities. An experienced specialist will advise you to behave more decisively in this case; fate will definitely give you a chance so that the person can show his abilities to his superiors, but the dreamer himself will also be required to make an effort to achieve his goal.

What does it portend?

When a plane without wings falls into the water, we can say that the dreamer will commit an extremely risky act and miraculously survive. This incident will somehow affect his entire subsequent life, constantly reminding him of its uniqueness and value. If you dreamed that a person himself was in the pilot’s cockpit and was flying the plane, then everything is in his hands, he can choose the path along which he will go to his goal, and will definitely achieve it.

Being in a falling plane as a passenger is a bad sign; it means that this moment the dreamer cannot influence the course of events in any way. He can only wait to see how the matter ends and accept any verdict of fate for granted. If the bride sees such a dream before the wedding, it is better to postpone or cancel it altogether, family life will not work out, there will be constant quarrels with the partner, which will ultimately lead to a breakup.

A dream about a plane crashing into the sea in most cases promises various troubles, so you shouldn’t start important things now, it’s better to take a short vacation and leave for a couple of weeks, then all problems will be resolved by themselves in the best possible way.