Pyramids on Baikal. Shaman pyramids on Baikal and strange stones from underground cities

Pyramids on Baikal.

No matter how paradoxical it may look, but in Rostov there is an analogue of the pyramids. This is a Neolithic fortress known only to a narrow circle of scientists, sometimes called the Sanctuary of Arius, or the Aryan Temple. By its age, this structure is at least a thousand years older than the pyramids. However mathematical model this unique architectural complex not inferior in its harmony to the most important of the wonders of the world, which are the pyramids. Like the pyramids, the Aryan temple is built on the principle of the Golden Ratio. However, its design reflects the dependence of the "Phi" proportions on the "Pi" proportions, and not vice versa, as we somehow observe in the construction of the pyramids. This circumstance makes us take a fresh look at the purpose of the pyramids, which is the main guideline in the search for keys to their secrets.
No matter how paradoxical it may look, but in Rostov there is an analogue of the pyramids. This is a Neolithic fortress known only to a narrow circle of scientists, sometimes called the Sanctuary of Arius, or the Aryan Temple.
In Rostov-on-Don, for several years, by all available means, the grandiose Aryan temple, in terms of size, age and significance, has been destroyed, without which the history of human civilization will become impoverished, and the Egyptian pyramids will lose their semantic content and turn into an ordinary heap of stones ...
By its age, this structure is at least a thousand years older than the pyramids. However, the mathematical model of this unique architectural complex is not inferior in its harmony to the most important of the wonders of the world, which are the pyramids.
On the Kola Peninsula resumed archaeological excavations pyramids, which are at least 2 times older than the Egyptian ones, are still not known by whom they were built
The Kola Peninsula is a peninsula in the northwest of the European part of Russia, in the Murmansk region. It is washed by the Barents and White seas. The area is about 100 thousand km.
In the north - tundra vegetation, to the south - forest tundra and taiga. The climate of the peninsula is moderately cold. Frosts and snowfall are possible even in summer. Strong winds (up to 45-55 m/s) are frequent on the coast, and lingering blizzards in winter. The relief of the Kola Peninsula consists of depressions, terraces, mountains, and plateaus. mountain ranges peninsulas rise above sea level by more than 800 meters. The plains of the Kola Peninsula are occupied by swamps and numerous lakes.
Amazing pyramids and huge stone slabs, made artificially from 9,000 to 40,000 years ago, discovered on the Kola Peninsula, are a strong argument in favor of the existence of an ancient civilization in these places. The most ancient pyramids of the world, discovered on the Kola Peninsula, confirm the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. The Kola Peninsula has recently become a Mecca for researchers and hunters for scientific discoveries.
A few years ago, huge pyramids, very similar to Egyptian ones, were discovered in the Luhansk region, however, the right of these stone mounds to be called pyramids still causes controversy among scientists. This is the so-called Mergel ridge near the city of Perevalsk.
But one thing is for sure: unique monuments there are really only three antiquities as tomb pyramids in the whole of Europe: one was built in Rome for Gaius Cestius, and the other two are really located precisely on the Poltava land. The first of them rises in the village of Komendantovka, Kobelyaksky district, and the second is the highlight of the palace and park complex of the folk historical museum of the ancient village of Berezovaya Rudka, in the Piryatinsky district.

Krasnoyarsk pyramid

Sopka Chernaya (Kara-Dag) is the highest "pyramid" in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk. This is a long-extinct volcano. In the early 90s, a group of archaeologists studied the sites of primitive man, and came to the conclusion that the trihedron of the mountain with the destroyed western slope consists of artificially made stones. Also, an increase in the radiation background was found in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mountain, but the reason for this phenomenon is still a mystery.
In the center of Krasnoyarsk there is Mount Kum-Tigei (Karaulnaya), on the top of which rises the Church of the Martyr Paraskovya, and at the foot there was once a prison of Krasny Yar.
The well-known Siberian explorer Semyon Remezov, who studied the surroundings of the prison in the 17th century, suggested that many hills and mountains spread around the settlement could well be of man-made origin.

Crimean pyramids

Pyramids of the Crimea.

In addition, in the spring of 2001, seven giant pyramids were found, stretching along south coast Crimea in a straight line from Sevastopol to Foros. Scientists believe that these mysterious structures are one and a half to two thousand years older than the Egyptian ones and are the same age as the Tibetan and Mexican pyramids. On the basis of these Crimean finds, many well-known scientists of the world are already inclined to believe that Ukrainian geophysicists and archaeologists have stumbled upon the remains of ancient civilization, in its development significantly ahead of ours. The representative of the International Academy for the Safe Development of Mankind, Berdyshev, claims that there are 200 pyramids in Ukraine, they will soon be discovered near Dnepropetrovsk and Chernivtsi, their age is 12-15 thousand years.

Find. Pyramids brother and sister.

In 2009, to the previously discovered northern "Proto-Egyptian" pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, the pyramids Lake Ladoga and remaining so mysterious and mysterious due to its inaccessibility Great Pyramid Ural (as the researchers of Hyperborea call it), the ancient pyramids of the White Sea region were added
In the summer of 2010, on the Kola Peninsula, researcher Igor Gusev identified an ancient step pyramid made of stones. Its approximate height is 80 meters.

Pyramid. Kola Peninsula



The largest megaliths in the world were found in Gornaya Shoria in Southern Siberia



In the footsteps of the ancient Egyptians, the workers of one of the camp sites decided to follow

There is one on Baikal unusual place, which few people know about, but it can be included in the map of the most mysterious sights of the lake. On the Small Sea, not far from the village of Kurma, a five-meter pyramid grew four years ago. The idea to build such a strange structure belongs to the workers of the local camp site. As told in the travel agency, the ancient Egyptians knew about the miraculous power of the pyramids. Yes, and modern scientists have written many scientific works, trying to unravel their impact on humans. Although the pyramid was built recently, the employees of the travel agency associate the mysterious phenomena that began to occur in this unusual place with its appearance.

The initiator of the construction of the pyramid on the territory of the camp site Irkutsk Viktor Romanov became interested in the pyramids when he was vacationing in Egypt and Sochi. In Egypt, being young and gambling, he wanted to climb to the top of one of the pyramids, but the guards strictly forbade him to do so. They explained that the pyramid has a strong energy that affects people in different ways. They even told the story of how tourists who decided to climb up anyway were carried away on a stretcher. He saw a similar structure, but already modern, built on the initiative of local scientists, while relaxing in Sochi, in Krasnaya Polyana.

When I went there, I was surprised to see people in white coats, and on the sides - long benches, on which there were many visitors, - says Viktor Romanov. - At first I was skeptical about all this, I assumed that to attract tourists they came up with unusual entertainment. There were also jars of water where they collected condensate from the pyramid, which allegedly also had healing properties. And then I accidentally got into a conversation with one person who was just lying in this pyramid. He also turned out to be my countryman, originally from the Ziminsky district. I say: “Tell me honestly - is this quackery or is there really a healing effect?” He says: “You know, my kidneys hurt, and now it’s so good, no pain. I’m coming for the second season, I feel actually healthy.” The scientists also gave me a pamphlet that spoke about the properties of the Sochi pyramid and how to build it.

All this interested the citizen of Irkutsk very much, besides, the results of the research were given in the brochure. Scientists associate the unique properties of pointed structures with the principle of the golden section - the ideal ratio of values, the basis of harmony.

Inspired by the experience of Sochi scientists, Viktor Romanov decided to build a pyramid in his camp site.

Our pyramid is an exact copy of the Sochi one. It was built without a single nail, because the main requirement for the construction of the pyramid is that metal cannot be used. In addition, you need an elevated place and that there are no external sources of electricity, water supply nearby, - says Viktor Romanov.

The foundation of the pyramid is made of natural stone, the body is made of larch and cedar, and the top is transparent, made of polycarbonate. Its base is 8x8 meters, height is 5 meters. According to the initiator of the creation of the pyramid, the unusual properties of the structure began to appear already during its construction. Guest workers could not stay in it for more than 30 minutes, they began to have a headache, so they had to change the workforce.

Today it is the only pyramid on Baikal. Although in other regions of Russia, and abroad, the construction of pyramids is very popular. Sessions in the Baikal pyramid are prescribed by a doctor working at the camp site. According to Viktor Romanov, it is recommended to stay in it for no more than 15 minutes, since the properties of the pyramid have not yet been fully studied.

And the employees of the camp site, except for cases of a healing effect, spoke about one unusual phenomenon. Next to the camp site there is a country house. A man who lived there once spoke about seeing a UFO in the sky. According to him, it was a disc-shaped aircraft. He circled so close over the camp site that one could see the portholes. This incident is associated with the pyramid.

Pyramids of the world.

Recently, I was surfing the Internet in search of a topic for an article and came across interesting information about the pyramid big size which was built in France. We are all used to the fact that the pyramids are Egypt, and then France, why would it suddenly?

Pyramids of Giza

I am not an adherent of those fables that are diligently told to us at school and in various literature on history. Well, it doesn’t fit in my head that people in loincloths with the help of ropes dragged huge blocks and adjusted them to each other with an accuracy of a millimeter - so that a razor blade could not crawl between the plates. And we, the people of the 21st century, who sent a dog and a man into space, consider the ancient Egyptians to be primitive savages, but at the same time we cannot build what these savages built in our opinion. Some amendments are needed here: either stop considering the Egyptians a primitive civilization, or stop appropriating the construction of such monumental buildings to them.

Egyptian pyramids

Well, okay, our history is generally very strange and consists of hypotheses, and not of facts. And now we will return to the facts, or rather to the fact that throughout the globe find pyramids like those at Giza. And it's hard to argue with that - it's a fact. Yes, we can argue about their origin, but to deny their existence will not work.

Traveler Thor Heyerdahl believed that the pyramids on different continents were built by one civilization. When he did excavations at the pyramids, he found the same objects near different pyramids, for example, skulls with gold plates implanted in them. But our history says that at that time people did not know how to move between continents. And how then to explain the "pyramidal" similarities?

Pyramids found in China, Indonesia, Bosnia.

Mayan pyramid

Mayan pyramid has the same layout with the pyramids of Giza, as well as the same orientation to the cardinal points.

mayan pyramid


China. As far as I understand, there are several pyramids in China. But the most important pyramid is called the "White Pyramid" by the Chinese.

Chinese "white pyramid"

It was found only in the middle of the 20th century. They don’t climb inside the pyramids, excavations are carried out only around the pyramids, foreign archaeologists are not allowed in and tourists are also not allowed, the territory is guarded by the military.

One of the Chinese pyramids
Chinese pyramids


Bosnia. In 2005, in Bosnia, it was discovered that Mount Visočica in the city of Visoko is actually not a mountain, but a pyramid. Soil studies have confirmed that the mountain is not a mountain at all.

Bosnian pyramid

And the analysis of the slabs found near the pyramid showed that the substance from which the slabs are made resembles concrete, but the composition is unknown to us. The pyramid was called the "Pyramid of the Sun".

"Pyramid of the Sun"


Indonesia. Java island. Here, too, scientists drew attention to a mountain named Sadehurip, its shape very much resembled a pyramid.

Pyramid of Indonesia

By that time locals generously planted the surface of the pyramid with local seedlings. Excavations began during which slabs with unfamiliar inscriptions and images were found.


According to some information, there is a pyramid in the Crimea. By official version Drillers while searching for reserves of thermal waters stumbled upon a place with powerful microwave radiation. They began to drill and at a depth of 10 meters came across a pyramid.

Researchers Goz V.A. and Taran V. began to investigate it. It turned out that it was filled up as a result of the flood and the composition of its walls coincides with the composition of the Egyptian pyramids, it also contains gypsum, lead, liquid glass and cuprous oxide. But official science and archaeologists are not interested in the find and are not going to help enthusiastic researchers. After all, according to official science, in the days of ancient Egypt, there was a sea on the territory of Crimea, not pyramids.

This story is reminiscent of the Australian pyramid. There are satellite images, but there is no official data. The Australians say it's a drained body of water or even more nonsense, that it's part of some kind of wall. They do not have a single opinion.

australian pyramid


And here is the very French pyramid that prompted me to write this article. The pyramid is located in the province of Languedoc-Roussillon.

french pyramid

And they discovered it quite by accident, during the construction of the highway. There is no information about her either in Russian or in English.

But there is a small footnote in French. It says that the pyramid was built in 1974-1976 by the highway architect Ricardo Bofill. And this pyramid is dedicated to Catalonia.

I have never seen such a funny excuse. According to official science, he apparently not only built a pyramid, but also then covered it with soil on one side.

And here are more pyramids around the world:

Why they were built and who built them is not yet known to us. Perhaps there is information, but apparently it is not for the general public, and most likely this information will go against official sciences. This is how we live in a complete lie. But let's hope that the truth will prevail and we will finally know the history of our planet.

Pyramid Kailash in the Himalayas
Complex with underwater pyramids off the coast of Japan
Pyramid in India

An unexplored monument of primitive architecture on a sacred place for shamanists: the northwestern shore of Lake Baikal
Cape Ryty - shamanic pyramids
Formally, disembarkation of passengers on the cape, pitted with dry riverbeds and streams, is prohibited: this is the territory of the Baikal-Lena Reserve. It is also forbidden informally: according to the beliefs of the Buryats, the access of strangers to the shamanic place of power should be strictly limited.
Shamans, apparently, have something to hide: science still does not know who, when and why built a stone wall exactly 333 m long on Rytoy and densely forced it with stone cones and pyramids oriented to the cardinal points.
In 2002, in the vicinity of the nearby village of Onguryon, biologist Alexei Turuta was hacked to death for disrespect for the spirits, expressed in refusing to tie a sacrificial ribbon on a sacred tree, by which the scientist passed. By the way, in addition to pagan piety, the Ongurens are also known for their technical ingenuity: in the village there is the only steam locomotive in Russia from the time of the Second World War, converted into a power plant.
These stones require research Strange stones from underground cities
Reptilian Lacerta information:
– We evolved from local lizards through the natural evolution of reptiles, we live on Earth for millions of years. We were worshiped by the Egyptians and the Incas. Christianity calls us "evil snakes." We are the natives of the Earth, we have colonies in the solar system.
We have ancient symbol- a blue snake with 4 white wings on a black background and there is a more common one - a dragon in the shape of a circle with 7 white stars in the middle on a blue background.
The dragon means Earth, and the 7 stars are our colonies on the Moon, Mars, Venus and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Two of them are no longer in use.
We have UFOs, but many UFOs are not ours, but other aliens. There are human UFOs.
UFOs are usually camouflaged. Our UFO is cigar shaped, from 20 to 260 meters, makes a buzzing sound and has 5 red lights. If it is noticed, then it is negligence or it is faulty. There is a small flotilla of disc-shaped ships. Each ship has a powerful device that makes people think that the ship is invisible or looks like a human plane.
65 million years ago, the first war of aliens took place on Earth - humanoids from the constellation Procyon. I write about them in a separate section in my diary sharing of the earth's resources.
The Reptilians won by using an experimental thermonuclear bomb that exploded in the ocean in the region of Central America. After that, winter came for 200 years. The reptoids themselves left the Earth due to radiation. Within 20 years, almost all dinosaurs and reptiles became extinct. One of the surviving species acquired the rudiments of thinking after 30 million years, and after another 20 million years, its varieties appeared, which began to compete with each other. After another 50 million years, the most adapted species stood out, which began to develop as a reasonable one. Big cities were built, technologies improved, colonies were founded on other planets.
10 million years ago, monkeys - your ancestors - descended from the trees and they had the first rudiments of thinking.
(from the Pleiadian) Here the numbers are in doubt for me.
Man is 18 million years old from the time of Lemuria, I think
For a long time you would have developed in a natural way, but 1.5 million years ago, aliens Lloyim arrived on Earth. Their interest is advanced monkeys, whom they wanted to make their servants. They came from the Aldebaran solar system. They looked like tall humanoids with blond hair and white skin. Capturing 10-20 thousand monkeys, they transported them to their place and returned a few hundred years later, similar to people. These people could use tools and fire. Lloyimy left and returned several times, selectively experimenting in the development of both individual species and entire civilizations. The first highly developed civilization existed 700 thousand years ago. We lived in parallel with them, without coming into contact. There is nothing left of the old civilizations. The fifth civilization left the "Egyptian pyramids" built 75,000 years ago. The sixth civilization left the ruins of a city at the bottom of the ocean near Bimini Atoll, built 16,000 years ago. The last, your civilization, the seventh in a row, was bred 8500 years ago.
This is stated in your religious writings.
There was a long war between us and lloyim. The last battle took place 5000 years ago in the orbit and surface of the planet. The people who watched it describe it as a battle of the gods and did not understand its essence. After this war, the Lloyim left the planet. Whether they will return is unknown. But over the past 4900 years, many other types of aliens have arrived on Earth and humanity is in danger. Some of them use people's programming to believe in "God". Mankind is not the result of natural evolution, 2-3 million years is not enough for this. You are genetically engineered by an extraterrestrial species, created for a specific purpose. There are currently 14 types of aliens on Earth. 11 from our Universe, 2 from the Extragalaxy, 1 from another plane. Three of them are hostile, the rest are studying you. Perhaps the 15th race will soon arrive, about which nothing is known. Perhaps they already arrived 3-4 years ago. All aliens abduct and use raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA. (from the Pleiadian, the number of races changes in the presence, but only 22 races participated in the creation of man)
Today, like thousands of years ago, we live underground in voids at a depth of 2-8 km, so you have no archaeological data about us. The voids, ranging in size from 2.5 km to 25 km, are connected to the earth's surface and to each other by tunnels. We live in colonies in large and modern cities built in these voids.
The main cities are located in the Arctic, Antarctic, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. There are equipped places on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.
The exit to the surface can be in the form of a cave in which unusually warm air, air movement, walls, as you move deeper, become more even. Behind the gray door are technical rooms, ventilation and trigger shafts. But we will already know about your presence! The entrance to the dungeon may belong to another race, including a hostile one. For humans, the presence of aliens in the caves is very dangerous.
In ancient times, people met us and described, sketched.
We use mimicry to contact you. From birth, we can telepathize and use telekinesis.
(From the Pleiadian - the information is only 90% true, where there is misinformation, I put my notes)
Here are the stones from the underground cities

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