Entertainment in Cuba. Recreation and entertainment in Cuba resorts

Hot dancing and traditional music. You definitely won’t be bored on Liberty Island. If you want to have fun, then ride a yacht or boat, visit amusement parks, dolphinariums, water parks, local festivals or carnivals.

You can come to the country at any time of the year, however, if you plan to travel around the island, it is better to do it during the dry season. Cuba will be interesting both for families with children and for young people who want to party all night long. There are casinos, playgrounds and game rooms.

Entertainment in Cuba includes:

  • educational– you can learn to dance salsa or danzón, play traditional musical instruments or perform national songs;
  • developing– tourists will get acquainted with the production processes of rum, tobacco products, chocolate, etc.;
  • sports– competitions in and other types of activities are organized for travelers;
  • educational- you will be able to get acquainted with underwater world Cuba, scuba diving into the depths of the sea, or from a pristine country, visiting one of the botanical gardens;
  • cultural– vacationers will be able to visit dolphinariums, theaters and other institutions;
  • extreme– such entertainment includes visiting amusement parks, hang gliding or climbing mountain peaks.

If you are interested in the historical past of the country, then visit ancient fortresses, monasteries, chapels, museums and places where important military events took place. Nature lovers can have fun in, uninhabited or in a nature reserve.

Nightlife in Cuba

There are several cities in this country that are famous for their Never Sleep rhythm. For example, in Havana and Santiago de Cuba you can go out at night not only in clubs or bars, but also in the villas of the indigenous people, who are happy to throw parties and invite everyone to them. In the capital of Cuba there is an establishment called Casa de la Musica, where the “golden youth” of Liberty Island, as well as wealthy foreign tourists, like to spend time. Many all-inclusive hotels in Cuba also provide a nightly program, accompanied by discos and free alcoholic drinks. These places are open until the last customer. If you want to have a blast and don’t want to spend time in a hotel, then visit such establishments in the country as:

  • La Zorra y el Cuervo is the ideal place for jazz lovers;
  • – attracts visitors with an enchanting program, exotic cocktails and a variety of dishes;
  • Salon el Chevere - here you can dance to Cuban and American music;
  • Ayala - the establishment is located in a cave, and visitors have fun here to the rhythms of reggae, salsa, jazz and rumba;
  • La Comparsita is a bar where professional dancers, solo singers and comedians perform. After the concert, you can sing Latin American songs at karaoke or repeat catchy Latin American moves on the stage under open air.

Liberty Island is ideal for families with children. There are special family ones with a program for the youngest travelers. The friendly attitude of the local population towards children also contributes to a pleasant pastime. The most famous entertainment venues in Cuba that are suitable for children are:

  1. - invites you to look at the turtles injured by predators; they are treated and cared for here. They will also show you eggs and newborn baby turtles, which tourists are allowed to release into the sea.

  2. – it is located in Havana and occupies a fairly large area, so you can move around here not only on foot, but also by trolleybus. In the establishment, many animals move freely around the territory, which is planted with lush vegetation. If you want to look at predators or primates, then know that access to the enclosures is possible from all sides.

  3. – in it you can not only appreciate a fascinating performance, but also swim with the kindest sea animals. The facility is a bay connected to the sea where dolphins live in their natural environment.

  4. is a research center that is home to a variety of tropical fish, dolphins and other inhabitants of the abyss. Every day there are entertaining shows for visitors, including fur seals and lions.

  5. – Indian settlements were recreated here, and figures of prehistoric animals, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, were installed throughout the territory.

  6. – the establishment hosts children's puppet shows and circus performances.

  7. – its entire area is covered with palm groves, among which there are life-size figures of huge dinosaurs.

  8. – it has swimming pools, shooting ranges, swimming pools and a pond on which you can ride a boat, and in the evenings Cuban artists perform on the coast. The park has sports equipment rental centers, children's cafes and extreme attractions that attract tourists from all over Cuba.

  9. – the complex is located right on the coast and is considered the most interesting in the country. The largest and most extreme slide in Cuba is equipped here.

  10. – it will appeal to little rich explorers flora, including cacti, orchids and palm trees, among which bright parrots fly. The park's territory is pierced by a chain of lakes that cool visitors in the summer heat.

Tourists with children will also be interested in taking a ride on the Varasub boat, which has a transparent underwater part. Thanks to this design, you can introduce your child to sea creatures. By the way, many beaches in Cuba are equipped with water attractions suitable even for the youngest tourists, so they will definitely have fun and interesting on Liberty Island.

Cuba delights its guests not only with an excellent beach holiday, but also with many other entertainments for every taste!

Sea fishing

Cuba is a top-notch fishing destination. In the waters Caribbean Sea, washing Cuba, there is fish that will delight both the experienced fisherman and the beginner. The island is located so well that it is here from all over globe Fishermen come here who dream of a rich catch of exotic fish. For example, right off the coast you can catch cosmopolitan sailfish and blue marlin. A large number of rare species of fish find refuge in local coral reefs. The biggest fish are found in the depths, meaning the deeper you dive, the greater your chances of finding rare and valuable fish. Crabs, shrimp, lobsters, lobsters and other sea creatures also live near the reefs.

IN local villages you can hire a boat with a well-trained crew who will help you choose gear and suggest the best fishing spots in the area. As a rule, the crew of such boats has all the necessary documents and necessary permits.

Here you can fish in any way - from the most unexpected to those to which you are accustomed. Excellent weather, picturesque landscapes, wonderful sea and professionalism of the team - all this will make your fishing in Cuba unforgettable!


Cuba is rightfully considered one of the best places for diving in the Caribbean. The features of the local reefs amaze the imagination with their unusual shapes and bright colors. Around the reefs there are almost four thousand islands included in the archipelagos. The sea here is very calm, diving into the depths is completely safe.

Due to the lack of current, the horizontal visibility of the dive is about 40 meters

The water temperature in these waters in winter is 2 degrees Celsius, and in summer 29 degrees. Therefore, diving in Cuba is possible in any month of the year, without limiting yourself only to the summer season.

There are many diving centers here, providing the most extensive and varied services for comfortable diving.

You can diversify your holiday not only with regular diving, but also with snorkeling close to the surface of the water, or with exciting night walks underwater.

In Cuba, scuba diving enthusiasts will find exotic coral reefs, a world of amazing underwater inhabitants, mysterious caves with tunnels, sunken ships, vertical walls and much, much more.

Most hotels in Cuba have close contacts with diving centers, which allows vacationers to easily and quickly book such services.

Active entertainment

These include horseback riding, jeep safaris along local rivers with stops near magnificent lakes, swimming with dolphins, a boat trip along the sea and water corridors among mangroves, and much more.


The most vivid and memorable entertainment awaits you in Cuba at night. In terms of the number of bars, clubs and discos, Cuba ranks first among all Caribbean islands. Cuba is incredibly attractive as a holiday destination for music and dance lovers. Cuba has a special music and dance culture, formed under the influence of Spain and France. It was the Cubans who gave the whole world danzón, mambo, cha-cha-cha and salsa. You can dance these dances in discos and nightclubs in Cuba. Anyone can learn Afro-Cuban dances right here. concert hall or at dance lessons that are organized at hotels.

It is believed that night life Cuba is brighter and more vibrant than any other Caribbean island

A particularly vibrant nightlife awaits you in the capital of Cuba, Havana. The abundance of clubs, cabarets, music shows, theaters and restaurants in this city will amaze even the most avid lovers of nightlife.

In many entertainment centers The Cuban capital allows only those visitors who comply with the dress code.

Even if for some reason you don’t get into an entertainment establishment, don’t be upset, because entertainment awaits you here at every turn. Musicians and dancers perform throughout the streets, and live music is a normal occurrence in any bar.

Most nightclubs open late in the evening. In such establishments there is strict face control - persons under 18 years of age are not allowed there.

Cabaret show

The Latin American show at the Tropicana cabaret is known all over the world. The territory of the cabaret is surrounded by tropical plants, so from afar this establishment is very reminiscent Botanical Garden.

The show itself features more than 200 dancers, singers and musicians. In the cabaret you can not only enjoy a wonderful show, but also have a delicious dinner.

The National Hotel hosts the Parisen show - a performance of stunning beauty! The hotel window offers a beautiful view of the embankment, since the National is located on a hill.



Disco lovers will love Casa De La Musica, the local “House of Music”. Musicians of various genres perform here throughout the night. The House of Music is located in the Teatro America building. This club is popular both among the local population and among tourists. The popular disco Las Canitas is located on the second floor of the Habana Libre Hotel. This is a fairly expensive disco, there are a lot of foreign tourists and the Cuban “golden youth”. Well-known musical groups not only in Cuba, but throughout the world often perform in this place. Among the discos “for locals,” we can recommend the La Costa disco, located in the Cojimar area (a suburb of Havana). Tourists rarely come here; entry fees must be paid in national currency. The disco is located right on the seashore and is equipped with a large dance floor with huge video monitors. The Macumba disco in the Playa area is very popular among local youth. The disco takes place in the open air, there is a swimming pool, several bars, and a kebab shop.

Bars and restaurants

You can eat in Havana at night at the Saragosana restaurant, specializing in seafood cuisine. A French menu awaits you at the La Toyoc restaurant, a Spanish menu at El Cortijo. The famous Mojito cocktail is best prepared at La Bodeguita Del Media.

You can have a delicious dinner at the La Gitana restaurant on San Lazaro street. The crowd there is mainly Cuban, but the serving follows European traditions, and this restaurant has excellent cuisine.

An interesting place is the Dos Hermanos bar, which is located on Avenida del Puerto. This is the oldest bar in Havana and has the longest bar counter/

Excursions and entertainment in Cuba. In the 90s of the last century, Cubans had to abandon the traditional February carnivals - a deep economic crisis was raging in the country, caused by the collapse of the socialist camp, on which the state's economy was tied. The beautiful tradition was revived only in last years. Carnivals take place in the capital of Cuba, Varadero, in Sanyago de Cuba.

Excursions in Cuba. Entertainment in Cuba

Every two years, the capital of the island is filled with irresistible music and spirited dances that take place almost around the clock: this is how the Guitar Festival is celebrated. In addition, the exciting events of the carnival of chariots "Carosas" are organized here: for three whole evenings in a row you can watch how picturesque mobile theaters drive through the streets of Havana, ensembles "comparsas" and giant dolls "muñecones" parade, crowded carnivals have fun, and attract ubiquitous musical shows .

The most famous in the world is the Havana International Film Festival. It takes place in December and brings together the most famous film masters from all over the world. Havana gives jazz lovers a delightful gift in the form of a large-scale jazz festival every two years in February. The annual Havana Cigar Festival is also held in February, attracting a huge number of visitors to the island. Every two years, the Havana International Theater Festival is held in September, and the Havana Contemporary Music Festival is held in October.

Excursions in Cuba – Baracoa

The first two weeks of every February are dedicated to cultural days in Kamagneyan, with similar events taking place in April. At the same spring month a festival of electroacoustic music is organized in the resort of Varadero, and in May people enjoy the Romeria de Mayo festival in Holgino. In October, the same resort celebrates Spanish-American Culture Days. The end of June marks the Feast of Saint John in Trinidad, and the end of November marks Trinitarian Cultural Week.

Excursions in Cuba, attractions and entertainment

Among the most attractive places in Cuba, Guama stands out - the Bay of Pigs on the Zapata Peninsula. Nearby there is a reconstructed Indian village, which can only be reached by water - along a canal dug among luxurious tropical thickets and through Lake Guama del Tesoro. In the museum village you can see Indian housing, household items, and means of producing household items. In addition, the nearby crocodile farm with eight thousand toothy pets is sure to attract your attention. After interacting with the crocodiles, you can soak up the white sands of Playa Larga beach and order crocodile meat dishes for lunch.

Excursions and entertainment in Cuba. Tours of the capital of Cuba include visits to monuments from colonial times: Morro Castle, central square city, people's market for products of Cuban craftsmen. Modern Havana will open up before you when you visit the Capitol, a number of interesting museums, shopping center"La Rampa"

Boat excursions in Cuba

A transparent bottom vessel called “Varasub” is a great opportunity to look into the eyes of the inhabitants depths of the sea. Before your enchanted gaze will appear a variety of colors of fish and minnows scurrying between piles of corals and wriggling sea plants.

Trip to Pinar del Rio

A trip to Pinar del Rio will give you an excellent opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the manufacturing technologies of the famous Cuban cigars at the state cigar factory.
On the same excursion you will be able to visit the Indian cave “Cueva Del Indio”, on the way to which you will enjoy a boat ride along the underground river and swimming in cave waterfalls.

Excursions in Cuba – Trip to Pinar del Rio

Boating on the Canimar River

Boating on the Canimar River begins with a trip to the starting point behind the wheel of a jeep or in a bus. Having arrived at the place, tourists are loaded onto rubber motor boats accompanied by experienced instructors and race downstream for a distance of about 12 kilometers in the middle of a magical virgin forest full of unprecedented plants and birds. There will be stops in the area of ​​the purest springs and beautiful cave lakes inside. There are also horseback riding trips to the mountains to an ancient Indian burial place or just to the fresh mountain air, where you can have dinner and take a nap in hammocks.

Entertainment in Cuba - along the Canimar River

Hike to the caves of Cuevas de Bellamar

Diving in Cuba

Diving is a favorite pastime for vacationers in Cuba, whose shelf reaches 26 square miles. Almost any place is great for scuba diving. Many small islands of the archipelago surround the coast, giving diving enthusiasts the opportunity to get the most out of their dives. clearest waters. The local fauna will captivate you with its diversity: thickets of algae, bizarre fractures of corals, jellyfish and sponges of enormous size, underwater caves and grottoes, thousands of colorful fish flashing before your very nose - such impressions are unforgettable.

Entertainment in Cuba – Diving in Cuba

Trip to Varadero.

A trip to Varadero will mainly interest passionate fishermen. In a few hours spent with a rod in their hands on a small fishing boat, they will probably be able to satisfy the thirst for biting that has accumulated over all the previous years. During fishing, its participants receive a comfortable cabin, alcoholic and soft drinks, all the necessary equipment and items for scuba diving. Freshly caught fish is cooked directly in the sea - its taste is simply amazing.

Excursions to the city of Holguin

The city of Holguin is famous for its unusual park and Museum of the Revolution. There is also a state cigar factory, an excursion to which is in constant demand among tourists. The trip also includes a stop at the Mayabe viewpoint, which offers breathtaking views of all of Havana. It is interesting to visit Holguin, both in the historical and modern parts of the city. The attention of tourists is attracted by the ancient church of San Isidoro and the surrounding Galixto Garcia park.

Excursions in Cuba – Excursions to the city of Holguin

Hot tropical Cuba is one of the best places for beach holiday. Caribbean coast delights tourists with the turquoise color of clear water, snow-white sand and sincere hospitality local residents. The resorts of Havana, Varadero and Villa Clara open the doors of comfortable hotels and always offer quality service.

People come to colorful Cuba for the passionate rhythms of salsa and rumba, and for the constant festive atmosphere that reigns on the streets painted in bright colors. The spirit of freedom, the almost unconditional adoration of the national hero Che Guevara, vintage cars on the streets and a constant siesta make this country unique and unlike others. Well, in Cuba, tourists can expect a celebration of life, dancing, spicy cuisine and an even Caribbean tan.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Cuba?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photographs and brief description.

1. Capitol

Former Parliament House, built in 1929. Deputies met in it for 30 years until the victory of the Cuban Revolution, after which the Capitol was turned into a conference room and offices for some ministries. The building was built in a pompous and solemn style and at the same time resembles St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican and the American Capitol in Washington. The project was developed by the architect Eugenio Piedra.

2. Museum of the Revolution

The main museum of Cuba, housed in the former presidential palace. After the fall of the Batista regime, many elements of the luxurious interior furnishings (such as Tiffany lamps) were removed, but the original furniture and decoration remained. The museum has 30 halls and 9,000 exhibits telling the history of Cuba since the 15th century. The main emphasis, of course, is on the period of the Cuban Revolution.

3. Grand Theater of Havana

The theater building is a wonderful example of the colonial baroque style. The construction was carried out by the Belgian architect Paul Belau in 1915, or rather, he reconstructed the old theater building from 1838. The stage was named after the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in 1985 at the suggestion of ballet prima Alicia Alonso. You can get inside not only for the concert, but also with a special excursion.

4. National Museum of Fine Arts

The largest art museum in Cuba, one of the most visited cultural sites in Havana. The exposition has existed since 1913, but only in 1954 a separate building was built for it. The museum's rich collection includes works by Latin American and European artists of the 18th-21st centuries, as well as exhibits from earlier periods. Many works related to contemporary art are also exhibited.

5. Havana Cathedral

The main Catholic cathedral of the country, built in a rather original style. The architects moved away from traditional European canons and added a little local color. The cathedral has asymmetrical towers, coral was added to the usual stone when laying the walls, and the lines of the facade were smoothed out. The remains of Christopher Columbus were kept in the temple for almost 100 years, but then they were sent to Spain.

6. Ernest Hemingway House Museum

The world-famous writer spent the last years of his life in Cuba. At the insistence of his last wife, he bought an estate not far from his favorite bars. The house was turned into a museum in 1962. Everything remained exactly the same as it was during the writer’s lifetime. Almost all the available space is occupied by books in dozens of languages, with bookshelves reaching to the ceiling. The Hemingway couple lived with their many pets.

7. Havana Club Rum Museum

A bar-museum where the visitor will be introduced to the history of the famous drink, the technology of its production and will be offered to taste several varieties. “Havana Club” is the most visited Cuban museum, the number of tourists per year reaches a million people. On weekends, the establishment hosts dances to the accompaniment of an orchestra, and an atmosphere of endless celebration reigns around.

8. Prado Boulevard

One of the central streets of Havana, stretching from Central Park to the sea promenade. The boulevard appeared at the end of the 18th century and was completely reconstructed and updated in 1929. Colonial-style mansions line the edges of the street; the influence of Spain is clearly felt in the architecture of the houses. Walking along the Prado, with some assumptions, you can imagine that you are somewhere in Madrid or Seville.

9. Malecon Promenade

The main promenade of Havana, loved by locals and tourists. Extends from the fortress of San Salvador de la Punta to new residential areas. Here you can learn a lot about the unique culture of Cubans, drink aromatic coffee or strong rum, and dance salsa right on the pavement. Elderly Cubans love to fish on the embankment, while young people admire sunsets and make dates.

10. Plaza de Armas

The main square of Havana, where cultural and government institutions are concentrated. When designing, it was assumed that in the event of an uprising or armed conflict, weapons could be quickly distributed in the square (hence the name - “armas” means “weapons” in Spanish). The place is the heart of Old Havana, in the center there is a monument in honor of the revolutionary Carlos Manuel Cespedes.

11. Revolution Square

A large square in the capital of Cuba, where Fidel Castro often gave hours-long speeches and where rallies of thousands took place. There is a high tower with an observation deck in the middle; along the edges of the buildings there are graphic portraits of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Behind observation tower the impressive Palace of the Revolution is located. Due to its size, the area around the square looks a little deserted.

12. Memorial to José Martí

Installed on Revolution Square in 1996. José Martí is a poet, revolutionary and highly respected figure in society. Inside the monument there is a repository of documents, engravings and other relics telling about the life and work of the public figure. The statue is located in front of the observation tower in the middle of the square. The Havana Memorial to José Martí is one of the many monuments to the poet in the country.

13. Mausoleum of Che Guevara

The tomb of the great revolutionary Che Guevara, still beloved by all Cubans. The place for the mausoleum was not chosen by chance - the decisive battle of the Cuban Revolution took place in the city of Santa Clara, where the commandant won. The building was built by Cuban volunteers in 1988. The ashes of Che Guevara and his associates, transported from Bolivia, were buried here only in 1997.

14. Fortress of La Cabaña and El Morro

Both fortifications rise above the peninsula on the west coast of Havana and guard the passage to the bay. The forts are part of the Morro Cabaña Historical Park. El Morro was built by the Spaniards in the 16th-17th centuries to protect their newly acquired possessions, La Cabaña appeared in the 18th century. The building served as a garrison, warehouse and prison at different periods. In the evenings, the lighting of the walls is turned on.

15. Fortress of La Real Fuerza

The fort is one of the oldest in Latin America, originally it served to protect against pirate attacks. The fortress was built in the mid-16th century and was repeatedly rebuilt and strengthened over the next two centuries. When defensive functions lost their importance in the 19th century, an archive was organized in the building, then a library and a ceramics museum were located here. In the 2000s. A maritime museum was established in the fortress.

16. Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca

A 17th-century defensive structure erected to protect the city of Santiago de Cuba. Construction work continued for more than 40 years. The fortress was needed to protect the city from English pirates, who constantly attacked Cuban harbors. In the first half of the 20th century, the building was in disrepair, but then it was restored and entered the UNESCO list. Nowadays the castle houses a museum of the history of piracy.

17. Alexander Humboldt National Park

A territory in the North-East of Cuba with a unique tropical ecosystem. In 2001, UNESCO included the park in its protected lists. The area is named after a German explorer who visited the island at the beginning of the 19th century. Tourism in the reserve began to develop relatively recently, after the lands were declared a nature conservation zone. Now the park can be visited as part of a tour.

18. Baconao National Park

Protected natural area near the city of Santiago de Cuba. The park is famous for its valley, where there are 200 life-size sculptures of dinosaurs and mammoths. The reserve has an aquarium with a tunnel, from where it is interesting to watch the inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea. Tourists will also be interested in the museum of old cars. There are hotels and beaches in the coastal area of ​​Baconao, but they are not considered the best in Cuba.

19. Cave Belyamar

The cave is located several tens of kilometers from the resort of Varadero. Its visit is included in many excursions called “jeep safari”. The cave was discovered in the mid-19th century by local shepherds who were looking for lost cattle. Its age, according to various estimates, is approximately 40 thousand years. Tourists can only go 300 meters deeper; the remaining levels are closed to the public.

20. Viñales Valley

Valley National Park mountain range Sierra de los Organos. The reserve is taken under UNESCO protection. The territory consists of flat karst formations, flat hills (locals called them “the backs of elephants”), underground rivers, caves and waterfalls. In ancient times, Indian tribes lived in this territory. The Viñales Valley has a botanical garden and the former slave camp of Palenque de los Cimarrones.

21. Colon Cemetery

Cemetery named after Christopher Columbus in Havana, where cultural and public figures of Cuba who played an important role in the life of the country are buried. The vast area contains thousands of graves, many decorated with beautiful marble monuments. Chapels, statues, mausoleums are scattered everywhere, graves are surrounded by figured fences. The cemetery can be considered as an independent cultural monument.

22. Bacunayagua Bridge

An engineering structure built in the mid-20th century to shorten the route from Havana to Matanzas. Construction lasted only two years. The bridge is supported by 41 columns more than 100 meters in height, the total length of the structure is more than 300 meters. Nearby equipped Observation deck, overlooking the valley of the Yumuri River. Here you can have lunch and listen to national Cuban music.

23. Villa Dupont

A mansion that previously belonged to an American millionaire. Located on the Hicacos Peninsula. Before the victory of the Cuban Revolution, rich foreigners settled in this area and built luxurious villas for themselves. After 1959, the lands along with the houses were nationalized. From now on, the “Las Americas” restaurant operates at Dupont’s villa; you can enter the mansion itself for money along with a tour.

24. Cabaret Tropicana

The main dance show of Cuba since 1939, as well as the main entertainment center where every tourist strives to get to. Located on the territory of Villa Mina. Colorful concerts, costumed performances and performances are held here. The Tropicana team consists of more than 200 dancers, singers, and musicians. During the performance, guests are offered food national cuisine, Cuban rum and a variety of cocktails.

25. Varadero

Popular resort with many great hotels, fashionable clubs and restaurants with quality cuisine. Tourist infrastructure has been developing since the 30s. XX century. The beaches of Varadero are a kingdom of snow-white sand and azure sea, a triumph of exotic nature. Repeatedly coastline The resort was recognized as the best in the world. Varadero is a popular holiday destination for American and European travelers.

Thanks to the hot climate and year-round high water temperatures, beach holidays in Cuba are well developed. Almost every resort or resort area on the island can offer extensive beaches with soft sand and azure clear sea.

Snow-white beaches are the most popular among tourists. Varadero, stretching for 20 km and included in the list of the cleanest in the world. One of the best Cuban beaches Playa Esmeralda (Emerald Coast) with picturesque coral reefs can be visited in the province of Holguin. Beaches worth visiting Cayo Santa Maria, Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo, Santiago de Cuba, as well as located in the north of the island Juventud beach with unique black sand.


In addition to beach holidays, Cuban resorts provide opportunities for various activities aquatic species sports, as well as hiking, safaris and horseback riding.

The Caribbean Sea, with its rich, almost untouched underwater world and not too strong coastal currents, is favorable for diving. Opportunities for this type of recreation are well developed here, at resorts Varadero and island Juventud there are quite large dive centers with necessary equipment.

In the province Holguin and on the islands Cayo Largo, Cayo Rosario, Cayo Cantiles, and Cayo Coco And Cayo Guillermo There are beautiful coral reefs, near which you can start diving. Extensive diving areas are located in Santiago de Cuba, underwater here you can look at the skeletons of once sunken ships.

Along with diving, tourists can keep themselves busy sport fishing on the island Juventud, as well as at resorts Cayo Santa Maria and Guam. And on the beach Playa Esmeralda there are conditions for surfing And sailing.

Provinces Havana with its numerous mountains and caves, it turns out to be of interest to amateurs ecotourism And speleology.

On the outskirts of the Varadero resort you can also swim with dolphins in the dolphinarium.

Many resorts also provide golf courses. golf, platforms for ping pong, beach volleyball etc.


Almost every province of Cuba is very rich in attractions and historical monuments, which lovers of excursion tourism should definitely explore.

In the western province Pinar del Rio The capital of the same name is interesting. Worth a visit here Provincial Museum of Natural Sciences, Guash Palace, and cigar factory "Francisco Donatien". Natural resources amount to national park "Vinales Valley" with its quaint hills (“mogotes”) and ancient caves, as well as Soroa, where one of the world's largest orchid gardens.

In the province Havana The main attraction is undoubtedly its capital of the same name. A visit here not to be missed neoclassical chapel of El Templete, Armory, Cathedral and Old squares, and memorial to Jose Marti, hero of the Cuban revolution.

In addition, the ancient fortresses of Castillo del Morro(XVII century) and Castillo de la Punta, Literacy Museum, Palace of Fine Arts, Havana City Museum, Monastery of Santa Clara, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, and Ernest Hemingway House Museum and much more. A large one was also located here. zoo.

In the town San Antonio de los Banos located Museum of Humor, and in the village Santa Cruz del Norte The world famous Havana Club rum is made.

Provinces Matanzas famous for the sights of its capital of the same name: the most beautiful squares, Montserrat Chapel, Castle of San Severino. Not far from the city is located perhaps the most popular natural object Cubes – Belyamar caves with rock art and other traces of habitation ancient man.

On the peninsula Zapata you can visit crocodile nursery in La Boca And Natural parks of Santo Tomas and La Salina.

On the island Juventud interesting natural Los Indios San Felipe Nature Reserve And Punta Frances National Marine Park. Located right here Presidio Modelo prison, where Fidel Castro himself was once imprisoned.

Once in the province Villa Clara, worth a look Memorial to Ernesto Che Guevara in Santa Clara and also visit interesting museums and parish Church of St. John the Baptist in the town Remedios.

The city is rich in picturesque and memorable places Santiago de Cuba. You can't miss it when you look around Cathedral, house Diego Velazquez, Museum of Colonial Art, unique Museum of Piracy, Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca del Moro, El Cobre Church, Natural History Museum and much more. Trips to major events are organized tobacco factory of Cesar Escalante.

Provincial capital Holguin with the same name will interest guests Cathedral of San Isidoro, Loma de la Cruz (Hill of the Cross), Museum of Natural Sciences and archaeological finds from excavations in Chorro de Maita And Banes. It is worth mentioning separately natural park Bahia de Naranjo, equipped with an aquarium and a dolphinarium, as well as Indian villageTaino, where the features of the life of the natives are recreated.

Resort Varadero famous for its natural resources. This Varaicakos Nature Reserve with relict forests and archaeologically valuable Ambrosio cave with Aboriginal rock paintings.

The province cannot be overlooked Cienfuegos and its capital of the same name with a lot of historical buildings and fortress of Castillo de JaguaXVIIIV. Also noteworthy Martin Infierno cave with the largest stalagmite in Cuba (67 m).

Festivals and holidays

The hot temperament of the local residents and their love for noisy and stormy dances are expressed in carnivals and festive processions. In the city Varadero they can be observed in May, when it is organized "May Fair", and in October on "Celebration of Ibero-American Culture".

But the main center of carnivals in Cuba is Santiago de Cuba. Annually from July 24 to 26 A grandiose carnival unfolds here with dancing and fun, in which not only the participants, but also the spectators unwittingly get involved.

Health improvement

In such provinces of Cuba as Holguin, Pinar del Rio, Villa Clara and Cienfuegos, located mineral springs And healing mud.

The most famous health center is El Salton Cedrón in Santiago de Cuba. Here procedures are carried out using healing waters from mineral springs, allergies, rheumatism and skin diseases are treated. This place is also an ecotourism center.