Sapa, Vietnam The mountainous and foggy resort of Sapa among the rice fields in the province of Lao Cai (46 photos) Transport in the city

Nestled in the northern mountains of Vietnam, Sapa City is a must-see for visitors to Vietnam due to its natural beauty, comfortable weather, and many attractions. In this article you will find the necessary information for a trip to this paradise.

Sapa is a small town in the mountains of Vietnam

Sapa is beautiful in different seasons. If you want to see the peach blossom you should come here in January or February, the pear blossom in March, in May you will see the water fill the rice terraces, the fruit season here lasts from June to August, and in September you can watch how farmers harvest from rice terraces.

Geographical position

Sapa is located in the province of Lao Cai, northwestern Vietnam, 380 km from Hanoi, near the border with China. Near Sapa rises the most high mountain Vietnam, Fansipan, whose height is 3143 m above sea level.

Sapa is a quiet, mountainous city, as well as a haven for a diverse ethnic group. The total population is 36 thousand people. Most of the locals work on the mountain slopes. The main products are rice and corn.

The geographical location of the area makes it truly unique place for the growth of many unusual plants and exotic animals, which attracts many tourists.

Shapa Map

How to get there

From Kyiv, Moscow and other large cities, you can fly to Hanoi by plane, and then get from it to Sapa using a bus, taxi or train. The latter travels 7–8 hours to Lao Cai, after which you still need to travel an hour on a regular bus to Sapa. A regular compartment train ticket costs from 375,000 dong, which is about $17 per person one way. Intermediaries sell tickets more expensive: at least $35. It is much more profitable to get to Sapa by sleeper bus. A ticket costs from 18 dollars (about 360 thousand dong). The bus arrives at Lao Cai station, from where regular buses leave for Sapa.

Climate and weather by months

The climate in the city is mild and rainy in summer (May-August) and foggy and cold in winter. The average annual temperature is +15.4 °C. It is warmest here in July and August, and coldest in December and January. Sapa has subtropical summers, mild winters and 160 days of fog.
The average annual rainfall in Sapa is 2763 mm, the humidity ranges from 75 to 91%, the average is 86% per year.

Important! The rainy season lasts from May to September, with the heaviest rainfall occurring in July and August.

The prevailing wind direction during most of the year is from west to east, which leads to the formation of clouds on the upper slopes of the Fansipan massif. These areas are covered with clouds most days of the year and have very high humidity. Clouds also penetrate the valleys, but these areas are usually less humid than the mountain slopes.

The main attractions of the city

Visiting any city means familiarity with its sights. Sapa in this regard can surprise even experienced tourists.

Be sure to visit these places:

  1. This is one of the most interesting ethnic markets in Vietnam and perhaps in the whole South-East Asia. Sunday is a market day in Bac Ha. On this day locals gather here in huge crowds to exchange the latest news, gossip, as well as for shopping and a hearty meal.

  2. Love market. Various performances and shows are arranged here. He works on Saturday evenings.
  3. The path leading to this mountain consists of many stone steps on a winding path. About half way you will come across an orchid garden with a wide variety of these plants. Standing on the highest point of Mount Hamrong, you will have a breathtaking view of picturesque city Sapa. In spring, the mountain is covered with bright flowers.

  4. located in the very center of the city. On it you can ride a boat or just take a walk near it.

  5. . Located in the very center of the city, built at the beginning of the 20th century. You can visit it for free, but only during the service.

  6. terraced fields is a feature of this area. Here the locals grow rice. Using the experience of previous generations, they were able to conduct water from the tops of the mountains to their foot without destroying the mountains themselves.

Did you know? There are a lot of Buddhist temples in Vietnam. Although it is a mistake to assume that the Vietnamese are Buddhists. 80% of them are atheists and only 9% are Buddhists.

What to see for a tourist in the vicinity

Outside of Sapa, there are many beauties to see:

  1. Field of the Ancients. There are more than 200 inscribed and painted boulders here. They have various shapes and sizes and are scattered over an area of ​​8 km. The age of the inscriptions and drawings on the stones is more than 2 thousand years.
  2. Climbing it will take approximately 7 hours. It is better to make the ascent with a guide, as you can get lost because of the fog.

  3. : located 10 km from the city. This place has ancient rock paintings and mysterious inscriptions. In the Muong Hoa Valley, many travelers choose to walk to explore the life and culture of the indigenous peoples while watching the Muong Hoa Waterfall as it passes through beautiful terraced rice fields.

  4. Excursion to urban villages. You can see how the locals live and work. Walking through the villages, you will meet many women in traditional embroidered dresses.
  5. Thak-Bak Waterfall or Silver Falls. It is especially beautiful during the rainy season.

  6. - the highest in Vietnam. On the way to it, you can enjoy nature and beautiful landscapes.

  7. Cat Cat and Ta Phin Villages. Those who are interested in local culture will like it here. A visit to Cat Kat is paid, and Ta Phin is free. The locals are very friendly and hospitable, but keep in mind that they expect reciprocity from you, which you can show by buying souvenirs from them. In the village of Ta Phin there is a small hotel for those who want to stay here.

Important!In especially popular places where many tourists often concentrate, you need to be on the lookout: valuables and money can be stolen from you without you even noticing it.


In Sapa a good choice hotels. The room rate usually includes breakfast, and the rooms themselves are comfortable and equipped with heating.

The most popular hotels:

Did you know? Sapa is the only city in Vietnam where hotels have heating. In older establishments, fireplaces and stoves are used for this, and in new ones, electric heaters.

Where to eat tasty and inexpensive

In Sapa, there are cafes, restaurants, pubs, eateries or food stalls at every step.
Popular places among tourists:

What to bring

In numerous souvenir shops or at the local market, you can buy anything you want to remember your vacation in this town. The largest market in the area is Bak Ha Market. Here, locals sell handmade goods: pillowcases, bedspreads, paintings, silver jewelry, handmade clothes. Moreover, not only goods are of interest, but also the merchants themselves, who are dressed in colorful, bright national costumes. Souvenirs can also be bought from locals in the city itself for just a couple of dollars. This is their main income. When buying, bargain with the seller, but avoid aggressive negotiations.

Sapa - amazing place where you should visit when building your itinerary to Vietnam. Here you can enjoy extraordinary beautiful nature and plunge into the life and culture of local residents. You will remember this trip for a long time!

Sapa (Vietnam) is a place where travelers from all over the world strive to get, and for whom rest is not just swimming in the sea and lying on the beach. A small town appeared in 1910, it was built by colonists from France to rest from the exhausting heat. In 1993, the country's authorities actively began to develop tourism in this region. Today it is one of the most visited places in Vietnam, where active and inquisitive people come. Why is Sapa so attractive for travelers?

Rice terraces near Sapa

general information

The names of the city are pronounced in two ways - Sapa and Shapa. It is located in the province of Lao Cai, among rice fields, valleys and mountains at an altitude of more than 1.5 km in the northwestern part of the country. Sapa is a border town located near China. The distance to Hanoi is 400 km. The city of Sapa (Vietnam) is interesting for its architectural and historical heritage, beautiful with amazing scenery.

Not far from the town is Mount Fansipan - the highest point in Indochina. The foot of the mountain is covered with dense jungle, but the number of inhabitants rainforest decreased sharply as a result of active agricultural activities of the local population.

There are several ethnic groups living in and around the city, which differ in the color of their traditional dress. There are many villages around the city, almost all of them have preserved their medieval appearance. Most of the inhabitants lead secluded lives.

Why you should go to Sapa

First of all, Sapa is a completely different Vietnam - colorful, authentic. On others Vietnamese resorts everything is different - the climate, the local population, nature and the surrounding landscapes.

On the market

Many come to the city of Sapa to get to know the local way of life, learn about ethnic population and broaden your horizons.

Another reason (albeit not the main one) to visit the town is shopping. There are markets in Sapa where you can buy quality fabrics and handmade souvenirs.

The city is hardly suitable for recreation for the duration of your stay in Vietnam. This is an excursion settlement where you can come for 2-3 days. The infrastructure in the town is quite developed, there are guesthouses and hotels, however, there are not so many entertainments in Sapa. Experienced travelers recommend visiting Sapa only with trekking excursions.

It is important! There is no beach in the town, people come here for hiking, cycling through the highlands densely covered with greenery. The most exotic vacation option - hiking trails in villages and living in the houses of local residents.

Attractions in the city

The main attractions of Sapa (Vietnam) are the central part of the settlement and the market. There are cafes and restaurants in the center, they cook delicious food here, you can look into souvenir shops, take a walk near the lake, rent a boat.

Sapa Museum

Here the history of the city is told in detail. The exposition is not too rich, but the entrance to the museum is free, and you can go. The main part of the exhibits is presented on the second floor, and a souvenir shop is located on the lower floor.

Helpful information:

  • Each visitor is invited to make a voluntary donation;
  • The museum is open from 7:30 to 17:00;
  • The attraction is located near central square.

stone church

The Catholic Church is also called the Stone Church or the Church of the Holy Rosary. It stands in the central square of Sapa, you won’t be able to pass by. The cathedral was built not so long ago - at the beginning of the last century. The building is completely stone, the interior design is rather modest. The temple is active and open to visitors during services. In the evening, the cathedral is illuminated and looks especially beautiful.

Helpful information:

  • Service times: on weekdays and on Saturday - 5:00, 18:30 and 19:00; on Sunday - at 8:30, 9:00 and 18:30.
  • the entrance is free.

Mount Ham Rong

The foot is located almost in the center of Sapa, not far from the central square. Climbing to the top is a great way to get to know the unique flora and fauna of the region. It's well maintained beautiful park decorated with gardens and waterfalls. On the territory of the park there is a playground for children, show programs are held here.

Walking will require serious physical training. The stairs lead up and down Observation deck located at an altitude of 1.8 km. To get to the top and view the mountain, it is better to allocate at least 2 hours.

Useful information: the cost of a ticket for adults is 70 thousand dong, the price child ticket- 20 thousand dong.

Love Market

Unusual name attractions associated with the history of this place. Previously, boys and girls gathered here in search of a soul mate. Today, the market shows a theatrical show program on Saturdays. Be sure to take money with you, their actors ask in exchange for songs.

Note: Admission is free, but actors need to be given a nominal fee. The performance is shown on Saturdays, in the evening, it takes place on the main square.

main market

The entire central part of the city of Sapa can be called a market, because everyone sells and buys here. However, the main place of trade is located near the church. Here they sell fruits, fast food, household goods, everything you need for a trip to the mountains. Locals sell handicrafts on the tennis court (near the market).

The market is open while it is light, admission is free.

Attractions around Sapa

Thac Bac Waterfall

It is located 10 km from the city, its height is 100 meters. The greatness and beauty of the waterfall acquires only in the rainy season, and in the dry season it is significantly reduced in size.

Not far from the waterfall (which is also called Silver) there is a market, paid parking, and the ascent to the top is equipped with stairs. For greater convenience, there are gazebos on the way where you can relax and do beautiful photos Sapa (Vietnam).

Advice! It is not necessary to leave transport at a paid parking lot, you can drive to the entrance to the waterfall and leave your bike or car by the road.

  • Entrance fee - 10 thousand dong.
  • You can visit the attraction daily from 6:30 to 19:30.
  • Getting to the waterfall is easy - it is located north of Sapa. You can get here on your own or with a guided tour.

Ham Rong pass

The road passes at an altitude of 2 km through the Fansipan mountain range in the north. From here you have an amazing view of Vietnam. The only thing that can overshadow the view of the landscape is fog and clouds.

The pass separates two zones with different climatic conditions. As soon as you cross Tram Ton, instead of coolness, you feel the hot climate of the tropics. As a rule, tourists combine visiting the pass and the waterfall, they are located 3 km from each other. Near the mountain road there are stalls. The distance from the city to the pass is approximately 17 km.

Tourists with locals in one of the villages

There are regular departures from the city to the surrounding villages. excursion tours. They are sold by travel agencies in hotels and just on the street. Some excursions are conducted by local residents who have already retrained as guides.

Some hiking trails are quite difficult, so it is recommended to go through them exclusively as part of an excursion group. You can also arrange an individual walk with a guide. The cost depends on their duration:

  • calculated for 1 day - $ 20;
  • calculated for 2 days - $ 40.

It is important! Climbing to the top and traveling to the villages of Ta Van and Ban Ho cannot be done alone. High risk of getting lost.

  • visiting the village on average will cost for adults 40 thousand dong for children 10 thousand dong;
  • it is better to come by bike and rent a room in a guesthouse;
  • if you are traveling on your own, it is safest to join a group of tourists.

Mount Fansipan

The highest point of the mountain is 3.1 km. This is the highest point in Indochina. Climbing to the top will undoubtedly be an exciting and unforgettable adventure in life. During the trip, you will get acquainted with the amazing flora and fauna, and, having reached the top, you will feel that you have overcome yourself.

There are several tourist routes, which differ in the degree of complexity:

  • one-day - designed for hardy people who are ready for intense physical activity;
  • two-day - involves spending the night in a specially equipped camp, which is organized at an altitude of approximately 2 km;
  • three-day - involves two overnight stays - in the camp and at the top.

All the necessary equipment for spending the night is provided by the organizers of excursion trips.

Advice! You need to have a raincoat, comfortable shoes, socks and sweets with you to provide the body with energy. Things should be at least.

Useful information: the minimum cost of climbing is $30, a tour from Hanoi will cost $150. This amount includes the cost of travel from Hanoi and accommodation in one of the hotels.

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Terraced rice fields

This feature gives the city and its environs a unique appearance and flavor. Terraced fields are located in the vicinity of Sapa. From afar, it seems that rivers of rice are rolling down from the mountains.

Ancient fields were created by the inhabitants for several centuries. They demonstrate the boundless creative potential of man and the determination of people to fight the forces of nature, to conquer territories, but at the same time live in harmony with it.

Water is carried from the top to the bottom of the technology, which is effective and at the same time safe for the mountain, since it does not destroy it.

Peoples of Sapa

Ethnic peoples living in Sapa and the surrounding area are mountain tribes, each has its own dialect, culture and customs. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that for many centuries they have preserved a way of life.

Black Hmong

The largest group makes up half of the population of Sapa. Their way of life is in many ways reminiscent of paganism - they believe in spirits and worship them. If you see a round burn on the Hmong's forehead, know that this is how a headache is treated - they apply a red-hot coin. Typical clothing colors are black or dark blue.

Women have beautiful, black hair, arranged in a fancy ring and secured with many hairpins. Large earrings in the ears are considered the standard of beauty, they are worn in 5-6 pairs. The Hmong are sociable, if you need a guide to the mountains, choose among the women of this nationality. The Hmong sell many souvenirs in the city market of Sapa.

Red Dao (Zao)

Representatives of the nationality wear red scarves resembling a turban, women completely shave off their eyebrows, hair on their temples and above their foreheads. A woman's shaved hair and eyebrows are a sign that she is married. Crane Zao still perform rituals and bring animals as sacrifices to gods and spirits. The Red Dao make up a quarter of Sapa's population. Their villages are rarely visited by tourists because they are quite far from the city.

Representatives of these nationalities marry early - at the age of 14-15. There are many children in their families, by the age of 40 an average of 5-6 children are born. In the vicinity of Sapa there are mixed villages where Hmong and Tao live in neighboring houses, but in in public places they prefer to appear separately.

Tai and Giai

Together they make up 10% of the population of Sapa. However, in Vietnam, the Tai people are numerous. Their way of life is associated with agriculture, rice cultivation and the worship of gods and spirits. Representatives of these nationalities adhere to many taboos, for example, there is a ban on eating birds. It is believed that it was the Tai people who invented and organized the irrigation system for rice fields. Clothing in indigo tones is made of cotton, the style is reminiscent of tunics from China, complemented by bright belts.

Clothes giay juicy Pink colour, it is combined with green scarves. Representatives of the nationality are uncommunicative, it is difficult to meet them in Sapa.

How to get there

Sapa is a small village in the mountains, where there is no airport, so you can only come here by bus. Most often, Sapu departs from Hanoi. The distance between the cities is impressive - 400 km, the journey takes from 9 to 10 hours. Most of The path runs along a mountain serpentine, so drivers do not develop high speed.

You can travel in two ways.

If you do not want to solve a lot of organizational issues, just buy a tour from Hanoi. The price includes round-trip tickets, hotel accommodation and program. The cost will cost an average of $ 100 and varies depending on the richness of the excursion scenario.

Ride on your own

Buses leave regularly from Hanoi. At the travel agency you can buy a ticket to the city of Sapa. Stop at tourist area, near the lake. From Sapa transport comes here.

Buses leave day and night. From the point of view of comfort, it is better to go at night, the seats are laid out, there is an opportunity to relax. In Sapa, all transport arrives at the bus station, it is located almost in the center of the city.

On a note! You can also buy a return ticket at a travel agency. If you buy it at the ticket office of the bus station, the bus will take you to the bus station, not to the lake. The cost of a one-way ticket is about $17. On holidays, the fare increases.

You can also go to Sapa from Halong. The fare will be $ 25, almost all flights follow through Hanoi.

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Transport in the city

Considering that the town is small, it is better to see it on foot. It's more interesting and educational. public transport not in the city, you can take a motorcycle taxi or a regular taxi. The best solution is to rent a bike. There are rental points in every hotel and on the street. The cost of rent is about $5-8 per day.

It is convenient to explore the city and its surroundings on a motorbike, and besides, it is cheaper than paying for sightseeing tours.

Good to know! There is a bicycle rental, renting a vehicle will cost only $ 1-2, and if you live in a hotel, you can get it for free.

Sapa (Vietnam) is a special place where harmoniously intertwines ancient history, picturesque nature and interesting sights.

More visual information about the city of Sapa (Vietnam) in the video.

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Sapa- the most famous mountain resort in North Vietnam. Sapa is located in the mountainous province of Lao Cai bordering China. It is here that the most highest point Vietnam and all of Indochina - Mount Fansipan (3143 meters). The provincial capital is the city of Lao Cai. The area of ​​the whole province is 8 thousand square meters. km, the population - a little more than 600 thousand people. In addition to the Vietnamese themselves, numerous mountain peoples live in the province of Lao Cai - Hmong, Tai, Nung, Muong and others. This gives the province a special flavor.
Sapa is located 330 km from Hanoi and 40 km from the provincial center of Lao Cai. To get to Sapa, you need to buy a ticket for the Hanoi - Lao Cai train (4 trains a day, travel time 8 hours; there is a night train, which saves overnight costs). From the station in Laocai every hour there is a bus to Sapa. There is also a bus that goes from Hanoi directly to Sapa. Departure at 5 am, travel time - about 12 hours.


Sapa is located at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level. The climate here is not hot: in summer the temperature fluctuates between 15 - 20 degrees, in winter - about 10 (sometimes dropping below zero). Therefore, visiting the sights here is comfortable at any time. The main thing is not to forget to take warm clothes. By the way, Sapa and the areas near it are almost the only place in Vietnam where you can see snow. Most precipitation falls in July-August.


The French took up the arrangement of the resort here at the beginning of the 20th century. Captivated by the beauty of these places and at the same time nostalgia for their native lands, the colonialists gave them the name "Tonkin Alps". The first - wooden - rest house was built here in 1905. And by 1943 there were already more than 200 French villas here. Unfortunately, during the wars, almost all of these buildings were destroyed.
A few years ago, Sapa was reopened to tourists and has become one of the most popular destinations for both Vietnamese and foreign travelers.


First of all, the resort itself, or rather, fabulous nature this area. Sapa, like no other city in Vietnam, and perhaps in all of Asia, looks like a city from a fairy tale. This feeling arises due to the surprisingly harmonious combination of nature, houses and even people of this mountainous area. While in Sapa, you should definitely get acquainted with the life of the mountain peoples, which differs in many ways from the Vietnamese.

Mount Fansipan - highest peak in Indochina - 3143 meters. Located in the southern part of Sapa in the Hoang Lien Son mountain range. The relief of this area is very diverse. In the lowest part - 950-1000 m above sea level - the Muong Hoa Valley is located. An ancient stone platform was discovered here, which is considered a monument of ancient Vietnamese civilization.
Higher at an altitude of 1300-1400 m above sea level, a narrow strip of the foot of the mountain stretches. The terrain changes as you go up. The borders pass at an altitude of 1700-1800 m, 2100-2200 m and 2700-2800 m. From the lowest point, the top of the mountain appears as an indistinct, blurry silhouette. Rich vegetable world Fansipan has about 1700 species of plants, many of which are rare and valuable.
This area has always attracted lovers extreme tourism. Although the top of the mountain is only 7 km bird's eye view from the city of Lao Cai, however, it will take 6-7 days to climb it!

Mountain Dragon Jaw. It is located just 2 km from the center of Sapa. The mountain range resembles a huge dragon curled up in a ball.

Silver Falls (Thac Bak)- one of the most beautiful waterfalls Northern Vietnam. Located 12 kilometers from Sapa.

Bak Ha Fair- the largest fair of mountain peoples in North Vietnam. Buck Ha - small town OK, located 80 km northeast of Sapa. The fair is organized on Sundays. For the local population, it's not just

a place where you can buy or sell something is a whole culture with its own traditions.
Having already decided that during your trip to Vietnam you will find time to visit Sapa, you need to decide in advance what to see in this amazing province. The features of the mountainous area suggest that most of the sights will be located high above sea level, and during the tour, all new amazing beauties will, as if by magic, appear in front of you from a haze of light mountain fog. The best time to visit this area is from May to November.

Sapa is a small city in the mountains in northern Vietnam, 300 km from Hanoi. What is interesting in the city of Sapa? Rice terraces, mountains, unparalleled views and ancient Chinese tribes. Even if you have already been everywhere in Vietnam, Sapa will surprise you.

Photo Sapa, Vietnam

Sapa is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. The distance to the border with China is 35 km. Sapa is one of those must-see places in northern Vietnam.

When is the best time to go to Sapa

The weather in Sapa is a lottery. If you are very lucky, it will be sunny and you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the views to the fullest. But most of the time in Sapa it is foggy and rainy.

On the first day it was cloudy, the fog cleared a little and we were able to see the valley

Guidebooks recommend spring and autumn. It is very cold in winter and rainy in summer. We arrived in Sapa at the end of October and despite the advice that September and October are considered among the best months to visit Sapa, we had fog.

Hat in the fog

On the first day there was almost no fog, and on the second day a white cloud covered the city. Probably better to come in spring or September. In addition, in October, the already harvested rice and rice terraces are not so impressive.

A few views of these mountain rice fields, so that you, our dear readers, have an idea of ​​the main attraction of Sapa, thanks to which the village has become recognizable throughout the world.

SaPa developed city

In the first seconds in Sapa, we almost did not believe that we had arrived in the village. This is not for you, with which we used to compare Sapa. And not even. Everything is developed in Sapa, even more than in some parts of Hanoi.

Daytime photo of Sa Pa Vietnam

Vietnam Sapa in the evening

There is nothing to do without warm clothes in Sapa. The hoodie and jacket are our daily wear. It was warmer in Dalat

In Sapa you will find pharmacies, tourist shops, souvenir and clothing stores, several supermarkets, full-fledged branches of Agribank, MB-bank (ATM without commission), etc., markets with vegetables, fruits and meat.

Hai Yen Mart is one of the decent convenience stores with prices

Sapa in Vietnam turned out to be a full-fledged city in the north of the country, suitable for living. If you have your own apartment here with a kitchen and heating, you can safely live for a month when you get bored somewhere in the cold autumn in Russia. We even saw one such European a couple of times who bought vegetables and meat for cooking at the market.

Catholic Cathedral from the time of the French in the center of Sapa

The inscription of one of the hotels against which everyone takes pictures

Lake with beautiful evening illumination on a foggy evening

The embankment of the lake in Sapa reminded us

Life is teeming everywhere. Vietnamese and Europeans fill cafes and restaurants. Music plays, people take pictures and are glad that they got here. In the center of Sapa, everything is really well-groomed. Garbage does not lie on the roadside, but in the garbage dumps, the streets are clean and do not stink of anything. Only the roads are bad. We so inhaled the mountain air that we both dreamed all night

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - Kiwi Taxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience In this article

Who lives in Sapa

What do we know about Sapa? Yes, almost nothing. Fragments of sources that say that the population of Sapa mainly consists of the ancient peoples of China, the Black Hmong and Red Dao tribes. The distinctive feature of which is clothing. Among the Hmong, it is black, and the Tao wear red headdresses and women shave their hair on their foreheads and at their temples.

Tourism comes first

All residents, whoever they are, are ordinary Vietnamese, who maintain hotels or cafes, live on tourism, in fact, like the rest of Sapa. Women in national clothes work with tourists as guides and sell souvenirs. In the city center, dirty tribal kids sell baubles to tourists, but they don't bother much.

In such baskets, local Hmong women carry loads on their backs day after day.

Despite the rice fields, the rice harvest in Sapa is weak and it is not necessary to expect that it will fully provide the people properly. The Hmong and Tao work as guides, needlewomen, housewives and merchants at the same time.

Hmong women are hired by tourists to avoid paying for excursions. She will guide you through everything. interesting places, but at the end of the trip, you are obliged to buy something from her and her friends.

It should be noted that red Daos are much rarer than black Hmong and they are less annoying.

Red Dao headdresses can be seen from afar

The Hmongs follow you, even if not on your heels, but it happens that it is intrusive. They ask to buy something and send children to the same simple work.

We must give them their due, because the Hmong and Tao are still needlewomen. Their outfits and accessories look truly unique. This is a lot of work!

National costumes

In their own incomparable outfits, they go to Everyday life than other Vietnamese.

But to call the way of life of these peoples primitive, my tongue will not turn. The Hmong are already speaking English language, know how to drive up to a gaping tourist at an ATM and enjoy all the benefits of civilization.

In the hands of the Hmong, you can see modern large phones, and children watch movies after returning from school. Not all, of course. Some kids just stop at the restaurant and try to see cartoons on the TV from the side, since they probably don’t have their own TV in their shed.

They all look unusual and strange. You want to look at them, but the wilder Tao and Hmong live in the most remote corners of Sapa, where only a few people reach, or even do not reach at all. It is they who live the primitive way of life.

On the second day, we planned to walk to the distant villages of Lao Chai and Ta Van, but fog and drizzle interrupted our walk and we had to return.

So we walk around Sapa, warming up as much as possible and with an umbrella

Cafes and restaurants in Sapa

The north of Vietnam will feed the traveler properly. In Sapa, cafeterias, baguette stalls, simple eateries for locals, decent cafes and restaurants are at every step.

Two-story restaurants overlooking the lake in the city center. Pubs with billiards, where American and European youth like to spend evenings with noisy music

You can go three times a day to different establishments and you won’t get around everything. We had no desire to eat in different cafes every time, as we had already learned from experience with Vietnamese restaurants. Usually, if we find one cafe where it is tasty and inexpensive, we eat there all the time.

Cafe 24 is located on Fansipan Street. The portions are always big and the prices are lower than in Hanoi. Dishes on average from 50 to 100 dong. Our bill for two is about 200 VND ($10). The food is delicious, beautiful, which is already a success for Vietnam, as the Vietnamese usually do not bother appearance dishes. When ordering a duck, they can bring you a bird right with its head on a plate.

Meat in sesame, Sapa's chip

Fried sizzling meat in a cast-iron skillet is a local northern cuisine. I ate the most delicious vegetable rolls in Vietnam in Sapa. Chicken cream soup was surprisingly without onions. Fried rice with vegetables - this is a serving for three, I didn’t even manage to finish it!

What to eat in Sapa

In Sapa we tried different dishes. Of the traditional ones, I especially liked tea with apple and cinnamon. To warm them up is the most after a long walk.

Apple cinnamon tea is the most delicious tea in Vietnam!

We tried the local beer Lao Cai.

Construction site in Sapa

Hotels are being actively built in Sapa. On the recent wasteland, builders are building huge hotels with panoramic views of the rice fields. People build by hand, with virtually no proper equipment and modern technology. Brick by brick. Wherever you stay in Sapa, you will still hear the construction site.


It seems that all the animals of Vietnam live in Sapa. After all, it is almost impossible to see walking dogs or cats in Vietnam, as on the streets of Thailand. Cats have always been disliked in this country. But for some reason, there are a lot of animals in Sapa. Here you have chickens with roosters, dogs of different breeds, buffaloes, pigs, large spiders and unusual butterflies.

Faithful red-haired friend entertained us in a cafe while waiting for an order

Large breeds of dogs live in every home. Pigs and hens with chickens roam the villages

Cheap hotels in Sapa with a beautiful view

Hotels in Sapa are a real find for travelers. Most of the hotels have a good view or share a balcony. We recommend choosing hotels in Sapa with a view, for which it is worth paying an extra couple of dollars here. The room rate will usually include breakfast, and the rooms themselves are much more modern than in the capital of Vietnam. And they cost less.

  • Phuong Nam Hotel
  • Sapa House Hotel
  • Fansipan Terrace Cafe and Homestay
  • Sapa Center Hotel
  • Sapa Hills Hotel

All hotels in the area

Sapa reviews

Probably, for me the above was the biggest discovery in Sapa. Not even so much rice terraces as the city itself, its inhabitants, its atmosphere, food and unpretentious, but at the same time, very difficult way of life. I will not hide the fact that we were imbued with nature. Even in the fog, the colors of Sapa seemed to us the most saturated than in all of Vietnam, and now we drove through it, consider it all.

In Vietnam there is always some kind of dust everywhere. Lacks rich color palette. In the photo it looks like you are in Asia, but not in some tropical colorful country that you draw in your imagination. Here Sapa brought this imagination to life.

Sapa has become for us the brightest spot in northern Vietnam. Of the main attractions of the north, we put Sapa in first place, Halong in second, Ninh Binh in third. Well, Hanoi, of course, is also worth your attention.

This is what Sapa looks like on a clear day

If we somehow find ourselves in Hanoi in the spring, we will definitely go to Shapa again to see the mountains and rice fields in at its best. I only hope that next time we will be lucky with the weather.

In the following articles we will tell you about our hotel and the village of Cat-Cat with a waterfall and a mountain stream.

Have you been to Sapa? Write your feedback in the comments. If you did not know about such a city, write, was it interesting to read? Did you have a desire to go there yourself?

As it is not difficult to guess, people come to Sapa not for some man-made miracles, monuments or museums. Tourists from all countries come here (although there are few Russians) for the extraordinary nature. You can walk around Sapa with your mouth open - from admiration and from the severity of walking due to constant descents and ascents. I confess that two days spent here were not enough for us. So there are many, many more sights in Sapa and around it, but I will write about those that we managed to see.

Oh yes, on the right is a map of Sapa sights from our hostel. Click to enlarge.

Attractions in Sapa itself

There are not very many sights in Shapa itself. Except for the stunning views that never cease to amaze even after 3 days, there is a church in the city, Mount Ham Rong (demo version natural wealth, for those who do not plan to travel outside Sapa itself), the lake is, in a word, places that, given the tiny size of the town, are almost impossible to miss. So it makes no sense to write about them separately.

Despite the limited number of attractions within the city, there is still something to be surprised at. Firstly, European motives are clearly felt in the architecture of Sapa, and secondly, about these restaurants, museums, shops on the edge of a cliff ...

Oh, I can’t move away from natural beauties. But I will try.


Lao Cai Province is famous not only for its species, but also for its terribly rare ethnic groups. These guys are neither Vietnamese nor Chinese, but such original people leading a traditional way of life - like a hundred or two hundred years ago. There are a lot of nationalities, they differ in clothes and some habits. Female Red Daos, for example, shave off their eyebrows and shave part of their head hair.

In general, they say that this is window dressing, and partly it is, many of them have mobile phones and normal modern clothes, and stories about tribes leading a traditional way of life are a way to attract tourists.

However, outside the city - classical life flows.

Trekking in Sapa

Most likely, after you find yourself in Sapa, it will not even take 10 minutes for locals in national costumes to offer to accompany you to the sights. We would feel uncomfortable next to them, but many Europeans use the services of such guides. There are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about such a pastime, so it’s quite possible to agree. After the tour, they will not demand money from you directly, but will ask you to buy something from home-made things. And the landscapes, even next to Sapa itself, are so good that it’s definitely worth a walk.

Villages of ethnic tribes around Sapa

The closest of the folk villages is Kat Kat or Ket Ket, located very close to Sapa. You can and should walk here. If you go in in the evening, you can easily make sure that the guys know what jeans are and are aware that they live in 2016. But despite this, the village is made quite interesting, and the nature around, as elsewhere in Sapa, delights. It looks something like this.

Impressive, right? Here are the rest from there.


Many complain that the tribal terribly sticky and the passage from them, they say, no, in my opinion this is not so. In general, they stick no more than in any market in Vietnam. And the little things they sell are much nicer. Here they sell excellent quality fakes of the North Face brand (it's cold). So you can buy a cool thing several times cheaper than in a store in your city.

But of course, other shopping is especially valuable here - things made by hand (or well disguised as handicrafts). In general - Vietnam is a hell for a shopaholic, things here are of poor quality and are not distinguished by beauty. Hanoi and especially Shapa are the only exceptions.
In Sapa, you can find handmade jewelry made of 999 silver and precious materials, bone china tea sets for ridiculous money, as well as blankets, bedspreads and other things hand-embroidered by local residents.

Even on weekends, part of the streets in Sapa are blocked and people come from all villages to sell their creativity - embroidery, leather and fur products, knives and daggers are especially held in high esteem here. This is not just a great time to buy an exclusive item very cheaply, but also a beautiful and interesting sight in itself.

However, 80 km from Sapa there is the town of Bak Ha, where this fair is even more ambitious, if you are not limited in time, it makes sense to go there.

Thak Bak - silver waterfall

And now about the places that can only be reached by transport (of course, a motorbike). Just 12 km from Sapa is the stunning Thac Bak waterfall. The height of the silver waterfall is already 100 meters. Civilized paths lead to it, you have to pay for the entrance.

Initially, we did not reach the waterfall for a couple of tens of meters, mistaking the winding path up for the road to the waterfall. A half-hour climb under the scorching sun even in March was worth it. At the top there was a small artificial reservoir, and inedible (as we found out later) strawberries grew in the fields.

It’s beautiful and the view from above is breathtaking, but the climb is quite difficult and if you don’t have much time, it’s better to go to the waterfall by the standard path 🙂

Thak Bak itself is marked on the map, and on the right is the path that we chose.

Love Waterfall

Another couple of kilometers from the Silver Falls and you will arrive at Thác Tình Yêu.

In fact, the place is not limited to one waterfall - this is a small park, which is just nice to walk around.

In the second photo, the Vietnamese asked to take a picture of his children with a white European 🙂

Forward on a motorbike - no matter where

In fact, all the previous attractions around Sapa are a warm-up. The most beautiful things are along the way. Take cameras with a large flash drive, charge your smartphones and fill up a full tank! These are the most beautiful roads on which you can ride. There are essentially two directions.

towards Lao Cai

As I already wrote, Lao Cai is the province in which Shapa is located, as well as the city of the same name. Distance between settlements- 37 km. There is absolutely nothing to do in Lao Cai itself - an ordinary small Vietnamese city, of which a huge number can be found in any area. And what is impressive is the way here. It is in this side that there are a huge number of famous rice terraces with bizarre patterns, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.