Savonlinna is a small Venice in Finland. Open left menu Savonlinna Savonlinna Local History Museum

The Finnish city of Savonlinna is located 330 km from the capital of Finland. More than 40% of the entire territory of this city is occupied by lakes and clean rivers. Parts of the city are connected by fancy bridges, ferries travel along the rivers, and all this amazing splendor gave the city the second name “Finnish Venice”. It is thanks to the ancient history of the city, its attractions and amazing nature that tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world come to Savonlinna every year.

Savonlinna – Finnish Venice

From the history of the city

Savonlinna was founded in 1475 by order of a Danish knight named Eric Tott. He built a powerful fortress on the island, which was supposed to protect nearby territories from attacks by eastern conquerors. This fortress began to be called Olavinlinna (St. Olav's fortress). The island near the fortress called Vääräsaari soon began to be populated. Since 1639, with the assistance of Peter Brahe, the settlement was recognized as a full-fledged city. In 1803, Russian Emperor Alexander visited there. He was so amazed by the nature of these places that he ordered everyone to try to preserve it with all his might.

Soon a hotel with a bathhouse was opened in Savonlinna, where many wealthy residents of St. Petersburg came to relax and improve their health. Since then, the city began to actively grow. With the opening of the Saimaa Canal and the advent of the railway, Savonlinna became even more popular than it was before, as it was now easier to get to this city. In the city you can more often meet a visitor than a native resident. And this is not surprising, because there really is something to see in Savonlinna.

Sights of Savonlinna

The Olavinlinna fortress mentioned above was the first Swedish fortress that could withstand gunfire. The fortress was erected in case of war with the Moscow state, because it was rapidly expanding its territories, annexing Novgorod. The castle was built on a lake, a complex system of rivers and canals in the event of a siege would seriously complicate the task for the attacker. The Swedes called this fortress Nyslott. Translated this means "New Castle". Architects for the construction of the fortress were invited from Revel. Initially, the castle boasted five high towers, but, unfortunately, only three of them have survived to this day. In the 16th century, at least 200 people served in the Olavinlinna fortress, and this made it one of the most invincible Swedish outposts on the route of Russian troops in the 15th and 16th centuries. Now the fortress building has been turned into a large museum. The exhibitions tell tourists about the history of the castle, about the stages of its development over many centuries.

Special attention should be paid to the ridge - this is an amazing and inherently original creation that has remained on the territory of Savonlinna since the Ice Age. Seven kilometers of moraine ridge are surrounded by clear lakes. This landscape is considered one of the most famous in Finland and is depicted on many postcards and paintings from Finland.

Museum of Local Lore

Not far from the famous Olavinlinna fortress, on an island called Riihisaari, there is the Savonlinna Local History Museum. It occupies the premises of an old barn. Today you can see interesting exhibits here that tell about the history of Savonlinna and the region. Most of it is occupied by exhibitions dedicated to the history of crafts, in particular, navigation along the Saimaa.

In Kerimäki there is a church that is considered the largest wooden structure in the world. The church can accommodate more than 5,000 people; the distance in the main hall from the ceiling to the dome is 27 meters. This truly majestic structure was erected by the residents of Kerimäki in 1847. To this day, services and various concerts are held here.

The Finns call Lake Siikalahti Bird Lake. Ornithologists and simply bird lovers from many countries around the world come here to watch the various, rarest and most amazing species of birds that nest on this lake, far from the noise and annoying eyes.

Linnavuorn Hill is a sheer cliff (55 meters high). There are large stone ramparts there, which the first settlers of Savonlinna used as defensive structures 800 years ago.
The town of Kerimäki is located 25 kilometers from Savonlinna. There is the Hytermä nature reserve, which is worth a visit to see the extraordinary beauty of the multiple islands on which moraine ridges coexist with unusual stone landscapes.

Also worth special attention are the protected parks in the vicinity of Savonlinna. Linnansaari Park is located 40 km from the city. It consists of more than 60 islands, and the Saimaa seal swims in the waters of local reservoirs. She is the pride of the Finns and must be carefully protected and treated with care. Kolovesi Park also consists of a large number of islands. They contain rocky accumulations with rock paintings from the Stone Age.


Opera Festival "Savonlinna"

Every year an opera festival is held in Savonlinna, which is recognized as one of the best musical forums. Every year the Savonlinna Opera Festival gathers around the Olavinlinna fortress many lovers of classical opera and just tourists who can appreciate opera arias. A special canopy is stretched out in the courtyard and the space is turned into a full-fledged theater stage. Typically, the festival features 5-6 Finnish productions (about 30 performances in total during the festival) and a tour of a foreign opera company for a week (2 performances in 7 days). Invited opera houses replace each other throughout the month. So that everyone can plunge into the world of music and understand what the opera is about, the performance, as a rule, takes place in the original language, and subtitles in the main European languages ​​appear on the electronic display.

Where to eat?

In Savonlinna, like in many other cities, there are many different establishments, but we invite you to take a look at the iconic cafes of the city that have been operating for decades.


This is an iconic cafe-patisserie located in the city center. Here you can drink a cup of aromatic coffee with Finnish pastries, but also have a good lunch; you will be offered a salad bar or a menu with more “serious” dishes.


Savonlinna Guide, Tours and Holidays in Savonlinna

A paradise for nature lovers or the ultimate destination for culture lovers? We will say everything together! Savonlinna is located near the Kolovesi and Linnansaari National Parks in the center of Finland's largest lake system; The protected Saimaa seal, white-backed woodpecker and corncrake live here. This is one of the cities for lovers of nature and outdoor recreation. Savonlinna hosts one of the world's most famous opera festivals every year, with performances taking place in an incredible medieval castle. Music lovers from all over the world have been coming here for almost 100 years.

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Travel agencies - excursions »

Savonlinna has good transport connections: Finnair flies here from Helsinki, Mikkeli and Varkaus. There are also regular buses from Helsinki, Kuopio and other cities, and trains from Helsinki, although you have to change trains in Parikkala. For tourists, perhaps a more convenient option is to come by ferry from Punkaharju or Kuopio and enjoy the beauty of the water landscapes, canals and locks. The ferry stops along the way at Oravi, Heinävesi, Karvio Canal and Palokki, among others.

Savonlinna attractions

The wonderful city of Savonlinna is located on four islands between lakes Haapavesi and Pihlajavesi. For many years it has been one of the most visited cities in Finland. Steeped in history and surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, the city has become famous for its popular opera festival held every July and the impressive medieval castle in which the festival is held. Construction of Olavinlinna Castle began in 1475 on what was then the border between the Swedish and Russian territories of Finland. By 1639, Savonlinna received city rights by the grace of Count Per Brahe the Younger. The city began to flourish in 1856, when the Saim Canal was built. To this day the city continues to be a shipping center for the Saimaa region, especially since 1968 when the route to the Baltic Sea was reopened.

Construction of Olavinlinna Castle began in 1475 on the then border of Russia and Sweden, under whose control Finland was, and in 1639 Savonlinna received city status thanks to Count Per Brahe the Younger. The city began to truly flourish starting in 1856, when the Saimaa Canal was created. To this day, Savonlinna continues to be the shipping center of the Saimaa region, especially since 1968 when the route to the Baltic Sea was restored.

Savonlinna gained fame as a resort town back in the 19th century, when wealthy travelers from St. Petersburg and other places began to flock here, largely thanks to Olavinlinna Castle, Kasinosaari Spa and the white passenger ships that sailed from the cities located along the shores of the lake Saima. The first Opera Festival was held in 1912, and since then it has continued to attract visitors from all over the world. Today Savonlinna is one of Finland's most vibrant cities, with a rich mixture of cultural, industrial and educational influences and a population of approximately 30,000 inhabitants.

Savonlinna has a lot to offer, whether you are looking for a relaxing break from the bustle of the city - time and invigoration in the spa, enriching cultural and historical experiences - or something more energetic, such as cycling, hiking, kayaking, canoeing or even diving. In fact, there is so much to see and do here that many tourists return again and again!

Olavinlinna Castle is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Scandinavia. It houses two museums that present its history and a rich collection of traditional artifacts. Near the museums are anchored three beautiful historic ships, Mikko, Salama and Savonlinna, each with its own exhibitions. The castle's courtyard is each year home to the world-famous Opera Festival, where throughout July every year opera performances attract thousands of spectators and are among the best in the world.

Savonlinna is an ideal destination for cruises that depart from the busy harbour. You can choose a short tour around the castle or much longer boat trips through the archipelago. The Lake Saimaa archipelago is also home to the rare Saimaa seal, one of the endangered seal species. Less than 300 individuals of this beautiful animal have survived, most of them live in lakes Pihlavesi, Haukivesi and Joutenvesi. The Savonlinna region is also home to two other protected species: the white-backed woodpecker and the corncrake.

Lovers of outdoor activities will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of choices. There are two national parks, Kolovesi and Linnansaari, which are great for walking and cycling and are located in the heart of Finland's largest lake system. You can also enjoy a variety of water sports, with excellent fishing and kayaking in the summer and ice skating and ice fishing in the winter.

Finally, it is simply necessary to mention the very unusual Mobile Phone Throwing competition, which was first held here in 2000. Here hundreds of participants from all over the world compete in several categories, one of which is specially created for children under 12 years old! The 2011 event is scheduled for August.

Finland. Fortress in Savonlinna.

Savonlinna has not only interesting sights, but also everything you need for an active and exciting holiday. Family tourists and solo adventurers will definitely find something to their liking at this resort. Those who prefer active outdoor activities can rent a boat or canoe to explore the local lakes and rivers.

  • Jet skis and boats are rented in this city by employees of the Neste Oil gas station. A rather unusual rental point is located 8 kilometers from the center of Savonlinna at the address: Mertajärventie, 2. For one day of using a jet ski, tourists will have to pay from 300 to 450 euros. This office is open every day. On weekdays you can come here from 6:00 to 22:00. On weekends, the working day starts at 8:00 and lasts until 21:00.

Tourists who cannot afford a jet ski should pay attention to a more budget-friendly water transport - a rowing boat. A four-hour boat rental with a motor will cost only 30 euros. A small rowing boat will cost even less - 20 euros for 4 hours. Using this type of transport you can take a romantic trip to the “Finnish Venice” or go fishing. This is someone who is good at what. By the way, the necessary fisherman’s kit, consisting of a fishing rod, net and other small items, is also given for temporary use. The cost of daily rental of gear starts from 19 euros. Vacationers can obtain the necessary information about rental points of interest at Savonlinna Tourist Office. It is located on Puistokatu street 1. As for a suitable place for fishing , then fishing from a boat and from the shore in the city is allowed in the Haapasalmi Strait. In the mornings, many local amateur fishermen concentrate near the water on the side of Puistokatu Street. By the way, in Savonlinna it is prohibited to fish from bridges, piers and out of season. In the specialized store "Turunen" you can purchase a map with designated fishing spots. Here, for 7 euros you can buy a license giving the right to fish on a specified day for 24 hours.

Lovers riding bicycles You might be interested in a two-wheeled ride through the country's first nature reserve - the amazing and original Punkaharju ridge. This fantastic seven-kilometer stretch of land, surrounded by pristine lakes, has existed in the vicinity of the resort since the Ice Age. By renting a suitable bicycle for 8–10 euros/day, tourists can admire the fascinating landscapes of the ridge, images of which often adorn postcards and booklets about Finland.

Can add variety to the entertainment program pleasure cruise on Lake Saimaa . During a boat trip or a beautifully decorated steamship, travelers will be able to enjoy the beautiful lake scenery and views of Savonlinne from the water. The duration of such walks is usually one or one and a half hours. Ships depart from a small pier in the area of ​​Satamapuistonkatu Street. Tourists can pay for a short cruise right when boarding the boat. Having completed the swim across the strait and lake, sea transport will return passengers to the starting point.

A wonderful option for a fun family pastime can be a trip to water park "Kesämaa" . This is where tourists of any age will find a lot of pleasure and a boost of energy for several months ahead. It’s not for nothing that this place is also called “The Land of Summer”. On the territory of the water park, adults and children will find seven water slides, a heated swimming pool, an artificial pond for rowing, a mini-golf course and a climbing obstacle course. While parents are relaxing in the large, warm pool, children can have a blast on the slides. When hungry, tourists should stop by one of the cozy cafeterias operating in the water park. During a break between fun on water attractions, vacationers are invited to visit the sauna.

The Kesyamma water park is open only in the summer from early June to August. The park's operating schedule is adjusted monthly, which affects the cost of the entrance ticket. Typically, from the end of June to the first days of August, you can visit the park from 10:00 to 19:00. During this period, the price of an adult ticket for the whole day is 18 euros. You can also buy a ticket for a three-hour session - from 16:00 to 19:00, but it will cost only 4 euros cheaper. For tourists with children, the most suitable option is a family ticket for 59 euros, which gives the right to a day visit to the park for two adults and two children.

  • The open-air water park "Kesämaa" is located in Punkaharju at the address: Summer Road 2. Tourists can get here from Savonlinna by rented car in 25 minutes, by bicycle, spending about an hour and a half, or by taxi or bus.

And, of course, the main summer entertainment of this Finnish resort is considered International Opera Festival , held annually in the Olavinlinna fortress. For almost a whole month, the courtyard of the defensive castle is transformed into a full-fledged theater stage. During this time, from 4 to 6 competitive productions plus performances by invited opera troupes are presented to the audience and jury. So tourists who find themselves in Savonlinna during the festival can immerse themselves in the world of opera music and art. And even the fact that all performances are in the original language will not be an obstacle for most travelers. As a rule, during a performance, subtitles in English, French, and sometimes even Russian are displayed on a specially installed electronic scoreboard.

Winter activities in Savonlinna will bring no less pleasure to tourists. In the vicinity of the resort there are excellent conditions for winter active recreation. The nearby ski resorts are aimed at beginners, children and casual skiers. In the city itself, the main attraction of the cold season is ice skating . From January to March, the city organizes real skating excursions on frozen areas, accompanied by a guide-instructor. This entertainment costs about 30 euros along with equipment.

Another winter fun is snowshoeing . You can enjoy such an active pastime right in the center of Savonlinna on the island of Onnellisten Saaret. Tourists can rent snowshoes directly at the hotel or at special rental points.

Savonlinna was founded in 1475 by order of a Danish knight named Eric Tott. He built a powerful fortress on the island, which was supposed to protect nearby territories from attacks by eastern conquerors.

From the history of the city

Savonlinna was founded in 1475 by order of a Danish knight named Eric Tott. He built a powerful fortress on the island, which was supposed to protect nearby territories from attacks by eastern conquerors. This fortress began to be called Olavinlinna (St. Olav's fortress). The island near the fortress called Vääräsaari soon began to be populated. Since 1639, with the assistance of Peter Brahe, the settlement was recognized as a full-fledged city. In 1803, Russian Emperor Alexander visited there. He was so amazed by the nature of these places that he ordered everyone to try to preserve it with all his might.

Soon a hotel with a bathhouse was opened in Savonlinna, where many wealthy residents of St. Petersburg came to relax and improve their health. Since then, the city began to actively grow. With the opening of the Saimaa Canal and the advent of the railway, Savonlinna became even more popular than it was before, as it was now easier to get to this city. In the city you can more often meet a visitor than a native resident. And this is not surprising, because there really is something to see in Savonlinna.

Sights of Savonlinna

Olavinlinna Fortress

The Olavinlinna fortress mentioned above was the first Swedish fortress that could withstand gunfire. The fortress was erected in case of war with the Moscow state, because it was rapidly expanding its territories, annexing Novgorod. The castle was built on a lake; a complex system of rivers and canals would seriously complicate the task for an attacker in the event of a siege. The Swedes called this fortress Nyslott. Translated this means "New Castle". Architects for the construction of the fortress were invited from Revel. Initially, the castle boasted five high towers, but, unfortunately, only three of them have survived to this day. In the 16th century, at least 200 people served in the Olavinlinna fortress, and this made it one of the most invincible Swedish outposts on the route of Russian troops in the 15th and 16th centuries. Now the fortress building has been turned into a large museum. The exhibitions tell tourists about the history of the castle, about the stages of its development over many centuries.


Special attention should be paid to the Plowman Ridge - this is an amazing and inherently original creation that has remained on the territory of Savonlinna since the Ice Age. Seven kilometers of moraine ridge are surrounded by clear lakes. This landscape is considered one of the most famous in Finland and is depicted on many postcards and paintings from Finland.

Museum of Local Lore

Not far from the famous Olavinlinna fortress, on an island called Riihisaari, there is the Savonlinna Local History Museum. It occupies the premises of an old barn. Today you can see interesting exhibits here that tell about the history of Savonlinna and the region. Most of it is occupied by exhibitions dedicated to the history of crafts, in particular, navigation along the Saimaa.

Wooden church

In Kerimäki there is a church that is considered the largest wooden structure in the world. The church can accommodate more than 5,000 people; the distance in the main hall from the ceiling to the dome is 27 meters. This truly majestic structure was erected by the residents of Kerimäki in 1847. To this day, services and various concerts are held here.


The Finns call Lake Siikalahti Bird Lake. Ornithologists and simply bird lovers from many countries around the world come here to watch the various, rarest and most amazing species of birds that nest on this lake, far from the noise and annoying eyes.

Linnavuorn Hill is a sheer cliff (55 meters high). There are large stone ramparts there, which the first settlers of Savonlinna used as defensive structures 800 years ago.

The town of Kerimäki is located 25 kilometers from Savonlinna. There is the Hytermä nature reserve, which is worth a visit to see the extraordinary beauty of the multiple islands on which moraine ridges coexist with unusual stone landscapes.

Also worth special attention are the protected parks in the vicinity of Savonlinna. Linnansaari Park is located 40 km from the city. It consists of more than 60 islands, and the Saimaa seal swims in the waters of local reservoirs. She is the pride of the Finns and must be carefully protected and treated with care. Kolovesi Park also consists of a large number of islands. They contain rocky accumulations with rock paintings from the Stone Age.


Every year an opera festival is held in Savonlinna, which is recognized as one of the best musical forums. Every year the Savonlinna Opera Festival gathers around the Olavinlinna fortress many lovers of classical opera and just tourists who can appreciate opera arias. A special canopy is stretched out in the courtyard and the space is turned into a full-fledged theater stage. Typically, the festival features 5-6 Finnish productions (about 30 performances in total during the festival) and a tour of a foreign opera company for a week (2 performances in 7 days). Invited opera houses replace each other throughout the month. So that everyone can plunge into the world of music and understand what the opera is about, the performance, as a rule, takes place in the original language, and subtitles in the main European languages ​​appear on the electronic display.

Oldest street

Take a stroll along Savonlinna's oldest street, Linnankatu. There is a lot of architecture preserved on this street, and the oldest house is house number 27 - this is the oldest wooden building, it was built in the 1820s.

Souvenir for memory

All travelers usually buy some kind of souvenir as a keepsake; in Savonlinna we recommend you go to one remarkable souvenir shop. The Taitoshop gift shop is a wooden building that was built in 1895 and today is an architectural monument. Here you can buy not only souvenirs, but also gifts and handmade household goods. The store is located at Puistokatu 7.

Ram for good luck

There is an interesting monument in Savonlinna, about which there is a legend. The monument is located next to the Olavinlinna fortress and bears the proud name “Black Ram”; the monument was made in 1964 by Anton Ravender-Rouse. So what does the legend say?

According to legend, rams were raised in the fortress for St. Olaf's Day and held a festive dinner at which the most beautiful ram was presented as the main dish.Sacrifice and the cult of St. Olaf were a kind of bridge between paganism and Christianity.

But one day, before St. Olaf's Day, the ram managed to escape. While it was underway preparations for this holiday, no one noticed that the animal ran away.Meanwhile, the ram decided to enjoy his freedom and climbed onto the roof of the fortress. Duringpreparations for the holiday, the fortress was not guarded so well, and they decided to take advantage of thisRussian troops decided to storm the fortress. But that was not the case, the ram made a sound like this:a terrifying sound that the army decided to capitulate.

Thus, the ram saved the city and became a hero. And since then the best meadows have been available to the ram, and the custom of sacrifice to St. Olaf was abolished.And now about luck. It is believed that if you stroke the side of a bronze ram, you willluck will definitely follow.

On a small island, between lakes Haapavesi and Pihlajavesi, there is an ancient fortress. This fortress is the historical center and main attraction of the city of Savonlinna.

City of Savonlinna

The city of Savonlinna is located in the eastern part of the Lake District of Finland. The Lake District is a region with a large number of lakes separated by isthmuses, ridges and islands. The city of Savonlinna is also partly located on islands, surrounded by water. Residents of Finland love to spend their summer holidays at their dacha, on the shore of a lake in this region. Foreign tourists also frequently visit this region. There are many Russian residents who spend one or two weeks here, renting a house on the lake. The most famous event in Savonlinna is the annual opera festival, which takes place in the medieval fortress. In summer, excursions on pleasure boats on Lake Saimaa are popular.

Distance from the city of Savonlinna to some cities: - 330 kilometers, Turku - 470 kilometers, - 150 kilometers, Mikkeli - 90 kilometers, - 320 kilometers, Petrozavodsk - 410 kilometers.

Information from the history of the city

The history of the city begins in 1475, when the Danish knight Erik Tott founded a fortress on the island, designed to protect against its eastern neighbors. The fortress was named in honor of St. Olav - Olavinlinna (Olav's fortress). At first it was also called the New Fortress. A settlement arose on the island of Vääräsaari, located next to the fortress, which was given the status of a city in 1639. The city was named Savonlinna. In 1803, Russian Emperor Alexander the First was so delighted with the nature of these places that he ordered its preservation. Later, a hotel and a “bathhouse” were built in this region, where influential St. Petersburg residents rested. The opening of the Saimaa Canal and the construction of the railway gave a new impetus to the development of the city. The quiet beauty of these places attracts many tourists to the city in summer.

About the city

The central street of Savonlinna is Olavinkatu Street. The street runs from northwest to southeast, past the Market Square (Savonlinnan kauppatori) in the direction of Olavinlinna Fortress. The length of the street is approximately 1.25 kilometers. There are many shops and cafes on and near the street. The market square is located approximately in the middle of the street, next to the strait between two lakes. There is a passenger port next to the market square. The distance from the port and market square to the medieval fortress is approximately 900 meters. There is a train station next to the market square. From the fortress to the port and the market square, we can recommend a walk along the shore of the lake (Martti Talvelan puistotie and Erik Laxmannin puistotie street).

Sights and interesting places

Olavinlinna Fortress

Olavinlinna Fortress. The medieval fortress Olavinlinna is one of Finland's most famous landmarks. Construction of the fortress began in 1475 by knight Eric Tott on the orders of the Swedish king to protect these lands from attack from the east. The history of the fortress is rich in events, which you will be told about when visiting the fortress. An international opera festival is held annually in the fortress in the summer. You can also rent meeting rooms in the fortress. The fortress has a museum that is open to the public all year round.

Museum of Local Lore

The Savonlinna Local History Museum is located near the Olavinlinna Fortress on the island of Riihisaari. The museum building was built in 1852 for the grain trade. The museum was originally located in the Olavinlinna fortress, but was later moved to this building. The museum's activities are focused on the history of the city and region, the history of crafts and shipping on Saimaa. Near the museum there are museum ships "Salama" and "Mikko", which can be visited in the summer.

The Dome Cathedral

Construction of the cathedral took place from 1874 to 1878 under the leadership of architect A.Kh. Dahlström. At the end of the “Winter” War, on March 1, 1940, the cathedral was heavily damaged during an air raid. The cathedral was restored after the war. The height of the cathedral is 51 meters. The cathedral is located approximately 400 meters west of the market square.

Church in Kerimäki

The world's largest wooden church (Kerimäen kirkko) is located in the village of Kerimäki (20 kilometers from Savonlinna). The church has seating for 3,000 people. The height of the vault of the main hall is 27 meters. The church was designed by the architect Granstedt. Construction was completed in 1848. Dimensions: length 45 meters, width 42 meters, the top point of the cross – 37 meters.

Linnansaari National Park

Linnansaari National Park is located approximately 45 kilometers northwest of Savonlinna. This is a great place for nature lovers. The park is located on the island of Linnansaari and on nearby islets. The length of the park is approximately 40 kilometers. In summer you can go boating (kayak) and in winter you can skate and ski. The island also has a campsite with areas for tents. You can only get to the island by water.

Kolovesi National Park

Kolovesi National Park is located on the islands, approximately 40 kilometers north of Savonlinna. The rocks contain drawings made by people about 5,000 years ago. Access to the park is only open in summer. Recommended for lovers of kayaking trips.

Punkaharju Ridge

Punkaharju is a rock ridge that arose during the Ice Age. The ridge separates two lakes - Puruvesi and Pihlajavesi. This is a unique place that gives you the opportunity to experience all the charm of the Finnish lake region in one place. Driving from Russia to Savonlinna along road No. 14, you cannot help but notice Punkaharju - a narrow strip of land about seven kilometers long, surrounded on both sides by water. In Punkaharju there are: the recreation center "Punkaharju Resort", the summer water park "Kesämaa", the forest museum "Lusto", a hotel.

Opera festival

The Opera Festival is the most famous annual event in the city of Savonlinna. The festival is held annually in the summer, during the White Nights, in a medieval fortress. It was first held in 1912 on the initiative of opera star Aino Akte. The festival provides an opportunity to admire not only the beauty of the music, but also the splendor of Finnish lake landscapes. If you plan to come to the city during the festival, then you should take care of a place to stay in advance (there are usually not enough places in hotels for everyone).


Hotel "Spahotel Casino"

Hotel "Spahotel Casino" is the most popular hotel in Savonlinna. The complex of buildings is located on a separate private island, near the city center. The medieval fortress is located 1.5 kilometers from the hotel. The hotel has 80 hotel rooms, swimming pools, gym, restaurant, saunas, solarium. The hotel has meeting spaces that can accommodate from 10 to 80 people. (Despite the name, the hotel does not have a casino.) Book a hotel room.
Address: Kylpylalaitoksentie 7, Savonlinna, Finland.

Hotel "Pietari Kylliäinen"

Hotel Pietari Kylliäinen is located in a beautiful location near the city center. The hotel has 48 rooms. The distance to the city's main attraction, the medieval Olavinlinna Castle, is about 600 meters. The market square, port, shops and cafes can be reached on foot. The hotel has a restaurant, sauna, bowling alley, gym, and can host meetings.
Address: Olavinkatu 15, 57130 Savonlinna, Finland.

Savonlinnan Seurahuone

The Original Sokos Hotel Seurahuone is located in the city center, next to the Market Square and the port. Many of the hotel's rooms offer beautiful views of the lake. The hotel has two saunas with a terrace overlooking the lake, restaurants, and a bar. Meeting rooms are available. You can walk to Olavinlinna Fortress.
Address: Kauppatori Square 4-6, Savonlinna.

Camping "Vuohimaki"

Camping "Vuohimäki" is located approximately 7 kilometers west of the city of Savonlinna, on the shores of Lake Pihlajavesi. On the campsite there are country houses (each house has a toilet, shower and kitchenette), places for campers, tents, saunas, mini golf. Like all campsites, there are showers, washing machines, and a kitchen. Please note: during the Opera Festival and the Yuhannus holiday, camping prices are significantly higher than usual.
Address: Sun Camping Vuohimäki Savonlinna, Pärnäläntie 21.


In the lake region of Finland, a large number of country houses of different sizes and different levels of comfort are available for rent. Such houses are usually located on the shore of a lake and have everything necessary for a comfortable stay. City dwellers love to spend one to two weeks in such houses during their summer vacation. Among residents of large Russian cities there are also many who like to holiday in Finland. You can rent a house on the lake shore using one of the international booking services ().

How to get there

If you are traveling to Savonlinna by car, you should take highway no. 6 from Lappeenranta to the north, and then turn onto highway no. 14 at Särkisalmi.

You can get to the city of Savonlinna by bus from St. Petersburg (and from cities in Finland). The bus station is located approximately 800 meters west of the Market Square. You can buy St. Petersburg – Savonlinna online.

You can get to Savonlinna by plane from Helsinki. The airport is located approximately 13 kilometers north of the city center. The distance to the recreation center in Punkaharju is approximately 40 kilometers. Address: Lentoasemantie 50, 57310, Savonlinna, Finland.

Savonlinna can be reached by rail from many cities in Finland. The railway station is located in the city center.