Tackle for catching crucian carp in the spring with a fishing rod. Crucian carp on a float rod in April and May

Let's learn and enjoy the most beautiful videos about catching crucian carp in the spring on float rod video!

Fishing for crucian carp issue No. 4

How to catch crucian carp with a float rod. Secrets of catching crucian carp from the shore

How to catch and catch crucian carp on a float rod from the shore in shallow water, prepare super bait, equip crucian carp tackle, fishing secrets, watch the video. Catching crucian carp with a float rod is a very interesting activity. The crucian fish is very careful, only using delicate and thin float equipment It is possible to successfully catch even the most cautious fish. The ideal depth for crucian carp fishing is considered to be 1-1.5 meters. Sometimes crucian carp are successfully caught at depths less than 1 meter.

Catching crucian carp with a float rod in the spring. Fishing with a float

Catching crucian carp in early spring with a float rod has its own characteristics, and there are points that relate specifically to this period of spring fishing, for example, when to start catching crucian carp. After all, the concept “fishing for crucian carp begins in early spring” will not help the fisherman much. In early spring it may be March 1, but it is unlikely that you will return with a catch if you go fishing so early. You need to be patient, wait until the water temperature is favorable for catching crucian carp, so as not to spoil your mood with no bite. Let's find out exactly when you should go fishing for crucian carp in early spring and how it will behave as summer approaches.

After the winter season, fishing for crucian carp in the spring is most effective in reeds or near reeds, since the water is heated to 12 degrees, crucian carp prefers to be there. The reason for this choice is immediately clear: in the reeds or reeds, the water is 1.5-2 degrees warmer, which is why the fish strive to get there. Also, here, 2 weeks earlier, other living creatures wake up, that is, food for crucian carp. On early spring days, the sun still does not warm up the reservoir very well; it warms up, but not evenly. It shines first on one shore, then on the other, it has been noticed more than once that while you are fishing in an illuminated area, everything is fine, but as soon as the sun stops shining there, and your already favorite place remains in the shade, the bite stops, as if on command. Float, sinker and hook for crucian carp.

Buying a float that is too large is definitely not worth it. Suitable for medium size, slightly pot-bellied or oblong in shape. For big current you need to choose a large, heavy float for a heavy sinker so that they are not pulled by the current.

In general, the choice of float directly depends on the place where you are going to fish. Crucian carp, although more active than roach, still takes quite a long time after a long winter, so you should not overfeed. It is also desirable to have the main bait in the groundbait, albeit in small quantities, but it should be there.

As a bait, it would be the best option, before a fishing session, to stop by a fishing store and buy specialized bait and flavoring. The flavor will help you during the no-bite period. You can also make bait at home; for this you will need mixed feed, a little pearl barley porridge and a little imagination.

Pearl barley porridge must be cooked until its grains are very soft to the touch. You can also use sunflower cake as a flavoring agent.

Catching crucian carp with a float rod in the spring in May on the river

Fishing for large crucian carp on May 11, 2017. Caught a bucket of crucian carp in half a day. Crucian carp on a float rod. Good fishing.

Many professionals do not catch crucian carp, believing that this small coastal fish is of no interest. In addition, its unstable bite only adds to the problems. But there are still a sufficient number of quiet hunters who enjoy this kind of fishing.

How to catch crucian carp

Fishing for this cautious inhabitant of water bodies is always quite exciting. The best bite for crucian carp is observed in the spring, when, after winter, gaining strength for spawning, it begins to actively feed. But in order for fishing to be catchy, you need to choose the right place.

Even when the water bodies warm up to about eight degrees, the crucian carp, starting to become a little more active, rushes to the bait, and when it warms up, the fishing is generally excellent. You can start fishing for crucian carp in the spring with a float rod, feeder or other tackle from mid-March. At the same time, luck depends primarily on climatic conditions.

Features of fishing

Once established in the region within a few days good weather, experienced fishermen rush to the reservoirs. They already know: they are guaranteed good

This fish is most often caught near reed islands. Moreover, the depth of the reservoir in such places should be small: from fifty centimeters to one and a half meters. It is always warmer in such areas, and it is much easier to find something to profit from. Another feature that characterizes a float fishing rod is that prey must be constantly searched throughout the entire body of water. Schools of this fish, starting in March, are constantly on the move. And if today the float goes well in one place, it’s not a fact that the next morning it will be just as peckish here.

Unlike summer fishing, when these small fish are always stable in tested or fed areas, in the spring you need to constantly look for them.

Successful bite

The main reason for the vagaries of this fish in the post-winter period is the water temperature, which, without being established, periodically fluctuates. Successful fishing for crucian carp at this time primarily depends on how spring began. If it warms up early and the weather is relatively good, then this fish becomes active faster, and by mid-April it will be biting with might and main.

Float tackle

Many people use it for crucian carp. At the same time, there are several requirements that must be met. Firstly, this concerns the hook, on which the success of fishing depends. Single and single-flex options are the most popular. For crucian carp, hooks of sizes four to six are best suited.

Float tackle, especially for crucian carp, also requires the presence of a durable one, which is almost invisible in the water. Its length must be selected depending on the structure of the fishing rod and the weight of the intended prey. For crucian carp, a fishing line with a thickness of 0.15-0.18 millimeters is suitable.


Since crucian carp fishing in the spring with a float rod is carried out almost over the entire area of ​​the reservoir, the length of this component of the gear should be from two to six meters. Its purpose is to deliver a fishing line equipped with a float with a hook to the required point on the lake, hooking and pulling prey out of the water. Therefore, you need to show maximum attention to the rod. The sinker can be selected as simple as possible: the ideal option is a lead pellet.

To catch spring crucian carp, you need to choose a float designed for fishing in calm water. It can also be used in weak currents and at a depth of one and a half meters.

Fishing technique

Catching crucian carp in the spring - with a float rod or any other tackle - requires mandatory feeding of the prey. Many people prepare their own bait mixtures. At the same time, experienced fishermen do not recommend making large balls, preferring to throw in small portions of complementary food, doing this during the entire fishing process. The stuck lumps must be thrown into the place where the float is then delivered.

As soon as a fish is hooked, it must be immediately taken away from snags or other vegetation by pulling it to the surface of the water. The crucian carp will definitely resist, but it will soon get tired and turn over on its side. In this fishing, a very careful hooking is done so that the hook does not tear the weak lips of the prey.

Very often in the spring, before swallowing the bait, the fish simply tastes it, and then the float reacts to this with a slight twitch. At this moment, hooking should not be done, since the crucian carp has not yet swallowed the hook. But as soon as you see that the float has surfaced, you need to react instantly. Small crucian carp, as a rule, do not resist, but large specimens tend to enter the grass or snags, floundering in the water. And if they succeed, then most likely the line will break. Sometimes this fish manages to break it even with its dorsal float.

Fishing for crucian carp in the spring is characterized by its unpredictability. The activity of a typical representative of the carp family depends not so much on the time of year, but on a number of meteorological factors. These include: water and air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind strength and direction, and the presence of precipitation. Provided the weather is favorable, high-quality complementary food and properly selected equipment, catching crucian carp in the spring can become a fairly easy, but at the same time dynamic event.

Behavioral characteristics and nature of the spring diet of crucian carp

In early spring, even before the intensive melting of ice, crucian carp begins to slowly emerge from hibernation. Fish rise from the bottom mud to the surface in search of warmer water. There is practically no active biting at this time. Large individuals that do not leave for the winter react sluggishly to bait. The exception is days of thaw. If the weather is clear and sunny for at least a few days in March, crucian carp can be caught using a jig or a winter float. As bait, a mixture of bloodworms and maggots, and a dung worm work well.

As soon as the water warms up to 10º C, representatives of the carp family begin pre-spawning gluttony. IN middle lane In Russia this is usually the end of April–beginning of May; in Ukraine and other southern regions it is usually 2–3 weeks earlier. The fish feed heavily, still preferring small live baits. Groundbait gives a good effect. In this case, the basic rule of fishing applies - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. A large number of food can quickly saturate the fish, and the bite will stop as soon as it begins.

Old fishing secrets will help you avoid problems:

  • complementary foods should be omitted in small portions after a certain period of time;
  • The bait on the hook should be qualitatively different from the composition of the complementary food. In other words, if we catch maggots, we do not include them in the bait.

Spawning of crucian carp begins at average temperature water 15º C (usually May-early June). At this time, it is almost impossible to catch it; the fish stops feeding.

But there is one secret here too! Crucian carp spawn unevenly. Active spawning can be identified by muddy spots and foam in the habitats of crucian carp. It lasts 2–3 days, then spawning subsides and the crucian carp begins to peck animal and plant food. After a few days, the active phase of spawning resumes, and the fish again stops responding to the bait.

The most promising time for spring fishing is two weeks after the end of spawning. The crucian carp is intensively recovering its strength. For large individuals, meat food is a priority: crushed clams, maggots, a bunch of bloodworms, and dung worms. Medium-sized fish switch to a summer plant diet:

  • boiled and canned corn;
  • canned green peas;
  • steamed pearl barley, wheat cereals;
  • anise or garlic flavored dough made from different types flour (wheat, pea, corn);
  • mask.

During the post-spawning period, crucian carp of any size can be successfully caught using protein dough. The composition of the protein bait is similar to boilies for carp fishing. The finished product has a high protein content and a wide variety of colors and flavors.

Protein dough attracts crucian carp due to its high nutritional and taste qualities

It's easy to make protein dough at home. You will need:

  • corn flour, 100 g;
  • soy flour, 200 g;
  • semolina, 50 g;
  • milk protein, 400 g (sold in sports nutrition stores);
  • a little salt.

All dry ingredients are mixed, then 6-7 raw eggs are added and thoroughly kneaded until an elastic dough is obtained. The same bait is great for catching carp.

Advice! When catching crucian carp, you need to have a large supply of various animal and plant baits: it is impossible to predict what will work best.

Tackle for spring fishing for crucian carp

The choice of one or another fishing method is directly related to a certain time period of the spring season.


As soon as the reservoir is freed from ice, the crucian carp goes out to open areas warmed by the sun. It does not respond to bait, so the most catchy fishing tool at this time is considered to be the “elastic band” - bottom tackle with rubber shock absorber.

The time-tested “elastic band” works well when fishing for crucian carp in early spring

The advantages of the method are obvious:

  • a rubber band allows you to avoid frequent casts that scare away fish;
  • a large number of hooks makes it possible to simultaneously attach different baits;
  • You can fish in windy weather, when large crucian carp are especially active.

You can buy ready-made donka or make it yourself. Equipment for catching crucian carp includes:

  • load weighing 300–400 g;
  • rubber band with a round section with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • main line with a diameter of 0.5 mm;
  • a working fishing line insert with a diameter of 0.3 mm with 6–10 short leashes and hooks No. 6, 7 attached to it (according to domestic numbering).

In summer, a light spring feeder can be attached to the fishing line near the hooks, which will increase the catchability of the gear.

Float rod

When the first aquatic vegetation appears, the fish moves to the reeds or to the coastal bushes. Cool places are considered to be points near flooded snags. During this period, the easiest way to catch crucian carp is with a float rod from the shore or boat.

Near the grassy islands it is convenient to catch crucian carp with a float rod

The choice of rod determines the distance from the fisherman to the expected location of the fish.
1. A fly rod with a blind rig makes it possible to hunt crucian carp grazing not far from the fisherman. The length of the form may vary. In the spring, fish can be confidently caught at medium and short swing lengths (from 1 to 3 meters). It is better to choose a monofilament fishing line, 0.22 mm thick: it is less noticeable in the water. The float should not create a lot of noise when casting; a light teardrop-shaped float with a noticeable antenna will do.

The most important element of the equipment is the loading. Cautious crucian carp will react faster to a slowly falling bait. A sliding sinker will do the job. Even better is to put several differently weighted pellets (the weight decreases from top to bottom).

2. used for catching fish located at a considerable distance from the shore. The blank, unlike a fly fishing rod, has guide rings along its entire length. It is equipped spinning coil with a small spool. A float for a match rod is used weighing 5–8 g with a flexible long antenna of bright color.

When fishing with a float rod, crucian carp bites on bloodworms, a worm, a bunch of maggots or a live mixture.

Among the most catchy vegetable baits, the leaders are pea dough:

  • boil the peas, mince;
  • Mash boiled potatoes in their skins together with the peel, combine with peas;
  • add flour and breadcrumbs.

Knead the dough thoroughly to form a thick mass that does not stick to your hands.

Advice! For fishing in early spring, you can add a little red pepper, garlic or dill to the dough. In May, crucian carp are attracted to sweet aromas: vanilla, honey, caramel.

They catch crucian carp on a feeder during the pre-spawning period, as well as towards the end of spring, when the reservoir has already warmed up enough and the fish has moved away from the shore to places where the depths change.

Feeder tackle - optimal choice for catching crucian carp in late spring

Feeder gear is selected taking into account the habits of the underwater inhabitant.

A rod for still water or weak currents, 3 meters long and weighing up to 60 g, is considered the best spring option. Experienced fishermen advise taking 2 fishing rods of different classes and equipment for fishing:

  • short, up to 2.5 meters, with dough up to 80 g (Medium), equipped with a spinning reel with a baitrunner and a braided cord with a diameter of 0.15–0.17 mm;
  • picker (or winkle picker, the lightest type of feeder) up to 2.7 m long, with dough up to 30 g and monofilament with a diameter of 0.16–0.18 mm. The picker allows you to make precise casts into a small gap among the thickets, where crucian carp likes to hide.

On any type of feeder rod, hooks No. 10–12 with a wide hook are placed so that you can attach several maggots or a bunch of bloodworms: the fish bites worse on a single bait.

An important element of feeder equipment is the feeder. In the spring, open, lightweight spring or mesh feeders weighing 15–35 g are most often used for crucian carp. They do not create unnecessary noise when hitting the water and effectively hold the bottom.

Bait for crucian carp

The bait composition for catching crucian carp in the spring is selected taking into account a number of factors:

  • water temperature: the higher the degree, the greater the amount of flavorings added to the bait;
  • depth: in the shallows, the fish chooses a point with a cloudy cloud, which is produced by a quickly disintegrating mixture. In bottom areas, it responds better to viscous food;
  • bottom color: crucian carp is careful, so the bait ball should not be very different in color from silt or algae.

Advice! If the goal of fishing is a trophy specimen, complementary food must contain large particles. Only small or medium-sized fish are used for dusty fractions such as mash from semolina.

Good to know! In spring, large and small crucian carp share their habitats. If small fish start to bite at the selected point, you need to look for another fishing spot. In summer, individuals of different sizes live in one flock.

The best ready-made baits are:

  • Gf Crucian carp, a universal mixture for cold and warm water, can be used for feeder and float fishing;
  • Fish.ka Crucian carp, complementary foods made from natural ingredients, fractions of different sizes;
  • Marcel Van Den Eynde Feeder, a mixture with a complex aroma for any water temperature, when cast, forms a spot that attracts crucian carp, tench.

You can make very catchy bait with your own hands from available ingredients.

To do this, mix in a deep container:

  • 300 g of bran (they will give a cloudy trail that attracts crucian carp);
  • 400 g of semolina (acts as a fine nutrient fraction, improves the viscosity of the mixture);
  • 100 g finely ground sunflower seeds (do not peel!);
  • 200 g of corn grits porridge as a coarse feed fraction;
  • 100 g each of breadcrumbs and wheat or pea flour.

At the end, add a little red pepper: in the spring, crucian carp actively reacts to spicy and pungent odors.

Advice! The same mixture works great in the summer, but instead of pepper you need to add a tablespoon of liquid honey.

You can confidently say which bait is better only after trying several options: crucian carp is famous for its pickiness.

Catchy bait for capricious crucian carp can only be selected experimentally

Nutritious feeding and catchy gear are an important, but not the only secret to successful catching of crucian carp in the spring. We must not forget about the weather dependence of fish. Drizzling rain, low atmospheric pressure, moderate southwest wind creating small ripples on the water are a guarantee of a good bite.

With the onset of warm spring days, many fishermen go to the reservoir in the hope of catching crucian carp. Also, for most beginners, catching crucian carp in the spring is good practice in mastering a float rod. Indeed, this tackle is almost ideal for catching crucian carp in given time years, when it lives mainly near the shore in the reeds.

In my childhood, almost every fisherman with a fishing rod was on the pond in the spring precisely for the purpose of catching a handsome silver fish. Spring warm time is the most successful for fishing for the most numerous representative of the carp family. They usually start catching it in mid-April or early May. But in different regions this period may change: for example, in the south spring comes much earlier than in Siberia. As the water warms up to 15 degrees, individuals begin their “wandering” around the reservoir in search of food.

Habitats of crucian carp in spring

When the water has not yet warmed up enough, and there is not so much food in the reservoir, it prefers to stay closer to the thickets of perennial reeds in shallow water - it is much easier for it to find food there. Search for fish in deep places and the pits of the reservoir are not worth it - the main accumulation of fish occurs at a depth of up to one and a half meters. It is in the coastal zone and reeds that the larvae of various insects emerging from the bottom layer can act as food. In such places it is worth trying to catch crucian carp using float tackle. If we talk about the time of day, it is preferable to go to the reservoir in the morning or evening.

Choosing bait for crucian carp

After hibernation, the fish develops a rather immodest appetite, due to a long lack of adequate nutrition. The bite is especially good in the spring on live bait - dung worms, maggots. The thing is that after winter there is little vegetation left in the reservoir, which crucian carp usually feed on during the warm season. There are fishermen who willingly take bread or dough with them. For fishing in the spring, these baits will be simply indispensable on every fishing trip.

In the absence or poor bite, I prefer to make a so-called “sandwich” from various baits - maggot and bread, red and white maggot. Sometimes this technique works quite successfully. You can try to catch crucian carp with, but among some sportsmen there is an assertion that there are more than enough bloodworms in the reservoir in the spring and it is problematic to surprise crucian carp with such bait. There is some logic in such thinking, but fish is the same Living being, and no one will be able to guess what she wants tomorrow without practical experience. In a word, try and experiment, especially if there is no bite with the usual baits.

Equipment of a float rod for catching crucian carp

The standard choice of any angler will be a light rod 5.5-6 meters long. Previously, when there was little choice, the vast majority of fishermen fished with bulky fiberglass telescopic rods with heavy weight and providing a lot of inconvenience.

One of the disadvantages of telescopes is the involuntary folding of the rod at the most inopportune moment, scaring away the fish and alarming the fishermen sitting nearby. To prevent this from happening, periodically check the knees of the rod and extend them with a little force. Light weight plug rods have proven themselves well. Fishing for large crucian carp with such a fishing rod is much easier and more enjoyable.

It is preferable to use fishing line with a diameter of 0.14-0.16 mm with a breaking load of around 3 kilograms. This is due to the fact that large crucian carp resists quite strongly, and the absence of a friction clutch on the reel does not smooth out strong jerks of the fish. To make it easier to wind the fishing line, you will have to equip the rod with a small reel. Hooks for catching crucian carp should be quite large (size 10 is quite suitable). If the main bait is a worm, then the hook size should be appropriate.

Lately, I very rarely see people sitting on the shore with one or two float rods and catching exclusively crucian carp. But, probably, each of you’s fishing career began with catching this interesting fish.

A short video shows in more detail the technique and features of catching crucian carp in the spring using a float rod:

We wish you good trophies!