Standards for passport photography. Requirements for a photo for a foreign passport

User reviews

An excellent program for printing photos on documents! Very convenient photo markup, beautiful interface - everything you need. Changing the clothes in the photo works just fine.

Nikolay Biryukov, Moscow

I tried different programs for preparing photographs for documents, but settled on the development of AMS Software. Why? Firstly, the program is very accessible, even the staff does not need special training. Secondly, all the necessary capabilities are present. Thirdly, excellent user support.

Arkady Mikhailov, Novosibirsk city

How to take a passport photo

Are you planning to go on vacation, but your passport is still not ready? To complete this document you will definitely need a photograph. You can order it from a photo salon, spending time and money on it, or you can save money and generate the image yourself. A special program in Russian will allow you to do this. So that you can learn how to create a photo for a foreign passport, we have developed a detailed step by step instructions. Just follow the instructions in it, and in a few minutes you will have a high-quality business photo ready. So let's get started.

If you are going to apply for a passport, remember that there are now two options available - for 5 years and for 10 years. New biometric passport contains more pages, but the previous one is faster and easier to format. The photo requirements for the old-style international passport have not changed. So, if you are in a hurry, apply for a traditional five-year passport.

If you come to apply for a biometric passport, you don’t have to worry about photographs - you will be taken directly at the passport and visa service office. There are, however, some disadvantages. An instant digital photo cannot be edited; the passport will have a black and white image, which is not always successful.

To obtain an old-style foreign passport in 2017, you will have to take photographs in accordance with the requirements listed on the FMS website. To avoid mistakes, it is better to seek the services of a professional photographer in the studio. Usually they know how many photographs are needed and what requirements are placed on them.

To submit papers, you must provide four photographs that meet the requirements passport service. We advise you to carefully prepare your papers, including photographs, because photographs that do not meet the parameters may not be accepted. In this case, you will waste time and will not have time to issue a passport on time.

Requirements for photographs for international passports

You can see that fulfilling the requirements is not that difficult, but there are some peculiarities. For example, a colored background is not allowed. You cannot be photographed wearing a headdress; the ears and oval of the face must be clearly visible. Therefore, photos with blankets or scarves covering the face are not allowed. An exception is made only for persons who constantly wear headdresses for religious reasons.

The size of the head in the photograph takes up approximately 80% total area picture. The person's face should be in focus and clearly distinguishable. The head is positioned in the center of the photo. The image is strictly frontal, you cannot turn. The facial expression is calm, it is better not to smile or grimace.

If you wear glasses all the time, you can take a photo with them on, but be sure to make sure that the eyebrow line is not hidden behind the wide frames. Lenses in glasses can only be transparent, not tinted, glare from the flash is not allowed.

Examples of photographs that are not suitable for a passport

Remember that the passport photo is very important for identification. In the old passport, this is the only way to identify the owner, because there is no encoded information in it. The old-style passport does not contain fingerprints or other information that makes it easier to recognize a person.

We recommend that you do not look for old photos, but take the photo again. Remember that the passport will be valid for another five years, so it is in your interests to submit for processing a recent photo, taken recently, as close as possible to your current appearance. This applies to women who like to change their hair color.

If you do, pay close attention to the passport office's photograph requirements. Children grow and change quickly, so it is important to bring a photo taken immediately before submitting.

Now many people have high-quality cameras. Good optics and computer photo processing software allow you to meet strict requirements and complete your passport photo yourself.

If you decide to photograph yourself, follow these rules:

  • Lighting should be set in such a way that there are no sharp shadows that distort facial features.
  • It is better to use professional equipment with excellent resolution.
  • You should not subject the photograph to significant retouching - this changes the appearance.
  • It is important to use a modern printer for photo printing.


The photo requirements for the new international passport have changed in 2017. Most Russian branches of the Federal Migration Service that issue new-style international passports are equipped with special photography equipment. The FMS inspector takes the picture himself and corrects it with special graphic editors.

  • What you need to know

What you need to know

An example of a passport photo is shown in the image on the right.

The issuance of old paper passports is still ongoing, although in limited quantities. These documents are more of an emergency nature, since they are quite simple to make: you just need to enter information about the owner on the form and paste a regular photo on the passport. Accordingly, the photograph must be paper, made according to old standards.

Therefore, speaking about modern requirements for photography in international passport, we will consider both paper and digital versions of the photo, its parameters when sending a photo via online service. In addition, inspectors ask to bring photographs, even if a biometric passport is issued - they are needed when working with personal questionnaires.

What should paper photographs look like?

The photo parameters are as follows:

  • photo size 35*45 mm;
  • color does not matter, both b/w and color options are acceptable, but it is better to take a passport photo in color;
  • the paper must have a matte base;
  • the biometric version is made without placing the face in an oval;
  • the image is taken from the front;
  • The background of the photo is light.

For an old document you need to take four photographs, for a new document - only two. The size of photographs of the first and second options is the same. If four photographs are submitted, then two are needed to paste into the application form, and two more are given to the inspector.

Photo parameters for a biometric passport

A new type of foreign biometric document is made using special equipment where the necessary characteristics are configured. If the FMS office at the place of residence or registration does not have the technical capabilities for photography, the applicant will be sent to where such capabilities exist. The remaining papers will need to be submitted there.

Paper versions of photographs for are made to the same standards as for old forms. For children, two separate photographs are also needed.

General requirements for the style of the photo

The requirements for a passport photo include not only the parameters of the photo, but also its general style.

Clothes are plain, but white is prohibited. Uniforms and head coverings are not allowed, except for the hijab, which is prohibited from being removed due to religious requirements. The oval of the face should be clearly visible. The passport photo must not have any shadows, creases or other defects.

If the applicant always wears glasses, he must wear them when filming. The glass is transparent, glare is not allowed. Neutral facial expression and gaze into the lens.

Electronic photograph for the portal

The state online service is becoming increasingly popular. When submitting an application online through the State Services portal, the applicant must attach a file with an electronic photograph. In order for the system to accept the file, the digital passport photograph must meet the following requirements:

  • file extension – JPEG only;
  • resolution no more than 450 dpi;
  • size no more than 300 KB and no less than 200 KB;
  • for a color image – 24 bits, for b/w – 8 bits;
  • The size of the photo corresponds to the paper version: 35*45 mm.

An applicant for an online version of a photo for a new passport can easily take the photo himself and process it in any graphic editor. If this is difficult, then you can take a photo in the studio, copy it to any medium, and then upload it online through the State Services website.

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The standard package of documents required to obtain a foreign passport includes 4 photographs.

They must meet certain standards, otherwise the applicant may be denied the document. How to take a photo for a passport so that the documents are accepted for consideration?
In order to do everything right, you need to keep certain standards in mind. Applying for a foreign passport will go without any problems if you familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal photographs for Russian citizens. All of them are contained in the technical requirements created by the Russian government. At the same time, the requirements for old and new passports are the same, except for some points.
A personal photograph of a Russian citizen for a foreign passport can be black and white (old-style document) or color (for a biometric passport). Its size should be 37x47 mm (+ 2mm), and after cutting for gluing, its size should be 35x45 mm.
The photo should be taken only from the frontal view, and it should be printed only on matte photo paper. If you are applying for a biometric passport, the photo can be taken in an oval or without it. If you are applying for an old-style international passport, then the photo should have a blurry oval at the bottom.
Headwear and accessories that cover the face (glasses, headbands, etc.) are not allowed, except those that have a confirmed medical prescription. It is better to choose clothes that are not very dark; the background in the photo should be light and monochromatic.
Please note that the application form can also be submitted to in electronic format, which is considered a more convenient way, because you don’t have to stand in a long line. But you need to submit it along with an uploaded photo, so you can ask the photo studio to send you a digital version of the photo onto a flash drive. Before taking a photo for your international passport, you need to notify the photographer in the photo salon in advance about the purpose for which you are taking the photo - an experienced specialist will know exactly what standards the photo in paper and digital form must meet.
By the way, you will only have to use the services of a photographer if you are applying for an old-style international passport. For a biometric passport, photographs are taken by specialists from the Federal Migration Service using special equipment.
We issue a child’s international passport – requirements for children’s photos.
How to take a photo of a child for a passport so that there are no problems with obtaining the document? Let’s say right away that they are no different from photographs taken for adult applicants. If you are planning to make a passport for a child under 14 years of age, please note that a photo must be provided in any case, even if the baby is only a few months old. For young children, it is recommended to make old-style passports, since their validity is only 5 years, and not 10 years, like a biometric passport.

One of the required items in the list of documents for a foreign passport is a photograph. Capturing yourself in a photo is not difficult these days. But problems can arise with images on official documents - there are too many different standards. Let's take a look at the passport photo requirements in force in 2017.

What photographs are needed for a passport? The photograph must be of good quality, without shadows or other defects, on matte paper. The use of editing programs is strictly prohibited. You can make black and white or color images from the front, with or without an oval. The background must be white. Finished photographs can be used if no more than six months have passed since the shooting.

All these photo requirements for a Russian passport are relevant in 2017 for both old and new documents. To obtain a biometric passport, you need to take a photo in the office of the migration department using special equipment. But you will still have to bring paper photographs - they will be needed for the application form.

How to dress

When choosing what to wear for your next-generation passport photo, consider a few recommendations. The dress code can be casual or business. It is advisable that the color scheme be monochromatic, but not white.

What clothes are you not allowed to wear for a new passport photo? It is unacceptable to wear overalls, uniforms, caps, caps and other headwear before a photo shoot. Such photographs will simply not be accepted and will be returned along with a package of documents. Only one exception has been made - for those who are forbidden by religion to walk with their heads uncovered.

Requirements for a person

The image should be in the center of the photo, the gaze should be straight. No facial expressions: no need to smile or squint your eyes. It is strictly forbidden to apply makeup, wear wigs, or do crazy hairstyles that cover half of the face. For women, light daytime makeup will be appropriate, nothing more.

If you wear glasses

Despite the fact that lenses have long been used to correct vision, many still prefer glasses. Do I need to take a passport photo wearing glasses? If you wear them only from time to time or only wear them while working, then it is better to take a photo without them. Only those who actually wear them all the time should be photographed wearing glasses for their passport. Glasses and frames should not cover or distort the outlines of the face; the eyes should be clearly visible. Sunglasses or tinted glasses should not be worn in front of the camera.

What is unacceptable

If you bring incorrectly completed documents to a migration department employee, he will be forced to officially refuse to accept them; you will have to come again and fill out a new application. It will be especially offensive to lose time because of such a trifle as a photo card. So remember, what should under no circumstances be the parameters of the passport photo.

Suitable only for a family album:

  • frames on glossy paper;
  • with “red” eyes;
  • with an open mouth or smile;
  • in uniform;
  • if the gaze is directed to the side;
  • photos taken for internal passport or for a visa;
  • any photos where you don’t look like yourself.

Taking pictures of children

Everyone needs a personal document to visit foreign countries, regardless of age.

Biometric passports last for ten years, but are not recommended for very young children. The child will grow up, change beyond recognition, and you will have to change the document much earlier than its validity period expires. After all, simply pasting a new image will not work.

Another difficult question is how to photograph a child for a foreign passport in the office of the migration department. Is it worth testing the patience of an inspector who receives several dozen people a day?

A photo for an old-style international passport for a child under 14 years of age must meet all the above-mentioned standards: closed mouth, direct gaze and no facial expressions.

Not all salon workers know how to take a photo of a newborn for a passport. Only those specialists who have experience working with such capricious clients will be suitable. The main difficulty is that you need to catch the moment when the child holds his head correctly and looks into the lens. Of course, it will have to be supported, but important point: The baby’s passport photo should not show the parents or their body parts.

Biometric passport photo

What is a disadvantage for young children turns out to be an advantage for adults. Having a document with a ten-year validity period is very convenient.

About its advantages and the registration procedure - in the article “”.

Now let’s talk about whether a photo is needed for a new type of international passport. Of course, it is impossible to make you a passport without your portrait. The document itself will use an image made by a migration department employee using special equipment.

Photo on biometric passport allows you to “read” a personal parameter of your body – the distance between the pupils, which makes it impossible to use someone else’s document based on a simple portrait resemblance.

But for pasting into a questionnaire and personal file, paper photos are quite suitable. Knowing their purpose, it is easy to calculate how many photographs are needed for a new type of international passport - only two.

All of the above general requirements for a photo for a new international passport in 2017 remain relevant. The photo format for a new international passport is 3.5x4.5 cm.

In addition, so that all efforts are not in vain, before going abroad you need to find out information about the presence of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., as well as assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad, for this we recommend using the proven service nevylet.rf .

Regular passport photo

A regular document is not only good for babies. A paper passport is quite suitable for those who rarely travel abroad, are going to get married next year and change their last name, and also in emergency cases. If there is a good reason, it can be issued within three days.

Detailed information on this topic is presented in the article: "".

The photo requirements for an old-style international passport in 2017 are not much different from the requirements for a biometric document. The only difference is that there should be a blurry oval at the bottom of the image. The dimensions of the photo on an old-style international passport are also the same - 35x45 mm.

How many photos do you need for an old-style international passport? Only four images are required. There is no need to paste them into the application form yourself.

A photo for a 5-year international passport can be taken at any studio, it will take very little time. You just need to first agree with the photographer on all the details.

We issue a passport via the Internet

Receiving a certain service without leaving your home is a very tempting offer. True, even those who have chosen a new passport and submitted documents electronically will need to come to the migration department to have their photo taken.

All stages of this process are described in the article “”.

A regular photo for government services for a foreign passport online will also be needed. It will need to be digitally uploaded along with the rest of your documents.

The requirements for a photo for a foreign passport in electronic form are as follows:

  • the file extension must only be JPEG;
  • resolution – no more than 450 pixels per inch;
  • size 200-300 KB;
  • The size of the photograph when printed must correspond to the already familiar standard of 35x45 mm.

Of course, these are only the characteristics of the sent file; the image itself must meet all the above requirements.

How to take a photo for a foreign passport for a government service website? You can use the services of a studio, but do not print the photo on paper, but record it on an electronic medium, for example, on a flash card. If you have a paper photograph, you can scan it and adjust the file parameters to the required ones.

Take a photo yourself

How to take a passport photo for government services at home? To do this you will need a camera with good resolution, white background, lighting and skills in a graphics editor. This equipment is enough to create a file for sending over the Internet. You can print a photo at home if you have a color printer and high-quality photo paper. And if not, put it on a flash drive and take it to any studio.


For the background you will need a piece of white fabric or whatman paper. Hang it on the wall or window. To avoid unnecessary shadows in the image, the lighting should be even. The easiest way to achieve this effect is to combine natural light from a window with a camera flash. In this case, the window should be directly in front of you or behind you. Light coming from the side will create shadows.


Position yourself about half a meter from the background and two to three meters from the camera. The lens should be at face level. It is advisable to install the camera on a tripod or any other fixed stand. This is where it is advisable to have an assistant. Someone has to focus the camera on your face and press a button.


The captured file is ready for editing. The main task is to make the background white and adjust the image to the size we need. For those who do not have the skills to work in Photoshop, other programs specially created for non-professionals can help them take a photo for a foreign passport on their own. With a little practice, you can easily save on trips to salons.

What are the prices

How much does a photo cost for an old-style international passport? The price depends on the photo studio and the size of your settlement, is approximately in the range from 100 to 250 rubles. More accurate figures can be found on the Internet or by visiting your nearest studio.

The price for a passport photo may increase if you wish to use additional services For example, you might want to be in a business suit in the photo. By the way, services for printing finished photographs from electronic media cost almost the same as creating a photograph from scratch.

How much does a photo cost for a new international passport? Paper portraits for old and new passports are no different, so their cost will be the same. Even though you only need two copies, you will have to pay for full set of four to six pieces.

And for a special photo that is taken in migration service, you don't need to pay anything. Apparently, the cost of its production is paid by the state fee for the document.

Examples of good photos

Here you can see the correct sample photo for an old-style international passport.