Travel stereotypes. A selection of quotes and sayings about travel

What could it be more beautiful than travel? That's right - enjoy the journey itself! Relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV, is that really relaxation?! No, it's just a waste of time. A real vacation should be bright and interesting, it should definitely be remembered. If you want to spend an unforgettable weekend or vacation, then it is best to collect good company and go on a journey!

We have prepared for you a wonderful selection of quotes from famous people about travel and travelers. In addition, here you will find popular expressions of English writers not only in translation, but also in the original. All wordsmiths unanimously say that life can only be learned by traveling. And it’s hard to disagree with this. After all tourist trip– this is a lot of positive things, photos, new acquaintances and definitely a charge of new strength! Where to go? Yes, anywhere: at sea, in the mountains, on a sightseeing tour of other countries and cities. Some people prefer to go abroad and relax on the shore warm sea, someone likes leisure. By and large, it doesn’t matter where you go, the main thing is to take a good mood with you on your trip!

Travel reveals a lot to us, makes us think and dream about a lot. (D. Likhachev)

Travel helps you discover not only other countries, but also yourself.

And the world is beautiful because you can travel. (N. Przhevalsky)

Travel enriches life.

Travel would lose half its charm if it were impossible to talk about it. (N. Przhevalsky)

Traveling is a reason to brag...)

Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before. (Dalai Lama)

So, look, and take a trip around the world...)

Travel is the thing that, if you buy it, you will only become richer.

No matter how much the tour costs, the impressions from it will still be more expensive.

Moving, breathing, soaring, swimming, receiving what you give, exploring, traveling - this is what it means to LIVE. (Hans Christian Andersen).

Only by traveling to other countries can you feel the real taste of life.

The more I travel, the more I realize that fear divides people when they could be friends. (Shirley MacLaine)

Traveling around the world brings many new acquaintances and sometimes friends.

No one realizes the pleasure of traveling until they return home and rest their head on their favorite pillow.

Traveling is good, but home is better...)

The destination is not a place, but new way look at things.

The places you visit change you.

We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to get lost.

When we travel, we get lost in time.

Traveling means learning that everyone is wrong about their own country.

Seeing how others live, you understand that in your country it is either better or worse, there is no third option.

Travel is best measured in friends, not kilometers.

It doesn't matter how far you walked or traveled, what matters is who you did it with.

Don't spend money on clothes... Spend money on travel... Who cares how old your sneakers are if you're walking around Paris in them.

Paris is good, and it seems even better if you walk around it in new sneakers, and not old ones...)

The most budget travel- go into a book. (Nadeya Yasminska)

And the best thing is to go to warmer climes with a book!

Trains are amazing; I still adore them. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches, rivers - in essence it is a journey through life. (Agatha Christie)

Traveling by train means seeing the world.

As you age, traveling alone becomes boring. When you are young, everything is completely different. Even if you go alone, no matter where you go, traveling brings so much joy. (Haruki Murakami)

When you are young, going on a trip alone is not scary - you won’t be left alone on vacation anyway.

Travel is the discovery that everything you previously knew about other countries is wrong.

Travel breaks stereotypes.

Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel. (I. Bunin)

Traveling is an opportunity to relax, and therefore find happiness.

Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that you have it under control. (John Steinbeck)

The biggest mistake you make is when you try to control your finances while traveling...)

Don't think about what you'll say when you get back. Time is here and now. Seize the moment.

When returning from a trip, they tell you what they remember most...

Anxiety is a bad companion for a traveler. (Louisa May Alcott)

When going on a trip, you need to take only a good mood with you.

You can use the magnets on the refrigerator to find out if a person has friends who have traveled abroad.

Why just friends, can’t I travel abroad?)

The traveler sees what he sees; a tourist is what he wants to see. (Gilbert Keith Chesteron)

The traveler sees the truth, and the tourist sees what is imposed on him.

A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want to return. And the traveler... He may not return... (Paul Bowles)

Travelers travel on their own, and tourists are helped by tour operators...)

The most wonderful thing that can happen to a traveler is to stumble upon something he was not looking for.

Getting something from a trip that you didn’t even expect is the highest reward for a tourist.

Anyone who wants to travel successfully must travel light.

When going on a trip, you need to leave all your problems and worries on the road.

U good traveler there are no exact plans and intentions to get somewhere.

The most successful trips are those that have little planning.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

And this step is a step to the computer to buy a tour)

To travel is to awaken.
To travel is to awaken. (Lily Tai)

Travel brings you back to life.

To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.
It is better to go on a trip than to return from it.

It's always sad to leave vacation spots.

I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on Earth. Then I ask myself the same question.
I always wonder why birds stay put when they can fly anywhere. And then I ask myself the same question. (Harun Yahya)

They also have a feeling of home...

Travel while you're young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.
Travel while you are young and capable. Don't worry about money, just make it work.

Never waste money on travel.

A change is as good as a rest.
The best rest is a change of activity.

If you want to relax, go on a trip!

If traveling was free, you’d never see me again.
If travel were free, you would never see me again.

Be with people more money, they would travel every day)

Travel is not necessarily an expensive tour, it can be budget trip to new, previously unfamiliar places, which will give you no less pleasure. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to see the world and enjoy life. After all, even a trip to a neighboring city can distract you from the drabness of everyday life and give you new acquaintances.

Despite the fact that Bahrain is the smallest and only Arab island state, there is enough space for tourism. And although until recently only travelers from neighboring countries, now the situation is changing: curious tourists flock from all over the world to the tiny but powerful kingdom, confident that they know about Arabian holiday(using the example of Dubai) everything. And although Bahrain does strive to match the level of its popular neighbor, it still retains its immediate charm.

The capital Manama is still a very young resort, where wide beaches are just beginning to appear, dizzying heights and architecture, skyscrapers and world-class entertainment, so tourists come here not only in search of luxury holiday, but also contrasts. Colorful bazaars, delicious coffee, pearl jewelry and unique perfumes are the main characteristics of Bahrain.

You can get here using Bahrain Gulf Air. By the way, modern aircraft Airbus A320 will appeal to even the most desperate aerophobes. The aircraft staff will immediately introduce you to the main traditions of the country (for example, treat you to Arabic coffee with cardamom) and help you relax. Bahrain is worth starting your trip in business class - after all, you are going to relax like a king - so don’t give up on the national snacks on board, fish and meat dishes, and be sure to try the aromatic risotto. As for desserts, the cheesecake here is no worse than in some Coffeemania. And then - fall asleep until the hot sun of Manama wakes you up, or watch the latest movies.

By the way, it is quite possible that a famous Formula 1 racer or a Hollywood celebrity will be on the same board with you. This is because the Bahrain Grand Prix takes place here every year. For the first time, one of the stages of the championship took place here in 2004, so the locals are accustomed to people “from the mainland”, and the ubiquitous Europeans do not frighten them at all. Perhaps that is why the atmosphere here is unlike any other Arab country: Bahrain is not spoiled, like Dubai, by attention and intrusive tourists. Therefore, be prepared for unexpected meetings with Manamaans - even though the faces of many women are hidden behind traditional dark outfits, and the men look intimidating at first glance, they all treat you with respect and warmth. Although there are also unspoken rules for visitors here: no one will point a finger at you if you suddenly appear in the city center in short shorts, and it is still better to take with you light dresses and skirts below the knee, trousers, T-shirts (to cover your shoulders ).

Must see your trip - Bahrain from the height of one of the rooms new Four Seasons. The hotel is located on its own island (like an oasis in the desert), and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city center. The building of incredible architecture excites the imagination - what's inside? We answer - modern palace in all its splendor. It seems that the hotel is completely transparent - this impression is created due to the huge panoramic windows. Windows create the same effect in rooms of any category, so if you want to stay in your own personal, albeit small palace, Four Seasons- This right choice. Just imagine: taking a nightly bath with fragrant Hermès foam, then sinking into the coziest bed with panoramic views of the sparkling city. In the morning, an equally royal breakfast will certainly await you: the most exotic fruits, the freshest pastries, several types of omelettes, National dishes, hummus and invigorating coffee. The next stage of the program is a swimming pool overlooking the sea and the city and a light fruit cocktail.

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And soon a large beach with white sand will appear right on the hotel premises. By the way, Bahrain is another proof that with the help of the necessary resources it is possible to build a full-fledged locality with modern infrastructure.

You don't have to wander around the city looking for great restaurants; they are all on site. In the Italian cafe you can try delicious gnocchi and thin-crust pizza; if you prefer steaks, go to the floor above, and right on the roof you will find the best Asian cuisine, for which, although the American chef is responsible, he has no equal.

And now about the contrasts. Once you leave your luxurious hideaway, Bahrain reveals a different side. Narrow streets, tiny coffee shops and shops selling homemade cakes and halva (which has a consistency more like marmalade) will remind you of Asia. True, next to the eclectic architecture and modern museums decorated in the Scandinavian style, there are neighborhoods here that are more reminiscent of unfavorable ones - but this is not at all due to poverty, but rather because of relaxation. The locals hardly work here, investing their inheritance or savings in tourism - huge shopping malls and hotels are being built against the backdrop of their mansions.

The center fascinates with bright, fragrant shops with incense, lamps made of Murano colored glass, fabrics, jewelry (from pearls, which have been mined here for several centuries) and perfumes. Be sure to check out one of the branded perfume stores: firstly, in the variety of bottles and compositions you will certainly find the scent of your dreams, and secondly, it will cost half as much as in duty free. A nice bonus - at home you will definitely not be allowed to ask questions about the unusual sound of your new perfume.

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If you are a person who loves traveling and especially extreme travel, if you are willing to sacrifice your own comfort for the sake of a feeling of complete freedom and an incredible number of incidents, if you prefer spontaneous human communication to driving in comfortable cars and the free choice of cities that interest you and filling them before daily meetings alone and the same people, several days of shaking on the bus and boring banal excursions, cultural and historical monuments crowded with tourists, in the end, if you just received a visa to some European country, but don't want to spend a lot of money on transport, then the best option there will be hitchhiking for you.

Hitchhiking is a type of travel when a person who loves freebies and wants adventure goes out to the side of the road and, holding a sign with the name of the desired destination or simply holding out his hand, catches a car that will give him a free ride (or a partial ride) to his destination. planned location on the map.

Hitchhiking as a means of transportation and as a lifestyle over the last decade has become a cult phenomenon for some, while for others it has become overgrown with a large number of negative stereotypes. However, for both fans and beginners, hitchhiking is, first of all, a state of mind and a feeling of boundless free flight above your everyday life. This is a feeling of incredible freedom from any social obligations and conventions, a feeling of power over one’s own life and the will to choose something different, better. Having swallowed this freedom once, a person will never forget this feeling and will always try to regain it, at least for a short time traveling through time and space, across the boundaries of cultures and their own stereotypes.

At the same time, hitchhiking is a lot of adrenaline, an extreme speed of changes in emotions and, in the end, a test of spirit, which, even for experienced ones, is always another school of life. Therefore, like any extreme journey, it should not be taken lightly.

Stopper philosophy.

Hitchhiking is unusual journey, and therefore it is not suitable for everyone. And before setting off on such a journey, a person must ask himself whether he is ready to renounce the many achievements of civilization that are familiar to him, which daily create his comfort in life, whether he is ready to withstand the incredible psychological pressure that arises from what the stopper depends on the road, is he ready to surrender himself to chance? And most importantly, the future traveler must have an appropriate philosophy that will allow him not only to enjoy traveling, but also to survive psychologically.

There were many examples when, having decided to hitchhike for the first time, young people planned to travel around almost half the world, but after half a week of changing the comfort of home to the rhythm of life on the road, the sooner they bought a ticket home. In order to endure hitchhiking, a traveler must come to terms with the impossibility of changing what he cannot change, not create unnecessary trouble for himself because something does not go according to plan, but relax and enjoy every minute of his freedom. It’s worth looking for something positive in every situation, turning a blind eye to the negatives and just enjoying the ride. And most importantly, you must always be cheerful and friendly to people, sociable and polite, then your journey will turn into a real fairy tale, which you can watch on television from time to time, without even suspecting that this could actually happen.

The concentration of adventures for a stopper averages 2-3 serious incidents per day and 3-4 that can be called “big surprises”. Adventures arise regardless of whether the traveler wants them or not (of course, if you specifically look for them, the statistics can rise to 5-6 per day). Therefore, the moral of the stopper philosophy is to take these adventures for your pleasure and not turn them into your problems.


One of the most common stereotypes about hitchhiking is that it is dangerous. In fact, hitchhiking is much safer than living in the city. It’s safe to say that if you got into some kind of trouble during your travels, it was only due to your personal carelessness or thoughtlessness of actions, and not because the stop was dangerous. Danger is everywhere, and there are “bad” people in big city more than angry drivers on any road in the world. In addition, unkind people do not have the habit of stopping a person standing on the side of the road and voting.

The next stereotype is that cars can only be “stopped” in Europe or the USA. And almost no one believes it when experienced hitchhikers assert the indisputable fact that in both Ukraine and Russia it is much easier and faster to stop a free car than in the USA. Of course, in Europe and especially in its central-northern part, a culture of hitchhiking has developed. Therefore, the stop there is much better, but this does not mean that it is absent in the countries of the post-Soviet space. After all, cars stop not because there is some rule or obligation, but because their drivers are good people, who may be bored of traveling far alone and want to talk to someone, or just want to help you and don’t mind the fuel.

Many people think that only guys can travel by foot, and that girls, if they go on a similar trip, do so only with a male “partner,” since they are well familiar with all sorts of services like online girls. When traveling, you can often see how girls from Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic or Lithuania traveled the length and breadth of Europe without any fear, often traveling not in pairs with another girl, but alone. Regarding the typical and completely logical question, do drivers cling to girls, there is only one answer - of course, yes, but only when the latter give them a reason for this.

Another stereotype is that the stop is considered to be limited only by car, but it turns out that this is also not true. In fact, trains and ships can be stopped. The main thing is to approach the manager of the relevant vehicle and ask his permission to ride for free. It is not uncommon in such cases to hear a refusal, but almost every third attempt is crowned with success. For example, they travel in this way in Greece, sailing from one island to another.

And finally, the last erroneous thesis that comes to mind. Most compatriots believe that when traveling to other countries you need to know several languages ​​or at least be fluent in English. Of course, knowledge of languages ​​not only adorns a person, but also makes his journey several times more interesting and easier, because many doors that are not allowed to others open before him. However, if your level of English or another language is not the best, and you want adventure, then this will not hurt you. After all, you can communicate with gestures, facial expressions, inscriptions, drawings, etc.

The most useful saying for a stopper is “be simpler and cleaner - and people will be drawn to you (and give you a ride).” Therefore, remember for the rest of your life that people do not bite, especially in civilized Europe. You can, and even need to, approach them and ask about everything that interests you, ask for everything you have the nerve to do. In the end, Europeans, as a rule, themselves know what stoppers need (after all, the majority themselves have “stopped” at least once). Therefore, do not be surprised when they offer you their housing, food and money. Restrained Germans, Austrians and other nationalities of Nordic culture will ask you three times whether you really do not need any help, but the incredibly kind Spaniards or Italians will not leave you until you accept this help. There were examples when they even gave ultimatums: either get out of the car or take the money. 20$ is not money for them, but it can be useful for you. In the end, what exactly to take and ask for is a matter of everyone’s morals and principles.

Regarding cleanliness, despite your itinerant lifestyle, you are forced to shave, wash and maintain other hygiene standards, because otherwise no one will want to let you into their car.

Another tip: despite your plans about which road you should take, you are better off taking the road that is offered to you. Even if it is for 200-300 km. to the side, after all, for Europe this is not a distance, since it is covered in 2-2.5 hours.

There are also several unwritten rules, following which you can avoid a lot of inconvenience. On the other hand, life situations are different, and many exceptions can be made to each rule, so the main rule is the absence of any rules. One of the main rules is not to “stop” on the high way, since cars are not allowed to stop there. Of course, after standing for a long time, you can stop a car whose driver will simply be sorry to look at you. However, in general, you are more likely to be stopped by the local police, who will either kick you off the freeway or, in best case scenario, they will take you to the nearest gas station or campsite (if you are already far away from them).

In Eastern European countries you will immediately sense the scoop culture, at least in relation to this same basic motorway law. Our eastern neighbors already have highways, but a driving culture has not yet been developed. If in Germany, Austria and other countries Western Europe They will stop you on the highway only through compassion for you. Therefore, it is better not to stand and vote, but with an offended look to imitate an attempt to walk the whole way. IN Eastern Europe They can throw you out in the middle of the highway, because “no one will see anyway,” but when you vote on the autobahn, no one will stop, because they have an excuse for themselves - this is strictly prohibited!

In order to drive quickly and accurately, you need to remember one more rule. If you want to drive a long distance (from 500 to 1000 km), then it is better for you to stop the TIR (truck), which drives slowly, at a speed of 90-100 km/h, but for long distances. Trucks usually don’t stop at the wave of a hand, so it’s better to catch them at gas stations and negotiate with their owners. In addition, trucks do not enter cities, so a passenger car is needed to enter the city. Cars are also best used for traveling short distances (up to 500 km), since they are quite fast (on average 200 km/h) and are easy to stop when leaving the city at arm's length.

During the trip, you should avoid meeting with “our people”, since, basically, if they are not robbers, they are simply unpleasant people. Of course, this is not a rule and there are many good people from the CIS abroad, but they either work there or are tourists like you, and therefore are unlikely to help.

Everything won't fit in the backpack. The size of the backpack is directly proportional to the contents of your wallet. There were people who took with them a small backpack, similar to a handbag, in which they packed a sleeping bag, tied a rug to the side and, most importantly, a tight wallet. Others were simply not visible behind their backpacks, but they spent 100-150 dollars on such a trip for a month, with the lion’s share of these funds going on alcoholic drinks and other entertainment.

Therefore, if, after reading all this, you suddenly want to travel around Europe this summer, we wish you a good mood and a light hand!

A lot has been said about travel. However, many popular “truths” are nothing more than stereotypes: the points of view of individuals, distorted by numerous retellings, and therefore poorly reflect real situation business

1. You should definitely try the local cuisine
Of course, cooking is an integral part of the culture of any country. But you shouldn’t go too far in your desire to join the national flavor. You can try exotic dishes, but be very careful.

The stomach of the average European is simply not able to tolerate much of what is commonly eaten in Asian or African countries. You can pay with your health for being overly enthusiastic about exotic food.

2. To travel, you need to have a lot of money
There is an opinion that traveling is for the rich. Of course, to dedicate your voyage to eating lobsters and stuffed truffles, you need money. However, most people go on a tour, first of all, to see the world, which, fortunately, does not boil down to restaurants and expensive entertainment.

There are many ways to reduce the cost of transportation, accommodation and food away from home, for example:
Search and buy cheap tickets in advance
Move on public transport or hitchhiking
Live in a hostel instead of a hotel
And much more

3. Summer – best time for relax
Summer is certainly the best time to travel to some countries; for example, in Iceland, daylight hours in winter last only a few hours and you simply won’t be able to see all the beauties of the country. In general, for cold destinations, summer is truly an ideal time to relax. But this is an exception to the rule.

Most European resorts are crowded in summer; in African destinations the air temperature during the day can reach +50 oC, and in Asia and the Caribbean the rainy season is at its peak in summer. Sky-high prices also make the high season unfavorable from all others.

4. You need to know a foreign language
Of course, knowing the language is a big plus on any trip. However, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of seeing distant countries just because of translation difficulties. There is nothing wrong with resorting to sign language if necessary.

And if a tourist does not speak even the most common phrases in English, a translator application on a smartphone or tablet will solve all problems.

5. Excursions are a waste of time
It is believed that sightseeing accompanied by a guide and a group of compatriots will not allow you to get to know the place properly. However, excursion excursions are different. It may differ in content, composition and number of participants, mode of transportation and form of conduct.

6. Traveling alone is boring
Many people prefer solo travel, because, firstly, it is convenient: you don’t need to adapt to the plans of friends and family, try to combine vacations and take into account other people’s interests when choosing a travel route.

Secondly, this is a great opportunity to be alone with yourself, test your strength (since it is even more difficult to endure the hardships of traveling alone than in company), and, who knows, maybe even reconsider your own views on life.

When it comes to the customs and foundations of a particular country, then, as a rule, certain stereotypes arise. Japan - sushi, Holland - smoking drugs, England - oatmeal, Russia - bears walking the streets. In fact, many beliefs are no longer true. This material contains 13 common stereotypes that it is high time to stop believing in.

1. Russia

Many foreigners associate Russia with bears. Moreover, there is an opinion that bears roam freely around the capital, and in the outback they generally feel at home, breaking into houses and attacking people. It is worth noting that this myth was born a long time ago. Back in the 16th century, while traveling around Russia, Baron Sigismund Herberstein witnessed scenes of hungry clubfoot walking through villages in search of food. Later, people began to train bears and take them to fairs for the entertainment of the people. These events became firmly entrenched in the minds of foreigners, and since then, disheveled brown animals have become associated with Russia and its inhabitants. In fact, the average Russian can only meet a bear in a zoo or circus, and such statements only cause a smile.

2. Canada

Many people seriously believe that Canada is a cold country that all year round is under the snow. This opinion is not entirely correct. The fact is that the northern part of the country is really cold and snowy. However, 90 percent of the population lives in southern Canada, where all four seasons are distinct, and in some cities summer temperatures reach 30 degrees.

3. Estonia

It's funny, but many residents of the post-Soviet space consider Estonians to be slow and retarded. The origin of this stereotype is related to the peculiarities of the Estonian language. A large number of double vowels in words, as if dividing them into parts, because of this, the ear records pauses, and speech seems slow. In fact, Estonians speak faster than Finns and are about the same as Americans. As for the rhythm of life, it is really slow. Residents of this small country do not like haste and fuss.

4. Australia

There are people who are sure that Sydney is the capital of Australia. Others believe that the capital is Melbourne. Both statements are wrong. In fact, the capital of Australia is small town Canberra, which has been eclipsed by its more developed neighbors.

5. Netherlands

Almost all foreigners associate the Netherlands with drugs and permissiveness. Tourists seriously believe that weed is sold at every turn in Amsterdam. In fact, the country has a clear concept of “hard” and “soft” drugs. The sale of the latter is prohibited and punishable by law. As for soft drugs, they are sold only in specialized outlets and in strictly limited quantities. Unlicensed sale of marijuana and hashish, as well as possession of drugs in large quantities, is strictly punishable by law. It is also worth noting that only 5.5 percent of the country's residents regularly use drugs, the rest believe that it is beneath their dignity. Moreover, most Dutch people are fanatical adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

6. UK

Famous phrase: "Oatmeal, sir!" made many people believe that the British certainly eat porridge for breakfast. But the people of England refute this opinion. The average Englishman's traditional breakfast is scrambled eggs, sausages, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast with salted butter. Another misconception is the tea ceremony at five o'clock. We all learned about this from textbooks on English language and they really believed that at exactly five all the inhabitants of England put aside their work and sit down to drink tea. In fact, this tradition has not been observed for a long time, and most residents, while at work or in a cafe, increasingly drink coffee.

7. Spain

The Spaniards refute the assertion that bullfighting is the main and favorite sport. First of all, bullfighting is not a sport. Secondly, the Spaniards love football. It is he who is the favorite and most important sport, and bullfighting is a monstrous spectacle, which most of the population has a negative attitude towards. It is worth noting that since 2011, bullfighting has been banned in many areas of Spain, and where it still takes place, spectators have voting rights.

8. Sweden

There is an opinion among foreigners that Carlson is the most beloved fairy-tale character for all Swedes. However, this is not at all true. The Swedes do not like Carlson at all, believing that with his bad character he sets a bad example for children. Another lie is the existence of Carlson’s house, which is supposedly located on the roof of the former house of writer Astrid Lindgren. But who the population of Sweden really sincerely loves is Pippi Longstocking.

9. Japan

It is difficult for tourists to accept the fact that sushi is generally a rare guest on the table of indigenous Japanese. Moreover in the country Rising Sun Almost no sushi is prepared in the form of rolls, which are so popular outside of Russia. But the most popular and favorite dish of the Japanese is ramen noodles. Many people even eat this soup for breakfast, because it is very filling and can give you energy for the whole day.

10. Mexico

A huge number of action films about Mexican drug traffickers have led foreigners to believe that Mexico is poor and dangerous country, where the drug trade is thriving and gunshots are heard at every turn. Well, Mexico does have relatively disadvantaged regions. These include cities located on the border with the United States. As for the rest of the territory, it consists of mostly quiet areas and resorts inhabited by hospitable and good-natured people. It is also worth noting that the standard of living and social security in Mexico has long surpassed America.

11. France

The French pay a lot of attention to nutrition, prefer gourmet dishes and do not eat fast food. Until a certain time, this was indeed true. Previously, the state did not welcome or finance fast food establishments, but recently the authorities have loosened control and the French have happily begun to consume tasty and unhealthy food. Statistics recent years show that the revenue of fast food establishments significantly exceeds the profit of traditional establishments.

12. Mongolia

Few tourists seriously consider traveling to Mongolia. Moreover, for most people this country seems like a remote and dangerous steppe. Most Mongolia really is occupied by the steppe, and part of the population still leads a nomadic lifestyle. However, there are also developed cities in this country that keep up with the rest of the world. As for the population, the Mongols are not spoiled by tourists, so they treat all visitors more than kindly. Even nomads happily welcome tourists, inviting them to their homes and treating them to national dishes.

13. USA

Indeed, the United States is considered the birthplace of fast food, and a huge number of the population suffers from excess weight. But in recent decades, the country has set a course to combat obesity. Many people, having realized the harm of trans fats, gave up fast food forever and began to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Continuing the theme of established beliefs