What are transfers. What is a hotel transfer? What is a private transfer

When planning your vacation in another city or country, you want to agree on everything in advance so as not to be nervous later. Many hotels in the world offer their guests an additional service - a transfer, often included in, but many tourists do not know what this means and what services they will receive.

What is a hotel transfer and its types?

A transfer is a pre-ordered trip along the customer's route. Most often, a transfer is ordered to quickly and safely arrive from the airport to the hotel and back. Depending on the type of transfer, vehicles from cars to buses are used to provide services.

Having ordered a transfer service, you can no longer worry about transporting yourself and your luggage from the station or from the airport to the hotel.

Services included in the transfer price:

  • organized meeting at the airport or train station;
  • supply of vehicles with a personal driver;
  • waiting for the arrival of an airplane or the arrival of a train (unlimited in time);
  • waiting for the tourist to leave (1 hour) after the plane has landed or the train has arrived;
  • payment of paid parking lots;
  • guaranteed delivery of the tourist to the destination and assistance in accommodation;
  • baggage allowance (no volume restrictions).

Transfer benefits:

  • pay only for it, and all other expenses are paid by the company;
  • lack of time limits for fulfillment, subject to prior warning (continuation of vacation, postponement of departure);
  • saving time (no need to look for a taxi);
  • safety;
  • not more expensive, and even cheaper than a taxi.

Main types of transfer:

  • individual;
  • group.

What is a private transfer?

Do you want to go sightseeing, shopping or visiting various events? Then you need an individual transfer that will take you along the developed route. Personal driver will accompany you everywhere, wait for the necessary time and even tell you about others interesting places along the way. Usually the driver is selected with knowledge of your language, so that it is convenient to communicate and you can get answers to your questions.

This type of transfer is the most requested service among tourists, as personal safety and performance guarantees are the most important thing in a successful trip to another country.

What is a group transfer?

This type of transfer means that the meeting and transportation from the airport to the hotel will be carried out by a group of tourists by bus or minibus.

“Transfer” or “move” - this is what the translation of the relatively new in Russian everyday life means, the English word “transfer”. The word transfer itself has many uses and is used in various fields.

Bankers and accountants call this money transfer. A transfer in sports (football) is the transfer of a player from one team to another. There is a transfer of technologies, a transfer of a certificate, and even one of the methods of applying an image to textiles is called a transfer. However, despite all the charm of learning something new and interesting, we will not go deep and memorize all the meanings of this wide-ranging neologism. Today's article is about tourist transfer and we will talk about transfer services in the field of tourism.

So, in addition to all of the above, the word transfer is widely used in passenger and freight transportation and in tourism is the name of one of the most popular tourist services - a transfer service.

What is a tourist transfer?

Meeting a tourist or a group of tourists at the point of arrival (station, airport, seaport, etc.) and their safe escort to the place of stay (hotel, inn, sanatorium or any other place) - this is the most that neither is, transfer.

Transfer services, more often, are already included in the price of the tour, especially if you have purchased a standard package tour. The representative of the hotel you are going to will definitely meet you at the airport and will definitely wait, even if the flight is late, because he has already been paid for it. And so that you do not get lost, the guide, company representative or just the driver who meets you, usually holds a sign with the name of the hotel you are going to. In the case of a private transfer, your name will be on the sign.

If you have ever vacationed Black Sea coast Russia or in the Crimea, you most likely had to deal with the fact that many small representatives of the tourism business, or, more simply, private traders, rent out their housing. This and private sector, mini hotels and guest houses and even, ordinary apartments. At the same time, the owners of the desired square meters are ready to meet you free of charge at the train or at the airport and accompany you to them, if only you would stay with them. And this is also a kind of transfer, a free transfer service that bears fruit - you, as a paying client.

Types of tourist transfer

Transfer services are divided into three main types:

  • Group transfer
  • Private transfer
  • Vip-transfer

Group transfer

Service group transfer- this is the most economical and most inconvenient way to get to the place of rest. You, of course, will be met and escorted to the bus, but besides you, there will be several dozens of the same tourists on the bus who also need to go. All these fellow travelers may be from different hotels and you will be very lucky if yours is among the first. Of course, riding a bus along an unknown route of a foreign country is also interesting, but only if it is not too long.

Private transfer

Tour booking- the most important and crucial moment, during which you independently determine the most necessary and useful services for you, including the conditions for an individual transfer. An individual transfer is very convenient in cases where you carry a lot of luggage, when you travel with children, or simply do not want to waste your time and nerves.

You can order a high-class car, child car seats, air conditioning and a refrigerator. At the stage of booking the service, you will be provided with all the additional options for your comfort. This service is much more expensive than a group transfer, but the most important thing is that you do not wait for anyone and do not depend on anyone.

VIP transfer

This is the fastest, most pleasant and, unfortunately, the most expensive option to get to the hotel, immediately after arrival. As in the previous option, you negotiate the terms of this transport service in advance. Here, you can choose a car class, order a Russian-speaking driver and, most interestingly, find out his name.

At the airport, you will not need to scour the crowd of people who meet you and look for a sign with your name. A well-groomed driver of a prestigious foreign car will find you himself, because this is a VIP, and you paid for it.

In addition to this accompaniment option, you can order a bouquet of flowers at a meeting, a glass of an elite drink (or a couple of glasses ...), musical accompaniment during the trip and much more.

Transfer and taxi: what is the difference

Many people think that taxis and transfer services are one and the same and the difference is only in money. In fact, contrary to popular belief, these are two completely different transport services that perform the same job and relate to this job in different ways. Let's take a look at what's different transfer booking from ordering a taxi.


  1. When ordering a taxi, you do not know about the car that will come to you. The dispatcher will send you the nearest vehicle. You do not know about the driver and his professional experience, and he does not know anything about you.
  2. The taxi driver, most likely, will choose not the shortest and most convenient route, but the more expensive one, because this is his money. You won't even guess about it.
  3. The taxi you ordered can be intercepted by more efficient tourists, and you will have to call the dispatcher again, explain something and wait again.
  4. And finally, the taxi driver can simply refuse to transport you and take other tourists, because he does not owe you anything. And during the peak season, train stations and airports always have a choice.


  1. When booking a transfer, you already know exactly how much the delivery costs. There will be no unexpected surprise for you and extra money will not be taken from you.
  2. You will be provided with exactly the vehicle that you ordered in advance.
  3. The driver knows about you, he came just for you and will not leave without you.
  4. They will help you with your luggage: they will inform you, load it into the car, and also open the door for you.
  5. You will reach the shortest and fastest way, and your driver will not wind around the blocks - it is not profitable for him.
  6. In serious companies offering transfer services, all drivers are subject to special control and requirements, because each driver of a transfer company is its main representative, the face of the company. They are excellent drivers, polite and stress-resistant.

Well, now you know what a transfer is, what transfer services are and how they differ from a taxi. After reading this short article, you can draw one unequivocal conclusion: a transfer is a convenient and very useful service, especially for those who have little travel experience. Getting from point "a" to point "b" quickly and comfortably is very pleasant, but expensive, and the more comfort you want to get, the more you will have to pay for it.

On our site you can find the most popular travel online stores and portals, where you can book a hotel, a tour online, buy any ticket anywhere in the world or purchase goods necessary for travel for tourism and recreation.

A transfer in tourism is a meeting of tourists at the airport or train station and delivery to the place of rest and back. In package tours, tour operators most often use buses or minibuses. Individual cars are used less often, usually this happens in the case of VIP tours or when only a couple of people arrived on a particular day, and it makes no sense to drive a big bus to deliver them.

  • What is a spinner and what is it for, help me figure it out
  • The cost of the transfer is usually included in the price of the tour and you cannot refuse it.

    Is it possible not to use the transfer provided by the tour operator

    Yes, of course, many tourists do this, even though they have already paid for the transfer when buying a tour. After all, buses travel companies they usually wait until all their passengers leave the airport and the entire bus is filled. Moreover, most often the bus starts to run through a large number of hotels where tourists land. Not everyone is ready for this, so they take a taxi and leave on their own at their own expense.

    Attention! If you do not want to use a paid transfer, be sure to first find a representative of the meeting company and inform him of your independent departure. Otherwise, they will wait and look for you, this will not bring any joy to other tourists.

    If you are planning a trip on your own, of course, no one will meet you at the airport. You need to think in advance how you will get to your place of residence. Of course, you can use a taxi, but it can be quite expensive.

    Read thematic forums about which buses or trains run from and where. Usually on the Internet you can find all the information, up to the schedule. If you are going to rent a car during the trip, it makes sense to take it right at the airport. You can hand it over there, or in the city, if you do not need it for the entire trip.

    By the way, some hotels provide a meeting service at the airport, and sometimes it is not very expensive. If you have booked an apartment or an apartment, you can try to negotiate with the owner. They usually agree for a very reasonable fee.

    If you need help planning your transfer or have any other questions - our experts are here to help!

    Hello reader! Today I wanted to talk about what a transfer is in tourism, how a transfer differs from a taxi, why it is sometimes worth giving up, which companies offer a high-quality and safe transfer and reveal this topic a little for blog readers.

    Now quite a lot of taxi companies offer passenger transportation services, but for some reason, along with ordinary taxis, there are organizations involved in transfer issues, and this activity is highlighted in a separate area. Let's understand what is the difference.

    Transfer - what is it

    an English word that means "relocation", "transfer". It is most often used in tourism topics, implying the delivery of a passenger from one predetermined place to another.

    Probably, you are familiar with the situation when you arrive by plane, go towards the exit from the airport, and there are such people holding signs in their hands with names, names of hotels or train stations, and they are waiting for someone. These are the transfer drivers who are waiting for their passengers.

    What is a transfer in tourism

    A transfer in tourism is a pre-agreed route (for example, a transfer from the airport to a hotel), when the pick-up and drop-off place is known to you as a passenger. The transfer is ordered in advance, and excludes situations when you would like to leave for a hotel, but there is nothing or it is expensive. As a rule, various types of cars are used in the transfer, suitable for your requirements (luggage, number of passengers). The price is known in advance and you don't have to haggle with the driver to get the right price.

    In contact with

    An informative article that allows you to understand the question of what a transfer is, as well as learn about the main types of this service.

    Transfer in translation from English (to transfer) means “to transport”, “to move”. In tourism, this word denotes a service that is provided to tourists who have arrived in a country unfamiliar to them.

    What does the transfer include:

    Meeting tourists from the airport / train station, seaport etc;
    - Delivery of tourists to the hotel, resort or any other designated place;
    - Additional services.

    In order to make it easier for the guide and the tourist to find each other, the first one comes to the meeting point with a special sign, where the name of the person he must accompany is written.
    Regardless of whether the transport arrives on time or the flight is delayed, the guide has to wait for his client and after the meeting deliver him to the right place.

    There are three main types of transfer:

    1. Group transfer;
    2. Individual transfer;
    3. VIP transfer.

    Group transfer. The most economical option in terms of money and the most costly in terms of time. In this case, you, as expected, are met immediately after arrival and taken to the bus, where tourists like you gather, who also need delivery to their hotels. The disadvantage of a group transfer is that here you need to adapt to others. The bus does not start delivering passengers until everyone has gathered (this takes from thirty minutes to two hours). Extra time goes on the road, as tourists most often book rooms in different hotels, as a result of which the bus calls in turn at each address. The option is good for those who are not afraid to lose a few hours of time, but at the same time want to pay the minimum amount of money for the service.

    Private transfer.

    In this case, the transport is selected in advance. This option costs much more than the group one, but it also has enough advantages. Convenient for tourists who carry a lot of cargo or travel with animals. In this case, you do not need to wait for hours for other passengers to gather, although it is possible that other tourists who will go to the same hotel will be put into your car.

    VIP transfer.

    Direct transfer from the drop-off point and directly to the hotel. In this case, the replanting of other passengers is excluded. Transport is distinguished by its increased comfort and is selected in accordance with the number of passengers and their cargo. Such a transfer must be arranged in advance.

    VIP transfer also provides Additional services:

    Bouquet of flowers upon meeting at the airport;
    - A glass of elite drink in a limousine;
    - Musical accompaniment during delivery to the destination and so on.

    It is important to remember that for all additional services there is an additional fee.

    Transfer is a convenient service that allows tourists who are not familiar with the area and do not know a foreign language to easily and quickly get to their apartments.