Southern coast of Crimea what resorts. Southern coast of Crimea: features of recreation

Rest on the southern coast of Crimea is a rest in the Crimea in its classical sense: Yalta, Massandra, Gurzuf ... seaside beaches, parks and embankments, architectural monuments different eras, palaces and estates - all this can be found in every seaside town on the southern coast of Crimea. And rest on southern resorts Crimea is considered the most "Crimean".

This tourist region has the most developed infrastructure: cafes and restaurants, shops and shopping centers, children's playgrounds. Accommodation options are for every taste: from small rooms in the private sector to luxurious cottages, sanatoriums or hotel rooms on the southern coast of Crimea.

Climate and weather

Main Attractions

Fans of sightseeing trips will be more than satisfied - on the southern coast of Crimea there are a lot of attractions that form the basis of any excursion program.

The coast of the Southern Crimea is famous for being the basis have a nice rest: hospitable hotels, clean beaches, wide choice entertainment and excursions. Vivid impressions of a holiday on the south coast are guaranteed!

Southern Coast of Crimea, the most popular part of the peninsula, both among numerous tourists, vacationers, and among local residents.

It is on the southern side of the peninsula that numerous boarding houses and sanatoriums, children's camps and rest houses are located.

The famous Artek is also located here, where millions of Soviet children from all over the former Soviet Union were honored to have a rest.

Here is the most expensive housing stock of the peninsula for sale.

Prices for the purchase of apartments, cottages, cottages, land plots are estimated in millions of rubles.

This is not surprising, because the climate in this part of the Crimea is subtropical Mediterranean, with different humidity depending on the height above sea level.

Territory of the South Coast

South coast Crimea occupies the entire southern part of the peninsula with mountain ranges.

The territory starts from the mountain of Cape Aya from its southern part and further to the mountain Kara-Dag.

And of course, special attention should be paid to Mount Ai-Petri, because being on the South Coast and not visiting this great summit just not possible. And you can find out how to get to Ai-Petri from Yalta, where everything is even and clearly told and shown.

The length of the territory is about 150 kilometers, and the width is from 2 to 8 kilometers.

The width of the site is taken into account from the top of the mountain to the sea lane.

on video: South Coast

This area includes:

  • partly the Sevastopol region, namely its Balaklava region, which just ends with the beginning of the southern coast of Crimea. What you can visit when relaxing in this city, you can also find out on this site.
  • Alushta
  • Sudaksiy
  • partly Feodosiya districts.

Incoming resort areas

The most famous Black Sea cities and towns from Sevastopol region (Western part South Coast) and to Feodosia (northern part of the South Coast)

These towns and cities are included in the area of ​​Greater Yalta. These resort towns are the most famous and most visited by vacationers in the summer.

There are also sanatoriums and rest houses for the treatment of such diseases as tuberculosis.

After all, it is here that the largest juniper groves are located, which positively affects the cure for the disease.

  • Gurzuf
  • Partenite
  • Alushta
  • Zander
  • Feodosia

From each other, the resorts are located very close, but having passed, for example, from Yalta to the village. Foros climate can change very significantly in better side, it will become much warmer and in this part in the summer period there is the least amount of precipitation.

Interestingly, if you climb the mountain road Yalta highway towards Sevastopol and drive through a mountain tunnel, the temperature can drop to 5-7 degrees.

This is due primarily to the crossing of that same mountain range, the mass of Aya, where the southern side of the peninsula ends.

If your vacation plans change, you can always make changes to your order or cancel it. Including while on vacation.

By agreement with the manager, you can change the check-in and check-out dates, the number of visitors, the accommodation facility, the type of room - we approach your wishes as loyally as possible.

Unused cash, which appear after the recalculation of the cost of the contract, we return within a few days according to your bank details.

If the trip is canceled before your arrival for good reasons (if you have supporting documents), the entire amount paid will be refunded. In other cases, including in case of no-show at the hotel, only the expenses actually incurred by the accommodation facility are deducted from the paid funds. With rare exceptions, this is usually the cost of a voucher for 1-2 days or the time of the actual stay at the hotel.

Since we are located on the spot, in the Crimea, this allows us to quickly resolve any issues that arise between tourists and the accommodation during the holiday.

How is the refund for tickets:

1. You inform us about the change / cancellation of the order, all details are agreed.

2. If you change the details of the trip, we send you the corrected documents, in case of cancellation - a sample application for a refund.

3. The refund is made from the current account of the legal entity using the non-cash details of your bank card within 2-5 working days.

The southern coast of Crimea, where is it better to relax alone, with a company or with children? Let's figure it out. South coast Crimea has always been famous the best climate rich in nature, picturesque mountains, warm sea and, as a result, has become a great place to relax.

The southern Crimean resorts are spread over a distance of 150 km from Cape Aya to Mount Kara-Dag. by the most popular destinations South Coast, where it is better to relax, are Alushta, Gurzuf, Foros and Yalta, as well as small resort villages between them. They can be quickly reached from the capital of Crimea -, and a developed transport infrastructure allows you to travel in different directions. Opened in Crimea new airport It's already an attraction.

It is on the South Coast that the world's longest trolleybus route, connecting Yalta, Gurzuf, Alushta and other resort villages with Simferopol.

To decide where it is better to relax on the Southern coast of Crimea, you need to decide what your priorities are: sanatorium treatment, the choice of excursion routes, eco-tourism, entertainment, sightseeing, amenities and developed infrastructure for beach holiday or budget travel. For all tourists, the Southern coast of Crimea is suitable, where you can relax, but each village has its pros and cons.

The southern coast of Crimea, where it is better: Privetnoe and Kanaka

Privetnoe and Kanaka are located in picturesque place among vineyards, orchards and juniper groves. Resorts dispose to a measured and relaxing holiday on the southern coast of Crimea. There are good pebble beaches, many guest houses and especially boathouses on the first coastline, where the entire infrastructure of the villages is concentrated. Privetny and Kanakskaya Balka have the most hotels and guest houses of low and medium price range. Entertainment in the village can be found on the beach: windsurfing, sea fishing, boating, yachting or buggy riding. You can also go to the sauna, play billiards in "Katran" (Privetnoe), sit in a cafe. Of the attractions of the southern coast of Crimea, there is the Uskut Jamisi mosque and the snow-white rock of Ak-Kaya, hikes to which will appeal to lovers of eco-tourism.

The southern coast of Crimea, where it is better to relax: Rybachye

This South Coast village, where it is better to relax, is popular with budget tourists and especially campers. Here is one of the most popular tent camps on the seashore. The Rybachye resort on the southern coast of Crimea is located in a picturesque corner among the Crimean mountains, thickets of cypresses and coniferous plants. The main attraction of the village is its wide pebble beach with dark volcanic sand and developed infrastructure.

Although the central beach of the village can be crowded during the peak season, tourists continue to come here, as there is an unforgettable atmosphere here. In the village of Rybachye, guest houses and hotels on the southern coast of Crimea of ​​the low and medium price segment prevail, but there are also more prestigious establishments. Here you can stay in boathouses on the seashore, as well as rent nice apartments. The village has all kinds of water activities, you can take a trip to the mountains in an SUV, go fishing in the sea. Tours to the caves are organized in the Karabi-Yayla tract. You can also go to the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall and the waterfalls of the Sater River, to the Chaban-Kale fortress, which is over 600 years old.

The southern coast of Crimea, where to relax: Malorechenskoye and Solnechnogorskoye

The villages of Malorechenskoye and Solnechnogorskoye are located 2 km from each other, you can walk.

Although they are located among the Crimean mountains, it is in this region that the mountains are not very high, and therefore there is always a light breeze here, which makes it easier to endure the heat. The villages have good small-pebble beaches with developed infrastructure. In Malorechenskoye there is a unique building - a lighthouse temple, which serves both.

Here is located viewpoint with stunning views of the coastline. Not far from Solnechnogorsk there is a 15-meter Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall and an Orthodox church located nearby.

In the villages, you can stay in establishments of the low and medium price segment.

South Coast: where better to relax - Alushta

Alushta, where you can relax on the southern coast of Crimea, has always been considered one of the most popular resorts. The composition of Big Alushta on the southern coast of Crimea includes more than a dozen resorts located to the east and west. Alushta has a lot of entertainment and attractions, as well as private municipal and wild beaches where vacationers will always find the perfect place to relax. The beaches of the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta consist of small and large pebbles and have good infrastructure, a water activities offered on many beaches.

In Alushta, you can stay in institutions of all price segments, although housing in the private sector is a bit more expensive than in other places. Also in the village and the surrounding area there are sanatoriums and boarding houses where you can undergo procedural treatment. On the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta, you will have access to all possible entertainment and access to many attractions. Among them marble cave, exposition "Crimea in miniature" on the street. Gorky, Scythian Naples, Aluston Fortress, Alushta Aquarium, etc.

Vouchers to the southern coast of Crimea

South Coast: where to relax - Cliff and Partenit

Utes and Partenit, where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, are very popular among tourists. Holidays on the southern coast of Crimea here are not conducive to a budget holiday, and this is especially true of Utyos, where luxury apartment rentals are popular, and the village itself resembles Portofino in Italy, or something like that. Parthenite also applies to prestigious resorts Crimea, but here it is much easier to rent a house in the middle price segment and the private sector. You can take a course of treatment in the sanatoriums "Crimea" and "Aivazovskoye".

The main attraction of Partenit is Mount Ayu-Dag, and in Utyos - big park and the ancient castle of Countess Gagarina. The beaches in the villages are small and narrow, consisting of small and large pebbles.

Where to relax on the South Coast: Gurzuf

Gurzuf, where it is better to relax on the South Coast, is considered one of the most famous and most visited resorts in the Crimea. It has a well-developed infrastructure, entertainment industry, and also has attractions that tourists admire. In Gurzuf, you can stay in one of the sanatoriums and improve your health. You can also stay in mini-hotels and hotels of all price categories. The beaches in Gurzuf are pebbly and there are several dozens of municipal and private beaches. As a rule, the private beaches of Gurzuf have an infrastructure that the beaches of other resorts can envy. The Gurzuf embankment is one of the most beautiful and exemplary in the Crimea. Entertainment in Gurzuf is available for every taste, from beach attractions to good restaurants with excellent cuisine. The sights of the village include the Gurzuf Garden, the Adalary rocks, the Chekhov Dacha Museum, the Pushkin Museum and the Suuk-Su Palace.

Big Yalta, Southern Coast of Crimea

Yalta is truly considered the pearl of the Crimean peninsula. The Big Yalta includes many resort villages where you can stay in the private sector and establishments of all price categories. The composition of Big Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea includes the villages of Danila, Nikita, Otradnoye, Massandra, Grape, Livadia, Oreanda, Gaspra, Koreiz, Alupka, Simeiz and others.

The beaches and their infrastructure are almost the same everywhere. The structure of the beaches is small and large pebbles. Almost along the entire perimeter of the coastline in the area of ​​resort villages, the beaches are separated by breakwaters and have concrete embankments. Everywhere you can relax on the municipal beaches, or staying in a sanatorium, relax on the departmental part of the coastline. There are also private beaches, and this is especially noticeable in central Yalta and Massandra.

Resort villages located east of Yalta offer a more budgetary vacation on the southern coast of Crimea, compared to the villages in the western part. AT Big Yalta focused imperial palaces and the palaces of the Russian nobility - Massandra Palace, Livadia Palace, Vorontsov Palace, the castle "Swallow's Nest", the palace complex "Dyulber". In Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea there is a zoo, a dolphinarium, an oceanarium and amusement parks, as well as museums, theaters and cinemas. In the village of Nikita you can visit the famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden and the alley of cacti.

In the western part of Big Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea is the famous mountain Ai-Petri, which you can climb by funicular.


Foros, where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, has always been considered a favorite vacation spot for the party elite of the USSR. Today, Foros is an ecologically clean place, and therefore the demand for recreation here is always high. Rest on the southern coast of Crimea in Foros itself cannot be called budgetary, and the reason for this is high prices for accommodation. In neighboring resort villages Sanatorium, Oliva, Beregovoe, you can rent inexpensive housing in the private sector or stay in a hotel of the middle price segment. In these villages, you can rent an excellent private villa at a relatively low price. The beaches in Foros and its environs are pebbly, and in some places with rocky ridges, have good infrastructure, especially those that belong to private establishments. In Foros and its environs, you can visit the house-museum of Yulian Semyonov, who lived here for a long time, the Kuznetsov Palace, Baydar Gates, the Church of the Ascension of Christ, Foros Park, the Devil's Stairs Pass, the Shuldan Monastery and the fortress on Mount Isar-Kaya.

Southern Coast of Crimea Hotels

Now you know where to relax on the southern coast of Crimea. This place is distinguished by a variety of resort towns and cities. Making a choice is not always easy, so it's better to travel and explore new places. The southern coast of Crimea is such a vacation where you simply cannot sit still!

South Coast Crimea and every year is visited by a huge number of tourists who are attracted by the unique climate, beautiful nature, sea and mountains. This allows you to soften the summer heat and hide from the heat, which is great for relaxing on the South Coast in the Crimea for both adults and children.

3 main features of recreation on the southern coast of Crimea

The southern coast of Crimea for recreation in 2020 is the most the best place. The season starts in June, but already in May there are many vacationers who swim and sunbathe. This Crimean region is great for beach and sea holidays.

Going to the Crimea on vacation in 2020 on the South Coast, you need to take into account several important features:

  • Children will be very interested here, because here entertainment infrastructure developed- Lots of water parks and rides. Adults can spend holidays in Crimea in 2020 on the South Coast on the beaches, in cozy cafes, near the pools.
  • Warm weather is set in May and lasts until the end of October, which allows you to plan a long vacation on the South Coast in the Crimea. The sea is warm, the sun does not bake, the air is full of aromas that make your head spin.
  • Huge selection of accommodation which is better to book in advance to be able to choose. It is recommended to do this in March-April, since by May a lot of tourists are already deciding that they will spend their future holidays in Crimea in 2020 on the South Coast. Because of this best options for living dismantled for several months in advance. You can settle in the private sector, but you will have to agree to what will remain unoccupied.

Separately, it should be said that rest on the southern coast of Crimea is a great opportunity to travel on excursions, visit natural and architectural sights. Classic directions educational tourism Ayu-Dag and Ai-Petri mountains are considered, as well as palaces in Livadia, Massandra, Yalta.

Where can I stay on the Southern coast of Crimea for vacation in 2020? It all depends on the budget and wishes of vacationers. by the most expensive cities South Coast are Yalta, Alushta, Simeiz. Acceptable prices for housing, food and entertainment can be found in Gurzuf, Laspi Bay, Livadia, Massandra, Miskhor.

With significant advantages in this region of Crimea, vacations in 2020 on the South Coast may have limitations:

  • Quite high prices when compared with other resort areas of the peninsula. This is especially felt when booking accommodation and purchasing vouchers late;
  • Pebble beaches, which are constantly filled with vacationers;
  • Difficult to find comfortable in places descent to the sea;
  • narrow streets do not allow visitors to put transport on their own cars or reach the final destination.

But for the majority of vacationers who organized their vacation on time, such disadvantages do not interfere with having a good time on the South Shore.

Crimea, South Coast: for vacation 2020 with early booking

Wanting to save time summer vacation, many tourists decide to pre-book a place in a hotel or inn, buy a ticket for affordable prices. Early booking is characterized by the following peculiarities:

  • Required in whole or in part pay for a ticket a few months before the date of the planned vacation;
  • By purchasing a package package that includes transport tickets, room reservation and transfer, you can significantly cut costs for a future holiday
  • Big choice hotels and boarding houses;
  • Independent selection of excursions and tourist routes;
  • Opportunity to get bonuses for early booking. Usually these are discounts on services in hotels, free tours, transfer, etc.

Wanting to go to the Crimea on the South Coast for a vacation in 2020 with early booking, it is necessary to take into account several shortcomings. Firstly, it is forbidden change the date, place and time of travel. Secondly, if you cancel the tour, you will have to pay fine, the size of which is sometimes 80-90% of the cost of the tour. Thirdly, there are difficulties with the change of passport data.

Southern coast of Crimea: prices for holidays

In Crimea, on the South Coast, prices bite for vacations, so you need to plan your vacation several months in advance. This will allow you to purchase a ticket at affordable prices, without overpayments and markups.

For tourists who were in the Crimea and the South Coast on vacation in 2019, prices were low in the private sector, boarding houses, sanatoriums and inexpensive hotels. The cost of services in such places of rest depends on the following factors:

  • Date and month of arrival;
  • resort;
  • Location of the selected hotel or resort;
  • Rest conditions.

On the South Coast in the Crimea on vacation prices in 2019 for accommodation in hotels in late May - early June ranged from 1.5 thousand for an economy class room. In the second half of June, the price for such a room rose to 2-3 thousand per day. In three-star hotels, economy-class rooms cost from 2.5 thousand. In 4-5-star hotels hotel complexes prices were much higher.

For visitors staying in the Crimea on the South Coast during the holidays in 2019, the prices were reasonable. Average in the settlements it was possible to rent a double room for 600-700 rubles, but this summer prices can rise to 1 thousand rubles for a room for two.

Make holidays in the new holiday season budget for the South Coast, Crimea, as well as the rest of 2019, is possible if eat on one's own. Products in markets, shops and supermarkets are not as expensive as in restaurants or cafes. If you don’t feel like cooking, then you need to choose places away from the coastline. The farther from the sea, the cheaper.

On the southern coast of Crimea to rest prices in 2020 g. will look something like this:

  • Price meals in the dining room will be equal to 800 rubles, in a cafe - 1.5 thousand, in a restaurant - 3 thousand;
  • Flights for two people will cost 14 thousand rubles;
  • Food from 1.2 thousand for two;
  • riding on catamaran- 150-500 rubles, a visit to the water park - from 400 to 1 thousand, a dolphinarium - within 200-400 rubles, a walk in a park or nature reserve will cost 50-250 rubles;
  • Visiting monuments architecture, history or culture - from 200 to 2000 rubles.

You can save on excursions if you travel on your own in the Crimea along the South Coast, and then a vacation with prices will turn out to be truly exciting and budget-friendly.

Rest on the southern coast of Crimea: reviews

Vacationers talk about each city of the South Coast with admiration, despite the pandemonium on the beaches and streets. This does not prevent you from enjoying your vacation on the southern coast of Crimea, and 2019 proved it.

Tourists left a lot of positive feedback about Big Yalta, Alushta, Gurzuf, Laspi Bay, mountains, Miskhor, Massandra and Livadia. In particular, in their reviews visitors focused on the following points:

  • Big Yalta great for educational tourism, beach holidays and marine entertainment;
  • Massandra and Livadia they are distinguished by excellent cuisine and wine lists, so according to reviews, holidays on the Southern coast of Crimea will suit real gourmets and connoisseurs of sea delicacies;
  • Sevastopol amazes with its museums and unusual history, it is worth going here for a few days to see everything slowly;
  • South Coast is suitable for family trip on the own car and holidays in a tent;
  • AT Koktebel there are numerous festivals that make the rest more atmospheric;
  • Do not leave indifferent travelers and ancient Crimean mountains. In particular, reviews of guests of the Crimea are advised to visit Cape Ai, Ai-Petri, Bear Mountain, dormant volcano Karadag, look at mountain waterfalls;
  • by the most beautiful place Southern Crimea is considered bay Laspi, which allows you to be alone with yourself, touch nature and watch the sea.

Thus, rest on the southern coast of Crimea in 2019-2020. will be unforgettable for everyone. Picturesque local nature, fresh breeze, mountains and the sea that surround sanatoriums and hotels leave no one indifferent.

Southern coast of Crimea: holidays with children

This region of Crimea is great for traveling with children different ages. This is a great opportunity to improve your health, and splash in the warm sea, and visit many attractions and excursions that are planned specifically for young tourists.

On the South Coast in Crimea, holidays with children should begin with a visit to the main attractions- palaces in Livadia, Massandra, Yalta, parks and reserves. Excursions must be planned according to the age of the children. For the very little ones attractions and waterslides located along the Black Sea coast of the South Coast.

On the southern coast of Crimea, holidays with children can be spent in Nikitsky botanical garden , park-sanatorium Aivazovsky, houses-museums that stand in small parks.

On the South Coast in Crimea, holidays with children are necessarily associated with a visit miniature park in Alushta, glades of fairy tales in Yalta, museum of pirates, caves Marble and Kizil-Koba. You can ride with children cable car, go to water parks, crocodillarium, zoo, theater of marine animals, dolphinariums.

Economical vacation on the southern coast of Crimea: where to go?

Inexpensive vacation in the Crimea on the South Coast can be carried out in hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotel complexes. For example, the Azovland boarding house offers a discount of up to 25% when making full payment for accommodation and meals. In the boarding house Beregovoy, the discount is 10% if vacationers are ready to pay for the entire tour package at once.

Budget vacation on the southern coast of Crimea is associated, first of all, with booking time and purchasing tickets. The sooner this is done, the cheaper it can get around the rest.

It is also important where travelers go on vacation to the South Coast. Most tourists try to rent accommodation in Foros, Yalta and Alushta. Due to its popularity, the cost of rooms in the private sector, boarding houses, sanatoriums and hotels is much higher than in other settlements. For an inexpensive holiday on the southern coast of Crimea in Yalta or Alushta, you should choose private sector or private apartments. In Yalta, you can rent a room in a small guest house for 800-1.2 thousand rubles per day. This price does not provide for the presence of a large number of amenities - only furniture and a bathroom.

In Alushta inexpensive vacation in the Crimea on the South Coast can be held in mini-hotels or family boarding houses, where they ask for a room from 1.5 thousand rubles. In the private sector, you can rent housing for 10-15% cheaper. Prices differ at the beginning of the season and at its end, so at the end of August the cost of a room or room in mini-hotels drops significantly.

Quite an economical vacation on the southern coast of Crimea is offered in the following settlements:

  • Solnechnogorsk;
  • Malorechenskoe;
  • Danilovka;
  • Gaspra;
  • Alupka;
  • Simeiz.

Popular destination in terms of budget holiday on the southern coast of Crimea is Partenite. Although in some institutions of this locality prices are several times higher than the cost of housing in Yalta. For example, you can rent an apartment here for 1.5-2.7 thousand rubles. It will be cheaper to rent a room in the private sector or a boarding house.

You can spend an inexpensive vacation on the southern coast of Crimea, you just need to carefully look for the most suitable housing option. In the private sector and apartments, conditions are sometimes similar to those offered in expensive hotels, so you should not overpay.

Rest in Crimea 2020: sanatoriums of the South Coast

An affordable vacation option for children and adults are sanatoriums, which are dotted with everything Black Sea coast Southern Crimea.

It is possible to spend holidays in the Crimea 2020 in the sanatoriums of the South Coast only if referral from a doctor. This is necessary in order to undergo a complex of treatment and properly take wellness procedures. Usually this is a visit to saunas and baths, massage rooms, ultrasound, treatment rooms, pools with sea water. In sanatoriums, along with treatment, special dietary nutrition is prescribed.

Approximate prices for vacation in 2020 in health resorts are:

  • "Ai-Petri» (Yalta) - from 2.3 thousand per room;
  • "Miskhor"(Yalta) - 2.3 thousand;
  • named after Kirov(Yalta) - 2.1 thousand;
  • "Slavutich"(Alushta) - 2.7 thousand people
  • "Cliff"(Alushta) - 3.077;
  • "Ai-Danil"(Yalta) - 6.7 thousand;
  • "Sail"(Yalta) - 2.8 thousand;
  • "Sauvignon"(Alushta) - 1.4 thousand people

There is enough entertainment in the sanatoriums, so the rest here will not be boring for either kids or adults. In addition to visiting treatment rooms, visitors take sun and air baths, breathe healing air in parks and protected areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of rest on the southern coast of Crimea in the private sector

The private sector of the Southern Crimea is a great opportunity for a budget and comfortable stay. You can spend your holidays on the Southern coast of Crimea in the private sector in guest houses, tourist bases and houses, cottages, boarding houses.

To pluses holidays on the South Coast in Crimea and recreation in the private sector include:

  • economical accommodation options;
  • Availability and big choice housing;
  • Possibility to find a room or apartment without intermediaries;
  • Availability additional features , including fresh air, proximity to nature, fenced area;
  • Proximity markets and shops;
  • No need to comply regulations hotel;
  • Can cook your own food;
  • Children can run and have fun wherever they want.

But on the South Coast in Crimea, recreation in the private sector has some inconvenience. First, it is the presence neighbors along a common yard or corridor. Secondly, the narrow corridors and steep stairs Therefore, parents of young children should carefully choose housing. Thirdly, a budget vacation involves eating small room size.