What is an open date air ticket? What time do planes fly in Russia Airplane tickets with an open date.

UTair airline announces the expansion of the “Open” tariff option to 19 destinations of its route network. Now flights without time restrictions are available not only at the “Light” fare, but also at the “Standard” fare.

The “Open” tariff option allows spontaneous travel and business trips to be guaranteed cheaper, provided that the passenger is not tied to the departure time - only the date is known in advance. The client receives an itinerary receipt with accurate information about the flight by e-mail before 16:00 the day before departure.

As part of the expansion of the tariff offer, economy class tickets without baggage under the “Light Open” tariff option are available for flights from Moscow to Belgorod, Grozny, Yerevan, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Makhachkala, Mineralnye Vody, Minsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Sochi , Surgut, Syktyvkar, Ulyanovsk and Ufa. The tariff will also apply on the Sochi – Krasnodar route.

In addition, a new option is being introduced on these routes - “Standard Open”. This offer includes free transportation of one piece of baggage up to 23 kg, as well as the opportunity to exchange a ticket less than 24 hours before and after departure with a fee of 2,000 rubles (30 euros). Passengers will be able to purchase a ticket 2 or more days before departure and receive an additional 25% discount when purchasing tickets for children.

Both tariff options will also be valid in return directions at a price reduced to 50% (when purchased on the website).

“High interest in low-cost tickets without a fixed time has brought success to our pilot project, launched in February. That is why we are now introducing a new tariff option to 19 destinations of our route network. “Open” will help passengers of our large country make cheaper trips to different cities, while such savings will not in any way affect the high level of flight quality and safety,” said Alexey Budnik, President of UTair - Passenger Airlines.

Airline UTair is the core of the UTair Group, which includes companies operating aircraft (planes and helicopters), as well as companies for aircraft repair and maintenance, personnel training, flight maintenance and air transportation sales.

In 2016, UTair aircraft carried 6,654,417 passengers. During the high season, the airline operates flights to 170 destinations, 65 of which are unique. Today UTair has a modern aircraft fleet of more than 60 aircraft. The main hub of the airline is Moscow Vnukovo International Airport, through which more than 160 flights of the air carrier pass daily. The headquarters is located in Surgut. UTair airline has been included in the IOSA operator register since 2008.

How to buy a plane ticket with an open date? What does it mean?

An open-date ticket is a ticket purchased for a specific flight of a specific airline; it does not indicate the arrival date, but you know the exact departure date. The passenger has the opportunity to independently choose the date of the flight later. Typically, a ticket with an open date has a time frame: it can be issued for a period of 3 months, six months and a year.

When should you buy an open date ticket?

  1. When the cost of two separate one-way tickets is higher.
  2. When the cost of a round-trip air ticket, with the possibility of changing the date (including a penalty for such a change), is higher than the cost of a ticket with an open date.

Please note that you must have a valid fixed date return ticket to enter some countries. In this case, you will have to buy a round-trip ticket with the possibility of changing the date.


Tickets without dates tend to be more expensive than tickets with a fixed arrival date. Although it is more expensive than a round-trip ticket, in most cases it is much cheaper than two one-way tickets.

How to buy a ticket with an open date?

It is not possible to buy an open-date ticket online. Such a ticket can only be purchased at the offices of the airline itself. Moreover, not all air carriers and not all destinations sell such tickets. Among domestic airlines, Aeroflot, Transaero and Utair practice this service.

Having such a ticket in hand, and having decided on the departure date, you will need to call the airline, preferably at least a few days in advance, and express your desire to fly on that day. The airline has the right to refuse you if there are no available seats and offer you another departure date. If the airline does not satisfy your wishes, the validity of the ticket will be extended. For example, if your ticket expires on May 15, and you expressed a desire to fly on the 10th, but there are no seats on that date, and the airline offered a flight on May 25, then do not worry, the ticket will be valid until the date proposed by the airline.

Features of booking a seat

An open date means that once you have decided on your return date, you need to contact the airline (visit the office or by phone) and inform them of your planned departure date. It is advisable to do this no later than 2-3 days before departure. A seat on a flight with a ticket with an open departure date is booked in accordance with the availability of seats on a given flight and in a given booking class. There is no additional charge for this, unless there are no seats on the selected flight in the class indicated on your ticket. In this case, you will need to pay an additional fee for a more expensive class.

What does an "open date" round-trip plane ticket mean?

  1. If you do not know exactly when you will be returning, it is better to buy a ticket with an open return flight date. An open date assumes that for a certain time (usually 3 months or more) you have the right to go with such a ticket to any airline ticket agency or call the airline and book a seat for the date you need. In this case, they will no longer take any additional payments from you, except perhaps a purely symbolic 1-2 dollars, but nothing more.

    Open date tickets tend to be more expensive than fixed date tickets.

    But even a ticket with an open date in 2 directions is usually cheaper than a separate one-way “there” ticket and a one-way “return” ticket.

  2. Book your round-trip tickets and don’t bother purchasing them in advance! Read carefully on the consulate’s website the information about the required documents - everywhere they write that “reservations or tickets” must be provided. I, too, foolishly bought tickets for the first time, received visas for myself and my child, but, due to circumstances, we didn’t go. I removed the departure dates from the tickets (where I bought them), and they remained valid for a year. i.e. with open dates. Then I decided to go, called the airline’s representative office in Moscow and set new departure dates, but for this I had to pay an additional 50 euros for my round-trip ticket. My son didn’t go and the ticket was lost.
  3. An open date ticket means that you can fly not on a predetermined day, but as needed. this tariff is one of the most expensive.
    Try to get a ticket for Aeroflot flights. If you are not given a visa, you can pass it without financial loss.
  4. First they get a visa and then decide when to fly. They lied to you about something. you can only return your ticket to the airline; anyway, they charge a fine of $50. How can you buy a ticket if you don’t have a visa? some kind of nonsense I would doubt it
  5. Each Schengen country has its own rules for issuing visas. Finland is generally the most loyal to residents of the North-West. Norway “does not ask questions at all” to the residents of the Murmansk region.
    Both of these countries are not interested in tickets at all.
    P.S. I have a 5-year Norwegian Schengen visa.
  6. The departure date is not specified, that is, when you want then you can fly
  7. This means your return flight will take place earlier than your original destination.
  8. This means the date is not determined by psst; in other words, you indicate the date yourself
    2 ends))))) there and back
  9. You set your own departure date.
    Very convenient.
  10. Without tickets, no one will issue a visa, this time, and secondly, tickets with an open date are a 100% refusal of a visa to the Schengen countries.

It happens that you need to go to some country: maybe for work, or maybe on a trip that you have long dreamed and planned, but do not yet know the exact date. It may also be that you were counting on a longer stay in the country, you completed all your work much faster than planned and there is no desire to stay longer. In such cases, there is an air ticket with an open departure date.

What is an open date ticket?

If you purchase a travel document in advance, pay the full price for it, but it does not indicate the day, time and flight, then such a ticket is called an open-date ticket. In such an air ticket, the code OPEN is written in the eighth column TIME. When the time comes to go on an air flight, you must contact the company by phone or come in person and inform the date of the expected departure. The ticket will need to be booked. As soon as all the data (flight number and departure date) is entered into the travel document, the validity of the air ticket begins.

There are also negative sides to such an air ticket. You have decided on the numbers, but there are no empty seats on the desired flight, then the airline may simply refuse to let you take off and recommend the nearest other plane.

If you book a round trip trip, the unknown departure date may only be in one direction, so decide right away. The requirements of some countries state that in order to enter their territory, you must have a ticket with a fixed return departure date. In such a case, you can purchase an air ticket with the opportunity to subsequently change the departure date.

Basically, all passengers first order a one-way ticket, and then, when they have to return, they buy a flight in the other direction. Thus, they get two different OW (one way) tickets. This is more expensive than one RT ticket (round trip - round trip).

How to purchase?

Let's consider how to buy a plane ticket with an open date? Today, some companies provide a similar service as an air ticket with an unfixed date, so you have to spend a lot of time in order to find a suitable company that matches your route.

If you decide to purchase a ticket with an unspecified departure date, you must make a visit to the airline office yourself a few days before departure (2-3 days), because at present it is not yet possible to order a ticket via the Internet (online).

Not all airlines provide the service of purchasing tickets with an open date; here are a few reliable, proven companies:

  1. Aeroflot.
  2. Transaero.
  3. Utair.
  4. Belavia.

The validity of travel documents with an unspecified date cannot last forever, it all depends on the airline’s rules, generally from one month to a year, which means that during a certain period of time you have the right to book this ticket. If there are no seats on the proposed flight, then the validity period of this ticket will be extended.

When buying an open-date Aeroflot ticket, as well as from other companies, you need to take into account that it will be more expensive than a round trip ticket - there and back, because you will need to pay an additional fee (“fine”). You can compare the difference in fine prices in different airlines and choose the one that is more acceptable to you. At airline offices you will find all the information you need.

When going on a trip, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. First of all, you need to decide where you will go, then choose the most competent airline, focusing on the reviews of experienced customers, have time to book a ticket at the lowest price, get ready for the trip and at the appointed time...

Air tickets with open dates

When going on a trip, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. First of all, you need to decide where you will go, then choose the most competent airline, focusing on the reviews of experienced customers, have time to book a ticket at the lowest price, get ready for the trip and arrive at the airport at the appointed time to undergo the necessary pre-flight procedures. And now everything has been successfully completed, you are on the plane, flying to the appointed point, spend some time there and suddenly realize that you urgently need to fly back, but the departure date on the return ticket is clearly indicated, and you are forced to arrive at the destination before the appointed time term.

What to do in this situation

It was necessary to buy an air ticket with an open date. What is this? Let's figure it out. If you want to save on your trip, you can take advantage of the ideal offer of any airline and purchase round-trip air tickets on the most favorable terms. Most airlines offer a discount on double tickets, called round-trip tickets. This is a small bonus for passengers. Such tickets are mutually beneficial not only for passengers, but also for airlines.

A short weekend, a vacation with friends or a business trip in another city or even another country, we can always clearly plan and take into account all the little things right up to the date of return, especially if all sorts of incidents seem to be excluded and the trip should take place in any case. However, it may happen that a return is expected, but its exact date is not determined, or it is necessary to fly earlier than scheduled.

To avoid problems in such a situation, it is recommended to purchase a ticket with an open rather than a fixed departure date. The cost of such a ticket will be significantly higher than its counterpart, in which the return date is clearly fixed, but this option is much simpler and more profitable than a separately purchased return ticket, especially in emergency situations.

What does the concept of “open date” of departure mean?

An open date should be understood as a unique opportunity for a passenger, over a considerable period of time, which is limited to three months, to individually determine the length of stay in a particular city or country and independently choose the date of return. Consequently, an open-date air ticket allows the passenger to freely manage his time during the trip.

If a passenger has purchased an air ticket with an unfixed return flight date, then after the return date has been determined, he has the right to come to the office that sells tickets for the airline of his choice or even call there and make a seat reservation for the required date.

As a rule, there are no additional fees for such an order, however, exceptions are possible in the form of surcharges, the amount of which does not exceed one or two dollars, which is not such a big cost. In any case, if you want to save money, it is most profitable to purchase two tickets at once.

Air tickets with an open date can be issued for a specific period. Usually this is 3 months, six months or a year. After issuing an open-date air ticket, you are given the opportunity to book a seat on the flight that is most convenient for you on any day. Naturally, the only condition is the availability of free seats in the class you paid for. If there are no seats on the selected flight of the corresponding class, you can use more expensive seats and pay the difference.

Where to buy an open date air ticket

The validity of an open-date air ticket begins immediately after entering the flight number and departure date. Before buying a ticket with an open date, you need to study the rules of arrival in the country you are interested in, since some countries require you to present a ticket with a fixed departure date, which is why you may simply not be allowed there. Have a nice trip!

To buy an air ticket, go to the main page of the site, indicate the city of departure and destination, the date and click search.