What to see in Pitsunda and the surrounding area: photos and descriptions of attractions. Abkhazia, Pitsunda

A large and detailed photo article about the Pitsunda resort (Abkhazia), where we will tell you about seaside holidays in the 2019 season, beaches, attractions, how to navigate, where to rent accommodation, how to get there and much more.

on the sea. Wide beaches, hotels and boarding houses with health and wellness programs attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. The subtropical Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters makes your holiday very comfortable.

The city takes its origins from antiquity, when the ancient Pitiunt (Pitius) was formed here, which was part of the Greco-Persian Pontic kingdom. After this, one of the centers of Christianity in the Caucasus was created here. Over time, the city was located within the Abkhazian kingdom, the Abkhaz-Georgian state, the Ottoman and Russian empires.

A relict pine grove, a clean and calm sea, and a cuisine that has been formed over centuries attract tourists to vacation in Pitsunda.

Pitsunda on the map of Abkhazia

It is more convenient to use the Pitsunda map if you open it in a separate window. To do this, in the upper right corner you need to click on the icon«» . Then a detailed explanation of the symbols on the map will appear in the left column.

In short:

  • The Pitsunda boarding house area is marked in burgundy.
  • Blue - areas where you can rent an apartment, apartment or hotel.
  • Yellow indicates the private sector.
  • The resort villages and their facilities located near Pitsunda are marked in purple.

Map of Pitsunda (Abkhazia) for downloading:

To download the map of Pitsunda in large size, you need:

  1. Right-click on the map and select “Save image as...”.
  2. Select a folder on your device and save.

Pitsunda and nearby resorts of Abkhazia

TO Pitsunda resort often referred to not only the city itself, But And nearby villages. Briefly about them, starting from west to east.

Alakhadze and Citrus . The villages of Alakhadze (Alakhadzy) and Citrusovy are located between Gagra and Pitsunda and practically merge with each other. The distance from them to the center of Pitsunda or Gagra is about 15 km. Accommodation for the most part takes place in guest houses or individual cottages in the private sector. There are also boarding houses and apartments in Citrusovoe. The villages are quite large, you can find mini-shops and cafes, however, for most products you will have to go to the market in Gagra or Pitsunda.

Poultry Farm and Dairy . The settlements of Poultry Farm and Molochny are very small. The center of Pitsunda is only 5 km away. Housing is represented by guest houses in the private sector. There are several boarding houses near the villages. The infrastructure is minimal. If you can still find a small store, then you shouldn’t count on anything more serious. But there is a lot of free space on the shore.

Pitsunda. The resort town of Pitsunda itself is an ideal place for a balance between a calm, measured holiday and the presence of urban infrastructure. The town is small and compact, separated from the sea by a relict pine grove. There are shops, a market, cafes and apatskhi (national restaurants of Abkhazian cuisine). You can stay in the private sector, apartments, hotels and boarding houses.

Pitsunda Resort

Ldzaa. The resort village of Ldzaa (also called Rybzavod) is one of the most popular holiday villages on the Black Sea in Abkhazia. Located just 4 km from the center of Pitsunda. You can stay in boarding houses, hotels, guest houses and apartments. Developed infrastructure, plenty of shops and cafes. The beaches here are mostly small pebbles, which gradually turn into sand as you approach the village of Agaraki.

Agaraki. The village of Agaraki (Amzhikukhua, Monastic Gorge), descending from the hills directly to the sea near a cliff, boasts the only completely sandy beach in Abkhazia. It is 7 km from Pitsunda. Accommodation usually takes place in guest houses in the private sector. There are several cafes and shops.

Golden Bay. It is surrounded on both sides by rocks; it can only be reached by land by driving around a small mountain from the village of Agaraki. The distance from Pitsunda is 10 km or 3 km from Agaraki. On the territory there is a recreation center and boarding house for Moscow State University. Minimum noise and civilization.

Musser. often referred to as Pitsunda, despite the fact that the resort is located far from this city (about 35 km) and can only be approached from the main highway M1. The Myussera resort is located a few kilometers from the village of the same name in the Pitsunda-Myussera Nature Reserve on the seashore. Here are the state dachas of Stalin and Gorbachev, as well as the boarding house named after Lakoba.

IN this article we will consider in detail only rest in the resort town of Pitsunda, for detailed study nearby villages, need to go to appropriate link higher (if available).

Housing in Pitsunda

The main types of holiday accommodation in Pitsunda: boarding houses, hotels, apartments and the private sector.

Boarding houses

Stay in Pitsunda itself on the first coastline the sea is possible only in boarding houses. There are 7 buildings: “Apsny”, “Bzyp”, “Golden Fleece”, “Kolkhida”, “Amra”, “Amzara” and “Mayak”, which together make up the association of boarding houses “Pitsunda Resort”. On the Google map at the beginning of the article, the area of ​​boarding houses with buildings is marked in burgundy. You can swim near each of them, but the main equipped beach is located near the resort hall and the Apsny and Bzyp buildings.

It is not possible to book a room at the Pitsunda Resort on regular hotel booking sites such as Booking. But you can compare prices and reserve through tour operators on the following websites:

  • – tours.
  • – depending on your needs, select the option “Hotel stay only” or “Flight + hotel”.

Outside the city of Pitsunda there are other popular boarding houses for recreation:

  • Pine Grove ( | * ).
  • Boxwood Grove ( | * ).
  • Literary fund ( | * ).
  • Pitius (tours | hotel only* ).
  • Ldzaa (tours | * ).

* If you don’t need a flight, then after going to the boarding house using the second link, don’t forget to select the “hotel stay only” option.

Private sector, hotels and apartments in Pitsunda

In addition to boarding houses, Pitsunda also has hotels, mini-hotels, guest houses (private sector), and apartments.

When choosing apartments in Pitsunda, pay attention to the location (on the map at the beginning of the article, areas with high-rise buildings are indicated in blue). For example, if you live in the Fourth Microdistrict, you will have to walk 1.5-2 km to the sea, but the market is nearby.

Apartment buildings in Pitsunda

Private sector on the map of Pitsunda at the beginning of the article it is marked in yellow. It has a very convenient location: firstly, close to city center, Secondly, not far from the sea, Thirdly, Nearby there is a pine grove.

Private sector in Pitsunda

Hotels And guest houses in the form of mini-hotels are located both in high-rise buildings and in the private sector.

Where to look for housing:

  • Hotels, guest houses and apartments (apartments): booking and hotellook.
  • Houses (cottages, villas) and apartments: airbnb.

Examples of housing in Pitsunda:

What to see in Pitsunda - main attractions

When coming to Pitsunda on vacation, do not miss the following attractions:

Temple complex of the historical and architectural reserve "Great Pitiunt" , which includes the following attractions:

  • X century, 550 m long, up to 8 m high and 1.5 meters thick.

  • – an ancient Christian temple (IX-X centuries), one of the most significant in Abkhazia. Several fragments of fresco painting from the 16th century have been preserved inside. Nowadays, the temple is used as a concert hall for organ and piano music.

  • The organ of the Alexander Shuke company was installed in the Pitsunda Cathedral in 1975.
  • Chapel of the Temple of Pitsunda Saints. Active Orthodox chapel of the 18th century. at the Pitsunda Temple is located on the territory of the hospital, however, you can also get into it from the side of the cathedral.

  • Museum of the History of Pitsunda. Various artifacts, frescoes, fragments of ancient mosaics and other finds from excavations of the ancient city of Pitiunt are collected here.

Fragments of an ancient mosaic in the museum
  • Dolmen. An ancient dolmen from Eshera was transported to the territory of the temple complex.


Visiting information:

  • Opening hours: from 10.00 to 19.00.
  • Ticket price: adults - 100 rubles, children from 6 to 12 years old - 50 rubles.

Byzantine settlement II VI centuries Consists of ruined Roman baths, barracks, the palace of the legion commander, a well and wine cellars.

Grove of relict pine. Located between the city and the coastline.

Pine Grove

Memorial residents who died in the Great Patriotic War and in the Abkhaz-Georgian wars.


Sculpture "Divers" Zurab Tsereteli is one of the symbols of Pitsunda, installed in 1969 at the entrance to the central beach.

Sculpture "Divers"

Merab Berdzenishvili, installed in 1980 on Cape Pitsunda near the Mayak and Amzara boarding houses.

Old lighthouse , located between the Mayak and Amzara boarding houses, currently inactive.

Old lighthouse

What to do in Pitsunda?

In addition to sightseeing, during your holiday in Pitsunda in 2019 you can attend the following entertainment events:

Organ music concert in Pitsunda Cathedral. People's Artist of Abkhazia Marina Shamba and laureate of international competitions Luka Gadelia perform. During the season, concerts are held daily. Official site http://pitsundaorgan.tk .

Dolphinarium. In 2016, the only dolphinarium in Abkhazia opened in Pitsunda. Located on the embankment in the resort area, between the boarding houses “Bzyp” and “Zolotoe Fleece”.

Schedule of performances at the dolphinarium


Prices in Pitsunda, in general, the same as.

✔ Tasty and inexpensive eat You can go to the “Yummy” canteen. Since this is a canteen, there is no “service” item in the bill. After seven in the evening the barbecue menu begins. The dining room welcomes visitors until late. Located in the city center on the street. Gitsba, adjacent to the administration building of the OP “Resort Pitsunda” from the side of the memorial (marked on the map).

Dining room “Yummy” in a blooming garden
Food at Vkusnyashka

✔ In Pitsunda there is market, where you can buy vegetables and fruits, cheeses, spices, nuts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, drinks, canned goods and other products (the market is marked on the map at the beginning of the article).

Market in Pitsunda

✔ Rubber slippers (in the sea near Pitsunda the beaches are pebbly - it can hurt barefoot), beach mats, souvenirs sold in the central part of the city on Gitsba Street.

SIM card can be purchased in the Akvafon and A-Mobile salons on both sides of Gitsba Street near the entrance to the Pitsunda temple complex (marked on the map), as well as in many shops in the city.

✔ located at the intersection of the street. Gochua and Cypress Alley.

Beaches and sea in Pitsunda

general description

Pitsunda is washed by the Black Sea. The entire coastline around the resort is a long beach. If you look at the map at the beginning of the article, the city itself is located on a ledge in the sea. To the west of Pitsunda, throughout the nearby villages of Alakhadze, Citrusovy, Poultry Farm, Molochny and in the city itself there are pebble beaches. To the east of the resort begins the Pitsunda Bay, in which gradually from Pitsunda to Agaraki pebbles give way to sand. Golden Bay is sandy with a mixture of small stones and pebbles. There is a small pebble beach in Mussera Bay. The sea in Pitsunda and its surroundings is exceptionally clear (except for days when it is stormy, and there are not many of these during the season).

Beaches of Pitsunda pebble, they are all free. The coastline can be divided into two zones:

  • Near Cypress Alley (to the left of the cape, if you look at the map).
  • Resort (to the right of the cape, if you look at the map).

Urban building Pitsunda from the coast separated by a pine grove, directly near the beaches posted only seven boarding houses association "Resort Pitsunda".

Beach and sea near Cypress Alley

Along the road to one of the beaches there is Cypress Alley (indicated by a green line on the map). From the city center to the beach it is about 800 m (5-10 min walk). Along the way there are numerous cafes, souvenir, fruit and alcohol shops.

On the shore there are changing rooms, a cafe, a paid toilet, canopies and sun loungers.

Beach and coastline they don't clean very well in good faith. But water in the sea purest.

There are relatively few vacationers; if you go to the right or left, you can find very uncrowded places.

Beaches "Resort Pitsunda"

T.I. Street leads to the beaches of the resort from Pitsunda. Gitsba. From the city center to the sea, as well as along Cypress Alley, you need to walk about 800 m (5-10 min. walk). It's just that there is a turnstile installed here, paid entrance– 20 rub./person. If you walk along the coast from Cypress Alley, you will come to the beaches of the resort for free.

Bamboo grove along the street. Gitsba

Arriving at the beach, we come across the famous “Divers” sculpture.

Sculpture "Divers" near the main beach

There is a spa hall nearby. This is the most crowded place on the beach of the entire Pitsunda coastline.

On the beach you can rent a catamaran or use the hydromassage service.

You can ride a catamaran
Hydromassage services

The Pitsunda embankment and the resort beach stretches 1.5 km to the right (if you look at the sea) from the sculpture of divers to the cape with the sculpture “Medea”. Along the shore there are cafes, shopping tents, entertainment, a dolphinarium, changing rooms, toilets, showers and sun loungers. The latter are free only for boarding house guests. For other tourists – 100 rubles/sunbed (subject to availability). The further we go from the sculpture of divers, the fewer vacationers there become.

The resort beach ends with the sculpture “Medea” on Cape Pitsunda near the boarding houses “Mayak” and “Amzara”.

How to get to Pitsunda

Options for getting to Pitsunda:

By car.

By train. There are trains that go directly to (from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Belgorod), you need to get off in Gagra, and then take a taxi or bus/minibus to Pitsunda. You can also take the train to Adler, and from there get to Pitsunda separately, as written below. We look at the train schedule.

By plane. Planes do not fly to Abkhazia. The nearest airport is in Adler (Sochi), from there you need to get to Pitsunda by land. Calendar of low prices for air tickets to Sochi (you can select the departure city and other parameters yourself in the form):

The main ways to get to Pitsunda from either the airport or Adler railway station:

  • On bus (minibus)– 120 rub. per person from the Psou border. In Russia, you will have to get to the border by bus + walk about 2 km or by taxi.
  • On by train or catamaran to Gagra, and from there by taxi or bus/minibus to Pitsunda.
  • Group transfer– from 850 rub./person. from Adler, ordering it in advance at one of the offices via the Internet.
  • On Taxi– from 800-1200 rub. per car from the Psou border. You will also have to get to the border by bus + walk about 2 km or take a taxi.
  • On individual transfer, ordering online from KiwiTaxi – 3,600 rubles. per car directly from the airport or Adler railway station. They meet you with a sign and help you with your luggage.

So our photo tour of the resort town of Pitsunda in Abkhazia, its attractions, sea and beaches has ended. If you are planning a vacation in Pitsunda in 2019, and you still have questions, ask them in the comments, we will try to answer.

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The sea in Pitsunda has made the town a popular resort. Tourists from all over the CIS come to spend their holidays here, sunbathe, enjoy the mountain air and take good photos. The city is located in Abkhazia, washed by the Black Sea and has a mountainous strip. This makes the climatic conditions most favorable for recreation.

Where is Pitsunda and how to get there

Pitsunda is a city in Abkhazia, which is located near Georgia. The resort is located on the shores of Cape Pitsunda¸ where vacationers can enjoy the Black Sea. The city is surrounded by other popular resorts. So, moving south, Gagra is 25 kilometers away, Adler is 75 kilometers away, and Sukhum is another 10 kilometers further. These are popular resorts not only in Georgia, but also in all CIS countries.

Pitsunda belongs to the Gagra region. The resort can hardly be called a city. Its indigenous population is small and according to official figures is about 4,000 people. But Pitsunda was given city status only in 2007. It is possible that the Georgian resort is developing and soon the population will be much larger.

Pitsunda attracts the attention of filmmakers. Many films have been filmed on the shores of the picturesque resort since 1961.

Pitsunda attracts tourists with its picturesque landscapes. And it borders and has a fairly developed urban infrastructure. The city itself is small, the beaches are clean. A vacationer can visit shops, markets, cafes. You can try national food in the so-called Apatskhi.

To get to Pitsunda, you must first come to Adler. This is usually done by train or plane. The flight is operated with a transfer in Sochi. From Adler you will need to take a bus to the border. Queuing is only possible during peak tourist season. No visa required.

After crossing the border you can take a bus. They depart from the stop regularly. You can get from Sochi to Abkhazia by catamaran. To get to Pitsunda, you need to take a bus.

Population of Pitsunda

In the 60s, the bulk of the population were Russians. Their number did not even reach 1000 people. In the 90s, the number of residents according to official data was 1146 people. The majority were Russians and Georgians, only then came the Abkhazians.

After the 90s, there were much fewer Russians and Georgians. By 2003, the resort's population was about 4,000 people. When the USSR collapsed, the city's popularity decreased, but there were still enough tourists. Now the number of residents of Pitsunda is about 5,000 people.

Percentage of nationalities in 2011:

  • Abkhazians – 60%;
  • Russians – 30%;
  • Armenians – 4%;
  • Georgians – 3%;
  • Ukrainians – 2%;
  • Others – 1%.

Climate in the resort town

For vacationers, Pitsunda seems like a small coastal town. This is the pride of Abkhazia. The climate is subtropical with moderate humidity. Thanks to the presence of the sea and mountains, the air is clean and fresh.

For residents of dusty cities, the fresh air of Pitsunda is healing.

Tourists are delighted with the clean sandy beaches on the Black Sea coast. The water itself is warm, which especially pleases vacationers. The main attraction of the city is the pine grove. This is what remains of the Caucasian flora in Pitsunda. Trees stretch along the coast for 7 km.

Pine Grove is a nature reserve that is protected. The microclimate of the coniferous forest has a beneficial effect on the health of vacationers. The pines themselves are quite old, some specimens are more than 500 years old.

Pitsunda is usually hot, but the sea breeze and cypress plantations add coolness. Thanks to the grove, the body is saturated with oxygen. Many tourists are of the opinion that the sea in the city is surprisingly calm and the water is clean. The climate in Pitsunda is perfect for relaxation: the sultry heat is diluted by the pleasant mountain coolness.

Features of Pitsunda

We need to figure out what attracts tourists to this small resort town. And Pitsunda has enough advantages. It is thanks to the fact that the authorities support and develop that the city does not lose its popularity.

Pros of Pitsunda:

  1. Clean sea. The water is recognized as the best that can only be found on the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus. This is information confirmed in practice.
  2. Well maintained beaches. In Pitsunda you can find both sandy and pebble options. Their service is top notch. The beaches are clean, well-groomed, with all necessary services.
  3. Historical part of the city. The authorities do not forget about the history of the resort. The tourist has the opportunity to enjoy the memorials, sculptures, nature reserves and the city square.
  4. Fresh air. Thanks to the connection of mountains and sea, oxygen in Pitsunda is healing. Thanks to the mountains, the climate itself is moderately humid, unlike neighboring Gagra.

A vacationer can stay at any hotel or boarding house. Locals make money by renting out their homes, equipped to meet the needs of tourists. The most popular hotel is Irene. You can stay at the elite boarding house “Boxwood Grove” or “Golden Fleece”.

In the city center you can explore the historical part and have fun with modern options. There is an opportunity to explore the Great Pitiunt Nature Reserve. In the shopping area of ​​the city you can buy national goods and try the same dishes. For children there is a park with attractions and carousels. But such entertainment is also available for adults.

You can honor the dead soldiers near the “Memorial Memorial”. You can walk to the center along the fir alley. You can also visit the dolphinarium. On the embankment you can admire numerous monuments: “Divers”, “Stone Girl”, “Mother and Children”. Many tourists head to the Lighthouse, which is located on the territory of the Pitsunda Resort boarding house. The memo is working with modern equipment, as it continues to function. It is on the embankment that you can take the coolest photos from your vacation.

The sculpture “Divers” tells about pearl divers in the depths of the sea, where they are surrounded by fish, dolphins, and eels. The installation is complemented by small jets of water.

The embankment occupies 5 km, filled with various types of entertainment for adults and children. The road is paved with large stone slabs. The main vacation spot is Central Beach. The swimming season begins in May and continues until October. The water temperature, even in autumn, pleases vacationers on the Pitsunda beach.

The weather in Pitsunda pleases vacationers with a combination of sultry heat and pleasant coolness due to the fact that the resort has both mountains and the sea. Spending time here will allow you to improve your health. Walking in a pine grove will saturate the body with oxygen, because their microclimate combines the best of the sea and mountains. Tourists will be delighted by the historical part of the city and other entertainment on the embankment for children and adults. Pitsunda is one of the best resorts in the Caucasus, which is proven by positive reviews from many vacationers.

In chapter Policy to the question are there ticks in Abkhazia? and is the ANTI-TICK insurance from ASKO valid there? given by the author Milena the best answer is Actually, tick season has passed, but just in case, you can get vaccinated. Inexpensive and safe.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: are there ticks in Abkhazia? and is the ANTI-TICK insurance from ASKO valid there?

Answer from Alkion alef[guru]
The overall security situation in the country is very ambiguous, although no more complicated than in any of the southern regions of Russia. On the one hand, the friendliness of local residents and certain efforts of the authorities have largely normalized the once very criminal situation in Abkhazia.
In this regard, the rule that is quite common for the entire Caucasus applies - if a tourist has a friend, guarantor or respected person from the locals, he should not expect any special problems. The country is small, everyone knows each other. The truth depends a lot on the guest himself, since Abkhazian traditions are still somewhat different from those familiar to us.
The sun is very strong in Abkhazia. You can get sunburned even “out of season” without sunbathing on the beach. It is highly recommended to use sunscreen at any time of the year.
In nature, ticks and snakes can be dangerous.

Answer from Inna Bilalova[active]
Igor, are you kidding? Tomorrow we are going to Rizza, and then walk 5 km to some lake. I'm worried about ticks

Holidays in Pitsunda (Abkhazia) will appeal to lovers of silence, huge parks and clear seas; excellent combination of price and service offered, living conditions. The legendary resort of Abkhazia, which has not yet received large investments. At the same time, being located on the territory of a large reserve promises good prospects for the development of local business. For now, there are no new luxury hotels, but there is an inexpensive private sector in Pitsunda with everything you need and walking distance to the sea, shops and other infrastructure. Here you can book excursions around Abkhazia - there are really a lot of them. The embankment has many attractions, cafes and restaurants to suit any budget, even the most modest.

The price for the private sector of Pitsunda is affordable, the choice of objects is sufficient. There are houses within walking distance from the beach where you can relax for very little money in these days. The page shows prices as of 2019 for guest houses, the private sector, without intermediaries.

Do you want to have a good rest by the sea with full board? Large hotels, for example, “Boxwood Grove”, “Apsara” are at your service.

How to get there

The city is located on Cape Pitsunda, which forms the Pitsunda roadstead, closed from high water. In the western part, the Bzyb River flows through the city, which, spreading into several branches, flows into the Black Sea. On the cape there is a system of relict lakes, the largest of which is Inkit. From the Russian border to the city is about 40 km. The capital of Abkhazia, Sukhum, is 70 km, and Gagra is about 25 km.

There are three main ways to get to Pitsunda:

  • get to Adler in any convenient way by train or plane, then by minibus to the border crossing, which you cross on foot, and then take a local vehicle going along the coast of Abkhazia;
  • by rail on the Moscow-Sukhum train (No. 305/306 or No. 036 trailer car) get to Gagra, and from there by minibus to Pitsunda. This is more convenient, especially if you are eating with children;
  • by sea. During the holiday season, a catamaran runs from Sochi and Adler to Gagra, and from there, again, by minibus or taxi.

general information

Pitsunda officially became a city only in 2007, having previously been a resort village. The indigenous population here is no more than 4,200 people, although the city is quite large in area. True, a significant part is occupied by boarding houses and holiday homes, as well as nature reserves with rare varieties of trees. In addition to its “beach” orientation, the city is also considered a medical and health center. There is no industry. The service infrastructure is quite highly developed. Holidays in Pitsunda can be recommended to any social group of the population.

The history of the city dates back to the 6th century BC, when the first settlements appeared on the territory. Then the Greeks came here and founded the port city of Pitiunda, the name of which was eventually reduced to the modern Pitsunda. More accurately, this word is translated from ancient Greek as “pine.” Then the city passed to the Romans, Abkhazians, then the Turks, until in the 19th century it became Russian, and after 1991 again Abkhazian.

Things to do

Holidays in Pitsunda can be safely called quite eventful. There are a lot of interesting places and attractions that you will want to see. The first and main thing is local relict pine groves. Pitsunda pine is considered one of the noblest and most ancient trees of the Caucasus. And it is here that its largest reserve is located, bordering the entire cape. Nearby you can also find relict lakes, the largest of which is Inkit, which is more than 3,000 years old. Next, go to the Bzyb River, and best of all, to its source on the famous Lake Ritsa. Perhaps this is the most unique alpine lake in the Caucasus. There, history buffs can see the famous Stalin's dacha and Brezhnev's dacha. Since the 6th century, Pitsunda has been the center of Christianity in the Caucasus. In its very center is the unique Patriarchal Cathedral of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, built during the period of the Abkhazian kingdom. And there are a lot of similar places here.


There are many beaches in Pitsunda, and they are quite different. It all depends on the location. The most popular and equipped is the Central Municipal Beach. The beaches of the association of boarding houses are also recommended. Here the sea is quite calm, unlike the suburbs further away from the cape. But the outskirts are not so crowded. The beaches are covered with pebbles. In many of them, pine and boxwood groves approach the water, which gives the air a strong therapeutic and prophylactic effect. If you want a sandy beach, it is better to go to the village of Ldzaa, which is not far from the bay. In addition, there are quite picturesque places there.

Security in Abkhazia

The overall security situation in the country is very ambiguous, although no more complicated than in any of the southern regions of Russia. On the one hand, the friendliness of local residents and certain efforts of the authorities have largely normalized the once very criminal situation in Abkhazia. On the other hand, the level of petty crime against tourists, fraud, theft and outright deception is still high. This is most clearly seen in areas with large crowds of people, however, private homeowners try not to spoil their reputation and take very serious measures for the safety of guests. In this regard, the rule that is quite common for the entire Caucasus applies - if a tourist has a friend, guarantor or respected person from the locals, he should not expect any special problems. The country is small, everyone knows each other. The truth depends a lot on the guest himself, since Abkhazian traditions are still somewhat different from those familiar to us.

Safety on the roads of Abkhazia

On the roads in Abkhazia you need to be very careful. Local residents, especially young people (33% of all road accidents fall in this category), drive with true Caucasian recklessness, road markings and speed limits are poorly observed, and the technical condition of the vehicle fleet also leaves much to be desired. There are few traffic lights in cities, and sometimes there are simply no traffic lights, and the highway that passes through all the coastal settlements, although in fairly good condition, is very busy at the height of the season, since it is the only major transport artery of the country.

At the same time, many provincial roads are, at best, an ordinary grader or a broken asphalt strip, so breakdowns when driving a car are not uncommon, and car repair shops are often far away and expensive. Often livestock graze right on the roads, not paying the slightest attention to passing cars.

When traveling in your own car, you should be wary of the increased attention of local thieves, so you should always lock your car, even if you are away for a short time. You should not leave money, documents or valuables in the car. According to the Abkhaz Ministry of Internal Affairs, most thefts and thefts occur in the summer in the Gagra region and in the capital of the republic. These same regions also account for the maximum activity of household robbers, so reasonable security measures should be taken when staying in a hotel, in the private sector, on the beach or in a store.

When crossing a street, even with one-way traffic, you should definitely look around and under no circumstances cross the road in front of a moving car, even if it is relatively far away! Local drivers in such a situation will most often prefer to press the horn rather than slow down. There are few marked pedestrian crossings, so crossing a road or intersection when you are not used to it can be a challenge.

There are also many difficult moments in relations with local law enforcement officers. On the one hand, like ours, traffic police officers are very picky about cars with out-of-town license plates and are intractable; they like to find fault with every little thing and extort bribes. On the other hand, most often they are very friendly and turn a blind eye to some minor mistakes. In the case of a serious offense, you can expect long and tedious dismantling of the circumstances of the case at the police station. The same applies to crimes against tourists themselves - their detection rate is relatively low, the registration procedure is also fairly bureaucratized, but all this is hardly any different from the procedures we are used to.

Dress code in Abkhazia

Outside the beach, it is strictly not recommended to appear in just a swimsuit or swimming trunks, even wrapped in a pareo or towel. Local residents will also be very disapproving of appearing on the beach in an overly revealing swimsuit, and even more so topless. Shorts, open cleavage and short skirts are also unacceptable in public places, especially for young people. The notorious excessive attention of local men to resort girls is most often explained by non-compliance with this rule and nothing more. The Abkhaz themselves, especially the older generation, dress very neatly, modestly and with a certain taste, and therefore value similar behavior when visiting. Young people are usually more liberated, but also within certain limits.

Relationship with the owners

If housing is rented in the private sector, the owner (and often any other resident of this street or even the village) automatically considers the tourist to be his guest, to whom all the rules of complex local etiquette apply. And from the first to the last minute of their stay, the guest is the center of attention of the entire family, relatives and neighbors. He is the first to sit down at the table - the hosts will not sit down without him, but when entering the house, it’s the other way around - the guest greets the hosts first. Special respect, naturally, is first and foremost shown to the oldest members of the family and the head himself; any special display of signs of attention to the hostess is not welcomed, but is not condemned within the framework of general decency. When any stranger appears in a room or on the threshold of a house, it is customary to stand up; this custom is called “akhatsgylara” and is characteristic of all mountain peoples. If it is a woman, usually only men stand up, although among close relatives and friends this is not necessary. The polite thing for a person whose appearance was honored by standing up is to ask all those present not to bother themselves, and then they should wait until the elders sit down and only then join the feast. However, in public places or in cafes this rule is usually not observed - it is quite enough to simply rise slightly from your chair as a sign of respect.

Money, bargaining and mutual settlements

Particular attention should be paid to everything related to monetary payments. There is an opinion that Abkhazians, for any reason, inflate prices for tourists and lure money out of them in every possible way. Like any other resort place on the planet, it partly has a basis. However, due to the abundance of offers on the local market, it is very easy to get rid of such “merchants” by choosing another place to live or eat, or simply turning to local residents for advice - where can you find what you need for less money? Usually no one will give bad advice - the country is small and reputation is expensive. But there are still much more respectable entrepreneurs here than outright crooks. Therefore, if any problems arise, you should not enter into any bickering or conflicts to sort things out - in Abkhazia this is absolutely unproductive. It’s much easier to change conditions you don’t like without shouting and reproaches and choose something else.

Most often, the initially agreed upon fee is final and there is no negotiation in the event of any complaints, such as an inconsistent shower or lack of air conditioning. Before reaching an agreement, you can and should bargain, but only with reason and with respect for the owner. A simple rule applies here - “you saw everything yourself before you agreed.” Therefore, paying in advance is not the most reasonable way here, only after! The same is true in a restaurant or cafe, where in most cases the dish is prepared right in front of the guest. On the other hand, if you show due respect and tact, you can always agree on the provision of some additional services at a very reasonable price, or even for free. Yes, in the resort sector there are also unscrupulous owners who, under one pretext or another, extract money from tourists. But in small settlements, especially in the mountains, this is simply unthinkable. But there are plenty of counter-examples.

Water and electricity in Abkhazia

Many regions of the country still experience certain problems with water supply and electricity. These nuances should be clarified before concluding a contract. Also, you should not take the word of “agents” who meet tourists at bus terminals or stations and invite them to “paradise” for ridiculous money. All promises should be checked before concluding a contract, and if they are clearly violated, simply look for another place, since there is a wide choice.

Renting private housing

Prices for renting private housing in the republic are almost the same everywhere - for 200-300 rubles per day you can rent a place for one without any special frills, for 500-800 rubles you can rent a room. Additional conditions and prices for them are agreed upon in advance. You can agree on accommodation with meals - it’s difficult to guess the price here, it all depends on the owners, but on average this will increase the cost of accommodation by a third or even more.

In popular resort areas, many experienced tourists use a simple rule - they look on the Internet for prices for hotel rooms in this area, then they are reduced by a third - this will be the average price for this place, from which it is worth starting bargaining. However, recently Abkhaz private owners have been very actively exploring the Internet, and finding suitable housing with specific conditions has become much easier.

Communication with authorities

Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of incorrect and often unacceptable attitude of the Abkhaz police and military towards tourists. This especially applies to the southern part of the country, the Gali, Ochamchira and Tkvarchal districts. The main problem is police corruption coupled with paranoid spy mania. Tourists encountered unreasonable quibbles and rudeness just because they photographed the conventional House of Culture in Tkvarchal, or the destroyed school in Gala. In some cases, tourists were forced to pay a fine for non-existent “violations”, while no receipts were issued or protocols were drawn up. Sometimes tourists were detained for questioning, during which the Abkhaz police made absurd and ridiculous accusations that they were “photographing strategic objects” or “gathering information.” As a rule, such incidents ended in extortion of cash from tourists.

Visiting Georgia after a stay in Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Recently, cases of detention in Georgia of Russian citizens who have marks in their passports indicating that they crossed the border to Abkhazia and South Ossetia have become more frequent. Despite the fact that these two republics do not put any stamps on tourists’ passports, marks from the Russian checkpoints Psou (border with Abkhazia) and Zamarag (with South Ossetia) are proof for the Georgian authorities of visiting these disputed territories.

Natural Hazards

The sun is very strong in Abkhazia. You can get sunburned even “out of season” without sunbathing on the beach. It is highly recommended to use sunscreen at any time of the year.

In nature, ticks and snakes can be dangerous.