The ancient city of Arkaim: photo and description, information for tourists, history and interesting facts, how to get there. The ancient city of Arkaim, Chelyabinsk region What is Arkaim and where is it located

Good afternoon, our dear readers, subscribers and random visitors. Have you ever heard about the Ancient City of Arkaim? Imagine this place: the steppe, it’s windy and noisy all around, rooks and people are making noise. Pilgrims are walking in a line. What draws them here? They look like vacationers - they sunbathe and swim, they also wander around in a spiral with bare feet, is this fashionable entertainment or an unconscious craving for the earth?

And in the Men's Forest, not far from Arkaim, there are rooks' nests. Pilgrims create legends and beliefs; they say that if a woman with childbearing problems walks through this forest at night, she will definitely become pregnant. No wonder. In rook nests there are not one, but 5-7 long-nosed, noisy rooks...

Read and find out what the mysterious Arkaim is like and what secrets it hides.

It is known that every nation has its own sacred place of power on earth. Such places are closely connected with the memory and wisdom of ancestors in centuries-old history. The origins of such places sometimes go back to ancient times, much older than even the period of construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

Such places, once you find yourself in them, force a person to rethink his attitude towards the world around him, to realize that life is just a grain in the ocean of time and to feel their special influence. According to esotericists, here everyone can enter into a spiritual connection with the heritage of their ancestors, whose experience did not disappear without a trace, but was preserved in a single energy-information field, as if recorded in the memory of the computer of the Universe.

For Russia, such a place is Arkaim - an ancient Aryan city found by chance, it almost ended up buried under water. The discovery of this ancient city presented scientists with a new mystery, the meaning of which has not been fully deciphered to this day.

How the ancient city of Arkaim was found

For the first time (according to the official version) Arkaim was discovered in 1952, when military cartographers carried out aerial photography. Later, a photograph of several strange circles located in the area was received through a reconnaissance satellite. But then they did not pay due attention to this find.

And according to one of the unofficial versions, Adolf Hitler knew about the existence of Arkaim; allegedly, in his materials, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, Soviet intelligence officers found photographs of this place.

And only in 1987, when the territory was explored in order to build a dam on it, members of an archaeological expedition worked there to check the area. Nothing special was found, and the construction of the dam was approved. Two surprising accidents made it possible to discover:

  • Early in the morning, a schoolboy from the neighboring village of Aleksandrovka (according to one version) told the expedition members that there were some hills upstream of the river, they should take a look. However, the archaeologists were not eager to continue the search; it was clear to them: the area was deserted.
  • But then a second accident came to the rescue: in a neighboring field, due to a faulty oil pipeline, a collective farm corn farmer made an emergency landing. After fixing the breakdown, members of the expedition asked the pilot to fly a small circle “over the hills” in order to make sure that they were just silt deposits or wind mounds. However, an amazing sight appeared before their eyes, namely: the outlines of an ancient city in the form of a cluster of strange mounds placed according to a certain pattern.

When archaeologists flew over these mounds on a collective farm corn truck, they were amazed. An unusual structure was visible on the ground. These were two circles, one of which was inscribed in the other, with a diameter of about 170 meters, and between them there were jumper walls. It became clear: traces of an ancient city unknown to anyone had been discovered.

By agreement with the authorities, construction of the dam was delayed for a year. During this year, scientists had to determine the value of this find. After all, if the dam had been built, these unique artifacts would have been buried under water.

Already the first excavations made it possible to make a number of incredible discoveries. Then the construction of the dam was canceled completely. This decision helped fill the blank pages of ancient history.

Secrets of the ancient city

Arkaim is called the City Standing by the Sun. It is the most mysterious Russian archaeological site. Let's see where it is on the map. An ancient city was discovered in the south of the Chelyabinsk region.

Archaeologists and scientists studying the Arkaim phenomenon are of the opinion that the city was built by the ancient Aryans (ancestors of the Indo-Europeans). It is one of the links in the so-called Country of Cities - the remains of one of the most ancient civilizations of mankind that existed on the territory of modern Russia.

The famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov is very interested in this topic. Ever since he read an article in one of the magazines in the early 90s about the discovery of a new city in the Southern Urals, called Arkaim, he considers this event one of the three most important events of the 20th century: Gagarin’s flight into space, Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the discovery of Arkaim.

Zadornov says that American archaeologists, flying over Arkaim, were amazed and indignant at the same time. They said that this could change the whole story, so they will try not to let information about it leak out to the world. But the information leaked.

Arkaim is called the city of the era, let's see what it was like. Scientists answer:

  • This is a fortress city, the thickness of the walls reached 5 meters, and the height was more than 8 meters.
  • Foundry town where bronze was produced;
  • A temple city created for the worship of the sun and other heavenly bodies.
  • A city with complex engineering structures (we will talk about them below).

According to official science, the ancient city of Arkaim arose in the third millennium BC, but until the end of the twentieth century, any information about it was virtually completely absent.

More than three decades after the discovery of this settlement by archaeologists, they have not been able to come closer to unraveling its significance.

Many consider this mysterious place to be the cradle of Indo-European civilization. It is described in detail in the sacred book of Hindus, the Rig Veda, and is revered among adherents of the very first religion in the world, Zoroastrianism, which laid the foundation for all modern teachings based on the belief in one God.

If you try to find its brief definition and look on the Internet, then Wikipedia says about Arkaim that it is a fortified city, “... a fortified settlement of the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 20th/18th–18th/16th centuries. BC, belonging to the so-called “Country of Cities.” But this is brief... But you want to have complete information about this mysterious place and find out its most important mystery - where did the population of this once prosperous, and then suddenly deserted city go?

In contact with

Geographic location, how to find it on the map

It is located at the junction of Asia and Europe, in the Kizilsky district of the Chelyabinsk region on a hill, at the confluence of the Utyaganka and Bolshaya Karaganka rivers.

Looking at the map of the Chelyabinsk region, we will see below Magnitogorsk, near the Bolshaya Karaganka River, the desired object.

Nearby are the villages of Aleksandrovsky and Amursky, which belong to the lands of the Southern Urals. In order to get to the nearest railway station, you will have to cover a distance of 150 km to Magnitogorsk. From Ufa to the natural-historical state reserve Ilmensky reserve you will need to travel 500 km, from Chelyabinsk - 450 km.

History of discovery

The archaeological expedition, during which the discovery was discovered, was organized in 1987 with the aim of studying the relief and landscape of the steppe region of our country, which was not of particular interest.

In fact, the researchers were helped by chance. In 1987, an expedition was organized to get acquainted with the place where they soon began to build a reservoir

It consisted of only two prominent scientists (V.S. Mosin and S.G. Botalov) and several schoolchildren from the local society of archeology lovers.

However, two students managed to discover a number of very interesting artifacts that managed to attract the attention of many famous researchers of the time, among whom was the director of the Hermitage, academician Boris Borisovich Piotrovsky. It was he who first appreciated the importance of the discovery and achieved a delay in the flooding of the landscape for several years.

The confrontation between the scientific community and Giprovodkhoz lasted immediately until the collapse of the Soviet Union and ended with the victory of the former: the area, covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 hectares, was given the status of a protected area.

Do you know that: schoolchildren who made a huge contribution to the development of national culture and history were awarded a rather modest prize in the form of two cans of condensed milk.


To date, there is no single hypothesis that answers the question of why residents left their homes. According to the most common version, this happened as a result of a strong fire, which, based on a number of factors, was not a surprise to them.

It is believed that the residents once had a fire, as a result of which everything burned out

Note: As a result of many archaeological excavations carried out, no everyday objects such as pottery or tools were found. There are also no human remains, which has led various scientists trying to unravel its mystery to a dead end.

One version says that approximately three and a half millennia before the present day, the Santorini volcano, located in Greek lands, erupted, which forced local residents to leave their habitat and go in search of a new refuge.

There is also a version that attributes forced migration to the consequences of an environmental disaster, which turned a hitherto favorable area into an extremely dangerous area.

Note: there is also a more “down-to-earth” theory, according to which local residents abandoned their housing due to the fact that the surrounding nature became more scarce and ceased to satisfy the increased needs for grain and cereals


Current state

The construction dates back to the Middle Bronze Age, but according to a number of hypotheses, this settlement arose several thousand years before its onset. Most researchers agree that the ancient village is the same age as the famous Egyptian pyramids or even older than them.

Many people believe that this is a unique place of power. Thousands of pilgrims from all countries come here - to the Chelyabinsk steppes - to recharge their batteries and say goodbye to diseases forever

After the excavations of the single-layer round-shaped fortification were completed, archaeologists again covered it with a layer of soil. This was done in order to ensure maximum safety of the remains of the foundation and fortifications, which are destroyed under the influence of various natural factors.

Many defensive fortifications, walls and elements of various structures have survived to this day in relatively good condition, so the indicated place quickly gained popularity among tourists and fans of cultural recreation.


The fortification was built according to the radial type, by analogy with which Moscow was designed many thousands of years later. The city diagram is a regular circle, with a second circle inside it.

This is both a temple and an observatory. Its structure resembles a huge horoscope with a diameter of 160 meters with clearly identified twelve signs of the Zodiac and 28 lunar stations used in lunar astrology

If you fly by plane or helicopter, you will immediately notice two perfectly even circles with a diameter of about one and a half hundred meters. Soviet pilots noticed this interesting feature back in the mid-twentieth century, but they mistook the outline of the ancient village for one of the military installations hidden from prying eyes.

The settlement performed several functions, including defensive. Therefore, its outer walls were very high (about 5 meters), massive, and surrounded along the entire perimeter by a deep ditch. There were four entrances, the central and largest of which was in the southwestern part.

Interesting fact: the settlement had only one street 5 meters wide, with a log deck, and a system of storm drains, thanks to which all sewage went far beyond the boundaries of the settlement.

Dwellings were closely adjacent to the outer wall and had separate exits to the main street. The inner wall was even more massive than the outer one, and its height, according to archaeologists, reached 7 meters. This part of the fortification had only one passage in the southeastern area, and in order to get into the inner ring, it was necessary to bypass the entire central radial street.

This architectural feature pursued not only purely practical defensive purposes, but also had a certain hidden meaning: any person entering the city center had to take the same path that the Sun takes every day.

Approximate Layout

The central square had a square outline. Based on archaeological finds in the middle of the settlement and the remains of large fire pits, scientists suggest that this part was used directly for various sacraments and magical rituals. If we turn to the ancient cosmogonic myths about the structure and creation of the Universe, then in them the Earth was schematically depicted as a square, and a circle denoted the space surrounding the planet.

Take note: The four entrances to the town form a pattern resembling a swastika. This sign, directed along the direction of the solar disk, was a symbol of creation, happiness and good luck among the Indo-European peoples.

Thus, the builders of this mysterious city built it in the likeness of the universal development project, as it was described in the sacred books of that time. One can only marvel at the genius of engineers who lived many thousands of years before our days, since it is incredibly difficult to construct such a complex, even with today’s knowledge.

There were up to 40 dwellings along the outer wall, and 27 along the inner wall. Again, when viewed from above, these houses resembled the spokes of a wheel.
Both in the outer ring and in its inner ring, the layout of streets and the location of houses were similar. There are no signs of sharp social stratification here.

For the construction of the fortified settlement, mainly specially processed wood and brick were used, for the manufacture of which ingredients such as manure, soil and straw were used. A similar mixture is still quite actively used by a number of peoples for the construction of “adobe” low-rise houses.

Ancient builders used special facing bricks of various colors to cover the external walls, so it is obvious that the view from the outside was truly mesmerizing.

This is interesting: Each dwelling located in the city had its own stove, sewer system, dome-shaped food storage with a cooling pipe, and even a personal well. Another pipe served as a hood, and its draft was quite sufficient for processing copper.

Ancient observatory

Numerous researchers have been able to discover many similarities between this ancient city and such a mysterious structure as the famous one. Both monuments are located in the middle of bowl-shaped valleys, have a ring structure and virtually identical dimensions of the internal rampart.

Moreover, some experts agree that these two structures were erected at approximately the same period and were aimed at observing certain cosmic cycles.

Arkaim is a near-horizon observatory. Because during measurements and observations, the moments of rising and setting of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) above the horizon were used. Moreover, the moment of “separation” (or touching) of the lower edge of the disk was detected, which makes it possible to most accurately detect the location of this event

Thanks to the peculiarities of its design, the ancient find makes it possible to accurately track the movement of the Moon and the Sun across the sky. It is obvious that even then scientists devoted a lot of time to observing 18 astronomical events that were of particular importance. Modern researchers have established that several dozen sights were located on the outer and inner walls of the fortification, each of which was designed to observe a particular space object.

Note: The radial design of the city is built in exact accordance with the 12 divisions of the zodiac circle, the sunset and sunrise points of the Sun and Moon, as well as the features of the autumn and spring equinoxes. According to one of the leading researchers of this cult settlement, K. Bystrushkin, the inner circle was dedicated to the main celestial body, and the outer circle, respectively, to the Earth’s satellite, the Moon.

What's on site

Today's Arkaim is presented in the form of a museum complex, which is spread over a fairly vast territory of a landscape reserve. It includes a number of full-fledged reconstructions and several indoor museums, where various artifacts and the most interesting archaeological finds are collected. Also on display for visitors are objects made of stone and bronze, made by archaeologists and enthusiasts using the methods used by the inhabitants of the settlement.

Inside, the interior of the dwellings was recreated, household items were made and utility structures were built - hearths, cellars, sleeping bunks, etc.

There are more than 75 cultural monuments on the territory, and each of them deserves the closest attention.

Let's talk about some of them:

  1. The “Museum of Man and Nature” is located here, where comprehensive information is collected about the peculiarities of the spiritual and material culture of the peoples who inhabited these lands in various periods. The museum features sections dedicated to the Stone Age, exhibitions on the early period of metal processing and the Middle Ages.
  2. The historical park contains a large number of reconstructions of religious and funerary buildings, mysterious cult stones, statues of nomadic warriors and family graveyards.
  3. The museum, dedicated to ancient production, invites visitors to get acquainted with the technologies of processing ceramics and smelting metal products.
  4. “Cossack Estate” is a reconstruction of the house of a real Cossack family from, in which the living conditions of the late nineteenth century are recreated.
  5. “Mound Temir” is an exact copy of the tomb of the steppe nomadic tribes, in which the most revered tribesmen and their relatives were buried.

Note: Among the dwellings of the Stone and Copper Ages, you can watch theatrical performances dedicated to real historical events, or take part in a real master class on making tools and implements of the Paleolithic era.

What excursions are available?

The introductory sightseeing tour provides an excellent opportunity to visit all the key hills and ledges, as well as climb Mount Desires, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

After a detailed excursion, any beginner will be able to receive a lot of interesting information, and in the future independently select for themselves the optimal route through this mysterious reserve.

The Museum of Ancient Productions is also called the Museum of Furnaces. The photo shows a kiln for firing ceramics

The territory of the ancient city is full of so-called sources of power and labyrinths, through which you can learn a lot of new things in terms of self-knowledge and put your own thoughts in order.

In addition, among the unusual natural monuments in the reserve there are: the Ledge of the Priestess, the Mountain of Love, a male and female forest, the Wound of the Earth (a zone of positive healing energy) and the Mountain of Shamans.

Tourist information

What attracts tourists, how to get to the site and what time is best to do it? We will consider these and other questions in detail.

Why it's worth a visit

People say that while walking around the sights, you can make a wish that will certainly come true, cleanse yourself of negative energy and enjoy healing sounds that promote spiritual enlightenment and correction of energy centers.

When you go to the mountain of love, having previously cleared your thoughts on Shamanka, you need to think only thoughts that are useful for the body and mind: love for yourself and the world contributes to the fulfillment of desires, which can be ordered at the mountain at the top

Good to know: Arkaim is included in a kind of top list of places that need to be visited in Russia. At the moment, the attraction is a kind of Mecca, where seekers of harmony from all over the Universe, fans of archeology, history, and simply people who want to unwind from everyday problems flock.

There are many reviews from eyewitnesses who once visited this territory and got rid of chronic diseases, improved their personal lives and managed to overcome a protracted black streak.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit the old town is from late spring to mid-autumn.

Advice for those who want to see with their own eyes the signs of a bygone civilization - you must ask permission from the Spirit of Arkaim to visit it, give compelling reasons why you are going. They say they don't let everyone in

Note: Those planning to visit Arkaim should know that this museum complex is closed to the public in autumn and winter.

Tourists can leave their vehicles in a parking lot nearby and place tents in an area specially designated for this purpose. However, it is worth knowing that the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the reserve itself and in its surroundings is strictly prohibited, as is, in fact, the destruction of fauna and flora and the throwing of garbage in inappropriate places.

How to get there

You can get to the museum complex by train from Magnitogorsk station, as well as from the capital of the Southern Urals - Chelyabinsk. From there there is a daily bus service throughout the summer.

The easiest way to travel from Moscow is by plane to Chelyabinsk. From Chelyabinsk in the summer season a bus is organized to Arkaim. Either from Chelyabinsk to Magnitogorsk, and from there to the village of Bredy

Where to stay

From the windows of the Muzeynaya Hotel, consisting of two cozy wooden houses located next to the Museum of Nature and Man, there is a magnificent view of the steppe horizons, the Cossack estate and the mill.

There is a hotel on site for tourists, a canteen and a cafe. Hotel accommodation per person costs about 700 rubles, in trailers it will be cheaper. Entrance to the territory itself with a guided tour will cost about 600 rubles.

What to take with you on a trip

Take care of drinking water in advance, otherwise you will need a lot of money when you arrive. Water, like other drinks, is quite expensive here. Don’t forget the basic attributes that help you capture interesting views, nature, sights - video and photographic equipment.

Hats, caps, bandanas will help protect you from the scorching sun; don’t forget headwear.


Arkaim is a city permeated with an atmosphere of mystery and magic, by visiting which many people gain the ability to change their lives for the better and solve a number of important problems.

Special energy comes from the nearby mountains - Love, Shaman, Reason, Visions, Repentance and others. Visiting tourists love to see off and greet the sun at sunsets and sunrises from the highest local Mount of Love. It offers a beautiful panoramic view

Indeed, this area is located in a zone of paleovolcano and increased magnetism, the nature of which has not been fully studied to date.

Watch the video in which the archaeologist talks about what Arkaim is, where it is located, and what excursions there are:

The Chelyabinsk region of Russia is home to a unique archaeological value from the past. It's ancient Arkaim city. What is known about it, and what assumptions scientists have about the origin of Arkaim, we will consider in this article.

In general, they cause a lot of controversy and discussion among researchers, and it is hardly possible to name at least one similar find, the opinion of which would not have alternative views.

How Arkaim was discovered

In 1987, two Soviet scientists S.G. Botalov and V.S. Mosin were sent to the Chelyabinsk region in order to explore the area for archaeological finds.

The fact is that it was planned to create a reservoir at this place, and according to the rules, such a project could not be carried out without an archaeological study of the territory.

Botalov and Mosin slowly set to work. Local schoolchildren and enthusiasts helped them in their work. Of course, they soon discovered extremely unusual reliefs. It was soon established that they were recorded by military cartographers back in 1957.

Arkaim from a bird's eye view

However, whether due to the negligence of the management, or the ignorance of the people making the decisions, this territory was still planned to be flooded.

Then the director of the Hermitage B.B. spoke with his unambiguous opinion and solid authority. Piotrovsky, as a result of which the ancient monument, that is, the city of Arkaim, was not touched.

Information about the city of Arkaim

First of all, it should be said that Arkaim is a very small territory. It’s hard to even call it a city. Rather, it is a fortified settlement.

The diameter of Arkaim is 170 meters. However, we should not forget here that the age of the find is approximately 4 thousand years, and for that time such a scale was considerable.

The city is surrounded by two walls. The outer wall, 5 meters thick and 5.5 meters high, had 4 entrances. An external ditch 2 m deep was dug around Arkaim. In other words, the city was protected quite seriously from external enemies.

There were apartment buildings inside Arkaim. In the center there was a square for residents to gather.

The animals lived outside the city, although it is assumed that in times of emergency they were taken inside.

Reconstruction of the city of Arkaim
A museum excavation site on two dwellings in Arkaim

Despite the powerful outer wall, Arkaim also had an inner wall 3 m thick. It had only one entrance, and in order to get to the city center, it was necessary to go through the entire ring street.

What's inside Arkaim

There were many buildings in the middle of Arkaim. Most of them are built from logs and clay, although there are also buildings made from dried bricks.

Pottery workshops, metallurgical production and various public institutions were also discovered here.

An interesting fact is that the inhabitants of Arkaim, 4 thousand years ago, were able to think through and implement a storm sewer system in such a way that all waste was removed outside the city.

Residents of Arkaim

Scientists agree that representatives of the Caucasian race lived in the ancient city of Arkaim. This was proven by reconstructing the skulls found there.

By the way, various finds, one way or another connected with this mysterious place, can be found in the museums of Chelyabinsk.

Death of Arkaim

It is believed that the ancient city was destroyed by fire. However, there is no reliable information about when this happened.

Moreover, researchers cannot even answer the question of how long this amazing fortress existed.

It is quite possible that the cause of Arkaim’s death was arson or an attack by enemies. Or it could just be an accident.

Country of Cities and Arkaim

The discovery of Arkaim became the reason for an in-depth study of the entire area adjacent to it. Thus, on an area of ​​about 350 km, many settlements similar to Arkaim were discovered.

The vast majority of them were built according to one type. This entire complex received a common name - the Country of Cities.

That is, we can reasonably say that at that time a fully established civilization existed in this territory.

Panoramic photograph of the surroundings of Arkaim

It must be said that archaeological work is being carried out there to this day, and one can only hope that sooner or later, scientists will be able to find out the secret of Arkaim.

  1. The first information about the find appeared in 1957.
  2. In 1987, the first work on a detailed study of the area began.
  3. The total area of ​​the city walls is about 20 thousand m².
  4. The central square measures 25x27 m.
  5. The outer wall had 35 dwellings, the inner - 25.
  6. Apparently, art was developed in Arkaim, as various figurines and intricate ceramic dishes were found in the city.
  7. Wells, storerooms, kitchens with fireplaces and bedrooms were found in many houses in the city. Almost all residents produced wooden products and weapons, as well as sculpting and sewing clothes.
  8. The most in demand and popular professions were blacksmiths and foundry workers.

The secret of the city of Arkaim

Of course, like any similar discovery, the city of Arkaim attracts not only scientists, but also lovers of mysticism. Esotericists of all stripes claim that Arkaim is the cradle of civilizations and a place of colossal extraterrestrial power.

These rumors especially intensified after Vladimir Putin made a trip there in 2005.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that the city of Arkaim is located at the same latitude as Stonehenge and the Amur Pillars. Whether this is a coincidence or not is unknown.

In conclusion, I would like to add that pseudoscientists tend to exaggerate the significance of the ancient city of Arkaim, considering it a supernatural source of power and an ancient observatory for communication with other worlds.

Of course, these fantasies have no basis, which does not in the least diminish the value, significance and uniqueness of Arkaim for the study of past civilizations.

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Arkaim is a fortified settlement of the Aryan culture that arose on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region approximately in the 2nd millennium BC. The unique structure was discovered in 1987 by Russian archaeologists and caused a real explosion in the world of archaeology. Residential buildings, burial grounds, a temple and an observatory - all of this is Arkaim, an ancient city, settlements indicate that a great civilization existed in this place.

The history of the discovery and the ingenious architecture of Arkaim

Mysterious circles on the surface of the Ural steppe have interested scientists since 1952. Aerial photography data confirmed that the clear lines were of artificial origin. However, an archaeological expedition arrived in these places only 35 years later with the aim of exploring the area for the construction of a reservoir. The project was grandiose, but because of the sensational discovery, for which scientists and public figures fought, construction was stopped.

A historical and cultural reserve was created on the territory, and large-scale research began. The city had a round shape with a massive outer wall and was surrounded by a moat with water. Behind the wall ran one wide street, to which all the dwellings of the outer circle had exits. Next there was an internal wall, behind which there were also premises suitable for permanent residence. There was a square square in the center of the city. Every day, scientists discovered new secrets of Arkaim; the heritage of the ancient Aryans is a single complex complex of an ideal round shape, oriented towards space objects. During the excavations, the following interesting facts were revealed:

  • unique engineering design symbolizes the Universe, undoubtedly, the ancient architects knew very well the structure of space;
  • all entrances to the city were protected trap labyrinths;
  • on the roofs of houses it was possible ride a chariot, this was the top street;
  • was in the settlement central sewerage;
  • every house had well and oven, in which bronze could be smelted.

Some discovered household items are decorated with the “correct” swastika. This symbol signifies the sun and also symbolizes happiness and good fortune. It is found in archaeological finds of ancient Rus', Egypt, India and even in Mayan settlements. It is not known how long Arkaim existed, but the ancient city burned down, as evidenced by information and photos obtained during excavations.

Mysteries of the ancient observatory

Some researchers put forward the theory that space exploration took place in the ancient structure. Thoughtful and complex architecture allows us to consider the city as a large-scale astronomical observatory. In addition, there are certain similarities between the settlement in the Urals and the English Stonehenge:

  • both structures are at the same latitude,
  • the terrain is identical, both buildings are located in bowl-shaped valleys;
  • one of the radii of the inner ring in Arkaim exactly coincides with the radius of the mysterious ring in Stonehenge.

Studying the ancient city as a near-horizon observatory, scientists discovered new secrets of Arkaim; the heritage of the ancient Aryans in the form of a unique structure allows one to observe all astronomical events associated with the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon. In terms of volume and accuracy of measurements, Arkaim surpasses even the famous Stonehenge. In addition, Russian astroarchaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin proved that the ancient Aryans knew about the precession of the earth's axis and used it in observations.

A unique archaeological find in the Ural steppe is not only a historical object, but also a strong anomalous zone. Luminous objects often appear above the city, flying at great speed. Strong energy flows have been discovered on the territory of Arkaim, which scientists associate with a tectonic fault in the earth’s crust. It is believed that after a visit to this place a person gains powerful spiritual powers for healing, creativity and intellectual growth. Powerful electromagnetic pulses were also detected in the anomalous zone. When visiting the ancient city, people experience strange sensations characterized by pressure changes, rapid heartbeat, changes in body temperature and even hallucinations.

An ancient city discovered on the territory of Russia forced many domestic and foreign researchers to take a different look at the history of the Bronze Age. It turns out that the ancient ancestors of the Slavs 40 centuries ago had a high level of development of crafts and culture. It is difficult to believe that Arkaim, an ancient city of the most complex design, was built at that distant time, but they confirm that one of the oldest human civilizations existed in the Ural steppes.

Ancient Arkaim city, located in the Chelyabinsk region, is a real secret of the distant history of mankind. Arkaim can rightfully be considered one of the most significant archaeological sites. An interesting fact is that the discovery of this unique ancient city was made by only two scientists (S. G. Botalov and V. S. Mosin), who were sent on a standard mission.

This was in 1987. For the needs of the local irrigation system, it was necessary to build a reservoir. According to the rules of that time, before implementing such ideas, it was necessary to survey the area for archaeological finds.

Both scientists rather sadly began to study the Ural steppe. They were helped by schoolchildren from neighboring areas and enthusiasts. Quite quickly, archaeologists discovered unusual reliefs, which were first noticed by military cartographers back in 1957.

Arkaim from a bird's eye view

However, despite the obvious importance of the find, the construction area of ​​the economic system had to be flooded. And only thanks to the persistent and principled position of director B.B. Piotrovsky managed to defend this unique historical monument.

Today the complex has been restored in many of its aspects. By the way, Arkaim is named after the name of the one next to it. But let's see what characteristics this mysterious reserve has.

Ancient city of Arkaim

Many interesting facts are associated with this place. We will only talk about the main things, in our opinion.

So, the diameter of the city, or, as it is more accurately called, the fortified settlement of Arkaim, is only 170 meters. By modern standards, this is not much, but if you consider that these structures were built at least 4 thousand years ago, you can’t help but be amazed at the details.

Aerial view of the ancient city

Arkaim is surrounded by two walls, and inside there are apartment buildings. A moat with water, with an average depth of 2 meters, was built around the fortress to protect against external enemies. The outer wall, which has four entrances, was 5.5 meters high and almost 5 meters thick. There was a square in the center. People lived and worked in the city, while animals grazed outside the walls and climbed inside only in case of emergency.

The internal seven-meter wall was 3 meters thick and had only one entrance. To get to the central part of the city, you had to walk along the entire length of the ring street.

Reconstruction of the city of Arkaim
A museum excavation site on two dwellings

Almost all buildings were made of ordinary logs, which were stuffed with clay inside. There are also structures made from dried (not baked) bricks.

Workshops, pottery and metallurgical production, as well as premises for public and private use were found in the Arkaim fortress.

A storm sewer was provided around the settlement, which drained water outside the fortress.

According to research by scientists, this place was inhabited by representatives of the Caucasian race. Reconstructions of the skulls of men and women from Arkaim can be found in Chelyabinsk museums.

It is not known for certain how long this fortress existed. It was only possible to establish the fact that the city was destroyed by fire. What it was - arson, an accident or an enemy attack - is also unclear.

Arkaim and the Country of Cities

Be that as it may, this unique reserve became the basis for many studies in general and the discovery of a large archaeological complex - the Country of Cities in particular. Scientists have discovered many interesting facts related to this settlement.

Thus, over a fairly large area (about 350 kilometers), many fortresses built like Arkaim were found, which indicates a fully established civilization of that time.

Panoramic photograph of the surroundings of Arkaim

This territory today is called the Country of Cities. History has not preserved any accurate information about the Country of Cities, so all hopes for restoring the past rest only on archaeologists. By the way, excavations and research are still being carried out here, in which outstanding scientists from many countries around the world take part.

  1. The monument was first discovered by cartographers in 1957. However, no research has been undertaken.
  2. In 1987, a cultural center was opened and active research work was carried out.
  3. The walls of Arkaim, consisting of two rings, have a total area of ​​20,000 square meters.
  4. The central square, which apparently served as a place for some kind of ritual activities, had dimensions of 25x27 meters.
  5. 35 dwellings were found near the outer wall, and 25 near the inner wall.
  6. Artistic figurines and ceramic vessels were found in Arkaim.
  7. Wells, storerooms, kitchens with fireplaces and bedrooms were found in the houses. In each courtyard there was a small workshop where they sculpted and sewed clothes, carpentry and prepared weapons. The most common artisans were blacksmiths and foundries.

Arkaim - the ancestral home of the Aryans and Slavs

It must be said that this unique archaeological reserve attracts many people. In 2005, he came here, and therefore there were rumors that this was a real source of extraterrestrial power. Esotericists in their own way interpret this place as the cradle of human civilization in general.

You can often hear that this is where the most powerful energy flows of the earth pass. It is worth adding that the village of Arkaim is located at the same latitude as, which are also considered “places of power.”

Mikhail Zadornov is one of the active promoters of this point of view. It is important to emphasize here that in pseudoscience, when it comes to Arkaim, its development is significantly exaggerated. You can find detailed descriptions online that this complex served almost as an observatory for communication with space. Of course, such fantasies have no basis.

Of course, Arkaim is a great historical and architectural monument, but it is unlikely that such antiquity will ever be explained. This, unfortunately, remains the lot of scientific hypotheses and assumptions.

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