We are going to Mui Ne, Vietnam. Mui Ne is a Russian-speaking resort in Vietnam

There are no architectural attractions in Mui Ne itself, so if you can’t imagine traveling without the obligatory trip to religious ruins and ancient temples, get ready for field trips. Most often, local guides offer a ride to the Cham towers of Tap Poshan, which were once part of the gigantic temple complex, built in honor of the god Shiva. The sanctuary was destroyed 300 years ago, but the towers did not get their turn, so in the 90s they were restored and tourists began to be taken inside. In addition to travelers, in these ancient buildings you can often meet local fishermen, bringing their gifts to local deities in exchange for good luck in business. If you drive 60 kilometers from Mui Ne, you can stumble upon another religious attraction, a 49-meter statue of a reclining Buddha. The deity comfortably settled on the slope of Mount Taku, where he leads cable car. The place is very popular with pilgrims, so the Buddha almost always has visitors.

Travelers who prefer non-man-made attractions can usually be persuaded to take an excursion to the Red and White Dunes. The first ones are located immediately behind the resort’s fishing village, but to get to the second ones you will have to travel at least 35 km. People visit these places mainly to watch the Asian sunset in a romantic setting, take spectacular photographs and slide down the steepest sandy slopes on a plastic sled. Another popular place that can be reached on foot and without an annoying guide is Red Creek or Fairy Creek, as the locals call it. The main feature of this modest source is its play on contrasts. On one side, yellow-red piles of sandstone hang over the stream, and on the other, lush exotic thickets adjoin it. For Martian landscapes, it is better to go to the Red Canyon, which is 19 km from Mui Ne (admission is paid), but true aesthetes and delicate natures are recommended to choose the route to the Lotus Lake. However, in the latter case you will have to guess the season: the approximate flowering period of lotuses is from July to September.


The beaches of Mui Ne are an ideal place for passive contemplative relaxation and doing nothing, but the rich nightlife here is very difficult. Conventionally, the coastline of the resort is divided into three zones: East End(Ham Tien) central beach(Bai Rang) and West Coast(Puff up). Ham Tien Beach is unanimously considered the least crowded, one side adjoining the same fishing village of Mui Ne, from which the resort grew. Local hotels do not burden themselves with cleaning the territory, so Ham Tien does not shine with glossy cleanliness, but there is more than enough authenticity here. Some come here to look at the “basins” of local fishermen swinging on the waves, others - in search of an inexpensive bungalow, and still others use this territory as an opportunity to shortcut the road to Fairy Creek and the Red Dunes - local attractions.

Boats of local fishermen similar to "basins"

The central beach or Bai Rang is a natural extension of Ham Tien, almost 10 km long. The narrow and often fairly littered strip of coast boasts decent infrastructure and walking distance to mid-price hotels. However, the further west you go, the cleaner, more spacious and, accordingly, more crowded the beach becomes. Moreover, this part of Bai Rang has the most big waves, which automatically puts it on the list of the best places for surfing and kiting.

The status of cozy place for swimming and relaxation is still behind Pukhai. Since this part of the resort has been staked out by the fashionable hotel complexes, the cleanliness of the coastal area is carefully monitored here. Of course, sunbeds and umbrellas on Puhai are only available to guests of local hotels, but access to the beach itself is open to everyone.

Surfing in Mui Ne

The most “correct” waves excite the sea surface of Mui Ne Bay in the autumn-winter season, so during this period the resort is especially bustling and crowded. In addition to classic surfing, the South China Sea offers good opportunities for kiteboarding. For beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of these sports, it is better to go out to sea in the morning, when the wind is not yet strong enough to “break” the wave. But seasoned extreme sports enthusiasts usually appear on the beaches in the afternoon, when the wind is at full strength. Another pleasant feature of the resort is the high water temperature, which gives tourists the opportunity to save on the purchase of a wetsuit.

For those who forgot to take sports equipment along the way to Mui Ne, they will be happy to rent it out at resort rental shops and surf schools. Usually rent for a “board” does not exceed 150,000 VND per hour (about 390 rubles), while for the services of an experienced instructor you will have to pay at least 1,350,000 VND (3,530 rubles).

The best place for surfing and kiteboarding is considered West Side resort: there are no rocks or hidden shallows that can spoil the pleasure of your vacation and seriously injure the unlucky “wave catcher”. True, during the season, serious competition for spheres of influence begins between swimmers, kiters and surfers. In such cases, there are only two options: take risks and try to maneuver in the midst of boards balancing on the water crests, or go in search of a more secluded place.

Food in Mui Ne

The cuisine at the resort is multinational: in addition to restaurants in traditional Vietnamese style, Mui Ne is full of French, Italian and Russian cafes. By the way, in any local eatery you can find a menu in Russian, which saves tourists from having to order a “pig in a poke”. The situation with prices is slightly ambiguous. For example, it is cheapest to dine in authentic Vietnamese cafes and canteens, since almost all the delicacies in them are either grown in the neighborhood or caught by local fishermen. In international taverns, most of the products are imported, and accordingly, the bill for lunch in such establishments is 2-3 times higher. However, if you don’t order exotic things like shark steaks and crocodile barbecue, then unpleasant surprises in the form of an astronomical bill can be avoided.

In Mui Ne, it is customary to buy fruits directly on the street, from hawkers, however, it is worth considering that prices in high-traffic areas will be higher. To find cheaper gifts of the Vietnamese land, you will have to dive into the tiny alleys branching off from the main street of the resort, or get up early in the morning and go to the Ham Tien morning market.


As edible gifts from Mui Ne, tourists take all kinds of fruits, dried and dried seafood and local coffee. You can also find original accessories made of crocodile skin, as well as jewelry made of natural pearls in the resort shops. Such souvenirs, of course, cost a lot, but they are still cheaper than in Russian stores.

Among cosmetic and pharmacy products, coconut oil and warming balms based on snake venom are still in trend. It is better to purchase the latter at a pharmacy: this way there is less chance of buying an unknown and useless product. As for the legendary Vietnamese silk, it is worth looking for in more major cities, like cheap clothes.

Prices for souvenirs in Mui Ne are usually very reasonable, which makes it tempting to buy a lot of funny, but absolutely useless things. Those who are looking for interesting authentic gifts should save a certain amount for an excursion to the reclining Buddha: next to the giant monument of the deity there are tents with very exotic souvenirs that cannot be found in Mui Ne itself.

Where to stay

So far, Vietnam retains its status as one of the cheapest Asian countries, so an unpretentious tourist in Mui Ne will not have to splurge on housing. So, for example, a day’s stay in some modest one-star hotel in the area of ​​​​Cape Mui Ne will cost 250,000 VND (650 RUB). In hostels, prices are even lower - from 150,000 VND (390 RUB). Moreover, even if you choose the cheapest room in an establishment without stars, you are guaranteed walking distance to the beach.

Those for whom service and well-groomed coastal areas are important should head in the direction of Phan Thiet: it is in this part of the resort that higher-level hotels are located, which have their own beach areas, which are regularly cleaned and improved. Average cost of a room with breakfast in a “four” like Muine de Century Resort & Spa or Unique Mui Ne Resort and Spa– from 1,800,000 to 2,326,000 VND (4600-6000 RUB). An option for traveling groups and families with children is a separate villa with its own parking, Wi-Fi and other amenities. Such a house will cost an average of about 3,900,000 VND (from 10,000 RUB). Among the adherents economical holiday Guesthouses are still held in high esteem, with room prices ranging from 349,000 to 739,000 VND (approximately 900-1900 RUB).


Mui Ne is a one-street resort. The entire infrastructure of the area is a continuous strip of hotels, shops and restaurants, stretching for 15 km in parallel sea ​​coast. You can get from one end of the resort to the other, as well as go to neighboring Phan Thiet, by bus that runs daily along the embankment. The fare starts from 9000 VND (about 24 RUB). The fastest (and most dangerous) transport in Mui Ne is considered to be motorcycle taxis, which masterfully maneuver in traffic and make their way into the narrowest alleys. On average, a trip in the company of a Vietnamese motorcyclist costs from 60,000 to 80,000 VND (157-209 RUB).

For those who are particularly prudent and comfortable, a classic taxi is suitable, which can be caught on the street or called by phone. Almost all cars are equipped with meters, but, just in case, it is better to agree on the final amount of the trip in advance with the driver. The average tariff for all taxis is 12,000 VND (31 RUB) per kilometer. In addition, for 60,000 VND (about 157 RUB) in Mui Ne you can rent a bicycle and ride around the area as much as you want.

Car rent

Local rental companies only enter into rental agreements with drivers who have a Vietnamese license. Get this type The document is not difficult, but all the bureaucratic delays will take at least a week. So, if you don’t plan to go outside the resort, it’s better to limit yourself public transport and taxi.

For those for whom Mui Ne will be just one of the locations on a trip to South Vietnam, a car will not hurt. It is better to rent a car in large cities like Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang: there are more offices there and a more decent fleet of vehicles. Typically, the cost of a daily car rental costs from 500,000 to 1,000,000 VND (about 1300-2600 RUB).

As for the specifics of driving, extreme sports enthusiasts and experienced drivers will feel most comfortable on Vietnamese roads. Local residents do not burden themselves with following traffic rules, so the risk of being involved in an accident at the resort is very high.

Cellular communications and Internet

SIM card of the operator "Viettel"

There are three mobile operators operating in Mui Ne: Mobifone, Viettel and Vinaphone. The tariffs for all three are approximately the same price category, so there is no point in understanding all the intricacies. Well, since there is no such thing as intranet roaming in Vietnam, you can purchase a SIM card in advance in Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang and travel with it throughout the country. The standard cost of connecting to the local network is 80,000-120,000 VND (about 200-300 RUB). The prices for international calls in Vietnam are also extremely tempting. So, for example, a minute of conversation with Russian operator will cost some 2500 VND (7 RUB).

Those who cannot imagine their life without social networks and other pleasures of the World Wide Web will have to choose between Wi-Fi in hotels and restaurants (the speed is usually not the highest, and the connection often breaks) and mobile Internet offered by local cellular operators. Prices for the latter are quite humane: 70,000 VND for 600 MB (183 RUB) and 200,000 VND for a 3 GB package (about 520 RUB).

The language barrier

The vast majority of tourists coming to Mui Ne are Russians or citizens of CIS countries, so the traveler at the resort will constantly hear their native speech. Moreover, there are a lot of signs and advertisements on the “great mighty” here. As for interaction with the indigenous population, the inhabitants of Mui Ne have prepared a dozen speech cliches for tourists that will help at least roughly clarify the needs of both sides. Well, in the most difficult cases, good old English, which almost everyone here understands, will help out.

How to get there

The closest airports to Mui Ne are in Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City. Both accept flights not only from the Mother See and Northern capital, but also other large cities. In particular, you can fly to Vietnam from Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk. Flights from Moscow are operated by Aeroflot (the only direct flight connecting the capital with Ho Chi Minh City), China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Emirates and Etihad Airwais. Aeroflot, S7 and Turkish Airlines fly from St. Petersburg towards Vietnam.

You can get from Ho Chi Minh City Airport to Mui Ne by taxi, bus or train running between the Vietnamese capital and Phan Thiet. The most convenient and expensive option is a taxi. Since the distance between the resort and the former Saigon is more than 200 km, the trip will cost VND 1,200,000 (approximately 5,700 RUB). However, if you haggle well, there is a chance to significantly reduce the price.

Traveling by bus will cost around 249,000 VND (about 640 RUB), but will last 5-5.5 hours. You can check the route schedule on the official website of the bus company. An option for the most economical is a train departing to the resort from Ho Chi Minh City Central Station. This trip lasts about 3.5 hours and costs from 94,000 VND ( seat in a general carriage) up to VND 1,300,000 (compartment). You can book tickets on the official website of the railway company, and it is better to do this in advance, since this route is very popular among the Vietnamese themselves.

In itself, it is of little interest to foreigners, except for the colorful morning market and brightly painted fishermen’s boats. Nearby Phan Thiet also does not stand out in anything special. But between them stretches a 10-kilometer beach, for which everyone comes here to relax.

Some people call this resort Mui Ne, others Phan Thiet, but in fact we are not talking about populated areas, but about the coastal zone between them. Further in the article the word “Mui Ne” is used in this meaning.

The resort is popular among two categories of tourists: lovers aquatic species sports and people from the CIS. The first come because of the waves and the constantly blowing wind: Mui Ne has excellent conditions for kitesurfing and windsurfing.

Tourists from former USSR choose the resort because of the widespread use of the Russian language: almost every restaurant, store or travel agency has Russian-speaking employees, so knowledge of English is not necessary for a holiday in Mui Ne.

About Mui Ne

The resort's infrastructure is not very developed - everything you need is there, but, for example, there are no large supermarkets or shopping and entertainment centers. Hotels, restaurants, shops and travel agencies are located along the only road running from Mui Ne to Phan Thiet, parallel to the beach. Between the road and the shore there are reputable resorts with access to the sea, and across the road there are simpler hotels.

During the day, tourists spend time on the beach, and in the evenings in bars and restaurants with live music. Those who don’t need anything else will like it in Mui Ne. But with excursions, attractions and a cultural program at this resort it’s difficult: not that there is none at all, but compared to, for example, much less.

How to get to Mui Ne?

There is no airport in Mui Ne. The nearest is in Ho Chi Minh City, 200 km away. From Ho Chi Minh City Airport you can take a taxi to Mui Ne. A fair price is 2,200,000 dong ($100) per car, but initially they quote much more ABOUT a larger amount, so you need to bargain.

A bus ticket costs 150,000-220,000 VND, depending on the greed of the intermediaries. The easiest way to buy tickets is at tourist area: on Pham Ngu Lao and Bui Vien streets.

When is the cheapest time to fly from Moscow to Ho Chi Minh City?

Intercity buses in Vietnam are comfortable, so the five-hour journey to Mui Ne will not be tiring. It is not recommended to travel to Mui Ne by train: the station is located 35 km from the resort.

Buy air tickets to Ho Chi Minh City

Beach holiday in Mui Ne

The high season in Mui Ne begins in November and lasts until April, then the rains begin. The beach at the resort is a ten-kilometer strip of sand, which is conventionally divided into separate parts to make it easier to navigate. Along the entire length of the beach there are different areas - clean or with natural debris, wide or narrow, with sand or with concrete slabs on the shore.

The coast of Mui Ne has two features: firstly, it is almost always windy and there are waves on the sea, so you need to stay in a resort with a swimming pool, in case the waves are too big. Secondly, the current washes sand from the shore, so there are places with exposed concrete slabs that were laid for protection beach line from washing out.

In general, for inexperienced swimmers and swimming with a small child, you will have to find a suitable place along the shore, because... b ABOUT The majority of the beach is not very suitable for these categories of vacationers.

Best hotels in Mui Ne

Muine Bay Resort

The four-star resort was built near the village of Mui Ne. This is a quiet area with a calm atmosphere. The beach next to the hotel is shallow and great for small children. The lively main beach can be reached via a free shuttle.

In Muine territory Bay Resort broken tropical garden, where gazebos for spa treatments are installed and a restaurant operates. There is a playground for children.

Pandanus Resort

The hotel is located some distance from the resort center, accessible by free shuttle. A free tour of the fishing village and a visit to the local attraction - the red stream - are also provided free of charge.

Pandanus Resort has a very large area planted with palm trees and exotic flowers. The paths from the hotel buildings lead to a private beach, where sun loungers are provided for vacationers. The beach is clean and well maintained. Guests can also swim in the hotel's swimming pool.

La Marina Hotel

This is a small boutique hotel, 2 star category. In the courtyard there is a swimming pool and a terrace, in the rooms there are designer furniture and paintings on the walls, outside the window there are palm trees and the sea. There is a restaurant on site and a few steps away food market and several cafes.

La Marina Hotel located in the center of the resort area, near the main road. The shore near the hotel is not suitable for swimming, but the nearest beach is easy to walk to.

Bamboo Village Beach Resort & Spa

The resort is surrounded by greenery: the main building and cottages are surrounded by a flowering garden, each bungalow has a small courtyard with tropical plants, instead of concrete paths and asphalt areas there are lawns with fresh grass. Beautiful place for relaxation alone with nature.

Bamboo Village Beach Resort& Spa is located on the seashore, where guests have a terrace with sun loungers and umbrellas. The beach area near the hotel is one of the best on the entire coast of Mui Ne.

Little Muine Cottages Resort

A very pleasant hotel, with well-kept green areas and an equipped area on the beach. Located away from the noisy areas of the resort, on the outskirts of the tourist area. Around the hotel there is everything a visitor needs: shops, cafes, massage parlors, etc.

Little Muine Cottages Resort has an outdoor swimming pool, a restaurant, a gym, a massage room, a currency exchange office, and a tour desk. Each of the rooms has a small terrace with wicker furniture for evening gatherings in the fresh air.

Mui Ne resort hotels on the map

A selection of good hotels in the resort of Muine

Where to eat in Mui Ne?

There are many restaurants and cafes in Mui Ne. The vast majority of them are simple establishments with a simple interior. The most common dishes are Vietnamese and Russian cuisine, as well as seafood. Places to visit for dinner:

  • Surfing Bird's WOK. The establishment's menu has only three items (with variations in taste), but they are prepared excellently: noodles 45,000-55,000 VND, fried rice 40,000-50,000 VND, curry soup 55,000-70,000 VND. The highlight of the establishment is a variety of homemade lemonades.
  • Dong Vui Square. Seafood lovers come here to dine every evening. The choice of dishes is huge. Average cost: seafood 90,000-150,000 dong, noodles 40,000-45,000 dong.
  • East-West. Russian restaurant Vietnamese cuisine. The food is delicious and the service is friendly. Main courses 55,000-65,000 VND, soups 60,000 VND, salads 40,000-75,000 VND.
  • YANA Coffee&Food. The famous Vietnamese Pho noodles are worth trying here. It costs 30,000-40,000 dong here. Other soups – 40,000-50,000 VND, fried rice – 30,000 VND.

Sights of Mui Ne


Sand dunes are the main attraction of the resort. They are, of course, smaller in size than the dunes in the Sahara, but they look impressive. The sand dunes vary in color: there are red and white. They are located not far from each other, near the village of Mui Ne.

Pros and cons of holidays in Mui Ne

Minuses: few attractions; there is no airport, so you have to get there by bus; inconvenient layout – the resort is stretched along one street; It’s not easy to get to the beach from the second line, because... the first line is densely built up and the passages to the sea are blocked.

pros: spreading palm trees and lush greenery on the first line of the beach; calm atmosphere and silence in the evenings (except for a few popular restaurants); delicious and inexpensive seafood dishes; You can do without English - Russian-speaking staff are often found.

We are talking about two of the most popular resorts in Vietnam - Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. What are they good about and what are the disadvantages of resorts? Here are reviews from tourists and prices for holidays in 2019.

Perhaps no resort has received such conflicting reviews from tourists as the Vietnamese Mui Ne (Phan Thiet). Some mercilessly scold it, others admire it and gladly recommend it for a visit. Let's try to understand the reasons for such mixed assessments.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne:

Reviews of holidays in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet for 2018

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are often identified with each other, although they are different settlements located nearby. Phan Thiet - provincial town with active street traffic and other joys of city life, and Mui Ne is a quiet fishing village. Most often, tourists call Mui Ne a multi-kilometer beach area with hotels and restaurants, stretching from Phan Thiet to the village.

The busiest area of ​​the resort is Ham Tien with Nguyen Dinh Chu street, on both sides of which there are hotels and restaurants, mainly on the first line. The beaches are equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers. The sand strip is wide, with fine white sand, but closer to the fishing village it narrows; by the way, hotels are cheaper there, but the beaches are worse.

The disadvantages of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, according to reviews from tourists who vacationed there in 2018, include difficulties with the road: you need to fly to Ho Chi Minh City, and from there it takes a few more hours to get there by bus or taxi. But the main displeasure of some tourists was the sea. In Mui Ne most At times, the winds blow, high waves rise in the sea, and swimming takes on an extreme character. It’s better to go to the beach in the morning; after lunch, the excitement only intensifies. The sea becomes relatively calm only in spring.

For kite lovers, Mui Ne is a real haven; there are several good schools on the coast where beginners can undergo training and gain the necessary skills. In the evenings, the main entertainment for tourists is walking, shopping in souvenir shops and dinner on the seashore - seafood is excellent here. If beach holiday If you get bored, you can go on a tour of the surrounding area or go to Ho Chi Minh City or Dalat.

By the way, tourists who do not speak English will find it easy here - almost all signs and menus are in Russian, and the service staff is also often Russian-speaking. The second undoubted advantage of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, according to reviews from tourists, is the affordable cost of vacation, although, when compared with Nha Trang, the prices here are slightly higher.

(Photo © n0r / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

The warm climate of Mui Ne allows you to relax here all year round, without fear of cold snaps and heavy rains. A natural belt of sand dunes has formed around Mui Ne, which create a special microclimate and protect the area from heavy rainfall. Even dangerous storms with floods bypass these places.

The average annual temperature in Mui Ne is +30°C with a slight “winter” drop to +25...+27°C. The warmest sea in summer is +27...+29°С, in winter it cools down to +24°С. The hottest months are May and April, the coldest months are . Nevertheless, many prefer to come.

The rains begin in June and continue until October, then dry and clear weather sets in. However, in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, even in low season showers do not last long - usually in the afternoon and evening, the relative humidity remains at 79%.

According to tourist reviews about the weather in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, in December - January, due to strong winds, it can be a little cool in the evenings, so jeans and windbreakers will be very useful. High waves rise on the sea. Read more about it - we talk about the weather in each month.

Holiday prices in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet in 2019

Of course, kitesurfers will get the most out of their holiday in Mui Ne, but non-sporting tourists also have something to do. There are many massage parlors (spas) here, treatments cost from 15 to 30 dollars.

Gourmets are waiting gastronomic pleasures: in the cafe you can order grilled fish, mussels, scallops, oysters, lobsters, as well as local exotics - crocodile or snake dishes. The best seafood is prepared in restaurants in the Boke area. The fresh catch is placed in the aquarium, and the guest orders what he wants. According to reviews, prices in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are quite affordable - you can have lunch for only 5 dollars, dinner for 15 (in establishments for locals it will be even cheaper). A large glass of freshly squeezed juice costs just over $1.

(Photo © Tri Nguyen | P h o t o g r a p h y / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

In the vicinity of Mui Ne there are unique attractions that you can visit with a tour or on your own. Briefly, the top interesting places looks like that:

  1. White and Red Dunes. These are the main attractions of Mui Ne and favorite place for photo sessions with newlyweds. The Red Dunes are easily accessible by renting a scooter, the White Dunes are located a little further. The Red Stream flows next to the Red Dunes - due to the admixture of clay, the water in it is colored red. Not far from the White Dunes there are hot springs and very beautiful lake with lotuses.
  2. Cham towers. These towers are the surviving part of an ancient temple complex from the 8th century. Entrance fee is 10 thousand dong, or 50 cents. The towers look especially impressive in the evening when the lights turn on.
  3. Ke Ga Lighthouse. A granite creation by a French architect and a very popular local landmark. The lighthouse is located on an island near Phan Thiet. To climb up observation deck, you will have to show physical endurance and overcome 182 steps inside the tower. There is an entrance fee - about 90 cents, and you also need to pay for the crossing to the island. According to reviews from tourists, in the winter of 2018, the area where the lighthouse is located was called a collapse zone and visitors were no longer allowed inside. Let's hope this is temporary.
  4. Mount Taku. Located 30 km from Mui Ne. At the top there is a statue of the Reclining Buddha, the largest in the country. Its length is 49 meters, height - 11 m. You can climb the mountain by cable car or walk along the path through a tropical forest past temples and other monastic buildings. The cost of visiting with a cable car costs 160 thousand VND (7 dollars).

(Photo © ruben i / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Hotel prices in 2019

On a note. If you are at a resort during the Vietnamese New Year, keep in mind that hotel prices rise dramatically and there are usually no rooms available - they are booked by the Vietnamese almost six months in advance. We encountered this when we lived in Nha Trang in the winter of 2016 - we had to leave for Ho Chi Minh City, since during Tet the hotel we lived in was overcrowded, and others cost 2-3 times higher than the regular price. Tet is celebrated in late January or early February.

How to book a hotel? You can find a convenient accommodation option for yourself on the well-known service Roomguru.ru - the site compares the prices of the most different systems booking and finds the best one.

In general, Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are a good alternative and (though you don’t need to wait for the service corresponding to Turkish resorts), a place for an inexpensive and relaxing holiday, where the main entertainment is walks, beach joys, gatherings in cafes and unobtrusive shopping. Nightlife enthusiasts and divers have nothing to do here - nightlife no, but due to constant waves the water is often mixed with sand, cloudy and opaque.

According to reviews from tourists, they are characterized by high waves and winds, so during this period you should not plan a vacation with children, but it is better to postpone it to March-April or November. At this time, the temperatures are the most comfortable, the sea is very warm, and the waves are small.

Kite lovers can go at any time of the year, because winds in Mui Ne are a common occurrence, but the best waves are here from November to March. Those who want to save on costs can safely go during the low season: prices in hotels and restaurants are reduced, and climatic conditions allow you to relax comfortably.

Compare Mui Ne and Phan Thiet with - so you can choose the best for yourself the best place for relax.

(Photo © tesKing / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Introductory image source: © isyaya / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Phan Thiet (also called Phan Thiet) is a small but quite lively Vietnamese city. Phan Thiet is located in the southeastern part of Vietnam. Not very rich in attractions, it is nevertheless becoming an increasingly popular holiday destination. This is largely due to the nearby tourist village of Mui Ne (or Mui Ne). However, Phan Thiet itself also deserves attention.

And in itself it would look quite decent, if not for the neighboring town of Mui Ne. Many tourists are simply passing through Phan Thiet - there is no compelling reason to stop here when the area's main beach town looms on the horizon. But simply considering it as a gateway to the Mui Ne resort would be unfair. This town has enough local charm and character to keep curious travelers interested for a day or two, time permitting.

Phan Thiet is considered, unlike Nha Trang, to be quite quiet and calm resort, which is positioned travel agencies as a place for family vacation. Is this really so - let's try to figure it out further...

So, let’s try to answer the age-old question that arises before traveling not only to Vietnam, but also to any other country: “Where is the best place to go?” First, let's look at the intricacies of holidays in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, and then we'll go through other resorts in Vietnam.

The first (but not the only) obstacle to traveling with children is that there is no airport here, and you have to fly first to Ho Chi Minh City and then get to Phan Thiet. If you organize your holiday yourself, the 240 km journey can be covered either by train (there is even a special tourist train for $25) or by car for $80 for the entire car. The second option is preferable, since railway station The city is about 10 km away and you will also have to take a taxi for 7-8 dollars.

The first resorts appeared here in the mid-90s, and since then tourism has grown rapidly, and hundreds of hotels, restaurants, resorts, hotels and shops have been built along coastline. A chain of hotels stretches along the coast from the city itself to the village of Mui Ne.

This map of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne will help you get an idea of ​​the geography of this place.

The most expensive and fashionable hotels are located in the city itself and near it. The farther from the city and closer to the fishing village, the more budget-friendly the vacation. This is how this chain of hotels flows - from expensive to cheaper.

You can stay in a guesthouse for 10-15 dollars a day for a modest room with a shower - this is budget holiday. Hotel prices start at $20.

Sand dunes, fishing village, lotus lake, Cham towers, red canyon - all this is very close. With the exception of the sand dunes, everything else is accessible by local bus.

We have a special review of local attractions and excursions in Phan Thiet (see link). There we will dwell in detail on the features of local beaches.

We have mentioned another several times popular resort Vietnam - Nha Trang. In order to decide which is better - Phan Thiet or Nha Trang, we suggest following this link.

It seems that after this you will definitely be able to decide whether you should spend 2 weeks of your precious vacation on Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

Mui Ne is a famous Vietnamese resort, located 4 hours drive from the capital of Vietnam Hanoi and 15 minutes drive from Phan Thiet (a small fishing town). The road, of course, is exhausting (especially after a long flight of about 9 hours), but believe me, it’s worth it. You can buy a ticket from a tour operator, then a guide will meet you, seat you in a comfortable bus, and tell you all the way about the attractions and the resort. You can also order a taxi to the hotel, which costs the same in money, and you will get there much faster.

Interesting fact about Vietnam:

According to legend, the Vietnamese people descended from a dragon and a bird fairy

This is not the first time we have vacationed here and plan to return again. Mui Ne is ideal for a relaxing family holiday.

The resort guide (given to you upon arrival) advertises the following trendy clubs:

"A unique, trendy hangout spot"

“Unique atmosphere. Dance floor on the sand, dancers"

"Dancing on the bar until the morning"

If they don’t give you a guidebook, then look on the street in the evening. It is distributed free of charge at the center. The guidebook looks like a magazine.

Don't believe it. If anyone will dance until the morning, it will be you and your company. People come to Mui Ne to take a break from the bustle of the city, have spa treatments, swim, eat delicacies, see the sights in the area, go windsurfing or kitesurfing, do shopping, but not hang out.

The attitude of local residents towards tourists is captivating. The Vietnamese are very well-mannered and love Russian tourists. They are always friendly and ready to help. They are more willing to speak Russian than English language, since the Russian language used to be part of the compulsory educational program of the Vietnamese.

Interesting fact about Vietnam:

You can also travel from Moscow to Vietnam by train. True, this will require 1 transfer in Beijing, and the entire journey will take at least 7 days

Vietnamese do not ask for tips, but, on the contrary, are very surprised when you leave a tip in a restaurant. A couple of times the waiters even ran after us to return the forgotten money. And when we said what kind of service this was, we were very surprised, thanked them, and once took the mango with us. It is very nice.

Every time we stay in Mui Ne different hotels. But after visiting Vietnam several times, we developed a strategy for choosing a hotel. Read more about how we choose a hotel in Vietnam.

Surprising in the country a large number of motorbikers and taxis. Locals There is almost no walking, so there are almost no pedestrian roads. In Mui Ne itself you can get around on foot, but if you decide to go somewhere, it’s better to use transport. Read about transport in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. The taxi driver is responsible for you. And what is surprising in Vietnam is that if you use the services of a local taxi (white and green cars), you can trust him: he will take you wherever you ask, he will bring you back, and nothing will happen to the bags left in his car, don’t even worry. While shopping in Phan Thiet, we drove the whole city in one taxi, he helped us put our bags in the car, waited for us and explained what was worth seeing and how to quickly get to the store we needed.


The Vietnamese also cross the road not at an underpass, but anywhere. The basic rule: do not fuss or panic, but calmly move on. The driver will go around you himself. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend throwing yourself under the wheels.

Vietnam is famous for its fruits (read in the article) and delicacies (more details in the articles - and). Fruit can be bought on almost every corner. These include mango, watermelon, rambutan, durian, and many others. Their prices are much lower than in Russia, and they are juicier and riper.

You can also buy fruits to take with you on the road. You need to tell the seller that you want to take the fruit with you. Then they will select fruits that will survive a long flight and pack them right away.

Vietnam is famous for its seafood delicacies. You can’t come to Mui Ne and not try huge grilled shrimp, octopus, lobsters... And everything is much cheaper than in Russia, and most importantly, fresh.

Who can be found in the waters of the South China Sea?

Vietnam has a rich history and culture. So there is something to see here. We still haven't seen all of Vietnam.

Interesting fact about Vietnam:

Vietnam was part of China for about 1000 years

I’ll start talking about what we saw and where we were in order:

  1. Phan Thiet
  • Prenn Park, more details;
  • Datanla entertainment center with waterfall, more details;
  • Temple of the Seated Buddha, more details;
  • Chuk Lam Monastery, more details;
  • hotel “Crazy House”, more details;
  • silk factory, more details;
  • visit to a tea and coffee factory, more details.

Here's everything we visited in Vietnam while vacationing in Mui Ne several times. In the immediate vicinity of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, we have not yet seen the lotus lake, sand dunes, red canyon, Chinese temple in Phan Thiet. So, I think we will also visit Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, not to mention Vietnam itself.

Vietnam is a country where you can try not only seafood delicacies for relatively little money compared to Russia (more details in