Where is Guzeripl? Rest in Guzeripl

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Yulia Stepochkina Loved it! Wild nature, very clean and beautiful! The fern is impressive, it is wild, I have never seen anything like it anywhere else! Amazing place! We went down to the waterfall and just found ourselves in a fairy tale! When you walk along a path in the forest, it seems that this is the best place in the world) People, thank you for taking care of this corner untouched by civilization, it even breathes somehow differently)))

Elena Chebotkova Lots of impressions. We received a huge amount of positive emotions. Everywhere is clean. The only thing I have a small wish for is that there are too few animals in the living area area. I would like to see representatives of other species there, besides those that are there.

Lexx We were on the January holidays. A waterfall, rivers, sledding down the hill right opposite the entrance and then walked further - there was such a big dolmen, and a real live deer with antlers, and in the next enclosure 2 wolves were running in a circle and licking their lips at the deer. It’s clear that you won’t find wild animals like these in city zoos. There was an exhibition at the museum, but we didn’t go and we didn’t go to the rope park either - it was cold. Probably because we were sober and with small children

Lyubov Kasyutina The beauty and scale of this vast place captivated me. Thanks to the reserve workers for preserving this pristine natural wealth.

Elena. Usik A good place for a family holiday in nature, there is a rope park for kids, I liked the museum which has seating and a film about Caucasian nature, entrance to the reserve costs 300 rubles. There is also a dolmen there.

Alexey Pobegailov The administration became insolent; on New Year's holidays, admission was 600 rubles. per person, although it was always 150-200 rubles. In fact, they are profiting from a unique natural landscape that does not belong to them.

Guzeripl - a village in the Republic of Adygea, located in the valley of the Belaya River. The mountain peak – Guzeripl, height – 2158 m, located in the eastern part of the high-mountain plateau Lago-Naki and the mountain pass separating the valleys of the Mutny Teplyak and Armyanka rivers have the same name. According to J.N. Kokov, the first part of the toponym may contain the proper name Guzer (Guzer), the second part can be compared with the Adyghe base pl (en) - “to look” or in the meaning pl - “beautiful”. This stem often appears as part of personal names, forming nicknames. According to K.Kh.Meretukov, the toponym originally had the form Gozerypl. Based on this, some researchers argue that the basis for the translation of the toponym was the Adyghe gyozerypl - “fly”. There is also another judgment. As you know, the secret path connecting the Ubykhs with the Abadzekhs was called Gozerypl - “landmark on the way.” The trail went from the modern village of Dagomys through the Main Caucasus Range to the place where the village of Guzeripl is located

GUZERIPLE (2158) - the peak is located southeast of the city of Oshten. The name from Adyghe is translated ambiguously. According to one version it is translated as; on the other: or.

GUZERITL (GUZERIPL). - In our opinion, the phonetically composition of the toponym is somewhat modified. Probably its original form was G'ozerypl. But as a result of the diphthongization o (u+e), the secondary form Guuzerypl was formed, which was assigned to a geographical object. There are a number of contradictory statements about the origin of the name of the toponym. Some argue that the name of the toponym was based on the word gozerypl, existing in the Adyghe language: Gozerypl'er fykuag'eti shakIor oh'ug'e. There is another reasoning. As you know, the secret mountain path that connected the Ubykhs with the Abadzekhs was called Goozerypl. . The path went from the village of Dagomukov (present-day Dagomys) across the ridge to the place where the present village of Guzeripl is located. This last judgment among experts is considered the most acceptable when explaining the etymological meaning of the name Guzerypl. Guzeripl is the center of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. Its surroundings are famous for its sights. There is a museum here that displays the fauna and flora of these places. During 1942-1943. Guzeripl was where the troops of the Soviet Army and partisan detachments operated. In August 1942, a fierce battle took place here with the fascist invaders. The detachment led by Senior Lieutenant Shipa completely defeated the selected groups. The Nazis did not pass through the ridge to Sochi. A monument to those who died in this battle was erected in the area of ​​the reserve. Interesting ancient monuments, including dolmens, were found in the vicinity of Guzeripl. In one of the mounds, a bronze hammer, a helmet, spears and gold coins, a large stone vase, beads, and stone balls were discovered. The name Guzeripl belongs to the mountain, the village and the river flowing from the right side into the river. White in the same village.

A small mountain village is located in the south of the Republic of Adygea in the foothills of the Caucasus Range, on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. Guzeripl is known for its pristine nature and the famous dolmen.

The village of Guzeripl, located in a remote corner of Adygea, is of historical and natural value. Guzeripl itself was founded at the beginning of the 20th century as a cordon of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. A little later, it became part of the Khamyshinsky rural district as a logging village.

The Adyghe pronunciation of the village is “gozaripl”, which means “observant”. Essentially this is true, since the village is the most remote settlement at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, and is located like a guard on the way to the beautiful and densely populated valley of the Belaya River. The village was built at an altitude of six hundred and seventy meters above sea level, among high mountain peaks covered with fir forests. The healing mountain air, the crystal clear water of the Belaya River, and the delightful Caucasian nature have made the former logging village a desirable vacation spot and tourist center. Guzeripl is surrounded by high mountain ranges on all sides, this creates a special microclimate in this valley.

Behind the bridge across the Belaya located in the village, the lands of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve begin; there is a cordon through which you can enter its territory. In the reserve you can visit a museum dedicated to the nature of the Caucasus and the history of restoration of the Caucasian bison population, go on an excursion to the Molchele River, see the largest dolmen preserved on the lands of Adygea and the monument at the mass grave of the soldiers-defenders of Guzeripl. The attractions of Guzeripl rightfully include the old railway, which is the starting point of the most famous tourist route. Every year, an international rafting competition, the Belaya Interrally, starts from the village.

The population of the village is very small, according to the official census it is about 100 people. This settlement comes to life with the arrival of tourists, who are very numerous here. Currently, Guzeripl is a rapidly developing tourist center. The village has all the prerequisites to become an excellent tourist center in the Caucasus in the near future. Tourist complexes are constantly being built in Guzerple. The village has various hotels, equipped to suit every taste. Fans of “wild recreation” can always set up camp in any place they like. The area in front of the village is especially popular among tourists, where tent camps are constantly located in the summer. There is a good asphalt road leading to the village from Maykop.

The village of Guzeripl borders the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, which can be accessed through a bridge in the center of the village. Its main attraction is the Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. Walking along the road from the bridge over the river to the museum, you can admire the fascinating artificial waterfall of the Molchepy River, which flows from the dam of a small hydroelectric power station. The area adjacent to the museum is a protected area. Not far from the building itself there is a dolmen; in Adygea it is impossible to find an analogue to it in size and state of preservation.

During the Patriotic War in 1942, fierce battles took place in this territory, as evidenced by the mass grave of the soldiers who defended the Caucasus - the riflemen of the 379th Mountain Rifle Regiment. The museum itself was founded about 60 years ago and occupies several halls. They tell about the history of the creation of the reserve, and the flora and fauna are widely represented. The museum displays voluminous exhibits – stuffed animals. They are collected into biological groups presented in their natural habitat. High-quality photographs, panoramas, and original exhibitions help visitors get acquainted with the amazing nature of this region. The museum warmly welcomes its visitors without breaks or weekends.

The path to the museum lies through the post of the biosphere reserve, located on the left bank of the Belaya. Entrance to the Museum of Nature is paid. From the bridge over the river to the museum you need to walk about three hundred meters along the road.

On the right and left banks of the Belaya River, on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve and in the clearing of tourist gatherings, there are the remains of the dolmen of the village of Guzeripl. This archeological monument of the 1st-2nd millennium BC is one of the largest composite, well-preserved dolmens in the south of Russia. It is impossible to find an analogue to it in size and preservation in Adygea. It is huge, massive and mysterious.

Amazing with its engineering solution, labor-intensive nature, and sophisticated, at first glance, rough architecture, the megalith remains a mystery even today. Many scientists believe, and this is the main version, that dolmens are funerary megalithic structures of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages. Another popular theory is that elderly people went to die in them. There, in complete darkness and silence, they prayed and waited for death. Another group of scientists believes that dolmens, together with the pyramids, are part of the general planetary structure. The points where they stand were chosen deliberately. Dolmens are unique conductors that connect the earth with the information cosmic matrix, which ensures the development of all forms of life on Earth.

The attractions of Guzeripl rightfully include the old railway. In pre-war times, in the settlement itself there were two camps with convicts: general and strict regime; it housed repressed Don Cossacks, who for a time were engaged in logging and shipping timber. A narrow-line railway, 3 kilometers long, was located behind the village cemetery. They transported timber on a horse-drawn cart and a motorized locomotive. After this, the wood was floated down the Belaya mountain river. The war began, the zones were closed. A cordon of the Caucasian Nature Reserve “Suvorovsky” is located in residential buildings.

After the end of the war, it was from the end of the old railway that the path of the famous tourist route of All-Union significance began. It ran to the Partisan Valley, to the Fisht shelter and had access to the Black Sea coast. Now this is the most famous and popular tourist route. You can get to Partizanskaya Polyana both by vehicle and on foot.

Climbing up, you can admire the amazing nature and enjoy the clean mountain air. The combination of picturesque nature with turbulent rivers, historical past, modern tourism makes the village attractive for visiting not only professional tourists, but also lovers of family holidays. And the old railway is the starting point of the most famous route.

In order to explore the valley of the Belaya River there are several panoramic points that represent a special attraction of the village of Guzeripl.

The small observation deck is located in the center of the village, on the Black Rock. The rock faces south with black coal shale and has a fairly wide flat area with tall slender pine trees. From here you can see the eastern part of the village. Just above this place there is a large observation deck. From the very peak of the rocky ridge there is a magnificent view of the southern and central part of the village. A safe path leads to this point from the Small Platform to the rocks shaped like a rooster's comb.

The third observation deck is located on the southern slope of Mount Cossack. There is a wide path leading up there and overlooking rock formations. From the rocky shelves there is a view of the mountains Abago, Atamazhi and the village of Guzeripl. From this place you can admire not only the beauty of the village, but also the splendor of the mountains, breathe in the cleanest air, and recharge with cosmic energy. On the territory of the reserve, on the slope of Mount Filimonova, there is another vantage point from which you can observe the beauty of nature untouched by man. Compared to other observation points, it is rarely visited by tourists.

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Guzeripl (Adygea) 2019

Guzeripl is a settlement that will definitely appeal to those who want to enjoy natural beauty, silence and relaxation. What are its features?

Guzeripl: location, climate, attractions

Guzeripl is a village located on the territory of the Republic of Adygea. This settlement is famous due to the fact that it borders the Caucasian Nature Reserve, and therefore it is an ideal option for those who want to improve their health and relax away from civilization, enjoying the beauty and richness of the flora.

One of the reasons why the village is invariably popular among tourists, and why Guzeripl 2019 will certainly not lose relevance among travelers, is its special geographical location. This area is surrounded by high mountain ranges, which is the reason for the special climate in this area. The rivers here are surprisingly clean and, if desired, water from some sources can be drunk without fear. At the same time, the air is surprisingly fresh and clean, making a trip to this area an excellent opportunity not only to have a great rest, but also to improve your health. In addition, numerous coniferous forests, as well as special air filled with pine aroma, will be an excellent prevention of colds, as well as any diseases of the respiratory system.

The population of the village is very small, and according to the official census it was about 100 people. This settlement comes to life with the arrival of tourists, who are very numerous here.

On the territory of this village flows a river called Belaya - it is one of the largest in Adygea. Several other small rivers flow into it - Molchepa, Zholobnaya.

Tourists from all over Russia, who want to take a break from the noise of the metropolis, rush to Guzeripl. Adygea, and especially this region, is famous for the fact that there are hiking trails here that are ideal for active hiking, and there are various routes suitable for hiking. This is the best option for those who prefer active recreation and also want to enjoy unity with nature.

On the territory of the village there are also monuments left over from the times of the Great Patriotic War. And nearby are the remains of combat aircraft that crashed during combat operations.

One of the main attractions that the village of Guzeripl has is the Museum of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. The exhibits of this institution are truly unique and have no analogues. In addition, detailed excursions are regularly conducted, and experienced guides will tell you in detail about the features of the local flora and fauna.

Currently, this settlement is gradually developing. If a couple of decades ago it was practically unknown to tourists and was a small settlement inhabited exclusively by lumberjacks who came to this region for work, today many lovers of active entertainment are planning a holiday in Guzeripl 2019. This was the reason for the creation of many hotels and tourist centers with different categories of rooms, so that every traveler can find suitable accommodation.

Rooms are also available for rent in private houses, which will be an excellent opportunity to organize a vacation in Guzeripl without intermediaries and also save on accommodation. As for all kinds of entertainment facilities, they are practically absent, and therefore this is truly the best option for those who are tired of the bustle of the city and want to spend their vacation in peace and solitude.

One of the entertainments that largely determined the popularity of this village among tourists from all over Russia is rafting competitions. The “Interrally-Belaya” swims have been held every year for a long period of time, and therefore hundreds of travelers arrive in Guzeripl during this period. It is better to plan your vacation in advance and book suitable accommodation so that nothing can prevent you from having a great time on your upcoming vacation.

In addition, the village is also famous for the Primrose festival, which attracts dozens of bards. The art song festival is invariably popular. The event takes place in the Bards' Glade, simultaneously with the rafting. Participants of the holiday, as a rule, live in tents nearby.

One of the features of the village is the bridge running across the Belaya River. By crossing it, travelers will be able to get to the Caucasus Nature Reserve, located on the territory of the Lagonaki Plateau, or enjoy a walk through the forest. The Belaya River is the largest in the entire Republic of Adygea. The Molchela, which lies on the territory of the village, also flows into it. If you wish, you can walk to a small man-made dam created by a hydroelectric power station. This place is interesting because it is the source of electricity for the entire settlement. And most importantly, there is a wonderful view of a small but amazingly beautiful waterfall.

It is worth noting that it is difficult to imagine a more interesting and eventful vacation. In this regard, Guzeripl is significantly superior to many expensive resorts; there is plenty of entertainment for sports fans here, and even the most indifferent traveler will not be able to resist the natural beauty.

How to get to Guzeripl?

One of the simplest solutions would be to travel by train, regularly departing from Sochi. You will need to get off in Maykop, and then transfer to a bus or minibus that goes directly to Guzeripl. It is only important to clarify the exact schedule of both trains and regular buses in order not to waste time waiting for suitable transport, since the intervals between departures can be quite significant.

Those planning to travel from Maykop should take into account that buses do not depart from the bus station, but from the bus station, which is closer to the central market. As a rule, the journey by bus takes 2-2.5 hours.

The most convenient way to get there is from Hadzhokh. Buses run regularly. If desired, you can take a taxi, which will quickly take travelers to their destination. Tourists can also try their luck by hitchhiking, especially since the traffic is quite busy.

You can get to Guzeripl by your own car, especially since there is a good asphalt road leading to the village, and therefore there will be no difficulties during the trip.

Chapter from the book by Bormotov I.V.

Location: Guzeripl village. The left bank of the Belaya River is not included in the reserve territory. Height above sea level 665.4 m.
The village of Guzeripl was founded in 1924 as a cordon of the Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve. The excursion program in the village of Guzeripl includes several objects.

Excursion objects of the village of Guzeripl.
Old railway(behind the village cemetery on the right bank of the Zhelobnaya River).

The remains of the destroyed dolmens are located on the left bank of the Belaya River in a clearing for tourist gatherings.

Obelisk in the center of the village of Guzeripl.
The headquarters of the partisan detachments of the Maikop bush, which organized partisan resistance to fascist troops during the Great Patriotic War and arrived in the village of Guzeripl on foot through the Belorechensky pass on September 20, 1942.

Panoramic points of the village of Guzeripl.
There are only three panoramic points in the village of Guzeripl, from where tourists explore the valley of the Belaya River. The fourth panoramic point on the village of Guzeripl is located on the slope of Mount Filimonova, on the territory of the reserve and is visited very rarely.

The small observation deck is located in the center of the village, on the Black Rock. The rock faces south with black coal shale and has a fairly wide flat area with tall pine trees. From here you can see the eastern part of the village.

The large observation platform is located slightly above the Small platform. From the Small Platform there is a good path up the slope and leads to rock outcrops in the shape of a cockscomb. At the very top of the rocky ridge there is also a wide platform, which offers an amazing view of the central and southern part of the village.

The third observation deck is located on the southern slope of Mount Cossack. There is a wide path leading up there and overlooking rock formations. From the rocky shelves there is a view of the mountains Abago, Atamazhi and the village of Guzeripl.

Walk in the gorge of the Belaya River.
A wide hiking trail leading to the gorge of the Belaya River begins 50 meters in the forest area above the Enektour hotel. The trail goes smoothly high above the river. All around is nature, untouched by man. There are a lot of porcini mushrooms here in the summer.

In Soviet times, in Guzeripl there was a camp of prisoners engaged in logging, located on the right bank of the Belaya River above the Caucasus tourist center in the Zaklyuchenka clearing (Cossacks from the Don were imprisoned here).

A story by I. Bormotov from the book “Melodies of the Blue Mountains” - “The Legend of the Belaya River.”

The Belaya River is the main river of the Republic of Adygea. It carries its waters through the dense forest wilds of the Caucasus Nature Reserve, breaks into the abyss with a powerful cascade of waterfalls of the Victoria Canyon, cuts through the rocky grip of the ridges, seethes, bubbles and foams in the stone rapids, tirelessly spins the powerful shafts of turbines, giving people light and warmth. The Belaya River has 5 canyons: Victoria, Tolapanovsky, Bolshoi Granite, Shum (Khadzhokhskaya Gorge) and Tula Gorge.

Originating from the Fisht-Oshtenovsky pass, it is filled with melt moisture from the Fisht glaciers and Oshten snowfields. From source to confluence, it falls from a height of 2283 meters, stretching among mountain ranges for 270 kilometers. Its turbulent waters fill more than 60 mountain rivers, rivulets and streams. The largest, most beautiful and picturesque mountain rivers are Kisha and Dakh, Pshekha and Kurdzhips.

The beautiful river, the toiler river, the feeding river carries its fast waters to its elder sister Kuban. Her beauty fascinates us, we love her and strive for her, so that at least sometimes we can see how silvery strands of crystal water foaming on the rapids and rifts are woven into the blue jets of a fast stream.

We love how the river on its wide reaches with a gentle rustle caresses multi-colored pebbles polished to a shine, how it bathes in the rays of the sun, illuminating everything around with a magical light, how it flickers with sparkles from the reflections of sunbeams. There are many legends about the beautiful mountain river associated with its name. Here are some of them.

Since ancient times, the White Adyghe River has been called by the name Shaguashe - as the sovereign mistress of the house, principality and mountainous country. This is the legend associated with this name. There lived in one of the mountain villages a prince who sacredly revered the laws of the mountains and the ancient customs of the people. He was proud, courageous and fair to people. His people loved and respected him for this.

But one day, while visiting in a neighboring village, he saw a girl of unprecedented beauty and fell in love with her. The prince could not live without his beloved. He sent ambassadors to the village with gifts and kalym, and got a girl. So she became his wife. But the outwardly beautiful woman turned out to be the cruel, selfish, proud and capricious wife of the prince. Everything would be fine, but her whims knew no bounds. She demanded for herself more and more expensive clothes, jewelry, honors, and the worship of her husband and others. The prince did everything just to please her.

The prince's treasury was depleted; the tribute collected from the people was no longer enough for the princess. It was no longer enough for her to command the men of her family. She wanted to subjugate mountains, forests and rivers. Even so that the sun shines when she wants. The prince could not fulfill the impossible. In anger, having gathered her servants, the princess left for her native village. The prince could not cope with her obstinate character and sent messengers to a wise old man who lived high in the mountains to ask for advice.

The old man listened to the messengers and sent them home without saying a word to them. Having waited for messengers from the sage, who brought a disappointing answer, the prince became completely sad. The prince could not live even a day without his beloved. He sent his faithful servant after her with a request to return home and a promise that he would fulfill her will and any of her desires. The princess found out about the prince’s request and was completely distraught. She gathered her many servants and set off with the words:- Now I, Shaguashe, am the complete mistress over the prince and his people. Head of the principality. I will do whatever I want...

At this time, a terrible roar shook the mountains, and a sheaf of lightning flashed across the sky. The obstinate beauty fell to the ground from her horse and turned into a stormy river boiling with rage. The princess's faithful servants became mountain tributaries of the river, with the same grumpy and indomitable character as their mistress. Another legend says that...

It was a very long time ago, when the inhabitants of the mountains, who were at war with each other, carried out destructive raids on neighboring tribes. And then one day a detachment of horsemen, led by a cruel prince, burst into a mountain village. A gray-haired old man stood up to defend his home, but he could not cope with the strong and dexterous warriors.

A young beautiful girl rushed to help her father, but she, too, could not resist the onslaught of the horsemen. Her father died from a saber blow, and she was tied up and taken into captivity, to an ancient castle on a high mountain, and the grumpy old woman Fisiabgo was left to look after her. Bella, that was the girl’s name, became a prisoner of a cruel prince. Amazed by her beauty, he invited the girl to become his wife. But Bella could not come to terms with her father’s killer. For a long time she thought about how to take revenge on the villain. She managed to steal a dagger from a guard, and then she asked for expensive clothes for a meeting with the prince.

Late in the evening, the servants allowed the girl into the prince's apartment. He, not suspecting anything bad, and thinking that the girl had resigned himself, hugged her. And then he was struck by a dagger in the heart. Bella went out into the courtyard, mounted her horse and rushed away from the castle. Finding the prince killed, the servants rushed after her. For a long time the girl evaded pursuit; ahead of her was a river, compressed by high rocky banks. The pursuers were already close, and then Bella decided to jump over the terrible abyss. Spurring her horse, she rushed into the boiling abyss of the mountain river.

Much time has passed since then, but people remembered her and began to call the river after the proud beauty - Bella. The Cossacks settled in the mountain valleys, and the girl’s name began to sound in Russian - Belaya. The castle of the cruel prince fell into decay, his servants left, and only the evil old woman wandered through the ruins for a long time. “Fisiabgo,” people said about this mountain, like an angry and grumpy woman.Another legend has survived to this day about the Belaya River, as a princess river, the mistress of deer.

In the old days, when the mountaineers lived according to the law of the mountains and customs, when honor and good rumors about the owner of the clan were valued above all else, the prince’s daughter grew up, and her name was Shaguashe. The time has come to marry off your daughter. The prince ordered to gather brave young people from all the surrounding areas for horse riding - an equestrian festival of the highlanders. He invited his daughter to choose a groom from among the brave young men, but set the condition that he be rich and of noble birth.

Many young horsemen took part in the competition, but she liked only one brave and dexterous rider. He skillfully wielded weapons, shot without missing a beat at full gallop, was stately and handsome. Shaguashe and the young man met their eyes and fell in love with each other. When the time came for Shaguasha to name the chosen one, she named the name of the highlander. But he did not belong to a noble family and was not rich. The father was angry for his daughter’s disobedience and ordered the lovers to be sewn up in a leather bag and thrown into a stormy stream of a mountain river.

The river splashed the young onto the coastal sand in a deep forest. They began to live on the gifts of the forest among wild deer. Time passed, the prince grew old and fell ill. No spells or medications helped him. The old people advised to drink reindeer milk, and then the disease would recede and strength would return. The prince's servants scattered to all corners of the world to look for healing milk. And one of them soon returned with a jug tied with a Shaguashe scarf. The prince drank the milk and was healed. He recognized his daughter’s handkerchief on the jug, forgave her, and invited her back to the village.Since then, the mountain river has been named Shaguashe, which translated from Adyghe sounds like “princess, mistress of deer.”

Objects for weekend tourist routes:

  • a walk to the top of Mount Cossack (1428m) to the old locomotive of timber planter Filimonov;
  • a walk along the old tourist trail along the left bank of the Belaya River to the Teplyak River to the wreck of the crashed plane;
  • walk to the waterfall of the Zhelobnaya River;
  • walk to the former prisoner camp in the Zaklyuchenka clearing (permission from the KSPBZ is required;
  • a walk along the right bank of the Belaya River in the Goreloye tract (permission from the KSPBZ is required);
  • ascent to the high-mountain pasture of Abago (1789m) (permission from KSPPB required);
  • climbing Mount Abago (2628 m.) to the crashed fascist plane Henkel 111 and climbing Mount Atamazhi (2669 m.), (permission from KSPBZ required).

Weekend tours in Adygea- excursion, combined, walking, horseback, jeep tours to the most beautiful places in mountainous Adygea with inspection of the most significant natural monuments
The famous "Thirty" Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. In the past, this was the most popular tourist route in the World, successfully restored by our company. Starts in the resort of Khadzhokh and ends in Loo. All overnight stays are in permanent shelters, travel light. Fisht is one of the most famous and grandiose natural monuments of Russia. Tourists on this route pass through all climatic and landscape zones of the country.