List of mineral water sources in the Caucasus. Abstract: Caucasian Mineral Waters Caucasian Mineral Waters

As some of the most worthy and great Russian writers and poets would say: “Whoever did not breathe the Caucasian mountain air did not live...”.

In this article we will talk about Caucasian Mineral Waters. What is good about this resort in the Caucasus and what is unique about Min. waters

The Caucasus is not just mountains, gorgeous nature, springs, springs, eagles over the gorges, vipers on mountain roads between the placers of rhododendrons, the Caucasus is a special spirit, a special culture, this cannot be found anywhere else, harsh, wild, proud, very beautiful, in some places a virgin region.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a group of resorts of federal significance in Stavropol region, a specially protected ecological resort region Russian Federation.

South of the European part of Russia. The resort includes cities and territories:

“The Caucasian Mineral Waters agglomeration region, with an area of ​​more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. km), is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the mountain sanitary protection district:

in the Stavropol Territory - the cities and resort towns of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody (including the resort of Kumagorsk and the resort area of ​​Naguta), Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the actual districts of Georgievsky, Mineralovodsky and Predgorny, - 58% of the total area of ​​the region;

in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district, - 9% (therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, Narzanov Valley and others);

in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts, - 33% of the territory (formation zone mineral springs)».

The location of the resort is, to put it mildly, gorgeous:

“The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. The earth seems different here, the sky seems different to others.

From afar, motionless white clouds are visible, which, when approaching, turn out to be snowy peaks Caucasus Mountains. The southern borders of the region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malki rivers; in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers; The northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which the steppe expanses of Ciscaucasia begin.”

Very close to the Stavropol region famous resorts Krasnodar region, Sochi:

“In the west and southwest, the Stavropol Territory borders Krasnodar region, in the northwest with the Rostov region, in the north and northeast with Kalmykia, in the east with Dagestan, in the southeast with the Chechen Republic, in the south with North Ossetia-Alania, the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian republics.”

About the Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts in the video:

There are many springs in the Caucasian Mineral Waters mineral waters, because the difficult region is named just that. The name of the main city, Essentuki, appears on bottles of medicinal water, known to everyone for a couple of decades.

And the water actually has medicinal properties, unlike the products that store shelves are filled with.

In addition, there are many springs, waterfalls, salt and mud springs in the region.

The resort has existed since the beginning of the 18th century; more precisely, the first mentions of it date back to this time. All efforts were directed towards developing the region, so in the 20th century the resort became the largest in Russia, and the most healing.

The most famous cities and resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters:







Kislovodsk the highest mountain resort, it is located at an altitude of 817-1063 m above sea level, the lowest mountain point of Kislovodsk is 750 m above sea level, and the highest is 1409 m (on the Big Saddle in Kislovodsk Park).

“Kislovodsk is located in the south of the Stavropol Territory, practically on the border with Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, 65 km from Mount Elbrus.

The city is located in a small and cozy picturesque valley, surrounded by the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range and formed by the gorges of two merging rivers - Olkhovka and Berezovka, flowing into the Podkumok River. The length of the valley from southeast to northwest is about 7 km.”

The weather is almost always good here:“The climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly valued by balneologists and has been successfully used as a healing factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number sunny days- in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year are without sun.

It is relatively dry here; wet weather does not reach here. air masses from the Black Sea - they are delayed by the Main Caucasian Ridge.”

« In terms of the number of sunny days, Kislovodsk is not inferior to the best resorts in the world. On average, per year the number of clear days in Kislovodsk is about 150, while in Pyatigorsk - 98, in Zheleznovodsk - 112, and in Essentuki - 117. The number of cloudy days is also small - on average 61 days per year.

The air in Kislovodsk is always clean, mostly dry and invigorating. Kislovodsk stands out among other KavMinVod resorts for its generally quiet weather, without strong winds, and low humidity in winter, which fluctuates during the day from 56 to 70%, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of resort guests.”

In January it was 18 degrees Celsius, sub-zero temperatures reached 20 degrees, but much more often the temperature at this time of year here is around zero or “slight minus”. The hottest months are July, August; the temperature, depending on the location near or far from mountains and snowy gorges, ranges from 4-5 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees Celsius.

All resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are primarily therapeutic, but Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk - especially. After Sochi, Kislovodsk is the second city in terms of the number of health resorts and sanatoriums.

A third of all medical and preventive institutions in the region are located here. In Kislovodsk there is a source of the famous acidic mineral water - Narzan.

Built on the site of a former fortress, the city is now replete with green spaces and orchards, very large in number. small town: 130 thousand people.

Most health resorts in Kislovodsk have a medical profile for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, nervous diseases and respiratory diseases.

In addition to health resorts, mineral springs and other beauties of the city, one of the most striking attractions is the Resort Park, its area is 948 hectares, which is comparable to the huge city parks of Europe and the world.

“The park is located on both sides of the Olkhovka River and contains over 250 species of trees and shrubs, including cedar, fir, birch, pine, spruce, black walnut, Chinese paulownia, cork tree, etc. In the alpine part of the park, more than 800 species of herbaceous plants.

The park contains nurseries for ornamental plants and greenhouses. Over 80 varieties of abundantly blooming roses are planted on the “Rose Square” and in the “Valley of Roses”. Squirrels have acclimatized in the park, trustingly taking food from people’s hands, different kinds birds.

A natural monument is the Red Stones, which appear in several places in the park and are sandstones with a red-brown color and various forms of weathering.”

The park has a route for therapeutic walking - a health path. And in Kislovodsk itself there are several dozen large and popular sanatoriums.

Despite the fact that resorts and cities are located close to each other, the atmosphere in them can be completely different. So, in Zheleznovodsk there is a different air, a slightly different climate - compared to other resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

"Zheleznovodsk - the most dynamically developing resort of Kavminvod. In 2003 he was awarded the title " Best city Russia" among small towns.

The climate here is mountainous and forest, similar to the climate of the Middle Alps. Long-term meteorological observations made it possible to classify it as mountain-forest, mid-mountain alpine, moderately dry.

The air is saturated with oxygen and forest phytoncides. Moderately hot summers with cool nights, a large number of sunny days with weak refreshing winds, winters are not cold.”

The population of Zheleznovodsk is only about 25 thousand people, but despite the small number of inhabitants, the city is truly a pearl not only among the resorts of the Stavropol Territory, but throughout Russia.

Yes, there are few residents, but many times more guests: for example, the health resorts (about two dozen sanatoriums) of Zheleznovodsk can accommodate up to 80 thousand tourists. The main areas of treatment are diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, and metabolic disorders.

Over 20 mineral water sources and several mud springs.

Pyatigorsk more, so to speak, “amazed by industrialization” than the small and remote cities of Stavropol in terms of the number of citizens. Pyatigorsk has about 145 thousand inhabitants, industry, trade, and science are well developed.

“Within the city limits there is Mount Mashuk (993.7 m, with a 112-meter television relay tower installed on it) and its spurs.

The climate in Pyatigorsk is characterized by mild winters and hot summers. Thanks to the large number water resources and mild climate, the city has picturesque ponds, forest belts and parks.

The resort area, rich in underground mineral water sources, is relatively poor in surface water resources.

The tourist infrastructure of the resort city of Pyatigorsk includes:

More than 30 health resorts and sanatorium-resort institutions. Every year they are visited by over 200 thousand people per year (225-250 thousand people per year in 16 sanatoriums and 7 boarding houses - in the second half - the end of the 80s);

43 travel companies and organizations;

17 hotels;

The city and Pyatigorye have enormous tourism potential and have the right to compete with leading European resorts and balneological health resorts.”

Pyatigorsk has many museums, theaters, historical monuments, libraries, and beautiful places. There are parks and fountains in the city.

“The surrounding mountains are decorated with natural forests in which mighty oaks and snow-white birches, honey-bearing maples and lindens grow, and in the fall dogwoods, hawthorns, rose hips, barberries, and rowan trees turn red with berries.

The fauna is not so diverse due to the proximity of the city, but tourists are always delighted by squirrels, which can be found even in small public gardens in the very center of the city. Swans swim on the pond in Kirov Park in the summer.”

Essentuki.“The city is located at an altitude of 640 m above sea level, in the valley of the Podkumok River, at the confluence of the Bugunta River, 17 km from Pyatigorsk.

Distance to the regional center: 200 km.


The climate is continental, mountain-steppe. average temperature July +27.4 °C.”

The population is about 105 thousand people, many health resorts, more than 20 mineral springs, the main direction of treatment is “diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and metabolism.”

Essentuki hosts festivals, cultural events, and there are many cultural institutions.

Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts have this name for a reason: the main attraction and main treasure of the region are the springs of mineral waters. And if someone was not here, then everyone drank mineral water.

In 2000, almost 500 thousand people rested and improved their health here.

The “Genius of the Place” program tells about the sights of the Caucasian Mineral Waters:

Caucasian Mineral Waters ranks first in popularity among Russians among Russian resorts:

“The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) analyzed the most popular destinations domestic tourism in the summer of 2014, the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse) were on the first line of the rating, Crimea was on the second, on the third, fourth and fifth lines are Caucasian Mineral Waters, Golden ring and Karelia, respectively, Baikal took sixth position.”

CAUCASIAN MINERAL WATERS is the main balneological and mud resort in Russia.

Caucasian Mineral Waters (Kavminvody, KMV) - this is a group of resorts of federal significance in the Stavropol Territory, a specially protected eco-resort region of the Russian Federation. Caucasian Mineral Waters located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas, - within the boundaries of the junction of the Mineralovodsk inclined plain and northern slopes Greater Caucasus. Through the territory Kavminvod electrified Railway Moscow - Rostov - Baku with a branch to Kislovodsk (and a branch to Zheleznovodsk), asphalt federal highway Rostov - Baku M29. Mineralnye Vody Airport connects the KMV with direct airlines to all major centers of Russia and neighboring countries, and also operates flights to foreign countries. Regional center of the CMS is a city Essentuki. Previously, this status belonged to the city of Pyatigorsk, and even earlier - Georgievsk.

Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. The southern borders of the KMS region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malki rivers, in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers, the northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which the steppe expanses of the Ciscaucasia begin.

Mud spa resort Caucasian Mineral Waters was created by decree of Emperor Alexander I at the beginning of the 19th century. At first it was used as a place for rehabilitation and treatment of officers of the tsarist army after injuries during the Caucasian wars and the conquest of Central Asia. Only at the end of the 19th century the resort became a civilian resort; at the beginning of the 20th century the first sanatoriums were built.

Southern position Kavminvody region provide a large amount of solar radiation throughout the year. Winter is short (2-3 months), spring is also short with a sharp transition to summer. In May, hot days are already coming. Summer is warm, with high intensity of solar radiation (especially in Kislovodsk). Autumn is warm, dry and long.

Above all resorts Caucasian Mineral Waters located Kislovodsk(817-1063 m), the remaining resorts are located at approximately the same altitude: Essentuki- along the river Podkumok (600-640 m), Pyatigorsk- at the foot of Mashuk (510-630 m), Zheleznovodsk- in the valley between Beshtau and Zheleznaya, on the slopes at the foot of the latter (600-650 m). The vegetation is represented mainly by massifs of oak-hornbeam forests alternating with meadow steppes; in the foothills there is steppe and forest-steppe vegetation, which in the mountains (at an altitude of 800-1100 m) is replaced by broad-leaved forests (beech, oak, hornbeam).

Relief of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region begins at the foot of Elbrus, where a rocky ridge with a number of peaks clearly stands out. In the western and southern parts of the CMV, the mountains are steep, sometimes with sheer ledges breaking off to the south, and the long northern slopes are slightly inclined and merge with the foothill plain. The dissected relief, which creates a wide variety of landscapes, is explained by the long development and complex geological structure of the territory.

Climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly valued by balneologists and has been successfully used as a healing factor. The climatic conditions of each resort differ radically, which is largely determined by the nature of the relief and the difference in altitude locations of the Kavminvod resort towns. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number of sunny days - in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year are without sun. It is relatively dry here; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are delayed by the Main Caucasus Ridge.

Caucasian Mineral Waters include four world-famous balneological resort cities: Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk.

CMS ResortsThey do not have an off-season period, they are accepted for treatment and recreation all year round, which is explained by the southern location of the Kavminvod region and the presence of unique natural healing factors (climate, mineral waters of various types for external and internal use, silt mud of Lake Tambukan).

· M

In each of cities of Kavminvod There are unique healing factors and sanatoriums that use them and the achievements of modern medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. Treatment profiles of Kavminvod are divided by city. Each city specializes in the treatment of certain diseases. So sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk are being treated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , urological diseases , V sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk are being treated musculoskeletal system, skin and allergic diseases, gynecological and gastrointestinal diseases, For Essentuki sanatoriums, the main treatment profile, as in Zheleznovodsk, is gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the endocrine system, also in Essentuki they treat and gynecological diseases . Sanatoriums Kislovodsk specialize in the treatment of various diseases respiratory system, circulatory system and nervous system. If you want to relax and receive treatment at the CMV, people should be guided by these factors, because in each city, all sanatoriums specialize in the main profile of the city, because the profile of the city is determined by natural factors that contribute to the treatment of a particular disease.

The main natural healing factors at the KMS resorts:

  • Pyatigorsk - carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, radon waters, Essentuki type mineral waters
  • Essentuki - salt-alkaline waters
  • Kislovodsk - dolomite and sulfate narzans
  • Zheleznovodsk - Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya waters

Each of the KMS resorts has its own treatment profile:

  • Kislovodsk - treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system , respiratory organs And nervous system
  • Essentuki - treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract , including liver and biliary tract, metabolic disorders, endocrine (nutritional obesity, diabetes mellitus), gynecological diseases
  • Pyatigorsk - treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system , digestive organs, nervous system, skin diseases, peripheral vessels, gynecology and urology
  • Zheleznovodsk - treatment urological diseases And diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , including urolithiasis and cholelithiasis

Pyatigorsk - the largest balneological and mud resort of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The treatment here is multidisciplinary and is based on hot hydrogen sulfide and radon waters. The healing mud of Lake Tambukan is widely used. On Mount Mashuk there is a mineral spring, the water of which is good remedy for diseases of the liver and biliary tract and for diseases of the digestive system.

Essentuki– a balneological resort with one of the most popular table mineral waters in Russia. Mainly "Essentuki" No. 4 and No. 17. "Four" recommended for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, and urinary tract. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, causing a shift in the acid-base balance to the alkaline side. "№17" - for the same diseases, only with increased mineralization and is not recommended for diseases of the urinary tract.

Zheleznovodsk- the smallest of the balneological resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. There are warm natural springs here.
The most famous - "Slavyanovskaya" And "Smirnovskaya". Both waters are effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kislovodsk- the southernmost balneo climatic resort Caucasian Mineral Waters. The microclimate is added to the sources here. Kislovodsk has a dry and sunny winter (it is protected from the winds by mountains). The main healing factor is the huge resort park, the largest in Europe. The main element of treatment is narzan. Narzans of Kislovodsk are well saturated with carbon dioxide. This is a good drink to quench your thirst. Kislovodsk Narzan enhances the secretory activity of the digestive glands and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the urinary tract.

The diagnostic capabilities of KMV sanatoriums are presented the most modern methods, including ultrasound examinations, determination of biochemical parameters, various functional tests, and allow us to differentiate the diagnosis and prescribe an individual course of treatment, taking into account the identified pathology.

The main methods of treatment in Kavminvod sanatoriums are: climate therapy, diet therapy, dosed walking (health paths), internal and external use of mineral waters, radon therapy, mud therapy, inhalation therapy, massage, physical therapy, a variety of hardware physiotherapy and other traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment.

When choosing a specific health resort, you should proceed from the nature of the existing diseases and the recommendations of the attending physician; only in this case the effect of sanatorium-resort treatment will be optimal.

How to get there

  • By air . Airplanes fly to Mineralnye Vody airport from the following cities: Aktau, Evkaterinburg (via Sochi), Kazan, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Magnitogorsk, Makhachkala, Moscow (Vnukovo, twice a day), Murmansk (via St. Petersburg), Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhnevartovsk, Novosibirsk, Norilsk, New Urengoy(via Kazan), Omsk and Perm (via Samara), Samara, St. Petersburg, Surgut, Tyumen, Ufa, Khabarovsk, Chita...
  • By rail . Trains arrive in Kislovodsk (via Zheleznovodsk (Mashuk station), Pyatigorsk, Essentuki) from Adler (No. 643/644), Moscow (No. 3/4, No. 27/28), St. Petersburg (No. 49/50), Kiev ( No. 295/296), Simferopol (No. 397/398), Samara (No. 235/236), Tynda (No. 97/98), Minsk (No. 145/146), Novokuznetsk (No. 59/60), Chelyabinsk (No. 409 /410).
  • By road . You can come to Kavminvody by direct bus from Anapa, Astrakhan, Vladikavkaz, Gelendzhik, Derbent, Labinsk, Maykop, Cherkessk, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Krasnodar, etc. From Moscow to Kislovodsk (via all resort towns) Companies have established regular bus services.
  • On personal car in good weather, you can travel from Moscow to Kislovodsk in one daylight. But this is subject to almost continuous driving along the Moscow-Rostov-Baku highway with a minimum of stops.

Distance between cities KMV:








21 km


38 km

45 km

180 km


21 km

20 km

15 km

34 km

196 km


30 km

20 km

6 km

15 km

215 km


38 km

15 km

The cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk are resort centers with a rich cultural and historical heritage, which today is combined with a multifaceted infrastructure and a rapidly developing entertainment industry.

Holidays all year round

There is no off-season period at the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters. At any time of the year, you can receive effective treatment and have a wonderful rest here.

Abundance of sun

300 sunny days a year are combined with a mild, comfortable climate.

Variety of recreational and treatment options

Thanks to the combination of unique natural factors and the largest sanatorium-resort complex, Caucasian Mineral Waters is a multidisciplinary resort that has no equal in its wealth of opportunities for therapeutic and recreational recreation.


The Caucasian Mineral Waters region is located in the very center of the North Caucasus, on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just 90 km. From Elbrus and almost the same distance between the Black and Caspian Seas. It occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory of Russia, being approximately at the same latitude as the resorts Cote d'Azur France and Italian Adriatic.

The Caucasian Mineral Waters resort group unites Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. This small towns, quite comparable in size to such European resort centers as Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden. All of them are located close to each other and form a single resort area.


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody has developed transport links with both nearby and remote regions. From Moscow and other cities located at a great distance from the south of Russia, the most convenient way to fly here is by plane. The largest international class airport in the region, Mineralnye Vody, is connected by airlines to almost all parts of the country. From Moscow the flight time will be only 1 hour 50 minutes. Regular flights in Mineralnye Vody is carried out by the Kavminvody-Avia airline, which offers a high level of quality services, as well as by the companies UTair and Kuban Airlines.

When purchasing a voucher, you can order private transfer airport-sanatorium-airport (car or minibus). Transfers on comfortable buses are provided for groups. It is convenient to get from neighboring regions of southern Russia to Caucasian Mineralnye Vody by rail or by car. From Moscow, the travel time by train will be a little more than a day.

WITH detailed information You can find out about the possibilities of transport links and, in particular, about the schedule of air and railway flights from Moscow on our website


Caucasian Mineral Waters region- this is the most picturesque corner of the North Caucasus. For several tens of kilometers from north to south, the steppe plain here smoothly turns into a mountainous landscape. Feather grass steppes give way to luxurious deciduous and pine forests, above which lie alpine meadows. Each resort offers a majestic panorama of the mountains with the double-headed Elbrus seemingly soaring in the sky in the distance. The resort towns themselves are located at an altitude of 600-1000 meters above sea level, which determines one of their main healing factors - the purest mountain air.

Peculiarities geographical location Caucasian Mineral Waters, such as the proximity of the Main Caucasian Range, which retains moist air masses from the Black Sea, have a beneficial effect on the climate. Most The weather here is dry and clear. The number of sunny days per year reaches 300. Summers are warm in the south, and winters are moderately mild. Thanks to this climate, Caucasian Mineral Waters is a year-round resort with no off-season period.

The diversity of the topography creates differences in the climate of each resort city.

In Kislovodsk, located higher than other resorts and surrounded by mountains, low atmospheric pressure prevails, and the air is particularly clean. Winters here are dry and sunny, and summers are warm but not hot. The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the moderately dry climate of the Alps. It's sunny here, but the greenery and blowing winds temper the summer heat. In Essentuki the climate is more contrasting: dry and hot summers, and winters are somewhat colder than in other resorts.

Pyatigorsk has warm summers and moderately mild, wet winters.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Coat of arms of the region

Region map

Caucasian Mineral Waters(Kavminvody, KMV) - a group of resorts of federal significance in the Stavropol Territory; a specially protected ecological resort region of the Russian Federation, which has a coordinating administration. Direct state administration of this region is entrusted to the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the head of which is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory.

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas, at the junction of the Mineralovodskaya inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.

The electrified Moscow-Rostov-Baku railway with a branch to Kislovodsk (and a branch to Zheleznovodsk) and the asphalt federal highway Rostov-Baku pass through the territory of the district. Mineralnye Vody Airport connects the CMV region with direct airlines to all major centers of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, and also operates flights to foreign countries.


in administrative-territorial terms

The Caucasian Mineral Waters agglomeration region, with an area of ​​more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. km), is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the mountain sanitary protection district:

  • in the Stavropol Territory - the cities and resort towns of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody (including the resort Kumagorsk and resort area Naguta), Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the actual districts of Georgievsky, Mineralovodsky and Predgorny - 58% of the total area of ​​the region;
  • in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district, - 9% (therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, Narzanov Valley and others);
  • in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts, - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs).

The regional center of the CMS with the seat of the coordinating administration is the city of Essentuki. Previously, this status belonged to the city of Pyatigorsk, and even earlier - Georgievsk.
At the same time, the regime of special environmental management in adjacent territories is also carried out by state bodies of the republics.
The head of the administration of KavMinVod, in accordance with the Regulations, is the first deputy chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory by position.

Physiographic characteristics (location)

The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. The earth seems different here, the sky seems different to others. From afar, motionless white clouds are visible, which, when approaching, turn out to be the snowy peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. The southern borders of the region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malki rivers; in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers; The northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which the steppe expanses of Ciscaucasia begin.

In terms of hydromineral resources, the region includes:

  • in the south: the carbonated waters of the Upper and Lower Berezovsky in the Berezovsky Gorge, the Belovodsky and Bely springs in the upper reaches of the Alikonovsky Gorge (the Belovodskaya Balka river), the Malkinskoye Gorge - the Thobzashhops springs (in the Kamennomostsky area), the Seraphim of Sarovsky spring with healing spring water (on the northern slopes of Jinal ), Valley of the Narzanov, Cheget Lakhransky, Lakhransky Narzans [Kichmalka plateau, Mount Ullu-Lakhran (1883 m)], source (Khasautsky) in the Mal. Bermamyt (2644 m) and the village of Khasaut (in the southwest; in the extreme south (adjacent to the Elbrus region) the Yungeshli spring).
  • in the west: in the Kum Gorge - carbon dioxide water of the Kum deposit in Krasno-Vostochny (the village of Krasny Vostok) and the Suvorov baths, springs in the upper reaches of the Podkumka and Kum rivers near the Gumbashi pass, and east of Gudgora (2489 m) on the Eshkakon river (Lower Eshkakon and Upper Eshkakonsky; tract Kanta-Thukele?); on the watershed - springs in the area of ​​​​the villages of Michurinsky and Kholodnorodnikovskoye (near the village of Schastlivoe), and on the northern slopes of the Pastbishchny ridge in Ugolnaya Balka (above the forestry enterprises Ugolnaya Dacha and Bekeshevskaya Dacha - in Karachay-Cherkessia).
  • in the north: in the resort of Kumagorsk, Nagutsky springs in the balneological Nagutsky resort area (springs near the villages of Nagutskoye, Soluno-Dmitrievskoye (Nagutskaya station - a plant for bottling mineral waters of one of the largest Nagutsky deposits in the region (250 million bottles per year, 80- e)), this also includes the mineral springs of the town of Camel).
  • in the east: Lysogorsk springs (Lysa Gora, including Batalinsky), as well as St. George's baths.


KMV is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first written information about its mineral springs is found in the physician G. Schober (1717), who was sent by Peter I to examine the mineral springs treasure troves North Caucasus. First detailed descriptions they were made by I. A. Gyldenstedt (1773), and then by P. S. Pallas (1793). After the study of the hot spring in Pyatigorsk (1801) and the conclusion of a special commission on the possibility of using mineral waters for medicinal purposes (1802), the decree of Alexander I of April 24, 1803 approved the regulations on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, when the historical Rescript “On recognition of the national significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters” was signed and the need for their construction,” and their official existence as a resort area began.
The first information about Lake Tambukan was also reported by I. A. Gyldenshtedt (1770s), but the use of its medicinal mud began much later (from 1886 in Pyatigorsk and Essentuki, then in Zheleznovodsk). Initially, CMV attracted a limited number of patients, mainly from the military and nobility. There were no plans to develop resorts; management of the CMS was usually entrusted to the military administration. Only a few of the administrators showed interest in KavMinVody.

The history of the development of this unique resort region of the Russian Federation was characterized by ups and downs, with a transition from public administration to private contractors. Long distances from central cities Russian Empire, when those wishing to receive treatment at Hot, Iron and Sour Waters were forced to make a real journey on horse-drawn carriages lasting one and a half to two months, military operations in the Caucasus, the lack of infrastructure for the springs and resorts themselves - all this created certain difficulties in the development of Caucasian Mineral Waters. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, at the beginning of the 19th century, vacationers on Hot Waters lived in Kalmyk tents, specially sent here for the summer. holiday season. The selfless work of equipping the KavMinVod by outstanding Russian patriots (in alphabetical order):

  • Johann K. and Joseph K. Bernardazzi
  • G. A. Emanuel
  • A. P. Nelyubina
  • M. V. Sergeeva
  • N. N. Slavyanova
  • S. A. Smirnova
  • V. V. Khvoshchinsky

and many others allowed step by step to transform them into a famous balneological resort in Russia. IN Soviet time Caucasian Mineral Waters has become a popular forge of public health Soviet Union. In 1990, about 1 million people from all over the country and from abroad vacationed and recovered at the all-Union resort [Kavmingruppe].

But at the same time, the local population was growing at a rapid pace (see below - agglomeration). All this began to create a large anthropogenic load on the ecology of the KMS (see Pyatigorsk). A certain shortage of mineral resources began to be felt. Excessive development of industry in resort towns that is not related to medical and health (sanatorium and resort) purposes, the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in agriculture also posed a real threat of contamination of hydromineral resources unique resort. This could not but worry representatives of balneology, the leadership of the Stavropol Territory, and the Russian government.
That is why the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin was signed on March 27, 1992, according to which KavMinVody is a specially protected ecological resort region of the Russian Federation. It directly defined the goals of creating the region - preserving natural resources KMS resorts - a world-famous area with unique health and healing factors, a unique historical, architectural and cultural appearance.

Kavminvod Mountains

Kislovodsk is located above all the resorts (817-1063 m), the remaining resorts are located at approximately the same altitude: Essentuki - along the river. Podkumok (600-640 m), Pyatigorsk - at the foot of Mashuk (510-630 m), Zheleznovodsk - in the valley between Beshtau and Zheleznaya, on the slopes at the foot of the latter (600-650 m). The vegetation is represented mainly by massifs of oak and hornbeam forests, alternating with meadow steppes; in the foothills there is steppe and forest-steppe vegetation, which in the mountains (at an altitude of 800-1100 m) gives way to broad-leaved forests (beech, oak, hornbeam).

The relief of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region begins at the foot of Elbrus, where the Rocky Range with a number of peaks clearly stands out. In the western and southern parts of the KMV, the mountains drop off steeply, in places with sheer ledges to the south (the depth of these cliffs reaches 1000 m), and the long northern slopes are slightly (gently) inclined and merge with the foothill plain. These are the Pastbishchny and Skalisty ridges. They are divided into a number of river valleys mountain ranges. The pasture ridge within the KavMinVod is cut by Podkumk into two parts: the western (Borgustan ridge, Darya heights of the Borgustan ridge) rises to 1200-1300 m, and the eastern (Dzhinalsky ridge) has an absolute elevation of the top of the Upper Dzhinal of 1542 m. The rocks on the spurs of the ridges are decorated with niches, openwork vaults, carved sandstone columns. To the south of Pastbishchny stretches the Rocky Range with the peaks of Bolshaya and Small Bermamyt (2592 and 2644 m ( highest point KMV), 30 km to Elbrus; in the early morning on Bermamyt you can sometimes see the so-called Brocken ghost). Bermamyt plateau, and Zhatmaz ridge(city of Shidzhatmaz (Shatzhatmaz) 2127 m, astronomical station of the GAO RAS (2072 m), scientific base of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and Kichmalka plateau(Manglai 2055 m), below which in the picturesque valley of the Khasaut River at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level is the Narzan Valley - about 20 mineral springs (34 km south of Kislovodsk, in the southern foothills of the Rocky Range of the Greater Caucasus), - inclined towards Kislovodsk and abut the steep ledges of the Pastbishchny Range. To the south of the Rocky Range towards Elbrus stretches the vast Bechasyn plateau (with Mount Bechasyn 2364 m). In terms of absolute heights, the territory of the KMS belongs to the middle mountains, the maximum amplitude of heights is 2464 m (and taking into account Elbrus - 5462 m, second place after Kabardino-Balkaria).
The dissected relief, which creates a wide variety of landscapes, is explained by the long development and complex geological structure of the territory.


The KavMinVod region is located within the junction of the Stavropol Upland (Pre-Caucasus) and the northern slopes and foothills of the North Caucasus. This is the center of the Caucasus, where over a long geological history, along with folding and vertical movements, horizontal movements also occurred. Its territory is bordered on all sides by huge deep faults. The origin of laccoliths is associated with faults. These mountains were formed by gradual uplift or tectonic extrusion of viscous, cooling lava through the thickness of sedimentary deposits. Volcanic bodies are still cooling today. At the base of the strata plains inclined to the north, at the very bottom there are Paleozoic rocks crumpled into folds and penetrated by veins of acidic magma during mountain building: quartz-chlorite schists, quartzites, granites. The most ancient rocks of the area can be seen in the valley of the Alikonovka River south of Kislovodsk, 4-5 km above the Castle rock, one of the local attractions. Here pink and red granites come to the surface, the age of which is determined to be 220-230 million years. In Mesozoic times, the granites that came to the surface were destroyed and formed a thick (up to 50 m) layer of weathering crust, consisting of crystals of quartz, feldspar, and mica. You come across geodes - “stones with a secret”. When you split such a stone, you can find inside white calcite crystals, streaks of gray opal and translucent chalcedony. Sedimentary deposits of the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas, with a thickness of more than 1000 m, can be examined on the southern slopes of the Borgustan and Dzhinalsky ridges. Here brownish-gray and yellowish limestones, dolomites, and red ferruginous sandstones come to the surface. These are the famous Red and Gray stones (see park). On Goryachaya Mountain in Pyatigorsk you can see various forms of travertine deposits - a stone formed by the evaporation of mineral water. Petrified leaves and twigs are visible in the travertine. Karst is developed here, which is also found on the Skalisty and Pastbishchny ridges. With features geological structure Unraveling connected amazing phenomenon“summer permafrost”, explained by seasonal air circulation in the cracks of the mountain.

With all the diversity of water composition and the nature of deposits, the mineral springs of the KMV are closely connected by the common geological conditions of formation and general history development on their basis of a group of famous, oldest resorts in Russia.
The presence of mineral springs is associated with a complex of sedimentary formations of Meso-Cenozoic age, gently plunging from south to north from the Greater Caucasus to the Stavropol Upland. From the point of view of the possibilities of accumulation and movement of groundwater, Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks plunging to the north form a large artesian slope, the main feeding area of ​​which coincides with the area of ​​exposure of the oldest metamorphic rocks to the surface. Of several aquifers, the most abundant are: the Tithonian aquifer complex, flow rate 0.1-10 l/s, depth from 260 m (Kislovodsk region) to 1000 m (Essentuki); Valanginian complex, flow rate of St. 15 l/s, depth from 170 m (Kislovodsk) to 800 m (Essentuki); Aptian complex, flow rate 10 l/s, maximum depth up to 500 m (Essentuki); Upper Cretaceous complex, flow rate up to 5 l/s, depth up to 300 m (the total flow rate of the most abundant is about 3-3.5 million l per day). Of great importance in the hydrogeology of the region are faults and intrusions of igneous rocks (intrusions), which form peculiar dome-shaped mountains-laccoliths in the relief (Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, Razvalka, Zmeyka, etc.). Individual deposits of mineral waters (Berezovskoe, Kislovodskoe, Kumskoe, Essentukskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Zheleznovodskoe, Nagutskoe, Kumagorskoe, etc.) and a large number of outlets of mineral springs of various compositions are associated with zones of tectonic disturbances, as well as with contacts of intrusions and sedimentary rocks. The KMS groundwater resources (fresh and mineral) are formed mainly due to the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation (in the Greater Caucasus Mountains). Some groundwater is enriched with gases (carbon dioxide) formed under conditions of high subsoil temperature. The formation of the composition of mineral waters occurs with the significant participation of processes of leaching of host rocks, cation exchange and mixing; this last process is especially widespread in the upper parts of the section, where deep, highly gas-saturated portions of water enter along faults from the basement. Pushing aside less mineralized flows and partially mixing with them, the rising waters here form the final chemical and temperature appearance of the mineral waters of the region.


Along with mineral waters, the resort resources of the KMS make up the favorable climate of the central and southwestern parts of the region, used for climatotherapy.
The climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly valued by balneologists and has been successfully used as a healing factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number of sunny days - in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year are without sun. It is relatively dry here; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are delayed by the Main Caucasus Range.

The diversity of the relief creates a difference in the climate of the KMS resorts, and is formed under the influence of a number of factors: the difference in the altitude of cities, protection by mountains determines the characteristics of the microclimate. The foothill nature of the area and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasus Range on the one hand, and on the other, the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast determine the continental climate features of this region. By climatic conditions The Kavminvod region can be conditionally divided into two zones: the southern - the Kislovodsk region with the features of a continental low-mountain climate, and the northern - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk with the typical features of the steppe zone. The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone.

The region of the resorts Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki is a climatic zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. The average annual precipitation is within 600 mm, mainly in spring and early summer. Compared to the southern zone, here, as a rule, the average annual air temperature is higher, relative humidity is 65-71%, the number of days with fog and without sun is 85-92 (thick fogs are typical in winter), days with precipitation are 120-160, and frosty days about 90 days. Cloudy days with fog and frost occur in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk. In Pyatigorsk, summers are warm, winters are moderately mild (a third of winter days include rain, thaws, and fogs). The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the mountain-forest and moderately dry climate of the middle mountains of the Alps. The number of hours of sunshine here is relatively high, but the greenery and constantly blowing winds mitigate the heat. The climate of Essentuki is distinguished by contrast - summers here are hot and dry, winters are frosty and often rainy. Spring and autumn are clearly defined. Kislovodsk is famous as a climatic resort, where, due to the closed conditions of the basin, clear, dry weather prevails; for example, winter in Kislovodsk is “frost and sun, a wonderful day”, the sun shines 300 days a year.

The air temperature depends on the altitude of the place and the season of the year. The average January temperature in Pyatigorsk is −4.0 °C, in Kislovodsk −3.9°. July temperatures are +22° and +19°, respectively.
The amount of precipitation decreases from the mountains to the plains: in Bermamyt - 724 mm, in Kislovodsk - 599 mm, in Pyatigorsk - 472 mm; the least number of them is in Essentuki. More than 85% of all precipitation falls in the form of rain (rain predominates over snowfall in winter). The snow cover is low and unstable, snow falls and melts quickly. In Kislovodsk, snow cover lies continuously for an average of 10 days. More than half of winters pass without any snow cover at all.
The greatest cloudiness on the plains is observed in winter; in the mountains (Kislovodsk, Bermamyt, Narzanov Valley), on the contrary, the clearest winter months are.

KMS resorts have wind conditions favorable for climatic treatment. There are frequent calms here, especially in the Kislovodsk basin in winter (the average annual wind speed in Kislovodsk is 2.4 m/sec). In the mountains, for example in Bermamyt, there are strong winds - more than 15 m/sec.
The best time of year for relaxation and travel in Kavminvody is late summer and autumn. It can be sunny, dry, rich in fruits and brightly colored landscapes.

Natural resources

Hydromineral, balneological resources

The basis of the KMS resort resources are min. waters of various compositions, on the basis of which the so-called North Caucasus recreational and medical area arose.

In terms of the composition and quality of its climatic and balneological resources, concentrated on a relatively compact territory, in terms of the richness and diversity of mineral springs, the resort region of Russia - KavMinVody - has no analogues on the entire Euro-Asian continent, and indeed in the world; In terms of chemical richness and diversity, quality and healing properties, mineral water sources are extremely diverse and have no equal. The origin, formation and properties of mineral waters are associated with the Pyatigorsk laccoliths and the high mountain regions of the North Caucasus, where groundwater is formed. Atmospheric precipitation that falls in the mountains, as well as melt water, penetrates rock strata to great depths, mineralizes, heats up, becomes saturated with gases, and comes to the surface through cracks in river valleys. By chemical composition and use for treatment of water for the most part - low- and medium-mineralized with a salt content of 2 to 15 g/l. The highest mineralization is at the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs - 21 g/l.
Unique hydromineral wealth, a wonderful bouquet of healing mineral waters with approved operational reserves of 15.6 thousand cubic meters per day are concentrated in a small area (546.5 thousand hectares). According to data for 2001, 2.2 thousand m³ per day is extracted and used. At the same time, 1.5 thousand m 3 /day (68%) of this was spent on drinking and balneological treatment, and 0.7 thousand m 3 /day (32%) - on the industrial bottling of medicinal and medicinal table waters.
There are 24 deposits and sites within the mining and sanitary protection district. Conventionally, several separate deposits can be distinguished: Kislovodskoye, Essentukskoye, Pyatigorskoye, Beshtaugorskoye, Inozemtsevskoye, Zheleznovodskoye, Zmeykinskoye, Lysogorskoye, Krasno-Vostochnoye, Kumagorskoye, Nagutskaya resort area, etc. Of the total approved reserves in category A+B, 13,706 are concentrated within the Stavropol Territory .8 m³ per day, within the borders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - 1910.0 m³ per day (13.9%). In addition, promising reserves (according to categories C 1 + C 2 + P) amount to 7629.9 m 3 per day. Of the 5 hydrochemical provinces of underground mineral waters, 3 turned out to be characteristic of our region: provinces of carbon dioxide (at the Mashukogorsk deposit in Pyatigorsk, for example, these are the 1st, 2nd and 4th Pyatigorsk types), radon waters (3rd type) , and nitrogen and nitrogen-methane waters (5th Pyatigorsk type).
At the same time, Pyatigorsk is called the MinWater Museum for its exceptional variety of mineral springs, concentrated in a small area around Mount Mashuk. These are the famous hot hydrogen sulfide waters, carbon dioxide waters (Pyatigorsk Narzans), radon waters, mineral waters of the Essentuki type (fourth Pyatigorsk type), nitrogen-methane waters. The unique salt-alkaline waters of the Essentuki resort (Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17) are famous throughout the world for their healing properties. Dolomite, sulfate and simple Narzan of Kislovodsk are widely known. Carbon dioxide sulfate-carbonate calcium-sodium (Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya waters), as well as the bitter-salty waters of the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs, are invaluable for the treatment of a large number of diseases. Almost the entire range of human diseases can be treated at Caucasian Mineral Waters.

More than 50 enterprises and specialized workshops are involved in the industrial bottling of mineral waters in a specially protected ecological resort region. In 2001, 200,642.6 thousand liters of mineral water were produced and sold. Thanks to this, the healing properties of our waters are well known in all regions of the country and abroad.

The unique wealth of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the healing brine and mud of the Tambukan [near the border of the region and Kabardino-Balkaria] and Lysogorsk mineral lakes. Tambukan Lake is fed mainly by rain and melt water, and since it is located in the arid steppe zone, it is subject to cyclical changes in the water surface. The area of ​​the water surface is about 180 (230) hectares, the depth is from 1.5 to 3.1 m. The lake water is a brine of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium composition (mineralization 50-60 g/l). The total operational reserves of the most valuable black and dark gray mud are 1,600 thousand cubic meters. m. (the reserves of silt mud (containing 0.4% hydrogen sulfide) in the lake are estimated at 2.3 million tons). Mud is used in the resort institutions of KavMinVod (most widely in Pyatigorsk and Essentuki; in Zheleznovodsk brine and mud from the Lysogorsk [Inozemtsevskie] lakes are used equally; in Kumagorsk, sulfide-silt mud used for mud therapy is extracted from a small salt lake located on the territory of the resort), as well as sanatorium and resort institutions of Dolinsk (Nalchik), Sernovodsk and North Ossetia. Therapeutic mud is also sent to medical and health institutions in Moscow, Rostov, Volgograd, and Sochi.
In addition, a medicinal (so-called biostimulating) drug [such as FiBS, peloidin] is obtained from the mud, which retains its healing properties and can be used in non-resort conditions.

Caucasian-Mineral Vody agglomeration

The core of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is the Caucasian-Mineral Vody polycentric urban agglomeration, uniting the cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Mineralnye Vody. The Caucasian-Mineral Vody agglomeration numbers 946,000 (2010 census) (only in the Stavropol Territory, including the urban (658,000) and rural population (288,000) of the Predgorny, Georgievsky and Mineralovodsky districts), surpassing Stavropol in size, and is the largest in the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasian Federal District. The transport and economic center of the agglomeration is the city of Mineralnye Vody. The largest city The Pyatigorsk agglomeration is the center of the North Caucasus Federal District formed in 2010.

Administrative center The specially protected ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters is located in Essentuki.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is one of the most densely populated areas of the North Caucasus; the average population density exceeds 150 people per 1 km 2.


Caucasian Mineral Waters is the largest and one of the oldest resort regions of the Russian Federation. Over 130 mineral springs and large reserves of silt mud from Lake Tambukan (and Lake Lysogorsk) make the KMS a unique balneological resort. The KMV region is distinguished by picturesque natural landscapes, a healthy mountain climate and is famous for its sanatorium and resort complex enterprises in Russia. Their main specialization is the provision of medical and health services, treatment with world-famous waters and mineral mud. Also, land plots located on the territory of the KMS (within the boundaries of the districts of sanitary (mountain sanitary) protection of the KMS resort) by virtue of the law are lands of specially protected natural areas. Fact of attribution land plots among the lands of specially protected natural territories (resort lands) means the impossibility of making it the property of the society in connection with its classification as land plots, limited in circulation (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 5 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8 of Article 28 of the Law on Privatization)

see also

  • Resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters:



  • A. M. Prokhorov (chief editor) Caucasian Mineral Waters //

In the very heart of the North Caucasus, almost equidistant from the Caspian Sea, there is an area notable for its uniqueness - Caucasian Mineral Waters. What names were given to the area by travelers who were captivated by its charm and beauty - “Little Switzerland”, and “Archipelago of Rocky Islands”, and “Sultry Border of Asia”.

Scientists agree that about 20 million years ago, volcanic activity of the Elbrus mountain ranges probably took place here. As a result, seventeen laccolith mountains were formed: Mashuk, Snake, Beshtau, Dagger, Sleeping Lion and others. All of them are completely covered with legends of heroes - the ancient Nart tribe.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to remain indifferent at the sight of the majestic chain of mountain peaks on the horizon. Being in Mineralnye Vody, A.S. Pushkin, in a letter to his brother, reported his deep regret that Levushka did not see with him the splendor of these mountains, their icy peaks, which in the distance with a clear dawn look like multi-colored motionless clouds, that he did not rise together with his brother to the five-hill Beshta, Mashuk and Iron Mountain.

The Caucasian land is surprisingly rich and generous. Healing mineral springs in large quantities are knocked out from its depths, and to use these truly priceless gifts millions of people can. We can proudly say that except in Kavminvody there are no other places in the world where so many mineral springs are concentrated. More than 100 sources of healing mineral water are concentrated in a small area, including 13 different types, as well as a unique therapeutic mud on Lake Tambukan.

ABOUT medicinal properties The peoples of the North Caucasus have known mineral springs for a long time. Evidence of this is the ancient stone baths that were carved in Pyatigorsk on the slopes of Goryachaya Mountain, as well as a similar creation in Kislovodsk. IN travel notes researchers and ordinary travelers often find references to this amazingly rich area with its healing springs, and one of the first information dates back to 1334. In the notes of the Arab traveler Abu Abdallah ibn Batuta. The beginning of the official history of the Caucasus Mining Waters is considered to be April 1803, from the moment of the signing of the Rescript of Alexander 1 on the state significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the need for their arrangement.

The amazing resort towns of Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki are rightly called pearls, and today Mineralnye Vody is increasingly being added to the list, which has all the possibilities for spa treatment. Each of these cities is charming in its own way. So, for example, the southernmost of them - Kislovodsk, can easily compete in the number of sunny days per year with the best resorts peace. The city of Essentuki is located at the foothills and boasts a picturesque combination of steppe and mountain climates. Zheleznovodsk is small, but perhaps the most beautiful and cozy city. Pyatigorsk, on the contrary, is the largest resort of the five. It is notable for its developed medical and health infrastructure.

Caucasian Mineral Waters are unique in their own way and rich in excursion opportunities. A bunch of travel companies ready to offer more than 100 interesting local ones. By using sightseeing tours Through the resorts you can get acquainted in detail with this unique area and cultural and historical monuments.