Crimea is the most famous mysterious places. The most mysterious places of Crimea

Crimea can be safely called one of the most interesting places in the world. Unique nature, rich history, monuments at almost every step - this is only a small part of what is on the peninsula. It’s simply impossible to see at least a small part of all this even for a long vacation, but there is a way out. Check out the list of the most unusual places in Crimea in order to pay attention to them first of all.

In fact, a trip to the Crimea is a great opportunity not only to enjoy and admire the beauties of the peninsula, but also to spend an excellent, and most importantly, memorable vacation. Surely many people have a question, they say, what are these unusual places in the Crimea? Let's talk about the wonders of the peninsula. Many are not written on the first pages of guidebooks, and some are not mentioned at all.

Description of unusual places in Crimea

A small preface. It would be possible to make something like a top of the most unusual places in Crimea with a photo, but this would not be entirely fair, because each is unique in its own way, has its own characteristics, its own history. It would be wrong to conduct a comparative analysis. Therefore, do not take this article as a rating. We will try to mention only some wonderful corners.

Cape Meganom

Cape Meganom can be considered one of the most beautiful and unusual places in Crimea. Its history began in ancient times, when the Greeks lived here, but in this particular place there has never been a single residential building or building. This is explained as follows: according to history, the ancient Greeks believed that the river Styx flows here, along which Charon transports the souls of dead people to the kingdom of the dead, where Hades rules.

However, time does not stand still, and now there is practically nothing left of the river, only a wide gorge reminds of what it was like. Also, according to legends and traditions, it was in this place, near Mount Megan, that Odysseus made his journey to the kingdom of the dead.

Where is the cape and how to get to it

The cape itself is located in the vicinity of the city of Sudak, between the Alchak mountain and the Bugaz valley. The eastern part of the cape is mountainous and goes into the sea, while the western part is lower, has various ravines, hills and many terraces.

There are two ways to get here: private car and by bus. Roadside signs will help you stay on track. By car, before reaching Sudak, you should turn towards the military camp, and from there there is only one road - to the lighthouse.

As for the bus, you need to buy a ticket at the bus station to the Sun Valley. You should get off at the Meganom stop, after which you will have to travel 5 km on foot to the coveted cape.

Shuldan Cave Monastery

The monastery can be safely called one of the most interesting and unusual places in the Crimea. It is located not far from Sevastopol in a rock above the Shulskaya valley. The chapel of the monastery is visible to the naked eye, especially on the road towards the village of Ternovka. From the Tatar language, the name of the monastery can be translated as "Echoing".

According to history, the monastery was founded around the 8th-9th centuries by runaway Byzantine monks, during the period when the iconoclasts came to power. At the beginning of the 11th century, Shuldan was expanded and a new baptistery appeared in it.

Today, hermit monks live here, who preferred to fence themselves off from harmful temptations and temptations. Pilgrims and tourists are also allowed here. If necessary, the monks are always ready to provide the traveler with lodging for the night in one of the cells.

As for the chapel, which rises on top, it was erected relatively recently. Drug and alcohol addicts took part in the construction, and the monks themselves took care of their treatment.

How to get there

There are two ways to get to the monastery: through the Shul valley or from the side of the medieval Eski-Kermen, where, by the way, the film "9th Company" was filmed.

This place is able to amaze anyone, and not only with its beauty, but also with many other things. Here you can calmly think about your past, present and future, communicate with people who have lived in this place for more than 10 years, improve your spiritual level and, perhaps, rethink some life positions.

By the way, due to the fact that the monastery is located on a hill, the sounds from its belfry "hang" in the air for a very long time, filling the entire valley, so the name "Echoing" is fully justified.

Ghost Valley

Another unusual place and attraction in the Crimea is the Valley of Ghosts. It is located in the Alushta district, not far from the village of Radiant. The reference point is from its foot to the village about 1 km. In any case, the stone pillars, so to speak, are immediately visible, and it is simply impossible to drive past the valley.

The Valley of Ghosts is notable for the fact that the wind always blows here, and as a result of resonance, amazing sounds can be heard. There have been cases when this phenomenon had a detrimental effect on people with a weak psyche and an unstable nervous system, so this should be taken into account.

As for the "pillars" themselves, they were formed thousands of years ago by natural means. At first they were ordinary blocks of stone, but constant winds did their job and continued to give the desired shape. The final result was not entirely unambiguous, and among the people who have been here there is an opinion that nature decided to just play a joke.

The place is unique. It is especially surprising how pines that have been growing here for a very long time could take root on the tops of some rocks. Photos are striking in their beauty.

Bear Mountain

The next unusual and reserved place in the Crimea - or, as it is also called, Bear Mountain. The definition of "reserved" is mentioned for a reason, because the mountain really is an area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 4 km 2.

A lot is said about Ayu-Dag. Some argue that the mountain constantly attracts the attention of UFOs, others that this place has a bad reputation and it is highly discouraged to stay there for the night. Well, there is some truth on both sides.


Today you can find a lot of articles, videos and comments from people who describe in detail how they saw UFOs in these parts. Flying saucers are especially common in summer. This information is confirmed and locals who themselves have repeatedly seen strange phenomena in the sky above the mountain.

Many believe that such a strange interest is explained by the fact that under the mountain there is a secret passage through which they get to their base, located inside Ayu-Dag. So far, no one has been able to confirm or refute this information, but attempts to dive downhill continue to this day.

anomalous places

In addition to UFOs, there are anomalous places on the mountain where, as the locals say, there are faults in the crust and energy flows from there. In such places you can heal your health. There are a lot of reviews from people who, having got to the Bear Mountain, began to feel much better, and all the pains from various injuries that were present almost instantly disappeared.

But there are other stories about anomalous places. They are associated with spending the night on the mountain. There are repeated reports of tourists being thrown off cliffs at night. With what it is connected, still no one can say. Fortunately, such cases are rare, but even those who spent the night 1 time on the mountain prefer not to stay here for the second night.

By the way, not everyone knows that Ayu-Dag is a failed volcano. The mountain consists entirely of igneous rock and is of great interest to scientists.

There are just a huge number of plants, and with many varieties. It is also easy to meet those that are listed in the Red Book and are of great value. As for animals, there are also enough of them here, so you should not be surprised if a hare, badger or fox runs past.

Way up the mountain

You can get to Ayu-Dag either from Yalta or from Alushta. The ideal stop is a turn towards the Artek camp, but not every driver stops there. In any other case, you will have to get off at the "Cemetery" stop, immediately after Gurzuf, if you go from Yalta, or at the "Lavrovoe" stop, if the path lies from Alushta. In both cases, you will have to walk to the same turn for about 800 meters.

Temple of the Sun

The next unusual place worth visiting in Crimea is the Temple of the Sun, or the Crimean Stonehenge. It is located next to Laspi Bay, which can be reached either by private car or by bus. Further from the stop you need to go along the path that goes down. Then there will be a fork in the path, but you can go along any road, because all paths lead to the temple, only the travel time is different. The shortest path is marked with a blue sign. Also, if you follow it, it will be possible to replenish water supplies in the local source of Yalyn-Chur.

The exact date of the formation of the temple of the Sun is unknown, but it appeared as a result of the collapse of the top of Mount Ilyas-Kaya. Seven huge stone blocks collapsed down and accidentally formed the shape of a flower. Hence, the temple has another name - "Stone Flower".

Places similar to the temple of the Sun are usually called places of power, since they are directly related to the energy of the cosmos. Whether this is true or not, no one knows, but the fact that the Crimean Stonehenge is an unusual place is a fact. The strong energy is also explained by the fact that here, more precisely on the top of Mount Ilyas-Kaya, the Greeks built the Orthodox Church of St. Elijah, so this place has been prayed to since ancient times.

Mostly people come here to find answers to their questions, make a wish, heal their body and soul. Indeed, there are many reviews that after visiting the temple of the Sun, a person was cured of a particular disease, or his dreams come true.

Asking for something is the right thing to do. First of all, you should clear your mind of all bad thoughts and clearly concentrate on what you want. It is very important that the request does not bring harm to anyone, because everything can turn against the person asking. And the last - do not rush anywhere.

There are many legends about the temple. Here, for example, is one of them. In Soviet times, secret and classified research on the topic of anomalous activity was carried out here. The results were kept in the strictest confidence for a long time, but after the collapse, the data was published. It follows from them that the experiments did not bring any results, however, there are references to two groups that disappeared without a trace that were present there.


In the Middle Ages, it was a real cave city and at the same time a fortress. All this is located near the village of Zalesnoe. It takes about 35-40 minutes to get here from Sevastopol. Mangup has been one of the most unusual places in Crimea for many years, and for good reason, because there is definitely something to see here.

The first thing that catches your eye is the fortress that has survived to this day, located on the top of a mountain at an altitude of 583 m. Inside you can find springs, of which there are only 15, and two of them - male and female, which serve as places for pilgrims.

As for history, the first mention of the settlement of this place appears already in the III-IV centuries of our era. Since then, the fortress has been constantly expanding and, due to its location, was considered impregnable. In the 7th century, Mangup became part of the Khazar Kaganate, but was later recaptured. From XI-XIV the fortress was called Theodoro and was the capital of the Byzantine principality. This period is considered the best in the history of Mangup, but at the same time there is very little information about it.

One of interesting places on Mangup is the Holy Annunciation Monastery, which is located at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. People have been living here for a very long time, there is a small farm. The ascent to the monastery is not too difficult. On the way, you can drink water from the local holy spring.

There is a cross at the very top of the monastery, and the views that open from there are simply magnificent. The photos that you see in our article are beautiful, but they are not able to convey all the feelings and emotions that overwhelm the person who is there.

Another popular place on Mangup is Maiden Lake. Most people come here to relax, have a picnic or barbecue. For these purposes, the coast is equipped with special gazebos. There are also several points with local cuisine. During the drought, you can see how part of the altar is shown from the lake. ancient temple which was flooded. You can also ride a boat or a catamaran on the lake.

It does not do here without mysticism. Local residents, pilgrims from the monastery and some tourists claim that there are some white balls on Mangup that appear absolutely suddenly. In most cases, they do not carry any harm and practically do not react to a person. It is also impossible to catch them, so the mystery of the balls remains a mystery to this day.


Our story about the most unusual places in Crimea is coming to an end, although in fact there are many more of them. The whole peninsula is one big Sight which makes any tourist fall in love with it. When planning a trip to the Crimea, be sure to visit its beautiful corners.


Today we decided to tell you about several anomalous places in Crimea. Let's start from Cape Meganom. It is located between Feodosia and Sudak in the southeastern part of the peninsula.

Meganom can be safely called the most mysterious place in the Crimea. And UFOs land here, leaving orange rings on the scorched grass, and shamans, together with psychics, converge for meditation and occult rituals, and ghosts are found.

“Meganom” in Greek means “huge house”. Both the mountain and the cape are associated with this name, although, in essence, it is a kind of mountainous “peninsula on a peninsula” with several capes, valleys and a marvelous variety of coastal landscapes. The peninsula is located between Sudak and Koktebel. Its lighthouse, which closes the system of local bays from the east, in clear weather is clearly visible even from the New World, and he himself is from Yalta.

To the west of Mount Meganom is Mount Alchak, and from the north it is bounded by the Tokluk-Syrt ridge. Its mountainous East End protrudes far out to sea. Crimeans call this corner of the peninsula “local Tunisia”, and for good reason: Meganom is the warmest and sunniest place in Crimea, as well as one of the driest - precipitation is very rare here. The slopes are practically devoid of vegetation and therefore quickly erode. The surface of the peninsula in places is badlands or "bad lands". Badlands - badlands - consists of hills with rugged ravines, which are formed as a result of the erosion of clay rocks by rain and wind. It is extremely difficult to move on such a surface. The sea here is clean, the beaches are quite deserted. Found in abundance in water different kinds fish, crabs, rapana, mussels.

There are several bays near the high steep slopes of Meganom. One of them - Engraving - a favorite place for scuba divers. There is a real miracle of nature there, the so-called. elevator shaft. It is a vertical hole in a huge boulder that starts at a depth of about seven meters and continues down eight meters. At the bottom of it, there are three moves that allow you to swim out of this mine. Nearby is the “graveyard” of anchors. Such an abundance of anchors of various designs and types cannot be found even in museums.

Scuba divers also say that in these places, right under the water, they have repeatedly observed traces from the wheels of infernal machines. By the way, a top secret military facility used to operate here. Due to this special secrecy, the cape was closed to the public for a long time. He was not even allowed to be photographed. However, now the entrance is free, no secrets and secrets, although there are still riddles.

So, no one has ever lived on the cape for centuries. The ancient Greeks believed that the river Styx flows there, through which the old man Charon transported the souls of the dead to Hades, the kingdom of the dead. In other words, on Meganom there is nothing more than an entrance to the realm of the dead. Now the river has a Tatar name, and it is no more than ten meters wide. Judging by the size of the gorge, it used to be much wider.

Cape Meganom is also famous for its mysterious power “rings” - yellowish annular stripes about half a meter wide, clearly visible in the grass from a bird's eye view. When the rings dim (and they periodically do), people and animals that are nearby feel very unwell. But when the rings become bright again (by the way, their glow persists for a long time, even at night), then you can be near them without any unpleasant sensations. These rings have long attracted the attention of scientists, but they still cannot unravel their nature, although they managed to find out that there is no radioactive background in the rings, but there is a magnetic anomaly.

According to ufologists, these signs indicate the residual impact of cold plasma here on the ground. And this could provoke a visit to this place by unidentified flying objects. They also claim that the engines of these UFOs use the internal energy of cold plasma, which they produce from crystals of local volcanic rock. Not at all by accident dormant volcano Karadag is located almost nearby. By the way, for the frequent appearance of orange rings (despite the huge number of stories, no one has photographed them yet), this place was called the “valley of oranges”. “Oranges” appear mainly in winter and, as a rule, over a former military unit. Locals believe that they do not appear here by chance.

They say that in 1960 the military tested a nuclear bomb under water at Meganom and thereby, again, according to the assumptions of ufologists-contactees, angered higher powers. In fact, the military has always had a tense relationship with UFOs. As reported on the website of ufologists, one of the plates was shot down just above Meganom. Found only a fragment. It consisted of an allegedly unknown metal, in which, in front of the astonished eyewitnesses, ... cold thermonuclear fusion took place. The chip was immediately taken away by the KGB. However, according to the site, some, after contact with an outlandish object, began to heal people with touch.

Locals also mention a mystical legend about a bleating lamb, which can be seen on the edge of a steep slope. There is a belief that if you catch this lamb, sacrifice it and sit on the ground on its skin, then the body becomes weightless and grace from above pours on it. Such a person, after long purification practices, can become a skilled healer. By the way, the healers in the vicinity are in perfect order. Now, thanks to places like Meganom, more and more of them began to appear. They come here at any time of the year - to gain magical powers and soak in the healing energy emanating from the "orange rings".

There was a funny incident a couple of years ago. That year, yoga practitioners from Zaporozhye arrived in Crimea. We stopped at Cape Meganom to meditate. And they got in trouble. During another meditation session, one of the women's six-year-old son disappeared. Everyone sounded the alarm, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations rushed in search of the child. They continued for two days. A boat cruised along the shore. They combed the area with a chain, but the boy was nowhere to be found. The work was made difficult by heavy rain.

Closer to dinner (the second day of the search was coming to an end), a patrol boat reported that they saw a woman with a small boy through binoculars. It turned out that the kid, meandering along mountainous paths, went to a strange campground, where he was sheltered. But that's not the most interesting part of this story. While the Ministry of Emergency Situations was knocked down, everyone went crazy and looked for the baby, the mother was absolutely calm and ... continued to meditate. Then she said that she was not worried at all - a voice from the Cosmos told her that the child was alive and everything was fine with him.

There have been many legends about Cape Meganom since ancient times among the locals. About one - ancient Greek, telling about the river Styx - we have already mentioned. Another legend says that Odysseus met the Cyclops precisely on Meganom and underground caves Karadaga, which are visible at low tide, entered the kingdom of Hades.

The local population also retells the story of the ghost of a boy who lures people into the sea. Such visions, according to local residents, are deadly. They also talk about another vision. Many especially impressionable tourists, visiting this cape, say that they see a kind of ghost ship wandering alone on the sea surface. Although ghosts are really found here, and many see them. This is explained by the same ancient Greek myth about the kingdom of Hades: where do ghosts live, if not at the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead?

Despite the rather gloomy legends that tell about the mysterious and not always safe phenomena that happened at this place, the Meganom peninsula in Crimea is very popular among tourists, many vacationers tend to visit it.

Anomalous places in the Crimea are not limited to a meganom. Is on the peninsula mysterious mountain Demerdzhi. This mountain, more precisely, its slopes, is a unique heap of rocks, which are commonly called blocky chaos. The shape and size of the boulders are so bizarre that you can guess the figures and portraits created by nature in them. Giving long shadows, these finger-shaped figures mainly change their outlines, and you can see more and more images in them if you wish, therefore the valley is called the Valley of Ghosts. Here you can recognize a frog, a warrior's head, and even Yeltsin's portrait.

The most famous legend tells of a blacksmith who lived on the mountain. He forged weapons here and was so aggressive and unkind that in his spare time he terrorized the village located in the valley. Once a blacksmith captured a girl from this village. The girl tried to run away, but tripped on a stone, fell and died. The spirit of the mountain became angry, and huge boulders fell from the mountain, destroying the forge, the blacksmith, and the village.

These boulders still lie in the valley, and when you imagine how they rolled down the slopes, you just get goosebumps. In this place, people who are prone to psychic abilities, their phenomenal skills are greatly aggravated, and hallucinations also appear. However, even such a name and dashing fame do not scare tourists away from the unique “valley”, but on the contrary, they only attract. However, it should be noted that safe hiking trails there's not much there. By the way, it was here that some episodes from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” were filmed.

"Nut Nikulin" - this is one of the famous trees of the Crimea, which has a proper name. Near it they filmed the scene of falling from a tree. The branch was filed accordingly, the place of fall was prepared ... But the branch broke in a completely different place, and during the fall, Yuri Vladimirovich broke his arm. I had to take a big break while working on the film. Local residents said that it was the spirit of the mountain who got angry and took revenge on the people who disturbed his peace.

Another anomalous place is the cave city of Mangup. Remains of walls, steps and graves carved in stone - everything reminds of the people who lived in these dungeons until the middle of the 15th century. A couple of years ago, a real Tibetan lama wandered into the ancient city with his students, who assured that he had never heard of Mangup, but simply went to a powerful energy source.

The surroundings of Mangup are famous for the fact that locals often see the so-called. “cold lightning”: luminous spherical objects of pale neon color with a distinct internal structure. Balls appear and hang in the air at a height of up to one and a half meters. Some tried to contact them, but they did not react and did not hang in the air for a long time - from 3 to 15 minutes. Then they just disappeared.

The balls do neither evil nor good to a person. Moscow researchers tried to study in detail the phenomenon of "cold lightning". It turned out that the balls are equally indifferent to both sleeping bags and canned food laid out from backpacks. They are not afraid of crosses, or gravestones, or prayers, or spitting over their shoulders. But they are clearly not indifferent to people, especially at moments when they are overwhelmed by some emotions: delight, joy, fear ... The conclusion can be drawn as follows: they feed on emotions. But one person is still not enough, so what more company, the more emotional it is, the more attractive it is for “cold lightning”.

In Crimea, you can not only soak up the warm sand or walk around the famous palaces, but also visit the so-called places of power, where people come for mysticism, harmony and a charge of cosmic energy.

According to esotericists, such places should not be visited in an angry or irritated state - they subtly feel the mood, and such a visit will do more harm than good. Also, in the mystical places of the peninsula, it is not supposed to raise your voice, joke and laugh - it is better to remain silent and keep calm, both external and internal.

Cape Meganom

One of the most favorite places of occultists and esotericists. It is located in the southeast of Crimea. The name of the cape is translated from Greek as "big house", but no ancient settlements have been found here. Desert rocks with a minimum of vegetation are not particularly conducive to this. But they say that UFOs like to visit Meganom. Ghosts have also chosen this place: they say that at night you can see a boy here who calls for him and can lure the gullible into the sea. Another ghostly inhabitant of Meganom is a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff. (By the way, real pets avoid these places.) Another oddity of Meganom is yellowish rings on the grass, visible from a height. From time to time they dim, and then people who find themselves in their radius feel bad. But then the rings again gain color (sometimes they even glow at night) and at this time they become available again, people go to them for strength and energy. Practitioners of meditation claim that it is on Meganom that you can make transitions to the past or future, travel to parallel worlds.


The largest cave city in the Crimea. It is located in the south of the Bakhchisarai region. People lived here from the 3rd to the 15th century. Now there are only stones left, and more powerful energy this place that has served as a haven for generation after generation for so long. They say that in winter you can see luminous neon balls on Mangup. They hang in the air at a height of one and a half meters for ten minutes, and then simply dissolve and disappear. There are also ghosts on Mangup. The legend says that on the eve of the Turkish invasion in 1475, a boy lived on Mangup. His family died defending the city. The boy himself, fleeing from enemies, was on the edge of the abyss. The Turks rushed to him, but the rock parted and swallowed the child. And now, on quiet moonlit nights, you can hear a child crying and see a white figure among the trees: this is a boy wandering through the ruins hometown and looking for parents. They say that if you hold your gaze on it, you will not tear it off - you will follow and step into the abyss.

Temple of the Sun

This is the name of an unusual stone ensemble on Mount Ilyas-Kaya (not far from Laspi Bay), resembling a giant opened flower. The stones are arranged so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly into the core of the "flower". At first glance, it seems that the Temple is not in such an inaccessible place, but only those who are really ready to visit it and who will be allowed by higher powers can get here. If you are one of those lucky ones, find the central stone of the "flower" - this is the main place of power. Having climbed onto it, mentally ask a question or make a wish. They say that the answer will come immediately, and the wish will come true very quickly. In gratitude, you can leave some kind of souvenir, a small gift in the Temple of the Sun, Crimean Journal reports.

Skelsky menhirs

The village of Rodnikovskoye (Sevastopol), near which they are located, used to bear the name of Skelya, hence the name. These are vertically standing stone blocks covered with moss and age-old cracks. At their foot, people performed rituals two or three thousand years ago. Now there are two menhirs: 2.8 m and 1.2 m high. It is believed that these stones have healing power: they stand at the points of accumulation of negative energy and transform it into positive. You can literally feel this energy with your hands: if you touch the menhir, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers, and a wave of heat will pass through your body.

Karadag (Black Mountain)

This mountain range near Feodosia is considered a powerful place of power. A dormant volcano ejects waves of both positive and negative energy into space. People have long settled at the foot of Karadag, and its mysterious soul has been attracting artists, poets and musicians who feel the world subtly for centuries. Strong magnetic anomalies are observed on Karadag - there are places where the compass needle starts jumping like crazy. One of the ridges mountain range It's called Magnetic. For some people, this has a healing effect, and year after year they come to Karadag to “recharge their batteries”.

Kizil-Koba (Red Cave)

The only cave in Crimea through which an underground river flows. Located in the Simferopol region. The valley near the Red Cave is considered to be an energetically very strong place. At night, you can see lights glowing in the air here. And four times a year, when one season replaces another, near the cave, some manage to notice the "firebird" - a cloud of luminous energy, shaped like a winged beauty. Not far from the cave, the Su-Uchkhan waterfall murmurs - swimming in it ice water helps to keep youth and strength. Above the waterfall is a clearing, from where such a view of the mountains opens up that it takes your breath away. It is a place of special harmony, suitable for meditation.

Dolmens on Mount Koshka

Dolmens are called ancient structures, composed, as a rule, of four stone slabs, placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab. Our ancestors built dolmens in places where positive energy came out and concentrated. In Crimea, such structures are found near cave cities, but most of them are on Mount Koshka, near Simeiz. They say that dolmens are a kind of gate to other worlds. Next to these huge stone cubes (on average 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 m). a person feels calm, receives answers to questions that torment him, and can even finally understand his purpose in life.

Valley of ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi

It is believed that here (10 km from Alushta) there is an intersection of energy flows. It is better for unprepared people not to go here - you can see frightening pictures. True, skeptics claim that these are just bizarre rocks that take on strange shapes in the fog. Another feature of Demerdzhi is that on its slopes the sense of time is lost: it seems to a person that he has been here for only five to ten minutes, but in fact half an hour has already passed.

Rock Ak-Kaya (White rock)

It rises above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River in the Belogorsk region, reaching in its highest point 325 meters. The centuries-old history of Crimea is concentrated in these places, and, of course, they have a special energy. People settled here even when mammoths, cave bears, primitive bulls were their prey, and hunters drove them to a high cliff. The Sarmatians lived at the foot of the White Rock, and on the plateau there are many Scythian burial mounds. There is a legend that once there was a sea nearby, and Ak-Kaya was a steep coast, to which ships moored, and iron rings for mooring supposedly remained in the vertical walls of the rock. Ancient legends are also associated with the Altyn-Teshik cave (translated as “golden hole”) located in the White Rock. According to one of them, the cave was the lair of a werewolf snake, which brought here the beauties he had stolen in the district.

Mount Chatyrdag

Located in the Bolshaya Alushta region. Although it is the second highest (after Roman-Kosh), it is still considered the main one for Crimea - it was not for nothing that before the revolution it was depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of the peninsula. At the highest point of Chatyrdag, the top of Eklizi-Burun (height 1527 m), until the 18th century there was a Greek temple of Panagia, dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. The Orthodox of the surrounding villages still rise here year after year on the eve of Easter and serve a prayer service. In this place, people feel peace and are filled with strength. And some claim that here they were Holy Mother of God. They also say that you can make a wish on Eklizi: if it is material, then mentally you should turn to the Virgin; if the desire concerns the spiritual sphere, then to God.

Mount Ai-Petri

Protects South coast Crimea from cold northern and western winds. And Ai-Petri also separates the energy zones of the South Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so there are plenty of anomalous areas here. For example, in the gorge near the Wuchang-Su waterfall, many feel very dizzy. And the so-called Drunken Grove (the trees here are bizarrely curved) is a geopathic zone at all, it is advised not to go here. But on the very top of Ai-Petri, you can stand a little longer and, facing the sea, make a wish.

Stone mushrooms of the Sotera valley

These are huge bizarre blocks with a height of three to seven meters. If ordinary tourists come here to take pictures of stone sculptures, then fans of esoteric teachings visit this place to feed on energy and find inner harmony.


The northernmost of the cave cities of Crimea. It is located near the village of Skalisty, Bakhchisarai region. Exact time its creation is still unknown, but no later than the 4th century. Bakla is a place of silence and solitude. Man-made caves and natural grottoes of this ancient city perfect for prayer and meditation. Previously, Baklu was guarded by a stone sphinx (a rock very reminiscent of this mythical creature), but at the end of the 20th century it collapsed, and now only the Serpent Rock guards the peace of this place - its huge stone head rises above the surroundings.

Places of power in Crimea have a very strong impact on anyone who finds himself in this territory. The impact can be negative or positive. Much depends on the direction and location of the parking lot.

Energy places in Crimea are in the most different points, their location is uneven. On the 3rd place in terms of their placement is the South Coast, on the second - the Bakhchisaray district, and on the first - Sevastopol. So we can say for sure that the largest number of them is near Sevastopol. In the forest areas near Yalta, in the Crimean nature reserve, there are also Crimean places of power. These are glades and beams.

Since these areas are especially sensitive to the behavior of guests, those people who were able to experience their healing effects on themselves usually do not disclose their coordinates. This is done to protect the wonderful "special points" from being turned into landfills and completely destroyed. The most popular places of concentration of forces on the territory of Crimea Crimea is a very beautiful and unusual place with beautiful natural views and the splendor of the beaches of the Black Sea.

List of energy places on the territory of Crimea


Everyone who reaches the top of this mountain, despite the difficulties of climbing, will be able to feel a colossal influx of energy. Excavations are taking place here, there is an ancient monastery, the ruins of a fortress, springs and caves;

In this area, the amount of energy simply rolls over, since an extinct volcano is located here. In ancient times, a temple of the god-healer Asclepius was built on the mountain;

Located on Mount Ilyas-Kaa, near Sevastopol. It is in this area that one of the most powerful energy zones can be found. Some even believe that it is in this area that you can make a wish, and it will come true. Here there is an opportunity to purify both physically and energetically;

Mount Satera

According to experts in this field, it is in this place that the opening of the third eye and the identification of inner vision are possible. On this mountain are the ruins of the largest Orthodox church on the territory of the mountains;

Cape Meganom

This zone is considered one of the largest among the anomalous points of the entire planet. Here you can see flying objects of aliens. Occultists and esotericists from all over the Earth often visit this area. This is where the anomalous yellow circles appear out of nowhere.

This place is considered a cult on the Crimean peninsula. It should be remembered that it is necessary to visit these and other areas of power on the territory of Crimea only with bright thoughts and good intentions, since these points are amplifiers of the human condition.

Aziz in Crimea

What are Aziz? These are places filled with grace. Many tourists are amazed by the trees that stand in shreds and ribbons. This is how the Aziz are distinguished - sacred places of grace.

Aziz chose special graves of devout Muslims who made a pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj. Unlike other graves were miracles and healings, as well as an unusual green glow at night. In addition, old trees, springs with water with unusual properties could also be called Aziz. In such places, coins and shreds are left as sacrifices. There was an opinion that leaving these things in places of grace, one could get rid of troubles, problems and diseases.

It is interesting that the location of such special places coincides with the plots of land where ancient Christian churches were previously erected. And medieval churches, in turn, were built on the ruins of even more ancient sanctuaries. For this reason, it is not difficult to believe that in these places you can find something special, mysterious, attracting the attention of guests of the Crimea.


The most popular and significant aziza in the Crimea, Savlykh-Su, is located in the local mountain and forest reserve on the territory of the Kozmodemyansky monastery. For a long time it was recognized as sacred not only by Christians, but also by Muslims;


Gasi-Mansur is located near Bakhchisaray, at the base of the cave city of Chufut-Kale;

Kirk-Aziz tract

Kyrk-Aziz is located in the Belogorsky district near the village of Litvinenkovo;

  • The ruins of an ancient temple in the Bakhchisarai region near the village of Vysokoye;
  • Eski-Yurt is located in Bakhchisaray. This is an ancient Tatar settlement;
  • Mount Aziz, which is called the Holy, was named Aziz because of the location of the burial place of Saint Kemal-Babai. The mountain is located on the Karadag mountain range;
  • Ak-Kaya rock is located on the territory of the Belogorsky district. In this area, Scythian monuments, sites of primitive inhabitants were discovered.

Crimean peninsula in Last year not deprived of media attention. However, almost no publication described unusual places Crimea, giving preference to political events. We will not bore the reader with the latest news reports. We are much more interested in the mysticism of the Crimea and unsolved mysteries this peninsula.

Secrets of an abandoned nuclear power plant

In the Crimea, not far from the city of Shchelkino, there is an unfinished nuclear power plant. The authorities lost interest in this object after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The decision to stop construction work was made in 1989 due to the deteriorating economic situation. The station was slowly being pulled apart into colored and black scrap.

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Today, the Crimean NPP enjoys a very bad reputation. This place was loved by occultists and satanists. Other grim ceremonies are also held on the wreckage of the unfinished reactor. Why does the abandoned station attract adherents of mystical cults? Does the gloomy atmosphere of the place contribute to this, or are there any other reasons? So far, these questions remain unanswered.

Missile mines "object 100"

As those who are interested know, the landscapes of the Crimean peninsula were used for filming some scenes of the series. In particular, Yalta and the seaside town of Sudak received the director's attention. However, Crimea is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes and numerous sanatoriums…

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In the 50s of the last century, mines for anti-ship missiles were built in the Crimean mountains near Balaklava. The base was named "object 100". It was a completely autonomous facility, with food, water and fuel supplies, filtering units and advanced engineering. Theoretically, the base could continue to perform its function after a nuclear strike.

"Object 100" has not been functioning for a long time, and the marauders took out all the remaining valuables from there. The mystical place gained notoriety after several disappearances of people. The locals have several theories about this. There is a version that a secret laboratory is now located on the site of "object 100", whose employees kidnap people for experiments. Some argue that UFOs can sometimes be seen above the former missile silos.

Desecrated Graveyard

In the area of ​​the Central market of Simferopol there is an old churchyard. This is one of the few objects left after numerous reconstructions of the metropolis. You can recognize the cemetery by the Church of All Saints, which was built back in 1864. Some of the graves of the Old Russian cemetery were dug up by looters hunting for valuables. But this fact is not of interest to lovers of mysticism.

In a remote part of the cemetery, you can find an old Gothic temple. Its walls are covered with pentagrams and magic inscriptions made in black and red paint. Presumably, these messages are left by occultists during night rituals. So those who are interested, or to gain the abilities of a witch, should visit the Simferopol churchyard in the dead of night ...

Sinister Grotto

In the southeast direction of the Crimean peninsula, you can find underwater caves of the Kara-Dag volcanic massif. Scientists believe that these natural formations go into the depths of the once extinct volcano. The depth of the largest grotto exceeds 70 meters. This is very mysterious place, with an indescribable gloomy atmosphere.

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The poet-philosopher Homer mentions in his works about the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, located in Cimmeria (the southeastern territories of Crimea). Crimean local historians believe that the philosopher could have in mind exactly the Roaring Grotto of Kara-Dag Mountain.

Crimean Stonehenge

This title can be claimed by Cape Meganom, which is famous for its "power rings". By these "rings" are meant strips periodically appearing in the grass, up to 50 cm wide. An unusual anomaly can be observed from a bird's eye view.

It is quite possible that they have nothing to do with the appearance of the Crimean Stonehenge. Some believe that the cause of the anomaly was the magnetic field that appeared after an underwater test of a nuclear bomb. There is another version - Crimean ufologists claim that unidentified flying objects regularly appear over Cape Meganom.